Shark oil and leech, cooling foot cream, varicose veins, emansi ooo. Shark oil from varicose veins - cream on a natural basis Shark oil for legs


Shark oil and leech - toning foot cream with a cooling effect. Contains: horse chestnut, wormwood, figs, camphor, menthol.

Due to the content of shark oil and the "For tired legs" complex (horse chestnut extract, medicinal leech extract), the cream has a tonic effect, helps to eliminate swelling, fatigue and heaviness. Peppermint and menthol essential oil included in the composition create a light pleasant feeling of coolness, relax, relieve tension in the legs, providing a feeling of comfort. The cream is ideal for daily use after a long day at work.

Cream used in the complex treatment of peripheral circulation disorders, with superficial phlebitis of the extremities, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency (fatigue in the legs, heaviness, tension, pain in the calf muscles, swelling, convulsions). The secret of the salivary glands of the leech is a source of unique biologically active substances, which, easily penetrating through the skin, contribute to blood thinning and dissolution of blood clots in blood vessels, which significantly improves blood flow in the veins.
Horse chestnut has a tonic effect, slows down blood clotting, reduces capillary permeability, stimulates the production of a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots, removes vasospasm and spider veins. Camphor and menthol have a cooling effect.

Mode of application: apply with light massaging movements from the foot to the thigh 1-2 times a day.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
Volume: 75 ml.
Manufactured to order: OOO "LUCHIKS", Moscow.

Shipping and payment

Delivery options for goods:

  • Option 1: Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road (for orders - weight up to 4 kg., volume up to 0.05 m3.)
    For orders over 3000 rubles. - shipping cost 0 rub.
    For orders less than 3000 rubles. - delivery cost 250 rubles.
  • Option 2: Moscow, outside the Moscow Ring Road (for orders - weight up to 4 kg., volume up to 0.05 m3.)
    Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is paid regardless of the amount of the order.​
    The distance outside the Moscow Ring Road is calculated according to the route construction data in the Yandex.Maps service, excluding traffic jams.
  • Option 3: Pickup at own expense (Moscow, metro station Orekhovo)
    ​Shipilovsky proezd, house 43, building 2, TBK Labyrinth, shop 7
  • Option 4: Delivery in Russia (prepayment)
    Russian Post, SDEK, EMS, TK Business Lines, etc.
    Shipment of goods only after 100% payment for the order.

In the modern world, people have long learned to use the gifts of nature in various industries. The use of useful substances of various living organisms has become an integral part in the manufacture of various medicines. Such useful substances are skillfully used in folk medicine.

Not without shark oil. Why exactly fat? In general, a long time ago people knew about the healing properties of a shark, so catching it was considered a great success. For the preparation of medicinal products, everything that the shark had (teeth, fins, fat, etc.) was used. Today, shark oil is highly valued. It contains useful trace elements, zinc, iron and copper, as well as vitamins A, D, E.

Not so long ago, experts found squalamine in shark liver oil. This is a natural antibiotic that can kill many dangerous viruses (eg hepatitis).

Polyunsaturated acids, which are so rich in shark fat, are able to remove cholesterol from blood vessels, which stops the formation of blood clots.

Alkylglycerol (an immune stimulant (natural), which is also found in shark oil, saturates cells with oxygen and normalizes their growth. This component also acts as an intracellular antioxidant.

As you can see, shark fat is a very useful substance, therefore, various creams, balms, and candles are actively made on its basis (for example, Relief). Very often, extracts of various plants are added to the composition of shark oil, this makes it possible to enhance the properties of the manufactured product.

I came across the action of shark oil when I purchased Shark Fat foot cream and noble laurel. This cream is for feet that have bumps on the big toe. A bump started to appear on my left leg about two years ago after wearing narrow winter shoes. At first, she did not cause me any discomfort, but gradually I began to notice that it was increasing. And recently, in general, it began to inflame and hurt. Especially unpleasant after walking in winter shoes. When you come home and take off your shoes, your finger twists like that. And sometimes this aching pain catches me when I'm still on the street. At such moments, you want to quickly take off your boot and free your leg, but you have to endure this pain. One girl I know advised me to buy a cream based on shark oil. So I bought this cream. After the first application, I felt how the pain in the very focus of inflammation was disappearing. This cream helps to soften the calluses and cartilaginous tissues that grow between the big toe and foot, because of which this bump appears on the big toe (this indicates the presence of longitudinal flat feet). This cream can also be used as a prevention of such flat feet.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Shark oil cream for varicose veins is one of the most effective external agents used in the treatment of symptoms of venous insufficiency: elimination of vascular deformity, removal of puffiness, normalization of blood circulation, restoration of the structure of soft tissues.

Thanks to the valuable components in the composition of the cream: shark fat, horse chestnut, willow bark, a powerful therapeutic effect of a complex effect is exerted on the damaged vessels of the lower extremities.

This drug can be used both as part of the complex treatment of blood vessels, and for prophylactic purposes. Reviews of doctors and people who used the remedy according to the instructions speak of its high efficiency and fairly affordable cost.


  • Shark fat - from varicose veins is simply irreplaceable. The therapeutic effect of the active components of shark liver fat - squalene and squalamine - is to normalize the structure of vascular tissues, toning and strengthening them.
  • Horse chestnut extract is a valuable tool in the fight against vascular diseases. This element eliminates puffiness, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration.
  • Menthol component - has a cooling effect, relieves the feeling of fatigue, relaxes the muscles.
  • Extract from the roots of elecampane - restores the structure of the vascular walls, tones the veins.
  • Sweet clover extract - increases the intensity of tissue repair processes, accelerates venous blood flow.
  • Extract of willow bark and horsetail plants - prevents the development of inflammatory processes, accelerate wound healing.
  • Essential oils: cypress, lemon, petitgrain - soften the skin, give it a healthy look.

Pharmacological effects

The external agent acts on the affected areas of the lower extremities as follows:

  1. Healing substances actively interact with body tissues, penetrating into their deepest layers.
  2. The tool has a pronounced cooling effect in the area of ​​application, due to which there is a restoring effect on the structure of the vascular wall, returning the veins to their former elasticity and tone, increasing their resistance to negative influences.
  3. Shark liver oil eliminates pain, preventing further progression of the disease, relieving swelling and heaviness.
  4. The risk of recurrence of the development of the disease is practically eliminated.

healing effect

As a result of regular use of the cream, the following positive changes are observed:

  • Increased lymphatic drainage of soft tissues.
  • Getting rid of the feeling of fatigue, heaviness and fatigue in the calf area.
  • Significant reduction in edema.
  • Normalization of the color of the skin.
  • Getting rid of nocturnal convulsive phenomena.
  • Reducing varicose veins.
  • A noticeable decrease in the capillary network.
  • Restoration of the walls of blood vessels, reducing the fragility of capillaries.
  • Improving nutrition and oxygen supply to soft tissues, normalizing their structure.

Indications for use

  1. Varicose veins at various stages.
  2. Capillary mesh on the surface of the skin of the calf region.
  3. Edema in the calves of the legs.
  4. Feeling of heaviness, pain and burning in the lower extremities, pain in the venous vessels.
  5. Signs of thrombophlebitis.
  6. Prevention of the occurrence of varicose veins in the presence of any risk factors: pregnancy, heredity, the specifics of the profession, regular sports activities.

List of contraindications

Cream for veins with horse chestnut has practically no contraindications for use, has no side effects due to the natural composition of the drug.

The tool can be used even by a pregnant woman. However, sometimes the use of the drug can cause allergic manifestations associated with individual reactions of the body to its active or auxiliary components.

Specifics of use

According to the instructions for use attached to the cream Shark oil with horse chestnut, it should be used according to the following scheme:

  • Open the tube with the substance, puncture the protective layer.
  • Designate the painful areas to which the product should be applied.
  • Squeeze out a small strip of cream from 2 to 5 cm, evenly spreading over the surface of the skin.
  • Rub the product with massage movements, avoiding strong pressure and pain.
  • The general scheme of application involves applying the cream twice a day - in the morning and evening, however, it is possible that the attending physician will make some adjustments to the mode of use indicated in the instructions.
  • The duration of application can be from two weeks to a month, if necessary, it is possible to repeat the course.
  1. It is unacceptable to apply the cream on contaminated skin, as well as on wet skin of the legs.
  2. Strong pressure, sharp rubbing movements in the process of applying the product are also prohibited.
  3. After application, you should wait until it is completely absorbed and only then put on tights, stockings or trousers.
  4. Washing your feet immediately after application is also not recommended, this will negate the therapeutic effect.

What doctors and patients say

About this remedy for varicose veins, the reviews of doctors have a pronounced positive color:

Sergey, a doctor in the direction of phlebology: “In the course of our professional activities, my colleagues and I have long studied the topic of the therapeutic effect of shark oil on varicose veins. The results are pleasing: products based on it are highly effective in the treatment of various forms of venous insufficiency, with a minimum of side effects. Such drugs are approved for use by all categories of patients: pregnant women, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems. Therefore, I often prescribe shark oil cream with horse chestnut for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and related symptoms.

Patients also confirm the high effectiveness of the cream:

Svetlana, 56: “As I grew older, the veins in my legs bothered me more and more, as a result, the doctor diagnosed varicose veins. I tried so many different drugs that it would probably be enough for a whole hospital. After the doctor recommended a cream with shark oil, chestnut and willow bark, I took this recommendation with a grain of salt, because its price is quite low! However, surprisingly, after a couple of weeks, visible improvements began. I use the cream regularly, and the symptoms of varicose veins are much less disturbing.

Anton, 60: “I worked all my life in the security department of a well-known enterprise, and rose to the rank of shift supervisor. Despite my age, I'm not in a hurry to leave the service, I'm used to an active life. However, for the past few years, swollen veins in the legs, heaviness, swelling, and night cramps have been seriously disturbing. A friend suggested a cream. After using it, I happily noticed relief already after a few weeks. The condition has become much easier, now I can work at full strength.

Julia, 35: “I work as a teacher, in the evening my legs swell noticeably, a capillary network has appeared. I immediately turned to the doctor, who advised a remedy based on shark liver oil. Hooray! The edema almost subsided, the pain became less pronounced, the capillary stars "shine" not so brightly. I feel like a healthy person."


So, we found out that for most patients, this external remedy really helps in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Remember! Self-medication can bring quite detrimental consequences. Therefore, without a medical examination, choosing drugs for treatment on your own means putting your health at risk.

It is also important not to forget about the importance of proper nutrition, regular physical activity, compression stockings.

Let the treatment bring only benefits! Have an easy walk and healthy well-being!

The problem of spider veins, as it turned out, affects not only the skin of the face. Not so long ago I began to notice small red dots and broken capillaries on my legs. I don’t have varicose veins and an extensive vascular network on my legs, but the appearance of small vessels still bothered me.

Once in the pharmacy, I began to look at the products for the legs and chose foot cream Shark oil with anti-varicose effect.


Shark oil foot cream with anti-varicose effect

with horse chestnut and willow bark

Price: 500 tenge / 100 rubles

Volume: 75ml

Manufacturer: Russia


The cream is expected to:

relieving tension in muscles, eliminating pain, toning veins, improved blood circulation in the legs, reducing the fragility of capillaries and their manifestation, removing swelling and bruising

About fragility of capillaries is just my case. Yes, and bruises are almost my friends.

Included with the cream in the package is an insert with a picture of all existing shark fat creams. An impressive list, but most of the funds I have not even seen on sale.

The tube of cream is ordinary, nothing remarkable, with a screw cap. There is a protective foil which is a plus.

The cream has a milky white color and a liquid texture. Smells specific, not very fragrant. When applied, it hits the nose with menthol.


Shark fat cream contains a lot of extracts and oils. Well, the shark oil itself without the shark. Photo of the composition from the packaging:

Previously, I have already tried such products with shark oil in the composition. Why I liked them you can find out.


So, as I explained above, my problems are: noticeable capillaries, asterisks, bruises, well, banal leg fatigue, where without it. In general, the area for the action of the cream is quite suitable for itself.

Let's start by applying the cream. It must be combined with a light foot massage. Cream on application absorbs very quickly, so you need to grind too without slowing down. I apply the cream mainly at night, on the entire surface of the legs, starting from the ankles.

After applying the cream, a pleasant chill is felt in the legs from the menthol contained in the cream. It feels like there is no relaxation at all, rather, on the contrary, it is invigorating. It's cold, and it's still kind of hot. Can you imagine what the feeling of menthol is like? So the effect is more toning and stress relief, which is just what the legs need after a hard day's work. Menthol by its action also stimulates blood circulation. I can’t say exactly how long the effect lasts, because after a while with such cheerfulness in my legs I manage to fall asleep.

The cream is absorbed without residue. After applying the cream on the skin is not felt. Doesn't stick, doesn't feel greasy. A little moisturizes skin.

The effect of the cream: the cream has almost no effect on bruises, does not contribute to their rapid resorption. It's a pity, because bruises are frequent guests on my legs.

I don’t have leg edema as such, but I dare to assume that due to the general cooling effect, this removal of edema is quite possible.

The drug acts differently on my capillaries and asterisks - the red dots disappear quickly, but some of the broken blood vessels remain, and some gradually disappear. But you need to use it regularly (daily).

Consumption creams Shark fat is average, a decent amount is spent on the entire surface of the legs of the cream. Enough for about a month of daily toning of the legs.

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