General blood poisoning symptoms. What is blood sepsis: how does it manifest itself and how to deal with it

Blood poisoning is a serious condition that develops when it enters the human body infectious agents and toxic waste products. The pathological process is acute and usually begins to manifest itself on initial stage, and can also be purulent and inflammatory.

The main causative agents of sepsis are different kinds bacteria, viruses and fungi. When blood is infected, the symptoms and clinical picture are determined by the type of infection and the state of immunity of the human body.

Sepsis can develop when introduced into the body:

  1. pneumococci
  2. meningococci
  3. mycobacterium tuberculosis

An important role in the development of the disease is played by the state of immunity and its properties. In the event that a person is healthy and his immune system is fully functional, then when a pathogen enters the bloodstream, it will neutralize it in time and prevent blood poisoning.

Taking into account the pathogenic microorganism that provoked the pathology, the method of infection is also determined. There is such a thing as nosocomial sepsis, which begins to progress as a result of a poorly cleaned room and non-sterile instruments. Microorganisms can enter the human blood by oral, otogenic, cryptogenic and obstetric-gynecological routes. In addition, infection is possible through the skin, during operations and diagnostic procedures.

Pathologies such as rickets, oncological pathologies, and diseases of the immune system of an innate nature are capable of provoking sepsis.

Negatively on the health of the patient is reflected in the intake of medicines of certain groups and radiography, and they can cause illness. In childhood, sepsis is not detected so often and usually occurs during the neonatal period.

The entry of pathogens into the body of a child can occur even during prenatal development or during labor activity. In the event that intrauterine infection occurs, then the baby is born into the world already with manifestations of sepsis. Blood poisoning in young children is mainly detected when it enters pathogenic microorganisms through vessels and umbilical wounds.

Signs and symptoms of infection

With sepsis, the symptoms depend on the type of microorganism that provoked the disease, and the state of immunity. The clinical picture includes general and specific signs, but in some cases the pathology may be asymptomatic.

You can suspect the disease by the following general symptoms:

  • rise in temperature up to 40 degrees
  • constant weakness
  • increased sweating followed by chills
  • size increase internal organs
  • lack of appetite, which causes weight loss and even the development of cachexia
  • pain in muscles and joints
  • various types of rash localized on the skin

When the blood is infected, the pressure can drop to critical levels, and cause the development of aseptic shock with fainting.

In fact, the first signs of blood poisoning do not always begin to appear acutely, that is, the clinical picture can develop slowly with a gradual increase in body temperature and intoxication of the body. The patient's condition for a short time noticeably worsens, that is, there are problems with movements. The desire to eat disappears, and there are difficulties with the performance of any work.

emergence specific symptoms determined by the causative pathogen that provoked the disease.

More information about sepsis can be found in the video:

Given this factor, blood poisoning has some features:

  • Staphylococcal sepsis is characterized by severe muscle pain and fever. In addition, rashes are formed in the form of bubbles on the skin of the patient. Initially, the patient's condition is quite severe, but at the same time he is conscious. Simultaneously with such a clinical picture, a dry cough may appear, which over time is supplemented by the appearance of sputum. yellow color in large volume.
  • Meningococcal sepsis is characterized by too rapid development and the person's condition is initially severe. In just a few hours, shock can develop, and often this condition is preceded by hemorrhages in the adrenal glands, which further complicates meningococcal infection. A characteristic feature of this type of sepsis is the loss of consciousness and the appearance of hemorrhages of various shapes on the epidermis.
  • With pneumococcal infection of the blood, symptoms such as a rise in body temperature to too high levels, chills and constant weakness, as well as intoxication of the body and adynamia, are observed.
  • In a generalized pneumococcal infection, the patient does not faint or go into shock. Despite the serious condition of the body, with this type of infection there are no pain in the muscles and malfunctions in the functioning of organs, and a rash does not appear on the skin. Compared to meningococcal infection, pneumococcal infection does not tend to be too violent.
  • Gram-negative sepsis most often develops with immunodeficiency and is provoked by an infection, which is accompanied by the appearance postoperative complications. Blood infection after labor is most often provoked by gram-negative microorganisms. With this infection, there is low temperature body, and patients often seek medical care too late.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa form of sepsis develops against the background of problems with the functioning of the immune system. It progresses quite rapidly and already a few hours after the rise in body temperature, shock may develop.

An infectious generalized process is characterized by the appearance of herpetic vesicles on the skin along the ribs. Over time, they spread to other parts of the epidermis, the mucosa of the trachea, bronchi, oral cavity and esophagus.

Diagnosis of pathology

To select therapeutic measures to eliminate sepsis, it is necessary to determine how the pathogen entered the body. Only thanks to timely diagnosis can be identified on initial stage sepsis is a short-term infection.

For staging correct diagnosis It is important to take into account certain criteria for the disease:

  1. the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms in a large volume
  2. decrease in the body's defenses
  3. primary focus, interconnected with the circulatory and lymphatic system
  4. the appearance of secondary foci, from which microorganisms also infect the blood

Sepsis is diagnosed based on the patient's history, medical examination and the presence of pathogens in it. Diagnostic measures include urinalysis, cerebrospinal fluid, the composition of the contents of the abscess and lung mucus.

Treatment Methods

Sepsis is a disease characterized by a very high mortality rate. It is with this factor in mind that treatment should be urgent and carried out in a hospital. The chance of death is high if pathological process covers most organs and systems.

The main treatment for blood poisoning is the reception antibacterial drugs. It is important to choose a strong medicine, which corresponds to the sensitivity of the pathogen.

The result of the therapy depends on the stage of severity of the disease, the characteristics of the pathogen and the body's resistance.In addition to taking antibiotics, protein medications are prescribed, blood transfusions are performed, and special sera are introduced.

A special place in the fight against blood poisoning belongs to high-calorie nutrition.

In childhood, the elimination of sepsis also involves local therapy. The wound is treated with antiseptic preparations, the purulent exudate and dead cells. In the event that the pathology becomes complicated, then resort to intensive and surgical therapy.

Possible consequences

If timely treatment of blood poisoning is not carried out, multiple lesions always develop throughout the body, which are simply incompatible with life. At high sensitivity pathogens for treatment and a pronounced improvement in the condition, antibiotic therapy is carried out for about 2-3 weeks. In the event that the process is delayed and multiple complications develop, the treatment is delayed for several months.

With late detection of sepsis and not carrying out the necessary treatment, gangrene of the extremities and necrosis of their tissues may develop. In addition, irreversible changes in internal organs and hemorrhages in the adrenal glands are possible. Unfortunately, such complications are considered deadly.

Blood poisoning is considered severe pathological condition the human body, which requires timely and high-quality treatment.

With timely therapy, it is possible to lower the body temperature and cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in it. After some time, the manifestations of the disease disappear, it is possible to avoid the development of complications and recovery occurs.

Blood poisoning ( medical workers prefer the term "sepsis") - serious condition, the cause of which is the entry into the blood of infectious pathogens and toxic waste products. The inflammatory process in sepsis does not occur in individual bodies, but immediately in the whole body and is characterized by severe lesions.

Blood poisoning: symptoms and treatment

Sepsis occurs as a result of the penetration of bacterial, less often fungal and viral microorganisms into the blood. The most common cause of infection is suppuration of wounds with inadequate therapy or total absence such.

The condition is dangerous because it develops and progresses very quickly. Treatment started out of time often does not have a positive outcome. Coma and death can occur within hours of being detected first symptoms of blood poisoning: that is why it is important to provide the patient with professional medical care at the very early stage sepsis.

The first signs of sepsis

There are no characteristic signs of the septic process as such, it is important to pay attention to the totality of pathological manifestations and their rapid development. In most clinical situations, the main symptoms of blood poisoning through a wound or signs of sepsis caused by dental inflammations are approximately the same.

Symptoms of infection include:

To call an ambulance, it is enough to have several symptoms from this list - in particular, high temperature, profuse sweating and fever. Additional symptoms of blood poisoning from a cut- expressed local inflammation primary focus with the release of purulent contents.

Most severe complication blood poisoning - septic shock. This condition is characterized by signs of insufficiency of all organs due to a violation of their blood circulation. Septic shock is often diagnosed with blood poisoning in children, immunocompromised individuals, and the elderly.

Emergency care and further therapy for blood poisoning

The first thing to do if you suspect sepsis is to call an emergency ambulance. If you are watching symptoms of blood poisoning from a tooth, open wounds, cuts, internal infectious diseases, carry out independent therapeutic measures not only inappropriate and dangerous.

The patient should be placed in comfortable position and wait for the doctor's call. Therapy for blood poisoning includes urgent hardware or infusion (through a dropper) blood purification and other wellness procedures.

Antibiotics are prescribed to kill pathogenic microflora- drugs are administered intravenously, often even before the results of a blood test (subsequently, drug treatment is adjusted).

Other procedures:

  • Stimulation of immunity;
  • Intravenous nutrition (glucose administration);
  • Symptomatic treatment, stabilization general condition;
  • Correction of the functional status of systems and organs;
  • Treatment with corticosteroids;
  • Surgical interventions (according to indications) - opening of abscesses, removal of foci of necrosis (dead tissue), amputation of limbs.

Therapy for blood poisoning is always combined and is carried out in intensive care units. After elimination of inflammatory foci surgically and stabilization of the internal state, restorative procedures are prescribed.

Possible causes of blood poisoning in humans

The most common causes of sepsis are inflammation of any localization. purulent nature. Open wounds, inflammation in the oral cavity are dangerous. Contributing factor weakened immunity appears. high risk newborn children and the elderly, patients with diabetes mellitus, bedridden patients with bedsores are susceptible.

Sometimes sepsis develops as a result of incorrect surgical intervention, when using donated blood or contaminated intravenous needles. Therapy, which requires invasive equipment, will theoretically lead to infection if sanitary norms and rules are violated.

Sepsis (blood poisoning, septicemia) is a group of symptoms caused by a strong reaction of the body to an infection. Starting point can be any type of infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi - an abscess on the skin, inflammation of the bladder, pneumonia. Usually, such an infection causes only local inflammation, which our immune system fights. But when microorganisms overcome defensive forces body, inflammation quickly spreads throughout the body as a result of the release of so-called inflammatory mediators (cytokines). These mediators serve to protect against infection, but when they are secreted in excess, inflammation escalates. In some cases, microbes enter the bloodstream, and with it into every cell of the body, so sepsis can disable all internal organs.

Remember that blood poisoning is a life-threatening condition. Therefore, you should recognize the symptoms in time and seek medical advice. emergency care. Treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit. Folk remedies can be used already at the stage when the patient's life is not in danger. It is aimed at removing the residual infection from the body and strengthening the immune system (relapse prevention).

    • Causes of the disease

      So, we have established that sepsis is a specific response of the body to infection. In 75-85% of all cases, bacteria become the culprit (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus). Such a disease can also be caused by fungi (most often an infection with Candida albicans). The reasons may also lie in infection with pathogens, causing meningitis(meningococcus, haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcus).

      Sepsis may begin with a seemingly harmless infection of various organs, such as peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, neuroinfection, diseases of the teeth and periodontal tissues, sinusitis, and tonsillitis.

      Factors that increase the risk of developing sepsis:

      • intravenous injections;
      • catheter in bladder;
      • drainage;
      • implantation of prostheses and devices (for example, a pacemaker);
      • mechanical ventilation of the lungs;
      • parenteral nutrition;
      • transfusion of blood and liquid media;
      • the presence of bedsores and wounds.

      This does not mean that such a disease can only be caught in a hospital. Sepsis affects children, young people, and older people with weakened immune systems. Mental and physical fatigue is another predisposing factor, as this condition affects the human immune system.

      It is very important to determine the causes of blood poisoning in order to correctly formulate a treatment (since some drugs affect gram-negative bacteria, others affect gram-positive ones). Finding the source of infection, you can stop the process of blood poisoning.


      Flu-like symptoms first appear:

      • sore throat;
      • muscle weakness;
      • body aches;
      • elevated temperature (sometimes, on the contrary, low);
      • increase in heart rate;
      • frequent shallow breathing.

      As the infection spreads, new signs of blood poisoning appear. Most feature- this is small rash red or bluish color on the limbs and trunk. These rashes do not turn white when pressed.

      In children early age the following symptoms are observed:

      In older children and adults, the symptoms are:

      • fever;
      • vomit;
      • headache;
      • neck stiffness;
      • photophobia;
      • drowsiness;
      • pain in the joints;
      • convulsions.

      As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear, which depend on which organs are affected:

      Acidosis (lack of oxygen in the blood) is also observed. Tests show problems with blood clotting and anemia.


      If sepsis is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, the consequences can be fatal. The patient develops septic shock, which leads to irreversible processes in the body. Gradually, all the organs in the body fail, eventually death can occur. To prevent such consequences, you need to send the patient to the nearest hospital.


      In order for the treatment to be quick and successful, you first need to establish the causes of blood poisoning. Knowing which infection led to such a reaction of the body, the specialist will prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic. If the cause is still not identified, the patient is given an antibiotic. a wide range actions. Blood transfusion is also used. Great importance has adjuvant treatment - that is, measures aimed at preventing the consequences of blood poisoning in all organs and systems, at improving the general condition of the patient and increasing life expectancy. Adjuvant treatment can and even should be carried out with the help of folk remedies. They stop the focus of inflammation, because of which, in fact, sepsis arose.

      Folk remedies

      There are many herbs with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. However, before starting treatment, it is better to establish the reason for the development of sepsis. Yes, infections genitourinary system the most effective will be plants such as horsetail, upland uterus, birch leaves, iron ore grass. With bedsores and abscesses on the skin, it is recommended to make poultices from baked onions, burdock leaves, aloe juice and honey. If the infectious process has begun in the respiratory system, it is recommended to take syrups and decoctions from plantain leaves, wild garlic and linden flowers. However, we will give recipes for several herbal preparations, which are universal and help with any infection.

      • Althea root - 1 part;
      • Euphorbia grass - 1 part;
      • Rhizome of couch grass - 1 part;
      • Marigold flowers - 2 parts;
      • Calendula flowers - 2 parts;
      • Fennel fruits - 2 parts.

      This collection is taken in the form of decoctions. Boil a glass of water, throw in a tablespoon of herbs and boil for a few minutes. Drink before you eat, you can take 3 glasses of the drug per day.

      In ancient times, sepsis was treated with the following collection:

      • Budra ivy - 1 part;
      • Lingonberry leaves - 2 parts;
      • Red grape leaves - 2 parts;
      • Sage grass - 0.5 parts.

      In the morning, before breakfast, brew a teaspoon of the collection in a glass of water (leak for 10 minutes, drink in small sips, you can with honey). Eat food half an hour after the drink is drunk. It is allowed to use 3-4 servings of the drug per day (necessarily each time on an empty stomach).

      Those who do not like to mess with decoctions and infusions can take herbs in powder form. Here's the right recipe:

      • Burdock roots - 4 parts;
      • Blackberry leaves - 1 part;
      • Birch leaves - 1 part;
      • Sage herb - 1 part;
      • Celandine grass - 0.5 parts.

      Grind it all in a coffee grinder and mix well. Several times a day, eat half a teaspoon of this powder, eating honey or drinking water. You can eat only one hour after taking the herbal medicine. Continue herbal medicine until the organ that was inflamed is cured, or until blood tests show that there is no infection in the body.

  • Sepsis (blood poisoning) is a systemic inflammatory response of the body to the generalization of infection. It was previously thought that sepsis could only occur when bacterial infection However, it has now been proven that sepsis can also be fungal and even viral in nature.

    It is no coincidence that the name that has come into use is blood poisoning. It is in the blood that microorganisms and their toxins penetrate under conditions of weak opposition (according to various reasons) organism. Moreover, the penetrating infection may be unidentified for some time.

    To understand what sepsis is and how and why it develops, it is necessary to understand how sepsis differs from systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).

    Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is a non-specific inflammatory process that manifests itself as a result of a wide range of aggressive (provoking) factors.

    In order to suspect a patient with systemic inflammatory response syndrome, at least two mandatory SIRS criteria must be identified, one of which must be:

    • temperature increase above 38.5 degrees or decrease below 36 degrees (except for the standard measurement in armpit, the temperature should also be measured rectally and in the oral cavity);
    • quantity change . In a blood test, both leukocytosis over 12 * 109 / l and leukopenia with a decrease in the number of leukocytes less than 4 * 109 / l can be detected. The detection of more than ten percent of non-segmented (young) cells in the peripheral blood is also indicative.

    Additional criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome are an increase in heart rate (tachycardia) and / or respiratory rate (tachypnea) more than twice the normal age values ​​for this patient.

    SIRS can be either infectious or non-infectious. For the development of infectious SIRS, viable pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products must be present in the patient's blood.

    Important. It must be understood that bacteremia (bacteria or fungi in the blood) that occurs without clinical symptoms severe infectious process, is a common situation in clinical practice and is not sepsis.

    The development of sepsis will be accompanied by the occurrence of septicemia (severe generalized infection). Septicemia is characterized by the existence of primary septic foci, from which the infection spreads throughout the body by hematogenous or lymphogenous routes. At the same time, in the focus itself, the constant reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms continues.

    In this case, the generalization of infection may be accompanied not only by the development of sepsis, but also by metastasis of septic foci (septicopyemia). That is, in addition to the primary focus of infection, there are several smaller foci (for example, a liver abscess with septicemia against the background of purulent appendicitis), which maintain a septic state in the patient.

    Important! The diagnosis of sepsis is made if the patient has septicemia and the SIRS clinic.

    In a broader sense, sepsis is a combination of the presence in the blood and tissues of the patient of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their toxins, and the body's systemic inflammatory response to the activity of these microorganisms.

    Blood sepsis is an extremely serious diagnosis. In the absence of emergency medical care, toxic shock and death from multiple organ failure develop.

    Causes of sepsis

    For reference. The cause of sepsis is the entry into the blood of a significant amount of pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins. In fact, sepsis can be caused by any class of microorganisms.

    The etiology of sepsis varies depending on the age of the patient, the region of his residence, the state of the immune system, as well as the underlying disease (primary focus) that caused the generalized infection.

    Neonatal sepsis is divided into early neonatal (develops in the first five days after birth) and late (developing later than five days later). The causes of early neonatal sepsis, as a rule, are beta-hemolytic streptococci of group B, Escherichia coli, Listeria, Haemophilus influenzae, and also herpes viruses of the first type.

    Late neonatal sepsis, most often develops due to:

    • aureus or epidermal staphylococcus aureus,
    • escherichia coli,
    • klebsiell,
    • pseudomonad,
    • enterococcus,
    • enterobacter,
    • acinetobacter,
    • serrations,
    • anaerobic microorganisms,
    • fungi of the genus Candida.

    Umbilical sepsis of newborns is usually caused by staphylococci, Escherichia and streptococci.

    Infantile sepsis is usually associated with Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus or epidermal staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, meningococcus.

    In older children, sepsis is caused by:

    • pneumococci,
    • meningococcus,
    • enterobacter,
    • haemophilus influenzae.

    In adults, the most common causes of sepsis are streptococci, staphylococci, and E. coli. Sepsis in pregnant women, in the vast majority of cases, is associated with streptococci, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter, staphylococci.

    It should be noted that in the etiology of sepsis important role plays the state of the patient's immune system. In patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), the main causes of sepsis are cytomegalovirus infection, pneumocystis ( yeast-like fungi), fungi of the genus Candida, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

    Attention. Fungal sepsis most often occurs in patients with immune disorders and in babies.

    Fungal sepsis associated with Candida albicans or Aspergillus (molds) occurs in patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, neutropenia, splenic ablation, and drug-induced immunosuppressive conditions.

    If the nature of sepsis cannot be established, the diagnosis is cryptogenic sepsis (unspecified).

    What diseases can cause sepsis

    For reference. In the presence of favorable factors (lowered immunity, depletion of the compensatory forces of the body, the presence of concomitant pathologies, etc.), sepsis can develop in any disease with a severe course.

    Post-traumatic sepsis occurs when there is festering wounds skin(especially when involved in the process of subcutaneous fat), infected burns. Also, infected bedsores, phlegmon, abscesses, etc. can serve as the cause of skin sepsis.

    A common cause of severe sepsis is a purulent lesion bone tissue and periosteum (osteomyelitis).

    Gynecological sepsis develops:

    • after septic abortion,
    • after infection during childbirth
    • with severe adnexitis,
    • with salpingoophoritis,
    • with endometritis,
    • with infection of the pelvic tissue.

    Causes of abdominal sepsis can be purulent lesions liver, acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, appendicitis (the most common cause of peritonitis and sepsis). In children infancy possible sepsis as a result of intussusception of the intestine.

    The main cause of neonatal sepsis is umbilical or abdominal (associated with necrotizing enterocolitis) sepsis. Less often, the occurrence of skin, pulmonary, catheterization, urogenic, etc. is noted. sepsis.

    Attention. Extremely severe peritonitis and sepsis develops in patients with intestinal obstruction and necrosis of the intestine, as a result of squeezing its wall fecal blockage or due to volvulus. In this case, the contents of the intestine enter the abdominal cavity. Rapid necrosis of the intestine with the development of sepsis also develops with infringement of abdominal hernias.

    A rare cause of intestinal sepsis is pseudomembranous colitis. This condition occurs as a severe complication antibiotic therapy(usually long term). Its cause is the inhibition of normal intestinal microflora and the activation of toxin-forming strains of Clostridium difficile.

    Among diseases of the ENT organs, the most common causes of sepsis are complicated purulent sinusitis, otitis media (especially those combined with mastoiditis).

    Tonsillar sepsis is rare, more common in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and decompensated course diabetes. Tonsillitis (tonsillitis) can cause sepsis if it is complicated by tonsil abscess, paratonsillar abscess, parapharyngeal phlegmon, retropharyngeal abscess, etc.

    A rare cause of sepsis is:

    • putrid-necrotic phlegmon of the bottom of the oral cavity (Ludwig's angina),
    • odontogenic sepsis (festering cysts, osteomyelitis mandible, complications after surgical interventions, etc.)

    Sepsis may also occur in patients with mediastinitis ( purulent inflammation mediastinal tissue), purulent thyroiditis, severe tuberculosis, purulent lymphadenitis, abscesses and gangrene of the lungs, destructive pneumonia, pleural empyema, etc.

    For reference. Cardiogenic sepsis may occur in patients with bacterial myocarditis or endocarditis, in the presence of immune disorders or diabetes mellitus.

    Factors contributing to the development of sepsis

    Generalized infection with sepsis is more common in patients with:

    • neutropenia;
    • primary and secondary immunodeficiency states;
    • severe heart failure;
    • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
    • exhaustion, after a serious illness;
    • with exhaustion, severe beriberi, etc.

    Also systemic inflammatory response is more severe in:

    • people who abuse alcohol or take drugs;
    • patients taking immunosuppressants or cytotoxic drugs;
    • patients with depression of bone marrow hematopoiesis (leukemia), radiation sickness;
    • patients with malignant neoplasms and those who are undergoing or have recently completed radiation or chemotherapy.

    For reference. In the presence of chronic foci infection or acute bacterial infection in patients with comorbidities, sepsis develops more frequently and is more severe than in healthy people with normal immunity.

    Sepsis classification

    According to the primary focus, development is distinguished:

    • wound sepsis;
    • burn;
    • pulmonary;
    • cardiogenic;
    • angiogenic;
    • odontogenic;
    • tonsilogenic;
    • abdominal (biliary, pancreatogenic, intestinal, appendicular, urological, associated with inflammation of the abdominal tissue);
    • gynecological (due to inflammation of the pelvic tissue or organs of the female reproductive system);
    • postpartum, etc.

    For reference. The clinical course of sepsis can be fulminant (the most unfavorable course, often ending in death), acute (from five to ten days), subacute (from two weeks to three months). AT rare cases, chronic sepsis is possible, as well as a recurrent form of infection.

    Chronic sepsis is extremely rare and occurs in patients in whom the cure of the primary focus of infection has not led to the complete disappearance of the symptoms of sepsis.

    The diagnosis of chroniosepsis is made in patients with persistent subfebrile fever, chills and symptoms of intoxication, with the exclusion of the presence of foci chronic infection and other causes of the patient's condition (autoimmune pathologies, malignant neoplasms).

    Due to the nature of the generalization of the infection, sepsis with septicemia and septicopyemia is distinguished.

    Sepsis, with a primary infectious focus identified, is called secondary, and sepsis without the presence of an entrance gate of infection is called primary.

    If the patient has signs of sepsis earlier than three weeks after the onset of the infectious process, it is called early. If the symptoms developed after three weeks - late.

    Blood poisoning - symptoms

    Important. Mandatory symptoms sepsis are criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).

    Other signs of sepsis in adults and children are not specific. In most cases, the clinical picture of infection generalization appears gradually. The severity of symptoms depends on the disease against which sepsis occurred, the age of the patient and the state of his immune system.

    Sepsis - symptoms in children

    The initial signs of sepsis in a baby can be:

    • a change in his behavior, expressed capriciousness or lethargy;
    • weak appetite, sluggish breast sucking, refusal to eat;
    • constant vomiting, profuse regurgitation;
    • whimpering, crying, moaning;
    • rapid weight loss;
    • neurological disorders, twitching of the limbs, chin tremor, convulsions, positive meningeal symptoms;
    • diffuse inflammation of the skin (erythroderma), jaundice, cyanosis, marbling of the skin, purulent or petichial (hemorrhagic rash);
    • bloody diarrhea or lack of stool, bloating, the appearance of a venous pattern on the abdomen;
    • enlargement of the liver and spleen;
    • urinary retention or lack of urine;
    • the appearance of a heart murmur;
    • development of respiratory failure;
    • bleeding, nose or intestinal bleeding.

    Sepsis - symptoms in adults

    In adults, sepsis is also manifested by the development of a systemic inflammatory response. Possible occurrence:

    • earthy complexion,
    • profuse sweating,
    • dry mouth (dry, like sandpaper tongue),
    • violations heart rate,
    • confusion,
    • anxiety
    • delirium
    • hallucinations.

    There may be signs of acute kidney failure(lack of urine), lack of stool, vomiting, severe weakness, fear of light and loud sounds. Some patients have a profuse pustular and hemorrhagic rash.

    With sepsis in the background septic endocarditis, there are significant cardiac arrhythmias, hemorrhagic rash, hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, yellowish-brown skin tone.

    Sepsis against the background of peritonitis or pelvioperitonitis, usually develops against the background of the fourth clinic acute abdomen(fever, vomiting, abdominal pain).

    For reference. In chronic sepsis, patients are worried about constant weakness, sweating and fever. There is a decrease in appetite, muscle weakness, nausea, drowsiness or insomnia, psychosis, depressive disorders, apathy, increased bleeding, hemorrhagic or pustular rash.

    Sepsis - symptoms in pregnant women

    In pregnant women, sepsis is usually manifested by the clinic of an acute abdomen. Characteristic severe pain, intestinal paresis, hemorrhagic rash, vomiting, impaired consciousness. maybe uterine bleeding and miscarriage.

    Attention! In pregnant women important reason The development of sepsis is the fading of pregnancy, not accompanied by spontaneous abortion. In this case, the dead fetus, in the literal sense, begins to poison the woman.

    Are noted:

    • high intractable fever,
    • dry mouth
    • cardiac arrhythmias,
    • earthy gray dead complexion,
    • swollen lymph nodes,
    • vomit,
    • intestinal paresis,
    • acute spasmodic abdominal pain,
    • bleeding from the uterus
    • possible appearance purulent discharge from the vagina.

    Complications of sepsis

    Complications of sepsis are septic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (multiorgan failure). A complication of septicemia can be septicopyemia (metastasis of purulent foci).

    With septic shock, a sharp arterial hypotension (collapse) develops, accompanied by a violation of the blood supply in organs and tissues, as well as a violation of the internal organs.

    For septic shock, infusion therapy does not compensate for hypotension and the patient requires the introduction of vasopressor drugs.

    The syndrome of multiple organ failure (cardiac, renal, adrenal, etc.) is accompanied by the inability of the internal organs to adequately maintain the patient's homeostasis without medical assistance.

    Attention! Hospitalization of the patient at the first symptoms of sepsis is strictly mandatory. In the absence of emergency medical care, sepsis is fatal. Severe sepsis can lead to the death of the patient even with complex drug therapy.

    Penetration into the bloodstream of pathological microorganisms from the infectious focus, and the inability of the immune system to resist the invasion of bacteria, lead to severe, with medical point vision, disease - blood poisoning.

    Blood poisoning or sepsis is an inflammatory reaction throughout the body, causing local infectious process. The causative agents of infection are staphylococci, streptococci, coli and pneumococci. But the development of sepsis is due not so much to the aggressiveness of the pathogen as to the failure of the human immune system. Complications of inflammatory or wound processes begin due to a weakened state of the body after surgical intervention, heavy blood loss or severe illness.

    Clinical signs blood infections directly depend on the type of pathogen, the source of infection and the viability of the immune system. How long after the onset of infection the first manifestations of sepsis appear depends on clinical course inflammatory process in each specific case. The development of infection can be:

    • lightning fast (from several hours to a day);
    • acute (up to 5 days);
    • chronic.

    Often the symptoms of the septic process are erased, due to the lack of elevated temperature with the massive use of antibiotics. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the infection immediately. In such circumstances, attention should be paid to the set of characteristic symptoms of sepsis, which include:

    • rapid breathing and heartbeat, signs of heart rhythm disturbance;
    • severe lethargy and weakness with increased sweating;
    • fever and chills;
    • violation of the stool and signs of intestinal upset;
    • pustular rashes on the skin;
    • changes leukocyte formula in blood tests;
    • excessively fast loss weight;
    • unstable psychological condition, nonsense.
    Symptom of sepsis except sharp increase body temperature will also decrease in temperature due to the depletion of the body's immune resources.

    Local signs of infection in case of cuts, abrasions and scratches are:

    • severe swelling;
    • acute pain in the wound area;
    • hot surface of damaged tissues.

    It is easier to recognize blood sepsis if red stripes diverging from the wound are added to the above symptoms, indicating infection of the lymphatic ducts.

    Severe blood poisoning can lead to an undesirable complication - septic shock, a symptom of which is a drop in blood pressure to a menacing low level which leads to irreversible damage to the kidneys, brain and other organs.

    Septic processes progress extremely quickly, so when the first symptoms of infection appear, you should immediately seek help from doctors for further inpatient treatment. Carrying out therapy on your own is impractical and life-threatening.

    Sepsis is treated with high doses of a broad-spectrum antibiotic along with other procedures:

    1. intravenous glucose nutrition;
    2. blood and plasma transfusions;
    3. stimulation of the immune system;
    4. correction of blood clotting disorders;
    5. detoxification and anti-inflammatory treatment;
    6. adjusting the diet with a high-calorie complete diet.

    Blood poisoning also involves local treatment. When an initial focus of infection is detected, a rational surgical intervention. Purulent leaks are opened with the possibility of subsequent outflow of purulent discharge. Wound treatment consists of washing, disinfecting, and administering antibiotics to the infected area. Sometimes a secondary surgery to open an abscess.

    After complex treatment in intensive care, the patient is put on recovery procedures.

    Sequelae of sepsis

    Forecasts, even timely treatment sepsis are not always optimistic. If the pathogen cannot be identified in as soon as possible- the diagnosis in almost one hundred percent of the case leads to lethal outcome. A severe form of blood poisoning with a detected focus of infection leads to the same outcome in fifty percent of cases.

    As a result of sepsis, deterioration in the cognitive functions of the body is observed:

    • memory worsens;
    • decreased intelligence;
    • attention is disturbed.

    The transferred disease affects the coordination of movements. The consequences of sepsis in a person who did not have previously defined restrictions, in forty percent of cases, manifest themselves in the form of impaired memory and walking.

    The transferred septic process is subsequently expressed by other pathologies:

    • purulent inflammation lung tissue, pneumonia;
    • infectious-toxic shock;
    • myocarditis;
    • the formation of blood clots;
    • endocarditis;
    • bleeding;
    • bedsores;
    • embolism.
    Sepsis - serious illness, and in any form it is necessary to start therapy as early as possible. If you pass full complex treatment, following all the prescriptions of the doctor, then the likelihood of a complete recovery of the body increases.

    Causes of blood poisoning

    Infection of the bloodstream with pathogens occurs as a result of open pathways of infection with a weakened immune system. The immune system is designed to cope with the attacks of fungi and bacteria, but in the event of a malfunction defense mechanisms body, septic processes can occur even with minor foci of infections.

    You can get blood poisoning due to the complicated form of the following diseases:

    • purulent otitis and purulent tonsillitis;
    • extensive body burns;
    • infectious diseases of the urinary system and abdomen with peritonitis;
    • purulent abscesses of the lungs;
    • purulent inflammation of the bones (with osteomyelitis);
    • malignant tumors in the later stages;
    • with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
    • purulent skin diseases;
    • congenital pathologies of the immune system;
    • diabetes;
    • bedsores;
    • open injuries and wounds.

    Any one can be added to this list. infection, which in the absence adequate therapy can induce sepsis. But sometimes the causes of infection are not related to internal pathologies, and the pathogen is brought in from outside:

    • with infection during childbirth;
    • due to surgical intervention;
    • as a result of vein catheterization;
    • in a situation of invasive therapy;
    • through the needle intravenous administration narcotic drugs;
    • as a result of soft tissue injury with an open inflammatory focus.
    Paying attention to the characteristic symptoms of blood poisoning, you can understand in time that septic processes have begun in the blood. This will allow you to seek medical help in time and avoid the development severe sepsis extremely dangerous to human life.
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