Neurologist - what treats in adults: what complaints are treated and how a neurological examination is carried out. What diseases does a neurologist treat and for what symptoms should one consult him?

If you are often tormented by unreasonable anxiety, you have become very nervous, the inability to be in stuffy rooms, prone to fainting - so you need to pay close attention to your health. Such complaints, even from small loads, are a reason to turn to a neurologist.

Who is a neurologist

Before contacting medical institution, you need to figure out who a neurologist is and what he treats. This doctor may need both an adult and a child. The neurologist specializes in diseases vegetative system and disorders of the functioning of the nerves of the spinal cord and brain. He is engaged in careful consideration of complaints, subsequent treatment of identified diseases. Such a specialization can only be obtained by a person who has a diploma from a higher medical institution.

Among the diseases that this doctor treats are the following: neuralgia, tumors of the brain or spinal cord, neuritis, strokes, circulatory disorders, convulsions, head and back injuries, sciatica, Alzheimer's disease, migraine, tremor in newborns, impaired concentration, movement disorders, mental disorders and others. Often, to stabilize the condition of such patients, it is required to involve a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist.

What does

A neurologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the functioning of nerve fibers. It reveals the primary causes of diseases, their impact on general well-being person. A good doctor quickly, effectively prescribes competent treatment, which can significantly improve the quality of life of the sick person. Neurologist - who treats chronic overwork, is the most sought-after doctor in modern medicine.

Neurology is a science that studies the connection between the nervous system and human well-being. Neuropathology is the object of study, the study of all neurologists. Absolutely with all diseases associated with impaired performance of nerve fibers, you can contact this doctor. Neurosurgery is the branch of surgery that deals with surgical treatment such diseases.

What diseases are treated by a neurologist and a neuropathologist

Is there a difference between these specialties? In fact, a neurologist and neuropathologist treats diseases nervous system. Just the term "neurologist" was used in the 80s of the last century. AT domestic medicine these concepts are identical. But in foreign practice, a neuropathologist specializes in the pathomorphology of the nervous system, and a neurologist is engaged in the identification and treatment of diseases of a nervous nature.

What is watching

A neurologist looks at the functioning of the nervous system. Makes a primary examination, checks unconditioned reflexes. The examination also includes visual examination, palpation. the main task- this is to identify deviations in the sensitive or motor activity of a person. In case of visible violations, he appoints additional examination or treatment.

What tests are ordered

When assessing the patient's condition and to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease, the neurologist prescribes tests. For exact definition illness may require a vision or hearing test. The following types of analyzes can be assigned by a specialist:

  • general blood analysis;
  • ultrasound dopplerography of the neck, head;
  • electroencephalography;
  • brain MRI;
  • electroneuromyography.

What complaints are addressed to a neurologist

This doctor establishes a causal relationship between the nervous system and the pathological condition and prescribes treatment. Sometimes you just need to adjust a person's lifestyle to achieve the desired effect. The abundance of stressful everyday situations, poor environmental conditions are important factors in the manifestation of neurological diseases. The most common complaints people come to a neurologist with are:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • poor concentration;
  • constant bad mood;
  • conduct disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • sleep quality disorders;
  • constant feeling fear, anxiety.

What are the symptoms of a neurologist

The most important thing is to discover early symptoms, this will prevent the development of serious diseases. The combination of negative factors affecting a person, with an untimely appeal to a specialist, can aggravate the situation. A neurologist is consulted for symptoms such as:

What problems are being dealt with

The reasons for contacting a neurologist are a deterioration in the quality of human life. Chronic fatigue and overexertion in everyday life causes disorders of the cardiovascular system. This leads to hypotension (low blood pressure), hypertension (high blood pressure). It is fraught with the development of various metabolic disorders. The most important thing is to consult a doctor in time for help. The specialist will prescribe professional therapy, medication.

What does a neurologist treat in children?

The difference between a pediatric neurologist and an adult is that an adult doctor approaches the child with other methods of treatment. Parents of a child come with such problems: impaired concentration, inability to concentrate, poor performance at school. Any deviations or changes in behavior are a reason to visit a pediatric specialist. This is the first obligatory doctor who examines a newborn baby. It eliminates the risk of developing postpartum pathologies. A pediatric neurologist can help identify early problems in the development of the child, to prevent their occurrence.


Before you go to the doctor (in principle, this applies not only to this specialty), you should observe yourself. Each symptom that bothers you will need to be described in detail.

  • Are you worried about back pain? Specify their nature (aching, burning, shooting, etc.), localization (over the entire area or in some department), irradiation (whether they give off somewhere). Pay attention to their intensity (weak, medium, unbearable), time of occurrence, duration. As well as the conditions of occurrence and disappearance, connection with a certain position of the body.
    If you're worried It's a dull pain all over the back or in a certain section (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), rather weak or moderate, but prolonged, not associated with a certain position of the body, most likely, these are signs of osteochondrosis early stage. How to confirm the diagnosis - a banal x-ray - a study of the spine in two projections (anterior and lateral). What can you do yourself? Sleep only on a hard, flat surface (featherbeds and high pillows are cancelled), monitor your posture, do exercises aimed at strengthening the small muscles of the back, sign up for a massage. Actually the doctor will advise you the same. Why go to him then? Then in order not to miss more serious illness requiring special medications.
  • Are you haunted by high-intensity shooting pains that radiate to your leg or arm? They can be provoked by a change in body position and feel like electrical discharges? The matter is more serious. It looks like involvement in the process of the root of the spinal nerve, which comes out of the intervertebral foramen. Cause radicular syndrome can be anything that reduces the clearance of these holes. These are disc instability, hernias and others. vertebrogenic diseases. Again, you will need an x-ray of the spine in two projections, possibly computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. What can you do yourself? Take painkillers, try to do traction at home (but without fanaticism!). What will the doctor advise? In the absence of contraindications (plus to the above) - diuretic, anti-inflammatory tablets or injections. Very effective reflex and acupuncture for pain relief. In particular advanced cases an operation may be needed, but do not be afraid, mostly it is possible to cope with the trouble with conservative methods. After the nightmare is over, you will have to take full care of yourself. First of all, perform special exercises aimed at strengthening small muscles. spinal column, i.e. his "download". The main principle is the constancy of training. These can be classes in the pool, at the Evminov dispensary, according to the yoga system. The result will be noticeable very soon - you will feel lightness in your whole body, get rid of pain and acquire a chic posture.
  • Is your head spinning? Follow the following features - when does dizziness occur? When looking down, up, to the side. Maybe in a crowd when there are a lot of moving objects around? Or when you're just hungry? Is dizziness accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness? Does the noise in the ears and in the head come along with it by any chance?
  • Do you have sensations of rotation in a certain direction (left-right or back-and-forth)? Are they accompanied by imbalance and nausea? It's most likely a dysfunction. vestibular apparatus. There are several reasons for it. If short-term bouts of dizziness occur every time you change the position of the body (turning from side to side, tilting or tilting your head), you are dealing with so-called positional vertigo. It is associated with the formation of microscopic pebbles in the semicircular canals (organ of balance). Today, a technique has been developed with the help of which, with certain movements of the head, otoliths are removed into an insensitive zone. If rotational dizziness, vomiting, nausea develop acutely, a few days after infection of the upper respiratory tract, you were struck by vestibular neuritis. In this case, it is advisable to visit a neurologist as soon as possible to prescribe the appropriate treatment, which in this case is quite specific.
  • you have osteochondrosis cervical spine, as well as a hereditary tendency to vascular pathology? Have you been bothered by dizziness for several years, are they accompanied by periodic double vision, visual impairment? There is vertebrobasilar insufficiency. That is insufficient blood supply brainstem, which is fed from the vertebral arteries. If dizziness occurs when getting up abruptly, it may be due to the decrease in blood pressure that accompanies the transition from a horizontal to a vertical position. In this case, it is accompanied by a feeling of dizziness and fog in the head and does not require special treatment. Similarly, dizziness during fasting, associated with a decrease in blood sugar levels. The solution is obvious - to have a snack. If your dizziness does not have a rotational nature, it increases when walking and is associated with a feeling of instability, and also occurs in a certain situation (traveling in public transport, in a store, etc.), you may have encountered vegetative-vascular dystonia. The key to success in the fight against it is a healthy lifestyle, dosed physical activity.

What will the doctor do to more accurately determine the cause, and accordingly choose best method treatment.

Conduct provocative tests. A positive rotational test (you will be spun in a chair, then quickly stopped) speaks in favor of vestibular vertigo. If dizziness occurs during the transition to vertical position or after deep breathing, this indicates VVD.

It is possible that in some cases you will need to consult an otolaryngologist. Medications for the treatment of dizziness are serious enough, only a doctor can prescribe them. Their reception will not be long, since the decisive role belongs to the special vestibular gymnastics. Thanks to her, you will learn to control all your movements with the help of vision. They must be followed even if slight dizziness, because such gymnastics enhances the compensatory capabilities of the body. With severe symptoms, exercises are performed in bed, then standing and moving. Prevention of this disease is essential. Do not smoke (extremely bad nicotine affects the blood vessels that supply the brain), avoid banal SARS.

If you're worried about insomnia, before visiting your doctor, try a few effective remedies to combat it. The fact is that there are a lot of reasons for this ailment, but observe a number of general rules necessary in any case. So, keep the bedroom clean and tidy, ventilate the room at night. Do not sleep during the day, always go to bed at the same time, work out a "ritual of going to bed." Do not read or eat in bed, use it only for its intended purpose. Don't work out in the evening physical activity, but do not forget about them during the day, do not eat up at night. Use herbs to help yourself - put leaves of lavender, mint, rosemary in your pillow, but do not overdo it - control the smell. Mint and lemon balm teas will perfectly soothe and create a peaceful and cozy mood. Learn to relax quickly, this will help not only fall asleep, but also keep fit during the day. Don't be lazy, choose from huge amount existing methods of relaxation, the one that is right for you and rest without effort is provided to you! Should not be taken before bed hot bath or an invigorating shower, preferably a warm shower. If, nevertheless, you cannot fall asleep, do not scoff at the body - get up and get down to business. Will pull you to sleep again - lie down. And, of course, nicotine and caffeine continue to be one of the main enemies of sleep, limit their use. If all of the above measures are ineffective, contact a neurologist. Do not prescribe yourself sleeping pills - they are far from harmless and addictive.

Seizures - not just a familiar word to you? Observe in which muscles they appear, how long they last. Are they not spreading? What can you do before visiting the doctor? One of common causes The occurrence of seizures is a decrease in the amount of certain minerals in the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium. This means that you either eat little foods that contain them, or there are reasons in your body for insufficient absorption and / or excessive excretion of these macronutrients. Accordingly, start with the consumption of cottage cheese, milk, cheese (contain calcium), dried apricots, raisins, sea fish, beets, baked potatoes (rich in potassium), nuts, buckwheat porridge, legumes (sources of magnesium). Are the cramps continuing? Better visit a doctor. The problem of seizures is dealt with not only by neurologists, but also by therapists, endocrinologists. By and large, all causes of seizures can be divided into neurological and non-neurological. Definitely go to a neurologist if convulsions occur against the background of an altered consciousness, and also if they cover several muscle groups. most unpleasant reason seizures is epilepsy. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary special study- electroencephalogram. The main thing is not to be scared ahead of time, because its frequency in the population is less than 1%. Of the endocrinological pathology, the most common is the insufficiency of the function of the parathyroid glands. It can cause a decrease in the level of calcium in the blood, and, accordingly, seizures. In this case, to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood to the level of the corresponding hormones. Special Treatment will appoint a specialist depending on the cause of the disease.

A sharp look, a hammer, a needle.

Right from the doorstep, with a trained eye, the doctor will evaluate your gait and posture, changes in which can indicate a lot. After clarification of complaints, questioning about the course this disease and the presence of others, the doctor will go directly to objective examination. First, you will be closely examined for asymmetry of the face and body, the presence of atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the skin and muscles, hand tremors, and other no less important symptoms.

Next stage - research functions of the cranial nerves. As the name implies, they exit the cranial cavity and provide innervation to the head. In this way, you see, hear, taste, maintain balance, catch aromas thanks to the cranial nerves. And with their direct participation, you squint and wonder, chew and swallow, laugh, and, of course, kiss. During the examination, the neurologist uses special tools - a hammer and a needle. First you need to follow the hammer with your eyes, without turning your head - up, down, to the sides and to the tip of the nose. This is how functions are explored oculomotor nerves. For some reason, this part of the program usually brings a smile to young patients. Then relax - the doctor will check the vivacity of normal reflexes on the face and make sure that there are no pathological ones. Now work hard again - you must follow commands like the following: “wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows, wrinkle your nose, bare your teeth, show your tongue, say “A”. These tasks serve mainly to establish the scope of functioning of the main motor nerve - the facial one. To study the sensitivity on the face, the neurologist will prick you with a needle in symmetrical zones. At this time, you will focus on the sensations and will report whether you feel the same intensity of injections.

Further events - a revision of the motor sphere. Includes the study of muscle strength, tone and reflexes. To determine the strength, the doctor will ask you to perform some active action- such as shaking hands with him or resisting hip flexion. Muscle tone is examined on limbs completely relaxed by you with the help of passive movements. Then the reflexes are evoked with the help of a hammer. Are checked deep reflexes from the arms and legs, including from the feet. To do this, the doctor strikes with a hammer on certain tendons. Induction of the knee jerk is the most well-known part of the neurological examination. Of the superficial reflexes, the neurologist is most often interested in abdominal reflexes (a needle is applied with a dashed irritation on the skin of the abdomen).

Sensitivity testing awaits you now. It is carried out in the same way as on the face: with the help of a needle in symmetrical parts of the trunk and limbs. In some cases, tactile sensitivity is additionally studied with the help of cotton wool, temperature - with test tubes different temperatures. The doctor will then ask you to close your eyes and indicate which way he points your finger. This is a test of musculo-articular feeling. The three-dimensional-spatial sense is explored as follows: a neurologist draws figures, numbers, etc. on your skin, and you eyes closed you tell me exactly what.

If necessary, you will be checked for paravertebral (paravertebral) pain points and symptoms of spinal nerve root tension. For back pain, this is a must.

The next issue of the program is the study of coordination of movements. For a few seconds you will stand in the Romberg position - heels and toes together, hands forward, eyes closed. Ideally, you should stand straight, not deviating or staggering. Then the doctor will ask you to put your index finger into the tip of the nose slowly (in turn with both hands) - the so-called finger-nose test. If meningitis is suspected, meningeal signs are checked. The final stage is the search for violations of intelligence and memory (if there is a reason for such).

And finally, the doctor will announce the "verdict" - put provisional diagnosis and schedule tests if necessary. If the diagnosis is clear, you will immediately receive recommendations for treatment. We wish you health!

20 reasons to visit a neurologist

headache backache convulsions tics sleep disturbance
dizziness swallowing disorder fainting spells and fainting facial asymmetry tearfulness
noise in the ears and head voice change numbness various parts body weakness in arms and legs irritability
double vision unsteadiness when walking memory impairment inability to move in any part of the body lability of blood pressure numbers

And 5 do it urgently

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First of all, we will define the concepts. So, what is a neurologist and is he different from a neurologist? A neurologist studies the functioning of the human nervous system in normal and pathological conditions. A neurologist is a doctor who treats nervous diseases. Thus, a neurologist is a broader concept, but recently these terms have begun to be used as synonyms. Today, a doctor who specializes in the study of nervous diseases is qualified as a "neurologist". So we go to see him.

Severe headache accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness
Sudden loss of sensation or voluntary movement in any part of the body
Traumatic brain injury and spinal injury


Book a Neurologist

Neurologist's consultation

Consultation neurologist is one of the stages of diagnosis. In most cases, patients are referred to this specialist by other doctors, suspecting neurological disorders. The duration of the consultation may vary depending on the symptoms present and medical history.

In general, the consultation includes the following steps:

  • Collection of anamnesis. At this stage, the doctor simply asks the patient about his symptoms and complaints. For example, in the presence of pain, the neurologist specifies their nature, frequency, duration, connection with certain stimuli.

  • genetic predisposition. Many neurological diseases ( Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, epilepsy, etc.) have genetic predisposition. The neurologist usually asks the patient if he has direct relatives with a similar diagnosis, or at least with similar symptoms. Therefore, before the consultation, it is desirable to collect such information.
  • Assessment of reflexes. A person has many unconditioned reflexes that reflect the efficiency of the nervous system. The most common are knee and elbow. For children, there are their own research criteria, since each age has its own limits of the norm.
  • specific tests. There are other ways to examine the nervous system that a doctor can suggest. As a rule, they concern the study of vision, smell, coordination of movements or speech skills. These tests are painless and not too tiring. The neurologist selects those of them in which he expects certain deviations.
As a rule, the consultation ends with the appointment of tests or examinations that will confirm or refute the doctor's preliminary assumptions. The patient comes to the re-appointment with the results of the tests. If treatment has been prescribed, it is advisable to see a doctor after the course to evaluate the results.

Can I make an appointment by phone or online? electronic record)?

Most clinics and treatment centers provide an opportunity to make an appointment with specialists on the Internet or by phone. Currently, this practice exists not only in private, but also in many public institutions.

Can I ask a neurologist a question online?

Many sites provide an opportunity to consult with various experts on the Internet. Unfortunately, consultation with a neurologist in this format will be ineffective. This doctor must evaluate many indicators himself ( reflexes, patient movements, facial expressions, etc.). Therefore, all advice from a neurologist on the Internet will be general, and for the appointment of treatment, you still have to go to the reception.

Does a neurologist come for a home visit?

Some private clinics may send patients a neurologist to their homes for consultation. Also in many large cities you can find neurologists with private medical practice. As a rule, such visits are more expensive and less effective, since the doctor at home does not have all the necessary tools and devices at hand.

What does a neurologist look at and check during a consultation?

Survey different patients may proceed differently. There are many different neurological tests and other criteria that reflect the work of a particular part of the nervous system. At the appointment, the doctor chooses those research methods that can help with the diagnosis of a particular patient. There is simply not enough time to conduct all the tests. The specialist will proceed from the symptoms and complaints of the patient.

Most often, during a consultation, a neurologist does the following checks:

  • eye movements ( amplitude, uniformity, synchronous head rotation, etc.);
  • facial expression ( symmetry of muscle contraction);
  • sensitivity ( by tingling in different areas);
  • coordination of movements with open and closed eyes ( for example, put a finger to your nose or stand on one leg);
  • muscle tone ( passive and active limb movements);
  • spatial sensations do things with your eyes closed);
  • study of thinking and memory ( memorizing pictures, logic puzzles and etc.).
During the consultation, the neurologist closely monitors the patient, as even little things can indicate violations. For example, if one half of the face is more reddened, or one half of the body is sweating more. Experienced doctor the gait or posture of the patient can also tell a lot.

For children, there are other examination criteria, many of which are known and applied by a pediatrician or family doctor for preventive examination.

With what complaints and symptoms should I go to see a neurologist?

There are quite a few various symptoms, which indicate probable problems with the nervous system. But most of them are quite rare. More often, such diseases cause disturbances in the work of other organs, and the patient first gets to other specialists. The safest thing to do if you have any health problems is to contact your general practitioner, family doctor, or simply call ambulance if the patient's condition is alarming. These specialists will refer the patient to a neurologist as needed.

The following symptoms clearly indicate disorders in the work of the central nervous system:

  • Convulsive seizures. Even one attack is enough to refer the patient to a neurologist for a preventive examination ( rule out epilepsy).
  • Double vision or other distorted perception Images. Usually patients go to an ophthalmologist, but a clear double vision usually indicates that the brain does not correctly perceive the information received from the eyes.
  • Asymmetric muscle work. If the muscles of one half of the body are tense and the other half are relaxed, this often indicates problems with the brain. In addition, attention is paid to the asymmetry of the face, which is controlled by facial muscles.
  • Memory losses. Memory is controlled directly by the brain, so any problems remembering information or processing it ( logical thinking, etc.) indicate neurological problems.
  • Sleep disorders. It is neurologists who treat insomnia, since sleep is controlled by the brain.
  • Paralysis. If the patient loses control of a limb or limbs, the problem most often lies at the level of the brain or spinal cord.
  • Coordination disorders. wobbly gait or uncertain movements of the limbs - a clear neurological symptom. They are explained by the fact that the brain does not control the position of the body in space.
  • Muscle weakness. If weakness is not due to prolonged illness, starvation or other objective reason, the problem may lie in the innervation of the muscles.
  • Headache. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, this symptom is not of a neurological nature. But if there are no visible reasons, and the pain is severe, you need to contact a neurologist.
There are other neurological symptoms related to unusual disturbances in vision, hearing, smell, or skin sensitivity. Some people, for example, lose the ability to speak ( alexia) or write ( agraphia). However, even in the practice of a neurologist, such disorders are very rare.

Which doctor gives a referral for examination to a neurologist?

Disorders in the functioning of the nervous system can mimic the symptoms of a variety of diseases. Profile specialists, not finding the expected diagnosis, often refer the patient to an appointment with a neurologist.

Most often, the following doctors give a referral to a neurologist:

  • therapist;
  • traumatologist;
  • neonatologist;
  • family doctor.
Sometimes, in the presence of severe neurological symptoms, the patient can be taken directly to the neurological department by ambulance.

How many times per month in year) Should I visit a neurologist?

A neurologist is a specialist with a rather narrow profile, so healthy adults do not regularly visit him for a consultation. For prevention, routine medical examinations or consultations with a general practitioner are sufficient ( therapist, family doctor, etc.). They refer patients to a neurologist only when they suspect certain problems. But patients suffering from chronic neurological diseases ( Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease, etc.) or who have had a stroke, consultations are needed frequently and over a long period of time.
  • at 1 month;
  • at 3 months;
  • at 6 months;
  • at 1 year;
  • further as needed ( the doctor will tell you how often you need to see).
For children, consultation with a neurologist is important, as he can determine the level of development of the child, which sometimes helps to detect hidden pathologies. However, in the absence of any violations, the doctor usually himself says that in the near future consultations are no longer required.

Do pregnant women need a medical examination by a neurologist?

Most pregnant women do not need a mandatory medical examination by a neurologist. Symptoms such as headache or nausea are usually explained not by problems with the nervous system, but by hormonal changes or moderate intoxication of the body. In the absence of serious neurological problems, the timely delivery of all necessary analyzes and observation by the attending physician.

Mandatory consultation of a neurologist during pregnancy may be necessary in the following cases:

  • in the presence of a past traumatic brain injury;
  • with the onset of typical neurological symptoms ( pronounced violations sleep, sensory disturbances, paralysis, etc.);
  • in the presence of chronic neurological diseases ( epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, migraine, etc.).
Pain in the lower back or back, which also often bothers women during pregnancy, is also usually not a neurological problem. They occur due to the mechanical load on the spine ( shift in the center of gravity of the body as the fetus grows).

Do they undergo a medical examination by a neurologist in the military registration and enlistment office?

Medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is mandatory procedure, but a neurologist is usually not a mandatory member of the commission. The main doctors in this case are the internist, surgeon, dermatologist, otolaryngologist, psychiatrist and optometrist. They may suspect some neurological pathologies and give a referral for a separate examination by a neurologist. With many diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system, they are not taken into the army, as this can aggravate the patient's condition.

Are there medical examinations by a neurologist in kindergarten and at school?

The medical board in kindergartens and schools almost always includes an examination by a neurologist. Unfortunately, looking a large number of children for a short time, even a good specialist can not always reveal hidden pathologies. If the child has any problems, it is best to report them to the caregivers at kindergarten or teachers at school. They will be able to warn the doctor, and the child will be given more attention during the examination.

During a medical examination in educational institutions they do not conduct diagnostic measures and do not prescribe treatment. A neurologist performs a standard set of tests to look for certain symptoms. When they are found, he simply gives direction for a more thorough examination.

How does a neurologist make a diagnosis?

It is very difficult to diagnose neurological diseases due to the wide variety of symptoms and the similarity of manifestations. That is why neurologists must be highly qualified specialists. Diagnosis begins with the collection of information about the patient's disease. For confirmation, there are various laboratory and instrumental studies.

The neurologist most often does not conduct everything himself diagnostic procedures. He decides which examinations are necessary for a particular patient, and then directs him to the appropriate specialists. After the examination, the doctor evaluates the results and decides whether they confirm the previously assumed diagnosis. It should be noted that the diagnosis of some neurological diseases can take a long time ( weeks and months).

Diagnostic methods

Conventionally, diagnostic methods are usually divided into several groups. The first one is aimed at visualization of various structural disorders. The second one is on functional problems (for example, the study of the speed of impulse conduction, etc.). The third group includes various laboratory research, in which blood or tissues of the patient's body are taken as the test material.

Most often in neurology resort to the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Electroencephalography. This method is to register electrical activity brain. For some diseases epilepsy, migraine, etc.) are characterized by certain changes in the results of the study, which allows you to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Electroneuromyography. This method is aimed at the study of peripheral nerves. With its help, the doctor evaluates the speed of the impulse along the nerve and its transmission to the muscle. Electroneuromyography is important in the diagnosis of myodystrophy and diseases accompanied by paralysis.
  • X-ray. With x-rays, doctors can in general terms examine the structure of the skull and brain. Especially often this study is prescribed after traumatic brain injury.
  • CT scan. This method, like X-ray, involves the use of x-ray radiation to get an image. However, the accuracy of a CT scan increases significantly, and the doctor can recognize smaller defects.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. In neurology, this research method is considered one of the most accurate. In addition to a clear image of tissues, it helps to see how different parts of the cerebral cortex work ( in functional MRI mode). This greatly facilitates the diagnosis of various brain lesions.
  • Dopplerography. At this method ultrasound beams are used, with the help of which the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the brain is estimated. This helps to detect aneurysms of cerebral vessels, atherosclerotic processes, various congenital anomalies in the development of blood vessels.
  • Laboratory tests. The work of the nervous system can be influenced by the most different substances. Biochemical research methods help to detect hormones or abnormal proteins in the blood. Microbiological methods important when infectious lesions nervous system.
Thus, in the arsenal of a neurologist there are many different diagnostic methods. Of course, I prescribe to individual patients only those examinations that can help confirm their diagnosis. Sometimes the doctor asks the patient to undergo the same examination several times ( e.g. before, during and after the end of a course of treatment) to assess the effectiveness of treatment or the rate of disease progression.


X-ray examination is the most common method aimed at detecting various structural lesions. Best seen on x-ray dense fabrics, skull bones. Sometimes injected into the patient's bloodstream contrast agents so that one or another vessel is clearly visible in the picture. This allows you to detect cerebral aneurysms. In general, in neurology, x-rays are not very informative. MRI is much more reliable than MRI for examining soft tissues.

Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most informative research methods in neurology. It allows you to accurately examine the structure of the brain tissue, to see the vessels and membranes of the brain. Neurologists often order an MRI to detect small tumors brain, assessment of damage in traumatic brain injury. This method of research is also very expensive, and it is not possible to pass it in all hospitals. MRI is contraindicated in patients with metal implants, as in a strong magnetic field inside the device, the metal heats up and can be attracted.

What tests and examinations can a neurologist prescribe?

There are various ways to assess the state of the nervous system. Almost all patients with suspected serious pathologies will be in without fail a blood test and a urinalysis are prescribed, as they provide information about the work of the body as a whole. There are also many specific analyses. For example, it may be necessary to determine the level of certain hormones in the blood, to isolate proteins characteristic of certain pathologies, etc. Most often, blood is taken for analysis, but the most informative material for research in neurology is cerebrospinal fluid.
To receive it, patients make a puncture - they pierce the disc between the vertebrae in the lumbar region with a special needle. The procedure is quite painful and may have a number of side effects after the procedure ( dizziness, nausea, etc.).

Spinal puncture provides the following information important for diagnosis:

  • indirectly shows the level of intracranial pressure;
  • allows detecting bleeding in the brain ( then erythrocytes are found in the liquid);
  • allows during microbiological analysis detect CNS infections encephalitis, meningitis, etc.);
  • in the cerebrospinal fluid, substances specific for certain neurological diseases can be isolated.
The study of cerebrospinal fluid is more informative, since the blood does not come into direct contact with the substance of the brain. It does not include all substances or microorganisms that may be under the meninges.

Why do you need an odorous neurologist kit?

In neurology, there are several studies aimed at examining the organs of perception. One of them is called olfactometry. It aims to evaluate the patient's sense of smell. For examination, the doctor takes a special set of odorous substances. The patient sniffs them and chooses from several response options what kind of smell was offered to him. For the test, easily recognizable odors are usually taken ( mint, cinnamon, etc.). In some patients, due to injuries, tumors, or other problems, the normal perception of smells is impaired. They confuse the proposed smells or do not feel them at all. This test is diagnostic. If the ENT doctor does not find abnormalities at the level of the sinuses, the neurologist will examine in more detail the parts of the brain responsible for smell.

How does a neurologist check reflexes and muscle tone?

Reflexes are the response of the nervous system to external stimuli. During the examination, neurologists usually check for tendon reflexes, which are manifested by contractions of various muscles. At healthy people reflexes are present and the procedure for checking them is completely painless.

Most often, during the examination, the following reflexes are checked:

  • Patella. Light hammer blow kneecap makes the leg straighten slightly.
  • Achilles tendon. A light blow to the Achilles tendon leads to a slight deviation of the foot to the side.
  • Biceps muscle. Tapping the biceps near the antecubital fossa leads to muscle contraction and flexion of the arm.
Children have other reflexes. For example, when tapping on certain places on the abdomen, reflex emptying of the bladder or intestines can be induced. As the child grows older, these reflexes disappear.

Neurologist's office equipment

Currently, the minimum equipment of the neurologist's office is regulated by the relevant order of the Ministry of Health. Rules may vary slightly different countries, but the basic set of equipment and tools remains unchanged.

The office of a neurologist must have the following furniture and equipment:

  • cabinet for storing documents and equipment;
  • couch for examination of patients;
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • thermometer and tonometer;
  • neurological hammer;
  • tuning fork ( for the study of hearing and sensitivity to vibration);
  • standard set of odorous substances;
  • negatoscope ( special screen on the wall for viewing x-rays).

Treatment by a neurologist

In neurology, doctors use a variety of treatments. The most common so-called conservative treatment, treatment with various medicines. Many patients are also prescribed physiotherapy procedures. In severe structural disorders, it may be necessary to surgical intervention on the spinal cord or brain.

The neurologist always chooses the tactics of treatment after confirming the diagnosis. Self-treatment neurological pathologies usually not only does not give positive result, but it can be downright dangerous. Moreover, even physicians family doctors and other generalists most often do not undertake to prescribe to patients with neurological disorders. This is due to some isolation of neurology from other areas of medicine.

What does a neurologist treat in adults?

Each age is characterized by certain neurological pathologies. In adults, various neuroses and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system are very common. In addition, among adults, various injuries are more common, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system ( industrial, car accidents, etc.).

The most common neurological problems in adults are:

  • epilepsy;
  • chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis.
Many of these diseases appear due to more intense loads, exposure to various harmful factors, as well as against the background of age-related degenerative changes.

What drugs ( pills and injections) prescribed by a neurologist?

The range of drugs that a neurologist works with is very wide. AT metabolic processes occurring in the brain and nervous tissue, in principle, many various substances. Currently, almost all of them are synthesized artificially by pharmacological companies. Thanks to this, neurologists can influence the body in the necessary way.

In neurology, the following groups of drugs can be used:

  • sedatives ( sedatives). Used for excessive psychomotor agitation, psychosis and neuroses. The most common benzodiazepines ( diazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam). They are also used to relieve seizures.
  • Muscle relaxants. This group drugs help to relax the muscles. They are, for example, prescribed for infringement of the roots of the spinal nerve to reduce pain. From this group, midokalm, baclosan are often prescribed.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow in the vessels of the brain. This group includes, for example, cerebrolysin, cavinton, mexidol.
  • Antidepressants. This group affects the areas of the brain responsible for activity, positive thinking, pleasure, etc. They are prescribed to patients with signs of depression. The most commonly used are amitriptyline and cipralex.
  • Antiepileptic drugs. These drugs are prescribed to patients with epilepsy to reduce the frequency of seizures and relieve symptoms. The most common drugs in this group are chloral hydrate, suxilep, finlepsin.
  • Antiparkinsonian drugs ( DOPA system). This group of drugs is designed specifically for patients with Parkinson's disease. Their intake slows down the progression of symptoms. Antiparkinsonian drugs include pronoran, requip, levodopa.
  • Sleeping drugs. This group of drugs is used for various violations sleep. Patients with this problem may be prescribed phenobarbital, reslip, melaxen.
  • nootropic drugs. This group of drugs improves metabolism in brain tissues. They are often prescribed after strokes, memory impairment and other functional disorders. To nootropic drugs include, for example, piracetam, phenibut, vinpocetine, glycine.
  • Vitamins. Basically, at neurological diseases as general tonic prescribe B vitamins neurobion, vitamin B12, etc.).
If necessary, patients may also be prescribed painkillers ( from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to morphine and its analogues). Also, with problems with the vessels of the brain in preventive purposes may prescribe drugs that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

All of the above groups of drugs have wide range various side effects. In this regard, many of them are issued in pharmacies only by prescription. Self-administration of these funds is fraught with serious problems.

What are blockades for?

Blockades with painkillers are one of the methods for treating local pain syndrome. The procedure is an injection of one or more drugs ( usually

3 - violations of urination (and defecation),

4 - increase in body temperature;

5 - treatment in the past by a neurologist (or neurosurgeon);

6 - if you are allergic to any medicines(or their intolerance), including intolerance to any examination methods (for example, when performing MRI / CT - claustrophobia) and conservative non-drug methods treatment (for example, physiotherapeutic procedures cause an increase in blood pressure or contact dermatitis);

7 - previous operations and methods of anesthesia used during their performance (narcosis, epidural anesthesia, etc.);

8 - past infections in childhood, in adolescence (which he can also check with your parents or relatives) and adulthood;

9 - as well as the state of your "mood" (emotional background and emotional reactions), the state of sleep, appetite, memory state, the presence of headaches, back pain; about how you deal with professional skills.

On the initial appointment at the neurologist's doctor, you will tell what worries you, how long ago the complaints appeared. Then the doctor will conduct a neurological examination, where he will check how your nervous system is functioning. Then appoint necessary examination to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of any neurological disease requires, first of all, the establishment correct diagnosis. If the diagnosis is clear, then treatment will be prescribed immediately. Based on the results of the examination at the second consultation, the doctor, if necessary, will adjust the treatment, and will observe you during the treatment process, if necessary, appoint consultations of other doctors (ophthalmologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.). The neurologist should give you information about modern diagnostic methods, where they can be taken, and orient you in terms of prices and quality. Having this information, you will choose the most suitable examination option for you.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe an individual course of treatment, taking into account your individual features and existing problems. It is good if a neurologist has a specialization in restorative medicine and can prescribe complex treatment which combines both drug and non-drug forms of exposure. If necessary, the doctor will select the necessary physiotherapy treatment for you, which will reduce the drug load on the body and shorten the rehabilitation period.

With pain syndromes, sometimes right at the reception, the doctor can make a blockade to reduce the pain syndrome.

Sometimes, with a number of neurological problems or after injuries, when neuropathy develops, electrical muscle stimulation is necessary.

If you are interested in spa treatment, the doctor should inform you in detail about the most suitable resort, taking into account concomitant diseases.

The attending neurologist writes an individual treatment program for you and monitors your condition during the course of treatment and rehabilitation.

The nature of the neurological pathology, whether it be a headache, autonomic disorders, pain in the spine, anything - provides for an active position, both for the doctor and the patient himself. Only such joint cooperation will achieve results.

Responsible for you and the state of your health, the doctor, in turn, expects from you complete and clearly formulated information about what worries you, about the history of your disease. We are especially interested in whether or not you have an intolerance or hypersensitivity to any form of medication and non-drug treatment, allergic reactions, concomitant diseases (some of them exclude the use of certain forms and methods of therapeutic effects). Do your close relatives have neurological diseases and which ones.

Why are face-to-face consultations with a neurologist necessary?

It is important not to choose medicines on your own. Do not drink what was prescribed to a neighbor or friend with similar complaints. Because the treatment may be different. All the nuances of your problem and your condition can only be assessed by a doctor at an in-person consultation. In addition, the drug market is constantly replenished with new modern means. Not always the cost determines the quality of the drug, and even more so - the need to take it for you. Only a doctor can choose the optimal dosage of the drug, providing the lowest possible risk of side effects and maximum efficiency in your case. Only a specialist can use the complex drug therapy, in which the simultaneous use of several drugs mutually enhances the effect of each, allowing you to reduce dosages, and hence the risk of side effects. Remember that the risk of side effects listed in the instructions varies. To determine the probability of each individual person requires the experience of using the drug and the scientific data of colleagues.


It's important to know! Scientists in Israel have already found a way to dissolve cholesterol plaques in blood vessels with a special organic substance AL Protector BV, which is released from the butterfly.

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What diseases does a neurologist treat and for what symptoms should one consult him?

Who is a neurologist

The central nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system is represented by various structures connecting the central nervous system with various organs and tissues. The nervous system regulates the activity of all body systems and responds to changes in the conditions of the internal and external environment.

The science of neurology studies diseases of the nervous system, and a neurologist diagnoses neurological diseases and prescribes methods for their treatment. The human nervous system is involved in the development of many diseases, which exacerbates them. clinical picture. It is for this reason that many doctors refer their patients to a neurologist to adjust their prescribed treatment.

What does a neurologist treat?

Diseases of the nervous system are very diverse. They are based on:

Most often, a neurologist is treated for migraines. This disease is characterized by bouts of severe headache, which is often unilateral. More than 75% of residents of large cities regularly face such a problem.

Also a very common problem are diseases of the autonomic nervous system. They manifest themselves in the form of jumps in blood pressure, pain in the chest on the left, chronic fatigue, dizziness, anxiety and fear. More than half of the population of our planet complains about these phenomena.

In addition, a neurologist treats intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and vegetative-vascular dystonia; pinching of nerve fibers; concussions and their consequences. People who suffer from epilepsy, cerebrovascular insufficiency, strokes, memory disorders, neuritis and polyneuropathies also turn to this specialist.

Another field of activity of a neurologist is the complications of osteochondrosis, encephalitis of various origins and neoplasms in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Referral to a neurologist for degenerative conditions of NS, such as senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease.

During the initial visit to a neurologist, the specialist will need to ask the person in detail about complaints, that is, to collect an anamnesis of the disease. An experienced doctor can already assess the patient's condition only by gait and movements. But, a careful examination is necessary: ​​visual, tactile and with the help of tools to make a diagnosis. To assess some reflexes, the state of the muscles will require you to remove some clothing. So, how is the appointment with a neurologist:

What diagnostic methods are used by a neurologist

  • examination of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • electrophysiological testing of muscle potentials (electroneuromyography);
  • radiography of the skull and spine, other parts of the body;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels;
  • electroencephalography;
  • ultrasound (Doppler) examination of cerebral vessels;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

What treatments are used by a neurologist

The methods of treating a patient with a neurologist, as with any doctor, can be divided into medical, surgical, additional. The drugs used in the pathologies of the nervous system are different, depending on the cause and mechanism of the disease. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, which improve blood circulation and microcirculation, affect memory, sleeping pills, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives, and many others are used.

Neoplasms of the nervous system are surgically removed, in addition, neurosurgeons perform operations on altered vessels. Additional methods of treatment include numerous methods of physiotherapy. Many illnesses require psychotherapy. Neurologists also use very effective acupuncture, different kinds massage (vacuum massage, acupressure), physiotherapy exercises.

Neurological diseases are not yet fully understood medical science and practice, the causes and mechanisms of development of many of them are unknown to specialists. However, a wide range of methods of influencing the nervous system often makes it possible to cure the disease or significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

Questions and answers on the topic "Neurologist"

Question: Hello! I am 46 years old, major fire brigade. Half a year ago, I noticed difficulties in writing, namely, it became problematic to write two or three words. After a minute or two there is pain in the middle of the hand and from the wrist to the elbow. According to read on the internet, according to the description it is "Writing spasm." What should I do and how can I fix this?

Question: I am 42 years old, every day my arms go numb to the elbow, then they start to ache, I can’t do anything around the house. I feel dizzy, and most importantly, what prevents me from living: when walking, it seems to me that I am stepping on something soft, I feel that someone is pushing me to the sides, I am falling somewhere, there is a feeling that I am on a ship and I shakes. Nobody says anything, don't know what to do.

How is an appointment with a neurologist

What is neurology?

Neurology is a field of medical knowledge that studies the structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous system under normal conditions and in a number of pathological conditions, as well as developing methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing major neurological diseases.

What is a neurologist?

A neurologist (neuropathologist) is a specialist who has received a higher medical education and completed an internship in neurology. The main goal of a neurologist is the diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the human nervous system.

When is it necessary to consult a neurologist?

Among the main symptoms of neurological pathology, there are:

Pain syndrome of various localization and intensity,

General condition disorders: frequent dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disturbances, daytime sleepiness or nighttime insomnia, general weakness, increased fatigue, decreased attention, memory and concentration,

Local sensitivity disorders (coldness, numbness, burning sensation in the extremities, a feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin, increased (hyperesthesia) or vice versa reduced (hypesthesia) sensitivity of certain parts of the body),

Balance disorders, weakness in the limbs,

Episodes of loss of consciousness (including with convulsive seizures),

Twitching of individual muscle groups,

Changes in the speech and emotional sphere (slurred speech, difficulty in reproducing or remembering someone else's speech, feeling of anxiety, irritability, mood lability).

How is an appointment with a neurologist?

The initial appointment with a neurologist begins with the collection of complaints with which the patient turned to the doctor. During the interview, the neurologist asks a number of basic questions, including age, marital status, lifestyle, presence of bad habits type of human activity. In the presence of preliminary medical documentation, the neurologist will get acquainted with the patient's medical history and the results of previously performed examination methods.

Clinical neurological examination (primary examination) is a step-by-step study of the function of the nervous system, based on the nature of the symptoms of the disease. It is also advisable to study the general neurological condition of the patient, including an assessment of the functions of the cranial nerves, their sensory and motor characteristics; detection of speech disorders, coordination of movements, balance; general motor activity and changes in emotional sphere. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional instrumental examinations, such as radiography, electroneuromyography, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, and others. After a thorough and comprehensive examination of the patient, the neurologist establishes accurate diagnosis and starts treating the patient.

The necessity of consulting a neurologist lies in the fact that the nervous system, being the unifying link of all other body systems, is very sensitive to different kind disorders and untimely diagnosis can have severe Negative consequences up to the patient's disability.

To get an online consultation with a neurologist, fill out the form at the link. Consultations are free and do not require registration. However, they cannot replace an in-person visit. If you need an immediate consultation, make an appointment.

Neurologist. How is the consultation with a neurologist? Diagnosis and treatment by a neurologist. Jokes about neurologists

Book a Neurologist

Neurologist's consultation

  • Collection of anamnesis. At this stage, the doctor simply asks the patient about his symptoms and complaints. For example, in the presence of pain, the neurologist specifies their nature, frequency, duration, connection with certain stimuli.
  • genetic predisposition. Many neurological diseases ( Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, epilepsy, etc.) have a genetic predisposition. The neurologist usually asks the patient if he has direct relatives with a similar diagnosis, or at least with similar symptoms. Therefore, before the consultation, it is desirable to collect such information.
  • Assessment of reflexes. A person has many unconditioned reflexes that reflect the efficiency of the nervous system. The most common are knee and elbow. For children, there are their own research criteria, since each age has its own limits of the norm.
  • specific tests. There are other ways to examine the nervous system that a doctor can suggest. As a rule, they concern the study of vision, smell, coordination of movements or speech skills. These tests are painless and not too tiring. The neurologist selects those of them in which he expects certain deviations.

As a rule, the consultation ends with the appointment of tests or examinations that will confirm or refute the doctor's preliminary assumptions. The patient comes to the re-appointment with the results of the tests. If treatment has been prescribed, it is advisable to see a doctor after the course to evaluate the results.

Can I make an appointment by phone or online? electronic record)?

Can I ask a neurologist a question online?

Does a neurologist come for a home visit?

What does a neurologist look at and check during a consultation?

  • eye movements ( amplitude, uniformity, synchronous head rotation, etc.);
  • facial expression ( symmetry of muscle contraction);
  • sensitivity ( by tingling in different areas);
  • coordination of movements with open and closed eyes ( for example, put a finger to your nose or stand on one leg);
  • muscle tone ( passive and active limb movements);
  • spatial sensations do things with your eyes closed);
  • study of thinking and memory ( memorization of pictures, logical puzzles, etc.).

During the consultation, the neurologist closely monitors the patient, as even little things can indicate violations. For example, if one half of the face is more reddened, or one half of the body is sweating more. An experienced doctor can also tell a lot about the gait or posture of the patient.

With what complaints and symptoms should I go to see a neurologist?

  • Convulsive seizures. Even one attack is enough to refer the patient to a neurologist for a preventive examination ( rule out epilepsy).
  • Double vision or other distorted image perception. Typically, patients go to an ophthalmologist, but a clear double vision usually indicates that the brain does not correctly perceive the information received from the eyes.
  • Asymmetric muscle work. If the muscles of one half of the body are tense and the other half are relaxed, this often indicates problems with the brain. In addition, attention is paid to the asymmetry of the face, which is controlled by facial muscles.
  • Memory losses. Memory is controlled directly by the brain, so any problems remembering information or processing it ( logical thinking, etc.) indicate neurological problems.
  • Sleep disorders. It is neurologists who treat insomnia, since sleep is controlled by the brain.
  • Paralysis. If the patient loses control of a limb or limbs, the problem most often lies at the level of the brain or spinal cord.
  • Coordination disorders. A wobbly gait or unsteady movements of the limbs is a clear neurological symptom. They are explained by the fact that the brain does not control the position of the body in space.
  • Muscle weakness. If the weakness is not related to long-term illness, hunger, or another objective reason, the problem may lie in the innervation of the muscles.
  • Headache. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, this symptom is not of a neurological nature. But if there are no visible reasons, and the pain is severe, you need to contact a neurologist.

There are other neurological symptoms related to unusual disturbances in vision, hearing, smell, or skin sensitivity. Some people, for example, lose the ability to speak ( alexia) or write ( agraphia). However, even in the practice of a neurologist, such disorders are very rare.

Which doctor gives a referral for examination to a neurologist?

  • therapist;
  • traumatologist;
  • pediatrician;
  • neonatologist;
  • family doctor.

Sometimes, in the presence of severe neurological symptoms, the patient can be taken directly to the neurological department by ambulance.

How many times per month in year) Should I visit a neurologist?

  • at 1 month;
  • at 3 months;
  • at 6 months;
  • at 1 year;
  • further as needed ( the doctor will tell you how often you need to see).

For children, consultation with a neurologist is important, as he can determine the level of development of the child, which sometimes helps to detect hidden pathologies. However, in the absence of any violations, the doctor usually himself says that in the near future consultations are no longer required.

Do pregnant women need a medical examination by a neurologist?

  • in the presence of a past traumatic brain injury;
  • with the onset of typical neurological symptoms ( severe sleep disturbances, sensory disturbances, paralysis, etc.);
  • in the presence of chronic neurological diseases ( epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, migraine, etc.).

Pain in the lower back or back, which also often bothers women during pregnancy, is also usually not a neurological problem. They occur due to the mechanical load on the spine ( shift in the center of gravity of the body as the fetus grows).

Do they undergo a medical examination by a neurologist in the military registration and enlistment office?

Are there medical examinations by a neurologist in kindergarten and at school?

How does a neurologist make a diagnosis?

Diagnostic methods

  • Electroencephalography. This method consists in recording the electrical activity of the brain. For some diseases epilepsy, migraine, etc.) are characterized by certain changes in the results of the study, which allows you to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Electroneuromyography. This method is aimed at the study of peripheral nerves. With its help, the doctor evaluates the speed of the impulse along the nerve and its transmission to the muscle. Electroneuromyography is important in the diagnosis of myodystrophy and diseases accompanied by paralysis.
  • X-ray. Using x-rays, doctors can examine the structure of the skull and brain in general terms. Especially often this study is prescribed after traumatic brain injury.
  • CT scan. This method, like x-rays, involves the use of x-rays to obtain an image. However, the accuracy at computed tomography increases significantly, and the doctor can recognize smaller defects.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. In neurology, this research method is considered one of the most accurate. In addition to a clear image of tissues, it helps to see how different parts of the cerebral cortex work ( in functional MRI mode). This greatly facilitates the diagnosis of various brain lesions.
  • Dopplerography. With this method, ultrasonic rays are used, with the help of which the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the brain is estimated. This helps to detect aneurysms of cerebral vessels, atherosclerotic processes, various congenital anomalies in the development of blood vessels.
  • Laboratory tests. A variety of substances can affect the functioning of the nervous system. Biochemical research methods help to detect hormones or abnormal proteins in the blood. Microbiological methods are important in infectious lesions of the nervous system.

Thus, in the arsenal of a neurologist there are many different diagnostic methods. Of course, I prescribe to individual patients only those examinations that can help confirm their diagnosis. Sometimes the doctor asks the patient to undergo the same examination several times ( e.g. before, during and after the end of a course of treatment) to assess the effectiveness of treatment or the rate of disease progression.


Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI)

What tests and examinations can a neurologist prescribe?

To receive it, patients make a puncture - they pierce the disc between the vertebrae in the lumbar region with a special needle. The procedure is quite painful and may have a number of side effects after the procedure ( dizziness, nausea, etc.).

  • indirectly indicates the level intracranial pressure;
  • allows detecting bleeding in the brain ( then erythrocytes are found in the liquid);
  • allows microbiological analysis to detect CNS infections ( encephalitis, meningitis, etc.);
  • in the cerebrospinal fluid, substances specific for certain neurological diseases can be isolated.

The study of cerebrospinal fluid is more informative, since the blood does not come into direct contact with the substance of the brain. It does not include all substances or microorganisms that may be under the meninges.

Why do you need an odorous neurologist kit?

How does a neurologist check reflexes and muscle tone?

  • Patella. A light blow with a hammer under the patella causes the leg to straighten slightly.
  • Achilles tendon. A light blow to the Achilles tendon leads to a slight deviation of the foot to the side.
  • Biceps muscle. Tapping the biceps near the antecubital fossa leads to muscle contraction and flexion of the arm.

Children have other reflexes. For example, when tapping on certain places on the stomach, you can cause reflex emptying Bladder or intestines. As the child grows older, these reflexes disappear.

Neurologist's office equipment

  • cabinet for storing documents and equipment;
  • couch for examination of patients;
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • thermometer and tonometer;
  • neurological hammer;
  • tuning fork ( for the study of hearing and sensitivity to vibration);
  • standard set of odorous substances;
  • negatoscope ( special screen on the wall for viewing x-rays).

Treatment by a neurologist

What does a neurologist treat in adults?

  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • herniated disc;
  • epilepsy;
  • chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Many of these diseases appear due to more intense loads, exposure to various harmful factors, as well as against the background of age-related degenerative changes.

What drugs ( pills and injections) prescribed by a neurologist?

  • sedatives ( sedatives). Used for excessive psychomotor agitation, psychosis and neuroses. The most common benzodiazepines ( diazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam). They are also used to relieve seizures.
  • Muscle relaxants. This group of drugs helps to relax muscles. They are, for example, prescribed for infringement of the roots of the spinal nerve to reduce pain. From this group, midokalm, baclosan are often prescribed.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow in the vessels of the brain. This group includes, for example, Cerebrolysin, Cavinton, Mexidol.
  • Antidepressants. This group affects the areas of the brain responsible for activity, positive thinking, pleasure, etc. They are prescribed to patients with signs of depression. The most commonly used are amitriptyline and cipralex.
  • Antiepileptic drugs. These drugs are prescribed to patients with epilepsy to reduce the frequency of seizures and relieve symptoms. The most common drugs in this group are chloral hydrate, suxilep, finlepsin.
  • Antiparkinsonian drugs ( DOPA system). This group of drugs is designed specifically for patients with Parkinson's disease. Their intake slows down the progression of symptoms. Antiparkinsonian drugs include pronoran, requip, levodopa.
  • Sleeping drugs. This group of drugs is used for various sleep disorders. Patients with this problem may be prescribed phenobarbital, reslip, melaxen.
  • nootropic drugs. This group of drugs improves metabolism in brain tissues. They are often prescribed after strokes, memory impairment and other functional disorders. Nootropic drugs include, for example, piracetam, phenibut, vinpocetine, glycine.
  • Vitamins. Basically, in case of neurological diseases, vitamins of group B are prescribed as a general tonic ( neurobion, vitamin B12, etc.).

If necessary, patients may also be prescribed painkillers ( from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to morphine and its analogues). Also, in case of problems with the vessels of the brain, for prophylactic purposes, they can prescribe drugs that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

What are blockades for?

  • allergic reactions;
  • unstable dizziness;
  • nausea.

Most side effects pass quickly. The effect of the blockade can last for several weeks or months.

For which diseases does the patient need brain surgery?

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • a strong increase in intracranial pressure;
  • hemorrhages in the brain hemorrhagic stroke);
  • aneurysms of cerebral vessels;
  • some types of meningitis ( inflammation of the meninges);
  • brain herniation in children;
  • some curvature of the spine;
  • disc herniation, etc.

What diseases are registered with a neurologist?

  • congenital neurological pathologies in children;
  • epilepsy;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • transferred operations ( e.g. after traumatic brain injury);
  • strokes, etc.

Jokes about neurologists

Doctor: Let's check the intellectual development. Tell me, which is more, toes or hair on the head?

The son is silent, looks at the doctor. The doctor shakes his head and starts writing something. I followed the gaze of my seven-year-old son. He looked at the completely bald head of the doctor and was silent.

How are you with sleep?

Yes, I woke up 12 times last night and never fell asleep!

Yep, even I can see it.

Konotopskaya Tatiana

20 reasons to visit a neurologist:

and 5 do it urgently

Features of the neurological examination.

An appointment with a neurologist, as in principle, and with a doctor of any other specialty, is divided into several stages. These include clarifying complaints, clarifying the history of the present disease, the characteristics of the patient's life, and, of course, conducting an objective study. Since the last point is extremely specific in neurological practice, it should be considered in more detail.
As always, it all starts with an inspection. Right from the doorstep with a trained eye, the doctor will assess your gait and posture, changes that can indicate a lot. Then you will be closely examined for asymmetry of the face and body, the presence of atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the skin and muscles, hand tremors and other equally important symptoms. The next stage is the study of the function of the cranial nerves (12 pairs). As the name implies, they exit the cranial cavity and provide innervation to the head. Thus, all sensitivity, as well as all motor functions (facial expressions and chewing) are carried out with their direct participation. During the examination, the neurologist uses special tools - a hammer and a needle. First you need to follow the hammer with your eyes, without turning your head - up, down, to the sides and to the tip of the nose. This is how the functions of the oculomotor nerves are studied. For some reason, this part of the program usually brings a smile to young patients. Then relax - the doctor will check the vivacity of normal reflexes on the face and make sure that there are no pathological ones. Now work hard again - you must follow commands like the following: "wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows, wrinkle your nose, bare your teeth, show your tongue, say "A". These tasks serve mainly to establish the volume of functioning of the main motor nerve of this area - the facial one. To study pain sensitivity on the face, the neurologist will prick with a needle in symmetrical zones.At this time, you will focus on sensations and will report whether you feel the same intensity of injections.In some cases, the neurologist examines taste, smell, and also general views sensitivity on the face, which will be discussed below.

Further events - a revision of the motor sphere. Includes the study of muscle strength, tone and reflexes. To determine strength, the doctor will ask you to perform some kind of active action - for example, shake hands with him or resist hip flexion. For these actions, you will receive a score from 1 to 5 points (the more, the better). Muscle tone is examined on completely relaxed limbs using passive movements. Also, the result is translated into numbers. Then the reflexes are evoked with the help of a hammer. Deep reflexes are checked from the arms and legs, including from the feet. To do this, the doctor strikes with a hammer on certain tendons. Induction of the knee jerk is the most well-known part of the neurological examination. Of the superficial reflexes, the neurologist is most often interested in abdominal reflexes (a needle is applied with a dashed irritation on the skin of the abdomen). By the way, the anal and cremasteric (testicular) reflexes, which are not caused for obvious reasons, are superficial.

Sensitivity testing is now waiting for you. It is carried out in the same way as on the face: pain - with the help of a needle in symmetrical parts of the trunk and limbs. In some cases, tactile sensitivity is additionally studied with the help of cotton wool, temperature - with test tubes of different temperatures. All these are types of superficial sensitivity. The study of deep (muscular-articular, vibrational, as well as complex types) is carried out as follows. The doctor will offer to close your eyes and indicate in which direction he takes your finger. This is a test of musculo-articular feeling. Vibration sensitivity is examined with the help of tuning forks, but otolaryngologists are more often involved in this.
The three-dimensional-spatial sense is studied as follows: a neurologist draws figures, numbers, etc. on your skin, and you tell what exactly with your eyes closed. If necessary, you will be checked for paravertebral (paravertebral) pain points and symptoms of spinal nerve root tension. For back pain, this is a must.
The next issue of the program is the study of movement coordination. For a few seconds you will stand in the Romberg position - heels and toes together, hands forward, eyes closed. Ideally, you stand straight, without deviating or staggering. Then the doctor will ask you to put your index finger into the tip of the nose slowly (in turn with both hands) - the so-called finger-nose test. If meningitis is suspected, meningeal signs are checked. The final stage is the search for violations of intelligence and memory (if there is a reason for such).
And finally, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe examinations if necessary. If the diagnosis is clear, you will immediately receive recommendations for treatment. We wish you health!

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