The best vitamins for hair, and nails, and skin: rating, reviews. We stay beautiful all year round. Vitamins for skin, hair and nails

Girls at any age want to have healthy hair and nails. It is for this reason that girls are trying to find the best vitamins to solve any problems. What vitamins are needed for growth, strengthening of hair and nails, as well as for nourishing the scalp?

Delving into human physiology, we will understand that nails and hair are made of elastic keratin. That is why nails and hair need the same vitamins.

In specialized clinics, doctors diagnose "avitaminosis" after a thorough examination of the appearance of nails and hair. And what changes are responsible for what?

  • The fragility of the nail plate, as well as curls, indicates a lack of calcium in the body;
  • The formation of white spots on the nail plate indicates a malfunction in the body;
  • The dullness of curls, the formation of dandruff on the scalp indicates a lack of vitamins B.

The lack of vitamins affects, first of all, curls and nail plates. That is why it is extremely important to monitor the foods consumed in food, because. they must contain all the necessary amount of vitamins.

If the body lacks trace elements, then they should be replenished by taking special vitamins designed to grow hair and strengthen nails, as well as to nourish the scalp.

Essential trace elements

What elements are necessary for the normal growth of hair, as well as strengthening the nails?

As a rule, the lack of vitamin A in the body leads to problems associated with poor growth of strands, as well as brittle nails. A person should consume vitamin A in the amount of 1 mg per day. Of course, this dose should be obtained daily from foods rich in this element. Especially useful is pork, as well as beef liver. It should be eaten per day at least 100 gr.

However, not only curls and nails need additional nutrition, but also the scalp. That is why the body needs element E. Nourishing the scalp, it helps to restore blood circulation and prevent brittle nails. The result from taking vitamins will not be visible immediately, so you will have to be patient and make sure that the necessary daily dosage of elements is always present in the body. The daily dosage is 10 mg. This vitamin is found in butter and vegetable oils.

If the body lacks elements group C, then this, first of all, is reflected in the nails, which begin to exfoliate. Curls also suffer: they simply fall out. C vitamins are involved in blood circulation and strengthen the follicles. The daily dose of the vitamin should be 90 mg. They are found in peppers, mushrooms, oranges, rose hips, and cabbage.

Currently, there are a huge number of different vitamins on the pharmacy shelves. All of them have a different composition and purpose, and their prices may differ from each other several times. It is often difficult to figure out which complexes are really effective and which are unreasonably overpriced. Ideally, you want to find an effective drug for a reasonable price. It is worth noting that such people do exist. They are time-tested and have many positive reviews from women who have used them.

What vitamins are essential for healthy hair?

Before you start listing inexpensive hair vitamins, it is important to understand which elements are important in this case. On some preparations there is no special indication of the appointment, however, they may contain all the necessary components. That is why you should pay attention to the chemical composition before buying.

Vitamin A

It promotes rapid hair growth, making them thicker. Also, vitamin A (retinol acetate) has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp, preventing the occurrence of dandruff.

Vitamin E

It is most often used with vitamin A. Its function is to nourish and strengthen the bulbs and restore the structure. Thus, the hair not only grows faster, but also looks healthy and strong.

B vitamins

B1, B2, B6, B9, B12 and other vitamins of this group are responsible for the condition of both the hair itself and the scalp. Their complex helps to grow long curls faster and protects against the appearance of early gray hair.

About the benefits of vitamins and how to use them for curls in articles and.

Vitamins C and D

These substances improve the condition of the hair, for the most part due to improved blood circulation. Thus, the bulbs receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, and therefore grow strong and beautiful.

Inexpensive vitamins for hair: there are a number of available drugs on sale, for example, "Alphavit", "Complivit", "Vitasharm", "Aevit"

Product overview

Inexpensive vitamins for hair are presented in pharmacy chains in assortment. Among them there are complexes for oral administration, as well as preparations for external use. You can choose for yourself any option or their combination. If you have certain hair problems and you do not know how to solve them most quickly and effectively, then it would be better to consult a doctor or a beautician.

Vitamin complexes for oral administration


This drug contains all the vitamins necessary for hair. In addition, it differs in that all the tablets in it are divided into 3 groups, taking into account the compatibility of vitamins and minerals. They differ in colors. They should be taken 1 three times a day with an interval of 4 to 6 hours. This contributes to the best absorption of nutrients by the body.

Price: 250 r. - 60 tablets.


Just like the Alphabet, this complex is universal. However, it also contains vitamins A, E, B and C. That is why its use can help improve the condition of the hair. In this case, all substances are enclosed in one capsule and it should be taken once a day.

Price: 140 r. - 60 tablets.


This complex contains only the most necessary vitamins that help strengthen hair, struggling with the problem of severe hair loss. Along the way, Vitasharm helps to normalize the fat balance, so that the curls do not become dirty too quickly. The condition of the nails also improves, thanks to the calcium that is part of the complex.

Price: 250 r. - 30 tablets.

Preparations for external use

In addition to internal intake of vitamin complexes, you may also need external exposure for faster results. In this case, liquid vitamins in ampoules are suitable. They are sold in any pharmacy and have a wide range of prices. Some are designed specifically for hair treatment, and they usually cost from 200 to 500 rubles. If you want to save money, then pay attention to injection ampoules. They are also added to masks and hair balms, and their price ranges from 20 to 150 rubles. There are many recipes with these drugs that help to quickly improve the condition of the curls.

Inexpensive hair vitamins often work quite effectively. The main thing is to observe regularity and make sure that there are no contraindications. As a rule, such drugs are safe for health and can be used without restrictions. However, you need to read the instructions. If you did not notice any improvement after using the vitamins, then you should not immediately buy another drug. It is best to consult a doctor immediately, since hair problems, and especially hair loss, can be a signal of internal disorders or hormonal failure.

It is not difficult to determine the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, because nails, skin and hair begin to signal a problem that has arisen. However, there is no reason to be upset. You just need to adjust your diet or seek help from modern pharmaceutical companies that offer a wide variety of vitamins for nails, skin and hair.

The skin, nail plates and hair require a constant supply of vitamins. Let's take a closer look at what vitamins are needed for skin, nails and hair.

  1. Retinol ( vitamin A). The daily requirement for an adult human body is 0.8 mg. Retinol is an excellent antioxidant, maintains healthy skin, prevents the appearance of pigmentation.
  2. . 2.5 mcg is required per day. Indispensable for the absorption of calcium, it is considered a vitamin for hair and nails.
  3. Vitamin F. Approximately 1 g of the vitamin should enter the body per day. If the amount is insufficient, then hair loss begins. Also, vitamin F has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it soft and tender.
  4. . 20 mg is required per day. Provides supply of nail plates and hair with oxygen and nutrients.
  5. . The norm is approximately 50 mcg per day. It is one of the main defenders of the skin, is involved in the delivery of oxygen and the necessary useful components.
  6. Vitamins C(ascorbic acid), (tocopherol), R(plant flavonoids) - excellent antioxidants, protect hair from brittleness, and skin - from roughness.
  7. B vitamins(B1, B5, ). Since these components cannot accumulate, they must be systematically supplied to the human body (Vitamins of group B in tablets).

How to replenish your body with the necessary vitamins?

There are two simple ways - to get vitamins from food or take vitamin-mineral complexes.

vitamins in food

How to help your hair, nails and skin? First you need to change your diet and introduce more plant foods into your diet. Consider some products, with the systematic use of which you can get the expected result.

Raw organic almonds

These nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, antioxidants and proteins that promote collagen synthesis. Almonds are rich and - an indispensable component for teeth, bones, nails and hair. It also contains a lot of biotin, which helps strengthen nails and hair. Raw, unsalted, organic nuts or almond butter are best. Non-organic nuts contain pesticides and hazardous chemicals, while roasted nuts have an oxidizing effect.


Spinach, broccoli, kale, watercress, kale are a storehouse of calcium, iron and sodium, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K and group B. These components are important for the health of hair, nail plates and skin.

Spirulina is also a dark green algae, it contains a huge amount of biotin, protein, iron and vitamin B12. It is advisable to use greens with a rich color. Superfood powders and spirulina can be added to juices or made into rolls and salads.

orange root vegetables


It is the most affordable and cheap superfood that has a positive effect on the nail plates, hair, and skin. Oatmeal is high in fiber, as well as B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, protein, antioxidants, and biotin. Oatmeal fights inflammation, improves cell nutrition and skin condition. It is great if whole grains are used, or at least those that have undergone a minimum of processing.

Also, hair, nails and skin will noticeably change if you systematically include foods such as:

  • walnuts;
  • green vegetables;
  • quinoa;
  • wild rice;
  • chia seeds;
  • hemp seeds;
  • tahini;
  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • berries.

Vitamin complexes

What vitamin complexes to take to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails? Let's get acquainted with relatively inexpensive vitamins, but giving an effect.


The formula is designed to strengthen weakened hair follicles and nails. It can also be used to prevent hair loss. It is allowed to apply from adolescence (from 15 years). The duration of the course is 60 days.


Homeopathic preparation, as it contains only natural ingredients. The tool acts in a complex way: it normalizes blood circulation, which improves the nutrition of the hair roots, and also regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Selencin is used to treat hair loss. The course of treatment is 2 months, repeated use - only as prescribed by the doctor.

Vitrum beauty

This is an American complex remedy designed to increase the tone of the body, as well as its defenses. Vitamins are created specifically for the body of women, while taking into account its characteristics and needs. Taking the product helps to nourish the nail plates and hair, improves their structure. The duration of therapy is a month.


The action of the drug is aimed mainly at the hair follicles, also improves the structure of nails and hair, stimulates their growth. Therapy with this vitamin complex lasts a month, take the remedy after a meal. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 1-2 months.


Eliminates excessive dryness of the skin. These are good vitamins for the skin, as well as for strengthening hair and nails. Contains 25 active ingredients. The effect is noticeable after 7 days of use.

Vitamins DOPPELHERZ Aktiv for healthy nails and hair

Thanks to this drug, the nail plates and hair are strengthened, their growth is activated, and the skin condition noticeably improves. The therapy lasts 60 days.

You can read the instructions for using the drug in the article.

In order for the vitamin-mineral complex to have a positive effect, you need to follow some rules when taking these funds. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. The course of therapy must be completed in full. A one-time or incomplete intake of drugs will not give the expected result.
  2. Systematic. It is necessary to adhere to the regimen and not skip the next intake of vitamins.
  3. It is essential to follow the exact dosage. To solve the problem that has arisen with hair, nails or skin, you should correctly calculate the dose of the drug. If it is smaller, then it will not give the desired effect. If more, it can seriously harm your health.
  4. Prevention. It is better to prevent a disease than to cure. That is why it is recommended to drink vitamin-mineral complexes even in the normal state of hair, nails and skin. Spring is a time when the body lacks vitamins, so prevention should be carried out during this period.
  5. Consultation with the attending physician is the most important rule, which is neglected by the vast majority of people. It is the doctor who can determine the optimal dosage and advise the drug that suits you.

Our appearance - the condition of hair, nails and skin - depends very much on external factors, but even more - on the health of the body. When our skin looks unhealthy, it exfoliates, and the hair splits and falls out - all this can be a signal of a serious illness in the body. Almost all diseases are strongly displayed on the appearance of a person. As they say, the result is obvious. Especially in this way, diseases of the intestines and digestive system, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver affect.

Today we will talk about the dependence of our appearance on the vitamin complex and what is the best vitamin for skin and hair.

A little about appearance

Any negative change in our appearance - peeling of the skin, acne, hair loss, their dull color - these are not cosmetic flaws, but a signal of improper functioning of the body. You should not fight all kinds of acne, acne, hair problems with cosmetics. They won't give any result. With the help of them, you can only get rid of the consequences, and then not for long. For the best effect, you need to get rid of the cause, the source of problems. And you need to look for them in yourself and in your lifestyle.

The condition of the skin and hair can worsen:

  • Negative environmental factors.
  • Weather.
  • Stress and fatigue.
  • The use of antibiotics.
  • An unbalanced diet is the abuse of fatty foods, spices, smoked meats and other unhealthy foods, or, conversely, a too strict diet.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avitaminosis.

Do you need vitamins for nails and skin? Are they necessary for hair? Of course yes! Everyone knows that without a sufficient amount of vitamins, the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. Avitaminosis is fraught with many serious troubles. Our skin is a mirror that reflects our state of health. Which ones are for the skin? Let's try to understand this issue.

By the appearance of a person, it is very often possible to tell which vitamin is not enough in his body. This is immediately visible to those who know what functions this or that element in the human body performs and what is responsible for. What is the best vitamin for skin and hair?

Essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy appearance

As already mentioned, it is very important to know the role of a particular vitamin or mineral for the human body. What vitamins for facial skin will be the most useful? For those to whom this is important, the following information will be of interest.

  • Vitamin C- provides skin elasticity, participates in the synthesis of new collagen fibers. With its deficiency in the body, the skin loses its healthy appearance, elasticity, becomes dull. Pigmentation spots may appear on the face. Foods such as broccoli, grapefruit, kiwi, citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries are enriched with vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A (retinol)- acts as a protector of the skin and mucous membranes from the effects of negative environmental factors. With an insufficient amount of this element, the skin begins to dry, peel off, can become inflamed and become covered with red spots. The main sources of vitamin A are such products: liver, eggs, dairy products, carrots, red peppers, pumpkin, tomatoes, dried apricots, citrus fruits, greens.
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) participates in the process of metabolism, helps cells breathe. Insufficient amount of riboflavin leads to dermatitis, cracked lips, "jamming". Sources of B 2 - dairy products, eggs, meat, liver, baker's yeast.
  • Vitamin B 7 (biotin)- an element that stimulates the restoration of cells of the scalp and face, the growth of hair and nails. With an insufficient amount of biotin in the body, the skin looks very pale, flakes off, wounds do not heal for a long time, hair falls out.

  • Vitamin PP (niacin)- takes part in the process of enzyme synthesis. In the absence of the required amount of niacin in the body, the skin becomes very pale and dry. Lips become bluish. PP is found in cereals, bran bread, dried mushrooms, legumes, garlic, cabbage, sweet peppers, potatoes, asparagus.
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid) activates the restoration of skin cells, protects the walls of blood vessels from destruction. If there is not enough folic acid in the body, then the hair breaks, falls out heavily, becomes dull, lifeless. Folic acid is found in large quantities in foods such as spinach, citrus fruits, asparagus, strawberries, melons, eggs, and liver.
  • Zinc- ensures the growth and division of cells, participates in the metabolism in the body. With insufficient amounts of it, nails deteriorate, hair falls out. Natural sources of zinc are almonds, walnuts, peanuts, garlic, carrots, sweet peppers, cabbage.
  • Calcium- with its deficiency, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes dry, the hair is thin, split and fall out, the nails begin to exfoliate and break. Foods high in calcium: dairy products, eggs, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, onions, parsley.
  • Magnesium provides skin cells with energy, is responsible for the complete metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, participates in the synthesis of collagen. With an insufficient amount of magnesium in the body, the first wrinkles appear early, the complexion becomes unhealthy, puffiness is observed. Nails become very thin, brittle, hair has a dull color, slows down in growth.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol)- Exhibits very powerful antioxidant activity. What vitamins for facial skin will be the most useful? There is a definite answer to this question - of course, it is vitamin E. With the help of it, you can slow down the aging of the body, stabilize the processes occurring inside the cells. With an insufficient amount of this vitamin, the hair becomes dull, the skin is rough, ugly.

Today we will talk about the last element in more detail. This vitamin for skin and hair is the most indispensable.

What you need to know about vitamin E

Vitamin E is not synthesized by the body on its own. For this reason, the following methods of enriching the body with tocopherol will be the most effective:

  • eating foods containing tocopherol;
  • the use of vitamin E in oil or liquid form for external use;
  • the use of capsules inside;
  • liquid tocopherol injections.

Foods fortified with the element:

  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • rose hip;
  • vegetable oils;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E to prevent aging

Vitamin E for the skin is simply irreplaceable, there is no better option. It helps keep you young. A person ages over the years, collagen production decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity. The influence of the external environment, an unhealthy lifestyle also affects the health of the skin. If you “make friends” with vitamin E, then the aging process can be “postponed” for a while. The skin is of great benefit. Reviews are most positive about vitamin E. It can be bought at pharmacies. Tocopherol is available in capsules or ampoules in liquid form, without a prescription. Vitamin E for facial skin is very easy to use. It can be added to the cream and smeared with it on the face and neck at night. Vitamin E penetrates deep into the skin through the pores. Tocopherol is recommended for people with both dry and oily skin. For dry skin, this is an excellent moisturizing and maintaining the natural level of moisture. For oily skin - normalization of metabolism and improvement of texture. In the ranking "The best vitamins for the skin" this element can be given first place.

Vitamin E in the fight against major skin problems

The most common skin problems are: age spots, acne, blackheads, scars. Vitamin E is considered the most effective remedy for skin lightening. With regular massage with this element, you can get rid of fine wrinkles and stretch marks. Tocopherol can also heal acne, acne and old scars. Vitamin E for the skin is the most reliable assistant. It penetrates deeply and actively regenerates cells. Thus, tissue repair occurs.

Recipes for face masks with vitamin E

The best skin vitamins should be affordable and easy to use. Vitamin E is very easy to use. It can be added not only to a ready-made cream purchased in a store, but to make a mask or cream yourself, at home. Here are some recipes:

  • You will need a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, a teaspoon of castor and half a teaspoon of glycerin. Flowers should be poured with boiled water and insisted for one hour, then strain and add oils and glycerin. Add a few drops of vitamin E to the resulting mixture. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for five days. Use for dry and flaky skin.
  • For oily skin: mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, fifteen drops of lemon juice and five drops of tocopherol. Apply to a cleansed face as a mask for twenty minutes. Then wash with water at room temperature and wipe the skin with an ice cube.
  • For dry skin: mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of vegetable oil and add five drops of tocopherol. Apply the mask on a pre-cleansed face for fifteen minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Improving the health of the skin around the eyelids

Every woman shudders with horror when she hears about crow's feet around her eyes, or becomes even more horrified if she already sees them. They are the first "beacons" that notify of aging. The skin around the eyes is so thin that cosmetologists always recommend the most gentle care for it. In no case should scrubs or masks be applied to these areas, not even every cream is suitable. Vitamins for the skin around the eyes will be ideal, especially vitamin E. Using it with a cream will help prevent the appearance of crow's feet. And if they have already treacherously appeared, then you can smooth them out, give the skin a radiant and healthy look.

To care for the delicate skin around the eyes, you can add a few drops of tocopherol to the cream and apply it daily before bedtime with light, patting movements. For maximum effect, you can mix a few drops of vitamin E with olive oil. Apply with the same patting movements on the skin in the evening, before going to bed.

Try using vitamins for the skin around the eyes - and in a very short time you will see the result.

Vitamin E in the fight against hair loss and brittleness

Beautiful healthy hair without split ends - what woman does not dream about it? Many people use not only vitamins for the beauty of the skin, but also for the luxury of hair. And again, vitamin E is in the first place here. It is a very important component for hair growth and strengthening. It acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain beauty, youth and health.

With regular use of vitamin E, blood circulation is normalized, cells are regenerated - this is very positively reflected in the strengthening and growth of hair. Vitamin prevents their loss and the appearance of split ends.

With regular use of vitamin E:

  • blood circulation improves, hair follicles are supplied with oxygen and nutrients;
  • hair is protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • the appearance of inflammatory processes, fungus and is prevented;
  • weakened and damaged hair are restored;
  • the hair acquires a natural shine and silkiness;
  • hair loss is prevented, full hair growth is ensured;
  • gray hair is prevented.

Due to the fact that the use of tocopherol contributes to the supply of oxygen to the scalp, the nutrition and hydration of the cells improves. If you rub the vitamin into the scalp in liquid form, you will notice that the hair grows much faster, as evidenced by numerous reviews. An excellent option for hair is the combination of vitamin E with vitamin A, which is also indispensable for their health and growth. Just with a lack of the latter, dandruff may appear.

The most common way to use vitamin E for hair is to add a liquid element directly to the shampoo (one ampoule per 250 milliliters of shampoo).

Preparation of hair masks based on tocopherol and retinol at home

Here are some effective hair masks that are easy to make at home:

  • Nourishing mask for weakened hair. It is necessary to beat the yolk of a fresh egg, add burdock and olive oil (2 tablespoons each), vitamins A and E in liquid form (one teaspoon each). Rub the resulting mask into the scalp, massage well. Do not rinse for twenty minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.
  • Mask for hair growth. Mix a tablespoon of mustard and vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of tocopherol and retinol. Add the egg to the mixture. Apply the mask to the hair and do not rinse for twenty minutes. Then just wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Mask against split ends. Melt 10 milliliters of honey, add a teaspoon of liquid tocopherol and a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil to it. Apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length as a mask before each shampoo.
  • A mask to revitalize dull and weakened hair. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with 100 milliliters of burdock root decoction, add a teaspoon of retinol and tocopherol in liquid form. Apply the mixture on the hair along the entire length, cover the head with a scarf. Wash your hair after half an hour with shampoo.
  • Mask for lifeless hair. It is necessary to mix peach, almond and olive oils in equal quantities. Add a teaspoon of vitamins A and E in liquid form. Keep the mask on your hair for an hour.

Contraindications and side effects

Many women use vitamin E for their skin. Reviews about him are extremely positive. Women notice improvements in just a few days. Tocopherol is the best vitamin for skin and hair, but it must be used wisely and profitably. With reasonable use, in accordance with the instructions, there are no contraindications for vitamin E. In extremely rare cases, there may be an allergic reaction to tocopherol. In this case, vitamin E can not be used for facial skin.

Only an overdose can cause harm. As a consequence of the abuse of a vitamin in a person, there may be:

  • nausea;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • visual disturbances;
  • dizziness and migraine;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • enlargement of the liver in size;
  • vascular dysfunction.

Due to any vitamin and mineral deficiency, the first thing to deteriorate is hair. They begin to grow slowly, dry strongly and split, fall out. For the strength and health of the hair, it is not enough to carry out only proper hair care, in your opinion, they must be nourished from the inside, using vitamins for hair growth. This applies not only to biological supplements and vitamin complexes, but also to the right foods in the diet. When the approach to solving a problem is complex, it is resolved much faster.

What vitamins are needed for hair growth

The key to a good hair condition is healthy follicles. It is they who absorb the vitamins and minerals necessary for the hair, providing each hair with strength, elasticity, shine and giving them the strength to grow in full force. The head is the soil that needs regular feeding, the better the feeding, the healthier the hair. For this reason, it is very important to provide the body in the right amount with all the vitamins for hair growth.

These include:

  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • nicotinic acid (B6);
  • biotin (B7);
  • inositol (B8);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12).

The above vitamins for growth and loss completely solve the problem, making the hair stronger and more elastic. Their lack turns the hair into a dull straw.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

The best vitamins for hair growth - top effective

You need to use vitamins for hair growth, but which pharmacy vitamins are really suitable for strengthening and growing hair? After all, there are so many of them, in the pharmacy you can find at least a dozen vitamin complexes that promise to improve the condition of the hair. Most often, the consumer wants to buy inexpensive vitamins and get the maximum benefit, oddly enough, but in fact, not only expensive pills give a good result, it is difficult to say which drugs are the most effective. Below we consider the rating of the best vitamins that will help improve hair growth in women, which are suitable for men and for pregnant and lactating women.

Good vitamins for rapid hair growth, combining a large amount of amino acids and nutrients in a tablet. Helps to fill the lack of all substances and improve the condition of the hair. You need to drink vitamins for a month and a half, they are inexpensive.


  • vitamins: E, D3, C, B 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • horsetail extract;
  • minerals: selenium, boron, zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

Complivit Radiance

If you don’t know which vitamins to take, try from the Complivit line, their prices are average, the effect is positive. Trichologists recommend taking them in spring and winter when there is a vitamin deficiency, this will be enough to nourish the hair and help grow long hair.


  • vitamins: A, E, C, F, B 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, PP, H, D, K, P;
  • minerals: magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron;
  • green tea extract.

Reviews of trichologists about this drug are extremely positive. Growth pills help improve the condition of the hair. The drug consists of a day formula that protects and restores the hair shaft, and a night formula that improves regenerating processes. Duration of admission from a month to three.

Daily composition:

  • vitamins: E, C, B 1, 9;
  • minerals: selenium, iron, magnesium;
  • beta carotene.

Night composition:

  • vitamins: D3, B 2, 6, 7, 12;
  • minerals: zinc, chromium, silicon, calcium;
  • cystine;
  • D-panthenol;
  • paraaminobenzoic acid.

A complex rich in vitamins and minerals that helps to revitalize the bulbs and restore the hair structure. It is recommended to take with alopecia for the growth of new hair, the speedy regeneration of cells and the removal of harmful toxins from the body.


  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, D, C, E;
  • minerals: magnesium, zinc, cystine, chromium, manganese, selenium, copper, iron, silicon, iodine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • burdock extract;
  • echinacea extract.


Restoring the structure of the hair shaft from the inside, a vitamin complex that promotes active growth. It is recommended for use by women suffering from diffuse hair loss or by men as an aid in androgenetic alopecia. The price of vitamins is quite high, so you should resort to their help only in case of serious diseases. The course of admission is from three months to six months.


  • vitamins: B 1, 5;
  • cystine;
  • medical yeast.
Useful video: Analysis of vitamin preparations for hair growth

Wonderful vitamins that improve the structure of the hair and skin, make the follicles stronger. The course of treatment with the drug is a month, if the effect is not very pronounced, the reception is extended for another month. This vitamin complex is not recommended for the treatment of trichological problems in children.


  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 3, 6, A;
  • calcium;
  • pantothenate.

Inneov hair density for men and women

Vitamins in ampoules designed specifically for the restoration of male hair. Effectively cope with male alopecia, awaken dormant bulbs and make hair thicker. The course of admission is 3-4 months.


  • vitamins: C, D, E;
  • zinc;
  • omega 3;
  • lycopene;
  • polyphenols;
  • fish fat;
  • taurine;
  • glycerol;
  • tomato extract;
  • blackcurrant seed oil.

Merz Beauty

Vitamin complex for hair contributing to their active growth and cessation of rash. Recommended for hypo- and avitaminosis, iron deficiency.


  • vitamins: C, E, A, B7;
  • minerals: calcium, iron;
  • yeast;
  • L-cystine;
  • beta carotene.

The combination of useful elements is thought out so that they are all absorbed without neutralizing each other. The drug includes tablets of three different sizes, each with its own composition. Such a vitamin complex improves the process of tissue regeneration, improves blood circulation and hair growth.

The composition of the green tablet:

  • vitamins: B5, 9, K, H, D3;
  • minerals: para-aminobenzoic acid, calcium, silicon, chromium.

yellow pill:

  • vitamins: B2, 6, A, E, C, PP;
  • minerals: selenium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, manganese.

Red pill:

  • vitamins: B 1, 9, C, A;
  • minerals: copper, iron, inulin.

horsepower vitamins

A vitamin complex that allows you to strengthen hair follicles, improve nutrition of follicles and improve growth.


  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12;
  • minerals: copper, zinc, manganese, iron.

Duration of admission - a month.

Pills for restoring hair health. Allow to stop alopecia, improve growth and give volume.


  • taurine;
  • zinc oxide;
  • yeast;
  • cystine;
  • biotin;
  • horsetail extract.

The course of treatment is 90 days.


Capsules to restore the natural shine of hair, improve blood circulation and treat weakened hair follicles. Help with intense hair loss and too slow hair growth.


  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 6, E, A;
  • minerals: selenium, zinc, calcium.

The course of admission is a month, then you need to take a break and repeat.


A wonderful strand growth stimulator that improves the condition of hair and skin. Herbal components of the drug help strengthen hair, stop baldness, give elasticity and shine.


  • castor;
  • extracts of herbs: horsetail, coltsfoot, nettle, red pepper;
  • essential oils: eucalyptus, tea tree, cedar.


Vitamin capsules for prophylactic purposes. They prevent the development of alopecia, improve the growth rate of hair due to the activation of metabolism in the follicles. Vitamins help restore hair after dyeing or perm, and also reanimate after using hot styling tools.


  • yeast;
  • minerals: copper, iron, zinc, calcium;
  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12.

Maxi-Hair is a good option for vitamins that helps improve the condition of the hair, accelerate the growth of strands.


  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, A, C, E;
  • minerals: selenium, calcium, zinc, iodine, biologically active sulfur, copper;
  • methionine;
  • cystine;
  • horsetail extract.

Vitamins produced in different forms for adults and children: sweets, effervescent tablets, syrup, regular tablets. It is recommended to drink a monthly course twice a year.

Useful material:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, B 6, 9, 12;
  • coenzyme Q10.


Soft chewable tablets to help with mild to severe alopecia, slow hair growth. E are rarely suitable for prophylactic use. The course of treatment is six months.


  • millet extract;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • vitamins: B 6, 7;
  • cystine.


Complex replenishing the deficiency of minerals and vitamins. Trichologists recommend drinking with hair loss as a result of beriberi or hypovitaminosis, due to mechanical damage, to restore the hair shaft.

Useful material:

  • vitamins: B 1, 5, 6;
  • yeast;
  • methionine;
  • cystine;
  • minerals: copper, iron, zinc;
  • wheat germ extract;
  • millet extract.
Useful video: Feedback on the use of Revalid vitamins

Vitamins Vitrum Prenatal Forte and Vitrum Prenatal

Two vitamin complexes for taking during pregnancy and lactation. Both drugs have approximately the same set of substances.

Main cast:

  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 6, 9, 12, C, D, E, A;
  • minerals: iron, zinc, calcium;
  • the Forte preparation additionally contains vitamin PP, minerals: copper, selenium, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, iodine, magnesium.

Elevit Pronatal vitamin complex for pregnant women

A very good drug to support the balance of a pregnant woman and to prepare for pregnancy.

Rich Ingredients:

  • vitamins: B 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, A, PP, E, C, H, D;
  • minerals: magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iron, manganese, calcium, zinc.
Interesting video: B vitamins for hair

duration of vitamin intake

From the moment you decide which vitamins for hair growth to take, you can safely use them for a long time. Such drugs are not addictive and their effectiveness does not change over time. If the doctor prescribed the vitamins, take the trouble to clarify the timing of the intake, since the treatment course is somewhat different from the prophylactic one. And, of course, do not forget to read the instructions, as a rule, dosages and courses of administration are prescribed in it.

In addition to the internal nourishment of the hair, you can help them from the outside. Homemade masks are suitable for this purpose, one of the simplest is to add some vitamins to the shampoo. The list of useful shampoo additives is long, but shampoo with B vitamins is especially good for hair. It doesn’t matter if you mix several different vitamins with shampoo or just one, it is important to test for allergies before use so that the problem does not worsen. Vitaminized shampoo fully helps to solve almost any trichological problems, with the exception of those associated with diseases of the internal organs and hormonal failure.

  1. B vitamins help to improve the scalp, relieve itching and flaking, accelerate the growth of strands, prevent earlier hair aging, eliminate dryness and split ends.
  2. Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) eliminates the threat of baldness and normalizes a healthy growth rate, the main thing is to calculate the dosage, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.
  3. Retinol (vitamin A) is responsible for tissue regeneration, eliminates dryness and dandruff, works well in company with tocopherol.
  4. Tocopherol (vitamin E) moisturizes, nourishes each hair, heals the skin.

All these vitamins can be used at once, or separately, the main thing is that there is no allergy. But you also need to use a fortified shampoo correctly, namely:

  1. In a small bowl, mix shampoo with vitamins.
  2. Lather a little mixture on wet hair, massage the head for a minute, rinse.
  3. Apply the rest of the mixture a second time, lather well, keep it on the hair for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Products containing essential vitamins

We already know what vitamins are needed in order for the curls to grow well and be healthy, we found out which vitamin complexes will help solve the problem with alopecia and poor hair condition, with the knowledge of all this, it remains only to supplement the “vitamin bomb” on the hair with proper nutrition.

Without fail, sour cream, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, cream, cheeses, butter must be present in the diet. Dairy- a source of almost all vitamins: A, B 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12.

In order for the body to receive enough vitamins A, B 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, it is necessary to eat seafood and meat. Vitamin B12 for the growth of strands is found in large quantities in beef meat and liver, this also includes chicken liver.

Do not forget about vegetables and fruits. Avocados, citruses, apricots, melons, apples, kiwis, peaches, carrots, all varieties of cabbage. Red thick-skinned peppers, tomatoes - all this is rich in vitamins important for a good hairstyle. And nowhere without nuts, dried fruits, beans and cereals.

Hair growth masks with vitamins at home

The impact on the hair from the outside is just as important as from the inside. Do-it-yourself homemade growth masks help to cope with this task. Folk recipes are simply full of all kinds of healing mixtures, among which masks with oils, herbs and vitamins predominate. Contraindications to such mixtures apply only to allergies to certain components, otherwise there is no harm from them, sheer benefit.

Mask with vitamins B6 and B12

Effect: nourishes the hair, restores shine and volume, heals the roots, promotes rapid thickening and regrowth of hair.


  • 2 yolks;
  • 1 st. burdock roots;
  • 1 st. l. nettle leaves;
  • 1 st. l. chamomile flowers;
  • 1 ampoule: vitamins B6, B12;
  • 20 ml of tocopherol;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

We make an infusion from herbs and roots by steaming them with boiling water and insisting for 40 minutes in a thermos. We filter the finished infusion through cheesecloth, mix with whipped yolks and vitamins. We coat the head with the finished solution first, then the length of the curls. Leave under a shower cap and a warm towel for 50-60 minutes.

Mask with vitamins A and E

Effect: moisturizes dry and lifeless curls, eliminates itching and flaking on the head. Helps restore acceptable living conditions for the follicles.


  • 1 st. spoon: retinol, tocopherol and lemon juice;
  • 0.5-1 teaspoon dimexide;
  • 2 tbsp. a spoonful of oils: burdock and castor;
  • 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid.
How to make and apply:

We mix all the liquids into a homogeneous solution, lubricate the entire length of the hair with it, gently rub it into the skin. From above we put on a plastic bag, a towel, we walk like this for 2 hours, we wash it thoroughly.

Mask with vitamins and burdock oil

Effect: provides the hair with complete nutrition and healing from roots to ends.


  • 5 ml of vitamins A, E, D;
  • 1 ampoule B1 and B6;
  • 20 ml of oils: burdock, olive and almond;
Manufacturing and application method:

Pour oil solutions of vitamins into the oil-honey mixture at room temperature, mix, carefully process the entire head. We walk with a warm cap on our heads for 2 hours, wash.

Effect: perfectly nourishes each curl, restores the hair shaft, puts in order the microflora of the scalp and saturates it with vitamins.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of vitamins A, E, B6;
  • 0.5 teaspoon dimexide;
  • 1 yolk.
How to make and apply:

We rub all the ingredients at room temperature well with the yolk, at the end we mix dimexide. We treat the scalp with the resulting composition, apply the remainder along the entire length. We keep one hour under a warm cap.

Mask with vitamins and honey

Effect: makes hair elastic and shiny, prevents premature graying, stops alopecia, improves growth.


  • 30 gr. honey;
  • 40 ml of aloe juice;
  • egg;
  • 1 ampoule B1, B6.
Method of preparation and application:

Beat the egg, mix liquid honey, aloe and vitamins, knead well, distribute over the strands and scalp. We wrap ourselves warmly for 1.5 hours. We rinse in the usual way.

Mask with vitamins and aloe

Effect: tones the scalp, improves the shade of the hair, saturates with shine, softness, eliminates alopecia, helps to quickly grow a good length.


  • 1 st. l. black loose leaf tea;
  • 250 ml hot water;
  • 10 ml of nicotinic acid;
  • yolk;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12.
How to make and use:

We brew black tea with boiling water, and wait for it to cool to room temperature, filter it. Beat the yolk, mix it with all the liquid ingredients. With the resulting solution, carefully lubricate the scalp and each strand. We place the head under a shower cap and a terry towel for 60-80 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water and shampoo.

Useful video: How to grow hair with nicotinic acid?

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