How to treat an abscess boil. Stages of formation of boils. The most common foci of occurrence

Furuncle is purulent abscess skin that occurs inside an infected hair follicle and usually proceeds with the formation of a large amount of pus and partial necrosis of the tissues surrounding the follicle. Furuncles are more common in young age from 12 to 40 years old.

A boil on the face is formed much more often than on other parts of the body (according to statistics, approximately 65% ​​of all boils are formed on the face). It can also occur on the chest, back, buttocks, in inguinal region, on the scalp, in the armpits.

If several furuncles closely spaced to each other are formed at the same time, then such a lesion is already called the term - carbuncle. If boils are formed in you with enviable regularity, then such a disease is called the term Furunculosis.

What it is?

Furuncle is acute illness skin with the formation of purulent contents in the damaged area in various parts body. As a rule, the process has a purulent-necrotic character, in which not only inflammation of the tissues is observed, but also the process of inflammation of the hair follicle, from where the entire pathological process begins.

The beginning takes over, with subsequent spread to the surrounding connective tissues. But the furuncle is distinguished from folliculitis not only by the extensive area of ​​the lesion, but also by the clinical manifestations.

Stages of development

The development cycle of a boil consists of 3 phases:

  1. infiltrate stage. The skin over the focus of infection and around thickens, reddens, swells. In this place appear pain. In the center of the infiltrate, a hair follicle can be seen. The common term is “boil ripening”.
  2. stage of necrosis. It appears on the 3-4th day of development. A “rod” is formed around the hair with an inflamed follicle, consisting of necrotic (dead) tissues and pus. A white convex abscess appears on the surface of the skin. The thin tissue membrane covering it is opened, and the pus is torn out. The patient feels relief and less pain. Puffiness subsides, redness decreases. Term traditional medicine, meaning the process - "breakthrough of the boil."
  3. Healing stage. The skin defect formed after rejection of the "rod", resembling an ulcer, heals. After large boils, scars remain.

On average, the full cycle of development and healing of a boil is about 10 days.

What does a boil look like: photo

You can say that you have a boil, if you observe the following signs:

  • redness of the skin area;
  • the appearance of a tubercle with a seal in the middle, located in the hair follicle;
  • further, increased swelling of adjacent tissues, which become hot to the touch;
  • pain at the slightest touch or movement of the body;
  • in the center a pustule with a rod is formed, in which pus is located.

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans:

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When should you definitely see a doctor?

Do not self-medicate, for diagnosis and treatment, you should definitely contact a dermatologist. Especially it is impossible to treat yourself and only folk remedies, if:

  1. The furuncle occurs again in the same place. Treatment may require removal sweat glands that are the cause of the development of recurrent inflammation.
  2. Debilitated patient - the patient has a severe comorbidity(oncology, diabetes etc.) or he is taking drugs that suppress the immune system.
  3. Severe course - in cases where the boil causes serious pain and is accompanied by fever, severe swelling, headache and other symptoms of a serious infectious disease.

Furuncle can not be squeezed out

As the boil fills up, its surface begins to thin out, and for more Get well soon the patient may try to pierce it with a needle or other sharp object to release the pus.

This cannot be done, because with an inaccurate or deeper puncture, infected pus can penetrate into neighboring tissues or into the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. It is also possible for the rod to remain partially inside, resulting in chronic process and frequent relapses furunculosis. The boil should fill up and break through on its own. This usually happens within 1 to 2 weeks.

Furuncle treatment at home

Single inflammations that are not on the face area can be treated at home. To do this, use ointments that draw out pus, and folk remedies. At proper observance recommendations, the boil should heal within a week.

Treatment plan for boils at home:

  • AT initial stage it is necessary to regularly wipe the inflammation with a solution of aniline dye 3-4 times a day. At the same time, make sure that the boil is dry, and change the gauze bandages that protect the inflammation from the penetration of infections from the outside.
  • At the onset of the stage of infiltration, which is characterized by redness and swelling, it is useful ultraviolet irradiation. At home, you can sunbathe in the sun.
  • In order for the abscess to ripen faster, apply once a day Ichthyol ointment. It is applied carefully, trying not to injure the inflammation. Then cover with cotton wool, which is bandaged with gauze and hold the compress for 6-9 hours.
  • After the abscess opens, the wound is disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. In the future, until complete healing, the area with the boil is treated with a solution of sodium chloride several times a day.

See photo


Ointments for furunculosis

With furunculosis, ointments containing antibacterial drugs are mainly used.

Name Instruction
Gentamicin Description: Ointment in tubes, from 15 to 80 g. Gentamicin is an antibiotic effective for many types of infections, including staphylococcal.

How to use: Apply to the location of boils 2-3 times a day. Usually the course of treatment lasts 7 - 14 days.

Levomycetin Description. Levomycetin powerful antibiotic providing pronounced effect with purulent processes. It is produced for topical skin application for furunculosis in the form of liniment (a thick mass like an ointment). Sold in tubes of 25 and 30 g, in banks of 25 and 60 g.

How to use: Make dressings with chloramphenicol liniment, change once a day.

Tetracycline Description: Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Effective against many types of microorganisms, including staphylococci. Produced in tubes of 100 g.

How to use 1. Do not apply a large number of ointment on the location of boils 2 - 3 times a day.

Levomekol Description. Levomekol not only has pronounced antibacterial properties, but also stimulates tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used for large opened boils for speedy cleansing and healing.

How to use: Soak a sterile gauze pad with ointment and apply it to the wound. Put on a bandage. Carry out dressings daily.

Dimexide Description. A drug belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Eliminates inflammation, soreness.

How to use: Moisten a sterile gauze with dimexide. Attach to the location of the boil, apply a bandage. Make dressings daily.

Synthomycin Description. Synthomycin is an antibiotic, which in its own way chemical structure strongly resembles chloramphenicol. It is also produced in the form of liniment, in banks of 25 g.

Mode of application. Apply liniment to the area of ​​the boil. Put a bandage on top. Make dressings daily.


Antibacterial drugs in the treatment of furunculosis:

  • "Tseporin" (taken twice a day, one tablet, has traditional contraindications for antibiotics, is used in the treatment of not only abscesses on the surface of the skin, but also eliminates the internal furuncle);
  • "Erythromycin" (it is recommended to take one tablet twice a day; the effectiveness of the drug may decrease as a result of the body's rapid addiction to the components; it is not recommended in the presence of diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, individual intolerance);
  • "Cephalexin" (the dosage is selected in accordance with the instructions, it helps to fight boils; it is recommended to carry out a certain course of treatment; it has typical contraindications - individual intolerance, some diseases).

The method of treating furunculosis with tablets differs in some nuances. As an antibiotic, you can use any means with the desired effect, but in the event of chronic formation of abscesses, the intake of such drugs is supplemented with vitamins or means that strengthen the immune system. Long term treatment potent drugs can cause disruption of some body systems.

Surgical removal

Surgical intervention is indicated for the spread of purulent infiltration in subcutaneous tissue with the formation of an abscess. In this case, surgical opening of the focus and sanitation (cleaning the cavity of the abscess) is necessary. The intervention is carried out in a hospital operating room.

Antibiotics for boils are selected only by a doctor, depending on the sensitivity of a staphylococcal infection to them, as well as taking into account their tolerance by the patient. Also, antimicrobials applied topically during a long healing process.

Treatment of a boil in a child is carried out according to the same scheme as in an adult.

Folk remedies

Boils are often treated with folk remedies. And they give quite good effect, especially if the inflammatory process begins to be treated at the very beginning.

  1. Therapeutic honey cake. Mix a teaspoon chicken yolk, dessert spoon of honey (not candied), 5 gr butter(without salt) and knead a soft dough, gradually adding wheat flour. The cake is applied to the boil and fixed with a bandage or plaster. The dough for the procedure is prepared and applied daily, until complete removal pyogenic masses.
  2. Pulling out pus with aloe or "agave". A young tender leaf is cut, the spines are removed and kneaded. A bandage is applied to the boil, which is changed 5-6 times a day. With a ripening boil, all processes are accelerated, and the abscess opens faster. Apply at any stage. With a non-bursting boil in early stage possible complete subsidence of inflammatory phenomena.
  3. Onion. Cleaned head onion baked in the oven until soft and cut in half. A warm half is applied to the boil treated with hydrogen peroxide and fixed with a gauze bandage. The bulb needs to be changed once a day until the pus is completely drained from the wound. When changing the dressing, do not forget to treat the affected tissue with peroxide.
  4. Buckwheat porridge on the water. Boiled buckwheat is also used to treat boils. A spoonful of very thick porridge is spread on gauze, applied to the inflamed area, changing to a fresh mixture after 4 hours.

The complete disappearance of the boil takes from 3 days to several weeks. If you have a fever, severe pain, existing chronic diseases, consult a doctor. Home treatment is designed only for simple forms of the course of the disease and is especially effective in the initial stage of inflammation.

See photo



Most boils heal without medical intervention or complications. However, in rare cases furuncle can lead to grave consequences such as sepsis. This complication can lead to severe infectious lesions heart, lungs, kidneys, bones, joints, brain and even death. Also, a boil can lead to scarring after healing.

Misuse of antibiotics can cause MRSA (methicellin-resistant strain Staphylococcus aureus). In this case, the treatment can be very difficult and lengthy, and the risk of spreading the infection throughout the body increases many times over.

With ineffective treatment, prolonged self-treatment, a large amount of pus can accumulate inside the boil, which can lead to the development of an abscessing boil. If this occurs on the face, then thrombophlebitis of the facial vein or angular nasal vein may develop. This condition can threaten the life of the patient.

Happy is the person who has never in his life had to deal with exhausting pain from the appearance of a boil or, as the people say, a boil.

A slight redness after a couple of days turns into an inflammatory process, sometimes accompanied by fever and drawing pain for 5-7 days, the appearance of a boil head.

At improper treatment chirya a sad end with surgical intervention is possible.

You should know how to treat a boil at home in order to get positive result.

We treat a boil at home: causes, problems

Boils do not appear out of the blue, because the nature of their existence is an infection. They most often affect the most greasy part of the skin, subjected to friction, which gets dirt. Infection in hairline skin, causes inflammation, pus appears, and until it breaks out, the inflamed place will hurt, spreading through the bloodstream throughout the body.

What does a person do if he starts itching in some place? That's right, rubs, scratches it, and not always with clean hands, introducing an infection. Therefore, the face, armpits suffer more often than other parts of the skin from the defeat of boils, and with a weakened immune system, this can happen constantly, from hypothermia and overheating.

Boils affect all parts of the body, especially unpleasant and painful sensations from their appearance on the buttocks and in the perineum. Unbearably painful carbuncles that occur when several boils appear in one place. In this case, one cannot do without consulting a doctor, because, perhaps, in parallel with treatment folk methods antibiotics will need to be used.

Causes frequent occurrence boils are also:

Disturbed metabolism;

Lack of vitamins;



Unlike an ordinary pimple, which can be burned with brilliant green, and it will disappear, the diameter of the area affected by the boil gradually increases, localizing in the center. Coming here in a week white head, which is torn, pus and a white rod come out.

All this is easy to describe, in fact, one should constantly make sure that the place of inflammation does not get too cold, then the boil will not ripen, and it will have to be cut out.

At the same time boils can't warm up so that the rush of blood does not provoke the spread of infection throughout the body. Therefore, the place of inflammation is best covered with a cotton swab, creating dry heat wipe from time to time alcohol solution and expect its "ripening" when it will be possible to treat the boil at home.

If after a week the head of the boil does not appear, or when the treatment has begun, the pus still does not come out, you should consult a doctor, especially if the inflammatory process is on the head.

It is possible to treat a boil at home only if a white, “ripe” head appears, until this time we carefully monitor the cleanliness and warmth of the inflamed area.

How to treat a boil at home: medicines and remedies

You can treat a boil at home with the help of ointments, tinctures and even conspiracies. All the proposed methods and medicines have been tested on specific people, so we will show all their pros and cons.

1. Mix hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin solution in equal proportions, soak in that liquid cotton swab and apply to the boil for 40 - 60 minutes. During this time, the pus comes out, but you can speed up this process with a 20cc syringe (we don't need a needle).

We put the end of the syringe tightly on the boil, create a vacuum and draw out the pus. When the wound is cleansed of pus, a white rod will be clearly visible on the surface of the boil, it is quite dense, it must be pulled out, and this can be done with ordinary tweezers.

2. When a white purulent head of a boil appears, a small onion should be baked in the oven along with the scales until completely soft, cool a little and mix with dark laundry grated on a fine grater to the state of slurry, which is put on a bandage and applied to the ripened boil overnight. Practice shows that 1 - 2 times is enough for the soap-onion mixture to draw out not only pus, but also the rod itself.

3. Honey is a good antiseptic, let's try to mix 1 tsp. honey, vegetable oil, onion juice, soda and add flour to all this, form a cake, and we get an excellent tool that draws pus from the boil. For better healing, the cake can be alternated with the application of Vishnevsky ointment.

4. Laundry soap is always at hand, so preparing a milk-soap ointment is not difficult. We take a couple of tablespoons of grated soap, pour milk and simmer over low heat, stirring from time to time, until the mixture becomes thick.

This mixture can be applied for several days in a row, as soon as the place of the head of the boil is indicated, this will contribute to the maturation and further breakthrough of pus.

5. If there are no other ingredients at hand, freshly grated potatoes will help, which are applied directly to the boil and fastened with a bandage for 4 hours, then changed.

6. In the old days, when black bread was baked at home, they took the crumb, chewed it, that is, mixed it with saliva, and tied it to a ripe boil head. Perhaps in our time this method seems barbaric, but there are situations when there is nothing else at hand, and then all methods are good.

7. Accelerate the ripening of the boil and garlic gruel, which can be tied to the inflamed area shortly before the head ripens, which will speed up the process of pus release.

8. Boils in the ears are especially painful, they should be treated in medical institutions, but if there is no other way out, then onion-flax juice should be prepared, and they should be buried in the ear.

To make juice, make a recess in the onion, which is poured linseed oil, close with a crumb of bread and bake in the oven or oven until the onions are soft. Then remove the bread and squeeze the juice from the onion and flax.

Sometimes boils appear one after another, you will not have time to heal the wound from the previous one, as the next one is already ripening. The reason for this invasion of boils may be due to blood poisoning when the infection entered the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

In this case, you can’t do without blood purification, sometimes doctors prescribe it by transfusion, but you can also prepare blood-purifying tinctures at home.

1. Nettle has always been famous for its antiseptic properties, she will help if you decide to treat the boil at home.

5 tbsp dry nettle leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.

2. If possible, you can independently collect the flowers and leaves of the turn or string, dry them, if not, then buy this composition at the pharmacy and brew it like tea long time, alternating formulations to ensure blood purification.

3. Dandelion is unique plant, cough honey is boiled from its flowers, tincture from its roots is rubbed into the hair for better growth, but a mixture of dry roots and leaves is excellent remedy that improves metabolism and cleanses the blood.

To make dandelion tea, you need 3 tbsp. dry mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 3 hours, strain and consume after 3 hours, 25 ml warm.

4. Tea made from a dry mixture of lingonberries and string, which is taken half an hour before a meal, 50 ml each, has a blood-cleansing ability.

To make tea, 2 tbsp. mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and take 50 ml three times a day.

Necessarily! After the manipulations, rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide and lubricate with ointment, it can be butadione or levomikol.

It is famous for its good healing ability pine pollen, which can be purchased from herbalists. Any cut or wound should be dusted with pollen and covered with adhesive tape or a bandage.

It is difficult to explain the nature of the conspiracy, perhaps it is witchcraft, or maybe some special energy, but people claim that it was conspiracies that helped them.

Whoever believes, can try to say 7 times, circling the boil against the clock ring finger: “Just as this finger has no name, so this boil has no place. Be my words stronger than stone", then read "Our Father" 3 times and say "Amen!", which means "May it be so".

If you want to find out the cause of the appearance of a boil and get rid of this scourge for a long time, take the collected pus and rod for analysis to the laboratory to identify the nature of the boil, it can be staphylococcus, which can only be killed with an antibiotic.

How to treat a boil at home: what not to do

At the first sign inflammatory process you can’t squeeze out any acne, not to mention boils, comb them.

Diabetics should not self-medicate at home without medical supervision.

After carrying out all the procedures, it is impossible to stop treatment in an instant, it should be prophylactically for a long time:

Drink blood-purifying herbs, it may be nettle, marigold, yarrow;

Strengthen your immunity by hardening, avoiding hypothermia or overheating;

Use more vitamins, as well as undergo a course of treatment with yeast;

Avoid stress.

You can not treat the appearance of a boil with carelessness, because even one boil can cause great trouble, including general infection blood.

The internal furuncle is a purulent bacterial knot that forms in the deep layers of the epidermis, which simultaneously affects the hair follicle and adjacent tissues. For any dysfunction defense mechanisms skin normal microflora under attack bacterial group and causes edema and suppuration.

Since such foci of inflammation are localized in different parts of the body, the disease can become a source serious consequences for life. Subcutaneous boils should not be opened on their own, as purulent masses can spread rapidly, affecting blood vessels and lymph. Only a competent specialist will help diagnose the presence of inflammation and prescribe specialized therapy.

Features of the pathology

Subcutaneous inflammation affecting not only the surface of the epidermis, but also adipose tissue, as well as the deep layers of the dermis, can be diagnosed as an internal boil. striking element this disease consists in the activation of staphylococcal microorganisms that can multiply rapidly in favorable conditions.


Symptoms of this disease are usually quite pronounced:

Most often subcutaneous formations occur on the face and neck, in the areas of location sebaceous glands and places excessive sweating: above the lip, in the nose, in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. There are frequent cases of localization of boils on the forearms, thighs and buttocks.

Development of education

The progression of the pathology and the maturation of the subcutaneous abscess takes several stages:

Any boil goes through these stages, but the danger of an internal abscess lies in the too slow formation of a purulent core (in some cases it may be completely absent or grows inside), which significantly slows down the healing process and complicates treatment.

If the treatment is carried out correctly, then the formation of boils under the skin should fade away. In cases of complications, the pathology can go to the stage of recurrent or chronic furunculosis. This condition entails numerous complications: the development of tissue abscesses, meningitis, even sepsis.

Why does an abscess occur?

The internal furuncle occurs due to an imbalance of microorganisms that inhabit the surface layer of the epidermis. Staphylococcal strains are able to be on the surface of the skin in a latent state, settling on the mucous membranes.

However, there are factors that can trigger the progression of inflammation:

The most common cause of the progression of the bacterial environment, dermatologists call a decrease normal functioning immune system. Also, among the most frequent cases of the occurrence of a boil, there is a decrease in the protective mechanisms of the skin, its systematic injury and pollution.

In addition, you should be aware that staph infection can be easily transmitted in the home, so you should use

personal hygiene products.

How to get rid of the boil?

Diagnose the disease and determine the degree of penetration pathological process only possible at the reception qualified specialist. internal boil, or an abscess, in most cases can be eliminated using conservative therapy. Surgical opening of the boil is resorted to only in cases of complicated forms of pathology, if the abscess progresses, growing inside the tissues. In this case, the boil is opened under anesthesia, the wound is treated and a sterile dressing is applied.

Conservative treatments

In the stage of infiltration, treatment is carried out by the following methods:

If the process of suppuration took severe form and accompanied general intoxication body and strong tissue edema, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention. Usually, the doctor applies a sterile tissue soaked in a weak solution of salicylic acid to the affected area, which corrodes the epidermis and allows purulent masses to come out of the tissue.

Self-opening of the boil can lead to blood poisoning, therefore home treatment doctors usually do not recommend.

However, it is possible to somewhat alleviate the symptoms of the disease at the initial stage and accelerate the formation of a purulent rod, which means that the breakthrough of the boil:

  • relieve itching and discomfort with antiseptic solutions(camphor, salicylic) and iodine tincture;
  • imposition of applications with an antibacterial anti-inflammatory agent (Ichthyol ointment);
  • wet warm compresses for relax pain(oil of bergamot, chamomile).

You should be aware that frequent water procedures and visiting the bath when the boil is ripe is prohibited.

Alternative ways

Tighten pus and help the boil to ripen faster will help methods alternative medicine. So, the following recipes are offered:

In addition, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of hygiene, after processing the affected areas and before that, be sure to disinfect your hands. If the boil opens on its own, it is necessary to treat the resulting cavity with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply a dry sterile bandage. It is best for spontaneous leakage of pus to seek the advice of a specialist.

Preventive actions

Preventive actions to prevent the formation of internal boils are quite simple to perform, you must:

All preventive actions are aimed at preventing the development of complications and the spread of the focus of infection to healthy areas of the skin. Care should be taken to wear clothing, as accidental injury can lead to the spread of pus through the circulatory and lymphatic system, which is fraught with the development of thrombophlebitis and meningitis.

In conclusion, once again it should be noted that an aggressive staphylococcal strain provokes a subcutaneous abscess, or an abscess, which is forbidden to open on its own. In order to avoid undesirable consequences should be contacted in a timely manner medical care and eliminate the source of inflammation.

on the human body during colds, hypothermia, or with a weakened immune system, a boil may appear. In the people, such an education was called a boil. Furuncles are very painful and have purulent accumulations. These foci of inflammation bring a lot of inconvenience to a person, starting with an unpleasant external defect and ending with possible increase temperature. The appearance of such an education on the body makes people find the answer to the question as quickly as possible: “How to get rid of boils forever?”

What is a furuncle?

The formation of a boil is caused inflammatory disease hair follicle due to infection. As a result, a rod with pus is formed in the inner part of the epidermis, having one or even several heads at the end. By outward signs it is possible to distinguish a boil from another inflammatory skin lesion due to the presence of a red swollen area with a purulent focus located in the center.

The furuncle most often appears on the abdomen, limbs (arms and legs), forearms, head and buttocks, as well as in armpit. Education can reach even several centimeters in size. Many people experience multiple boils, occurring simultaneously or in succession.

A boil in most cases causes only painful sensations, but sometimes its appearance is accompanied by chills and elevated body temperature (up to 39 C). Such a development of the disease requires seeking the help of a specialist as soon as possible.

Boils often form near the saphenous veins and sometimes lead to inflammation. lymphatic vessels. When squeezing out such boils, sepsis develops in most cases. In rare cases, tissue phlegmon develops surrounding the inflammatory site. Such a complication can affect the joint and cause purulent arthritis.

Reasons for the development of boils

The appearance of a purulent inflammatory process can be caused by the following factors:

  • minor microtrauma or contamination of the skin surface;
  • weakened immunity;
  • the intake of vitamins in small quantities or their deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of minerals in the body;
  • infection, most often staphylococcus aureus (golden or white);
  • hypothermia;
  • violation of personal hygiene;
  • increased sweating.

How does a boil appear?

The first symptom of a boil is a feeling of discomfort, slight itching or tingling of the skin. The next day, redness of the inflamed area appears, its swelling and hardening. Pain is felt when touched. Later a short time a purulent tubercle is formed with a visible black dot on top. The formation can periodically break through, dry out a little, and then refill with a white-gray liquid.

In the process of performing medical manipulations, the pus accumulated inside comes out, and the core of the formation can be removed along with the hair residues. The healing of the area affected by the boil begins after the wound is cleansed of ichor and viscous fluid. Swelling and redness gradually disappear, the pain subsides, and in place former education formed granulation tissue. After the disappearance of the boil, a scar may remain.

Treatment of boils

The frequent appearance of boils indicates a weakened immune system. In such situations, it is necessary to additional examination see a doctor and immediately begin treatment so that the boils do not spread throughout the body and do not cause infection of the blood with bacteria. Patients with high fever should follow bed rest and strict diet with the intake of vitamins containing iron in large quantities.
Complicated course of the inflammatory process or advanced stage disease requires mandatory hospitalization and constant monitoring of medical personnel. Treatment may include antibiotics and detoxification therapy.

Boils on the body that are not accompanied by high fever, headaches or general malaise can be treated on an outpatient basis using medications or folk recipes. It is forbidden to press purulent formations and warm them up. This can greatly impair the healing process and leave horrific scars.

Only complete restoration of tissues at the site of inflammation is considered a successful completion of the treatment. Re-suppuration can be caused by serious health problems, so it is better to start furuncle therapy after correct diagnosis reasons for its formation.

Removal of a boil in a medical facility

Removal of boils can be carried out by a doctor using ultraviolet rays. After the boil matures, the surgeon performs a chipping of the area with inflammation with a solution of novocaine with an antibiotic. Only after local anesthesia a specialist can open a purulent focus and drain the contents of the capsule.

To treat the resulting wound, hydrogen peroxide or sodium chloride is used. Formation connective tissue at the site of inflammation is a sign good healing. So that the scar is not so noticeable, it is recommended to use compresses with vaseline oil, synthomycin emulsion or fish oil.

How to get rid of boils at home?

A boil can be cured on its own by applying anti-inflammatory ointments and daily lotions. Such methods are used only in the absence of complications of the disease.

The site of inflammation should be immediately treated with antiseptics, and the skin around the boil should be lubricated with alcohol (boric, medical or salicylic) or iodine. After opening the abscess, you can use ointments that help relieve inflammation and have antimicrobial action. Examples of such drugs a wide range actions are:

  1. Dimexide.
  2. Balm Shostakovsky.
  3. Biopin.
  4. 2% Mupirocin and Fusidic acid ointment.

Ointment Vishnevsky is the most popular remedy in the treatment of boils. You need to apply it in the following way:

  • put a bandage folded 4 times on the boil;
  • apply ointment on top, then a layer of bandage;
  • cover everything with cling film and secure with adhesive tape.

Dressings should be changed daily and applied until the purulent mass is drawn to the surface with ointment. As a result of using such a scheme, the boil should break through. When the abscess bursts, the wound needs to be treated antiseptic then re-bandage.

The need for antibiotics can only be determined by a doctor. The main drugs of this group, used in the treatment of boils with extensive inflammation, are:

  • Oxacillin;
  • Vancomycin;
  • Linezolid;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Amoxillicin.

A lotion from a solution of water with cologne in equal amounts has a good effect (for example, "Chipr", "Triple"). A bandage soaked in such a liquid must be applied to the boil and secured with cling film to prevent evaporation. Fix the lotion with adhesive tape. As practice shows, already on the 3rd day you can get rid of the purulent rod with the help of such a composition.

Treatment of a boil with folk recipes

Get by with folk methods without using medical preparations possible only when good health patient. There are several basic recipes in the treatment of boils:

  1. Cut the baked onion into 2 identical parts and put half on the boil. Secure with a plaster or bandage. The bandage with the bulb should be changed after 2 hours.
  2. Finely grate the raw onion, pour completely with milk, mix and apply the mixture on the boil.
  3. Take a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach to improve skin condition and get rid of chiria.
  4. For the speedy maturation of the boil, apply coltsfoot and plantain to the sore spot. These plants have healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The coltsfoot leaves can be used fresh or made into juice.
  5. Grate finely laundry soap and fill it with 350 ml of water. Boil the mixture. When it cools down, apply to the site of inflammation with sterile dressings. Change the bandage or gauze should be no more than 4 times a day.
  6. Thinly cut the head of garlic, attach one of the pieces to the sore spot and seal with adhesive tape. During the ripening period of the boil, it is better to crush the garlic to a gruel and apply it in the form of a bandage, fixing it with a bandage or plaster.
  7. Squeeze a few drops of juice from wheat or figs with mustard or honey onto the patch, apply to the boil.
  8. Boil burdock leaves in milk. When cooled, attach with a plaster to the boil for the night. This method is great for those people who do not know how to get rid of boils on the pope quickly and painlessly.
  9. Pour a glass of boiling water 20 g of calendula flowers, boil again and cool until room temperature. Strained broth should be washed with a boil.
  10. Mix honey and guest flour, add warm milk, then form cakes. Thin layer attach the resulting test to sore spot and cover compress paper. For convenience, fix with a plaster or tie with a bandage.

Prevention of the development of a boil

To avoid such unpleasant disease, like a boil, you can use simple recommendations:

  • to catch a cold less and dress warmly;
  • eat a balanced diet, replenish the lack of vitamins;
  • to walk outside;
  • monitor your health.

When a boil appears for get well soon It is important to choose the right treatment right away.

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From this article you will learn:

  • what does a boil look like: photo,
  • boil - treatment at home and with a doctor,
  • how to cure a boil with folk remedies.

A boil is a skin abscess caused by infection of one of the hair follicles located in the thickness of the skin. A few days later, inflammation first develops - necrosis of the hair follicle and partially surrounding tissues occurs, and gradually a cavity filled with pus (i.e., an abscess) is formed at this site.

Boil is a common name (synonyms - chiry, chiri). In medicine, this pathology is usually called a boil, and this is the only correct name this pathology. Most often it occurs in young people 12-40 years old. Most often occur on the face (in 65% of cases), but can also occur on the neck, chest, scalp, groin, back, buttocks ...

Boil: photo

Boil: symptoms

Boil has several stages of development. After infection of the hair follicle, an increasing infiltration of tissues occurs within a few days (Fig. 8). At this time, there is still no pus inside the boil. Very often in the center of the infiltrate (which looks like a red tubercle on the surface of the skin), you can see the mouth of the hair follicle with a hair shaft sticking out of it.

When touched, you can feel that the tissues are tense and compacted, and the touch itself can be painful. After about 3-4 days, a cavity with pus begins to form inside the boil, and necrosis of the hair follicle occurs, which leads to the formation of a necrotic shaft. On the surface of the boil at this stage one or more white or black dots can be seen (Fig. 9-10).

Gradually, the amount of pus inside the boil increases, which can lead to its breakthrough (pus will begin to ooze through the formed hole). Gradually, the necrotic core of the boil will begin to move forward and be rejected. Outwardly, it looks like a horn is sticking out. If the rod does not fall out by itself, then it must be removed by the surgeon.

General symptoms -
usually there is a moderate body temperature, rarely high, sometimes it is absent altogether. The pain is usually spontaneous and of low intensity. Strong pain may be in cases where a boil is formed in the nose (from the mucous membrane of the nasal passages) or a boil in the ear (when it forms in the ear canal itself).

The scheme of the gradual development of the boil from the stage of infiltration to the formation and rejection of the necrotic rod, and recovery (Fig. 11) -

Boil on the face: features of the course of the disease

As a rule, such localization of inflammation leads to the development of significant edema on the face. This is due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the face. It is especially dangerous when a boil occurs on upper lip, on / in the nose or in the nasolabial folds.

Such localization is fraught with the development of thrombophlebitis of the facial vein and the entry of infected blood clots into vascular system brain, which can cause life threatening states. Therefore, it is worth treating such chiri only with a doctor and in no case try to squeeze them out.

Chirey: causes of appearance

In most cases, the development of a boil is associated with infection of the hair follicle with Staphylococcus aureus, less often with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus aureus. These bacteria are found on the skin of absolutely everyone. healthy people and cause infection only when they penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin through a scratch, abrasion or cut (for example, when shaving).

Predisposing factors for the development of chiri –

  • poor skin hygiene,
  • with weakened immunity,
  • if you have diabetes, oncology, rheumatoid arthritis,
  • if you have acne (pimples and blackheads),
  • in the presence of skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema,
  • with obesity,
  • if you are taking prednisolone or its analogues,
  • if you live in a hot humid climate.

Chiri: treatment at the doctor and at home

Treatment of chiria at home is possible (in the cases listed below).

  • Can be treated at home
    if the size of the boil is not more than 5 mm and you do not have symptoms of intoxication and fever. Also, you must not have diseases from the list below.
  • You need to see a doctor
    if a boil occurs in an infant, a young child,
    there are symptoms of intoxication, temperature,
    if a boil appeared on the upper lip, nose, nasolabial folds,

    if there are symptoms of the spread of inflammation: for example, the area of ​​​​redness of the skin has increased or red stripes have appeared next to the boil, or another boil is forming nearby.

    → in the presence of diseases: diabetes, oncology, reduced immunity, endocarditis or rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, taking prednisone (in all these cases, it is necessary not only to be treated by a doctor, but also to use antibiotic therapy).

The main methods of treatment -

  • wet heat compresses (to accelerate the maturation of the boil),
  • taking antibiotics,
  • surgical treatment (incision and drainage).

1. Use of heat compresses

Wet heat compresses are needed to accelerate the process of boil maturation (the formation of pus and a necrotic rod). Thus, the opening of the abscess and the release of pus will occur faster. Such compresses are carried out several times a day for 15-20 minutes. On the face, such compresses should be carried out with great care and only with the recommendations of a doctor.

Small boils (up to 5 mm) can in principle be cured exclusively with heat compresses (without the use of antibiotics). But if you have fever you will still need to see a doctor.

Important: attempts to open the boil on your own, squeeze it out, cut it will lead to the following consequences -

  • increases the risk of scarring on the skin after healing,
  • the formation of another 1-2 chiri in the surrounding tissues,
  • development of thrombophlebitis of the facial veins and, as a result, sepsis and even death.

3. Treatment of chiria with antibiotics

Antibiotics are not always prescribed. It is recommended only if the patient has symptoms of intoxication, severe inflammation, if the boil has big sizes, or it is located in very sensitive places (inside the nose or ear, in the groin area ...), as well as in the presence of the diseases we have previously listed.

  • Boil up to 5 mm in size, in the absence of temperature
    in this case, antibiotics are not needed (in the absence, of course, of concomitant chronic diseases).
  • Boil more than 5 mm and small temperature
    antibiotics are prescribed effective against Staphylococcus aureus in a course of 5 to 10 days: sulfamethoxazole (trimethoprim), clindamycin, vibromycin, minocycline, doxycycline ...
  • At high temperature and severe inflammation
    antibiotics in this case are taken for at least 10 days. Among the drugs of choice: rifampicin, rimaktan, rifadin ... If a methicellin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is detected in a patient, then vancomycin or analogues are prescribed.
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