Diet of Elena Malysheva - menu and the best recipes for dietary dishes. Secrets of Malysheva's diet. Daily menu and recipes

The Malysheva diet menu, developed for every day, is considered one of the best. It allows a person to lose weight without harming their health. In addition, the lost kilograms do not return, that is, the person does not get better after the end of the diet.

To lose weight, you need to eat foods that are allowed in the calculated menu. Dishes from it are easy to prepare at home and are no different from a ready-made paid set of food called "Drop the excess."

Recommendations for following Elena Malysheva's diet at home for every day

The diet of Elena Malysheva is discussed in detail below. The menu for every day is quite strict. It includes the following recommendations:

  • when cooking, do not put salt, spices, mayonnaise, butter in dishes;
  • portion sizes should be small;
  • eat at least five times a day;
  • you need to eat food according to the schedule, observing always a clear time;
  • the number of kcal for 24 hours should be no more than 1200.

If you follow the menu for every day with the Malysheva diet at home, the results will certainly be positive. At the same time, thanks to this diet, a person will not only lose weight, but also improve his health.

So, a visual menu for the day. It should include:

  • morning: boiled oatmeal, it is also allowed to put fresh berries in porridge;
  • afternoon snack: fruit;
  • lunch: its composition should be nutritious, for example, you can cook boiled chicken and porridge;
  • snack before dinner: it is permissible to eat fresh vegetables;
  • dinner: a salad made from vegetables, seasoned with olive oil, it is allowed to eat an egg.

During such a diet, you should not forget about water. It is necessary to remove toxins and harmful substances.

A detailed diet of Elena Malysheva's diet for every day: a menu with a table

A person can eat fruits and vegetables. They are allowed to be used subject to the diet of Malysheva. The menu developed for each day can be seen in detail below. It is for a week:

Days of the week

Menu for the morning

Menu for lunch

Menu for the evening


Buckwheat, boiled eggs, vegetables

A piece of boiled beef (0.150 kg), boiled cauliflower (0.200 kg)

Stewed cabbage and zucchini (0.200 -0.250 kg)

Boiled oatmeal (it is allowed to put berries in it)

A piece of boiled chicken (0.200 kg), rye bread, pilaf

Boiled or steamed fish (0.150 kg), beans (0.200 kg), herbs to suppress hunger

Salad made from apples, carrots. Steam-cooked two-egg omelette

Vegetable soup, boiled chicken fillet (0.150 kg), rye bread

Low-fat cottage cheese (0.150 kg)

Boiled beef (0.050 kg), rye bread (2 pieces), green peas (0.100 kg)

Stewed vegetables (0.150 - 0.200 kg), boiled fish (0.100 kg). Potatoes should not be eaten

Cottage cheese casserole (0.200 kg)

Oatmeal with dried fruit

Boiled fish, stewed vegetables

Low-fat cottage cheese

2 boiled eggs, cheese (0.030 - 0.050 kg)

Vegetable soup, boiled chicken (0.150 kg), stewed vegetables

Baked cauliflower (0.200 kg), fat-free cottage cheese (0.050 kg)


Boiled porridge, stewed vegetables

Boiled beef, rye bread, fresh vegetables

Boiled fish (0.150 kg), boiled green beans (0.150 kg)

In accordance with the menu presented in the table for every day, Malysheva's diet will have an effect when a person complies with calorie norms (1200 per day). It will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your health. The main thing - losing weight should not forget about the drinking regimen.

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Fat deposits on the body form favorable conditions for various diseases, because they disrupt metabolic processes. An obese person falls into a vicious circle: a low metabolism causes weight gain even when eating a small amount of food. Malysheva's diet - the menu for the week suggests that excess weight will go away even with sufficient nutrition, while losing weight will be slow and safe for health.

What is the diet of Elena Malysheva

Malysheva's program involves the use of dishes from a certain set of products, from which it is forbidden to deviate. The nutrition system is designed for 24 days, during which a person will not need to torture himself with hunger. The diet "lose weight with Elena Malysheva" is based on good nutrition, while it is extremely important to follow the regime exactly and stick to the menu. Despite minor shortcomings, the "lose weight together" program belongs to the category of safe and effective.

Weight loss rules

The author recommends reducing your diet by removing harmful and incompatible products from it. The proposed menu of the system for weight loss has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, provides a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, healthy proteins, vitamins (mainly from vegetables and fruits) for the body. The author of the technique recommends periodically carrying out fasting days, which will help to more effectively get rid of excess weight. Key nutrition rules:

  • exclusion from the menu of alcoholic beverages, minimization of salt in the diet, since these products retain moisture in the body;
  • with a passive lifestyle, a sufficient daily amount of calories is considered for women - 1200, for men - 1400, and Malysheva's weight loss kit gives 1100 and 800 kcal (the rest of the calorie content, if necessary, gets to the menu on its own);
  • the consumption of animal fats is reduced to a minimum, food is processed in a more useful way - boiled, steamed / grilled, baked;
  • to avoid a strong feeling of hunger during the diet, it is recommended to eat often (up to 6 times a day);
  • up to 0.25 kg of food can be consumed at a time - this will prevent stretching of the stomach;
  • cereals and bread can only be eaten separately from meat, while they can be combined with vegetables;
  • to speed up metabolic processes, during weight loss you need to drink plenty of clean water (it also removes toxins faster and distributes beneficial substances throughout the body).

Power principle

A menu for a week or longer requires the use of no more than 1200 kcal per day. Since the average daily calorie content of a woman's diet is 1400-1800 kcal, weight loss occurs due to a calorie deficit. Key principles of weight loss:

  1. You can't lose weight quickly. Healthy weight reduction involves the processing of exclusively adipose tissue. This process is relatively slow: no more than 150 g of fat is burned per day, so the result of a week of dieting will be modest - a plumb line of about 0.5 kg. Despite the low rate of weight loss using the Malysheva system, it gives a more stable and safer result. The minimum period during which such a diet must be observed is 3 months.
  2. Accounting for normal weight. Before you begin, you need to soberly assess the state of your own body. Many women, whose weight is within the normal range, begin to lose weight, although they do not need to.
  3. Taking into account individual characteristics. Before you go on a diet - a menu for a week or longer, you need to find out the nature of excess weight and determine how much body weight exceeds the norm. In some cases, refusing junk food does not help to lose weight, since the cause of obesity lies in diseases - diabetes, metabolic disorders, endocrine system disorders, etc.
  4. Menu correction. Fatty, fried, salty foods are reduced or completely excluded from the diet. In a minimal amount, vegetable fats can be consumed.
  5. Establishing eating habits. A diet for a week or more suggests that a person will get used to a balanced, healthy menu and will stick to it after the completion of the course. This is important for maintaining and improving the result of losing weight.

Ready meals

The author's weight loss system consists of ready-made dinners, lunches and breakfasts, which you only need to warm up before eating, which is convenient for busy people. Let's take a closer look at the set of ready meals from Elena Malysheva. The menu includes:

  • early breakfast - muesli or cereal;
  • second breakfast - any fruit;
  • lunch - a low-calorie frozen dish (you need to warm it up in the microwave), it should be supplemented with a fresh salad;
  • afternoon snack - cereal bar or dried fruits;
  • dinner is a relatively high-calorie frozen dish, which is also complemented by a vegetable salad.

What's included

The calorie content of the products in the system is precisely calculated: each serving corresponds to 1 meal and is placed in a separate package. Each tray is labeled with a cooking method, and the daily rations are packaged in different colors to make it easier to find the right food. The composition of the diet of Elena Malysheva by day is collected in four packages of different colors:

  • green is breakfast;
  • yellow is lunch;
  • blue is an afternoon snack;
  • red is dinner.

Part of the food has a dry appearance and before eating it must be steamed by pouring hot water (about 90 degrees). Other food from the Malysheva system is frozen, so it first needs to be thawed, and then heated in a microwave oven. The menu for the week includes:

  1. Breakfasts, the calorie content of which is approximately 300 kcal. The following options are offered: muesli with 4 cereals, oatmeal porridge with berries, muesli with seeds / candied fruit, fruit and cereal bar with cranberries and cherries, buckwheat / rice / wheat porridge with raisins, other additives, steam omelet with cauliflower or broccoli, etc.
  2. Lunches with calories up to 150 kcal. Represented by champignons with potatoes in sauce, turkey with cauliflower / broccoli, saury fillet with mashed potatoes, salmon and steamed rice, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions, meat cuts, meatballs with mushroom sauce, chicken breast with boiled rice, etc.
  3. Desserts are about 300 kcal. The menu for the week includes such options for afternoon snacks: a fruit and nut bar, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, blueberry/lingonberry soufflé, kozinaki with dried apricots and sesame seeds.
  4. Dinners, the calorie content of which is about 100 kcal. Proper nutrition according to Malysheva includes boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge, soup with noodles and low-fat chicken, green / pumpkin cream soup with breadcrumbs, fish meatballs with rice, sweet peppers stuffed with vegetables, cabbage stewed with mushrooms, vegetable pilaf.


A standard set of products from Elena Malysheva's system is designed for 28 days and does not require long cooking. At the same time, you can even make a purchase online by ordering goods on the website with delivery to St. Petersburg or Moscow. Buying a mail-order kit and having it delivered to your home is a great option for shoppers who are pressed for time or unable to leave their homes due to being overweight.

The price of a weight loss kit may vary depending on the chosen system: there are several options for the program for sale, designed for men, women, people with chronic diseases, etc. The average cost of food is 12,000 rubles. The proposed diet is designed for 4 weeks, with 4 sets of food intended for fasting days (the minimum amount of light food).

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

The food system includes ordinary foods that can be prepared at home using ordinary, affordable products. In fact, the Malysheva diet for a week is not a classic version of the weight loss system, but a set of products that provide overweight people with all the necessary substances with a moderate calorie diet. An important rule during weight loss is the observance of the diet. If necessary, you can add vegetables, mushrooms, spices, vegetable broths, kefir with low fat content to the menu, etc.

Menu for every day

A healthy diet according to Elena Malysheva for every day of the week includes cereal cereals, fruits, low-fat dairy products. Dinner is light, and lunch and breakfast are of medium satiety. The last meal should be completed long before sleep, and just before rest, you are allowed to drink 250 grams of fat-free kefir. The menu for the week provides for the use of no more than 1200 kcal per day. An example of a diet is presented in the table: you can choose dishes similar in calorie content and composition, but you cannot change the diet.

time of day

Portion size

  • boiled buckwheat;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • salad with carrots and greens (fill with oil);
  • Apple.

Late breakfast

  • sour cream 10%.
  • steamed beef;
  • boiled cauliflower;
  • rosehip / herbal decoction.
  • stewed cabbage with zucchini;
  • grapefruit/other citrus;
  • apple baked with cinnamon.
  • kefir with low fat content.
  • steamed oatmeal;
  • berries;
  • low fat milk.

Late breakfast

  • whole grain breads;
  • salad with beets and prunes (dressing - oil)
  • salad with tomato, cucumber, dressed with oil;
  • pilaf with chicken fillet, vegetables;
  • green tea is unsweetened.
  • yogurt;
  • low fat cottage cheese.
  • boiled beans;
  • egg white and boiled cod soufflé.
  • steamed omelet;
  • carrot and apple salad with butter.

Late breakfast

  • Apple.
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • vegetable soup;
  • boiled beans.
  • stewed cabbage with apple, carrot.
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • kefir 1%.
  • boiled green peas;
  • lean beef fillet;
  • cereal loaves.

Late breakfast

  • loaves;
  • the vinaigrette.
  • lean boiled fish;
  • fresh juice;
  • stewed vegetables.
  • nuts;
  • Apple.
  • cottage cheese casserole without sugar;
  • sour cream 10%.
  • dried fruits;
  • porridge "Hercules" in milk.

Late breakfast

  • eggplant caviar;
  • loaves.
  • stewed vegetables;
  • Steamed fish.
  • vegetable pilaf.
  • low-fat cottage cheese.
  • hard cheese;
  • green peas;
  • Hard boiled egg.

Late breakfast

  • sauerkraut;
  • baked potato.
  • boiled chicken;
  • pea soup;
  • loaves;
  • vegetable stew.
  • vegetable salad without garnish.
  • cauliflower stew;
  • kefir 1%
  • barley porridge;
  • vegetable stew.

Late breakfast

  • orange.
  • braised cabbage;
  • boiled beef;
  • half an apple.
  • salad with greens;
  • cottage cheese.
  • boiled beans;
  • fish soufflé;
  • kefir 1%

How to lose weight in 10 days

The basis of the ten-day diet is a separate diet, while there is a change in protein and carbohydrate meals on the days of the week. Such a system for weight loss is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases. The protein diet menu involves a varied, satisfying diet, while the regime looks like this:

  • a glass of warm water is taken on an empty stomach;
  • for breakfast they eat green vegetables and a boiled egg;
  • during the day, meals take place 4-5 more times, and dinner ends before 19 o'clock (only boiled chicken cooked in two waters is allowed to eat during the day - the first is drained).

A carbohydrate day is easier to carry, since it is allowed to eat any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. Recipes may include stewed, boiled, grilled/steamed fruits. The recommended number of meals for weight loss is from 6 to 8. An ideal option for a menu for a week or 10 days is a salad of beets, carrots and herbs, seasoned with oil and lemon juice. This dish perfectly cleanses the intestines. During the diet, you should consume at least two liters of water per day.

Pros and cons

This weight loss system has earned the love of many Russians. The pros and cons of the Malysheva diet for a week or a month are unequal. The advantage of the author's nutrition system is its benefits for the body. Such a regimen of food intake and a balanced diet do not put a burden on the digestive system and other human organs. The advantages of the diet include, in addition, the absence of the need to count calories: the daily menu is clearly scheduled.

The negative factor of this method of losing weight is the relative monotony of the diet, but such a set of products was not chosen by chance - all food has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines. The disadvantage of the diet is the fact that excess weight goes away slowly, unlike other more strict nutrition systems. However, having managed to lose a few kilograms according to the Malysheva system, you will probably no longer see them on your body if you adhere to the basics of a healthy diet.

Weight Loss Recipes

You can follow the diet for a week or as long as you want, but it is better to make such a diet a habit and follow it constantly. Using the technique of Elena Malysheva, it will be possible to lose weight forever and without harm to health. Since each organism is individual, the time to achieve results varies, however, following the rules of nutrition, you will definitely get the expected results. Recipes for weight loss are simple and do not require significant time costs.

Chicken cutlets with herbs

  1. Prepare 0.7 kg of fresh fillet, 1 egg, spices, 0.3 cauliflower, dill.
  2. Grind the meat and boiled cabbage with a blender until smooth.
  3. Combine the mass with an egg, finely chopped herbs, spices.
  4. After thoroughly mixing the mass, form cutlets out of it and cook them for a couple.
  1. You will need 1 onion, 6 ripe tomatoes, chicken broth (1 l), bell pepper, spices, sour cream, buckwheat (150 g) and herbs.
  2. Chopped onions must be darkened in olive oil, bake tomatoes in the oven for 15 minutes.
  3. Free the tomatoes from the skin, grind with a blender along with the onion, dilute the mixture with chicken broth.
  4. In the resulting mass, you need to shift the separately boiled buckwheat and pieces of stewed pepper.
  5. It is better to serve the dish with a spoonful of sour cream and fresh herbs.

Buckwheat soup with chicken:

  1. Prepare in advance an onion, 3 tomatoes, chicken breast, 100 g of buckwheat, greens, sweet pepper.
  2. Sauté the diced onion for a couple of minutes.
  3. Peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them, then mash the pulp with a fork and transfer the mixture to the onion in the pan. Simmer the ingredients for 7 minutes, stirring with a spoon.
  4. Boil the meat in a liter of water. Add another glass of water to the resulting broth and boil buckwheat in this liquid.
  5. Cut the chicken, send it to the soup along with the fry.
  6. The last in the dish according to the recipe of Elena Malysheva, add finely chopped peppers, herbs.

Pineapple Chicken:

  1. Take 2 chicken breasts, a can of pineapple, soy sauce, spices.
  2. Boil the meat, do not drain the broth - it will be needed.
  3. Pineapple cut into cubes.
  4. Mix chicken with 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and pepper.
  5. Put the marinated fillet in a mold, pour in the broth and cook in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  6. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. broth and pineapple juice from a jar. Boil the liquid, then add 1 tbsp. l. starch and mix thoroughly. Finally add pineapple chunks.
  7. Eat chicken with pineapple sauce 1-2 times a week during Elena Malysheva's diet.


Excess weight is a threat to health. In an obese body, the organs work with a double load, and the heart and joints are especially affected. The slimness of the figure largely depends on nutrition.

Became very popular lately Elena Malysheva's diet - the famous TV presenter of the health program. The main feature of the diet is that it does not involve any starvation.

Here we will analyze all the nuances of the system: rules, daily menus, recipes, prohibited foods. You will learn about the nuances and all other components of this diet for free.

What is the main secret of Malysheva's diet program?

The main secret of the system is that there is no secret here. On the official website, the author of the development invites everyone to pay a certain amount.
But the payment is not for the program itself, but for 4 week food package , which are delivered to the addressee in a frozen form:

Each serving is packaged in a separate container and color coded. For breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in different colors. All you need to do is just heat up the food.

The diet itself is known to many, and completely free healthy food system . You can cook all these dishes yourself at home. The diet includes quite affordable, budget products.

Diet principles

Don't expect quick results. The right program is designed for slow weight loss. Sudden weight loss can significantly harm the body.
The diet involves 5-6 meals a day, which means that you will not have to feel hungry.
The system does not have strict rules, the ingredients of dishes can be adjusted to individual characteristics.
Malysheva recommends sticking to the norm of 1200-1300 calories per day.
An obligatory component of the diet is to drink plenty of clean water.
Salt as a seasoning in dishes is practically excluded.
All food must be chewed very carefully - this should become a habit.
In the 7-day diet, there is always one fasting day.
Physical activity should be given at least 3 times a week (running, swimming, gymnastics, yoga, gym - at your discretion).
The regimen must be approached with a positive attitude - the psychological aspect is very important. You can't always

think that you are limiting yourself in some way. Refusal of certain products should be perceived as the right choice, not a ban.
Experts advise treating this program not as a diet, but as a healthy lifestyle and stick to it all your life.

What is the cost of E. Malysheva's diet?

For many, dietary nutrition seems to be something exquisite. Indeed, there are such systems where very rare products in our region are included in the diet.
But such programs came to us from the West.

The Malysheva system is just a regime proper nutrition compiled by domestic nutritionists. There are no "overseas" and outlandish products in it.

Many ladies are interested in how much Malysheva's diet program costs. On the official website, they ask you to pay for a monthly set of products 14 000 rubles. A lot or a little is a subjective question, it all depends on the income of each.

But if you cook food yourself, then the cost of such food is about 30-40% cheaper. And taking into account the fact that all harmful products, which are often very expensive, are excluded from the diet, even savings come out.

What is allowed and what is prohibited?

Allowed without restrictions Allowed moderately Forbidden
All kinds of greenery Potato Butter, margarine
Zucchini White meat (poultry, fish) Mayonnaise and other similar sauces
eggplant Dairy products Sweet pastries
Cabbage (all types) Cereals, cereals canned food
Carrot Legumes Smoked and sausage products
Beet Eggs Pickles, marinades
Onion nuts Semi-finished products
Radish Honey by-products
radish Fruit red meat
Green beans Dried fruits, candied fruits Preserves, jams, sweets and other sweets, desserts
Mushrooms Bananas Sweet carbonated drinks
Green peas Pumpkin Sugar
corn kernels Berries Ice cream
cucumbers Vegetable oil Purchased juices
Tomatoes Whole grain bread Alcoholic drinks
Tea, coffee (no sugar) Low-fat cheese Snacks

It is advisable to steam all food, bake in the oven, and use the minimum amount of oil when frying.
You can also prepare portions for future use, pack them in food containers and freeze them.

Menu for the week

Now let's move on to the diet itself. The main scheme is eating every 3 hours . Breakfast is mandatory, after which the countdown begins until the next snack. It is impossible that the break between meals was more than 3.5 hours. The first days, if it is very difficult, you can slightly reduce the time.

Important! Each serving should not exceed 250-300 g. This is quite enough to saturate the stomach.

So, Malysheva's diet - menu for the week (free) as a table:

Monday Breakfast: oatmeal porridge - 150 g, 1 chicken egg (boiled), carrot salad (rub 1 carrot and season with oil), 1 green apple.
Snack: cottage cheese casserole - 150 g, a handful of dried fruits with walnuts.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast - 200 g, a little rice for garnish, cabbage salad.
afternoon tea: banana.
Dinner: fish fillet - 150g. stewed vegetables (any) - 100 g, cucumber and ripe tomato salad.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Tuesday Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water - 180-200 g, berries - 100 g.
Snack: salad of fresh beets, carrots and cabbage - 250 g, a slice of bread or bread.
Dinner: steamed cutlet (150 g), buckwheat or rice for garnish - 100 g, any freshly prepared vegetable salad.
afternoon tea: cottage cheese (possible with berries) - 125 g, 1 apple.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast - 150 g, rice - 70 g, cucumber.
Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
Wednesday Breakfast: rice or millet porridge - 200 g, any fruit.
Snack: a handful of low-fat nuts, an apple or other fruit.
Dinner: pea puree - 100 g, fish fillet - 150 g, vegetable salad.
afternoon tea: yogurt, a handful of berries.
Dinner: boiled red beans - 150 g, vegetable salad.
Snack: a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.
Thursday Breakfast: unsalted boiled rice - 100, apple and carrot salad dressed with oil - 100 g.
Snack: yogurt, a handful of nuts.
Dinner: chicken stewed with vegetables - 250 g, tomato and cucumber salad.
afternoon tea: banana or other low-calorie fruit.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast - 200 g. salad from any fresh vegetables - 100 g.
Snack: fat-free cottage cheese - 150 g.
Friday Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water with dried fruits - 200 g, a glass of fresh juice.
Snack: cottage cheese - 150 g, 1 medium apple.
Dinner: steamed fish (any) - 200 g, stewed vegetables - 100 g
afternoon tea: banana.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat - 100 g, chicken meat - 150 g, vegetable salad.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Saturday Breakfast: simple rice porridge - 200 g, cottage cheese - 100 g.
Snack: a glass of kefir, 1 apple.
Dinner: vegetable soup - 250 g, fresh salad - 100 g.
afternoon tea: a handful of nuts and dried fruits.
Dinner: rice, stewed with meat - 220 g, vegetable salad.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Sunday it fasting day , must be sustained. It is allowed to eat only small portions of unleavened rice and drink fresh juices in small quantities.

It was basic menu, you can diversify it a little at your discretion with your own recipes: replace stew or boiled meat with broths, and make sandwiches from bread and low-fat cheese for snacks.

Barley, wheat groats, corn grains, lentils can be boiled as side dishes.

From drinks, any teas, a moderate amount of coffee, herbal infusions, rose hips, compotes are allowed. The main thing is that all drinks are made without sugar.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss: reviews

The nutrition system from the doctor of medical sciences and part-time popular TV presenter is really very effective. Hundreds of people have already been convinced of its effectiveness:

Catherine: After giving birth, I could not lose the extra 8 kg. I tried different diets, but they were all debilitating. A small child, sleepless nights, so nerves to hell, and then there are hunger strikes, no, this is not for me. Diet Malysheva immediately liked those, there are no hunger strikes. Yes, much is impossible, but I was constantly full. dropped 3 kg in a month. I'm on a diet. I hope everything will gradually go away.

Tatyana Balasheva: For me, this is the best diet, easy, not harmful to health. Lost 2 sizes. There is no hunger, there is lightness in the body, there is more energy. It's not even a diet, it's a way of eating. I go to the gym 4 days a week, this also played a role.

Ludmila: Malysheva, of course, well done. Making money on what has long been known. Read books about healthy eating, there you will find this supposedly super diet. I have been eating right for many years and do not know the problems of excess weight.

Rozaly: Lasted a couple of weeks, the result was - minus 2 kg. But I can’t live without some products, beef, for example, or smoked fish. I decided not to limit myself so strictly.

Elena, young mother: This is the only diet that worked for me. From others dizzy, it was dark in the eyes. After giving birth, she gained almost 10 kg. Eating according to the Malysheva system, she lost 8 kg in 3 months, did not go in for sports, there was no time. The diet is easy, I'm already used to this diet.

Elena Malysheva's weight loss system is nutrition without any harm to the body. Such a diet restores health, improves immunity, gives vigor and a beautiful figure.

The proof of the effectiveness of the program is the appearance of the TV presenter herself - at 56 years old, she looks just fine!

The idea of ​​a popularly beloved doctor to develop a technique for natural and quick weight loss is far from new. There is a huge amount of help to solve the problem of obesity with varying degrees of effectiveness. However, in a number of cases, people who lose weight in different ways, as a rule, face the problem of deterioration in well-being, up to the appearance of serious diseases.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss is the first "Russian" innovative product in the field of medicine, which helps not only to get rid of excess fat accumulation, but to improve or maintain health. The author's approach of this doctor of medical sciences is the fruit of many years of work, which is focused on ensuring that each person takes care of himself, improving the quality of his life.

The fundamental principles of the diet are:

  1. low-calorie food;
  2. gradual weight loss (no more than 0.5 kg per day);
  3. physical exercise.

The diet promotes weight loss by triggering an internal fat burning program. But all this happens without the occurrence of nutritional deficiencies, which significantly slow down metabolism. With a sharp weight loss and a clear lack of vitamins and minerals, the human body works in an “energy-saving” mode, keeping fat “in reserve”. In such cases, the arrow on the balance will either stand still or show an increase in weight when weighing.

Malysheva's weight loss program is designed for "reasonable" weight loss, so the results will not be instant, but long lasting. In addition, with extra pounds, the threats of stroke and heart attack will go away, not only metabolic processes will normalize, but also blood pressure. The effect of such a weight loss plan can be seen on the creator herself. Elena Vasilievna followed her program at home. This led to a successful outcome: she looks fresh and fit, but no one can guess how old this woman is.

The rules of the doctor's weight loss technique are simple: the duration of the diet depends on the number of extra pounds, as well as on the degree of personal interest. For those whose body weight is almost ideal, but only a slight adjustment is required, there is a special low-calorie express weight loss method, following which you can part with 4 or 5 kg in 10 days. In cases where excess weight is 20-25 kg, it is recommended to complete the full program, the duration of which is from 2 to 3 months. The term is quite serious, but already in the first weeks of the diet you will see that your waist will become thinner. You will lose from 5 to 10 kilograms, but in the future there may not be such a visible effect. And this is normal, because the method is designed for healthy weight loss, and not for exhaustion of the body.

There are several key points to consider:

  • During the diet, it is strictly forbidden to starve, so that the body does not create “NZ” from the foods consumed, thereby slowing down the process of “dumping” unnecessary kilograms;
  • To avoid stress from malnutrition, it is necessary to observe fractional nutrition. Eat food every three hours, but not more than 5 times a day in small portions (no more than 200 grams). Metabolism in this case will increase, which will lead to the "burning" of fats;
  • Keep a calorie diary. Write down in this diary everything that was eaten during the day, including information about the number and calorie content of meals;
  • The priority is only natural products with a low calorie content. There should be no preservatives and dyes! Pastries, sugar and alcohol are excluded. Dishes should not contain a lot of salt, fats of natural or vegetable origin. Restrictions also apply to starch-containing products;
  • The calorie content of food consumed daily should not be more than 1200 kilocalories. Such a number of calories will allow you to lose weight even for those who are not loaded with physical labor and sports, but will be sufficient to maintain the body;
  • Eating is important: Be sure to chew your food thoroughly. This will help the stomach work better, and saturation will come faster. It is best to chew food at least 18 times;
  • Drinking regularly is the key to rapid weight loss. The daily menu should include up to 10 glasses of water. Elena Vasilievna, notes the fact that people are more likely to experience thirst rather than hunger. But feeling "discomfort", they take it for a symptom of hunger and rush to satisfy it. In order not to succumb to such false urges, it is recommended to drink a little water before and after meals;
  • To improve metabolism and reduce appetite, cleanse the body and normalize sugar levels, it is recommended to diversify your table with 1 cup of green leaf tea. It is better to take it no more than 1 time per day. Do not put sugar in your drink;
  • Replace carbohydrate-rich foods with grains. Buy dairy products with reduced fat content or completely fat-free;
  • Lean meat, boiled eggs should be taken only for lunch, since the human body spends a lot of energy on the assimilation of such foodstuffs;
  • A positive perception of life and yourself plays an important role in losing weight. A good mood helps the body cope with the difficult task of getting rid of kilograms accumulated over more than one year of life. Dr. Malysheva advises at every meal to mentally address your body, setting it up for the best food processing;
  • 12. Once a week, a day of "unloading" should be arranged. You can stick to the menu of fasting days from the arsenal of Malysheva herself, preferring the grapefruit, rice or watermelon scheme. A systemic one-time reduction in the calorie content of the daily menu will accelerate the rhythm of weight loss;
  • Practicing any active sport significantly affects the number of pounds lost.

The benefits of the diet include a simple set of products, effective weight loss, and improvement of the body. A low-calorie diet, a positive attitude, an active lifestyle normalize metabolism, reduce appetite, increase a person's tone and self-esteem, improving not only the figure, but also the functioning of internal organs. This is reflected in the color and condition of hair, skin, nails. There are no contraindications, but the duration of the diet is impressive.

It is due to this duration that a lasting effect is achieved, there is a “restructuring” of the functioning of the body, which allows you to lose weight with health benefits. In order for those who are losing weight to be able to cope with the psychological stress during this time and not “break down” on harmful foods, Dr. Malysheva has developed several versions of dietary nutrition that will diversify the table.

Malysheva's home diet menu recipe for every day

Malysheva's dietary system implies fractional nutrition: daily 5 meals are taken at the same time. The fact is that a strict diet not only organizes a person, but allows the body to better process food, producing energy without storing it in reserve. For example, you can use the following chart:

  • first breakfast at 8 am;
  • second breakfast at 10 am:
  • lunch from 12:00 to 13:00;
  • afternoon snack no later than 16 hours;
  • You should always have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. The best time is from 19:00 to 20:00.

A balanced nutrition program welcomes the consumption of foods with a low glycemic status.

The daily home menu must include:

  • vegetables - greens, tomatoes, green beans and green peas (not canned), carrots, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, onions, sweet peppers, beets;
  • fresh fruits and dried fruits (except banana, grapes);
  • Champignon mushrooms;
  • seafood - low-fat varieties of fish, shrimp (up to three times a week);
  • meat - lean beef, chicken (preferably for lunch);
  • fermented milk products - best fat-free (or with a low percentage of fat);
  • whole grains - in the form of all kinds of cereals (best in the morning, but up to 200 grams per day);
  • eggs (every other day).

List of foods to eat in moderation:

  • potatoes (better baked);
  • olive oil (no more than 1 tsp per day);
  • lentils, red and black beans;
  • flour products;
  • nuts;
  • honey (no more than 1 tsp per day).

Prohibited products:

  • lard, fatty meat;
  • sausage and smoked meats;
  • fatty sour cream (more than 10% fat), butter, margarine;
  • mayonnaises, sauces, gravies, ketchups;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • canned food;
  • pastries, any pastries;
  • jams, marmalades, jams;
  • grapes, bananas, melon, peaches;
  • ice cream, desserts, sweets, chocolate, cakes;
  • sunflower seeds, peanuts;
  • juices, carbonated drinks containing sugar, alcohol.

Particular attention is paid to the method of preparation of products. Preferably, all dishes are steamed, baked or stewed.

Free diet menu Malysheva for a week

  • Monday
  • 1 Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal, prunes (2 pcs), 2 boiled eggs, a glass of tea (coffee);
  • 2 Breakfast: dried apricots or pears, herbal tea;
  • Lunch: boiled beef meat or onion soup in broth (120 gr), baked green beans (100 gr);
  • Afternoon snack: pear or fruit bar;
  • 1 dinner: bake or stew vegetables, adding a little olive oil, a little breadcrumbs;
  • 2 dinner: 1 glass of fat-free kefir (1%).
  • Tuesday
  • fruit bar, a serving of oatmeal with a glass of tea (coffee);
  • beet, carrot and cranberry salad, unsalted croutons;
  • boiled salmon (120 gr), grated avocado salad;
  • yogurt 200 gr (1.2% fat);
  • steamed turkey fillet (120 gr), salad (greens, tomato, cabbage);
  • 1 glass of fat-free kefir.
  • Wednesday
  • a portion of muesli or a salad of carrots, apples (170 gr), a glass of tea (coffee);
  • grapefruit (orange, apple);
  • a portion of durum wheat vermicelli with a small piece of boiled chicken meat, green salad;
  • low-fat cottage cheese casserole (200 gr), fresh berries or an apple;
  • cabbage or cucumber salad with olive oil, baked salmon (150 gr), herbal tea;
  • a cup of fat-free kefir.
  • Thursday
  • porridge boiled in water, any (200 gr), fresh berries or compote with dried fruits;
  • dried apricots or prunes, green tea;
  • boiled chicken meat (120 gr), green vegetable soup with beans (200 gr);
  • pineapple (100 gr), almonds, raisins;
  • a serving of stewed vegetables, some crackers, avocado or lettuce salad;
  • 1 glass of fat-free kefir.
  • Friday
  • a portion of buckwheat porridge or an omelet from two eggs (steam), dried fruits 20 gr, a glass of tea (coffee);
  • dried apricots (orange, apple);
  • pollock or steamed cod (200 gr), a portion of baked or stewed vegetables;
  • muesli or cereal (150 gr);
  • boiled shrimp (150 gr), tomato salad (greens, cucumber);
  • 1 glass of kefir 1% fat.
  • Saturday
  • millet porridge with dried apricots, a glass of herbal tea (rosehip);
  • sauerkraut or some green peas (150 gr), some rye crackers;
  • pilaf with vegetables (200 gr), 2 pcs. rye bread with bran;
  • fruit bar;
  • cottage cheese 2% fat (100-150 gr);
  • a glass of kefir 1% fat.
  • Sunday
  • a serving of oatmeal or barley porridge with raisins, a glass of tea (coffee);
  • grapefruit or a glass of low-fat milk;
  • boiled chicken meat (120 gr), carrot-apple salad (150 gr);
  • low-fat yogurt (150 gr);
  • steamed pollock or hake (150 gr), baked green beans (150 gr);
  • kefir (1%).

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

The diet for this diet can be adjusted to individual tastes, but it is necessary to choose only those foods that are on the list of permitted foods, take into account the mass of foods eaten and the methods of their preparation. Be sure to observe the drinking regimen. It is advisable to do exercises and maintain a psychological attitude to lose weight. For accelerated weight loss at home, Dr. Malysheva recommends his signature brush salad, which will effectively cleanse the entire body of toxins and toxins.


  1. 0.5 kg of beets (grated);
  2. 0.5 kg cabbage (finely chopped);
  3. 0.5 kg carrots (grated).

Mix all vegetables and squeeze until juice appears. Squeeze the lemon into the resulting mass. It is recommended to eat salad within 1 day, but no more than eight times. "Brush" can become the main menu on any fasting day or enter the general nutrition plan.

To normalize weight, it is important not only to follow the recommendations for a while, but to make such nutrition a lifestyle. In this case, you can not only lose weight, but maintain your weight in the normal range all the time. Of course, a lot depends on the variety of the menu. It is not always easy to give up sweets, starchy foods, fried potatoes and butter, delicious cakes, and alcoholic beverages. In order to make your table not only heterogeneous, but also tasty, you should first turn to the recipes of Elena Vasilievna herself, and then try to cook your own specialties based on them. Here is one of the recipes that you can use:

Tomato soup with buckwheat:

  • low-fat meat broth (800 ml);
  • olive oil (50 gr);
  • buckwheat (150 gr);
  • tomatoes (6 pieces);
  • bell pepper (1 pc);
  • onion (1 pc);
  • a little chopped greens and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

How to cook: Saute finely chopped onion in a frying pan with 50 g of olive oil. Bake the tomatoes in the oven. Remove the skin from the tomato, mash, add to the fried onion. We season the broth with these vegetables. Add buckwheat and salt. Cook over low heat for about 20-25 minutes. Finely chop the sweet pepper and fry in the remaining oil. Pour the finished soup into bowls. Add sour cream, pepper, herbs.

The diet of Elena Vasilievna Malysheva was created for people who live life to the fullest. Do not refuse to visit cafes and restaurants, meetings with friends. You can drink a cup of coffee and have a great chat with family and friends. Gradually, a new habit of constant adherence to a certain diet will be developed, which will become part of life. The life of a healthy and beautiful person who is always ready to go further and looks forward with optimism and self-confidence.

Diet of Elena Malysheva - the menu for the week interested our readers after the previous article, which just spoke in detail about this nutrition system. If you missed the article, you can read it.

In the modern world, the problem of excess weight is quite common. Therefore, many girls strive to lose weight quickly and without negative health consequences. Thus, all kinds of diets and nutrition complexes are compiled. One of them is a diet created by Elena Malysheva.

Diet of Elena Malysheva - the essence of the system

The diet itself suggests strictly observing the following three conditions:

  • you can not starve during the diet;
  • need to drink more water every day;
  • one serving should not be more than 250 g (about one full glass).

There are a lot of requirements for compiling a menu for Elena Malysheva's diet:

  1. Refusal to drink alcoholic beverages. Salt should be added to food to a minimum. These products retain water in the human body, preventing it from escaping.
  2. With a sedentary lifestyle and a strong desire to lose weight for women, a sufficient dose of calories per day is 1200, for men this figure is slightly higher - 1400. During diets, it is better to reduce the number of calories to 800-1100.
  3. Animal fat in food should be consumed in the most minimal amounts. To do this, it is better to replace fried food with boiled food. Also, instead of pork, it is desirable to eat poultry meat (turkey, chicken, etc.).
  4. For the best effect, you must follow this diet for twenty-four days. Daily receptions are five times a day. During this period, four fasting days should be selected. In their time, it is necessary to eat exclusively cereals - rice or.

Diet of Elena Malysheva - daily menu for a week

1st day

First morning breakfast: buckwheat porridge boiled in water (200 g) + one hard-boiled egg. In addition, 100 g of carrot salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil and a medium-sized apple.

Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese casserole (130 g) and semolina (20 g) without added sugar.

Meal at lunchtime: beef soufflé (90 g) 2 chicken proteins. The soufflé itself should be about 150 g, but it should only be steamed. As a side dish, you need to eat 250 g of cauliflower. From drinks, preference should be given to rosehip broth.

Dinner: 50 g fat-free cottage cheese + 200 g baked cauliflower.

Before going to bed: 200 ml of kefir.

Diet of Elena Malysheva - 7 day

First breakfast: 200 g of barley porridge on the water + 50 g of stewed carrots with apples.

Second breakfast: one orange.

Lunch: 200 g of stewed cabbage and one green apple.

Snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: 90 g of fish soufflé + proteins from two boiled eggs + 150 g of boiled beans.

Before going to bed: a glass of fat-free yogurt.

After this menu can be repeated, if desired, the days can be swapped.

As you can see, Elena Malysheva's diet is balanced and will not bring much irreparable harm to health.

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