How to use a prostate patch. What is a remedy? Where to buy ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster - a remedy for the treatment of urological problems

It is possible to stop the inflammatory process in the prostate gland through the use of dietary supplements. To date, the most effective drug of naturopathic origin is the Chinese patch for prostatitis ZB Prostatic Navel Plasters.

Bioadditive consists of natural herbal ingredients. The advantage of the drug is the fact that it will be effective even with symptomatic treatment of prostate adenoma.

Chinese urological patches ZB Prostatic Navel Plasters can only be ordered online. On average, the price of the drug is 990-1100 rubles. In stationary pharmacies, the medicine is not yet sold.

How does the medicine work?

Dietary supplements are widely used in urology. Plant-based preparations help to stop dysuric disorders and inflammatory processes. Moreover, dietary supplements are perfectly combined with synthetic medicines.

Transdermal agents have become widely used due to their high rates of effectiveness and the absence of side effects. Plasters from the Middle Kingdom consist of the following components:

  1. Asian plantain. The component has a positive effect on blood circulation in the prostate gland and pelvic organs. Also, Asian plantain prevents stagnation of blood and the formation of blood clots in the prostate area.
  2. Corydalis. This plant has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Corydalis also helps to eliminate pain in the scrotum and perineum.
  3. Safflower dye. The plant relieves pain, improves blood flow in the pelvis and eliminates dysuric disorders. Also, safflower dye is a strong antibacterial agent.
  4. The gem is two-pronged. The component has a positive effect on potency and the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole. There is also evidence that a two-toothed gem reduces the likelihood of the formation of sand and kidney stones.
  5. Cinnamon. The substance stops the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Cinnamon is also a good antiseptic.
  6. Bornean camphor. The plant acts as an antiseptic. Also, Bornean camphor allows you to stop inflammation in the prostate gland, prevents hyperplasia of prostate tissues and improves blood microcirculation in the pelvis.
  7. Girchevnik is vaginal. The component is an antispasmodic and pain reliever. Girdevnik also helps prevent the formation of blood clots and normalize erectile function.

As you can see, Chinese patches affect the body in a complex way. Due to this, the patient manages to quickly stop the unpleasant symptoms of prostate diseases.

Instructions for use of the drug

Each potential buyer wonders when it is appropriate to use Chinese transdermal patches? The instructions say that the indications are prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Separately, I would like to note cases of bacterial prostatitis. Of course, some components of the transdermal patch from China are good antiseptics. But plant components are not able to destroy absolutely all pathogens of the disease. Therefore, in the bacterial form of the disease, ZB Prostatic Navel Plasters should be used exclusively with antibiotics, otherwise a therapeutic effect should not be expected.

As for adenoma, dietary supplements will be effective only with 1-2 degrees of severity of the disease. If a benign tumor is rapidly increasing in size, then it is worth combining the supplement with alpha-1-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

In addition to prostatitis and prostate adenoma, dysuric disorders of unknown etiology may be indications for the use of patches. Also, the use of dietary supplements is justified for preventive purposes.

How to use the medicine, and most importantly - where to glue the patch? The principle of using the tool is as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to wash the area near the navel, and remove hair from it.
  2. Then you need to stick a patch on the area just below the navel.
  3. After a day, the patch should be removed, then rinse the area to be glued, and stick the next patch. Such manipulations should be performed throughout the entire treatment course, which is 14-30 days. Even if the drug is used for prophylactic purposes, it is not necessary to adjust the dosage and duration of therapy.

Storage of bioadditives should be carried out in a dry place protected from the sun at temperatures up to +25 degrees Celsius.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of ZB Prostatic Navel Plasters is not permitted in all cases. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

Among the side effects of the drug can be identified:

  • Feeling of burning and tingling.
  • Skin rash.

If you use the tool correctly, then the appearance of any side effects can be avoided. Moreover, itching, burning, tingling are phenomena that are of a short-term nature. They usually clear up on their own over time.

With the appearance of acute allergic reactions, it is still better to interrupt the course of treatment.

One of the most modern and frequently used drugs for problems with the prostate is a urological patch for men, doctors' reviews about it are ambiguous, but all men who have used it at least once are unanimous in one thing - this is a very convenient way to treat delicate problems.

Feature of the product

The life of a modern man is made up of a series of trials. He still needs to be strong and resilient. But his health is now threatened not only by rivals in the struggle for the right to rule, but also by many factors inherent in modern life. Harmful environmental influences, constant stress, malnutrition - all this contributes to the development of many intimate problems that men often prefer to deal with on their own, without resorting to the help of doctors. This is the biggest mistake, because neglected problems can turn into serious urological diseases in the future.

Problems in the genitourinary area have a negative impact on the whole life of a man.

There is a lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. This can result in complex psychological dependencies and instability of character. A man hides his problems, is afraid of publicity and seeks help from a doctor at the last moment, when it is already too late and the developed pathology has to be treated for a long and painful time.

Previously, and with potency, they were inherent in older men, and inflammation of prostate adenoma was generally considered a disease of the elderly. Now diseases of the genitourinary system have become much younger. Aggressive environment, impetuousness of life, its high rhythm with constant stress, unhealthy food lead to the fact that men have been facing urological problems since the age of twenty. And going to the doctor with such delicate issues is still not popular. Men begin to self-medicate, using very dubious sources of information for this, and bringing their condition to a critical one. And only then go to the doctor. Urologists around the world note that most diseases of the genitourinary system are easily diagnosed at an early stage, when their treatment can be easy and quick. Advanced cases require special attention and long-term therapy, sometimes up to six months or more.

At the end of the 19th century, Chinese drug manufacturers patented a new type of drug - the ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster urological patch, the reviews of doctors and patients about it are still enthusiastic in most cases. This unique invention of Chinese doctors and pharmacists is based on thousands of years of experience in traditional Chinese medicine, which uses only natural ingredients for healing.

Despite such a long history of use in medicine for the treatment of urological diseases, in our country, the Chinese patch for prostatitis has gained its popularity not so long ago. Like everything new in science, and even more so in medicine, at first it caused a lot of doubts. However, the stories of those successfully cured of prostatitis, nephritis and impotence suggest that this shepherd has the right to be considered an excellent helper in the fight against these diseases. The reviews of doctors are mostly positive, but there are those who question the miraculous properties of the patch. However, it cannot be denied that the statistics of its use gives hope to many patients suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system.

Transdermal urological patches are also gaining popularity because they are completely natural in their composition. In our time, when everyone strives for naturalness in everything and avoids the use of complex chemicals, the Chinese urological patch, consisting only of herbal extracts, has become a godsend for many patients. Especially for those suffering from various allergies. The natural properties that ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster urological patches have have practically no contraindications. And the principle of their action is based on the findings of practicing Chinese healers.

In European medical laboratories, many studies have been carried out on the patch, its mechanisms of action and the results obtained during use. And all of them prove the high effectiveness of this tool. The patch has amazing effects in urological diseases, which are noted by both doctors and patients:

  • urination is normalized;
  • pain and cramps disappear during urination and ejaculation;
  • the imperative urge to urinate decreases;
  • disappear pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • potency increases;
  • disappear and no more swelling appears.

And all this is achieved with just a small prostatitis patch Prostatic Navel Plaster, which is worn under clothing and is not visible to others.

Unfortunately, there are many fakes on the market that mimic the Prostatic Navel prostatitis patch. Dubious pharmaceutical companies pass ordinary patches as unique urological patches for men, while inflating their price at times. Real Chinese patches for prostatitis are not very expensive and are made exclusively in China.

Mechanism of action

The prostatitis patch Prostatic Navel Plasters is a piece of cotton fabric with an adhesive backing, like any other regular patch. On its inner side, a composition of extracts of medicinal herbs is applied. It is gradually absorbed into the skin, penetrates into tissues and internal organs, where it has a therapeutic effect.

In traditional Chinese folk medicine, it is believed that the navel is the center of the entire human body, in which all its meridians converge. It was through the navel that various diseases of the internal organs were treated. Compresses from decoctions of plants were applied to the area around it, various ointments were rubbed. And below the navel, according to Chinese healers, is the root of life.

And such an attitude to this area of ​​the human body is not a myth, it has a scientific justification. In this area there are many blood channels that supply blood to all organs. It is with their help that the active substances spread inside the abdominal cavity and enter the internal organs.

In a standard package for 1 course of treatment, there are 6 patches. Each must be glued to clean skin in the navel and worn for at least 72 hours. Then the urological patch should be removed and the skin washed with warm water. Before using the next patch, you must wait 24 hours, only then stick a new one. For a complete treatment, some doctors recommend doing several courses. Prostatitis patches can also be used to prevent urological diseases, when there are certain risk factors for their occurrence.

Therapeutic effect

Transdermal Chinese patch has a beneficial effect on almost all known urological diseases in men. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is placed in close proximity to diseased organs, and all active substances through the bloodstream enter immediately to the problem area, and not into the stomach, like conventional tablets. But it cannot be argued that it is a panacea. The urological patch for prostatitis is very effective as one of the components of the complex treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The use of the patch gives several local effects:

  1. Reduces pain in the abdomen and genitals.
  2. Removes swelling in the prostate area and normalizes the process of urination.
  3. Eliminates various inflammatory processes, has an antimicrobial effect.
  4. Restores proper blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system.

These features of the patch are useful in the treatment of the most frequent and not the most pleasant male diseases, such as prostatitis or cystitis, hemorrhoids and adenoma, nephritis or kidney failure. Treatment of any urological disease must begin with a visit to the doctor. Symptoms of all diseases of the genitourinary system are similar. They begin with pain in the pelvic area and difficulty urinating, accompanied by discomfort and problems in the intimate area. And only an experienced urologist can determine the disease, the degree of its development and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Medicinal substances

The prostatitis patch Navel Plaster for men has absorbed all the useful experience of Chinese medicine in the treatment of urological diseases. It is 100% natural and contains no synthetic chemicals. All active ingredients of the patch are taken from medicinal plants:

  1. Strawberry bident has diuretic properties.
  2. Girchevnik Chinese - analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  3. Safflower dye - choleretic, diuretic and antiseptic.
  4. Asian plantain - antispasmodic properties.
  5. Cinnamon - tonic, antimicrobial and antipyretic.
  6. Corydalis dubious - analgesic and hemostatic properties.
  7. Verbena officinalis - analgesic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory plant.
  8. Amur velvet - choleretic, antipyretic and antimicrobial.
  9. Chastukha is a diuretic.
  10. Purslane - contains many vitamins and organic acids, is used in the treatment of the stomach and liver, with problems with the kidneys and urinary tract, treats skin diseases, heals wounds.
  11. Bornean camphor - restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves blood microcirculation, dilates blood vessels and destroys blood clots in them. Most often used for rheumatism.

Contraindications for use

In view of the 100% naturalness of the patch, the instructions for use do not indicate any special contraindications. It should be used with caution in people suffering from various allergies. The patch should be tested for abnormal reactions before use. You should not use Chinese patches for those who know for sure about their allergies to any of the components.

The patch can be used in the presence of most common diseases. It is compatible with many medications, even antibiotics. But in any case, you should not self-medicate, it is better to seek an appointment with an experienced doctor.

The patch should not be used on damaged areas of the skin where there are wounds or cuts. Do not stick the patch on skin affected by a rash or inflammation.

While wearing the patch, you must adhere to a certain diet. Exclude from the diet very salty and canned food, refuse to use hot spices. Do not abuse red meat and dairy products. The components of the patch are not compatible with ethanol, therefore, during the treatment period, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

No matter how amazing the properties of Chinese urological patches, it is worth remembering that these are, first of all, medicines that cannot be used uncontrollably. They can only be part of a full-fledged complex treatment prescribed by a urologist. Therefore, any, even not too big, problem with the prostate or another organ of urination is a good reason to go to the urologist in order to avoid the development of prostate adenoma or impotence.

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One of the newest remedies for treating inflammation of the prostate is the Chinese Prostatitis Patch. This medicine has gained wide popularity primarily due to its ease of use. As part of such products, only natural ingredients that improve blood circulation and stimulate the recovery of the inflamed prostate.

Chinese medicine practices a slightly different approach to the treatment of prostatitis and any other disease. The preparations are based on natural extracts, oils and extracts from medicinal plants, the effectiveness of which has been tested for thousands of years. The Chinese patch for prostatitis is no exception and is also based on herbal remedies.

The urological patch for prostatitis is a transdermal system that is attached to the skin and gradually releases active substances into the blood, which have a positive effect not only on the prostate, but on the whole body as a whole. This form of release of the drug has several advantages:

  • ease and safety of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • no side effects;
  • good tolerance.

The effectiveness of the remedy has been confirmed by thousands of patients who have successfully got rid of the symptoms of prostatitis by using the Chinese patch.

Unlike tablets and rectal suppositories, using the product is simple and quick, it does not require any preparation and is suitable for all men without exception.

Urological patches for prostatitis have earned mostly positive reviews, largely due to the absence of side effects that are observed in the treatment of tablets or suppositories. Due to the balanced composition, the patch is well tolerated by the body and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Among the many analogues in our market, ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster has gained popularity

The composition of the Chinese patch

There are many preparations in the form of a transdermal system (patch), but their names are often untranslatable, since the preparation is intended for the domestic Chinese market. In the CIS countries, to date, only one Chinese patch for the treatment of urological diseases has gained popularity - this is the ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster. In its composition:

  • plantain;
  • Corydalis tubers;
  • safflower extract;
  • two-pronged gem;
  • cinnamon;
  • camphor;
  • girder.

Plantain stops the inflammatory process and has a positive effect on the kidneys. This plant is often used in Chinese pharmaceuticals for the treatment of various urological diseases accompanied by inflammation and urination disorders.

Corydalis tubers are distinguished by their analgesic effect. This extract in the composition of the patch has a positive effect on potency, normalizes the functioning of the prostate and has a tonic effect. Corydalis tones the body and normalizes the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Safflower is a well-known anti-inflammatory and antibacterial plant. The extract acts on pathogenic microorganisms, thereby relieving inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland.

Another plant with antibacterial properties in the composition of the patch is a two-pronged gem. The plant fights bacterial prostatitis and urolithiasis, and also has an analgesic effect.

Girdovnik is famous for its ability to normalize metabolic processes and improve blood composition. This plant allows you to eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs and normalize the outflow of prostate secretions.

Cinnamon and camphor are two natural aphrodisiacs that improve potency, increase erection and have a positive effect on the whole body.

Thus, China makes patches for prostatitis, which affect the entire male genitourinary system, allowing you to get rid of inflammation, normalize urination and improve potency.

Natural ingredients have a beneficial effect on the male body

Indications for use

You can use the Chinese urological patch for prostatitis in the following cases:

  • chronic congestive prostatitis;
  • infectious inflammation of the prostate;
  • violation of urination;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • infertility;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and urolithiasis.

Despite the large list of indications, it should be understood in which cases the patch will be effective, and when it is impossible to do without complex treatment.

With congestive prostatitis, the patch can be used both for treatment and for the prevention of exacerbation. This tool improves metabolic processes in the prostate, effectively relieves pain and facilitates urination.

In acute bacterial inflammation, the patch can be used as an auxiliary, but not the main remedy. This is due to the low antibacterial activity of the Chinese remedy for the treatment of prostatitis.

With infertility caused by congestion in the pelvic organs, the patch is quite effective, as it improves the outflow of prostate secretion and has a positive effect on the composition of the seminal fluid.

In kidney diseases, the Chinese urological patch is used as a symptomatic, but not the main therapy. It improves urodynamics and relieves pain, but is not able to eliminate inflammation of the kidneys.

The patch not only relieves the unpleasant manifestations of prostatitis, but also improves potency

The effectiveness of the product is due to plant components that heal the genitourinary system and improve the quality of seminal fluid. The best therapeutic effect is achieved in the treatment of congestive prostatitis. In this case, the patch helps:

  • get rid of pain syndrome;
  • improve urine outflow;
  • reduce swelling and inflammation of the prostate;
  • normalize the outflow of prostatic secretion;
  • increase potency.

Since the remedy stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it has a positive effect on potency, the weakening of which is often observed with congestive prostatitis. Men note that when using the patch, the attraction to the opposite sex increases and a stable erection occurs. Also, the drug prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse, successfully eliminating premature ejaculation.

Rules for using the tool

The patch must be glued to the area just below the navel. To prevent sticky tissue from peeling off, the skin must first be washed and dried, and then degreased. The product is taken out of the package, the protective film is removed, and the patch is simply glued to the skin. The patch should be on the skin for three days, then it is removed, a daily break is maintained and another patch is again glued to the same place.

Adhesive streaks may remain on the skin after removal of the transdermal system. To remove them, you should apply a towel dipped in hot water to the skin. After holding the towel for several minutes, it becomes noticeable that the glue dissolves quickly and is easily removed from the skin.

One course of treatment is 6 patches. Each sticky strip of fabric is worn on the skin for three days, then removed. Exactly 24 hours must elapse between applying a new patch and removing the previous one.

It is important to note that the patch cannot be wetted, therefore, while wearing the product, you should refuse to take a shower. You can come up with additional protection, for example, by sticking cling film to the area around the patch to protect the product from getting wet.

To achieve a sustainable therapeutic effect, it is recommended to undergo 2-3 courses of treatment. One pack of patches is designed for one course.

Cost of funds and place of purchase

You can buy a prostatitis patch only from certified suppliers who distribute the product only through the official website. One pack of the patch costs 990 rubles, which is no different from the cost of other medicines for prostatitis.

In most cases, one course is not enough to obtain the expected result, the treatment consists of 2-4 courses, depending on the severity of the symptoms. When purchasing several packages of the product at once, a promotional offer is valid, so the drug will cost a little cheaper than the retail price.

You can buy the patch online

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has no absolute contraindications, except for an allergic reaction to the components of the composition. Since the patch belongs to herbal preparations, with prolonged use, a hypersensitivity reaction may occur, which is manifested by skin itching and urticaria.

Another precaution is the absence of wounds, cracks and other damage to the epidermis in the patch area. If the skin is injured, it is recommended to move the patch a few centimeters from the area of ​​damage.

The Chinese patch for prostatitis ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster is a medical product, the effectiveness of which is aimed at restoring the sexual and reproductive functions of men who are faced with urological problems, in particular with adenoma.

  1. Inflammation of the prostate.
  2. False and frequent urge to urinate.
  3. Pain in the scrotum.
  4. Renal failure.
  5. Adenomas of the prostate and nephritis.

The substances used in the manufacture of natural urological remedies have a quick and lasting effect on the body, penetrating precisely into the area in which inflammation is localized. At the same time, the internal organs are not damaged, which eliminates the likelihood of developing any dysfunctions.

Nanotechnology from China

Chinese urological patches are made using nanotechnology, which is designed to grind medicinal substances into nanoparticles. This allows the active ingredients to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, reach the lesions and eliminate them.

The ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster urological agent contains the following substances:

  • Bornean camphor. It relieves pain and inflammation in the prostate area, and also normalizes urination. Yang energy activator increases blood circulation processes, normalizing reproductive functions.
  • Double gem. This medicinal plant has natural antibacterial properties. The substances included in its composition restore diuresis and eliminate urolithiasis. The two-toothed gem has a pronounced general strengthening effect on the body.
  • Cinnamon. It has strong antiseptic properties, improves metabolic processes in the prostate area and has a positive effect on potency.
  • Girchevnik. Soothes and relieves spasms, and also prevents the formation of blood clots. It is widely used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the prostate and bladder.
  • Doubtful crest. Helps to cope with pain and discomfort in the scrotum. It has a tonic, diuretic and tonic effect on the body.
  • Asian plantain. Eliminates pathological disorders in the prostate gland. Effective against urolithiasis and eliminates problems associated with urination.
  • Dyeing safflower. The substances that this plant includes in its composition is the so-called conductor. With its help, the active ingredients penetrate the skin into the prostate. This herb is an excellent blood cleanser.

Cinnamon has strong antiseptic properties

Special transdermal technique

Most of the Chinese medicine treatments are based on acupuncture, in which the impact is carried out on certain areas of the body. The Chinese urological patch for prostatitis works on a similar principle. Active substances come from the patch into the skin and penetrate into the area of ​​​​inflammation.

Urological medicines are made from the Celestial Empire using a special transdermal technique. The shell, made of film and fabric, contains a plastic mass, which consists of medicines of natural origin. After contact with the body, the skin is heated under the influence of active ingredients. Then the active substances are released, which penetrate and relieve the inflammatory process, thus eliminating the problems associated with the prostate.

During treatment with urological agents in the body of a man, the following occurs:

  1. The processes of blood circulation are stimulated.
  2. Prevents prostate enlargement.
  3. The inflammatory process is removed.
  4. Libido and potency are restored.

Reviews of Chinese medicine are mostly positive. A negative opinion about the drug was formed by those patients who used it without following the recommendations given in the instructions for use. Experts from the field of medicine confirm the high effectiveness of such treatment. According to the results of the studies and the conclusion of ultrasound diagnostics, about 90% of patients suffering from prostate adenoma were cured with patches from China.

Benefits of using

The Chinese patch for the treatment of prostatitis ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster, according to patient reviews, has a lot of advantages over drugs with similar properties:

  • Easy to use and does not cause discomfort while wearing.
  • It has no serious restrictions, so it can be used without consulting a doctor.
  • Not visible under clothing when worn.
  • The substances included in the composition accumulate in the body, which allows you to achieve a quick and lasting result from the treatment.

The patches are very easy to use

According to experts, it is possible to use Chinese remedies on natural ingredients only in the initial stages of the development of prostatitis. Otherwise, the treatment may not give the desired result. The reviews of many doctors (for more details, follow this link) contain information that the use of patches increases the effectiveness of the main drug therapy in advanced cases. This eliminates the need for surgical intervention.

Application guide

In order for the therapy to give the expected effect, you need to know where to glue the Chinese patch. To do this, use the following guide:

  1. Rinse the skin in the abdomen with an antiseptic and wipe dry.
  2. If there is hair on the abdomen, then it is recommended to shave it off. This will ensure closer contact of the active substances with the skin.
  3. You need to glue the patch from prostatitis on the umbilical region.
  4. Keep on the skin for as long as indicated in the instructions.

The natural remedy is well tolerated. If, after the first use, a rash and redness do not appear on the skin, then there is no individual intolerance to the components, and treatment can be continued.

The duration of use of one patch is 3 days. Then you should take a break for 1 day and repeat the procedure. The minimum course of treatment is 24-30 days. To obtain a lasting effect, it is recommended to undergo a longer therapy.

The patch can also be used for the purpose of prevention, when the prostate gland is at risk of dysfunction. You can bring the internal organ back to normal in just 3-6 days. For this, 1-2 pieces are enough. Severe inflammation can be removed using 7-8 patches.

Wash your skin before using the patch

It is recommended to apply the patch correctly - the instructions for use must be fully observed. Otherwise, you may not achieve the proper result, thereby aggravating the course of the disease. During treatment, it is unacceptable to get moisture on the patch. Please note that during the entire therapy, in no case should you drink alcohol. Nutrition should also be adjusted. It is unacceptable to eat spicy and overly salty foods. It is necessary to exclude meat and dairy products.

Don't miss important moments

Despite the fact that ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster natural remedies for prostatitis have a natural composition, it is recommended to use them with caution. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions for use so as not to miss important points.

A natural remedy with a lasting effect is inexpensive. The price of the drug varies within 85 r. You can buy it in specialized online pharmacies (for example, at this link). Everyone can afford to buy a remedy from the Middle Kingdom. Many people know about the patch, but not everyone believes in its effectiveness. In order to make sure that the drug really helps, read the reviews of those who use this tool.

With the appearance of primary symptoms with prostatitis, it is recommended to take therapeutic measures as soon as possible. The doctors' comments confirm the fact that the sooner treatment is started, the less likely it is that the disease will move into a more serious stage of development and give complications. Those patients who have used the urological patch can attest to its effectiveness. The drug from China has helped many avoid surgical treatment.

Despite the fact that you can use urological patches from China without consulting a doctor, preliminary diagnosis is a mandatory criterion for successful therapy. The patient cannot make a correct diagnosis on his own. The symptoms of prostatitis are similar to the manifestations of other diseases that the urological patch is not able to cope with. Do not risk your own health by refusing to consult a doctor.

Men are sensitive to their intimate health, and the most common disease - prostatitis - gives them a lot of trouble. Firstly, it is symptomatic and painful, and secondly, diagnosis and treatment seem humiliating to men.

But there is a solution. Chinese prostatitis patches are used all over the world and finally reached our country. What are they, how are they used, and how effective can therapeutic treatment be?

Principle of action and therapeutic effect

Many therapies in Chinese medicine are based on acupuncture, where specific areas of the body are affected. Therapeutic patches for prostatitis work on the same principle: the medicinal mass penetrates to the point of inflammation through the stomach, or more precisely, through the human navel.

Chinese patches are made using a transdermal technique. The plastic mass, consisting of drugs, is enclosed in a soft casing made of fabric and film. When in contact with the body, a slight heating occurs, allowing the drug to be released slowly and dosed. Active substances penetrate the skin and act on inflammation, reducing it and stopping pain.

What happens to the body when using a urological patch for prostatitis:

  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • obstruction of prostate enlargement;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • erection recovery.

The effectiveness is not only proven by the reviews of grateful men, but also scientifically confirmed. According to the results of analyzes and the conclusion of ultrasound, 90% of patients have a positive trend.

The composition of the patch

Now more about the medicinal mass enclosed in the transdermal male patch for prostatitis ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster. These are extracts of several plants, each of which has a special therapeutic effect.

Plaster from prostatitis in the package. Click on the picture to enlarge.
  • Asian plantain. It is widely used in oriental medicine for diseases of the genitourinary system. Improves blood circulation and stops the formation of sand in the kidneys.
  • Corydalis dubious tubers. This plant helps with impotence, and also has valuable properties: relieves pain, strengthens and tones blood vessels.
  • Safflower dye. An ancient plant known as a blood purifier. It destroys pathogenic microflora, therefore it is used even in the treatment of syphilis. For a transdermal patch for prostatitis, safflower is useful for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Two-pronged gem- a natural antibiotic, indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the prostate gland. Relieves pain, including those caused by urolithiasis.
  • Girchikov Wallich. A rare plant, the extract of which disperses the blood, eliminates its stagnation. Effective in the treatment of male and female diseases. Good for prostatitis and impotence.
  • Cinnamon. An excellent tool for increasing the power of male energy. Cinnamon increases blood circulation and relieves prostate inflammation.
  • Bornean camphor. In oriental medicine, it is an activator of Yang energy (male energy). Enhances sexual desire; recommended for various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Instructions for use

A Chinese plaster for the treatment of prostatitis is glued on the stomach, under the navel. To get the maximum effect, you should know how to use the patch correctly.

One ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster can be worn for three days. After that, it is removed, the skin is washed, and after a day you can stick a new one.

If the patch is used to prevent prostatitis, 1-2 pieces are enough (i.e. 3-6 days). With severe inflammation, you need to be treated for at least a month (i.e., this is about 7-8 patches). Chinese plasters against prostatitis cannot be wet, so you need to take a shower very carefully.

Contraindications include individual intolerance (allergy to a component), as well as the presence of wounds (scratches, seams, blisters) in the area of ​​gluing.

Keep patches out of the reach of children. It can be a first aid kit or the top shelf of a closet. Do not put them in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 24 months.

Where to buy a Chinese patch for prostatitis?

The most convenient and economical way to purchase Chinese patches for men is through the Internet. Pharmacies do not sell such products, and not every city has points of sale for medicinal products from China. In addition, a virtual purchase is an absolutely confidential procedure. ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster is best purchased through official suppliers to avoid price markups and other problems that arise with resellers. A certified product is a guarantee of quality and a truly effective treatment of prostatitis.

Price, delivery and payment

The cost of packing Chinese patches for prostatitis ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster is almost 2000 rubles. But especially lucky users can get into promotions, which are often held by an official supplier. Then the price is halved - 990 rubles.

You can request a call back on the site. The manager will once again explain the principle of the patch and answer other questions of interest. After that, you can order delivery directly by phone. It is produced at the nearest post office as soon as possible.

Now you know where to stick the Chinese patch, how long to wear it, and what effect can be achieved in the treatment of prostatitis with a therapeutic method. This is a good alternative to the usual ways to deal with inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate massage, pills and procedures) that really works.

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