The only person you should be better than. The ability to redirect negative energy in a constructive way

What does it mean to be mature? Psychologists have compiled a list of those traits that are inherent in an emotionally stable and reasonable person

The only person you should compare yourself to is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now...
~ Sigmund Freud

Throughout life, we become more emotionally mature, develop self-confidence, desire for a serious relationship, improve our own lives. Below is a list, compiled by the followers of Sigmund Freud, of those character traits by which a person's maturity can be judged:

1. Ability to take constructive criticism

This is a very important quality for a fair assessment of one's own strengths and weaknesses. You should be ready to hear the truth, not deny it. Running away from problems or pretending they don't exist will not get rid of existing difficulties. When it is difficult for people to perceive reality, they seek salvation in illusions, which ultimately lead only to disappointment.

2. Ability to adapt to change

Change is not always easy to make. They can turn the whole world upside down and cause stress. After all, both your plans for the day and work, social status, place of residence and much more can change. You need to be able to adapt to changes, and not get annoyed by allowing them to unsettle you.

3. Immunity to stress

Fears, inner feelings, stress can lead to a number of physical ailments. Your spiritual and physical health depends on how immune you are to stress.

4. The ability not only to receive, but also to give

People who give others their time, attention, help and financial support are much happier than others. Those who are more inclined to accept are often selfish, envious.

5. The ability to treat people with understanding

Life is a process of interacting with people, so how you build your relationships is very important. Love and respect are two key factors leading to a harmonious life.

6. The ability to redirect negative energy in a constructive way

It is very important to be able to redirect your negative emotions, not to keep them in yourself, but, on the contrary, try to use them for good.

7. Ability to love

Love is a great power. People are born with the ability to love, and it is very important to carry this feeling throughout your life.

Throughout life, we become more emotionally mature, develop self-confidence, desire for a serious relationship, improve our own lives.

Faktrum publishes a list compiled by the followers of Sigmund Freud of those character traits by which a person's maturity can be judged.

1. Ability to take constructive criticism

This is a very important quality for a fair assessment of one's own strengths and weaknesses. You should be ready to hear the truth, not deny it. Running away from problems or pretending they don't exist will not get rid of existing difficulties. When it is difficult for people to perceive reality, they seek salvation in illusions, which ultimately lead only to disappointment.

2. Ability to adapt to change

Change doesn't always come easy. They can turn the whole world upside down and cause stress. After all, both your plans for the day and work, social status, place of residence and much more can change. You need to be able to adapt to changes, and not be annoyed by allowing them to unsettle you.

3. Immunity to stress

Fears, inner feelings, stress can lead to a number of physical ailments. Your spiritual and physical health depends on how immune you are to stress.

4. The ability not only to receive, but also to give

People who give others their time, attention, help and financial support are much happier than others. Those who are more inclined to accept are often selfish, envious.

5. The ability to treat people with understanding

Life is a process of interacting with people, so how you build your relationships is very important. Love and respect are two key factors leading to a harmonious life.

6. The ability to redirect negative energy in a constructive way

It is important to be able to redirect your negative emotions, not to keep them in yourself, but, on the contrary, try to use them for good.

7. Ability to love

Love is a great power. People are born with the ability to love, and it is very important to carry this feeling throughout your life.

Modern psychological, anthropological and medical fundamental disciplines, as well as the cultural heritage of the twentieth century, cannot do without the creator of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Offering new forms of research into the state of mind of the individual, the works of the famous scientist continue to excite the minds of the scientific community. The concepts of the Austrian psychiatrist are still relevant today.

The division of a person's psychosexual life cycles into distinct phases and the creation of a three-element structural model of personality are among Freud's most important discoveries. Evidence of the existence of psychological defense mechanisms, the "oedipal complex", "unconscious" self-identifications and "transfer" bipolar states have become fertile ground for the introduction of methodological procedures for the analysis of dreams and associative emancipation of a person.

A few dozen collected quotes from Sigmund Freud may help you understand yourself:

The more flawless a person is on the outside, the more demons he has inside...

We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.

Unfortunately, repressed emotions don't die. They were made to shut up. And they continue to influence a person from within.

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

We enter the world alone and leave it alone.

He who loves many knows women, he who loves one knows love.

You do not stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should look inside yourself. They have always been there.

Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility.

Loafers rarely visit a busy person - flies do not fly to a boiling pot.

In the Middle Ages they would burn me, now they burn only my books.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanity.

Envy is destructive.

We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others.

There is nothing more precious than illness and ignoring it.

The masses have never known the thirst for truth. They demand illusions, without which they cannot live.

Nothing in life costs so much as illness and stupidity.

The first person to throw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.

The first sign of stupidity is the complete absence of shame.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.

Each person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not recognize even to himself.

It is human nature to value and desire above all things that he cannot achieve.

The only person you should compare yourself to is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is you right now.

A person never refuses anything, he simply replaces one pleasure with another.

The scale of your personality is determined by the magnitude of the problem that can piss you off.

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