Vegetable juices and their health benefits. Vegetable Juices: Maximum Benefits

Vegetable juices are very nutritious and beneficial for the human body. They contain a large number of useful trace elements, and with proper preparation, they all end up in our body. In addition, some vegetable juices can cure a number of diseases, and they should be drunk regularly for prevention. We will tell you the most healthy vegetable juice recipes that you can make at home.

Vegetable juice is quite easy to make. In most cases, the vegetable does not need to be cooked, it is left raw. All you need is a juicer, or other devices that allow you to get a valuable component.

It is worth noting that vegetable juices are not drunk in large quantities, as can be done with a fruit-like drink. Their number is dosed, in addition, there is a rule for taking a certain juice. It is worth following these rules, and then your health will be on top.

Healthy Vegetable Juice Recipes

So, here are healthy vegetable juice recipes that you can make yourself at home:

  1. Morning vegetable juice. This is a classic vegetable juice recipe that is perfect for starting a productive day. It will help to cheer up, give strength and energy, and strengthen the immune system. To prepare it, you need to take 2 medium-sized apples, despite the fact that this is a fruit, an apple is perfect for such a drink. You also need to add carrots, you will need 3 pieces of medium size. Take three stalks of celery and also some ginger root. All components should be peeled, and use a juicer to extract juice. You can first squeeze out each component, then mix them, and add a pinch of ginger root. Drink this vegetable juice in a glass every morning, a good mood and well-being for the whole day will be guaranteed.
  2. Nourishing Juice for Skin Improvement. What drink should be made at least once a week, and then you will forget what old age is. It not only prolongs youth and beauty, but also improves overall well-being. To prepare it, you need to take one medium-sized beetroot, one large carrot, 3 stalks of celery, a bunch of spinach, and one green turnip. Clean all the components, mix together, and get a unique natural drink.
  3. Useful juice for weight loss. If you want to get rid of excess weight, actively go in for sports, watch your diet, then this juice will significantly speed up the metabolism in your body, improve your work in general, and help you get rid of excess weight. To prepare it, you need to take 3 medium-sized tomatoes, 1 cucumber, and 2 celery stalks. Wash all the vegetables well, pass the cucumber, tomato through the juicer, and then add the celery. Mix well and drink every day. It is recommended to do it daily if you are in the diet stage. If you just want to improve your well-being, it is enough to drink such vegetable juice for weight loss twice a week. In addition, on our website you can find useful traditional medicine preparations that also help to get rid of excess weight.
  4. Vegetable juice to improve bowel function. If you have stomach problems, gastrointestinal diseases, then this juice will help you. To prepare it, you need to take celery and carrots in equal proportions. Rather, in equal proportions, you need to take ready-made juice. Mix these two components, and drink this juice 2 times a day for half a glass.
  5. Juice to cleanse the body. Such a drink will help remove toxins and toxins from the body. To prepare it, you need to take medium-sized beets, you need 2 pieces, 3 carrots, lime juice. Lime juice needs 1 tablespoon. Peel the beets and carrots, run through a juicer, and season with lime juice.
  6. Juice to improve the functioning of the stomach, as well as anti-cancer. This drink helps fight cancer cells. In addition, it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite, while helping to get rid of excess weight. Such juice is prepared from ordinary white cabbage. You need to take 100 grams of cabbage, two bunches of celery, and one medium-sized tomato. In order for the juice to be saturated, it is better to take the leaves of young cabbage. Run them through a juicer, add the tomato, and celery. I need to drink this juice for prevention how many times a week. We also recommend the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of cancer. You can buy them in our online store. All of them will have a positive effect on the body, and get rid of this disease.

These are the basic recipes for making vegetable juices at home. They can be easily prepared in a few minutes, it is enough to have a juicer and a set of vegetables. It is recommended to use such juices for the whole family, even if you do not want to use them daily, we advise you to drink vegetable juice in courses. To do this, you need to drink juice daily for 2 weeks, then take a break for a month. How will you improve your well-being, and enjoy an interesting taste.

Healthy lifestyle is in fashion! And this means that such healthy and tasty dishes should definitely appear on your table. vegetable juices. Today weight loss site DietaClub will talk about the benefits of vegetable juices and introduce his readers to vegetable juice recipes which you will find in this article! We lose weight correctly along with vegetable juices!

If you are watching your figure, then you must include vegetable juices in their weight loss recipes! Unlike fruit juices (which are forbidden by diets), vegetable juices do not contain such a huge amount of fructose, which means they are safe for our figure. In addition, vegetable juices contain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body. Vegetable juices perfectly remove toxins from the body and help get rid of harmful toxins. The benefits of vegetable juices are so great that you simply must try vegetable juice recipes and get not only benefit, but also great pleasure!

Female weight loss site DietaClub assures you that vegetable juice recipes which we bring to your attention are absolutely easy to prepare!

What are the healthiest fresh juices?

Tomato juice. Recipes

This vegetable juice should definitely be included in recipes for weight loss, because the calorie content of tomato juice is very small, but there are many benefits for the body. Freshly squeezed tomato juice contains acids that perfectly regulate the metabolism in the body.

All you need to make tomato juice are fresh tomatoes. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer and you can safely enjoy such a tasty and healthy vegetable juice! There are many variations in the preparation of tomato juice with the addition of various ingredients. Consider the most popular and useful.

Tomato juice with celery and cucumber


  • 1 cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 sticks of celery.

Wash all vegetables thoroughly. Pass the cucumber through the juicer, then the tomatoes and at the very end two sticks of celery. Stir the juice and enjoy the drink!

Tomato juice with dill and cucumber


  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • black freshly ground pepper.

Wash vegetables thoroughly. Pass the cucumber and tomatoes through the juicer. Add finely chopped dill to the resulting vegetable juice, season with freshly ground black pepper. Vegetable juice is ready!

Tomato juice with spinach and parsley


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • spinach leaves (4);
  • parsley to taste.

Rinse thoroughly the spinach leaves, parsley and tomatoes. First, we pass the tomatoes through the juicer, after which the spinach and parsley.

As you can see vegetable juice recipes which contain tomatoes, do not require much effort!

Carrot juice. Recipes

Carrot juice is a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, it contains a high content of carotene, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, and many other useful trace elements. In addition, carrot juice has a beneficial effect on bowel function and relieves heartburn. You can drink pure freshly squeezed carrot juice, or you can add various ingredients to it, which will only increase the benefits of such juice. Recipes this vegetable juice simple yet useful.

Carrot juice with celery

To prepare this juice, you should mix equal proportions of freshly squeezed carrot juice and freshly squeezed celery juice.

Carrot juice with spinach, celery and parsley


  • 65 ml fresh carrot juice;
  • 65 ml fresh parsley juice;
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed spinach juice;
  • 16 ml freshly squeezed celery juice

We mix all the ingredients - and so tasty and healthy vegetable juice ready!

Carrot juice with green peppers and spinach


  • carrots - 6 pcs;
  • green pepper - 3 pcs;
  • spinach and cabbage leaves.

We wash all the ingredients. We pass carrots, green peppers, spinach leaves and cabbage through a juicer.

Carrot juice with cucumber and green pepper


  • carrots - 3 pcs;
  • half green pepper;
  • one cucumber;
  • cabbage leaves.

We pass all the ingredients through the juicer and serve the juice to the table!

Beet juice. Recipes

The recipes of this vegetable juice are extremely useful, since it is this beetroot juice that perfectly removes toxins from the body and contains many trace elements and nutrients.

Beet-carrot juice


  • 2 beets;
  • 3 carrots;
  • one spoonful of lime juice.

Wash and clean beets and carrots. Passing vegetables through a juicer, season the finished juice with lime juice.

Beet-carrot juice with cucumber

This juice must be included in weight loss recipes, as it perfectly cleanses the intestines.


  • 100 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed beetroot juice;
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed cucumber juice.

We mix all the ingredients and the vegetable juice is ready!

Cabbage juice. Recipes

It is believed that the most useful thing in cabbage is its juice. Therefore, you can safely prepare cabbage juices, which are also dietary. After all, cabbage juice has a positive effect on the metabolism in the body and improves the digestion process. In order to get 1 liter of cabbage juice, you should pass two kilograms of cabbage through the juicer. Such juice can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container. You can also try others vegetable juice recipes with cabbage.

Cabbage juice with tomato and celery


  • 100 grams of cabbage;
  • 2 bunches of celery;
  • one small tomato.

To prepare this vegetable juice, you must select the best cabbage leaves. We skip the cabbage and tomato through the juicer. Add chopped celery to the resulting juice.

Cabbage juice with carrots


  • ¼ head of cabbage;
  • 6 carrots.

Thoroughly wash the cabbage leaves and carrots, pass through a juicer.

Of course bring everything vegetable juice recipes almost impossible. But it draws your attention to the fact that vegetable juice recipes which contain carrots, beets, cabbage, tomatoes and celery, are the most useful. If you at least occasionally include vegetable juices in your diet, as well as in weight loss recipes, then in speed you yourself will be able to experience all the benefits of these wonderful drinks!

Victoria Vysotskaya

Many are convinced that fruit juices should be consumed regularly, as they are a real storehouse of vitamins, while fresh vegetable juices are reserved exclusively for athletes and fanatical fans of a healthy lifestyle. This approach is fundamentally erroneous, although juices from vegetables and fruits do have different effects on human health and the body as a whole.

So, fruit juices really help cleanse the body, help speed up the metabolism, and also help relieve stress. That is why they are very useful for people who constantly experience emotional and psychological overload. Vegetable juices contain more nutrients, vitamins, and.

Therefore, they help relieve fatigue, restore strength after physical exertion, provide energy.

The use of vegetable juices can be recommended for people weakened by long-term illnesses, as well as for children and adolescents. In addition, vegetable drinks are an order of magnitude smaller, and therefore they are allowed even for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Vegetable juices: to drink or not to drink

All vegetable fresh juices boast an excellent chemical composition. In this case, we are talking not only about vitamins, macro- and microelements, but also phytoncides - the so-called "natural antibiotics" that kill bacteria and can help in the treatment of many serious diseases. We should not forget about dietary fiber, which works as a natural scrub for the body, binding and naturally removing toxins.

So, only 150 g of freshly squeezed contains the daily norm. Fresh juices that were made from green vegetables (,) boast a high content. In its composition, it is identical to one of the elements of the blood - hemoglobin, and therefore, firstly, it is easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, it is useful for people suffering from anemia. Also, juices from green vegetables help cleanse the liver and help prevent cancer.

Do not drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices with or immediately after meals. Fresh is a product with a high concentration of active substances. Reacting with food, it provokes fermentation. This is fraught with bloating, heartburn, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that people with low acidity drink fresh juices an hour before meals, and those with high acidity - an hour after it.

Some juices in a "pure" form are strictly not recommended to drink. This is, first of all, beetroot fresh, which is recommended to be diluted in a ratio of 1:3. Juices from, and onions can only be added to other fresh juices in extremely small quantities.

Do not drink juice in one gulp. Fresh juice should be drunk slowly, in small sips. Vegetable juices are better absorbed if they have time to mix with saliva.
Do not keep the juice in your mouth - it has a devastating effect on tooth enamel. For the same reason, it is better to use fresh juices through a plastic straw.
The dose at which you should start drinking vegetable juices is 50 ml. Gradually it can be increased. But it’s still not worth starting to absorb vegetable fresh liters immediately, without prior preparation, if you don’t want to get an allergic reaction and digestive problems. At the same time, it is advisable to drink juices in the first half of the day, since they are energy drinks that can provoke insomnia when consumed in the evening.

How to cook vegetable juice at home

As noted above, home-made juices have a greater health potential than industrially prepared drinks. However, in order for homemade fresh juices to be as healthy and tasty as possible, they should be prepared correctly.

  1. Choose only fresh vegetables, without external flaws or damage.
  2. Before preparing fresh juice, thoroughly rinse the vegetables in running water, if necessary, cut off the peel. Please note that peeled vegetables should be washed again, under cold water and very quickly.
  3. The best option is to squeeze fresh vegetable juices manually or using an electric cold press juicer. Juices prepared in this way retain the entire complex of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, traditional centrifuge-type juicers, chopping fruits and vegetables, heat them up, as a result of which some of the beneficial substances decompose. This applies not only to vitamins, but also to enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Every woman dreams of being graceful and slim. Today, there are many options for diets designed to help get rid of extra pounds. However, some vegetable juices also help to burn "social savings" - however, for this it is necessary to use them in very substantial quantities and strictly following the scheme.

Why vegetable juices help to lose weight? There are several reasons.

  1. Vegetable juices have a mild laxative effect. They help the body naturally get rid of accumulated toxins and toxins, remove decay products from the intestines. As a result, the stomach will “subside”, and the complexion will improve.
  2. Vegetable juices have a diuretic effect. They effectively remove excess fluid from the body, as a result of which you will forget about swelling and unaesthetic "bags" under the eyes.
  3. Many vegetable juices work as effective appetite suppressants. After drinking a glass of juice, the feeling of hunger disappears for a while. You also supply your body with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for its normal functioning.

The next aspect to consider is which vegetable juices are best for shedding extra pounds? There are several such fries.

It has a weak diuretic effect, helping the body to "dump" excess fluid. In addition, fresh celery normalizes metabolism, effectively reduces the level of "harmful" in the blood and increases the body's resistance due to carotene and an impressive list of vitamins in the composition. At the same time, it can be combined with other fresh juices, for example, with carrot, made from asparagus or parsley. Fans of a more savory taste can add honey or celery juice to celery juice. It should be remembered that it is contraindicated in those suffering from increased acidity of gastric juice, thrombophlebitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beet juice. The active ingredients in its composition boost metabolism, normalize bowel function, helping to remove toxins from the body. The beneficial effect of beet juice on the thyroid gland also allows you to normalize weight. At the same time, one should not forget that it can be consumed only in minimal doses, mixing with other juices. For people suffering from urolithiasis, hypotension, patients who have been diagnosed with kidney disease and diabetes, it is better to refuse beet fresh juice altogether.

It effectively improves digestion, helps to cleanse the body of toxins. At the same time, note that when using cabbage juice, cleansing enemas should be done at least every other day. The thing is that the active components of cabbage contribute to the decomposition of decay products accumulated in the intestines, which causes gas formation. To remove toxins, carry out cleansing procedures. However, if you have problems with the pancreas, it is better to refuse to use fresh cabbage. It should also be used with caution in kidney disease.

A product that effectively removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, it promotes digestion, reducing the burden on the digestive tract. It also removes small stones and sand from the kidneys, helps to normalize blood pressure and is a natural diuretic and laxative. And yet, with gastritis, it is better to refrain from using it.

Tomato juice. It boosts immunity, helps boost metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it reduces appetite and removes excess fluid from the body. At the same time, it is better to refrain from using it in the presence of gallstones, hypertension, high acidity and gastritis.

Eggplant juice is a drink that will help "deceive" the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. It is recommended for digestive disorders and to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. It is noteworthy that eggplant juice is prepared from a vegetable, which is first poured with water for two hours, then boiled for fifteen minutes and crushed in a blender. It can not be used with increased acidity and with enterocolitis.

How to prepare vegetable juices for the winter

Summer is a period when vegetables and fruits are in abundance. However, it is in winter, during the period of beriberi, colds and reduced immunity, that we need vitamin “injections” more than ever to spur the body on. Therefore, in order not to have to be content with commercially produced juices purchased at the supermarket, it makes sense to prepare vegetable juices for the winter in advance.

Provided that all the subtleties of the technological process are carefully observed, you will be able to enjoy natural juices without preservatives and other chemicals throughout the year. Vegetable mixes, which are a mixture of different juices, have proven themselves best.

So, for example, you can make juice "Multi-vegetable". Ingredients you will need: tomatoes, Bulgarian, carrots, salt and sugar. Please note that there are no clear proportions of each type of vegetable - you can experiment to your taste.

Prepare all vegetables: sort, rinse, remove overripe or wilted. Cut the raw material into pieces that should easily pass into the neck of the juicer. Run the vegetables through a juicer, drain the juice into a saucepan and place over low heat.

Add a teaspoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt. Bring juice to a boil over low heat. Boil for five minutes. Pour the juice into pre-washed, dried and sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids.

Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave for a day. After that, set the jars with the lids up and watch for a week to see if fermentation occurs. If the juice does not ferment, you can put them in the pantry for long-term storage.

Vegetable juices are a real and extensive pantry of vitamins and other useful substances. If I may say so, a glass of vegetable juice is a glass of youth, health and beauty. Let's talk more about this today - after all, vegetable juices help us live an active, fulfilling life. And vegetable juices, the recipes for which we offer you today, will also help maintain a slim figure.

Vegetable juices are not only safe, unlike fruit juices, but also very useful for losing weight beauties: they do not contain a huge amount of fructose, and there are a large amount of the most useful minerals and vitamins. In addition, vegetable juices, the recipes of which we offer to your attention today, are very easy to prepare, but there are a lot of benefits in them. Let's get started!

Tomato juice: low calories and many benefits

Freshly squeezed tomato juice contains healthier acids that regulate the body's metabolism in a wonderful way. It is very easy to prepare - take fresh tomatoes and skip their juicer. If you're looking to spice up your tomato juice intake, here are some great additions to help you turn a glass of tomato juice into a real vegetable smoothie.

Tomato juice with cucumber and celery

You will need:

  • - one cucumber;
  • - three tomatoes;
  • - two stalks of celery.

Wash vegetables. First, pass a cucumber through a juicer, then tomatoes and at the end - two stalks of celery, mix. The juice is very tasty.

Tomato juice with cucumber and dill

You will need:

  • - one bunch of dill;
  • - one cucumber;
  • - three tomatoes;
  • - A pinch of freshly ground black pepper.

Wash vegetables thoroughly. Run the cucumber and tomatoes through the juicer first. Add finely chopped dill to the juice, season with freshly ground black pepper. Ready!

Tomato juice with parsley and spinach

You will need:

  • - four tomatoes;
  • - four spinach leaves;
  • - parsley to taste.

Rinse the spinach leaves, tomatoes and parsley thoroughly. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer first, then the spinach and parsley. Delicious!

Carrot juice: a lot of vitamins

Carrot juice contains such an endless amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Let's single out a few basic ones: carotene, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium. Carrot juice has a great effect on the functioning of the intestines, relieves the symptoms of heartburn. This juice can be drunk solo, or you can add useful ingredients to it.

Carrot juice with celery

Just mix equal proportions of freshly squeezed carrot juice and celery juice.

Carrot juice with parsley, spinach and celery

You will need:

  • - 65 milliliters of fresh carrot juice;
  • - 65 milliliters of fresh parsley juice;
  • - 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed spinach juice;
  • - 16 milliliters of freshly squeezed celery juice.

Mix all of the above ingredients and drink to your health.

Carrot juice with spinach and green pepper

You will need:

  • - six carrots;
  • - three green peppers;
  • - cabbage leaves and spinach.

Rinse all foods thoroughly. Pass through the juicer first carrots, then peppers, then cabbage leaves and spinach.

Carrot juice with green pepper and cucumber

You will need:

  • - three carrots;
  • - half a green pepper;
  • - one cucumber;
  • - cabbage leaves.

It is enough to pass all the products through the juicer and mix.

Beet juice: detoxify

Indeed, beetroot juice contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements, and also perfectly removes toxins from the body.

Beet-carrot juice

You will need:

  • - two beets;
  • - three carrots;
  • - one spoonful of lime juice.

Wash and peel the vegetables, run through a juicer and add lime juice.

Beet-carrot juice with cucumber

You will need:

  • - 100 milliliters of freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • - 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed beetroot juice;
  • - 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed cucumber juice.

Pass all the vegetables through the juicer and mix. That's all! This juice perfectly cleanses the intestines, which means that it is very useful for losing weight.

Cabbage juice: improve metabolism

Cabbage juice speeds up metabolism very well, and has a positive effect on bowel function. From two kilograms of cabbage, one liter of juice is obtained, it can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container. Add other ingredients to it - it will become even more useful.

Cabbage juice with celery and tomato

You will need:

  • - 100 grams of cabbage;
  • - two bunches of celery;
  • - one medium tomato.

Select the best leaves from the cabbage head. Pass the cabbage through the juicer and add the finely chopped celery.

Cabbage juice with carrots

You will need:

  • - one quarter of a head of cabbage;
  • - six carrots.

Rinse cabbage leaves and carrots, pass through a juicer and mix. Drink and be beautiful!

Of course, this is only a small part of all possible options for making freshly squeezed juices. Fantasize, mix vegetable cocktails to your taste.

The main thing - do it, and be healthy!

26.08.2014 11:55

Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, which is not surprising, are inferior in popularity to fruit and berry counterparts. Lacking bright flavors typical for fruit and berry competitors, however, vegetable juices managed to firmly occupy their product niche, which can be confidently attributed to the popular category of “tasty and healthy product”. Let us consider in more detail various vegetable juices, the benefits and harms of which require a separate discussion.

Juices squeezed from vegetables can become excellent suppliers of a mass of useful substances, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Vegetable juices, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone, contain:
. many vitamins;
. bioactive substances;
. micro and macro elements.

Having decided to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body, it will not be superfluous to inquire about the contraindications of the products chosen for consumption. With certain diseases, pomace from vegetables can be not only useless, but even harmful.

What are the benefits of vegetable juices?

For nutritionists, vegetable juices are of particular interest, the benefits and harms of which can both coexist in parallel and surpass each other. Many experts in the field of nutrition are sure that the benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable pomace are much more significant than the benefits of fruit juices. Juices from vegetables contain much less fruit sugar, and therefore, unlike their fruit counterparts, they are not prohibited for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

Undoubtedly, fresh juices are of the greatest value. spinning, not subjected to heat treatment necessary for long-term storage. Healthy people who do not suffer from any diseases are useful for all vegetable juices recommended by nutritionists. The benefits and harms of juices from vegetables also largely depend on the dosage. The daily dose is primarily determined by the type of vegetable. So, for example, juice squeezed from a cucumber, and undiluted, you can drink up to 2.5 glasses a day, and from parsley or beets - no more than ½ cup.

There are special rules for drinking vegetable juices. Their benefits and harms may vary depending on the degree of dilution with water and the use of additives. It is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to dilute juices with boiled water, but it is not recommended to add salt, sugar and all kinds of spices. Very useful combinations of juices, which are based on their personal tastes and goals. Please note that you should first consult a nutritionist, and only then drink vegetable juices. Their benefits and harms, in this case, will be distributed in the right proportions, and ideally, the harm will be reduced to zero.

A person cannot do without vegetables - the substances extracted from them by the body are necessary for the absorption of other substances that come with food, including proteins and fats. In addition, juices from vegetables are capable of:
. improve appetite;
. stimulate the digestive glands, which means improve digestion and processes of bile formation and bile secretion;
. remove toxins, therefore, improve well-being.

It is important to know that improving digestion is a good help in the fight against excess weight, which is why vegetable juices are included in many diets aimed at normalizing weight.

Placers of vitamins filling freshly squeezed juices from carrots, cabbages and other vegetable brethren are truly impressive. Thanks to them, vegetable juices are able to:
. strengthen the cardiovascular system;
. beneficial effect on the nervous system;
. improve sleep, well-being and mood;
. improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Some juices even contain antibacterial substances and have anti-inflammatory properties - they are not only drunk, but also used externally. One of the most popular and favorite vegetable juices among the people is tomato juice. And not in vain! It is not only very tasty, but endowed with powerful preventive properties - it is believed that its regular use can prevent cancer.

What is the harm of vegetable juices?

Undoubtedly, a valuable and useful product is vegetable juices. Their benefits and harms, however, require equally close attention. However, speaking of harm, it is more correct to use the term "restriction". Yes, that's right, when drinking some juices, people with certain diseases, the restrictions set by the nutritionist, taking into account the diagnosis, should be observed. As a rule, diseases of the digestive system become the reason for such restrictions. And, besides, we must not forget about possible allergic reactions.

Vegetables in their pure form I do not advise people with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Such patients should dilute the juices with water. With such diseases, it is not recommended to drink juices from tomatoes, cabbage, carrots and celery.

If the above diseases worsen, you should not drink even diluted juices. Carrot and pumpkin juice, having the ability to improve bile secretion, can also be harmful in diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and gallbladder. The use of these products should be under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Parsley and celery juices, which have a diuretic effect, are not recommended for kidney disease. Parsley juice is also contraindicated for pregnant women, as it has a tonic effect on the uterus.

Undiluted carrot juice is contraindicated for diabetics - it contains a high concentration of fructose, which increases blood sugar. People who are prone to diarrhea should drink diluted vegetable juices. Their benefits and harms are an important section of nutrition, the neglect of which can end sadly. Be careful, consult with doctors and take care of your health!

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