What not to do before donating blood: referral for analysis, preparation and donation rules, compliance with the conditions for obtaining the correct result of blood tests. Do's and Don'ts Before a Blood Test

A blood test is one of the most common laboratory tests, with the help of which the doctor assesses the general condition of the patient, identifies various disorders and monitors the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Often, the results of the study are influenced by the actions of the patient on the eve of blood sampling. Failure to follow certain rules for preparing for analysis can lead to unreliable results. At best, the patient will simply be sent for re-analysis, and at worst, this can lead to an incorrect diagnosis, the appointment of incorrect and unreasonable treatment.

Preparing for a complete blood count

A general or clinical blood test allows you to determine its cellular composition. According to the deviation from the norm of the main parameters of this study, doctors can establish the presence of inflammation in the body, determine the nature of the disease (bacterial or viral), and identify various pathological conditions. In some cases, it is based on the results of a general blood test that doctors establish the onset of the development of serious diseases, so it is often prescribed to patients.

For a general blood test, a biomaterial is taken from a finger or from a vein. Often people are concerned about the question, is it possible to eat before a blood test? A general blood test should be taken on an empty stomach. It is desirable that the time interval between the last meal and the collection of a blood sample for analysis be at least 8 hours. However, some doctors say that you can eat 2-3 hours before a blood test. It should be noted that on the eve of the analysis, fatty, spicy, sweet and fried foods should be abandoned. If you allow a light breakfast in the morning before taking a blood test, then exclude the consumption of dairy products and sausages. Drinking water before a blood test is allowed, but only clean, without gas, dyes and flavors.

There are several other factors that can distort real blood counts, which can lead to misinterpretation of the analysis. These include:

  • physical activity and emotional experiences immediately before analysis;
  • hot bath or sauna the day before the study;
  • taking certain medications , therefore, when prescribing this study, you should notify the doctor about taking medications;
  • fasting or protein diet;
  • x-ray and some other diagnostic and physiotherapeutic procedures before the study.

In addition, 2-3 days before the blood test, you can not drink alcohol, and 1 hour before smoking is prohibited.

A biochemical blood test is a laboratory research method that allows you to determine the functional state of the main organs and systems of the human body. It is used to diagnose various diseases and disorders, as well as to identify the deficiency of essential trace elements and minerals. Biochemical parameters of blood are subject to external influences, therefore, before this analysis, you should prepare:

  • exclude physical activity 3 days before blood sampling;
  • exclude the use of alcoholic beverages 3 days before the test;
  • blood for biochemistry is taken on an empty stomach, you can eat before a blood test no later than 10 hours before the time of sampling;
  • before a blood test, you can not carry out various diagnostic and physiotherapy procedures, as well as take medications;
  • immediately before taking the biomaterial, you should calm down and relax.

Drinking water before a blood test for biochemical parameters is allowed, but only clean, non-carbonated and without additives. If the analysis is prescribed to determine the level of uric acid, then a certain diet must be followed a few days before the study. In this case, before the blood test, you can eat everything except foods rich in purines, these include meat, offal, fish, tea and coffee. If the analysis is taken to determine the level of certain hormones or iron in the blood, the selection of biomaterial should be carried out before 10 am.

To make a final diagnosis, the patient is prescribed diagnostics, which in most clinical cases includes a blood test. This is an informative laboratory study that helps to identify an inflammatory or infectious process in a timely manner, and start treatment in a timely manner. Therefore, it is so important to study in detail the basic rules for taking a blood test so that the doctor does not need to re-take biological fluid with a delay in conservative therapy.

In order for the analysis to be as truthful as possible, it is important to approach the sampling of biological material with special responsibility. Basic preparation with the delivery of a laboratory test necessarily includes adherence to a therapeutic diet, a temporary rejection of bad habits, the introduction of restrictions in the treatment of medicines of different pharmacological groups. It is important to remember that a blood test on an empty stomach is supposed to be given, otherwise the result is false. In more detail, valuable recommendations of experts are presented below:

  • 72 hours before the delivery of the biomaterial, it is important to refuse to take any medications, temporarily suspend the main treatment;
  • two days before the diagnosis, it is required to exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages into the body;
  • it is important not to smoke 3 hours before the sampling of biological fluid, otherwise the information content of the diagnostic method is significantly reduced;
  • the biomaterial is supposed to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach (do not eat anything), especially if the study is carried out to determine the real sugar indicator;
  • before diagnosis, it is required to exclude physical and emotional overload, avoid stress, colds and viral diseases;
  • if there is a general malaise, it is better to once again consult a doctor and be treated before taking blood for further laboratory testing;
  • a laboratory study should not be carried out if the patient has recently been ill, and his immunity is pathologically weakened.

Nutrition before a general blood test

It is undesirable to eat before the delivery of the biomaterial, and the last meal should take place 8 hours before the analysis. Therefore, the sampling of biological material is performed in the morning. If at this time you are very thirsty, or to kill your appetite, it is recommended to choose clean water, and not strong teas, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee or cocoa. Such types of fluid change the chemical composition of the blood and significantly reduce the reliability of laboratory tests.

If you really want to eat before donating, food ingredients are known that do not reduce the information content of the upcoming study. In this case, we are talking about the following foods for breakfast:

  • lean cereals cooked on water without adding oil, salt, sugar;
  • low-fat dairy cheeses;
  • fresh vegetables without starch;
  • weak tea without sugar;
  • bread (preferably not the first freshness).

Nutrition before biochemical analysis

To reliably determine the concentration of red blood cells in a biological fluid, doctors prescribe a biochemical analysis. Preparatory measures are similar: the biomaterial is supposed to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke and do not be nervous. 2-3 days before going to the laboratory, fatty, fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods, sweets should be excluded from the daily diet. Prohibited are:

  • alcohol in any of its manifestations;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • any source of animal protein;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products, preservatives.

Nutrition before donating blood for sugar

For 8-12 hours before the laboratory test, you must not eat anything, but drink only clean water. The restrictions are not so strict, but it is still not recommended to ignore the basics of proper nutrition. Also, don't brush your teeth or chew gum. The categorical ban includes such foodstuffs as:

  • fruits: bananas, oranges, avocados (all citrus fruits);
  • dairy products: fatty cheeses, milk;
  • protein foods: eggs, meat;
  • greens: cilantro;
  • others: sausages, sweets, animal fats.

You should not starve, but the morning portion of the meal should be reduced by at least half. Here's what you can eat before donating blood without lowering your performance score for an upcoming lab test:

  • dried fruits;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • sour apples, plums, pears;
  • fresh vegetables.

Before donating blood for hormones

To assess the state of the hormonal background, doctors prescribe blood sampling for further laboratory testing. In order for the result to be as informative as possible, it is not recommended to eat, undergo medication or physiotherapy on the eve of the analysis. Other limitations for hormone testing are listed below:

  1. On the eve, you will have to temporarily abandon any thermal procedures, for example, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, do not stay under the burning sun.
  2. Before donating blood, it is required to limit sex, if available, use barrier contraceptives.
  3. A couple of days before the sampling of the biomaterial, iodine-containing tablets, oral contraceptives, analgesics, synthetic hormones are prohibited for use.
  4. A few hours before the examination, it is required to introduce a temporary ban on smoking, alcohol, limit physical activity, weight lifting, and emotional overstrain.
  5. If the state of health leaves much to be desired, it is better to postpone the analysis for pituitary hormones until the patient has fully recovered.

For viruses

In this case, we are talking about suspicion of hepatitis, and blood is donated from a vein on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to eat for 6 hours, for two days it is supposed to give up fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. On the eve of blood donation, it is not recommended to play sports, it is supposed to eliminate emotional stress. The procedure and 15 minutes before it should be carried out in a relaxed state only with positive thoughts.

On hCG

Biomaterial sampling is necessary to determine a progressing pregnancy. A diet before donating blood is welcome, the procedure is performed only on an empty stomach. Under the ban remain alcohol, coffee, you can not eat fatty and fried foods. Other recommendations are presented in such a list.

Blood donation is a common procedure prescribed by a doctor when a patient contacts with almost any complaint. The question of whether it is possible to eat before donating blood is relevant. Young mothers are especially worried about whether it is possible to feed a child who finds it difficult to explain the refusal to eat. Specific recommendations depend on the type of analysis.

Rules for preparing for analysis

For many tests, blood is taken on an empty stomach - how much time you can not eat depends on the type of study. Below are detailed descriptions of most of the more common ones. How many hours without eating before analysis is not the only question related to preparation. There are additional rules, the implementation of which affects the reliability of the result:

  1. For a few days, alcohol should be excluded. It is known that the particles of alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages are completely eliminated from the blood in 7-10 days. Alcohol drunk a week or two ago, especially a strong drink, can affect the result.
  2. You must stop smoking within an hour. It is desirable that the last cigarette smoked was in the evening.
  3. You can drink water before donating blood. It should be clean, preferably filtered, not contain sugar, gas. You need to drink only at will, if thirst appears, you cannot force yourself.
  4. If drugs are used on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to inform the doctor who ordered the analysis. He may recommend stopping the intake, then the person will continue to take the pills according to the previous scheme. It is dangerous to make a decision to cancel, continue medication treatment on your own.
  5. 15-30 minutes before the procedure should pass quietly. It is necessary to exclude physical activity. If you had to get to the hospital for a long time, climb the stairs to the laboratory, you need to sit, catch your breath.

Advice! Chewing gum is prohibited. The pad may contain sugar and other flavor enhancers.

Nutrition before general analysis

Before a general blood test, you can not eat for at least 8 hours, preferably 12 before the procedure. The recommended delivery time is before 10 am, usually before this time a strong feeling of hunger does not occur. If it appears, it is recommended to drink water, drowning out the desire to eat.

A few days before donating blood from a finger for general indicators, it is recommended to adjust the diet by excluding fatty, fried, smoked. These rules are similar to the principles of proper nutrition, they allow you to remove in a few days the previously accumulated harmful elements that appeared not due to gastrointestinal diseases, but due to overeating junk food. What you can eat, says the doctor who sent for the analysis, you can get information from the laboratory specialists.

Advice! You can take a few sandwiches to the hospital, eat them after leaving the office. This tip is especially helpful for mothers with young children who find it hard to explain why they shouldn't eat breakfast.

Before biochemical analysis

Many patients are referred for a biochemical blood test. With its help, you can determine the pathological failures in the work of various internal organs. The standard indicators of the analysis are total protein, glucose, urea, cholesterol, bilirubin. Other substances are also tested as prescribed by the doctor. There are more than 30 possible indicators obtained as a result of a biochemical blood test.

The last meal should occur 12 hours before the analysis. The liquid before the study is not limited. It does not affect the content of bilirubin, sugar, urea, and other indicators. Detailed recommendations should be given by the doctor, he warns that you should not eat in the morning. In the evening it is forbidden to eat fatty foods.

Before donating blood for sugar

Before donating blood from a vein or a finger for sugar, it is considered optimal to abstain from food for at least 8 hours, drinking water is not prohibited. A day before the analysis, it is necessary to abandon a number of products:

  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • sweet drinks;
  • shop juices;
  • food with fast carbohydrates.

These products contain carbohydrates, their use leads to an increase in glucose levels. Even a healthy body needs time to process. It is recommended to follow in order not to transmit, it is necessary to unload the body.

Other tests

Donating blood for other indicators has its own characteristics:

  1. On TTG. Using this indicator, you can determine the quality of the thyroid gland, affecting the functioning of all body systems. The blood is given from a vein. An additional analysis for thyroid hormones may be prescribed - not only TSH, but also T3, T4. Before the analysis, it is necessary to refuse food at least 12 hours in advance. For 3 days, refrain from junk food.
  2. On HIV. The peculiarity of the analysis is that it can be given anonymously in special laboratories. There are no strict preparation rules, it is usually recommended to refuse food 8 hours before the procedure.
  3. per group and Rh factor. These blood tests have nothing to do with food intake. You can take an analysis to determine belonging to a particular blood group at any time.
  4. For donation. This analysis requires specific preparation. Although it does not give up on an empty stomach, a diet must be followed a few days before it (if possible). Exclude fatty, fried, mayonnaise, ketchup from the diet. In the evening and in the morning on the eve of the study, there should be a light dinner and breakfast. In the morning it is best to drink a cup of sweet tea or juice with a bun, biscuit biscuits.

Thus, in most cases, blood from a finger, vein is taken on an empty stomach. However, each analysis, depending on the indicators being determined, has its own recommendations for conducting. The doctor who ordered the study must necessarily acquaint the patient with them.

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  • Do's and don'ts before a blood test?

    Do you know that in order to obtain reliable test results, you need to prepare for blood donation? The Lab4U online laboratory has written a comprehensive guide for you on how to donate blood.

    Do not forget: Blood tests require compliance with the rules: the procedure must be carried out by qualified medical professionals who know all safety standards, and at the same time you must be in emotional and physical peace. Also in our time it is not customary to take blood from a vein with a syringe, for this there is a special system with vacuum test tubes - a vacutainer. However, that's not all. Your diet, habits and even training can affect the final conclusion.

    Are you planning to donate blood soon? Check if there is a Lab4U online lab near you and pay up to 2 times less! Permanent discounts up to 50% on most of the necessary tests!


    Do's and don'ts before

    Drink: drink water in the usual amount, and children can even increase the portion a couple of hours before donating blood. This will reduce the viscosity of the blood and make it easier to draw. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, alcohol affects the number of white blood cells, and is excreted from the body in only three days.

    There is: Eat your last meal 8 hours before your test. It is best to have dinner, and in the morning on an empty stomach to come to the laboratory. Fatty food is especially forbidden, because it can lead to chilesis, which will make the sample completely unsuitable for research.

    Loads: it is advisable to give up really hard workouts and a lot of stress the day before the blood test. A bath is contraindicated, as well as swimming in an ice hole, all this will affect the final indicators.

    What is possible and impossible before biochemical analyzes:,

    Drink: drink as usual, but make sure it's water and not soda or alcohol. For a day it is desirable to exclude coffee and tea.

    There is: before a biochemical blood test, the most restrictions on food. The day before blood donation, it is necessary to exclude fatty foods from the menu ( it will affect the indicators), sweets in large quantities, even grapes ( measurement is included in the biochemical complex), foods rich in purines, such as meat, liver, legumes ( so as not to mislead the doctor with high uric acid levels). Be sure to take it on an empty stomach, the last time you can eat 8 hours before the procedure.

    Medicines: All non-essential medications must be eliminated a week before blood donation. But if you have medications prescribed by your doctor that cannot be canceled - do not be discouraged, indicate the names and dosages on the referral itself.

    Even if you were inattentive and had a hearty breakfast on the day of analysis - do not be discouraged. Instead of still going to donate blood and paying for results that may be incorrect - Just 3 clicks and any of our medical centers will be waiting for you at a convenient time. And a 50% discount on all biochemical studies will relieve you of stress!

    What can and cannot be done before hormone tests:,

    Drink: there are no water restrictions.

    There is: like all other tests, it is advisable to take hormones in the morning on an empty stomach. A heavy breakfast may affect performance or render the sample unsuitable for analysis.

    Loads: human hormones react to physical activity and stress very markedly. From training the day before, your production may change, stress affects cortisol levels and. Therefore, if you donate blood for tests, we advise you to avoid nerves and fuss as much as possible on the morning of the analysis and the day before. In the case of analyzes for sex hormones - exclude training, a bath, try to oversleep for a sufficient amount of time.

    Medicines: for analysis, it is better to exclude iodine preparations 2-3 days before blood donation, we recommend checking your multivitamins, they may contain iodine.

    Other: do not forget that women need to take sex hormone tests on certain days of the cycle, it is usually recommended to take them on days 3-5 or 19-21 of the menstrual cycle, depending on the purpose of the study, unless the attending physician has prescribed other dates.

    Do's and Don'ts Before Testing for Infections: PCR and Antibodies

    Tests for infections can be either the determination of antibodies in the blood serum, then all the general rules of preparation apply to blood donation, and the determination of infections by PCR, the material for which is taken by the method of urogenital smear.

    Drink: no need to increase the amount of water you drink, drink as much as you feel thirsty. Especially do not drink alcohol before testing for infections, it can serve as a provocation.

    There is: food has a lesser effect on the results of tests to detect infections. However, try to eat no later than 4-5 hours before donating blood and still refuse fatty foods.

    Loads: if you donate blood, then cancel the workout, bath, sauna the day before the procedure. In the case of a urogenital smear, this is not so important.

    Medicines: you definitely run the risk of getting an unreliable result of an analysis for infections if you start taking antibiotics before donating! Be careful, in the case of already started treatment, the definition of infections will be difficult! With the rest of the medicines, everything is as usual - it is better to cancel, if it is impossible to cancel - indicate the names and doses on the referral.

    Other: a urogenital swab should be taken by a doctor, so do not forget to sign up for the procedure in advance for a certain time. Before taking material from the urethra, men are advised not to urinate for 1.5-2 hours. It is unacceptable to take material from women during menstruation and within 3 days after their end.

    Tests for hormones and infections can be expensive, especially if you take more than one test and more than once. Lab4U offers you comprehensive examinations at a 50% discount.

    What and how can affect the results of the tests?

    Why are we so insistent on the exclusion of food and especially fatty foods before donating blood? If this rule is violated, your sample may be unsuitable for analysis due to chilesis. This is a condition when the content of triglycerides (fat particles) is exceeded in the blood serum, it becomes cloudy and cannot be examined.

    Alcohol affects so many blood parameters that it would be difficult to list them. These are blood glucose, and the content of red blood cells, and the content of lactate in the blood, and uric acid. It is best to just remember that 2-3 days before the analysis, it is worth giving up even low-alcohol drinks.

    Compliance with these simple rules will help to conduct an accurate diagnosis and avoid repeated visits to the treatment room.

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    Donating blood for a donation is a serious procedure, and in order for it to be safe, a person must complete a number of activities. In addition to general recommendations, doctors advise the donor to follow a certain diet immediately before the procedure. A person who has decided to do a noble deed and donate his blood must accumulate strength and saturate the body with useful microelements as much as possible. It is recommended to start preparing the body for the procedure a couple of days in advance, and it is during this period that, in addition to the diet, alcohol and certain medications should be completely abandoned.


    When donating blood, the donor loses about four hundred milliliters of blood. This is a significant loss for the body, which for some time after the procedure will have to work at its limit. During this procedure, the donor's body gives about 72 grams of protein, up to 0.3 grams of iron and up to 4 grams of various mineral salts. In addition, a person who donates blood loses up to 2 grams of fat and up to 350 milliliters of water. All these losses should be painless for a person, so it is important to saturate the body as much as possible before donation.

    People who often become donors are less likely to suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Statistics show that the donor lives on average five years more.

    In addition, the quality of the blood should be high, and therefore some food groups that can adversely affect its main indicators should be excluded from the diet a couple of days before the procedure. On the day when blood will be donated, it is imperative to have a hearty breakfast and saturate the body with useful microelements. All restrictions that exist in the nutrition for the donor are of a short-term nature and are mainly aimed at improving the quality of blood parameters.

    A few days before donating blood, it is advisable to include foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates in the donor's diet. It is recommended to consume almost all fruits, with the exception of bananas, as well as vegetables. A person can eat bread, crackers, and cookies without restrictions, giving preference to those products that are made from wholemeal flour. There are no restrictions on boiled cereals, but it is better if they are cooked in water without the addition of fat, butter, milk.

    Favorably on the donor's body will be affected by fish served boiled or steamed, as well as white meat, such as turkey. It is allowed to use various varieties of jams and preserves. From drinks it is better to use mineral water, as well as all kinds of juices, fruit drinks, compotes, and, of course, sweet tea. The donor's diet should be varied and rich in vitamins.

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    Food restrictions

    Before donating blood, a person should exclude fatty and smoked, as well as spicy and fried foods from their diet. On the eve of the procedure, restrictions are also introduced on the use of dairy and sour-milk products. In addition, you should completely abandon butter and eggs, chocolate and nuts. Bananas, avocados and all kinds of citrus fruits are banned.

    It is highly undesirable to drink sweet sparkling water, especially on the day of the procedure.. It is recommended to abandon sausages and sausages, all kinds of semi-finished products. A total ban is introduced on all types of alcoholic beverages. In addition, doctors recommend quitting smoking for a while. All these recommendations should be followed when donating blood for plasma.

    Photos of foods to avoid

    On the day of blood donation

    A person should not donate blood on an empty stomach, on the contrary, a light breakfast is a prerequisite on the day of the procedure. Before going to the transfusion station, you can eat sweet porridge cooked in water, such as buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. It is recommended to add honey to it. In addition, the donor can be given fruits or dried fruits. It is also recommended to eat lean dryers or crackers. Immediately before donating blood, you should drink a glass of sweet tea.

    After the procedure

    If a person is completely healthy, then after donating blood for donation, his body is completely restored within a few hours. Nevertheless, it is recommended to spend the whole day in a gentle restorative mode. You should eat well and regularly for two days after donation. It is advisable to include in the diet more fruits and vegetables that are saturated with carbohydrates.

    Studies have shown that no more than 15% of the world's population can be blood donors, but there are ten times fewer real people who become donors.

    In the first hours after donation, you should drink as much liquid as possible. Pomegranate or cherry juices, sweet tea, and mineral water perfectly restore strength. The food should be saturated with proteins and iron, as well as calcium, which will help block the body's loss in plasma. Doctors advise to consume chocolate and take hematogen within two days after donating blood.

    Donating blood for donation is a complex procedure, however, if all the above recommendations are followed, it will pass without a trace for the body. Proper and balanced nutrition will help the donor quickly restore his strength and minimize all possible risks.

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