Healthy vegetable diet. Fish protein soup. Classic menu for the week

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I will continue my acquaintance with the popular 6 petal food system. I have already described the basic principles of the weight loss method of the Swedish doctor Johansson with reviews and photos before and after in another article. Today, a logical continuation is on the agenda - a diet of 6 petals: a menu for every day. How to think over the diet so that you don’t want to jump off on the third or fourth day? This is what our conversation will be about. Plus I have prepared for you detailed recipes for every day.

The diet consists of six consecutive mono-diets.

The advantage of this method is the balanced saturation of protein and carbohydrate food. Products are ideally combined with each other, so there is a maximum consumption of lipid reserves of the body

Fats and sugar are excluded from the diet. Many readers ask if honey is possible. By eliminating sweets from the menu in any form, we will force our body to take energy from body fat.

The first day

A fish day provides the body with the right dose of proteins and saturates fatty acids Omega 3. The liver functions normally. There is no need to "storage" fat. All nutrients low calorie and highly digestible. Serving size - 100-150 gr. On this day you can:

  • fatty fish (halibut, salmon, mackerel, herring, eel, lamprey, sea bass, pink salmon, horse mackerel, carp);
  • dietary varieties (pollock, pike perch, blue whiting, trout, hake, flounder, cod, tilapia, tuna, river perch, pike);
  • seafood (mussels, shrimp, octopus, squid, seaweed).

Second day

A task vegetable day– restoration of reserves of vitamins and carbohydrates. Today you can one and a half to two kilograms of vegetables:

  • cabbage in all its manifestations;
  • root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, radishes, some potatoes);
  • zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper;
  • asparagus, spinach, sorrel;
  • greens (parsley, dill, onion, garlic, cilantro, etc.).

Vegetables are mostly water and often have a negative calorie content. For example, a cucumber contains 15 kcal, a tomato 20 kcal. And our body spends much more energy on their digestion. More similarly, I wrote in the article " Calorie-free food".

Day three

Chicken day fills your body with proteins, B vitamins. Protein meals do not allow the body to draw energy from muscle tissue. Therefore, you will have to take body fat. Suitable for diet chicken fillet, chest. If you can’t stand chicken, I recommend trying turkey, lean varieties veal or beef. Daily rate- 500 grams.

Day four

The cereal menu compensates for the lack of trace elements, plant proteins.

Complex carbohydrates take much longer to digest than ordinary food. On this day you can:

  • cereals (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, millet, rice, couscous);
  • bran;
  • unroasted seeds, nuts;
  • loaves.

The norm of products is 200 grams of dry cereals. Weigh everything on a kitchen scale. On your own "by eye" you still report an extra portion, deceiving yourself and reducing the effectiveness.

Day five

Cottage cheese day saturates the body with amino acids, lactic acid bacteria and microelements. A simple alternation of protein and carbohydrate days becomes a trigger for the breakdown of fats as an energy source.

On this day, it is allowed:

  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5% fat content);
  • cheeses (chechil, goudette, ricotta, cheese, feta, oltermani);
  • tofu (soy cheese);
  • grained cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • milk;
  • egg.

The daily norm is 500 grams.

Day six

The fruit petal is rich in active acids, vitamins. Low calorie menu speeds up metabolism.

Purchase 1 or 1.5 kilograms in advance fresh fruits. Here is a list of what is allowed:

  • fruits (apples, pears, pomegranates, kiwi);
  • berries (watermelon, cherries, plums, currants, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries);
  • citrus;
  • dried fruits.

Thanks to such a diet, the body does not have time to get used to the diet and go into "savings" mode. Lack of hunger helps to endure food exceptions easily.

Be sure to drink liquid. You must drink at least two liters a day. Forget carbonated drinks. Green tea, herbal decoctions without sugar - that's what we treat our body to. Can slimming cocktails

Diet "Six petals", menu for every day in the table

In order not to puzzle over “what to cook,” I distributed the recipes for the diet by day.

Fish Vegetable Chicken Cereal Curd Fruit
Breakfast Baked fishRaw vegetablesboiled breastSprouted wheat porridgeCurd with yogurtapples with tea
Lunch Steam dishMashed potatoes + saladBaked filletBuckwheat with spicesA piece of cheese, cheese with milkGrapefruit
Dinner earvegetable caviarfragrant soupboiled riceCurd-yoghurt massbaked pears
afternoon tea cutletsSteam vegetablesGrilled piece of meatOatmeal with seedsCottage cheese with milkPineapple+kiwi
Dinner boiled fishSaladBoiled filletBuckwheat pureeLow-fat cheese or cottage cheeseGrated green apples

By the way, for weighing portions, buy kitchen scales. A handy item that every housewife should have.

The 6 petal diet is nothing more than six mono-diets for six days of the week. Fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit days, replacing each other, provide a loss extra pounds. Food - enough to not experience an acute feeling of hunger. The seven-petal diet has a similar menu, it is designed for the whole week. During each day of the diet, you can eat quite varied.

Psychological motivation before starting a diet, according to its author, can be a drawing with six petals. After a day, tear off the petal and throw it away, after indicating on it the number of kilograms dropped. If you decide to use the Petal diet, detailed menu can be seen.

fish day

As the name implies, the main ingredient of the dishes will be fish. Diet 6 petals fish day offers as a start to the diet.

  1. Breakfast consists of baked or steamed fish in the amount of 200 grams. You can use salt and spices, but oil is taboo. Drink green tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch is the first course. Fish soup puree is prepared simply: boil a piece lean fish boneless (200-250 grams), adding salt and pepper, chop with a blender and boil a little more. Add a pinch of parsley or dill to the finished soup.
  3. For dinner, we bake fish on the grill, if possible, or in the oven. Put a piece of fish on foil, sprinkle generously with lemon juice, pepper and salt. It would be nice to put a sprig of rosemary or thyme on top. Wrap the foil and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

During the day, drink up to two liters of liquid - water, mineral or pure, green tea without sugar. Use only low-fat fish for cooking - pollock, pike perch, hake, blue whiting, pike and others. We cook for a couple, grill, bake, stew, cook the broth. Diet 6 petals reviews of the fish menu and other days are only positive, since a fairly wide range of products for cooking is allowed.

vegetable day

During a vegetable day, you can eat up to 1.5 kilograms of different vegetables. Vegetable day diet 6 petals involves cooking by boiling, baking.

For breakfast, you can cook a salad of fresh cabbage with tomatoes or cucumbers, crushed with herbs. Instead of vegetable oil, we use lemon juice and spices, salt. You can add any seasonal vegetables to the salad - radishes, lettuce, peppers.
Lunch in the diet of 6 petals of the menu is varied, since vegetables are also presented in a large assortment. The first course can be vegetable soup. For him you will need:

  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 clove of garlic, dill, basil;
  • pepper, salt.

We cut vegetables, throw them into boiling water: first eggplants and carrots, after 10-15 minutes - onions, tomatoes and herbs. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper.
For dinner, a vegetable snack - stuffed cabbage is suitable. For the filling, we use finely chopped and stewed in water zucchini with onions and carrots. When stewing, add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, salt and pepper. We wrap the filling in the leaves of white cabbage or Beijing cabbage and simmer in vegetable broth for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with parsley or cilantro.

chicken day

The third day of the diet 6 petals sample menu can suggest this:

  1. Breakfast: boiled chicken breast with salt and spices. The broth can also be used as food.
  2. For lunch, bake skinless chicken fillet in foil, rubbed with salt. You can sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
  3. Grill chicken for dinner. To make the meat more juicy, periodically baste it with chicken broth.

Diet six petal recipes chicken day has simple, accessible to everyone. To prepare dishes, you will need chicken meat without skin, seasonings and spices, as well as a little imagination.

cereal day

On a cereal day, the 6-petal diet suggests eating various cereals with the addition of salt, spices, parsley, dill.

Can be cooked for breakfast oatmeal, sprinkling it with seeds and bran - a very useful combination. For lunch, boil buckwheat, salt. You can eat cereal breads that are made without adding oil. For dinner, multi-cereal flakes are suitable, which are simply poured with boiling water. You can add germinated wheat grains. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. On this day, in addition to green tea or water you can drink kvass.

cottage cheese day

Using the 6 petals diet, spend a cottage cheese day on dairy products. Allowed to use in food skim cheese, natural yogurt, milk.

Prepare for breakfast curd dessert: take 100 grams of cottage cheese, add nuts and a little fruit syrup. To make the dessert juicy, season it with yogurt. For lunch, you can make a cottage cheese casserole: mix 150 grams of cottage cheese with 50 grams of milk, beat. We spread it in a refractory form, sprinkle with seeds on top and pour 1 teaspoon of honey. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Dinner should be light - 150 grams of yogurt or a glass of milk + nuts.

fruit day

The six-petal diet of the fruit day menu offers to make up a variety of fresh fruits. Most varied menu will be during the summer season. Fruits can be used to prepare various desserts, salads, smoothies and fruit drinks.

For breakfast, prepare a beautiful summer dessert:

  • dice half the banana and mango;
  • Separately beat a few raspberries and a spoonful of sugar;
  • put the cubes in a glass, pour over the syrup, garnish with a mint leaf and nuts on top.

For lunch, you can make a salad of pears, melons, strawberries and pineapple, canned. All ingredients are cut into cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice. During the fruit day, you can drink not only water, but also prepare fruit compotes, fruit drinks, smoothies. In the summer heat, please yourself with popsicles: puree any fruit with a blender and put it into a special form by sticking a stick. After 2-3 hours in the freezer, the ice cream is ready.

vegetable salads . vegetable salads

The recipe is long and healthy life simple. According to nutritionists, you need to eat seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day to protect yourself from many serious ailments. Also proper nutrition, which is based on the daily consumption of dishes from vegetables and fruits, is a guarantee of delicate skin, thick hair and beautiful nails. Like it or not, vegetables are “our everything”, and their diversity allows you not to get bored with salads all your life.

Before making a salad, the vegetables must be thoroughly washed and cut. They can also undergo some culinary processing. For example, for beetroot salad, beets are boiled or baked. There are many warm salads in which vegetables are also processed - for example, onions are sautéed with carrots. Of course, the most healthy vegetable salads are mixtures of raw ingredients.

Vegetables in salads are perfectly combined with any food - meat, poultry, fish, seafood, mushrooms, cheese, nuts, herbs, eggs.

The taste of the salad is largely determined by the dressing used. The number of dressings for vegetable salads is striking in its diversity. These are not only vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, well known to us, but original healthy sauces that are prepared from healthy ingredients and significantly benefit in comparison with fatty mayonnaise. For example, a salad of Chinese cabbage, potatoes, eggs, cucumber and green beans can be seasoned with peanut sauce, which is made from peanuts, fish sauce, honey, coconut milk, onion, garlic and hot red pepper. Another original version for healthy eating- ginger dressing It can be filled carrot salad. To prepare ginger dressing, ginger and nuts are crushed and mixed with oil, honey and lemon juice.

For cabbage and carrot salads, a dressing is suitable, which is prepared from a mixture of lemon and orange juice, where chopped onions, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, paprika and sunflower oil are added.

For salads with the addition of seafood, as well as almost any recipe for oriental cuisine, soy sauce is suitable. It can be used as a "mono" component, or you can add rice vinegar and sesame oil.

You can also use vegetable oil for dressing. Just remember that the best option- this is olive oil, the basis of Mediterranean cuisine, which is considered to be the healthiest cuisine in the world. Garlic, mustard and lemon dressings are also in the forefront. The piquant taste of the salad will turn out when using sesame oil and grape seed oils.

Women following a six-day protein-carbohydrate diet called the 6-petal diet often have questions about what to cook. Since the set of products for every day is very limited, and using them solo is not very tasty. And a third of breakdowns occur precisely because of the lack of a sense of satisfaction with food.

To minimize risks and diversify the menu, the article contains simple recipes for the "6 petals" diet for a vegetable day, fruit, fish and others. But for maximum convenience, you should understand what is generally possible and impossible during this weight loss technique, what concessions and restrictions exist.

So, the scheme for 6 days of the system is as follows:

  • fish (about 0.5 kg in finished form);
  • vegetables (up to 1.5 kg);
  • chicken breast without bones and skin (0.5 kg in a thermally processed state);
  • cereals (up to 300 g of dry product);
  • cottage cheese (about 0.5 kg);
  • fruits (up to 1.5 kg).

Of course, in last day bananas and grapes are undesirable, in the second it is worth limiting the amount of potatoes, and it is better to choose fish with a minimum or average percentage of fat content. And, of course, no food is allowed to be fried or baked with animal fats.

Recipes for the 6 petal diet for carbohydrate days

According to forum comments and reviews, recipes for the 6-petal diet for vegetable, fruit and cereal days are much more in demand than for protein days. It is here that many questions arise regarding which dish to cook from the list of products. Although, it would seem, the possibilities are much wider than with one single chicken breast or cottage cheese. And therefore, the main emphasis in the article will be on the carbohydrate menu.

Lunch may look like this: peel half of a young zucchini, cut into cubes, put in a glass mold, pour water so that it completely covers the zucchini layer. Spread the rings of one onion and bell pepper on top. Finish the composition with grated carrots and chopped tomatoes in the amount of 2-3 pieces, if large fruits. Send to a preheated oven for 45 minutes, after tightening the container with foil.

For dinner, you can create a salad of celery stalk and cucumber, combined with 150 g of arugula, a bunch of parsley leaves, fennel and one onion. Fill 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1 tsp mustard. Due to its composition, such a salad will serve as an additional catalyst for the process of burning fat.

And we should not forget about the soup, boiled in vegetable broth. Of course, it is not as rich and satisfying as meat, but it is insanely good for the stomach. You can take any vegetables, but it is better not to touch potatoes and beets because of the high proportion of starch. For example, pour three liters cold water cauliflower, sliced ​​​​carrots, green pea and yellow bell pepper. Boil until the vegetables soften, ten minutes before serving, add another half of the onion and finely chopped greens to the table.

Not to be counted out vegetable puree(zucchini, eggplant), as well as smoothies. Especially popular are celery with cucumbers and carrots, pumpkin cream soup in a low-calorie version. For the latter, diced pumpkin pulp, one bell pepper, a couple of tomatoes and one carrot are boiled. They are crushed with a blender, seasoned with curry and salt, boiled for another quarter of an hour and served at the table.

As for the fruit day, a variety of salads, purees and casseroles from fresh or frozen fruits and berries, as well as smoothies, are mainly used here. For example, from kiwi and banana, strawberries, blueberries and fresh peaches, or any other fruit.

On a cereal day, by and large, there are no problems with preparing dishes. It is enough just to choose three or four cereals and distribute them among meals. The only thing not allowed here is adding butter in finished product. But oatmeal, for example, can be flavored with honey and cinnamon.

Recipes for the 6 petal diet for protein days

In many forums dedicated to various systems weight loss, you can find reviews and recipes for the 6 petal diet. Those who adhered to this technique share their experiences and advise on how it is easier to survive this or that day. In particular, we often talk about cottage cheese days. Here it may seem that this is one of the most difficult days, because there are too few curd dishes without adding anything. But there are still ways to give taste to such a product.

For example, you can season the grain cottage cheese with herbs - parsley and dill, chopped or crushed garlic, salt and pepper. It turns out not sweet at all, but interesting dish. But sweet tooth will appreciate cottage cheese with cinnamon. In addition, it is allowed to combine cottage cheese with lemon zest and vanilla.

It is also allowed to use milk and one egg on the curd day. The result is another recipe for the 6 petal diet: raw egg white, a couple of spoons of milk, 250 g of cottage cheese, a pinch of cinnamon. Mix, put in a ceramic form, put in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Light and delicious casserole ready.

The fish is mostly baked in foil with lemon slices and onion rings or steamed. Trout, cod, pike and flounder are considered the most preferred. Before sending it to the oven, the fish should be marinated in soy sauce with lemon juice and herbs. At the same time, the weight loss system allows you to use green beans, which serves as an excellent protein side dish, not allowing you to get fed up with fish alone.

The usual one is quite suitable - but only without potatoes and almost without oil. And if you replace pickles with fresh ones, the vinaigrette will become even healthier, and its taste will become more tender and unusual.

But the most delicious and healthy, of course, is all sorts of salads from fresh vegetables. In summer, there are no problems with them, but in winter it is much more difficult. For some reason, "plastic" tomatoes, "wax" peppers and cucumbers of unknown origin do not inspire confidence. Who knows what kind of chemistry they were poured over in unknown distant countries?

The safest of what lies on store shelves in winter and is suitable for the vegetable day of the Six-petal diet, cabbage (white and Beijing), root vegetables and fresh herbs, including lettuce. We have already made soup and vinaigrette from cabbage and root vegetables, now we will invent something tasty for salad dressing.

Leaf salad in principle, it tastes like grass-grass, various dressings and seasonings make this silage a dish. Unfortunately, due to the diet, we cannot use traditional sour cream, mayonnaise or just vegetable oil. Therefore, we will prepare two spicy dressings based on dried fruits.

Soak in warm water a small handful of prunes and dried apricots. After 15-20 minutes, we drain the water, rinse the fruits thoroughly so that there is no dirt and fragments of bones left, and pour, now, with boiling water.

We steam a small beetroot or bake it in the microwave - this way more useful trace elements will be preserved in it.

For prunes and beetroot dressing, we need: soaked prunes, boiled or baked beets, a large clove of garlic, a few walnuts.

Finely chop the beets, prunes, garlic and nuts with a knife.

We mix it all, season with lemon juice and granular mustard. Instead of salt, it is better to take soy sauce. We mix everything, and beet-prune dressing is ready.

To make the vegetable day of the Six Petals diet as colorful as possible, I will also make a bright orange sauce. Cooking sweet and sour sauce with dried apricots and ginger. If the dried apricots are very dry, simply soaking may not be enough. Pour a little boiled water and send dried apricots for a few minutes in the microwave.

What we are preparing now is a classic Chinese sweet sauce, it goes well with anything: meat, poultry, and greens. In addition to dried apricots and ginger, we need garlic, lemon and hot pepper(can be fresh or dry). Personally, I prefer to use chili peppers as a paste because it's easier to dose.

Finely cut dried apricots, ginger and garlic, add a little pepper paste and lemon juice, break everything with a blender. Instead of salt, we use classic soy sauce, for sweetness we add a little honey. If it turns out thick, pour a little boiled water.

Both sauces are ready, it is the turn of the already washed and dried salad. Leaf lettuce is generally a very delicate product, it is even undesirable to cut it, except to tear it directly with your hands. Or you can not chop the salad at all, but simply dip the whole leaves or coat with sauce. Approximately like this:

In order not to mess around, we immediately spread a lot of lettuce, fold each leaf in half, add a couple of celery stalks, a little parsley and thinly chopped lemon. After such preparations, the usually dull vegetable day of the diet turns into a real vegetable vitamin feast.

And, most importantly, that all dietary requirements are met! Delicious, beautiful, but useful, how!

Throughout the day, we do not forget about water and teas, as in the previous fish day, and when we fall asleep, we remember that a hearty day awaits us tomorrow. 😉

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