How vitamin deficiency manifests itself in children: the first signs. Foods rich in vitamins. We treat the disease with natural vitamins

Vitamin deficiency on the hands occurs due to the fact that the body lacks vitamins, in particular from group A, B or E. Often, people perceive the signs of vitamin deficiency as a simple allergy that goes away on its own.

In fact, beriberi is a fairly serious disease that interferes with normal existence.

If timely assistance is not provided, then there may be serious complications. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the first signs of the disease in time and start the necessary treatment. Vitamin deficiency should not be confused with seasonal allergies and even more so to try to cure it yourself.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor who takes into account the age, severity of the disease and general state patient.

Causes of beriberi on the hands

The problem may occur in the background balanced nutrition (poor quality food With great content chemical substances). In addition, beriberi on the hands occurs with a monotonous diet, so the human body does not receive required amount vitamins.

The second reason is the abuse of bad habits. smoking and frequent use alcoholic beverages, negatively affects not only the skin of the hands, but also the whole body as a whole.

Additional reasons:

  1. Violation of the digestive tract.
  2. With problems in the endocrine system.
  3. Physical exhaustion of the body.

Often beriberi on the skin of the hands occurs in pregnant women, for example, with an individual need for one or more vitamins. In order to install exact reason beriberi on the hands, it is necessary to pass complex diagnostics. Based on the data obtained, the doctor prescribes the necessary drug treatment. Often with beriberi on the skin, folk methods are prescribed.

Symptoms of beriberi on the hands

When the body lacks vitamins, a variety of symptoms begin to appear. Consider the most common signs of vitamin deficiency on the hands with a lack of certain vitamins.

If the body lacks vitamin B12, then on the skin begin to appear dark spots. The skin of the hands acquires an unhealthy shade and appearance.

With insufficient intake of vitamin from group A, the skin acquires a dull color. Dry hands are also noted, often the skin begins to crack due to increased dryness.

When vitamins from group E are not enough, unnatural aging of the skin of the hands is observed.

In the event that a rash appears on the hands, then this indicates a deficiency of ascorbic acid.

With a lack of vitamin D, itching already occurs. Often shortage this vitamin leads to the fact that the structure of the nail plate on the hands is also disturbed.

What else occurs with beriberi on the hands:

  1. The skin of the hands is inflamed.
  2. Often there is pain.
  3. Affected areas are more prone to injury and scratches.
  4. At sharp drop temperatures, inflammatory places heal for a long time.

As soon as the first signs of vitamin deficiency appear, you should immediately contact a dermatologist or therapist. In order to establish the exact cause of the disease, it will not be superfluous to consult a gastroenterologist.

How to treat beriberi on the hands

After careful questioning and diagnostic examination, the doctor begins to select the necessary conservative treatment.

Apart from medicines and folk methods, a patient with such a problem should refuse bad habits and also adhere to a balanced diet.

What to include in your diet:

Medical help for beriberi:

  1. With such a problem, which occurs in childhood, can prescribe Multi-Tabs. The tool helps to fill the deficiency of vitamin A, therefore, Multi-Tabs is prescribed for rashes on the skin of the hands.
  2. For an adult, Pikovit or Duovit can be prescribed. Note that Duovit also helps to eliminate fatigue, thereby increasing efficiency.
  3. A vitamin complex called Centrum helps to establish calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Positive effect complex tool and on the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

To more expensive means include: a complex of vitamins Alphabet or Complevit.

Each tool is selected individually. On one's own complex vitamins do not use in the treatment of beriberi, otherwise the signs of the disease will worsen and serious complications may occur.

Folk methods of treatment

It helps well with vitamin deficiency on the hands of a nourishing mask that can be prepared at home from fresh fruits.

Recipe #1

Preparation: you need to take a fresh apple, banana and peach, wash all the fruits well. Then grate on a grater to get a porridge-like mass.

Application: Apply a fruit mask to the affected area of ​​the skin. For achievement best result, you can add a little to the mask olive oil, which will help to give elasticity to the skin on the hands. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off the residue under running warm water.

Recipe #2

If you do not have an allergic reaction to honey, then you can prepare a second recipe at home. To prepare the recipe, you will need natural honey 1 tablespoon, also add egg yolk to the container, mix everything well and pour in a little olive oil.

The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the affected areas on the hands, the procedure should be done 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Important! To achieve maximum results, after rubbing, the mixture should remain on the skin, which dries on its own for some time. Once the mixture is dry, simply wipe your hands with a cotton pad.

Herbal bath

Good help with beriberi on the hands of herbal baths. Main Ingredients:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage;
  • linden flowers;
  • dried mint.

Preparation: take all the listed dry ingredients in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each). Then steam in a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. As soon as the mixture is ready, put your hands down and hold until the solution has cooled completely.

Important! The solution should be warm enough, but not boiling water. Otherwise, there will be a burn on the hands.

Infusion of viburnum

Preparation: you will need about 300 grams of berries, which you need to pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse berries for 7 hours.

Application: use 3-4 times a day for a quarter cup. If necessary, you can make a tincture of mountain ash.

Rosehip infusion

Rosehip tincture will help eliminate signs of inflammation and relieve the patient of severe itching. For cooking, you will need 25-30 grams of rose hips, which must be poured with glasses of boiling water. Insist in a closed container for 8 hours.

Drink in small portions, the course of treatment for beriberi is 5-7 days.

Some noted that a tincture based on pine needles.

Pine needle infusion

Preparation: first you need to rinse the pine needles well. Pour a quarter cup of pine needles into the container, then pour 350 ml of boiling water. Insist for 5 hours.

Before using the recipe, strain the tincture well through sterile gauze, and then add 1 tablespoon of natural lemon juice to the mass.

Accept finished product 2 tablespoons a day after meals. The course of treatment lasts until the complete disappearance of signs of beriberi.

Infusion of primrose herb

A tincture based on primrose grass will help strengthen the entire body. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry grass into 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes in a closed container. Take 3 times a day in small portions. Doctors recommend drinking tincture of 100 ml before meals.

Now you know why beriberi occurs on the hands. At the first symptoms, he will turn to a specialist who will help eliminate the unpleasant signs of beriberi and thereby improve the quality of life. Remember, in order to maintain the body in a normal balance, you must adhere to proper nutrition, lead active image life and of course, get rid of bad habits.

Doctor, pharmacist Titova L.A.

Despite the fact that today there is no shortage of food on the shelves of stores and the shelves with children's milk food and other dishes are bursting with variety, many children suffer from beriberi. Avitaminosis in children at an early age may be associated with premature birth, since it is in the last 2 months that the fetus accumulates the necessary vitamins.

Vitamin deficiency in children, the symptoms of which can be masked as frequent whims or colds, may be the result of an unbalanced or monotonous diet of the baby. Sometimes the reason lies in the violation of the activity of digestion, that is, vitamins with food enter the body, but are not absorbed. On the face can be all the signs of dysbacteriosis.

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract sometimes occur as a consequence of severe illness with the use of antibiotics. The same antibiotics or other drugs sometimes act as vitamin blockers. In this case, nutrients enter the child's body in the required volumes, but their effect is completely neutralized by drugs.

Thus, vitamin deficiency in childhood can either manifest itself as a disease, or be a consequence of serious illnesses and weakened immunity. A child can suffer from both polyavitaminosis and a lack of one or two vitamins. In any case, regardless of the root cause of vitamin deficiency, the symptoms will make themselves felt.

The lack of vitamin A (retinol) is manifested not only by a decrease in vision, as many people think. This vitamin is responsible for skin. Excessive dryness, peeling in the knees, elbows, abdomen and buttocks should alert parents, because this is how beriberi manifests itself. On the hands of children with a lack of retinol, cracked fingertips can be observed. Similar manifestations occur on the sole. Dry skin can also cause excessive hair loss and brittle hair. The eyes may often become inflamed.

Avitaminosis in children on the skin also manifests itself in riboflavin (B2) deficiency. This is expressed in pink acne, although hair loss is also obvious. The mucous membranes of the tongue and lips often become inflamed and manifest themselves in the form of diseases such as stomatitis, glossitis, cheilitis. Moreover, with cheilitis, inflammation can pass to the skin of the face, in addition to the fact that the mucous membrane of the lips and the red border are affected.

Most often, an obvious pathology is given by a deficiency in the child's body of such vitamins as A, B1, B2, C, D. The above manifestations of vitamin deficiency cannot be overlooked and the child is first of all sent for examination to a dermatologist. And when the specialist during the examination excluded all other causes of skin lesions, vitamin preparations are prescribed. As a rule, simply enrich the child's diet necessary products happens to be not enough.

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin A is treated for 1 to 6 months, sometimes with the use of intramuscular injections. A lack of B vitamins also requires recovery period not less than a month. Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B1 manifests itself in loss of appetite, restless sleep, general weakness, bad memory. Therefore, you should not be annoyed because the child does not learn the material well at school, is slow, whiny. It is better to show it to a specialist in a timely manner and take the necessary measures.

Signs of beriberi in children, when there is a deficiency of vitamin C, are similar to the symptoms of B1 deficiency, only bleeding gums can also bother. In a neglected state, manifestations of scurvy and the following disorder are not excluded. bone skeleton. C-avitaminosis occurs in parallel with a deficiency nicotinic acid.

Replenishment of vitamin C can occur with the help of injections or pills of ascorbic acid. Sometimes the doctor prescribes rutin or askorutin. If bleeding occurs frequently enough, hemostatic vitamin K (Vikasol) is used.

Vitamin D also plays important role in the formation of the skeleton and its deficiency can manifest itself not only in more frequent bone injuries, but also in the development of caries, muscle weakness. Every parent should know that vitamin D deficiency can lead to the development of rickets, which in turn is fraught with mental and physical retardation of the child.

With vitamin D, everything is much more complicated, since an overabundance of it can also harm the children's body. Replenishment should go under the close attention of a doctor. Even knowing the main signs of the manifestation of childhood vitamin deficiency, one cannot self-medicate. The duration of the course, dosage and vitamin preparations are prescribed by the doctor according to age, weight and laboratory data.

Parents, in turn, should carefully monitor taste preferences of their child, who can tell a lot.

Sometimes the presence of beriberi in a child causes bewilderment in caring parents, because they are trying so hard to diversify the baby’s diet and provide for it. all year round vegetables and fruits. However modern technologies cultivation is often focused on the speed of maturation and the abundance of the crop, rather than on the quality of the product. In conditions ecological disaster vitamins the body needs much more than it required a few decades ago.

with pollution environment fighting immune cells that require a lot nutrients. Therefore, even in the most prosperous family, vitamin deficiency in a child is not uncommon today. To avoid this situation, timely preventive measures are important.

Children's beriberi is quite common and it is observed to a greater extent in children with weakened immune system, for example, after suffering a cold. Vulnerable are allergy sufferers, diabetics, as well as those who have a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, if a child has problems with metabolic processes in the body, vitamins may not be absorbed sufficiently.

Most children, both small and adolescence, experience a vitamin deficiency due to an unbalanced diet. Every child needs a rationed supply of vital important vitamins in accordance with age indicator. It is worth noting that a common time of the year when children often experience a lack of vitamins is spring. It is during this period that the reserves of nutrients are exhausted, and the body needs vitamin replenishment.

Types of childhood beriberi and their symptoms

When a child's body is in extreme need for a particular substance, this immediately manifests itself in its mood, activity, condition of the skin, teeth, hair, etc. Since beriberi can be associated with a lack of various vitamins, pathological condition divided into types, each of which has its own list of symptoms. By clinical signs parents will be able to figure out which particular organic substance deficiency led to hypovitaminosis.

Classification of beriberi

View The role of the vitamin Deficiency symptoms

Avitaminosis A

  • In medicine, vitamin A is called retinol. Thanks to him, control over the organ of vision is exercised.
  • It forms the epithelium and bone tissues.
  • The substance is responsible for the growth mechanism, and also repels infectious agents.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Cracked skin on the tufts of the fingers.
  • Itching irritations with outer side elbows and knees.
  • The appearance of rough areas on the skin of the buttocks and abdomen.
  • Visual impairment and the presence of eye pathologies.
  • Hair loss.

Avitaminosis B1

  • Known to everyone as thiamine. The main function of the vitamin is the regulation of metabolism.
  • It is involved in the development and growth of the body.
  • Controls the functions of the cardiac system digestive tract, nervous structures.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Slow growth in a child.
  • Difficulty perceiving mental information.
  • Memory problems.
  • neurological disorders.
  • Sleep problems, insomnia.
  • lethargy, fast fatiguability.
  • Bad appetite.

Avitaminosis B2

  • Riboflafin (B2) is essential for normal metabolism.
  • Together with retinol B2, it is indispensable for the eyes.
  • It has an antitoxic effect in the respiratory system.
  • Participates in the development of immune bodies.
  • The substance is necessary for the growth and normalization of blood composition.
  • Responsible for the health of the reproductive organs.

Avitaminosis C

  • Helps strengthen vascular formations.
  • Regulates blood clotting.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant, promotes cell protection and regeneration.
  • Participates in the formation of immunity.
  • Helps to stabilize the level of many vitamins and minerals.
  • General weakness organism.
  • Susceptibility to colds and infections.
  • Decreased appetite, allergies.
  • Irritability, tearfulness.
  • The appearance of rickets, signs of scurvy.
  • The development of anemia, the appearance of hematomas and bruises on the body.
  • Bleeding gums, their hyperemia.

Avitaminosis D

  • Participates in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Is a building material for the formation skeletal system.
  • Strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Responsible for correct work nervous system.
  • Tooth decay, caries.
  • Osteomalacia develops due to a lack of vitamin D - the bones soften, deform, become brittle.
  • Predisposition to fractures various injuries.
  • Pain in the muscles due to convulsions, dystonus of muscle structures.
  • Weak intellectual abilities, stunted growth.

How to treat beriberi in children?

First you need to decide which vitamin deficiency caused the child to develop beriberi. Therefore, you must pass special study blood and urine on the material mineral-vitamin composition. Further, based on the results, the doctor will recommend the necessary vitamin therapy and diet.

With vitamin A deficiency an injection of a solution is required, the main component of which is retinol acetate. The dosage is selected by a specialist, its value depends on the age of the child. The course of treatment usually takes 1-2 months for mild forms, with acute shortage retinol in the body therapy can last up to six months. Diet food should be saturated with this vitamin, it includes: chicken and beef liver, eggs, carrot salads with fat dressing, seafood, fresh herbs, apricot and peach fruits.

With a lack of vitamin B
appointed vitamin formulations from this group containing nicotinamide and ascorbic acid for internal use- tablets or solutions for injections. AT daily diet the child must be present meat, milk, bread from coarse flour, unpolished varieties of rice.

Vitamin C deficiency compensated by injecting a drug containing ascorbic acid. To restore and strengthen blood vessels, you will need to additionally take rutin tablets or a complex of two substances - vitamin C and rutin, known to everyone under the name Askorutin. Every day in the child's diet should be present fresh fruits and vegetables. Coniferous and wild rose decoctions perfectly fill the ascorbic deficiency.

With a lack of vitamin D the doctor will prescribe the use of the drug Aquadetrim, the dosage of which is calculated in drops. When treating beriberi D, the child should be under the constant supervision of a specialist. An excess of this substance can cause serious violations, which is why doctor supervision is important. The therapy also includes UV radiation. Diet menu includes fish from fatty varieties, steamed, offal, milk, curds, hard cheese, egg yolk, sesame seeds.

Avitaminosis is a disease that occurs when there is an insufficient amount or absence of a certain vitamin in food (or several vitamins, then polyavitaminosis occurs).

Exists a large number of vitamins necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body. All of them are cofactors of enzymes (protein molecules, or their complexes, which accelerate chemical reactions in the body), therefore, metabolic disorders in vitamin deficiency are usually called a violation of enzyme systems. Nowadays, due to the abundance in the market huge amount multivitamins, dietary supplements and access to all types of food, true beriberi (as a result of an absolute lack of a vitamin) is rare. Partial insufficiency of a particular vitamin is more common - hypovitaminosis.

Causes of beriberi in children

A- and hypovitaminosis occurs when there is a violation of the intake of vitamins with food products due to improper, insufficient or poor-quality nutrition; violation of the absorption of vitamins in the intestines, with an increased need for vitamins in the body (metabolism in children, pregnant women).

Vitamin A hypovitaminosis

Vitamin A (retinol) - fat soluble vitamin, a strong antioxidant. Found in animal products plant origin. It needs fats and minerals to be absorbed. Creates reserves in the body, so there is no need to replenish them every day. Vitamin A exists in two forms: retinol (the vitamin itself) and carotene (provitamin A), from which vitamin A is synthesized in the body. Retinol has a yellow-red color. This color comes from the red plant pigment beta-carotene.

Large amounts of vitamin A are found in the liver and fish oil. Butter, egg yolks, cream are rich in retinol. Among herbal products leaders in the content of provitamin A are carrots, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, peaches, apricots, soybeans, peas.

Vitamin A contributes normal exchange substances, is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis, the formation of bones and teeth, body fat, the construction of new cells. Supports night vision due to the formation of the pigment rhodopsin, and also protects the eyes from drying out. Necessary for the maintenance and restoration of the epithelium, which is integral part skin and mucous membranes. Retinol is necessary to maintain normal immunity - it increases the barrier function of the mucous membranes, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes. It is a necessary factor in the fight against infection. It has been proven that children in developed countries (with affordable good nutrition) more easily tolerate infectious diseases such as measles, chickenpox, while in countries with low level children often die from these viral infections. Interestingly, a sufficient supply of retinol prolongs the life of AIDS patients.

Vitamin A is a powerful anti-cancer factor, necessary for normal embryogenesis (fetal development), helps prevent cataracts and disc degeneration optic nerve. With vitamin A deficiency, there is a deterioration in twilight vision (" night blindness”), dryness of the mucous membrane appears (discomfort is felt in the eyes and the child is drawn to wipe his eyes all the time), sores may also appear on the mucous membrane of the eyes. There are dry skin, peeling, hyperkeratosis (keratinization of the skin), inflammation hair follicles, snatchers.

The child develops more slowly, often loses weight and lags behind in growth, disorders of the nervous system appear, the child often gets sick. Arises over-education enamel and cement of the tooth, characterized by stomatitis, glossitis. Daily dose vitamin A for a child becomes 400-1000 mcg. With hypo- and beriberi, this dose can be increased to 3000 mcg.

Hypovitaminosis of B vitamins

The B vitamins are water soluble vitamins and are usually considered in combination. They represent a complex of substances united by the presence of nitrogen in the composition of the molecule. The combination of all these nitrogenous substances is known as the B vitamins.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) takes part in the conversion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy carriers, supports the correct and stable functioning of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thiamine deficiency in young children is characterized by hyperesthesia ( hypersensitivity), tearfulness, sleep disturbances, extinction of tendon reflexes (detected when neurological examination child), general and partial stiffness. Older children may complain of irritability, poor sleep, memory impairment, a feeling of chilliness in the arms and legs, and pain along the nerves. Also often there are pains in the abdomen, vomiting, disorders of the stomach and intestines. A change in the tongue is characteristic: on examination, it is dryish, saturated red in color, with slightly pronounced papillae.

Most of all thiamine is found in the liver, pork, eggs, bread and cereals, nuts.

The daily dose of vitamin B1 is different for children different ages. For children from 1 to 10 years old, it becomes 0.8-1.2 mg; for adolescents (11-17 years old) - 1.5-1.7 mg.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is responsible for the formation of energy, is involved in metabolic processes, hemoglobin synthesis, promotes normal development and growth of children, supports normal condition skin and mucous membranes, visual functions. Lack of riboflavin leads to peeling of the skin with thickening of the skin, inflammation of the lips and tongue, and visual impairment. The nervous system is characterized by drowsiness, anxiety, dizziness; the child is dominated by the processes of excitation, and with the aggravation of the deficit - inhibition. Young children may have seizures. Riboflavin deficiency can cause structural and functional changes in the adrenal glands, disrupt the processes of blood formation, iron metabolism, and impaired immunity.

Rich in riboflavin liver, meat, eggs, bread from whole grain, cereals, nuts.

Daily requirement for children 1 - 10 years old - 0.9-1 mg; 11-17 years old - 1.7-2 mg.

Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, niacin or nicotinic acid) is involved in the synthesis of proteins and fats, metabolic processes, regulates the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, adrenal. Hypovitaminosis PP can lead to pellagra (hence the name of the vitamin - Pellagra Proventing - from the English. - "Warning pellagra"). The disease is characterized by massive damage to the skin and mucous membranes (the skin is very flaky, deep ulcers appear on it that do not heal for a long time), nervous system disorders - chronic fatigue, irritability, hallucinations, depression, numbness and "crawling crawling" in the arms and legs. Mental retardation often occurs in young children.

Children from 1 to 10 years old need 10-15 mg of nicotinic acid per day, children 11-17 years old - 15-19 mg.

The highest amounts of niacin are found in liver, poultry, fish, eggs, whole grain breads, cereals, nuts, and legumes.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the processes of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, the synthesis of hemoglobin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Regulates the activity of the nervous system; promotes the regeneration of red blood cells; the formation of antibodies. Primary hypo - and avitaminosis B6 is characteristic of infants receiving artificial feeding. Secondary - equally occurs in children and adults. On the part of the skin and mucous membranes, seborrheic dermatosis of the face and scalp, neck, as well as stomatitis, glossitis and cheilosis occur. On the part of the nervous system, peripheral polyneuropathies are frequent (lesions peripheral nerves) - paresthesia (spontaneously occurring sensations of numbness, tingling or burning) with a gradual loss of reflexes. Babies often have seizures. Characterized by anemia, lymphopenia (decrease in the level of lymphocytes in the blood).

A large amount of pyridoxine is found in bananas, eggs, bread and cereals, nuts, legumes. Lentils, liver, meat, poultry.

Daily requirement for children: 1-3 years old - 0.9 mg, 4-6 years old - 1.3 mg, 7-10 years old - 1.6 mg, 11-17 years old - up to 2 mg.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Promotes the formation of nucleic acids and cell division; the formation of red blood cells; yu is needed for normal functioning nervous system and bone marrow. With a lack of vitamin B9, weakness, exhaustion, depression, insomnia, impaired coordination of movements, paresthesia, paralysis and paresis occur. From the side digestive system observed dyspepsia, lack of appetite, nausea. Often there may be ulcers of the oral mucosa, the hair becomes dull and brittle.

The vitamin is found in following products: liver, cod liver, bread (rye and whole grain), legumes, parsley, spinach, lettuce, green onion.

The daily requirement is 0.18-0.2 mg.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) provides normal activity folic acid, promotes the formation of red blood cells; participates in the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, ensures the growth and activity of the nervous system. The causes of hypovitaminosis are not only its insufficient intake with food, but also chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract(gastritis), worming intestinal invasion. Often occurs due to a genetically inherited violation of the synthesis of the Castle factor (a protein that protects the vitamin from destruction in the intestine). With a deficiency of cyanocobalamin, thought processes are disturbed, memory and attention deteriorate. There is a decline in the nervous system, depression of consciousness, problems with speech, impaired sensitivity and movements in the arms and legs. . May lead to anemia, atrophy of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wheat sprouts, liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, yeast, cheese are rich in vitamin B12.

Daily dose for children: 1-3 years - 1 mcg, 4-6 years -1.5 mcg, 7 - 10 years -2 mcg, 11 - 17 years - 3 mcg.

Vitamin C hypovitaminosis

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - water soluble vitamin, easily destroyed by high temperatures, the action of light and oxygen, which must be taken into account when preparing foods rich in ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant, normalizes redox processes in the body. It has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, stimulates the production of interferon (thus protecting the body from infections), strengthens the immune system. Participates in the production of collagen, hematopoiesis processes, normalizes capillary permeability. Lack of vitamin C in the body provokes the occurrence of scurvy, which is characterized by pallor and dry skin, bleeding gums, loosening and loss of teeth, the appearance of dark red hemorrhages (hemorrhages) on the skin due to increased vascular fragility, delayed tissue repair after physical damage (wounds, bruises). ). Also, with hypovitaminosis of ascorbic acid, there may be tarnishing and hair loss, brittle nails, lethargy, fatigue, weakening muscle tone, rheumatoid pain in the sacrum and extremities (especially lower, pain in the feet), weakened immunity.

products rich in ascorbic acid, there are a large number. Among them are dried wild rose, blackcurrant, red and bell pepper, horseradish, citrus fruits, sorrel, strawberries, radishes, gooseberries, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, mangoes, parsley, peaches, apricots, apples, persimmons, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, oats, spinach, pomelo, melon.

The physiological need for children is from 30 to 90 mg / day. For viral and colds, the dose can be increased to 2000 mg / day.

Vitamin D hypovitaminosis

Vitamin D (ergocalciferol D2 and cholecalciferol D3) is a fat-soluble vitamin. Activates when ultraviolet irradiation. AT human body this process takes place in the skin. Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, regulates their level in the blood, their entry into bone tissue and teeth. Together with vitamin A and calcium or phosphorus, it protects the body from colds, diabetes, skin and eye diseases. Prevents dental caries and gum disease, prevents osteoporosis, accelerates the healing of fractures. Vitamin D deficiency in a child's body leads to such a serious disease as rickets, which is characteristic of infants and young children, due to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. At the same time, the process of bone formation is disturbed, the lack of their mineralization, which is based on calcium deficiency during the period active growth organism. The bones become weak and soft, and the legs and spine may be bent. The skull becomes flat, there is a delay in teething. AT initial period disease (2-4 weeks), neurological and vegetative symptoms predominate: children are capricious, restless, irritable, shy, sleep poorly. Appetite is disturbed, the child sucks sluggishly. Excessive sweating often occurs, especially on the scalp. This gives rise to severe itching and the baby rubs his head against the pillow. So there is alopecia of the occipital region characteristic of rickets. Muscle tone is weakened. Changes in the bones are not yet observed, but the edges of the large fontanel may already be pliable. During the peak period, they begin to progress bone changes: osteomalacia (softening of the bones) occurs chest, skull, lower extremities, excessive osteogenesis (formation bone tissue, resulting in rachitic "rosary" on the ribs, "bracelets" on the hands, "strings of pearls" on the fingers). The child may lag behind in psycho-motor and physical development. During the period of convalescence (recovery), the clinical and laboratory symptoms of rickets gradually disappear. After past illness postural disturbances, changes in the chest, X- or O-shaped lower limbs, flat rachitic pelvis in women.

Rickets is treated dosage forms vitamin D, calcium preparations, massage, sufficient insolation, rational nutrition. For prevention, even during pregnancy, women are prescribed vitamin D at a dose of 400-500 IU per day (for two recent months pregnancy).

For young children daily requirement becomes 150 - 400-500 ME per day (at the same time, its content in adapted mixtures is taken into account). Children are prescribed prophylaxis from 2-3 weeks of life to 1-1.5 years. For the period of active insolation (from March to August) take a break.

Among animal products, vitamin D is found in butter, cheese and other dairy products, egg yolk, fish oil, caviar. Among herbal products, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, alfalfa, parsley, horsetail, and nettle are rich in ferols.

Vitamin E hypovitaminosis

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is a powerful antioxidant, improves cell nutrition, slows down the aging process, strengthens the walls blood vessels and myocardium (heart muscle), prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the immune system, improves peripheral circulation, promotes the absorption of vitamin A. With tocopherol deficiency in the body, dry skin, decreased visual acuity, brittle nails, muscular dystrophy, anemia, degenerative changes in the myocardium. The reproductive system suffers.

Daily need for tocopherol for children infancy becomes 3-4 IU (usually entirely obtained with mother's milk), children preschool age- 6-7 IU, schoolchildren - 7-8 IU.

It is found in sufficient quantities in foods such as vegetable oils(olive, argan), wheat germ, apples, almonds, peanuts, cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, bran bread, nuts, Brussels sprouts, wild rose, soy. Among animal products, they are rich in eggs, liver, milk and dairy products, beef, lard.

Avitaminosis is disease state arising from the absence of any elements in the body, and is considered severe manifestation vitamin deficiency. It is very dangerous for growing child's body, since it is at this age that the formation of vital functions occurs.

Symptoms of beriberi in children appear mainly in winter and in early spring. Per winter period the reserve of vitamins in the body is consumed, and the consumption of foods rich in these elements is markedly reduced.

The risk of beriberi occurs in children born prematurely, who have had rickets, who have had many viral infections.

Improper and insufficient nutrition can lead to a slowdown in the growth and development of the child, a violation of the neuropsychic and sexual development. These beneficial substances affect the process of social and biological adaptation of children, affect metabolic functions, mental abilities.

An insufficient amount of vitamins in the body of a child is reflected in his physical development. Signs of vitamin deficiency in children are manifested in the absence of the most necessary vitamins for the full development of vitamins: A, B, C, D and E.

The nutrition of the child should be complete and balanced.

In mild forms, malaise is treated by introducing into the diet more products enriched with vitamins and a slight intake of synthetic drugs. When choosing vitamin preparations it is necessary to consult a doctor, as some vitamins inhibit the action of others.

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Vitamin A

Vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances, and its task is to maintain the mucous membranes and skin of the child in a normal state.

In the absence of vitamin A on the child's body, peeling and keratinization of the skin appear, hair follicles become inflamed, abscesses form. The child lags behind in development, gains weight poorly, the nervous system is disturbed and immunity is reduced. getting worse twilight vision, the mucous membrane becomes dry, while the child constantly rubs his eyes.

Treatment of beriberi in children is carried out by a dermatologist after a thorough examination to exclude other causes of skin lesions. Medical treatment is prescribed, which can last from one to six months.

Vitamin A is present in animal and plant foods. A lot of vitamin in fish oil and liver, butter, also in cream and egg yolks. Spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, apricots, peaches, peas, and soybeans are high in provitamin A, which is synthesized in the body into vitamin A.

B vitamins

Deficiency of B1 and B2 causes serious disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, involuntary muscle contraction, convulsions appear, and coordination of movements is disturbed. The child is worried about nausea, vomiting, appetite disappears, urine output decreases significantly, cracks appear on the body, the skin begins to peel off. Older children complain of insomnia, memory loss, weakness.

When in sufficient quantity, it should be eaten bakery products from wholemeal flour, all kinds of cereals, yeast, peas. For treatment, it is necessary to diversify the child's diet with products that include this vitamin.

Characteristic signs of the absence of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in the body are: diarrhea, dermatitis, appear severe diaper rash, the skin is covered with a crust and bubbles. The oral mucosa becomes inflamed, the tongue acquires a bright red hue.

To help the child cope with this problem, it is necessary to diversify his diet. fresh vegetables and fruits. Buckwheat, dairy products, meat should be consumed daily. It is impossible to exclude fish and liver from the baby's diet.

Lack of vitamin B6 leads to glossitis and stomatitis, characterized by seizures, weakness, dermatitis. In case of this type of vitamin deficiency, products are recommended that contain the largest number vitamin B6: meat, fish, liver, kidneys, cereals and legumes, as well as bananas.

With a deficiency of B12, the child loses his appetite, shortness of breath and weakness appear, spots are visible on the skin, and shine appears on the tongue in addition to a bright red tint. At severe forms beriberi in children develops atrophy muscular system, and reflex functions decrease. Complete absence this vitamin can cause atrophy of the mucous membrane of the digestive system and lead to anemia. Sufficient quantity found in milk meat products, eggs, fish and sprouted wheat.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding gums, destruction of tooth enamel and tooth loss. The resulting wounds heal slowly, the legs swell, the child becomes very irritable. Rich in vitamin C: cabbage, spinach, potatoes, peppers, citrus fruits and berries.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, and with its deficiency, softening of the bones occurs, which leads to increased injuries and weakening of the muscular system, caries appears, and rickets develops. Eat more food oily fish, eggs and dairy products.

Vitamin E

E appears mainly in infants with artificial feeding. There are no symptoms, and the lack of a vitamin is determined by laboratory. A lot of vitamin found in the liver, cauliflower, green tomatoes and spinach.

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