Large labia reviews of men. Hypertrophy of the labia minora and labioplasty as a method of correction. Types and stages

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Kaprizulka is a women's site on a variety of topics. All women are beautiful, they have a rich inner and outer world. A woman is a universe, she has everything and you will get what you are looking for. The women's site is a very versatile portal in terms of topics. Here you can find everything that interests you: from needlework and raising children, to politics and the most pressing problems of the country.

The desire to be attractive is absolutely natural for any woman. Sexy appearance is one of the main female trump cards. But do we always prioritize correctly? What do men really like about a woman's appearance and why?

The visual perception of the opposite sex is what is “recorded” in our subcortex, a kind of genetic program that allows us to determine the most physiologically suitable partner. According to doctors and psychologists, a man evaluates a woman's appearance within 10 seconds. For this minimum period, he makes a conclusion “like - dislike”, and whether it is worth continuing further communication. In these 10 seconds, evaluation occurs at the level of instincts and subconscious stimuli. A little later, other motivations are connected: social (“from my circle”), psychological (“will it be comfortable with her”), ethical (“is it convenient to approach”), aesthetic (“does it meet the criteria of grooming, fashion, style”). But all this no longer belongs to the category of “at a glance”.

What is the first thing a man looks at?

In the first place, according to psychologists and sociologists, is the female figure, namely, the transition from the waist to the hip. It is this line that signals the optimal readiness of a woman to endure and easily produce healthy offspring. In profile, the line of the “turn of the hips” is complemented by the shape and size of the buttocks. The more elastic and elevated this part, the more young and healthy the woman is. This is probably why the procedures for maintaining the reference line of the thigh, and the so-called. "Brazilian butt" are the most sought after in modern aesthetic cosmetology. By the way, the easiest way to achieve the ideal is with the help of proper muscle training. If you don’t have the strength and time to visit the fitness room, and the effect is needed quickly, you can turn to the myostimulation procedure.

The female breast, which women themselves consider their main trump card, is only in 3rd place according to the stronger sex (after the hips and buttocks). Moreover, a small and medium size, combined with the correct form, is much more preferable than a large sagging breast. And this is not accidental: it is the small breasts that are considered the most "dairy" during the period of feeding a child. By the way, the coveted "90-60-90" refers to the average size. And, here the skin on the chest and in the décolleté area should be flawless, because. this fact testifies not only to hormonal health, but also to youth. So, if stretch marks, flabbiness or age spots appear, do not delay the problems and do not experiment with dubious methods. The most effective and safest way to correct the delicate décolleté area is an ablative erbium laser.

After an instinctive "assessment" of the female figure, the male gaze, as a rule, rises higher and stops at ... the lips. Lips are fourth in terms of sex appeal. And, again, instinct does not fail a man. Lips are the most hormone-dependent part of a woman's face. Traditionally, youth and freshness are associated with elastic, juicy lips, and a plump mouth has always been considered an indicator of sensuality. But the main reason why men unconsciously strive for chubby girls is the genetic craving to find the youngest partner. It is in childhood that the size of the lips, in combination with the rest of the proportions of the face, is maximum, and it is he who forms the famous babyfaceness (“baby face”) that attracts men so much. Lip augmentation is an innocent female deception that must be well thought out and planned. Otherwise, instead of attractiveness, the face will acquire a “cheap” and vulgar appearance. The doctors of our center know how to correctly model the shape of the lips so that it is flawless.

The honorable fifth place in the ranking of the most sexy features belongs to ... cheekbones. Moreover, the majority of men can hardly explain their sympathy for the "big cheekbones" girls. Yes, and in the shape of the cheekbones, there are many types of faces. Simply, cheekbones are the main factor influencing the perception of facial structure. Any aesthetic flaw is compensated by the correct cheekbone line. In addition, filled cheekbones are one of the main dominants of a young face. And the flattening and sagging of the cheekbones is one of the first signs of aging. Taking into account all these factors, we can say that only the contour modeling of the cheekbones can be compared with the surgical correction of the face in terms of the result and the final effect.

And finally, hair is in sixth place in terms of attractiveness. Neither color nor hairstyle plays a special role in the first 10 seconds. The man will evaluate all this later ... And, at first glance, the quality of the hair is important. The thicker and healthier women's hair - the higher the level of female hormones, the better genetics, the more correct the metabolism. Having made thick women's hair especially attractive in the eyes of men, nature thereby took care of natural selection: the most healthy women went to the strongest men. As for hairstyles, most men still prefer those that clearly demonstrate the true beauty of women's hair, i.e. long, flowing hair.

Many will be surprised: what about “the eyes are the mirror of the soul”, or “feet from the ears”? Are they less attractive to men? The fact is that all these are important components of your appearance, but, oddly enough, they have no direct relation to female sexuality. Therefore, a man will certainly appreciate them, but only after the cherished 10 seconds.

Well, and of course, if you do not want the acquaintance to be fleeting, and interest in you faded away as quickly as it arose, be sure to supplement your external sexuality with behavioral sexuality. But that's a completely different story...

Sunday, June 11, 2017 00:02 + to quote

What a horror girl. Do not do any operations and stop complexing. It's hard to find you, someone with big lips. To me personally. Yes, I know many men. really like it big what would be. If your partner doesn't like it and, God forbid, he encourages you to have an operation, kick him in the neck. Believe me. you meet exactly your person. who will carry you in his arms and go crazy with you. And adore your big lips

Large labia minora are quite normal and there is nothing to worry about. Yes, sports can, of course, interfere, but if a loving person doesn’t like it, then this is a gross mistake. Although who cares. I confess. For example, it will give me more pleasure to have fun with my beloved girlfriend if she has small labia of a large size. Excites much more than usual.

And by the way, making love is the best, most enjoyable and rewarding sport. It uplifts the mood, trains the muscles of the whole body, calms and improves the nervous system, relieves fatigue, irritation, treats insomnia and charges with positive for the whole day, if you do morning love exercises. Like this.

I think that the biggest problem is still sports, but here, most likely, it will be enough to simply choose the most appropriate underwear - and the problem will be solved. As for how your boyfriend feels about this - I think that if in fact there is an impression that this is annoying him in any way, then you should talk to him before going any further. fantasize. Between loving people, such a topic should, in theory, be discussed without problems, without shame, without complexes - otherwise what kind of love?

Besides all that, you know what. But we each have some kind of distinctive feature that makes us unique, one of a kind. It can be anything, even such an intimate detail))

Yulyasya, you write that it seems to you that this is annoying your boyfriend, but you are together. So it really does seem. It seems to me that everything is in order, this is not a physical deviation, this is just a physiological feature - someone has big ears, someone has a small nose. Nature decides everything.

If this interferes with YOU personally in sports, then contact the appropriate specialist, but believe that the operation to reduce the labia will be an unnatural and incorrect intervention. (Yes, your doctor will probably tell you that.)

By the way, if the small labia is large, this indicates the temperament of a woman. And there is nothing wrong with that. Read how they are divided in the Kama Sutra or here, and you yourself will understand everything. So do not worry, but rather be proud that you have them. And if a man understands in female anatomy, it will attract him, and not scare him away. The main thing is not to complex about this. And another tip look

about the classification of the labia with your partner, this will be useful information for both him and you.

"I think this is stressing my boyfriend" - is the key word here seems or are you sure?

Each person has different physiological characteristics of the body, and this is normal. If your young man loves you, then this will be just a small trifle that is easy to close your eyes to.

Now I will also answer in the same way that this problem worried me very much and, of course, I was interested in the Internet, in literature, and doctors, even asked my friends.

The answer of the gynecologist struck me: she said that, according to statistics, 30-40% of women have large labia minora. 40% - this is almost half - I did not think that there were so many of them.

She said that there is nothing wrong with this - it is not a pathology, and therefore it is not dangerous. Just a feature of nature. It is worth paying attention to this, if they hurt or itch - then see a doctor.

1 "But" - oncological consequences are possible - it immediately stopped me. I have already decided that I will not do it - I have cancer patients in my family.

Sexually transmitted diseases are possible and low sensitivity of the lips is provided - also not an unimportant minus.

She also said that after giving birth, they will again stretch to their previous size. That is, after such an operation, it is impossible to give birth.

She said to buy soft linen and her size - then the sponges will be in direct contact with the linen - they will be fixed, but there will be no pain. If they are - not your size. You can gently wrap them with your finger before putting on underwear.

My man really liked this feature of mine (they broke up and now I’m alone - I’m writing from past experience). He even said that there were half like him, if not more. I don’t know if I lied or not, but the indicator of 50-50% is very good. He even made me happy. I want to arrange a survey in the social. networks yet - to find out whether the assumption of the former is confirmed, that sympathy (or how to say) 50% to 50%. The results of the survey will be posted in the comments in 7 days.

If big labia prevent you from doing sports, then what can we say about men.) If everything depended on it, then there would be no good athletes among men, but in fact now men's standards exceed women's (moreover, the sports standards of women with small labia also small, and not vice versa). And if you also dance well, then there is definitely nothing to worry about. This is all a joke, of course, but with a grain of truth. Maybe, of course, this leaves some imprint on feminine hygiene, with which I am little familiar, but everything else is a matter of taste. At least in sex - for sure. There are things in it that are easier to do with large labia than with small ones - and this is your highlight. And whether your partner will be able, whether he wants to take advantage of this is a matter of his personal characteristics and features your relationship, not just the size of your labia.

This is good. Highly. Since women with large MPGs are in the minority, and a man can have such fiery feelings for a woman with similar lips that he will be ready for almost anything for her sake. How many men like it? Answer: half - plus or minus 7 percent, judging by the polls. What to do if a woman has a complex about this? You can realize the magnificence of the gift of nature yourself, or you can turn to those who can help in this survey. Is this a physiological problem? No, it's not. This is problem exclusively psychological. Consequently, its solution is carried out psychologically. Why is it good if women with big lips are in the minority? For the same reason that it is good when there is an emerald, and not a simple piece of glass.

All women by nature got dissimilar external data and, of course, this also applies to the reproductive organs. Each representative of the fair sex has different types of labia. Some are quite satisfied with them, while others suffer from the psychological and physical discomfort caused by their irregular shape. What types of labia exist and are some of them really as ugly as women think?

Types of large female labia

The shape of the labia is laid even in utero. But throughout life, it can undergo both significant and small changes. The labia majora is a longitudinal fold of skin that normally covers the genital slit and the labia minora from an external aggressive environment. Skin color can be different - it is individual for each woman.

As such, the types of labia majora are not classified in any way. They just happen to be of normal size and thickness, asymmetrical, or underdeveloped, which do not block access to the vulva.

Types of small labia in women

Much more structural options occur in the small labia, in contrast to the large ones. Normally, they represent thin (up to 5 mm) longitudinal folds of the skin, passing into the mucous membrane and located along. Near the clitoris, the lips are divided into medial and lateral legs, stretching from the top to the entrance to the vagina, ending at the bottom with a posterior commissure that connects them.

The labia minora are located inside the large ones, and in a closed state they do not go beyond them. But this is a classic norm, and in life often everything happens just the opposite. In some cases, deviations from common truths are a pathology, while others have a good chance of being considered a kind of norm.

Types of labia minora, or rather, the classification of their changes in shape is as follows:

  • Elongation - with maximum stretching to the sides, their size is more than 6 cm. This is the 4th degree; 4-6 cm are typical for grade 3; from 2 to 4 cm is the normal size of the labia minora, although women feel most comfortable when this size is not more than 1 cm when stretched.
  • Protusia - zero, when in a standing position, small lips do not protrude beyond the large ones; the first degree is characteristic for protrusion by 1-3 cm; and the second - a protrusion of more than 3 cm.
  • · Scalloped edges - smooth or carved edges of various shapes, which also differ in color.
  • True hypertrophy - an increase in all parameters - thickness, folding, pigmentation, wrinkling
  • Lack of small lips generally occurs in young girls and in women with hormonal abnormalities.

All changes in the labia depend on factors such as excess or lack of hormones, childbirth, weight loss, trauma. If the size and shape cause inconvenience not only during intercourse, but also in everyday life, they resort to plastic surgery.

As for male preferences, most representatives of the stronger sex argue that the shape and size of the labia minora in no way affect their attitude towards their beloved girl. And it also has little effect on sexual life. Most often, the problem of the irregular shape of the labia minora is exclusively in the head of the fair sex, while their men like everything without exception.

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