Universal learning activities for preschoolers. Stages of learning triz. Hottabych, and he forgot the spell.”

Master Class

Formation of personal and cognitive prerequisites

universal learning activitiesin older preschoolers using TRIZ technologies

in the EP under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

“The school should not make a sharp change in life.

Having become a student, the child continues to do today what he did yesterday.

Let the new appear in his life gradually and

does not overwhelm with an avalanche of impressions "

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

These words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky are very relevant at the present time. Completion preschool period and admission to school is a difficult and responsible stage in a child's life.

Entering school is the beginning of a child's long journey, the transition to the next age stage of life. The beginning of school education radically changes the way of life of the child, and sometimes the whole family.

Studying at school requires the child to be ready for a new type of activity - educational.

The ability to learn is the desire and ability to independently implement learning activities. Therefore, it is important to educate preschoolers cognitive interests because it is they who activate the abilities of children. Term « prerequisites for universal learning activities» - this is the child's ability to self-development through active assimilation and acquisition of skills through practical activities and personal experience.

AT preschool age distinguish 4 blocks of UUD:

1) personal;

2) regulatory;

3) informative;

4) communicative.

We will consider 2 blocks - personal and cognitive UUD.

Formation of personal prerequisites for UUD in older preschoolers within the framework of the targets of GEF DO.

The child masters the main cultural ways

activity, shows initiative and independence in

different types of activities - playing, communicating, designing,

and etc. ; is able to choose his occupation and methods of solution, partners in joint activities;

The child has a positive attitude towards

to the world, to other people and to oneself, has a sense of

own dignity; actively interacts with

peers and adults, participates in joint games;

The child has a developed imagination, which

implemented in various activities, and, above all, in

game; the child owns different forms and types of play

Formation of cognitive prerequisites for UUD in older preschoolers within the framework of the targets of GEF DO

The child is curious and asks questions

relating to near and far objects and phenomena,

interested in cause and effect relationships

come up with explanations for natural phenomena

the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment;

The child is capable of making his own decisions.

What is the main form of education, where the prerequisites for UUD are formed in children of senior preschool age?

This is GCD - continuous educational activity. For formation of UUD in senior preschool age, teachers use non-traditional methods, techniques and technologies to activate cognitive activity.

TRIZ technology in kindergarten contributes to the development, on the one hand, of such qualities as thinking, flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialectics, and, on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination.

The main task of using TRIZ technology is to instill in the child the joy of creative discoveries.

With a teacher who uses TRIZ, children study with enthusiasm and master new knowledge without overload, develop speech and thinking.

Application of TRIZ in education preschoolers allows you to grow real inventors from children, who in adulthood become inventors, generators of new ideas.

If we compare the main tasks cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the tasks of TRIZ-RTV, they are surprisingly similar...

Table 1

Tasks cognitive

development preschoolers according to GEF DO

The development of curiosity and cognitive motivation;

- formation of ideas about the whole and parts;

- formation of representations about space and time, causes and effects of events, movement and rest;

Organize Solution cognitive tasks, which are especially well seen in working with problems and contradictions;

- formation of cognitive interests, actions and skills

GEF involves the solution of cognitive tasks in all educational areas and in all types of children's activities.

TRIZ-RTV tasks in cognitive development of preschoolers

- formation the foundations of systemic thinking, establishing the relationship between parts of the system, its changes over time, interaction with other systems;

Teaching children to identify, formulating and resolution of the simplest problems, contradictions, cause-and-effect relationships of events that manifest themselves in the process of familiarization with the outside world;

- formation ability to use tricks "strong mind" facilitating rapid systematization and classification, as well as memorizing a large amount information;

- formation of the ability to identify resources, basic and additional functions of the object.

TRIZ - technology is aimed at intellectual, creative development personalities in any kind of activity.

TRIZ program for preschoolers is a system of collective games

and activities with children.

"Guess what I guessed."


"Fairy tale inside out."

"What was - what became"

"Something is part of something."

"What does it look like?"

"What of what?"

"Bad Good"

TRIZ learning stages

To teach to find and distinguish between the contradictions that surround children everywhere. (What is common between a flower and a tree).

Teach children to fantasize, to invent.

Solving fairy tale problems and inventing different fairy tales using special TRIZ methods. (Baba Yaga caught you and wants to eat you. What to do).

The child applies the acquired knowledge and using non-standard, original solutions to problems, learns to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Principles of construction of GCD according to TRIZ.

Message minimum information, maximum reasoning.

Optimal the form organization of discussion of problematic situations brainstorming.

Systems approach(everything in the world is interconnected, and any phenomenon should be considered in development).

Turn on in progress knowledge all mental operations and means of perception available to the child

Mandatory activation of creative imagination.

Give yourself a chance to express yourself.

Eagerness to get new information about the environment.

develop the need for cognitive activity.

Give the opportunity to create, create.

Contribute to the development of analytical skills.

- form the ability to develop and prove one's point of view.

Thus, TRIZ, on the one hand, is an entertaining game, on the other hand, the development of a child's mental activity through creativity.

What gives creativity to a child?

Gives you the opportunity to express yourself.

When conducting a NOD, you can use the following forms of work with children:

Role-playing and didactic games,

Listening to music,

Staging and modeling situations,

Implementation of practical work.

An important role is played by diagrams, tables, symbols and other ways of presenting information.

Fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, works of children's writers are used as illustrative material.

A large place is occupied by poems chosen in such a way that morality, as well as the conclusion contained in them, does not "bulging out" to the fore and "hiding" within a situation, often mixed. Mastery teacher is to let the children see this morality for themselves and make

Relevant conclusion.

Methods and techniques of TRIZ technology

brainstorming method

Trial and error method

Comparison of living and non-living objects

Fantastic analogy

empathy method

Method of contradictions

Direct analogy

Changing the plot of a fairy tale

contradiction method.

Activation of interest

Systematization of knowledge,

. Concept formation


(RainWhy is it good, why is it bad?

Method "empathy"

Purpose: development of ability introduce yourself in the place of another person or subject

(What does the Fox feel when he wants to eat a kolobok.

Imagine that you are a bush. It's raining. What do you feel)

Method "Comparison of living and non-living objects"

Purpose: to see the common and the difference; develop memory, thinking, imagination

(The hare is drawn and alive. The hare and the table, etc.)

A special stage in the work of a teacher - a Trizovian - is working with fairy tales, solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special techniques.

System operator

System operator forms in the child

"systems analysis skills, systems thinking, or multiscreen thinking"

Who lives in a teremochka?

Purpose: to teach the child the elements of analysis, to encourage him to notice common signs by comparing them.

You will need: colorful images of different items, for example: pear, pen, house, backpack, pot, flower and so on.

Introduction: remember with the children the fairy tale "Teremok" and suggest playing it like this, as they do in the country of Changelings.

Game progress: each child, with his eyes closed, draws out his drawing and plays for the drawn subject. The host chooses the owner of the tower - the king of the Changelings, who called his friends to a feast. The characters take turns approaching the tower. The first invitee asks the question:

Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?

I -. (calls himself, for example, a flower). And who are you?

And I -. (calls himself, for example, pear). Will you let me into the teremok?

I'll let you in if you tell me how you look like me. The guest carefully compares the two drawings and

names the found common moments.

For example, he can say that both the flower and the

pears have a twig. After that the first

the participant enters the teremok, and to the owner

The next guest is already knocking. Important

If he cannot answer, the rest of the children help.

Good-bad game.

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish in subjects and objects of the surrounding world, positive and negative aspects. Rules of the game: Any object or in senior preschool age system, a phenomenon in which determined positive and negative properties. Game progress. 1 option:

B: Eating candy is good. Why?

D: Because she's sweet.

Q: Eating candy is bad. Why?

D: Teeth can hurt.

That is, questions are asked according to the principle: "something is good - why?",

"something bad - why?".

Working with fairy tales

Solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special techniques

Collage of fairy tales

This method develops imagination, breaks habitual stereotypes in children,

creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but

enter new circumstances that may be

fantastic and incredible.

This method serves premise to write all sorts of plots and endings. In addition to the ability to compose, the child learns to find a way out of difficult circumstances.

Fairy tales in a new way.

This method helps to take a fresh look at familiar stories.

Collage of fairy tales

Inventing a new fairy tale based on fairy tales already known to children.

"That's what happened to our book of fairy tales. Everything in it

the pages got mixed up and Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood and

The evil wizard turned the gingerbread man into mice. They were burning

grieved and decided to seek salvation. met old man

Hottabych, but he forgot the spell...”

Rescue situations in fairy tales

“Once a kitten decided to swim. He swam very far from the shore. Suddenly a storm began, and he began to sink ...”

Offer your options for rescuing a kitten.

Fairy tales in a new way.

Old fairy tale"Tiny-Havroshechka"

Come up with:

A fairy tale in a new way - "Khavroshechka is evil and lazy."

Dear teachers!

if you want to go to work like a holiday;

if you like it when children's eyes sparkle;

if you want to get the most out of every lesson;

if you want to communicate with smart, thinking children;

if you want to get the keys to creativity,

writing, take up TRIZ!

Thank you for your attention!

Creative success to you!

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“Master class Formation of personal and cognitive prerequisites for universal learning activities in older preschoolers using TRIZ technologies in EP under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Master Class


personal and cognitive prerequisites for universal learning activities

among older preschoolers when using TRIZ technologies in EP

under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Rusanova Olga Ivanovna Educator of the MK preschool educational institution Pavlovsky kindergarten No. 10


“The school should not make a sharp change in life.

Having become a student, the child continues to do today what he did yesterday. Let the new appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm him with an avalanche of impressions.

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

School enrollment- this is the beginning of a child's long journey, the transition to the next age stage of life. The beginning of school education radically changes the way of life of the child, and sometimes the whole family.

Studying at school requires the child to be ready for a new type of activity - educational.

The ability to learn is the desire and ability to independently carry out learning activities. Therefore, it is important to educate preschoolers with cognitive interests, since it is they that activate the abilities of children.

Term "prerequisites for universal learning activities" is the ability of the child to self-development through active assimilation and acquisition of skills through practical activities and personal experience.

Formation of prerequisites for UUD in older preschoolers according to GEF DO

4 blocks of prerequisites

universal learning activities





Formation of personal prerequisites for UUD in older preschoolers within the framework of the targets of the GEF DO

Child masters the main cultural ways of activity, Shows initiative and independence different types of activities– game, communication, construction, etc.; is able to choose his occupation and methods of solution, partners in joint activities; The child has a positive attitude towards to the world, to other people and to oneself, has a sense of dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; The child has a developed imagination, which implemented in various activities, and, above all, in game; the child masters different forms and types of play

Formation of cognitive prerequisites for UUD in older preschoolers within the framework of the targets of the GEF DO

The child is curious, asks questions concerning near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, trying make up your own explanation the phenomena of nature to the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment; The child is capable of making his own decisions.

TRIZ technology in kindergarten contributes to the development, on the one hand, of such qualities as thinking, flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialectics, and, on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination. The main task of using TRIZ technology is to instill in the child the joy of creative discoveries. With a teacher who uses TRIZ, children study with enthusiasm and master new knowledge without overload, develop speech and thinking.

The use of TRIZ in teaching preschoolers makes it possible to grow real inventors out of children, who in adulthood become inventors, generators of new ideas.

Tasks cognitive development preschoolers by GEF BEFORE

Tasks TRIZ - RTV in cognitive development of preschoolers

  • - development of curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • - formation of ideas about the whole and parts;
  • - formation of ideas about space and time, causes and consequences of events, movement and rest;
  • - pay special attention to research and design activities;
  • - organize the solution of cognitive tasks, which are especially well seen in working with problems and contradictions;
  • - formation of cognitive interests, actions and skills
  • - GEF involves the solution of cognitive tasks in all educational areas and in all types of children's activities
  • - formation of the foundations of systemic thinking, establishing the relationship between parts of the system, its changes over time, interaction with other systems;
  • - teaching children to identify, formulate and resolve the simplest problems, contradictions, cause-and-effect relationships of events that manifest themselves in the process of getting to know the world around them;
  • - the formation of the ability to use the techniques of "strong thinking" that contribute to the rapid systematization and classification, as well as the memorization of a large amount of information;
  • - teaching children the organization of independent research, design, creative activities on the model of working with an adult and at their own request.
  • - formation of the ability to determine the resources, basic and additional functions of the object.
  • TRIZ - technology is aimed at the intellectual, creative development of the individual in any kind of activity .

The TRIZ program for preschoolers is a system of collective games and activities with children.

"Guess what I guessed"

"What was - what became"

"Fairy Tale Inside Out"

"What does it look like?"

"Something is part of something"


"What of what?"

"Find Friends"




Games with




TRIZ learning stages

  • To teach to find and distinguish between the contradictions that surround children everywhere. (What is common between a flower and a tree?).
  • Teach children to fantasize, to invent.
  • Solving fairy tale problems and inventing different fairy tales using special TRIZ methods. (Baba Yaga caught you and wants to eat you. What to do?).
  • The child applies the acquired knowledge and using non-standard, original solutions to problems, learns to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Principles of construction of GCD according to TRIZ.

- Minimum communication of information, maximum reasoning.

- The optimal form of organizing the discussion of problematic situations is brainstorming.

- A systematic approach (everything in the world is interconnected, and any phenomenon should be considered in development).

- Inclusion in the process of cognition of all mental operations and means of perception available to the child

- Mandatory activation of creative imagination.

- Give yourself the opportunity to express yourself.

- The desire to receive new information about the environment.

- To develop the need for cognitive activity.

- To give the opportunity to create, to create.

- Promote the development of analytical skills.

- To form the ability to develop and prove their point of view.

Forms of work with children

When conducting GCD, the following forms of work with children can be used:

  • conversation
  • role-playing and didactic games,
  • Listening to music,
  • staging and modeling situations,
  • performing practical work.
  • An important role is played by diagrams, tables, symbols and other ways of presenting information.
  • Fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, works of children's writers are used as illustrative material.
  • A large place is occupied by poems chosen in such a way that morality, as well as the conclusion contained in them, do not “stick out” to the fore, but “hide” inside the situation, often mixed. The skill of the teacher is to let the children see this morality for themselves and draw the appropriate conclusion.

contradiction method.


Activation of interest

Systematization of knowledge,

Concept formation


(Rain: why good, why bad?)

The empathy method

Purpose: development of the ability to imagine yourself in the place of another person or object

(What does the Fox feel when he wants to eat a kolobok.

Imagine that you are a bush. It's raining. What do you feel?)

Method "Comparison of living and non-living objects"

Purpose: to see the common and the difference; develop memory, thinking, imagination

(The hare is drawn and alive. The hare and the table, etc.)

System operator

The system operator forms in the child

"systems analysis skills, systems thinking, or multiscreen thinking"

What was the subject in the past

What will the object look like in the future?

Games and trainings for the formation of systemic thinking in children .

Who lives in a teremochka?

Target : to teach the child the elements of analysis, to encourage him to notice common signs by comparing them.

You will need: colorful images of different objects, for example: a pear, a pen, a house, a backpack, a saucepan, a flower, and so on.

Introduction: recall the fairy tale "Teremok" with the children and offer to play it the way they do in the country of Changelings.

Game progress: each child draws out his drawing with his eyes closed and plays for the drawn object. The host chooses the owner of the tower - the king of the Changelings, who called his friends to a feast. The characters take turns approaching the tower. The first invitee asks the question:

- Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?

- I - ... (calls himself, for example, a flower). And who are you?

- And I - ... (calls himself, for example, a pear). Will you let me into the teremok?

  • I'll let you in if you tell me how you look like me. The guest carefully compares the two drawings and

names the found common moments.

For example, he can say that both the flower and the

pears have a twig. After that the first

the participant enters the teremok, and to the owner

The next guest is already knocking. Important

If he cannot answer, the rest of the children help.

Good-bad game.

Target: to teach children to distinguish positive and negative aspects in objects and objects of the world around them. Rules of the game: The leader is any object or system, phenomenon in which positive and negative properties are determined. Game progress. 1 option:

B: Eating candy is good. Why?

D: Because she's sweet.

Q: Eating candy is bad. Why?

D: Teeth can hurt.

That is, questions are asked according to the principle: "something is good - why?",

"something bad - why?".

Working with fairy tales

Solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special techniques .

Collage of fairy tales

Inventing a new fairy tale based on fairy tales already known to children.

This method develops imagination, breaks habitual stereotypes in children,

creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but

enter new circumstances that may be

fantastic and incredible.

"That's what happened to our book of fairy tales. Everything in it

the pages got mixed up and Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood and

The evil wizard turned the gingerbread man into mice. They were burning

grieved and decided to seek salvation. Met an old man

Hottabych, and he forgot the spell. . .”

Rescue situations in fairy tales

This method serves as a prerequisite for composing all sorts of plots and endings. In addition to the ability to compose, the child learns to find a way out of difficult circumstances.

“Once a kitten decided to swim. He swam very far from the shore. Suddenly a storm began, and he began to sink. . .”

Offer your options for rescuing a kitten.

Fairy tales in a new way.

This method helps to take a fresh look at familiar stories.

An old fairy tale - "Tiny-Havroshechka"

Come up with:

A fairy tale in a new way - "Khavroshechka is evil and lazy."

Dear teachers! if you want to go to work like a holiday; if you like it when children's eyes sparkle;

if you want to get the most out of every lesson;

if you want to communicate with smart, thinking children;

if you want to get the keys to creativity, writing, study TRIZ!

Thank you for your attention!

Creative success to you!

List of sources used

  • Belousova L.E. Merry meetings. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2009

2. Gin S.I. Fantasy world. Part 1 and 2. Gomel, 1995

3. Gin S.I. TRIZ classes in kindergarten. Mn., 2008

4. Dybina O.V. What was before. M.: Creative Center SPHERE, 2004

5. Zhikhar O.P. OTSM - TRIZ in preschool education Mozyr, 2006

6. Korzun A.V. Fun didactics. Elements of TRIZ and RTV in work with preschoolers. Mn, 2010

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children "Forget-me-not" No. 133


"Formation of educational activities among preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the GEF DO"

Prepared by: teacher

Kulinka Olga Yurievna

Komsomolsk - on the Amur


The transition of a child from pre-school to primary education is a difficult life stage. It is very important that these changes take place as “softly” as possible and that all the conditions necessary for the successful development, education and upbringing of the child be created. Already at the stage of pre-school education, equal “starting” conditions should be provided for children of preschool age entering the first grade. “The school should not make a drastic change in the lives of children. Let the new appear in their lives gradually and not overwhelm with an avalanche of impressions,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Before school age, as A.N. Leontiev, is "the period of the initial actual warehouse of the personality." It is at this time that the formation of the main personal mechanisms and formations takes place. The cognitive and emotional-personal spheres of the child are closely related to each other.

For children of this age, in order to make the transition to the next level of education, it is necessary physical, psychological and intellectual preparation.

The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of "universal educational activities". At the legislative level, universal educational activities were defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. It includes requirements such as: "formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one's activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in learning activities, plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.

At the older preschool age, we can begin to lay the foundations for further successful schooling by starting to form universal learning activities already at the stage of preschool education.

The term "universal learning activities" was first introduced by A.G. Asmolov and another group of psychologists. Scientists give the following definition of this term: “in a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn

in a narrower sense(actually in the psychological sense) they can be defined as a set of methods of action that provide the ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

There is a basic classification of universal learning activities, in which the following blocks are distinguished, which correspond to the main goals of education: personal; regulatory; cognitive and communicative.

With regard to educational activities, the following types are distinguished personal universal learning activities : self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation.

Personal UUDs make it possible to make the teaching meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations.

They are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people, yourself and your future.

Cself-determination / "I know..."; "I can..."; "I'm creating..."; "I aim to...".

Cthought formation/ Establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive - determining "what is the meaning, the meaning of teaching for me."

Moral-ethical orientation

Highlighting the moral and ethical content of events and actions.

Building a system of moral values ​​as the basis of moral choice.

Moral and ethical evaluation of events and actions in terms of moral standards.

Orientation in a moral dilemma and the implementation of a personal moral choice.

Personal universal learning activities

1. Personal UUD, reflecting the attitude towards social values

- to identify yourself with belonging to a people, country, state;

- exercise understanding and respect for the values ​​of other cultures, peoples;

- exercise interest in the culture and history of their people, native, country;

- making a difference basic moral and ethical concepts;

- correlate an act with a moral norm;

evaluate own and other people's actions (ashamed, honest, guilty, did the right thing, etc.);

- analyze and characterize emotional states and feelings of others, build their relationships taking them into account;

- evaluate situations in terms of rules of conduct and ethics;

- motivate their actions;

express willingness act in accordance with the rules of conduct in any situation;

- exercise in specific situations, benevolence, trust, attentiveness, help, etc.

2. Personal UUD, reflecting the attitude to educational activities

- perceive the speech of the educator (other children), not directly addressed to the preschooler;

- to express positive attitude to the process of cognition: show attention, surprise, desire to learn more;

- evaluate own educational activity: own achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures;

- apply the rules business cooperation: compare different points of view; consider the opinion of another person;

exercise patience and goodwill in the dispute (discussion), trust in the interlocutor (accomplice) of the activity.

Formation of personal universal educational activities contribute, for example: role-playing games in the "school" and "teacher-student" and others. In the process of drawing, you can ask children to draw a picture on a "school theme" and read them literature (poems, stories, proverbs) on this topic.

Regulatory universal learning activities include: goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, self-regulation.

The development of regulatory actions is associated with the formation of arbitrariness of behavior. Arbitrariness acts as a child's ability to build their behavior and activities in accordance with the proposed patterns and rules, to plan, control and correct actions performed using appropriate means.

With regard to the completion of the stage of pre-school education, the following indicators of the formation of regulatory universal educational activities can be distinguished:

The ability to carry out an action according to a model and a given rule;

The ability to maintain a given goal,

The ability to see the indicated error and correct it at the direction of an adult;

Ability to control one's own performance

Ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer.

Structural analysis activity allows us to identify the following criteria for assessing the formation of regulative universal educational actions:

P acceptance of the task(adequacy of the acceptance of the task as a goal given in certain conditions, the preservation of the task and attitude towards it);

-execution plan, regulating operational

performing an action in accordance with certain conditions;

-control and correction(orientation aimed at comparing the plan and the real process, detecting errors and deviations, making appropriate corrections);

-grade ( a statement of the achievement of the goal or a measure of approach to it and the reasons for failure, attitude towards success and failure);

-measure of separation of action ( joint or shared);

-pace and rhythm of performance and individual characteristics.

arbitrariness in children at the stage of preschool education:

The organization of the child's awareness of the rules and his actions mediated by these rules increases the level of the child's arbitrariness;

Games with rules and productive activities give meaning to actions according to the model and the rule and lead to an increase in arbitrariness in children;

The introduction of rules requires the organization of additional stimulation of children's behavior and the creation of conditions for understanding their actions in a new context;

For the formation of arbitrariness, cooperation and joint activity of the child with an adult is necessary, which conveys to the child an interest in activity and contributes to the awareness of the goals and means of activity (Smirnova E.O., 1998).

For the formation of regulatory universal learning activities you can apply games: “what has changed?”, “find a pair”, “find the differences” and others.

ATcognitive universal learning activities includes: general education (goal formulation, information search, application of the search method, information structuring, speech utterance construction, choice of problem solving methods, control and evaluation, problem statement), brain teaser , problem posing and solving .

In a separate group of general educational activities A.G. Asmolov stand out: "sign-symbolic general educational universal actions:

- modeling- transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);

- transformation models in order to identify the general laws that define a given subject area.

A) Cognitive logical actions at the stage of preschool education are characterized by the following:

The ability to highlight the parameters of an object that can be measured;

The operation of establishing a one-to-one correspondence;

The ability to highlight the essential features of contextual-sensory objects;

Ability to establish analogies on the subject material;

The operation of classification and seriation on concrete-sensory subject material;

The transition from egocentrism as a special mental position (absolutization of one's own cognitive perspective) to decentration (coordination of several points of view on an object).

B) Sign-symbolic actions. Modeling as a universal educational action.

At the stage of pre-school education The following universal learning activities should be formed:

Coding / substitution (use of signs and symbols as conditional substitutes for real objects and objects);

Decoding / reading information;

The ability to use visual models (diagrams, drawings, plans) that reflect the spatial arrangement of objects or relationships between objects or their parts to solve problems.

Cognitive universal learning activities are formed in the process of conversation according to a certain plan, when children in a game situation find similarities and differences between objects or drawings, put together a whole object from parts.

Communicative universal learning activities

In psychology and pedagogy, the development of speech and communication in preschool age, as well as communicative-speech side of children's readiness for school has traditionally received a lot of attention.

In the context of the concept of universal learning activities communication is considered not narrowly pragmatically - as an exchange of information, for example, educational - but in its full value, i.e. how semantic aspect communication and social interaction, beginning with establishing contacts up to complex types of cooperation (organization and implementation of joint activities), establishing interpersonal relationships, etc. .

The task of forming UUD assumes that when a child enters school, he reaches a certain level of development of communication. Part basic(i.e. absolutely necessary for the child to start school) preconditions includes the following components:

The child's need to communicate with adults and peers;

Possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

Acceptable (i.e. not negative, but preferably emotionally positive) attitude towards the cooperation process;

Communication partner orientation

Ability to listen to the interlocutor.

By the end of preschool age, the communicative component of universal educational activities is characterized by the following:

Children can establish contact with peers and previously unfamiliar adults while showing a certain degree confidence and initiative(for example, asking questions and seeking support in case of difficulties);

They are able to listen and understand someone else's speech, as well as competently formulate their thoughts in grammatically simple expressions of oral speech.

They must be able to express their feelings (basic emotions) and understand the feelings of another, master elementary ways of emotional support for a peer, an adult.

To master such elements of communication culture as the ability to greet, say goodbye, express a request, gratitude, apology, etc.

Capable of coordinating efforts, active participation in the collective creation of an idea;

They are able to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other not only in case of common interest, but also in situations of conflict of interest.

They must be able to build statements that are understandable for the partner, be able to ask questions in order to obtain the necessary information from the partner in their activity with their help, and to be sufficiently proficient in the planning and regulating functions of speech.

Form communicative universal learning activities can be in the classroom applique, fine arts and design. During the game, children learn to interact with each other and communicate. The formation of these actions can be assessed by applying methods for assessing the state of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, speech understanding, lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speech, as well as others.

From the standpoint of the activity approach, the activity of the student is recognized as the basis for achieving the developmental goals of education - knowledge is not transferred in finished form, but is built by the student himself in the process of cognitive research activity.

Teaching acts as a collaboration - the joint work of the teacher and pupils in the course of mastering knowledge and solving problems.

A requirement is put forward for a close connection of the acquired knowledge with direct practice and real life problems of pupils.

In the education system, methods are beginning to prevail that ensure the formation of independent creative activity of children, aimed at solving real life problems.

For the successful formation of universal educational actions, it is necessary to single out their orienting basis, organize a phased development, from the joint performance of the action and co-regulation with an adult or peers to independent performance based on self-regulation.

It is necessary to organize various forms of joint activities and educational cooperation and, on this basis, the formation of communicative universal educational activities.

Using games with rules and role-playing games to develop arbitrariness; game "to school";

Friendly and respectful attitude of the teacher towards children;

Encouragement of children for activity, cognitive initiative, any efforts aimed at solving a problem, any answer, even an incorrect one;

Using the game form of classes, riddles, suggestions to come up with something, offer it yourself;

Adequate assessment - a detailed description of what the student managed to do, what he learned, what difficulties and mistakes there are, specific instructions on how to improve the results, what needs to be done for this;

The ban on direct assessments of the student's personality (lazy, irresponsible, stupid, sloppy, etc.).

The formation of the foundation of school readiness should be carried out naturally and naturally within the framework of "specifically children's activities" (Davydov, 1996).

Why do we focus specifically on older preschool children? The fact is that if a child of early and younger preschool age does not receive preschool education, then the shortcomings and omissions in his development can still be corrected. If a child of senior preschool age has an insufficient level of development, then this threatens him with serious problems at the stage of schooling. “The school should not make a drastic change in the lives of children. Let the new appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm with an avalanche of impressions, ”V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote about the acquaintance of children with the school in the process of preschool education. The problem of succession is most acute at two key points - at the moment children enter school (during the transition from the pre-school level to the level of primary general education) and during the transition of students to the level of basic general education.

The main problems of ensuring continuity are associated with ignoring the task of purposeful formation of such universal educational actions as communicative, speech, regulatory, general cognitive, logical and others. The assimilation of universal educational actions involves the process of internalization as a consistent transformation of an action from an external material / materialized form to an internal one through speech forms.

A promising task should be the development of an educational and methodological complex that ensures the implementation of the Program for the development of universal educational activities at the stage of pre-school and primary education. The educational and methodological complex should ensure the organization of a complete indicative basis for a universal educational action, taking into account the subject content of the academic discipline; step-by-step development of the action, which ensures the transition to the highest levels of performance (from the materialized to the verbal and mental form of action) based on the solution of a system of tasks, the implementation of which will ensure the formation of generalization, reasonableness, awareness, criticality, mastery of universal educational actions. Thus, the education of children of senior preschool age should be aimed at enrichment (amplification), and not at artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development.

At school, a first-grader is bombarded with everything at once: both new rules of conduct and new information. Therefore, we are preparing the preschooler for the coming changes in his usual conditions, gradually, step by step, introducing new attitudes that meet new requirements.

Personal universal educational actions are the formation of the "internal position of the student"; the action of meaning formation, which establishes the significance of cognitive activity for the child; highlighting the moral content of the situation; orientation to the norm of fair distribution; the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles.

The so-called "Glades of Good Deeds" also contribute to the formation of personal universal educational actions in children. Joint collective evaluation of good positive deeds of children, correlation with ethical principles occurs in the process of collective conversation and placement of bright elegant flowers in a clearing or in a sunbeam.

Great help is provided by the game in the "school". It helps the child successfully enter school life. The game develops the ability to negotiate (set rules, distribute roles), the ability to manage and be managed. The child actively masters the "world of things" (cognitive and substantive practical activities) and the "world of people" (norms of human relationships). At the senior preschool age, portfolios, calls appear, we jointly produce attributes for the role-playing game in the "school".

The next condition for the effectiveness of the work on the implementation of the continuity of the two educational institutions is the familiarization of children with the school. Preschoolers during excursions visit the library, gym, dining room, classroom, and then attend the lesson. The child should not be afraid of a new building, but he should not get used to it so much that the effect of novelty, surprise, and attractiveness disappears.

Children reveal their impressions of excursions in drawing on the following topics: “The school building”, “My impressions of the excursion to the school library”, “Class”, “My impressions of the holiday”, “Farewell to the primer”. Further, an illustrative album about the school is jointly drawn up, for example, “My first teacher”, “The school where I will study”, “I am a first grader”.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on establishing successive ties between the kindergarten and the school is friendly meetings and acquaintances with teachers. Teachers get to know the children, with their individual characteristics, inclinations, interests, which reduces the time for him to get to know new students.

The emotional mood is supported by an organized meeting of children in kindergarten with their parents, as well as with graduates of past years. This includes conversations, stories about their studies and favorite teachers, showing photos, certificates related to school years, looking at school-themed paintings, as well as joint activities, such as making toys, puppet theater, joint holidays.

In directly educational activities (in the preparatory group for school), we teach children how to complete tasks. This arouses their interest, develops the ability to listen to a friend’s answer, make additions and corrections, prove their opinion and, of course, use the acquired knowledge in life (for example, knowledge of numbers in the game “Shops”).

An important place is also played by situations of moral themes - awareness of the norms and rules of behavior at school. In the game, on behalf of the "teacher", certain requirements are imposed on the "student", the next object of attention may be textbooks, which are useful not only to look at, but also to try to pretend to perform some simple task.

Reading fiction with discussion about school life, memorization of poems; familiarization with proverbs and sayings that emphasize the importance of books, teachings and work; examining school supplies and making riddles about them. Making an album of riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings about school, school supplies, knowledge, books.

Regulatory actions - goal-setting as a setting of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and what is still unknown; planning (drawing up a plan and sequence of actions); forecasting the anticipation of the result, its temporal characteristics); control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; correction (making additional adjustments to the plan and method of action); assessment and volitional self-regulation as the ability to volitional effort and overcome obstacles. What are the ways to form regulative universal actions?

At the stage of preschool education, the development of regulative actions is associated with the formation of arbitrariness of behavior. Psychological readiness in the sphere of will and arbitrariness ensures the purposefulness and regularity of the child's control of his activities and behavior. Arbitrariness acts as a child's ability to build their behavior and activities in accordance with the proposed patterns and rules, to plan, control and correct actions performed using appropriate means. To improve it, various games and exercises are used (“What has changed”, “Find the same objects”, “Find the differences”, “What does the melody look like”, etc.). Many tasks are built in the form of a competition between two or more players - this creates an additional game moment, greater emotional involvement. Entertaining material not only entertains children, gives them the opportunity to relax, but also makes them think, develops independence, initiative, stimulates the development of non-standard thinking. In games, the preschooler plays out situations and actions that are largely close to future educational activities, that is, in the game, the child is directly prepared for the transition to a new level of education - entering school.

Participation in the resolution of problem situations is an obligatory element of the lifestyle of older preschoolers. A.M. Matyushkin characterizes the problem situation as “a special type of mental interaction between an object and a subject, characterized by such a mental state of the subject (student) in solving problems that requires the discovery (discovery or assimilation) of new knowledge or methods of activity previously unknown to the subject” . Any problematic situation can be viewed as a creative task, which is based on an unresolved contradiction. Therefore, it is problem situations that are an effective means of forming responsible behavior in older preschoolers. Specially an adult can create them in various types activities . For example, my child and I witnessed the unseemly act of other children. We ask him: “Did they do the right thing? What should have been done? Would you have done the right thing in this situation?" The answer is likely to be: "Yes." There is no need to doubt the sincerity of our child's intentions, but let us praise him and express the hope that he will also behave in reality. A problem situation can be created by encouraging students to compare, juxtapose conflicting facts, phenomena, data, that is, with a practical task or a question, confront different opinions of students.

Among the possible means of developing the research activity of preschoolers, children's experimentation deserves special attention.

Developing as an activity aimed at cognition and transformation of objects of the surrounding reality, children's experimentation contributes to the expansion of horizons, enrichment of the experience of independent activity, and self-development of the child. In the process of experimentation, the child needs to answer not only the question “How do I do this?”, But also the questions: “Why do I do it this way and not otherwise? Why am I doing this? What do I want to know? What will you get as a result? This work arouses the child's interest in the study of nature, develops mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, and others), stimulates cognitive activity and curiosity, activates the perception of educational material to familiarize with natural phenomena. Assimilation of the system of scientific concepts, experimental methods will allow the child to become the subject of learning, learn to learn. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Know how to open one thing in the world around the child, but open it so that a piece of life sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return again and again to what he has learned.

Also, the experiments are the most successful in the process of familiarizing children with the world of their living and inanimate nature. Each child should have a primary elementary image of the world and the attitude towards it should be: cognitive - "the world is amazing, full of secrets and mysteries, and I want to know and solve them"; careful - "the world is beautiful and gentle, it requires a reasonable approach and protection, it cannot be harmed"; creative - "the world is so beautiful and I want to preserve and increase this beauty."

Cognitive universal learning activities are self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of the necessary information, modeling, logical actions of analysis (selection of a feature from a whole object), synthesis (combining into groups according to 1-2 features), comparison (selection of a feature from a whole a number of subjects), seriation (establishment of consistent relationships), classification (association into groups) of objects, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

In the preschool department, serious attention is paid to the development of cognitive activity and interests of older preschoolers, on the basis of which cognitive universal educational activities are formed. Educators especially emphasize the role of the book as a source of new knowledge, from which you can get answers to the most interesting and complex questions.

The Pathfinders game is interesting, where the teacher uses the modeling technique to find an unknown object, and also consolidates with the children their ability to correlate their game actions with the proposed plan.

An effective way of forming cognitive universal educational actions is storytelling according to a scheme, action according to a plan, and a comparative description of objects.

Important are the games that encourage children to display intellectual activity - these are the mysterious schemes-signs "Find the indicated place", "Island in the ocean"; encrypted records - using words, pictures, signs; code locks for solving a game situation (number encryption); logical chains "Continue the series", the implementation of which is based on seriation, finding patterns. The games “Find a figure”, “Where is a simple figure hidden”, contribute to the ability to isolate a given simple one from a complex figure. The use of labyrinths of various configurations in working with children helps to increase the level of interest of children. To improve the intellectual skills of children, exercises are offered aimed at visually determining similarities and differences, as well as finding regular relationships through inference. On the same drawings, first find the same images, and then a pair with one difference. Children are very fond of word puzzles (Vova solves problems better than Kolya. And Kolya is better than Misha. Who solves the best? - Vova). These puzzles can be both for comparison, and for difference and combination, and for denial too. In such classes, important qualities of the child's personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, quick wits, perseverance, constructive skills. The game "Make a whole from parts" is used. The child operates not with images of objects, but with geometric figures. With the help of this game, a child can form the ability to perceive the complex shape of an object in a disjointed way, to single out individual elements in it that are in different spatial positions.

Teachers develop such communicative universal educational actions of children as the ability to take the position of a partner in performing actions in a game, in communication, in productive activities (drawing, applications, etc.), in the labor activity of pupils. They develop the ability of children to act in concert, follow the sequence of actions, show restraint, work in pairs: listen to each other, change roles.

Now let's imagine the ways of forming communicative universal learning activities in older preschoolers. An active desire to communicate with peers in various activities contributes to the formation of a "children's society". This creates certain prerequisites for the development of collective relationships. Meaningful communication with peers becomes an important factor in the full-fledged formation of the personality of an older preschooler.

An effective way to form communicative universal educational activities is collective work on art activities, applications, and design. It is in the process of creative activity that figurative, constructive and analytical thinking, imagination, visual memory develop, that is, versatile mental processes, ease and speed of mastering knowledge and skills are brought up. In collective activities (play, work, communication), children of 6-7 years old master the skills of collective planning, learn to coordinate their actions, fairly resolve disputes, and achieve common results.

An equally important way is the labor activity of preschoolers. We include children in real collective work (cleaning the walking area), duty (in the corner of nature), work in nature (care for plants, animals). We offer one lesson for learning how to repair a book, another for learning origami. They arouse in children an interest in manual labor, making toys with their own hands. During the day, we also offer children to complete tasks in a subgroup, in pairs.

Joint activities unite children with a common goal, task, joys, experiences for a common cause. In it there is a distribution of responsibilities, coordination of actions, the child learns the basics of social relations, learns to yield to the desires of peers or convince them that he is right, to make efforts to achieve a common result. I.S.Kon believed: “In the process of socialization, a person must adapt to the conditions of his existence, and other people act for him “as instructors, as role models” .

Game activity has great efficiency in the process of communication formation. By playing, children learn the human capacity for cooperation. The teacher-scientist A.P. Usova, noting the influence of the game on the upbringing and development of the child, wrote: “Each game, if it is within the power of the child, puts him in a position where his mind works so vividly and energetically, and his actions are organized.”

Thus, in the formation of the universal educational activities of preschoolers necessary for further education at school, "specifically children's activities" are used: a variety of games, construction, labor, visual activity, communication, research activities of preschoolers.

The development of universal educational activities among preschoolers in a preschool educational institution contributes to the formation of psychological neoplasms and abilities in them, which, in turn, determine the conditions for high success in educational activities and the development of subject disciplines by school students.

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