What kind of fish does eel belong to in terms of fat content. Fatty fish - types (sea and river), benefits and harms. What is useful fish

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite product - fish. Currently, scientists have proven its usefulness for weight loss. Low-fat fish for the diet, the list of which is given below, is divided by fat content and calorie content. Let's dwell on the popular power systems that use this valuable product. And included tips on how best to cook the fish, so that it is tasty and healthy.

Fish is a source of high quality protein and is quickly absorbed by the body. If it takes about three or four hours to digest meat, then the fish will “dissolve” in two. Therefore, in dietary nutrition, it is recommended even for an evening meal. Proteins keep you feeling full for a long time. The brain "gives a signal" not to store anything on the sides or buttocks.

I think many have heard about the longevity of the inhabitants of Japan. They practically do not have problems with the thyroid gland. Excellent vision and smooth skin persist until old age. Just look at the photo - cheerful, youthful people. Scientists have found that the cause of health was the consumption of a large number of marine fish. The composition of the favorite product includes the following benefits:

  • fatty amino acids Omega-3,;
  • vitamins,;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

Regular consumption of seafood reduces the risk of heart disease. The pressure stabilizes. Work is getting better immune system and the brain. If you do not want to suffer from dementia in old age, eat fish.

Iodine - saturates thyroid gland, which has a huge impact on calorie burning and metabolism. And omega-3 fatty acid is a very useful thing. Without it, the synthesis of other substances in the body is impossible. It maintains normal sensitivity nerve fibers involved in muscle contraction. The presence of beneficial Omega-3 acids will positive influence on hair, skin, nails.

In carbohydrate-free nutrition systems, when losing weight, it is often advised to replace meat with fish. However, not all varieties are equally beneficial. In terms of calories, fatty mackerel is far ahead of lean pork. In order not to be mistaken, we divide the fish by fat content.

To get an idea of ​​the fat content of seafood, pay attention to the color of the meat. If it is light - in front of you is a lean variety of fish. The darker the fillet, the more calories. Think herring, salmon or mackerel.

Of course, scientists say that the most useful is oily fish. In her a large number of the right substances. But when losing weight, you should forget about it. Or reduce consumption to a small piece a week.

Low-fat varieties of fish will be noted separately. They have no carbohydrates. That is why they are so popular among fans. Because switching to fish while on a diet can help delay the need to lower your carb intake.

Product (per 100 grams)Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates calories
FROM low content fat (from 2 to 5 grams)
Tuna24,4 4,6 0 139
sea ​​bass18,2 3,3 0 103
Far Eastern flounder15,7 3 0 90
Vobla18 2,8 0 95
Bream17,1 4,4 0 105
Carp18,2 2,7 0 97
white-winged halibut18,9 3 0 103
Hake16,6 2,2 0 86
horse mackerel18,5 4,5 0 114
Very low fat content (less than 2 grams)
Pollock15,9 0,9 0 72
Blue whiting18,5 0,9 0 82
Haddock17,2 0,5 0 73
Cod16 0,6 0 69
river perch18,5 0,9 0 82
Pike18,4 1,1 0 84
Zander18,4 1,1 0 84
carp17,7 1,8 0 87

Lean fish has less fat than the leanest meat. You will be able to take the same amount of protein from each, but consume fewer calories. This will allow you to keep your carbohydrate intake at a relatively moderate level and you won't feel too depleted. Even in the evening. Excess will definitely not be postponed 😉

If you are wondering how often you can eat fish, then I can please you - if there are no contraindications, then at least every day. The standard serving is 100 gr. And even if you are not a fan of this type of product, then arrange yourself at least sometimes “fish days”. A plate of fish soup or a fragrant baked piece diversifies any menu.

Which is better and how to cook

Even on the most democratic Dukan diet, you can eat this product at any stage. In Dr. Dukan emphasizes proteins and forbids carbohydrates, fats and sweets. The fish in the food system takes not last place. During all stages of the diet, almost any diet is allowed - sea or river. You can even have a little piece of smoked salmon. In more detail, I wrote an article about. Products can be boiled, steamed, fried or baked in foil. But with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

Now let's move on to the most delicious moment. Fish recipes for diets are separate science. They need to take into account the usefulness of a particular variety. And also how safe it will be to use with gastritis or diabetes.


I recommend including the following types of seafood in your diet: tuna, flounder, haddock, pollock, cod, as well as shrimp and crabs. Other types see in the table above with low and very low fat content. But the amount of protein in such meat is high.

To reduce calories, you can boil the fish in water or steam. The last method is the most useful and tasty. The meat is juicy and tender. Pour a little lemon juice over the pieces for flavor and put a sprig of greens (dill, parsley). Sprinkle with aromatic fish seasoning and wrap in foil. In 30 minutes it will be ready.

A plate of fish soup without potatoes is an excellent dietary dish. You can eat as much as you like without any consequences on the waist. Highly delicious broth obtained from pike. A minimum of calories with an amazing aroma.

Try to use less sauces. They provoke an appetite. If you don't like fishy smell- hold the seafood in milk for an hour. Bad smell disappear.

Some of mine complain that the fish falls apart when cooked. Try cooking cod. Its fillets are not as tender as those of other species. Or you can use a little trick. Add some vinegar to boiling water and boil the fish calmly. Fragrant fillet will not fall apart.


Recipes for weight loss contain a minimum of oil. The baking process itself involves cooking the product simultaneously from all sides in the oven. At the same time, the fish turns out to be much tastier than with banal boiling.

For baking, foil or a sleeve is suitable. Nutritionists have noticed: products from the oven are much healthier than those fried in a pan. Pieces of fish a few minutes before readiness can be “freed from protection”. Then get a delicious crust without oil. Or try baking in natural yogurt. The taste is indistinguishable from sour cream. But fewer calories.

Can I eat fried, salted or smoked?

For gastritis and others stomach problems fried is not allowed. But rethink your cooking methods. In batter or breadcrumbs - definitely not. Especially with diabetes. If you really want to, then in a small amount of oil you can treat yourself to a portion. But not more than once a week. Just do not forget to put the finished pieces on a napkin. The oil should be absorbed. By the way, in my article "" you can find a lot of interesting things.

But salty doctors do not prohibit. Just not herring or ram, of course. It is better to make lightly salted low-fat fish yourself. Eat only in the morning. Otherwise, expect unpleasant swelling on the face and overweight on the scales. After salty, you just want to drink and drink.

smoked under strict prohibition! Don't even think about it - definitely not. They have been talking about the dangers of smoked food for so long that everyone has already stopped paying attention to it. And in vain - dangerous carcinogens can cause cancer.

Smoked meats negatively affect the stomach and liver. First, the amount of salt in such products is increased. Secondly, the calorie content increases due to the removal of water during the cooking process. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching a table for comparison.

Fats in fresh fish, per 100 grams Fats in smoked fish, per 100 grams calories smoked fish per 100 g
Hot smoked perch0,9 8 166
Tesha cold smoked sturgeon10,9 25,7 302
Cold-smoked sturgeon balyk10,9 12,5 194
Vobla cold smoked2,8 6,3 181
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Hot smoked bream4,4 4,5 172
Cold smoked bream4,4 4,6 160
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Cold smoked mackerel13,2 15,5 221

And negligent manufacturers can smoke low-quality raw materials. In addition to the main problems, you can get poisoned.

Fish is delicious and useful product which will help you deal with overweight. Choose low-fat varieties and cook. Fried, baked or boiled - you can calculate varied menu for the whole week. Daily use will make you not only slim, but also beautiful.

Another short video about the benefits of fish:

That's all, my dears! If you liked the article, then feel free to leave comments. - there are many more interesting things waiting for you. See you!

What is the fattest fish used by culinary specialists for cooking second and first courses? This is the question we will answer in this article. We will also tell you about whether such a product can be useful for the human body and what dishes can be prepared from it at home.

What is the fattest fish in our country?

Few people know, but the most oily fish lives in Lake Baikal. This is golomyanka. There are two varieties of it: large and small. Regardless of the type, her body is 40 percent fat. By the way, the small golomyanka often reaches a length of 15 centimeters, and a large one - 25.

Details about golomyanka

Now you know which fish is the fattest in our country. It is almost invisible in the water. This is due to the fact that her body is transparent. She lives alone. In addition, golomyanka is the only one in our latitudes.

Can you fry?

The fattest golomyanka fish living in the waters of Lake Baikal is not commercial. Also, it is not used for fattening livestock. However, she has great importance in the eco chain. After all, the bulk of Baikal feeds on it.

Having learned what the fattest fish lives in our latitudes, many ask the question of whether it is possible to fry it. The hostesses who tried to use it in cooking claim that after heat treatment they only have melted fat and a small skeleton. That is why golomyanka is not caught by fishermen and is not used for cooking various dishes.

What is the fattest?

Probably, there are no such people who would not like red fish. After all, it is very tasty and nutritious.

We talked about the fattest fish that lives in Lake Baikal above. However, we found out that it is impossible to use it for cooking. That is why most people buy red fish, which has a fat content of 10 to 20 percent (depending on the season).

So what is the fattest fish after golomyanka? The second step of the pedestal in terms of the content of this substance is occupied by all representatives of salmon. The most popular of them are trout and salmon. Their meat is very tender and tasty. Moreover, these types of fish are practically devoid of small bones.

How does oily fish affect the body?

Salmon, the fattest fish from boasts high concentration omega-3, as well as its ideal ratio with omega-6. Only flax-seed and walnuts.

With the regular use of red fish for food, a person can normalize work digestive tract, avoid the appearance of thrombophlebitis, as well as improve blood circulation and strengthen arteries, immunity and have a beneficial effect on the liver.

In a person who regularly includes this product in their diet, the risk of death from heart disease is significantly reduced. One serving of a dish made from fish a week will prevent the likelihood of a pathology such as rheumatoid arthritis.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fatty fish for older people. After all, thanks to its use, a person is able to prolong own life for several years.

Few people know that oily fish is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent for the brain and heart. It should also be said that as a result of long-term research, experts have found that the substances contained in fatty fish have a positive effect on sexual function male body.

How to cook at home?

What is the fattest fish for frying best? Of course, salmon. It is good to fry it in a small amount of olive oil, after dipping it in breadcrumbs. In addition, such fish is baked (usually in foil), smoked and salted. It is also often kept in a fragrant marinade, and then cooked on coals.

If you want to get a liquid and nutritious dish, then from the head and fins of salmon it is good to cook fish soup with the addition of rice or barley hodgepodge.

After heat treatment, red fish acquires a delicate structure. And it is simply impossible to digest it.

If you are planning to make sandwiches from red fish, then you just need to sprinkle it lightly with salt, leave it for a day, and then cut it into thin slices, place it on a piece of bread and sprinkle with lemon juice. By the way, it is from salmon and trout that everyone's favorite sushi and rolls are made.

Other types of oily fish

In spite of beneficial features red fish (it is rich in minerals and vitamins), not everyone can buy it. After all, its cost exceeds 500-600 Russian rubles per 1 kilogram. Therefore, ordinary residents of our country prefer to purchase more affordable, but no less healthy and oily fish. These are northern herring and pink salmon. They contain many minerals, as well as high-grade proteins.

Summing up

Now you know which types of fish are the fattest. Despite the high calorie content, they are very useful for human body. After all, they contain an incredible amount of vitamins and fatty acids. Moreover, compared to more dietary varieties they have an unsurpassed taste and aroma. Using them, you can cook not only second and first courses, but also various salads, sandwiches, snacks and even pies.

Believe me, by including in your diet you will definitely become healthier and stronger.

Fish is highly nutritious yet easily digestible. This is especially important for diet food. Lean fish does not contain extra calories, but includes whole complex important trace elements and vitamins. Master proper preparation dietary fish - it can be turned into a soufflé, boiled, baked or steamed.

What kind of fish is suitable for dietary nutrition

For diet table choose sea and river fish with a low fat content. These include: bream, cod, pike perch, carp, pollock, carp, blue whiting, mullet, pike, flounder, saffron cod, pollock, hake.

All these fish are different taste value. For example, cod or zander are ideal for a variety of dishes, both everyday and festive. And the harsh pike meat with a specific smell needs special preparation - the list of dishes that can be deliciously prepared from this fish is quite limited. Bony bream requires careful processing, and flounder is cleaned of skin and bones in two steps.

Nutritionists recommend eating at least 3 servings of fish per week. A standard serving is 100 g of cooked fillet without skin and bones. As a side dish for dietary fish, boiled or baked vegetables are prepared - cabbage, potatoes, carrots, peas or asparagus. You can serve the fillet without a side dish. To enhance the taste, fish can be poured freshly squeezed. lemon juice and sprinkle with white pepper.

If you are on a diet that restricts acidic foods, avoid lemon juice and spices.

How to cook healthy fish dishes

Don't limit your diet boiled fish. Diet meals can be steamed, in an air grill or a slow cooker. The fish is baked in foil, rolled in herbs, stewed in its own juice. When cooking, it is worth reducing the amount of spices, eliminating cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise and other high-calorie additives. It is customary to fry some types of lean fish - for example, this is how flounder and carps are usually cooked. However, fried foods are not suitable for a diet table. Flounder can be baked, and meatballs or casseroles can be prepared from carps.

Diet recipes: fish is tasty and healthy

Try the baked cod with herbs and lemon juice. This dish is perfect for dinner or lunch. Boiled or grilled vegetables or a green salad can be served as a side dish.

You will need:

  • 300 g cod fillet
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • a few pink peppercorns
  • ground white pepper

Rinse the cod fillet, pat dry with paper towels and cut into 4 pieces. Chop the onion into rings. Cut out large squares from the foil, put the onion in the center of each, place the cod on top. Season each serving with salt, pepper, pink peppercorns, finely chopped parsley and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Roll up the foil into small bags. Lay the rolls with cod on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake the fish until done. Serve by placing the envelope on a plate and opening the foil slightly.

Diet soufflé from zander

Delicious pike perch can be served in the form of a tender soufflé with low-fat milk sauce. This dish suitable for those who prefer mild, airy dishes.

For diet food, choose freshly caught or chilled fish. It has a more pronounced taste. When buying frozen fish, make sure that it has not been frozen twice: such a carcass will be tasteless and dry

You will need:

  • 800 g zander fillet
  • 100 ml skimmed milk
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon wheat flour
  • 2 eggs

First prepare the milk sauce. Pour flour into the pan and, stirring, fry it until golden brown. Pour milk in a thin stream, add butter. Stirring, cook the sauce until it thickens. Salt it and take it off the stove.

Rinse the zander fillet, cut into pieces and pat dry with paper towels. Place the fish in a food processor bowl and puree. Separate the yolks from the whites and add the first to the minced fish. Beat the mixture again and pour in the cooled sauce. Stir the soufflé, adding a little salt if necessary.

Whip the egg whites until stiff and add to the fish mixture in batches. Stir the mixture gently, from top to bottom, so that the whites do not fall off. Spread the soufflé over silicone molds so that it takes up no more than half the volume. Place the molds in an oven preheated to 180°C. Bake the soufflé until it has risen and is golden brown, about 30 minutes. Serve hot, placing the soufflé on warmed plates. Separately, you can serve a salad of green vegetables sprinkled with lemon juice.

Nutritionists classify low-fat varieties of fish as healthy food. If you cook it correctly, then a person will not gain excess weight. Fish fillet contains about 17% protein and amino acids, which are beneficial for the health of the human body. The meat of lean fish also contains useful vitamins and micronutrients.

Fat categories

Fish species are divided into 3 categories:

  • low-fat varieties, contain up to 4% fat;
  • medium-fat varieties, contain from 4 to 8.5% fat;
  • fatty varieties contain more than 8.5% fat.

By the way, the fat content of all varieties of fish also depends on the time of year. Maximum amount they accumulate fat during the breeding season (spawning).

Meat of all varieties contains proteins (from 14 to 27%) and fats (from 0.3 to 36%). For a convenient distinction between fish varieties, it is best to use a list or table that allows you to accurately distinguish them by fat content or calorie content.

Red lean fish is best stewed and baked in pieces

High Fat Species

Fatty foods include:

  • mackerel, catfish;
  • sprat, stellate sturgeon;
  • fatty herring, eel;
  • sturgeon, halibut;
  • saury.

The listed fish are not suitable for dietary nutrition due to the fact that they contain more than 8.5% fat, and the calorie content varies from 270 to 348 kcal per 100 g.

However, they are considered the most useful. This is due to the fact that they contain more iodine and acids fatty type. These components are able to protect vascular system, thyroid gland, and they also lower cholesterol levels and improve metabolic processes in the body.

Such a list will help eliminate fatty varieties from the diet.

Medium Fat Varieties

To medium fatty species can be attributed:

  • catfish, horse mackerel;
  • carp, silverfish;
  • red-eyed, carp;
  • herring, anchovy;
  • low-fat herring, pink salmon;
  • zander, smelt;
  • ide, bream (river, sea);
  • salmon, sea bass;
  • tuna.

Their calorie content per 100 g is approximately 126 - 145 kcal.

Such fish can be eaten on a diet, but only with the permission of a nutritionist. These varieties have a lot of protein, so it is better to eat it for people who play sports. It is best to cook dishes from them by stewing, salting, smoking, but it will still be more useful to cook a dish for a couple.

cod has minimal amount fat

Varieties with the lowest fat content

Low-fat varieties include:

  • navaga, cod;
  • lemon, haddock;
  • pollock, pollock;
  • river perch, roach;
  • pangasius, pike;
  • crucian, zander;
  • tilapia, omul;
  • burbot, mullet;
  • flounder, white-eye;
  • grayling, lamprey;
  • roach, mackerel;
  • whitefish, sorog.

This list also includes crustaceans and molluscs.

In dishes prepared from the most lean fish, 100 g contains only up to 100 kcal.

When eating low-fat and low-fat fish, you can not only lose extra pounds, but also improve your health. Also, doctors recommend introducing children fish meals with no fatty varieties.

Of the carp family, only crucians have a low fat content. Other representatives belong to the moderately fatty group.

Which is fatter: trout or salmon?

Many people sometimes mistakenly attribute trout and salmon to low-fat varieties. However, it is not. To better understand which fish (trout or salmon) least amount fat, you should compare them.

Trout has only 7% fat and 147 kcal, while salmon has 15% fat and 219 kcal. Thus, they are both not low-fat varieties.

Trout is included in the moderately fatty group, which means that it can be eaten during a diet with the permission of a doctor.

Proper preparation of fish for a diet

A person who decides to go on a diet for the first time should regularly eat fish dishes. They will make it easier to move this period. Because of their low calorie content, they stimulate weight loss, but at the same time they satisfy appetite well.

During the diet, you should not eat fried, smoked, salted and dried fish. You should also refrain from eating canned food.

For a variety of low-fat varieties fish, you can cook soups, cutlets and steamed meatballs, casseroles and soufflés.

By the way, varieties of fish with a low fat content are useful for certain diseases. For example, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract) It is best to eat such dishes. This is due to the fact that they are easily absorbed and digested without burdening the body.

Regular eating of fish dishes will not only reduce weight, but also strengthen the immune system, improve brain activity, and improve health. skin hair, nails and even teeth.

Low-fat varieties of fish for a diet are best suited, and they are also easier to cook.

Easy lean fish recipes

These recipes will help you quickly and tasty cook fish dishes. This diversifies the diet and will help to postpone the period of treatment or weight loss.

Cod fillet steak with potatoes

To prepare 3-4 servings, you will need the following products:

  • 700 g cod meat;
  • 10 medium potatoes;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 1 small lemon;
  • 3 dessert spoons of plain yogurt;
  • 50 g rye flour;
  • 3 tablespoons dessert olive oil;
  • 1 small piece of horseradish.

You will also need a small bunch of dill, parsley and lettuce, as well as spices in the required amount to achieve the usual taste.

To prepare such a dish, you can use any sea fish from the cod family (navaga or pollock).

  1. Remove skin and eyes from potatoes. Wash it in cool water. Cut into slices about 1 cm and boil.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse cold water(so it will not pinch the eyes) and cut it into rings or half rings.
  3. Rinse the lemon well and cut half into circles.
  4. Inspect the fillet for bones (remove any found) and cut into portions. Then coat them with spices and roll on all sides in flour. Fry for olive oil before lung education crusts.
  5. Rinse the horseradish, if necessary, scrape it with a knife and chop it with a grater.
  6. To prepare the sauce, mix yogurt with lemon juice from the second half of the fruit, grated horseradish and herbs (dill, parsley). Mix everything well.

Before serving the dish, all the ingredients should be laid out on plates and garnished with chopped herbs, lettuce and lemon slices with onions.

Such lean fish for a diet, like cod, it fits perfectly, because the calorie content of such a dish is only 235 kcal.

Tilapia fillet cutlets

To prepare 5 servings you will need:

  • 700 g tilapia fillet;
  • 1 onion (bulb);
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 80 - 90 g of boiled round rice;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1 small bunch of dill.

To achieve the usual taste, use spices and seasonings for fish.

  1. Remove all bones from the fillet and grind it in a blender or in a meat grinder to the consistency of minced meat.
  2. Peel and rinse the onion in cool water, then chop until smooth.
  3. Combine the egg with minced meat, onion and boiled rice.
  4. Rinse the herbs and chop them. After that, add it to the minced meat along with spices and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Form cutlets.

After that, they can be laid out on a baking sheet, slightly oiled, and sent to the oven, heated to 150 degrees. After about 15 - 20 minutes, the dish will brown, which means that it can be taken out and served at the table. You can complement the dish with boiled potatoes or fresh vegetables.

By the way, this fish is also commonly called tilapia, and both names are considered correct.

Vietnamese halibut with vegetables

To prepare 3-4 servings you will need:

  • 500 - 600 g halibut fillet;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 peppers (Bulgarian);
  • 2 medium sized garlic cloves;
  • 1 lime or lemon;
  • 40 ml fish sauce;
  • 40 ml of sesame oil;
  • 15 g chopped ginger;
  • 10 g white sugar (sand);
  • 3 sprigs of mint.

It is also necessary to use spices and hot seasonings for fish.

  1. Rinse the fillet and cut into pieces.
  2. Mix lemon juice with sesame oil, fish sauce and spices. Then pour the fillet pieces with the resulting marinade and leave to brew for about 10 - 13 minutes.
  3. Peel the tomatoes (dip them in boiling water before this) and cut into cubes.
  4. Peel the garlic and pepper, and then cut into small pieces. Then mix them with tomatoes and ginger.
  5. Rinse the mint and finely chop.
  6. Rinse the lemon or lime and cut into slices.
  7. Put a mixture of vegetables on the marinated fillet pieces and pour the marinade over everything.
  8. Wrap each piece separately food foil and spread on a baking sheet.
  9. Place it in the oven (preheated to 150 degrees) and leave for 25 minutes.

After cooking, transfer the finished fish from foil to plates and garnish with mint and lime (lemon) circles.

Even small bones must be removed from the fillet

Freshwater fish have an unexpressed smell of the river or algae. Therefore, after cutting it, it is better to soak it in water with lemon juice.

Fresh carcasses should have shiny scales, red gills and some bulging eyes without film. If at least one sign is missing, then the fish is no longer quite fresh or has been re-frozen.

If the dish will be prepared from fillet, then it is better not to be lazy and remove all bones, especially small ones.

To find out if oily fish or not, just look at the lists and make a choice. And find out which fish is best suited for proper nutrition, you can have a nutritionist. He will not only tell you which varieties of fish are most suitable, but also how best to cook them.

Fatty fish varieties are chinook salmon, nelma, halibut, sturgeon, beluga, sardine, saury, stellate sturgeon, ivasi, Atlantic herring, salmon, whitefish, nanotenia, omul, Caspian sprat, toothfish, eel, catfish, burbot, silver carp, sabrefish. These varieties of fish contain in their meat a large (from 8 to 30%) amount of fish oil, which is good for human health.

Fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA) groups n-3. Fats of the n-3 group are also known as "omega-3 fats" or "omega-3 acids".

Fatty fish are rich in the two most important n-3 group polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (decosahexaenoic acid).

The human body itself can produce some of these acids (EPA and DHA) from the original fats of the n-3 alpha-linolenic acid group. Rich sources of alpha-linolenic acid are cereal oils, for example, linseed oil, rapeseed or mustard, as well as some nuts, especially walnuts. But this amount produced by the body is not enough for a person.

EPA and DHA acids are found in large quantities in fish oil and in fatty fish fillets such as mackerel, herring, trout, salmon and sardines and in fish liver.

Amount of n-3 group fatty acids. (per 100g raw portion of the product)

Type of seafood

Total lipids

Polyunsaturated fats

Fatty acids of group n-3

Lobsters (boiled)

Crabs (boiled)


Tuna (canned)

Trout (rainbow)

Cod liver oil

The Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids lower blood levels bad cholesterol, thereby beneficially affecting the state of the brain, heart, blood vessels and eyes. Proven beneficial effect Omega 3 acids on the condition of patients with coronary disease hearts - after all, cholesterol plays a leading role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that clog blood vessels.

In addition, Omega-3 acids improve the condition and mobility of the joints. Prevent arthritis and osteoarthritis. Protect nerve cells brain, reducing the risk of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Omega 3 acids reduce pain, accompanying premenstrual syndrome and menstruation.

Vitamin A is found in large quantities in fatty fish such as herring and mackerel, as well as in crustaceans. A 100-gram serving of these seafood contains 10 to 15% of the daily recommended amount of retinol, an easily absorbed form of vitamin A.

Vitamin D

Fatty fish are an excellent source of vitamin D and D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D is responsible for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the human body, and also regulates the level of calcium in the blood. Without vitamin D, no more than 10-15% of the calcium that enters the body with food is absorbed in the intestines. Vitamin D is very important for maintaining healthy condition bones. Vitamin D plays a preventive role in the fight against certain types of cancer.

Vitamin B

Fatty fish is a good source of B vitamins, especially thiamine, riboflavin, and pyridoxine. A 100-gram serving of almost any fish will provide about 10% daily allowance these vitamins. Fish is especially rich in vitamin B12. Medium serving provides over 100% adult norm this vitamin. Vitamin B12 is especially important for the vital activity of blood cells.

Fish usually contains very little vitamin C.

Table 2* The content of vitamins in fish.

Type of seafood


Trout (rainbow)

Lobsters (boiled)

Crabs (boiled)


Fish contains more iodine than any other natural product. The presence of fish in the diet twice a week is equivalent to 100 to 200 micrograms of iodine per day, which corresponds to the daily requirement of an adult (130 micrograms of iodine). Sea fish, entitled " sole"contains the largest amount of iodine necessary for normal operation thyroid gland.


The fish is good source selenium, although the content of this mineral varies by species. Recommended daily rate selenium for an adult -55 mcg. 100 grams of fish typically provides 20 to 60 micrograms of selenium. For comparison, grain and meat products contain 10 to 12 micrograms of selenium per 100 grams.

Selenium plays a key role in the functioning of the human immune system, in thyroid metabolism and in sexual activity. Baldness of the head is a direct consequence of a regular lack of selenium in the body.


Most fish contain a small amount of calcium, although the exceptions are sardines, oysters, and shrimp, which can provide 10 to 20% of an adult's recommended daily allowance per 100 grams of product.


All shellfish, especially fresh oysters and mussels, are rich sources of zinc. The popularity of the stimulating effect of oysters is attributed to high content zinc, since the normal content of zinc in the body is directly related to male potency and sperm motility. The daily recommended amount of zinc for an adult is 9.5 mg.

Table 3*Mineral content in fish and crustaceans(per 100 gr. raw portion of the product)

Type of seafood





Calcium, mg

Iron, mg





Selenium, mcg


Trout (rainbow)

Crabs (boiled)


* sources:

B. Holland, J. Brown and D. Bass, 1993, Fish and fish products;

· English Food Standards Agency, 2002, Third Supplement to Food Ingredients (5th Edition);

· McCankey and Widowson's Food Components (6th edition) Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.


Regular consumption of fatty fish is very beneficial for human health.

Scientists have calculated the maximum harmless amount of oily fish. So, according to the British agency FSA (Food Standard Agency), men, boys, boys, and postmenopausal women can eat up to 4 servings of fatty fish per week without harm to health (each serving is 140 g of fish).

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