Modern educational technologies as a means of education quality management. Report modern educational technologies and pedagogical innovations as a tool for managing the quality of education

Modern educational technologies and pedagogical innovations as a tool for managing the quality of education

Improving the quality of education is one of the main tasks of modernizing Russian education. The most important criterion of pedagogical skill in modern pedagogy is the effectiveness of the teacher's work, which is manifested in the one hundred percent success of schoolchildren and their same interest in the subject. That is, a teacher is a master who knows how to teach all children without exception. The professionalism of the teacher is most clearly manifested in the good results of those students who are considered to be unwilling, unable, unable to learn.

The basis of education quality management is the transition from teaching methods to the introduction of educational technologies into the educational process.

How to distinguish between the concepts of "methodology" and "educational technology"?

Methodology is a pedagogical science that explores the patterns of teaching a particular academic subject. Teaching methods are the methods of work of the teacher and students, with the help of which the mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the worldview of students is formed, and abilities are developed. The concept of "methodology" expresses the mechanism for using a set of methods, techniques, means and conditions for training and education.

If the methods prescribe the activities of the teacher in the lesson (what and in what sequence to state, what means to use, what tasks to solve, how to organize the generalization of the material, etc.), then in educational technologies, as a rule, the activities of the students themselves are described.

If the methods are soft, recommendatory in nature (the teacher has the right to more or less follow the advice of the teaching aids for the teacher), then the technologies prescribe a certain sequence of students' activities and the teacher's control actions, deviation from which destroys the integrity of the educational process, which may prevent the achievement of the planned result.

There are many definitions of learning technology, in which, as G.K. Selevko, the following criteria of manufacturability are emphasized to one degree or another. These criteria include conceptuality, consistency, manageability, efficiency and reproducibility.

Criterion of conceptuality lies in the fact that each of the technologies is based on one or more theories (philosophical, pedagogical or psychological). For example, programmed learning is based on behavioral theory; developmental education - based on the theories of learning activity and meaningful generalization; integral technology - on the idea of ​​enlargement of didactic units, etc.

Consistency characterized by the logic of construction, the relationship of elements, the completeness and structure of the material and activities.

Controllability— this is the possibility of effective management of educational and cognitive activity of students through diagnostic goal setting; designing the learning process; "built-in" control, which allows you to adjust the results and the very process of selecting means and teaching methods.

Efficiency involves achieving the planned result with the optimal cost of funds and time for training.

Reproducibility implies the possibility of replication, transfer and borrowing of technology by other teachers.

The practical implementation of the methodology is the teacher's lesson plan, which prescribes, in particular, a certain sequence of stages, actions of the teacher, and sometimes students.

The technology will include:

Diagnostic goal-setting: planning learning outcomes through the actions of students that they master during a certain segment of the educational process. These actions are written with verbs: recognize, define, name, give examples, compare, apply, etc.; goals can also be defined using a system of multi-level tasks;

The presence of a certain technological chain of pedagogical and educational activities that lead to the planned result;

The presence in the basis of each technology of one or more pedagogical or psychological theories;

The ability to reproduce the technology by any teacher, since the technology is based on objective scientific grounds that do not depend on the personality of the teacher;

Availability of diagnostic procedures that contain indicators, tools for measuring results; these procedures represent the input, current, final control, which is necessary for the correction of knowledge, skills of students and the educational process itself.

Characteristics of modern educational technologies,

ensuring the quality of education

Many technologies are currently described in the literature. In order to better understand the essence of technologies, it is important to put them in order, to find grounds for their systematization. As such grounds, various authors propose: target settings, the content of education, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students, the method of managing the cognitive activity of students, the scope of application.

The main modern technologies aimed at providing quality education are characterized by the transition:

From learning as a function of memorization to learning as a process of mental development that allows you to use what you have learned;

From a purely associative, static model of knowledge to dynamically structured systems of mental actions;

From focusing on the average student to differentiated and individualized training programs;

From external motivation of teaching to internal moral-volitional regulation.

In Russian education, the principle of variability has been proclaimed today, which makes it possible to choose and design the pedagogical process according to any model, including author's. At the same time, it is important to organize a kind of dialogue between various pedagogical systems and teaching technologies, and to test new forms in practice.

The effectiveness of a particular technology largely depends on who specifically embodies certain approaches in pedagogical practice. A modern teacher, as a technologist of the educational process, needs to freely navigate a wide range of innovative technologies, not waste time discovering what is already known. Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire vast arsenal of educational technologies.

The most popular and widely used are: student-centered education and upbringing technology, pre-profile training and specialized training technologies, project activities, adaptive learning system, developmental learning, integration, discussion forms of learning, game technologies, gradeless learning technology, information and computer technologies, technology of group activity, game technologies, problem-based learning, technology of educational research, technologies of various types of independent work of students.

The development of cognitive activity, increasing the learning motivation of schoolchildren and ensuring the quality of education are also facilitated by non-standard forms of organizing a lesson (lesson-game, lesson-competition, lesson-excursion, lesson-travel, multimedia lesson, lesson-conference, business game, lesson-quiz, lesson-lecture, jousting tournament, teleconference, lesson-performance, lesson-dispute, lesson-KVN, debates).

One of the modern technologies aimed at improving the quality of education is interactive learning.

The advantages of interactive forms of learning are obvious, because:

Students master new material not as passive listeners, but as active participants in the learning process;

The share of class load is reduced and the amount of independent work is increased;

Students acquire the skill of mastering modern technical means and technologies for searching, extracting and processing information;

The ability to independently find information and determine the level of its reliability is developed.

Interactive technologies provide an opportunity for constant, rather than episodic (scheduled) contacts between the teacher and students. They make education more personal. At the same time, it is important to understand that the use of network resources should not exclude direct communication between the teacher and students and between students.

The use of interactive forms is effective where it is really needed. Any technology should have certain specifics depending on the age of the students and the content of the material being studied.

In elementary school, technology requirements may be as follows:

The use of a variety of technologies for non-grading education - a non-grading system of assessment throughout the entire primary school, teaching children self- and mutual assessment, the freedom of choice by schools of the assessment system;

Expansion of activity-based forms of education, involving the priority development of creative and search activity in all areas of school life, including teaching;

Building an educational process using technologies for organizing educational cooperation - a significant expansion of the types of joint work of students, their communicative experience in joint activities, a gradual transition from oral to written types of communication, including using the capabilities of information technologies;

The use of gaming technologies that contribute to the solution of the main educational tasks in the lesson.

In the primary school, the requirements must change. The basis of the interests and needs of adolescents is the orientation to the test of their capabilities in different areas: intellectual, social, interpersonal, personal. In this regard, the technological aspect of the basic school should be to increase the diversity of types and forms of organization of students' activities. Hence, the main requirements for the conditions for organizing the educational process at this stage of school education can be:

Increase in project, individual and group activities of schoolchildren;

Use of different forms of modular or concentrated training;

Strengthening the role of independent work of students with various sources of information and databases;

Introduction of social practice and social design;

Differentiation of the learning environment: workshop, laboratory, library, lecture hall;

Transition to a cumulative assessment system, for example, the use of the "portfolio" technology.

In high school, the main idea should be associated with a significant expansion of the possibility for each student to choose educational programs from those offered to him, or with the creation of his own individual educational program. When choosing educational technologies for high school, it is advisable to be guided by two circumstances:

Priority should be given to those technologies that will allow to differentiate and individualize the educational process within the same class without the use of selective means;

An extremely important role at this stage of education is acquired by technologies for the development of independent cognitive activity.

When formulating the requirements for the selection of educational technologies for each of the three levels, it must be taken into account that all technologies used in school education must have a certain continuity and there are no technologies that work effectively only at one level of education. The system of educational technologies must be built taking into account the main goals of each stage of education.

Ppedagogical innovations affecting the quality of education

Innovation in education is a process of improving pedagogical technologies, a set of methods, techniques and teaching aids, one of the essential components of the educational activities of any educational institution.

Pedagogical innovations are innovations in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system itself as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of the educational system's own resources (intensive development path), and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new tools, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive development path).

Considering the system of basic concepts of pedagogical innovation, R.N. Yusufbekova identifies three blocks in the structure of innovation processes in the modern school.

The first block is the block of creating something new in pedagogy. It considers such categories as new in pedagogy, classification of pedagogical innovations, conditions for creating a new one, criteria for novelty, a measure of the readiness of a new one for its development and use, traditions and innovation, stages of creating a new one in pedagogy, creators of a new one.

The second block is the block of perception, mastering and evaluation of the new: the pedagogical community, evaluation and varieties of the processes of mastering the new, conservatives and innovators in pedagogy, innovative environment, readiness of the pedagogical community to perceive and evaluate the new.

The third block is the block of using and applying the new. In this block, patterns and varieties of introduction, use and application of the new are studied.

Innovations aimed at ensuring the quality of education should be associated with changes:

- in the styles of pedagogical activity and the organization of the educational and cognitive process;

- in the system of control and evaluation of the level of education;

- in the system of financing;

- in educational and methodological support;

- in the system of educational work;

– in the curriculum and curricula;

- in the activities of the teacher and the student.

In this regard, all innovations in the field of education can be classified as follows:

1. Intra-subject innovations: innovations implemented within the subject, due to the specifics of its teaching.

2. General methodological innovations: introduction into pedagogical practice of non-traditional pedagogical technologies, universal in nature, since their use is possible in any subject area.

3. Administrative innovations: decisions made by leaders of various levels that contribute to the effective functioning of all subjects of educational activity.

4. Ideological innovations: the fundamental principle of all other innovations, are caused by the renewal of consciousness, the trends of the times.

Pedagogical innovations can be pedagogical ideas, processes, means, methods, forms, technologies, content programs, etc.

Pedagogical innovations can be classified as follows:

1) by type of activity:

- pedagogical, providing the pedagogical process;

- managerial, providing innovative management of educational institutions;

2) by validity period:

- short-term;

- long-term;

3) by the nature of the changes:

- radical, based on fundamentally new ideas and approaches;

- combined, based on a new combination of known elements;

- modified, based on the improvement and addition of existing samples and forms;

4) scale of change:

- local, that is, independent of each other changes in individual sections or components;

- modular - interconnected groups of several local innovations;

- systemic - complete reconstruction of the system as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations are carried out according to a certain algorithm. The following stages of development and implementation of pedagogical innovations can be distinguished:

    Identification of the need for innovations - development of criteria and indicators of the state of the pedagogical system to be reformed.

    Determination of the need for reform - a comprehensive check and assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system, the preparation of special tools.

    Search for samples of pedagogical decisions of a proactive nature that can be used to model innovations.

    Analysis of scientific developments containing creative solutions to actual pedagogical problems.

    Designing an innovative model of the pedagogical system as a whole or its individual parts.

    Setting tasks, fixing those responsible, finding solutions, establishing forms of control.

    Calculation of practical significance and efficiency.

    Building an algorithm for introducing innovations into practice - searching for areas for renewal or replacement, modeling innovations, developing an experiment program, monitoring its results, introducing the necessary adjustments, final control.

    Rethinking and updating the professional vocabulary, that is, the introduction of new concepts into the professional vocabulary.

    Protection of pedagogical innovation from copying the creative method of an innovative teacher without its creative processing.

The creation of highly effective innovative learning technologies allows, on the one hand, students to increase the efficiency of mastering educational material and, on the other hand, teachers to pay more attention to the issues of individual and personal growth of students, manage the quality of education, and ensure their creative development.

Innovative educational technology increases teacher productivity. Monitoring the effectiveness of each student's learning and a feedback system allow students to be trained in accordance with their individual capabilities and character. For example, if one student learns the material the first time, then another, sitting at the computer, can work through the material two or three times or more. Shifting the main function of teaching to teaching means frees up the teacher's time, as a result of which he can pay more attention to the issues of individual and personal development of students. For innovative technology, the goal is determined very accurately, so the use of objective methods of control makes it possible to reduce the role of the subjective factor in the control, the creation of innovative teaching technologies makes it possible to reduce the dependence of the learning result on the level of teacher qualification. Technologization creates the prerequisites for solving the problem of the continuity of educational programs of school and vocational education.


    Gorb V.G. Pedagogical monitoring of the educational process as a factor in improving its level and results. Standards and Monitoring, 2000, No. 5

    Kainova E.B. Criteria for the quality of education: main characteristics and methods of measurement. - M., 2005

    Leonov K.P. Modern educational technologies as a factor in improving the quality of education. M 2007

    Korochentsev V.V. and others. Monitoring the quality of education as the most important tool for education management. Innovations in Education, 2005, No. 5

    Mayorov A.N. Monitoring in education. - St. Petersburg, 1998

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. - M.: National education, 1998. - 256 p.

    Subetto A.I. The quality of education in Russia: state, trends, prospects. - M., 2001

Improving the quality of education should be carried out not at the expense of an additional burden on students, but through improving the forms and methods of teaching, selecting the content of education, through the introduction of educational technologies focused not so much on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on the formation of a complex of personal qualities of students.

The younger student not only prepares for adulthood, not only acquires knowledge, but participates in various activities. The use of modern pedagogical technologies makes it possible to solve educational problems and form a child's readiness for independent knowledge of the world around him.



Komogorova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Workshop "Modern technologies as a tool for managing the quality of education" (January 2014)

"The child in the pedagogical process

must accompany

Feeling of free choice

(Sh.A. Amonashvili)

Improving the quality of education should be carried out not at the expense of an additional burden on students, but through improving the forms and methods of teaching, selecting the content of education, through the introduction of educational technologies focused not so much on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on the formation of a complex of personal qualities of students.

The younger student not only prepares for adulthood, not only acquires knowledge, but participates in various activities. The use of modern pedagogical technologies makes it possible to solve educational problems and form a child's readiness for independent knowledge of the world around him.

The teacher must be proficient in student-centered, developing educational technologies that take into account different levels of readiness for learning at school.

Among the variety of modern educational technologies, I singled out for myself those that, in my opinion, can be used in working with primary school students.

For example: student-centered, developmental, problem-based learning technologies, as well as game, project, portfolio, health-saving and information and communication technologies.

Modern approaches to the lesson:




Three postulates form the basis of the new lesson technology:

  • "The lesson is the discovery of truth, the search for truth and the comprehension of truth in the joint activity of children and the teacher."
  • "A lesson is a part of a child's life, and living this life should be done at the level of a high universal culture." The teacher must have the courage to live in the classroom, and not frighten children, be open to all manifestations of life
  • “A lesson is the work of the soul, and the more diligent this work is, the more respectful the child’s attitude to himself, as well as the teacher’s attitude to his own personality.”

The goals of the modern lesson:

The goals of the teacher:

goals focused on the development of the child's personality and the formation of UUD; objective goals

Student Activity Goals

Types of UUD:





Problem-Based Learning Technologies

How to make an ordinary lesson unusual, how to present uninteresting material interesting, how to speak modern language with modern children? These and many other questions we ask ourselves when we come to class today.

Problematic dialogue is not a system of leading questions and students' choral answers. Questions for dialogue should be carefully thought out in advance and possible answers of students should be predicted.

When working with the use of problem-dialogical learning, the following develops:
1. mental abilities of students(difficulties that arise make students think, look for a way out of a problem situation);
independence(independent vision of the problem, formulation of the problematic issue, problematic situation, independence in choosing a solution plan);
Z. creative thinking(independent application of knowledge, methods of action, search for non-standard solutions).

Information educational technologies

A lesson using information technology becomes more interesting for students, as a result, it becomes more effective assimilation of knowledge; improving the level of clarity in the classroom. Computer technology in the classroom is my main assistant. The computer helps me make the lessons more intense, makes it easier for the children to assimilate the material.

The use of computer technology is superior to traditional teaching for a number of reasons:

  1. The classroom creates a positive emotional mood: beautiful graphics, elements of a fairy tale, "magic" in training programs involve children in an atmosphere of creativity. As a result, the motivation for learning increases.
  2. The game goal comes to the fore in comparison with the educational one., therefore, it is possible to organize such training that gives solid knowledge and is not tedious for students. The child saves the space station from meteorites, but in fact the task of improving mental counting skills is being solved. The child is looking for a way out of the dragon's cave, and meanwhile his memory, attention, etc. are developing.
  3. There is an intensification of learning. Pupils each at their own pace solve, for example, in 20 minutes about 30 language puzzles or 30-40 examples of oral counting, and instantly receive an assessment of the correctness of their solution.
  4. In parallel, the child develops a need to use the computer as a tool that helps him learn.. He masters the keyboard, knows how to enter the required information, correct a mistake, i.e. acquires user skills.
  5. However The computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements! I am convinced that the reasonable use of a computer in the classroom in elementary school promotes students in intellectual development, fosters curiosity, a scientific outlook, the desire for self-development and creative growth.

Design technologies

I also use the methods of project activity, as this method stimulates the independence of students, their desire for self-expression,

forms an active attitude to the world around, empathy and involvement in it, develops communicative qualities.

The project is the "five P's":
Design (planning)
Search for information

With each new project (conceived by the child himself, the group, the class, independently or with the participation of the teacher), we solve several interesting, useful and real-life problems.

Gaming technologies

The game is the strongest means of socialization of the child, it makes it possible to simulate different situations of life, to look for a way out. The game is important as a sphere of self-realization as a person, it is a communicative activity.

The game contributes to the creation of an emotional mood among students, causes a positive attitude towards the activities performed, improves overall performance, makes it possible to repeat the same material many times without monotony and boredom.

Health saving technologies

I believe that our task today is to teach the child various techniques and methods for maintaining and strengthening their health. I try to build my lessons, setting myself and my students exactly this goal: how

protect and improve health?

To do this, I use the methods of health-saving technologies.

1. I include elements of student-centered learning:

  • Entry into the working day.

Starting from the 1st grade, to speed up the entry of the child into the school day, I teach children to smile more often. Our rule: “If you want to make friends, smile!”

When congratulating on a birthday, everyone calls only positive traits birthday boy.

  • Creating a situation of choice and success.

Creating a favorable emotional and psychological microclimate in the classroom and extracurricular activities also plays an important role.

  • The use of reflection techniques.

What made the biggest impression on you?

What worked out best?

What tasks seemed the most interesting?

What caused the difficulty?

What do you want to think about?

What advice would you give yourself?

Who wants to compliment?

Will the knowledge of today's lesson be useful to you in the future?

2. I use physical education.

We love, we love, we love

We love everyone around!

Happy, happy, happy

What a friend is next to us !!!

  • Technology "AMO"

ACTIVE LEARNING METHODS- methods that stimulate the cognitive activity of students. They are built mainly on a dialogue that involves a free exchange of views on ways to resolve a particular problem. A.m.o. are characterized by a high level of student activity.

Innovation Assessment System "Portfolio"

At present, educationalportfolio technology.The use of the Portfolio technology allows you to track the individual progress of the student, helps him to realize his strengths and weaknesses, allows you to judge not only educational, but also creative and communicative achievements.

Mugs "Harmony", "Theater"


The priority of training should not be the development by students of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the ability of students to learn independently, acquire knowledge and be able to process it, select the right one, memorize it firmly, connect it with others.

The widespread introduction of innovative technologies creates conditions for improving the quality of education, cognitive activity and educational motivation of schoolchildren.

Therefore, the task of the teacher is to try to build the study of educational material in the classroom so that most of it is mastered by students on their own.. “Nothing that is important to know cannot be taught - all a teacher can do is indicate the paths,” the English writer believed.Richard Aldington .

It is not always easy for a teacher to prepare a lesson using this or that technology. Often this requires a lot of time, preparation of a large amount of material. But, as a rule, a lesson conducted using technology justifies itself, as it allows students to be included in the lesson process as much as possible, motivates them to work independently, and, perhaps most importantly, allows them to achieve high-quality assimilation of educational material. Which, in turn, will lead each teacher to the realization of the main goal - improving the quality of education of the student, and, accordingly, will contribute to the implementation of the tasks of the new generation standards.

Our children behave smartly, one teacher has silence in the lesson, the task is completed, and the other can afford a lot. So everything depends on us, dear colleagues, on the chosen, properly constructed line of training. Correctly written by one studentWe don't need to be loved, we need to be understood."

"Competence" - a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, skills, methods of activity), which allows you to set and achieve goals. "Competence" is an integral quality of a person, manifested in the general ability and readiness for activities based on knowledge and experience.

The second question for discussion Will the teacher be interested in teaching, and the student interested in learning, if modern educational technologies and methods are used in the educational process? Please select at least 3 reasons that you think prove the effectiveness of technology that can increase interest in the learning process.

Requirements of a competency-based approach to teachers search for new forms, methods, teaching technologies; navigate a wide range of modern technologies, ideas, directions; do not waste time discovering what is already known. Possession of a system of technological knowledge is the most important component and indicator of the pedagogical skill of a modern teacher

“Problem on the palm of your hand” Two conditions for the success of the game: First, the presence of an object that symbolizes the problem. The professionalism of a teacher lies not in the selection of a subject, but in the ability to present it to children. Candle - fire, light, human thought, mind. A flower is not a plant that produces oxygen, but the Beauty of the world. Secondly, there can be no "right" and "wrong" answers here. The main thing is the movement of thought.

Seminar for primary school teachers MOU Zakharovskaya secondary school

Report on the topic: "Modern technologies as a tool for managing the quality of education."

Glazkova A.P. primary school teacher Zakharovskaya secondary school

1 slide

2 slide

“Education is the greatest of earthly blessings,

if it is of the highest quality.

Otherwise, it's completely useless."


Ways to improve the effectiveness of training are sought in all countries of the world. In Russia, the problems of learning effectiveness are being actively developed on the basis of the latest achievements in psychology, informatics, and the theory of cognitive activity management.

3 slide The quality of education is understood as a set of essential properties and characteristics of the results of education that can meet the needs of schoolchildren, society and customers of education.

What is it made up of?

    4 slide From the high level of professionalism of teachers

    From creating comfort in teaching schoolchildren

    The strength of students' knowledge

    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards

    From the logistics of the school.

5 slide The main goal of education in elementary school is to teach each child to master, transform and use huge amounts of information in practical activities in a short period of time.

Recognizing the lesson as the main form of learning, we are constantly looking for ways to further improve it.

Components of the quality of education:

    the quality of schoolchildren's education in educational areas;

    the quality of the formation of general educational skills of schoolchildren (the ability to work with a textbook, text, draw up a plan, the ability to analyze, draw a conclusion, etc.);

    the quality of upbringing of schoolchildren (monitored by special methods);

    the quality of development of the personality of schoolchildren (emotionality, will, cognitive interest, motivation, etc.);

    the quality of social adaptation (the ability to find one's "niche" in society).

6 slide Confucius said: “Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest; the path of defeat is the easiest path; and the path of experience is the most difficult path.” We must follow all three paths at once. This is a strict requirement of our profession.

The specificity of our pedagogical activity lies in the fact that it is an integral part of the learning process, which consists of teaching and learning.

Understanding the components of educational activity, in order to improve the quality of education, the teacher must manage:

goal-setting of students;

motivation for their activities;

formation of students' skills;

creating feedback "teacher - student";

creating problem situations;

comfortable well-being of all participants in the educational process.

For a professionally working teacher, it is obvious that all this should be in his field of vision, under his managerial influence.

Methodical work in elementary school:

    following traditions and introducing innovations;

    increasing the competence of the teacher;

    development and implementation of the latest information technologies;

    determination of the causes of typical difficulties of schoolchildren and their correction;

    identification of the level of formation of the quality system of students' knowledge;

    accumulation and fixation of individual achievements of schoolchildren through the design of a portfolio;

    organization of project activities that allow developing the creative abilities of students.

Target areas:

    improving the organization of the educational process and improving learning outcomes;

    creating conditions for increasing motivation for learning, self-development, independence in decision-making;

    ensuring the educational process at the modern level;

    creating conditions to meet the educational needs of the child;

    improving the system of educational work as a means of improving the quality of education;

    ensuring the physical development of students, the use of health-saving technologies;

    improvement of the material and technical base of the school.


    generalization and introduction into practice of the achievements of advanced pedagogical experience;

    formation of attitudes towards the development of modern pedagogical technologies, approaches that ensure the preparation of a qualitatively new junior schoolchild;

    creation of a unified system of classroom and extracurricular activities of teachers and students, aimed at the diversified development of the educational process;

    organization of interaction between primary school teachers, psychologist, speech therapist and parents in order to study and develop the individual abilities of students.

The task of the teacher is to create favorable conditions in the classroom for teamwork and skillfully manage this process.

7 slide Technologies and methods used in elementary school:

    technology of personality-oriented education;

    level differentiation technology;

    game learning technology;

    technology of the system-activity approach (problem-based learning);

    project activity;

    health-saving technologies;

    information and communication technologies.

1) An important means of increasing the effectiveness of the lesson is the variety of activities in the lesson. K. D. Ushinsky noted that the child demands activity incessantly and is tired not by activity, but by its monotony, one-sidedness. Younger students learn knowledge better if the lesson alternates between various and short types of work. However, it should be borne in mind that the variety of activities of students in itself does not ensure their activity, if it is not due to the purpose of the lesson, is not its expression.

8 slide 2 ) In training sessions with younger students, elements of the game are necessary. The game, being the main activity of a preschooler, continues to occupy an important place in the life of younger students, it is considered as an important component of the main activity of younger students - teaching. Game elements activate the educational activity of students, contribute to the development of independence and initiative, camaraderie and mutual assistance in work. The game is an important means of increasing students' interest in learning.

In elementary education, didactic or educational games are widespread. They have cognitive content and are aimed at the mental development of students.

Also, the game is one of the most important means of mental and moral education of children; this is a means of removing unpleasant or forbidden experiences for the student's personality.

Games are divided into creative games and games with rules. Creative games, in turn, include: theatrical, role-playing and building games. Games with rules are didactic, mobile, musical and fun games.

What is the significance of the game? During the game, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, the desire for knowledge. Carried away, children do not notice that they are learning: they learn, remember new things, navigate in unusual situations, replenish the stock of ideas, concepts, develop imagination. Even the most passive of the children are included in the game with great desire, making every effort not to let down their playmates.

Of all the existing variety of different types of games, it is didactic games that are most closely related to the educational process.

9 slide 3) Already in elementary school, most students take a passive role in the educational process and begin to lose interest in learning. Therefore, it is important to develop the abilities and support the student's aspirations, not to teach him, but to help him learn and develop. The ability to self-development should be the result of cognitive activity. The most constructive solution to the problem is the creation of such conditions in training in which the student can take an active personal position and fully express himself, his individuality. The collective form of cognitive activity deserves attention.

What does she represent? This is a form in which the team trains each of its members, and at the same time, each member of the team takes an active part in the training of all its other members. - work in pairs, groups.

The use of modern educational technologies is a necessary condition for achieving a new quality of education. State educational standards for almost all academic subjects require students to master a number of research, project, information and communication skills, which means the presence of relevant types of educational activities in the classroom. It is possible to organize such activities, control and evaluate its results only with the help of adequate educational technologies that a modern teacher should own.

The basis of the Standard is a system-activity approach,
which provides:

    formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

    designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system;

    active educational and cognitive activity of students;

    construction of the educational process, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

The new standard focuses the attention of teachers on the need to use modern educational technologies that can ensure the development of students. It is no coincidence that it is the use of advanced technologies that becomes the most important criterion for the success of a teacher. Thanks to modern technologies, the activities of students are deployed in the classroom.

The documents of the Federal State Educational Standard formulate requirements for the teacher, including:

    be able to choose and use modern

educational technologies

    use evaluation technologies

    modern technologies for designing the educational environment

10 slide Technology -

    it is a detailed way of carrying out this or that activity within the framework of the chosen method.

Pedagogical technology -

    this is such a construction of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of a predictable result.

The criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology:

    unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what);

    content selection and structure (what);

    optimal organization of the educational process (how);

    methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what);

    taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who);

    objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is it so).

Educational technology:

    easily fits into the educational process;

    allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and the standard of education for a particular academic subject;

    ensures the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanitarization of education and a student-centered approach;

    ensures the intellectual development of children, their independence;

    provides goodwill towards the teacher and towards each other;

    a distinctive feature of most technologies is a special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality;

    a clear focus on the development of creative activity.


    Developmental education;

    Problem learning;

    Multi-level training;

    Collective Learning System (CSE);

    Technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ);

    Research teaching methods;

    Project-based teaching methods;

    Technology "debate";

    Technology of modular and block-modular education;

    Lecture-seminar-test system of education;

    Technology for the development of "critical thinking";

    The technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games;

    Training in cooperation (team, group work);

    Information and communication technologies;

    Health-saving technologies;

    The system of innovative assessment "portfolio";

    distance learning technology

    workshop technology

    group training

The following educational technologies have become widespread:

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    communication technologies

    gaming technology

    research technologies

(method of projects, experiment, modeling)

What is technology and how does it differ from a program and methodology?

The program is, first of all, a document that defines the tasks of upbringing and the content of the education of a preschool child.

And technology is a toolkit with the help of which these tasks are solved.

That is, the program answers the questions “what to do?” and “why do?”.

And technology - to the question "how to do it?".

The authors of some programs are now trying to prescribe not only the goals, objectives and content of education, but also to answer the question "how to achieve this?" - develop technology for implementing their program. But the teacher himself is able to look for the answer to the question “how to implement program tasks?”, i.e. may well become a developer of its own technology.

Dear colleagues! In the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, a cultural-historical system-activity approach to the education of students is highlighted. Therefore, the most effective will be those technologies that are aimed at the cognitive, communicative, social and personal development of the student. At the same time, it should also be borne in mind that the choice of teaching and upbringing technology depends on many factors (the age of students, their resource capabilities, the preparedness and readiness of the teacher and the availability of various conditions, etc.). We recommend giving priority to productive, creative, research, design technologies (without denying the use of others).

Regardless of the implemented teaching materials, in order to achieve a new quality of education, new standards are recommended to be used in the educational process.

    technology of the activity method - to build the learning process on the basis of learning situations;

    portfolio technology;

    educational dialogue as a specific type of technology;

    problem-based (heuristic) learning technology;

    level differentiation technologies;

    communication technologies

    gaming technology

    research technologies (method of projects, experiment, modeling)

    technologies of additional education in the following areas: sports and recreation, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military and patriotic, project activities;

    technologies for identifying and supporting gifted children, etc.

Research and project?

Quite often, teachers ask the question “How is research activity different from project activity?”. This is a rather serious question.

The main difference between project and research activities is the goal:

the purpose of the project activity is the implementation of the project intent,

and the purpose of research activity is to understand the essence of the phenomenon, the truth, the discovery of new patterns, etc.

Both types of activity, depending on the goal, can be subsystems of each other. That is, in the case of a project, one of the means will be a study, and, in the case of a study, one of the means may be design.

Secondly, the study involves putting forward hypotheses and theories, their experimental and theoretical verification. Projects can be without research (creative, social, informational). And from this it follows that the hypothesis in the project may not always be, there is no research in the project, there is no hypothesis.

Thirdly, design and research activities differ in their stages.

The main stages of the project activity are:

Determination of the thematic field and theme of the project, search and analysis of the problem, setting the goal of the project, choosing the name of the project;

Discussing possible research options, comparing proposed strategies, choosing methods, collecting and studying information, determining the form of the product and product requirements, drawing up a work plan, assigning responsibilities;

Implementation of planned technological operations, making the necessary changes;

Preparing and defending a presentation;

Analysis of the results of the project, evaluation of the quality of the project.

Stages of scientific research:

Formulation of the problem, substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic.

Statement of the purpose and specific objectives of the study.

Definition of the object and subject of research.

Choice of a method (technique) of carrying out research.

Description of the research process.

Discussion of the research results.

Formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the results.

Fourthly, the project is an idea, a plan, creativity according to a plan. Research is the process of developing new knowledge, true creativity.

Educational technologies of activity type

(UMK "Planet of Knowledge")

    problem-dialogical technology;

    mini-study technology;

    technology of organization of project activities;

    technology for evaluating educational achievements (educational success);

Technology classification

I. Modern traditional education.

II. Pedagogical technologies based on the personal orientation of the pedagogical process:

    Pedagogy of cooperation;

    Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili (Amonashvili Shalva Alexandrovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, well-known Soviet and Georgian teacher);

    E.N. system Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that forms a person (Ilyin Evgeny Nikolaevich - teacher of literature, St. Petersburg),

III. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities:

    Gaming technologies;

    Problem learning;

    Technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture (Efim Izrailovich Passov - Professor of the Lipetsk Pedagogical Institute);

    G.A. School of Intensive Learning Kitaygorodskaya (Kitaygorodskaya Talina Alexandrovna - Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov);

    Learning technology based on reference signals V.F. Shatalova (Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich - Professor of the Donetsk Open University).

IV. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process:

    Technology of advanced learning with commented control S.N. Lysenkova (Lysenkova Sofia Nikolaevna - primary school teacher, Moscow);

    differentiated learning;

    Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results V.V. Firsova (Victor Vasilyevich Firsov - head of the Education for All Center, Moscow);

    Culture-educating technology of differentiated learning according to the interests of children I.N. Zakatova (Zakatova Irina Nikolaevna - director of the culturological complex, Yaroslavl);

    The technology of individualization of education (Inge Unt - Professor of the Research Institute of Pedagogy of Estonia, Granitskaya Antonina Sergeevna - Professor of the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, Shadrikov Vladimir Dmitrievich - Doctor of Psychology, leader of the experiment on the application of individually-oriented educational progress).

    Programmed learning technology (B.Skinner - American psychologist, V.P. Bespalko);

    Group and collective learning (Dyachenko Vitaly Kuzmich - professor, Krasnoyarsk);

    Computer (new information) learning technologies.

V. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material:

    Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (M.B. Volovich);

    "Ecology and dialectics" (Tarasov Lev Vasilievich - professor);

    "Dialogue of Cultures" (Bibler Vladimir Solomonovich - Russian University for the Humanities, Moscow, Kurganov Sergey Yurievich - teacher, Kurgan);

    Enlarged didactic units (Erdniev, Purvya Muchkaevich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education).

VI. Developmental learning technologies:

    The system of developing education L.V. Zankov (Zankov Leonid Vladimirovich (1901-1977) - teacher and psychologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR);

    Developmental education D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov (Elkonin Daniil Borisovich (1918-1959) - the most prominent Soviet psychologist, Davydov Vasily Vasilyevich - academician);

    Technology of self-developing education (Selevko German Konstantinovich - scientific director of the author's school, Rybinsk).

VII. Private subject pedagogical technologies:

    Technology of early and intensive teaching of literacy (Zaitsev Nikolai Alexandrovich - teacher-innovator, academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy);

    Mathematics teaching technology based on problem solving (Roman Grigorievich Khazankin - teacher, Beloretsk);

    Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (Okunev Anatoly Arsenievich - teacher of mathematics, St. Petersburg);

    The system of phased teaching of physics (Paltyshev Nikolai Nikolaevich - teacher of physics, Odessa);

    The method of leveling and developing teaching of computer science (Andreeva Elena Vladimirovna - teacher of computer science, Moscow, Falina Irina Nikolaevna - teacher of computer science, Moscow

We examined at the theoretical level modern pedagogical technologies, the use of which ensures the high efficiency of the educational process. I would like to end with the words of V.P. Bespalko “Any activity can be either technology or art. Art is based on intuition, technology is based on science. Everything begins with art, ends with technology, so that everything starts all over again.”

4) Educational project "The use of modern equipment and technologies in building an educational environment based on the activity method."

5) The project "Development of memory" in the lessons of the Russian language.

6) Subject decades in elementary school.

7) The use of ICT allows you to immerse yourself in another world, see it with your own eyes. According to research, 1/4 of the material heard, 1/3 of what is seen, 1/2 of what is seen and heard, 3/4 of the material remains in the memory of a person if the student is involved in active actions in the learning process. The computer allows you to create conditions for improving the learning process: improving the content, methods and organizational forms. With the active use of ICT already in primary school, the general goals of education are more successfully achieved, competences in the field of communication are easier to form: the ability to collect facts, compare them, organize, express one’s thoughts on paper and orally, reason logically, listen and understand oral and written speech, open something new, make choices and make decisions.Information and communication technologies

With the equipping of schools with interactive equipment, I began to study and actively implement information and communication technologies in my work. Thanks to visibility and interactivity, the class is involved in the work, perception is sharpened, concentration of attention is increased, understanding and memorization of the material is improved.

I use information technology at any stage of the lesson, whether it is updating, introducing new knowledge or control, as well as in extracurricular activities. I actively use ready-made training computer programs and create my own presentations. One of the main areas of application of ICT in my practice is the use of materials from electronic manuals in the subjects "Russian language", "Mathematics", "Environment", "Technology", the audio application "Literary reading" I use at the stage of primary perception of a literary work and at the stage of teaching expressive reading (after analyzing the work)

At the stage of primary consolidation of knowledge, I use

interactive game

New, bicycle, rolls, steering wheel, wheel, passed, you, round, they, fast, she, trip, overtake, me.

Classify words into parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb, pronoun)

The game "Help the Elk brothers to descend to the ground!"

Exercise. Sort the words into groups based on the pronouns that can replace them.

He she it they.

Lake, students, dress, guys, trees, coats, skates, fox, lamp, boy, book, scarf, student, cloud.

The use of ICT in various lessons makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activity. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students.

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Problem learning

Application t problem learning technologies , teaches children to pose questions (problems) and look for answers to them - the most important factor in the growth of the quality of education, a means of preparing for creativity, work.

I use the topics and objectives of the lesson and independent work of students at the stages of communication. I create a problem situation in the lesson - surprise, embarrassment.

Russian language. Grade 2. Topic: "Pronoun" Formulation of the problem.

The kids get the job.

Exercise. Read the words and sort them into groups.

Blue, scooter, spinning, anchor, dog, studying, you, red, they, strong, drummer, walking, me.

Did you write out all the words? (No)

Why couldn’t they write out all the words? (Since some words she, you, they, me cannot be attributed to any of the parts of speech known to us)

What question do we have to answer? ? (What part of speech are these words?)

What are the assumptions? (a situation of difficulty, make assumptions)

How to determine what part of speech these words are? (Can be read in the textbook) Open your textbook to p.101 and read the rule first to yourself and then aloud.

The use of computer technology in teaching makes it possible to differentiate learning activities in the classroom, activates the cognitive interest of students, develops their creative abilities, stimulates mental activity, and encourages research activities. I guide my students to use a computer in preparation for lessons and reports.

Health saving technologies I use them both in class activities and in extracurricular activities. In my opinion, the formation of a responsible attitude to one's health is a necessary condition for the success of a modern person.

At the lessons I spend physical education sessions, motor-speech exercises, recreational games at breaks, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, I created mini-projects "Daily routine and health", "Dental care", "Preservation of vision", "On the dangers of smoking" .

The teaching material of all primary school subjects for any program provides an opportunity for the teacher to form healthy lifestyle skills in the classroom, give children knowledge about the human body, teach them to protect and strengthen their own health.

I choose physical education minute depending on the predominant activity in the lesson. If the predominant activity is writing, then I useexercises to relieve general or local fatigue, exercises for the hands; if reading - gymnastics for the eyes; listening, speaking - gymnastics for hearing, breathing exercises.

Literary reading lessons also give me ample opportunities to instill in schoolchildren a sense of responsibility for their health and teach them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Reading works on the topics “I love Russian nature” (“Autumn”, “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”), I taught children to perceive nature as a hospital, as a source of vigor, joy and happiness.

So in math class I instill in my students healthy lifestyle skills through word problem solving. Their content allows us to talk about the healing properties of vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries. I tell the children that by eating these foods, we provide our body with the necessary vitamins and thereby increase its ability to fight certain diseases on its own. Word tasks also provide an opportunity to communicate to children about the positive impact of physical exercise on the health of each person.

In Russian language lessons I use proverbs and sayings about health to record.

For example: Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age.

Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.

Health is more valuable than money: I will be healthy and I will get money.

Russian language. Grade 2 "Pronoun"

Gymnastics for the eyes . I used the ophthalmic simulator “Take care of your eyesight” in the lesson, and held a mobile musical physical minute.

Psychological climate in the classroom.

Each lesson begins with the psychological mood of the class. After a friendly greeting, approving remarks, I offer the children a “Mood Sheet”. From the emoticons depicted on it, they must choose one that matches their mood at the moment.

  

At the end of the lesson, I suggest choosing a smiley again. As a rule, everyone is in a good mood at the end of the lesson. It's like a kind of ritual that allows schoolchildren after a break to better adapt to interacting with me, my requirements, and tune in to the lesson.

In my work I use level differentiation technology

I use different ways of differentiating tasks: by the level of creativity, by the level of difficulty; by the volume of educational material; according to the degree of independence. I often give homework differentiated homework.

Individual differentiated work on cards.

Card #1

Underline the pronouns.

Son, when did you manage to clean everything? A sparrow was sitting on a branch, he was cleaning his feathers.

We live in the same house. They help me learn. You worked very hard in class. I am in the second grade.

Card #2

Insert pronouns.

I'm drawing a Christmas tree, and ____ what are you going to draw? Tomorrow ____ we will go to the river. Who are you waiting for? Why do ____ fly away? Tomorrow _____ I will go to the forest.

Card #3

1. Insert pronouns .

I draw a Christmas tree, and ______ what will you draw? Tomorrow we will go to the river. Who are you waiting for?

Why do ______ fly away? Tomorrow _____ I will go to the forest. _____ worked very hard in class. ____ I am in the second grade.

Pick any one sentence and circulate it to minor members.

I sing. They are singing. We sing.



Exercise 1.

Write down 10 words from the dictionary and replace them with pronouns. Task 2.

Write the text, replacing repeated nouns with pronouns.

The eagle has the largest nest. The nest is made of thick branches. The most beautiful house near the chiffchaff. The warbler made a nest on a birch twig. Task 3.

Make up and write down a few sentences about today's lesson using pronouns.

Implementation performance indicator:

    The level of motivation for learning increases.

    Each child learns at the level of his abilities and abilities.

    The desire of strong students to advance faster and deeper in education is realized.

The strong are affirmed in their abilities, the weak are given the opportunity to experience success.

Technology of using games and game forms of organizing educational activities

The use of game forms allows you to increase interest in the subject. During the game, students develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, the desire for knowledge.

Games contribute to psychological emancipation in the classroom. Carried away, students do not notice that they are learning: they learn, remember new things, navigate in unusual situations, develop skills, imagination. Even the most passive of the students are included in the game with great desire.

The inclusion of didactic games and gaming moments in the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood among students, and prevents overcoming difficulties in mastering the educational material.

I use the following types of games:

I use short games to learn a specific rule, develop a skill, etc. (I use it at the stage of introduction, explanation, consolidation, control)

“Complete the word”, “Relay race”, “Find a pair” (pick up synonyms for words), “Auction” (pick up as many words as possible according to the scheme), etc.

Game shells (representing the lesson as a complete game:lesson-game, lesson-KVN, lesson-travel, lesson-tale )

For example: "Journey to the country of Glagolia"

Role-playing games (role-playing, imitation of professional activities, etc.)

The role-playing game develops a very important and necessary process for learning - imagination.

For example: Russian language. Grade 2 Topic: "Pronoun"

Children play the roles of fairy-tale characters (frogs and mice) from the fairy tale "Teremok"

Stands in the field Teremok.

He not low, not high.

A frog jumped up to the tower and asked:

- Terem- teremok! Who lives in the terem?

- I , mouse-norushka! BUTyou who?

-BUTI frog - frog.

Come live with me!

Becomethey live together.

State the purpose for which the author uses the underlined words. Do they name a specific person or thing?

What does the word indicatehe ? (terem)

Who calls himselfI ? (mouse, frog)

What nouns are used instead of the wordthey ? (mouse, frog)

Write only the dialogue, putting in the missing words. Underline the highlighted words.

What part of speech are the words: I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they?

- What is a pronoun?

Game "Find out the pronoun"

(clap your hands if you hear pronouns)

If aI pick a flower,

If ayou pluck a flower

If all: andI , andyou -

If awe pick flowers,

They will be empty

Trees and bushes...

And there will be no beauty.

If onlyI andyou -

If awe pick flowers.

T. Sobakin

Project-based learning technology I use it in my work as an addition to other types of direct or indirect training. In practice I use subject, interdisciplinary projects.

The world around: "Hometown", "Cities of Russia", "Red Book", "Professions", "My family tree". Russian language: “Both in jest and seriously”, “Rhyme”, “We are writing a letter to Santa Claus”. Literary reading: "My favorite children's magazine", the newspaper "Victory Day - May 9"

Mathematics: "Mathematics around us", "Patterns and ornaments on dishes", "Origami" Technology: "Decoration of the hut", "Aquarium"

As part of the implementation of the "School - Blooming Garden" program, projects were completed

“Green Yard”, “Flowers for a flower bed. Cultivation of decorative palm (castor bean)”,

"Feeder", etc.

The project is valuable because in the course of its implementation, schoolchildren learn to independently acquire knowledge, gain experience in cognitive and educational activities.

Technology Portfolio is an important motivating factor in learning. He aims the child at a demonstration of creative growth, at success. The portfolio includes the best results of the student's work. It includes educational achievements in subjects, a collection of works that demonstrate the child's hobbies (drawings, sketches of experiments and observations, essays about their travels, excursions, visits to exhibitions, performances, photos, etc.).
The portfolio of my students consists of sections:
“Me and my family”, “My name”, “Family tree”, “My studies”, “My life” “Achievement piggy bank”, “My self-esteem”.

Chapter"Me and family" is designed to provide information about the student - the author of the portfolio and his family.

My name" - the child places information aboutwhat does the name mean.

" Family tree" - fill information about family members.

In chapter" My studies" the guys post their best essays, dictations, tests, successfully completed tests, projects, creative works (poems, drawings, photographs of voluminous crafts)
" My life" in it, students place information, photographs, drawings telling about participation in extracurricular activities.
“Piggy bank of achievements” place certificates of participation in competitions, certificates and diplomas.

"Self-esteem" evaluates his achievements and opportunities.

Thus, we can say that the use of modern educational technologies in the classroom enables the child to work creatively, contribute to the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, form the desire to learn in the child, and therefore, the quality of knowledge in the subject increases.

The effectiveness of the use of modern technologies:

- increasing motivation for learning;

- 100% training in all subjects;

- positive dynamics of the quality of knowledge (according to the results of diagnostic work);

- increasing the effectiveness of participation in school, district, city and all-Russian olympiads and competitions.

Thus, to improve the quality of education, it is necessary:

    use modern innovative methods, new forms of organizing and conducting training sessions in the classroom and outside of school hours;

    continue the methodological improvement of teachers to improve their professionalism;

more actively and more widely use modern pedagogical technologies, the possibilities of information and communication technologies, the Internet in the classroom

Modern technologies as a tool for managing the quality of education

Target: understanding the need and possibility of using modern technologies as an indicator of the pedagogical competence of a modern teacher.

Business game plan

  1. 1.Greeting game. Game work plan message.

group work.

Now we will work in groups. To get started, listen to the parable.

Parable (collaboration).

Once upon a time there was a monk. And for most of his life he tried to figure out the difference between Hell and Heaven. He pondered this subject day and night. And one night, when he fell asleep during his painful thoughts, he dreamed that he was in Hell.

He looked around and saw: people were sitting in front of a cauldron of food. But some are emaciated and hungry. He took a closer look - each in the hands of a spoon with a long-th-th-th-handle. They can scoop out of the cauldron, but they won’t get into their mouths. Suddenly, a local employee (apparently a devil) runs up to the monk and shouts:

"Hurry, or you'll miss the train to Paradise."

A man has come to Paradise. And what does he see? The same picture as in Hell. Cauldrons of food, people with long-handled spoons. But everything cheerful and full. A man took a closer look - and here people feed each other with the same spoons.

Therefore, so that we do not succeed as in the old parable, I propose to adopt certain rules.


For a group discussion of opinions and making any decision, we recommend that you follow the following rules:

  • Everyone is required to be part of the group throughout the session.
  • Openness and goodwill in communication.
  • “We work without shoulder straps”, that is, everyone is equal in communication without taking into account merit, knowledge and teaching experience.
  • Express your thoughts clearly and clearly, strive to “make yourself understandable” to yourself and others.
  • Remember that each participant is responsible for the result of the work of the whole group, and the group is responsible for everyone.

I. Introduction

1. Epigraph of the business game.

Who does not want to use new means,
must wait for new troubles

Francis Bacon

Teacher and student grow together:
learning is half teaching.

Li Ji

II. Practical part

1. business game

Participants are divided into 3 groups "educators", "teachers", "experts"

The first question for discussion: Indicate which topics or areas of work, in your opinion, require more detailed consideration and general discussion by the teaching staff?

During 5 minutes, participants brainstorm answers and provide a group of "experts" who prepare a briefing note for the audience.

From the answers, experts identify 2-3 topics that are most relevant to this audience and voice them.

Second question for discussion: Are there any topics or activities that you would like to be involved in?

Within 5 minutes, participants select at least 3 arguments.

The third question: Are there any topics that you can share with other teachers during the year?

From the answers, the experts identify 2-3 most effective ones, according to this audience, and voice them.

Game "Problem on the palm"

Game progress:

Each participant is invited to look at the problem as if from the outside, as if he were holding it on his palm.

The host holds a beautiful tennis ball in his palm and addresses the participants in the game: “I look at this ball. It is round and small, like our Earth. The Earth is the house in which my life unfolds. What would I do with my life if would you have complete control over her? (musical accompaniment: music of the universe)

Participants alternately hold an object symbolizing the problem on their palms and express their personal attitude towards it.

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