Acne with a white head. Acne, pimples, inflammation What causes pimples with a white head

The approach to the treatment of problematic skin should be comprehensive. An individual treatment plan is drawn up, among the possible effective procedures: Aqua peeling (JET PEEL), Pneumophototherapy (Aesthera PPx), various treatments.

18 ways to take care of your skin

After wiping the misted bathroom mirror, you are left face to face with a huge red dot on the tip of your nose. This is not the best way to start the week.

You wipe the mirror again with your hand, rise on tiptoe, lean on the washbasin to get a better look. But what is it? As you tilt your chin up to get a better look, you accidentally notice that there are a couple of white-headed pimples under your lower lip.

You don't like it at all. You rest your knee on the washbasin and press your face against the mirror: from the deep crease between your nose and cheek, a single black head is staring at you.

Struck to the very heart, you recoiled from the mirror. You sit on the edge of the tub, cupping your hands over your freshly pimple-covered face. You mentally return to a distant, "pre-pimple" era. As you sway from side to side, you ask yourself: what's going on?

The answer is quite simple: you have acne. Acne may be the scourge of adolescence, but it can haunt some people into middle age and into adulthood. Women have flare-ups at 25 or 35 and even later in life. "Indeed, my mother had outbreaks even when she was 62," says dermatologist James E. Fulton, founder of the Acne Research Institute, California.

In fact, the term "acne" covers a whole variety of symptoms. “This includes both pimples and pustules with white and black heads,” says dermatology professor Peter E. Pochi of the Boston University School of Medicine. “This is a condition in which the pores of the skin become clogged, causing an inflammatory or non-inflammatory disorder in a person.” But why do they get dirty?

"Chocolate does not cause breakouts," says Dr. Fulton. "Clogging is not caused by dirty hair or skin, or too much or too little sex."

So what is the reason? In any case, heredity, and to a large extent.

"Acne is a genetic phenomenon, a tendency to acne exists in the family," says Dr. Fulton. "It's a hereditary defect in your pores."

If both of your parents had acne, then 3 out of 4 of your siblings will have it. But, if your sister doesn't have acne while your face turned into a war zone, know that other factors may exacerbate acne breakouts. "Stress, sun exposure, changing seasons and climate can speed up acne breakouts," says Dr. Fulton. Certain types of makeup and birth control pills can also cause breakouts.

"Working women are the most vulnerable," Dr. Fulton adds.

Change your makeup. In adult women, makeup is a major risk factor for acne. “Oil-based makeup is a problem,” says Dr. Fulton. “Pigments found in cream powder, blush, cleansing creams, or night moisturizers are not a problem, nor is the water that is included in their composition. In everything oil is to blame. Oil is usually a derivative of fatty acids, which are more powerful than the fatty acids themselves. If you are prone to acne, do not use oil-based makeup."

Read labels. Cosmetics containing lanolin, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulfate, laureth-4 and D and C red dyes should be avoided. Like oil, these ingredients are too "heavy" for the skin.

Rinse off your blush."Rinse makeup thoroughly every night," advises Dr. Fulton. "Use a mild soap twice a day and wash it off your face thoroughly, rinsing your skin with cold water 6 or 7 times."

How to hide acne in Hollywood

Do you think that a tiny, tiny pimple on your face is not a pleasant sight? Well, then imagine how you would feel if a pimple was, say, the size of a trash can.

This is exactly how he would seem if you were the star of the screen. Bette Davis' huge, beautiful eyes would have gone unnoticed if there was a pimple at the end of her nose. If he had been allowed to show off there.

Ah, but we never see pimples, pustules or blackheads on the faces of stars! And why? What, they don't have them? "It still happens," says Maurice Stein, a Hollywood make-up artist. "The thing is, they can't let anyone see their pimples or other skin imperfections."

Stein has been a make-up artist for over 25 years. Here are some of his tips. Stein says he uses them on "the most expensive faces in the world."

Make up. According to Stein, you can completely hide changes in skin color, whether it be pink, red or crimson. To achieve this, “you have to pick a foundation that is highly pigmented,” he says. “The more pigment per ounce, the more chances you have to apply a thin layer and still provide good coverage. I choose the pigment content from 50 to 75%. Usually its content in most bases is 15-18%.

Take a test. You can't tell the pigment content just by looking at the product, but it can be done by tasting it. "Rub a small amount into the skin," suggests Stein. "If the color is so even that your own skin doesn't show through, the pigment content is high and it hides inflamed skin well."

Get to the bottom of the cause?

If you're prone to acne, there's always at least one doctor who thinks that seafood or other foods containing iodine can cause breakouts.

"Iodine is one of the contributing factors to acne prone people," says Dr. James E Fupton. and causes inflammation.

If you are looking for the cause of your acne, here you are table certain foods and drinks and the amount of iodine they contain in parts per million (ppm).

Dr. Fulton doesn't yet know what levels of iodine can cause acne, but he warns that "excessively long-term consumption of these foods can trigger acne breakouts."






Cheddar Cheese:

Curdled milk:

Drinking soda:

Meat and poultry:

Beef liver:



Sprouted wheat:


White bread:

Coca Cola:










Brussels sprouts:

Green bean:


Rinse off your blush.“Remove makeup thoroughly every night,” advises Dr. Fulton. “Use a mild soap twice a day and wash it off your face thoroughly by rinsing your skin with cold water 6 or 7 times.”

Quick oil test

Here is a simple test you can do at home to determine the oil content of your cosmetics.

Take a sheet of high quality printed paper and make a wide stroke of your makeup on it: after 24 hours, look at the grease spot. “Over the course of a day, the oil will absorb well and you will see a wide grease spot,” explains Dr. James Fulton. “The larger it is, the greater the fat content in your cosmetics. Do not use cosmetics that form large grease spots.”

Look natural."Whatever makeup you use, the less you use, the better," says Dr. Fulton.

Blame the pill. A study by Dr. Fulton found that certain birth control pills, such as Ovral, Laestrin, Norlestrin, and Norinyl, can contribute to acne. If you use birth control pills and suffer from acne, discuss this with your doctor. Maybe he will prescribe you other pills or recommend another method of contraception.

Leave them alone."You shouldn't squeeze acne and pustules," says Dr. Pochi. lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, but always disappears.

“White-headed acne is not an inflamed, clogged pore,” notes Dr. Pochi. “The core of a white-headed eel is much smaller than a black-headed eel. a pimple is formed.

Know when to push. While most pimples are best left untouched at all, there is one variety that can be squeezed out to get rid of them as quickly as possible. "Sometimes there are pimples with a small, purulent head," explains Dr. Pochi.

Fight blackhead acne. You can also get rid of blackhead eel by squeezing it out. “Blackhead acne is a heavily clogged pore, the mass inside it is hard, and its surface is expanded,” explains Dr. Pochi. “Blackhead is not dirt. In fact, dermatologists do not know what it is, but what would it be no matter what, the pimple does not form.

Fight acne with commercially available products. Acne can be treated with products that are widely available in the United States. "Use products that contain benzoyl peroxide," says Dr. Fulton. "Benzoyl conducts peroxide into pores and releases oxygen, which kills acne-causing bacteria. It's like 2 products in one; benzoyl also suppresses fatty acid cells that irritate pores".

Acne treatments come in many forms, such as gels, liquids, lotions, or creams. Dr. Fulton suggests using a water-based gel. This remedy is the least irritating to the skin.

He suggests applying it for about an hour in the evening, and before going to bed, rinse thoroughly, especially around the eyes and from the neck.

Pay no attention to the numbers. Acne products contain benzoyl peroxide in concentrations of 2.5 to 10%, but the percentage has little effect on the effectiveness of the product. "Most tests have shown that low percentage products are just as effective as higher percentage products," says Thomas Gossel, Ph.D., professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Ohio Northern University. same effect as 10%.

Take special care of dry skin. Dry skin can be sensitive to benzoyl peroxide, which is why Dr. Gossel recommends starting with a weak solution and then slowly increasing the concentration. "When you apply the product, the skin turns red, but this is a normal reaction," he says.

Keep away from direct sunlight. Sun acne medications can cause an adverse reaction. “Minimize exposure to the sun, UV lamps and sunscreens until you know how you will react,” warns Dr. Gossel, advising sunscreen sensitivity testing.

Cleanse your skin thoroughly.“Cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying acne,” says Dr. Gossel. “A clear face is a happy face.”

Do not carry out several courses of treatment at the same time. Do not mix courses of treatment. If you have used commercially available acne medications, you should stop using them if you have a prescription for the medication. "Benzoyl peroxide is a close analogue of Retin-A and other vitamin A derivatives such as Accutane," says Dr. Gossel. "They should not be taken at the same time."

Stop the spread of acne."Apply an inch or so around the affected area with acne medications," Dr. Fulton advises. preventive measure. Acne spreads across the face from the nose to the ear. You need to apply the medicine to the red, inflamed areas. In the instructions for drugs available in the general market, it is written that they should be applied to the affected areas. Most people think that these are the areas where they see eels, but it's not like that at all."

Pimples with a white head

White-headed pimples: what they are, where they come from, how to treat white-headed pimples. They appear mainly on the face, nose, head or body. Perhaps the appearance of acne with a white head in newborns. The reasons for their appearance and methods of treatment, read the article.

Pimples with a white head

Asks: Rudolf, Armavir

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello dear experts.
I would like to ask you the following question.
Now I am 26, from the age of 20 acne with white heads began to appear on my face. The main places are us, near the nose, chin, and above the upper lip. First, a red place appears very unpleasant, then a white pimple appears in this place, after which pus or fat comes out from the inside. And so very often. At first I thought hormones, 5 years have passed and everything is the same, although already married. I went to a dermatologist, they prescribed ointments, antifungal treatment in the form of tablets, the result is zero. How they got out and how they get out. The only thing I noticed at certain moments, let’s say there are no acne after fasting, although during fasting they climbed out with double strength, then they appear with ordinary food. As a child, I had pancreatitis, but it did not bother me and does not bother me. Now often there is heartburn, gases, but from certain products. Why I turned to you, yes, because I am sure that the matter is inside the body, and not with the skin. I have been smearing my face for 1.5 years and I already feel sorry for him. Tell me what it could be, where to turn or what tests to take. He was treated for 3 courses with anti-fungal drugs, as if from Helicobacter pylori, nothing.
Thank you dear, I'm waiting for your answer. I want to take it seriously.

1 answer

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Rudolf! Pass FGDS. Get tested for Helicobacter pylori. Better in 2 ways: a breath test and blood from a vein. If 2 answers are positive, then in this case, Helicobacter pylori is treated. Donate feces for dysbacteriosis in order to know what microflora is in the intestines. Complete blood count, liver tests. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. A smear on the microflora from the nose and oropharynx. After these examinations, it will be clear what treatment to carry out.

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They cannot be ignored, as they signal problems in the functioning of internal organs or systems. Having determined and eliminated the cause of the formation of white acne on the face or elsewhere, it is necessary to undergo a suitable course of treatment.

Why white pimples appear on the face and body

To get rid of white internal acne, you need to find out why they formed. Each organism has its own characteristics and problems are purely individual, so there are many reasons for the formation of white acne:

  • improper diet (a lot of fatty, fried and sweet, as well as a lack of vegetables and fruits);
  • poor skin care leads to clogging of pores and the appearance of sebaceous plugs, under which microbes develop and abscesses appear;
  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • disturbances in the work of the thyroid gland and stomach;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • use of bad cosmetics.

Varieties of white pimples

Subcutaneous white pimples on the face, back and elsewhere on the body are divided into several categories according to their manifestations:

  1. Nodes. Pimples without a head with a diameter of more than 5 mm, located in the deep skin layers, flowing quite painfully and leaving scars.
  2. papules. A mild form of skin inflammation, in which white pimples are small, do not hurt and are on the surface of the skin.
  3. cysts. A severe form of acne in the form of dense white or slightly bluish balls, manifested by pain and leaving behind severe scars.
  4. Pustules. Purulent acne of small size, the treatment of which involves pulling or squeezing pus.

We figured out the classification and now let's move on to a more important question - how to remove a white pimple from the skin?

How to get rid of white head pimples?

Small white pimples are usually fairly easy to treat with the right medications and a cleansing diet. For the treatment of medium and small white acne, tools such as:

In case of violation of the processes of sebum secretion due to a violation of the hormonal background, doctors prescribe hormonal medications:

Removal of white subcutaneous pimples

A simple and proven way against white acne inside the skin is the usual extrusion of purulent masses. Small pimples that look like a rash are not easy to remove with this method. In addition, when squeezing out, the skin is inevitably damaged and an infection can get into it, causing inflammatory processes in the future.

Before cleaning the skin at home, it should be steamed out, and the fingers should be wrapped with a bandage or at least a napkin. Before squeezing out the pus, some white pimples will have to be opened with a medical needle. If you squeezed out a pimple with a white head, be sure to treat the affected area with an antiseptic to prevent inflammation.

Beauty salon specialists use different methods to deal with white pimples on the nose, forehead, back and other areas of the body most prone to acne:

  1. mechanical cleaning. It is carried out by cosmetologists manually after steaming and disinfecting the skin.
  2. Vacuum. Purulent masses of white acne are sucked out with a special device. The procedure stimulates blood circulation in microscopic vessels.
  3. Atraumatic. White acne on the nose is best removed in this way, since this area is especially painful. During atraumatic facial cleansing from acne, the beautician dissolves, rather than squeezes out the sebaceous plugs. Before that, a white acne mask made from fruit acids is applied to the face, which effectively expands the pores. The concentration of acid should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.
  4. Ultrasonic. Sebaceous plugs come out of the pores under the influence of ultrasound.
  5. Chemical or mechanical peeling. The first is carried out with fruit acids, and the second with the use of abrasive compounds.

Folk recipes against white acne

You can get rid of white acne on the body without special medical treatment and expensive cosmetic procedures. You have an arsenal of options at your disposal:

  • regular cleaning and daily skin care;
  • masks against white acne on the face from natural ingredients;
  • lotions;
  • compresses;
  • washing with herbal infusions.

Folk remedies help fight whitehead acne in a child or adult, but they are not always as effective as special procedures. Among the effective home recipes we can distinguish:

Potato masks

A homemade mask for white acne based on ordinary potatoes and honey is quite effective. Boil a potato and mash it with a fork, adding an egg yolk, two tablespoons of cream and a spoonful of natural honey. Regular use of this mask will get rid of even deep subcutaneous white pimples.

Compresses with calendula

Dilute a spoonful of calendula infusion in half a glass of water and soak a cotton swab in the resulting liquid, and then apply it to a pimple with a white head on the body.

Acne mask with aspirin

Before using the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to it. If everything is ok. Soak 10 aspirin tablets in a small amount of water, and when they are swollen, crush them and add a spoonful of honey to this, as well as some kind of antibiotic-based cream. Apply gruel on acne with white contents and leave for a minute.

Pimples with a white head

I would like to ask you the following question.

Now I am 26, from the age of 20 acne with white heads began to appear on my face. The main places are us, near the nose, chin, and above the upper lip. First, a red place appears very unpleasant, then a white pimple appears in this place, after which pus or fat comes out from the inside. And so very often. At first I thought hormones, 5 years have passed and everything is the same, although already married. I went to a dermatologist, they prescribed ointments, antifungal treatment in the form of tablets, the result is zero. How they got out and how they get out. The only thing I noticed at certain moments, let’s say there are no acne after fasting, although during fasting they climbed out with double strength, then they appear with ordinary food. As a child, I had pancreatitis, but it did not bother me and does not bother me. Now often there is heartburn, gases, but from certain products. Why I turned to you, yes, because I am sure that the matter is inside the body, and not with the skin. I have been smearing my face for 1.5 years and I already feel sorry for him. Tell me what it could be, where to turn or what tests to take. He was treated for 3 courses with anti-fungal drugs, as if from Helicobacter pylori, nothing.

Thank you dear, I'm waiting for your answer. I want to take it seriously.

The cause of red acne with white heads on the face, and how to treat? Thank you.

The most traditional formulations for treatment can usually be bought at the pharmacy ready-made and without a prescription.

1. Salicylic acid has an exfoliating effect, softening the top layer of the skin, prevents the formation of comedones. Salicylic acid preparations can be used 1-2 times a day. composition of finished products, for example, creams, gels and lotions of the Klerasil series

2. Sulfur is used in various recipes, the most famous is “Vidal's milk” - a chatter containing 5% precipitated sulfur (sulfur praecipitatum). .Other preparations with sulfur are also used in the treatment of various skin diseases. Chatterboxes and sulfur-based lotions for seborrhea and acne are used 1-3 times a day, and ready-made preparations are usually 1-2 times a day.

3. Benzoyl peroxide, also known as "Baziron", "Clerasil-ultra", "Oxy-5 and 10" has been used in the treatment of acne for many years. The action of benzoyl peroxide is complex: it inhibits the growth of bacteria, oxidizes and exfoliates, preventing the formation of inflammation. The polymer complex in the preparation "Baziron" also absorbs sebum. The preparations are applied to the skin 1-2 times a day. A good effect can be expected one week after the start of using the drug, and a stable improvement after a month of treatment.

Benzoyl peroxide preparations come in different concentrations: 2.5%, 5% and 10%. Do not choose the highest concentration right away - this will not make acne disappear sooner, but skin irritation may occur.

**** Evisent brewer's yeast, sold in a pharmacy - with a high sulfur content - a natural vitamin and mineral complex - the maximum amount of vitamins of the B-B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, Vn, E, micro-and macronutrients, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The increased content of sulfur contributes to the healing and improvement of the skin condition, supports the natural metabolism.

*Masks for oily skin care. Two to three times a week, masks for oily skin can be used. They help cleanse enlarged pores, relieve inflammation and improve complexion.

* A mask of curdled milk or kefir. This mask is one of the most effective means for the care of oily skin. With a cotton swab, apply kefir or curdled milk to the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

*Mask of egg white and lemon juice. Whisk the egg white into a foam. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to the skin and hold for a minute. Rinse with warm water. The mask gives the skin a fresh look.

* Cucumber mask for oily skin. Grate a cucumber on a fine grater. Mix in a ratio of 6:1 with boric acid. Apply to face, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask has a cleansing and whitening effect.

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White pimples are also called closed comedones. milia. They mainly concern women with oily and combination skin. There can be many reasons for the formation of these defects: from excessive consumption of fatty foods and improper care to disruption of the thyroid gland and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of milia in adolescence indicates hormonal changes in the body, as soon as the balance of estrogens and androgens stabilizes, the signs of acne will disappear on their own.

Milia must be differentiated from wen - benign neoplasms, similar in clinical picture to whiteheads. Wen are composed of adipose tissue, oval or round in shape, varying in size from 2-3 mm to several centimeters. They do not have an excretory duct, so it is impossible to squeeze out the contents like a regular pimple.

Elimination of acne and wen should be carried out under the supervision of a professional cosmetologist. Self-medication can lead to inflammatory reactions, dryness, peeling of the skin, mechanical manipulations are dangerous for infection. Modern hardware cosmetology allows you to painlessly remove neoplasms on the skin without leaving a deep scar. For this, methods such as:

With large rashes, the doctor prescribes drugs that normalize the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The therapeutic effect does not occur immediately, but persists for a long time. The patient is required to fully comply with skin hygiene, it is also recommended to adhere to a diet. exclude fatty foods, spicy and salty foods, limit sweet and starchy foods.

In our clinic, the following specialists specialize in the treatment of acne:

white pimples

Many, looking in the mirror at their face, notice that if they have acne on their skin. they are of different types. In this article, I would like to tell you more about those white bumps that are about the size of a pinhead among all the other pimples.

A white pimple is the same comedone, only closed. The mouth of the duct is so narrowed that a hard plug that clogs the sebaceous gland is hidden under the skin. The appearance of these pimples ranges in size from 1mm to 5mm. Such acne, unlike inflamed ones, can exist for a long time, and can also give an inflammatory reaction.

There is another way, but it is less gentle on your skin. You can take an ordinary needle and sterilize it on an open flame of a lighter or a gas stove. Or from a disposable

syringe to take a sterile needle. Then gently pierce the white pimple with a needle to make an artificial exit hole. Then, at the base of the pimple, press with two fingers and the pimple will come out in the form of a “white ribbon”.

Be careful, using this method with a puncture, you can inadvertently injure yourself. Also, with poor sterilization of the needle, infection can occur. Only use it when you absolutely need to get rid of whitehead very quickly. which gives you cosmetic discomfort.

After the entire whitehead piercing procedure, do not forget to treat the skin with an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine. to prevent the introduction of various infectious agents.

white pimples

Basically, white pimples or millet, as they are popularly called, occur on the cheeks, temples, in the eye area, but their appearance is possible on any part of the body, up to the earlobes. These are dense, hard to the touch neoplasms, consisting of a mixture of fat and keratinized cells of the epidermis, which appear in case of malfunctioning of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. White acne must be able to be distinguished from wen, which are strictly round or oval in shape and which cannot be squeezed out. An example of acne is shown in the photo.

White pimples on lips

By themselves, white acne does not bother in any way, they are not painful, do not become inflamed and carry only psychological discomfort from an aesthetic defect. Especially if these pimples are located on the lips, appearing through their thin skin as a white spot. If it is clear that this is not herpes and not an enlarged subcutaneous gland, but a pimple, then you can and should try to get rid of it. But you should never try to squeeze them out!

In addition to the fact that the skin of the lips is incredibly sensitive, and an attempt to squeeze out an acne will be accompanied by hellish pain, there is a great danger of infecting and generally damaging the delicate tissue of the lips. The most conservative method is to switch to proper nutrition and wait for the moment when, under the influence of favorable factors, the millet will “resolve” itself. But since you usually want “everything at once”, it is better to contact a cosmetology office or a dermatologist, where this hard pimple will be removed.

White pimples in a child

Due to the fact that in children, especially newborns, the work of the sebaceous glands is not established, they may develop white pimples on their faces. They are completely safe and do not require treatment. Their appearance indicates that the body is adapting. And since all the processes in babies are accelerated, white acne disappears quite quickly by itself.

No need to try to wipe them with something alcohol or some special anti-acne lotions, and even more so, in no case should they be squeezed out. It is only necessary to bathe and wash the child as often as possible. But sometimes white pimples appear in children on the tongue, and this is a completely different story. This can be caused by fungal infections, allergic reactions, or bowel problems. It is necessary to consult a doctor in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Pimples with white heads

Quite often you can see on the faces of placers of acne with white heads, which look especially unpleasant and cause great psychological discomfort to their owners. How do whitehead pimples form? Ideally, the sebaceous glands secrete their secret through the ducts to the surface of the skin, but when, for various reasons, the pores become clogged, the sebum accumulates and a pimple forms.

The formation of a white head is already the final stage of acne development, when the accumulation of fat, bacteria and remnants of the epidermis reaches its maximum, and at some point this white head breaks through. There are no special reasons for this phenomenon, acne with white heads is formed exactly according to the same scenario as any others. And the treatment for this type of acne is no different from the treatment of acne per se. A consultation with a dermatologist is desirable, normalization of nutrition is mandatory and it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out these acne on your own.

White headed pimples - why they occur

Few facial flaws look as unsightly as white-headed pimples. They are like acne from sweets. can ruin even the most beautiful face. Pus collects under the skin, usually white, yellowish, or greenish in color. Pimples protrude somewhat above the rest of the skin surface. It often happens that the condensation of pus occurs around the hair root. Such acne can occur on different parts of the body and face of a person.

The appearance of acne with white heads

Only a dermatologist can determine the exact cause of acne. But often they can be caused by the presence of any coccal infections in the body. Infection with staphylococcus aureus does not in itself lead to the appearance of this cosmetic problem. But, in case of a decrease in immunity, damage to the integrity of the epidermis, malnutrition, or a number of other reasons, microorganisms can begin to multiply intensively. Their activity is manifested in the occurrence of inflammation on the skin and causes acne with white heads.

To confirm or refute the presence of a specific type of staphylococcus, the contents of a ripe pimple are submitted for analysis. To avoid the possibility of spreading infection, such inflamed pimples should not be squeezed out. It is forbidden to carry out various cosmetic procedures, including cleansing or clay masks. The actual treatment, which consists in taking antibiotics, should be carried out by a doctor.

Another Cause of Whitehead Pimples

From the beginning of adolescence, when perhaps the main problem in life is how to hide acne. red, inflamed pimples with white heads may appear due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. These failures are associated with excessive production of certain hormones. The ducts of the glands are clogged with plugs from sebum and keratinized epidermal cells. The comedones formed in this way serve as fertile ground for the development of inflammation or infections accompanied by suppuration.

Especially often such a rash worries young people. It appears against the background of a disorder of the regulation of the endocrine system and the seborrhea caused by them. In this case, pimples with white purulent heads, in addition to the face, also appear on the back and chest.

White pimples on the head of the penis.

When white pimples appear on the glans, under the skin, or on the frenulum of the penis, the first reaction in most people is fear. Fear that this is some kind of venereal disease. If these are, indeed, ordinary acne, then getting rid of them is quite simple.

At the same time, it is necessary to completely exclude any possibility of a sexually transmitted disease, such as, for example, warts. A common complaint to the doctor like: "Doctor, I have white spots around the head of the penis" is usually heard in the doctor's office, since this is a fairly common phenomenon. White pimples, indeed, are often located on the frenulum, along the edge under the skin around the glans penis. The color can be ordinary, the same as that of the surrounding tissues. They are about the size of a millet grain.

There is a simple test to determine if a pimple is normal on your penis.

It is necessary to apply a 5% solution of acetic medical acid to the affected area with a cotton swab and leave for 3 minutes. If after 3 minutes this place of application of acetic acid turns white, then this is condyloma, and if the color remains the same, then this is an ordinary pimple.

Acne on the glans penis is a fairly common phenomenon during puberty. Usually they do not cause discomfort, but they can cause pain or even break through during sexual intercourse.

Such simple white harmless pimples on the glans, under the skin, on the frenulum or around the glans penis are treated in the same way as pimples on any other area of ​​the body:

If these white pimples are not a sign of a sexually transmitted disease, then they should not be of particular concern. But in any case, to get an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist.

Pimples can appear anywhere on the penis, sometimes they turn red, and in some cases even black. The reason for their occurrence in the physiological structure of these acne. It is identical to acne on the face. As with pimples on the face, it is also not recommended to squeeze out pimples on the penis: by squeezing out the white mass that fills the pimple, you can infect the resulting wound, and this can cause various complications. And then you have to go to the doctor, and immediately. Get a course of antibiotics. To eliminate such acne, it is recommended to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash the skin daily under running water using soap, and even better gel. Over time, with careful care, acne should disappear on its own.

The appearance of acne on the head of the penis may be due to an increase in the sebaceous glands. Such a problem rarely occurs, and you should not be afraid - there is no particular danger in this, this disease is not transmitted sexually. about the increase in the sebaceous glands, you can get comprehensive information personally from a dermatologist or on sites on the Internet, as well as about the causes and methods of treatment.

A pimple is not a pimple, a mole is not a mole! How to understand the types of acne?

Pimples, or acne vulgaris (acne) develop against the background of seborrhea, that is, excessive secretion of sebum with altered properties. They occur in areas of the skin that are richest in sebaceous glands. On average, there are 900 glands per 1 cm 2 of the skin of the face, upper back and chest, while in other areas their number does not exceed 100.

The reasons for the formation of acne include not only excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also hormonal imbalance, infection of the skin with bacteria, pathology of the hair follicle (for example, ingrown hairs). Most often this condition occurs in adolescents, but adults often face this problem. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases.

The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 13 and 18, and in girls, acne appears earlier, but disappears faster. In young people, acne can become severe, causing a significant cosmetic defect and impairing the quality of life, primarily due to psychological problems. In men, the pathology acquires a chronic course and sometimes turns into late acne.

The first signs are increased secretion of sebum (seborrhea) and microcomedones. It is worth contacting a doctor already during this period in order to prevent the development of severe forms of the disease.

The main types of acne

Depending on the external manifestations, the following types of acne are distinguished:

  • comedones;
  • papular;
  • pustular;
  • inductive;
  • abscessing, or festering indurative;
  • phlegmonous;
  • drain;
  • conglobate.

The choice of methods of treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin depends on their severity. In mild cases, home remedies are sufficient. With a large number of rashes, their deep and merging forms, the help of a dermatologist is necessary.

The formation of different types of acne occurs in stages. Initially, this is a blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands due to increased secretion of sebum due to cell hypersensitivity to sex hormones. This creates a breeding ground for microorganisms, in particular Propionibacterium acnes. Reproducing, they break down fat with the formation of fatty acids that damage the skin surface. As a result of chemical irritation, an inflammatory process is formed.


The most common type of acne, localization mainly on the face. They form in the hair follicle, which becomes clogged with dead skin cells and excess sebum. Comedones turn into small bumps (papules) with white or black dots in the center.

This type of acne can cause certain foods - rich in animal fat, fried, spicy, salty. They are called comedogenic.

"Black dots"

Black plugs on the surface of the papules that open onto the skin are filled with excess fat and skin cells. Their color is not due to the accumulation of dirt, but to the incorrect reflection of light rays from clogged hair follicles, as well as a change in the color of sebum upon contact with air.

Sometimes the appearance of pathology is associated with the improper use of cosmetics based on oils and moisturizing ingredients. Pollution and high humidity of the environment matters. In addition, blackheads can appear due to the excessive use of soaps and other cleansers. Dry skin leads to increased sebum production and clogged pores.

Open comedones often form on the forehead, chin, and nose. Usually, over-the-counter acne medications are enough to treat them.

"White Heads"

If the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland and the hair follicle is completely clogged, pimples with white purulent heads appear - closed comedones. Their contents do not reach the surface of the skin, accumulating under its upper layer and causing the formation of a bubble. Since sebum does not come into contact with air, its darkening does not occur. With such acne, you can also fight with the help of cosmetics.

Non-inflamed comedones are not accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin. They respond quite well to the use of salicylic acid. This substance exfoliates dead cells, opening an outlet for excess sebum. Salicylic acid is part of special lotions, tonics and moisturizers.

Pimples with white heads are harder to treat. To eliminate them, in addition to salicylic acid, retinoids are used, in particular, Differin.


When inflamed, comedones turn into papular acne. The process is associated with the reproduction in the sebaceous glands of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation and the formation of pus. Small soft pink or red bumps form on the skin surface. The skin around them is often slightly hyperemic. These pimples may be sensitive to touch and may be accompanied by slight itching. Squeezing out the contents enhances the inflammatory process and further leads to the formation of scars.

A large number of papules is a sign of moderate to severe acne and requires treatment by a dermatologist. Inflammatory acne is less treatable than comedones. To eliminate them, agents based on benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics locally and orally, isotretinoin preparations are used.


These are pustules, often developing from comedones with white heads. A red inflamed rim appears around the focus. The pathological formation itself is filled with white or yellow pus. It can have an irregular shape, pustular acne often merges with each other and protrudes above the surface of the skin. Usually the appearance of pustular elements is not associated with severe bacterial infection.

Avoid popping pimples that result in dark spots (hyperpigmentation) or scarring on the skin.

Inductive, or nodal

A type of subcutaneous pimple that looks like large, painful bumps or nodules. They appear with a complete blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland, irritation and inflammation of the surrounding skin tissues.

To the touch, these are dense formations. Acne penetrates deep into skin structures and is often painful. When such formations appear, the help of a doctor is necessary. Usually, medical treatment with Isotretinoin preparations for internal use for six months is sufficient.


With suppuration of indurative acne due to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, cystic formations are formed - abscessing acne. They are filled with purulent contents and resemble boils. The formations are painful, usually soft to the touch, after they are opened, deep atrophic scars form.

The course of the disease is recurrent. The help of a dermatologist is needed, and consultation of other specialists is often required, for example, an endocrinologist or an immunologist. Treatment is with Isotretinoin. An abscess can be removed surgically.

Nodular and abscessed acne often appear with a hereditary predisposition. They can be observed simultaneously with comedones, occur with the progression of papular or pustular forms, and also combine into nodular abscess formations.


They appear when inflammation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, and the smallest cavities filled with purulent contents are formed. On the surface of the skin, this is manifested by the appearance of widespread tuberosity. Gradually, phlegmonous cavities merge into large foci, forming nodes of a red-violet hue.

Phlegmonous formations gradually break through and purulent contents, often mixed with blood, come out through several holes. The course of the disease is long, it is very difficult to treat.


This is one of the most severe forms of acne. Acne conglobata often appear on the back, neck, chest, and buttocks. They are many inflamed follicles that merge with neighboring areas of inflammation.

Such acne appears on the body of an adult, usually in men. They may be associated with the use of testosterone or anabolic steroids. Their other name is fulminant. The onset of the disease can proceed as arthritis, followed by abundant formation of acne throughout the body. For adequate treatment of the condition, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Conglobate acne can accompany a genetic disease - Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY trisomy). In this case, they can occur anywhere on the body above the knees. Pathology is accompanied by purulent lesions of the joints and kidneys.

Severity and principles of treatment

What acne and in what quantity are observed with different severity of acne:

  • mild degree: less than 20 blackheads or whiteheads, less than 15 papules or pustules, and the total number of acne is not more than 30;
  • moderate severity: from 20 to 100 comedones, up to 50 inflamed acne, or a total number of foci up to 125;
  • severe degree: there are several abscessing acne of a dark red or purple hue.

How to deal with them?

With a mild degree, it is enough to use special cosmetic lotions for 2 months. The average severity of the lesion requires the appointment of medications. Treatment lasts for several weeks, and often in the first time after its onset, the severity of acne even intensifies.

In the severe stage, the main task is to reduce inflammation and scarring. The doctor may prescribe a variety of medications and physiotherapy that improve the appearance of the skin and the condition of the sebaceous glands.

Topical therapy is used to treat different types of acne. These are medicines applied directly to the affected area - a variety of ointments and creams for acne. They contain substances such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, sulfur derivatives, zinc. There are also prescription drugs, such as antibacterial creams and retinoid ointments.

For systemic therapy, tablet drugs are used. Antibiotics are prescribed - tetracycline, doxycycline, erythromycin. They destroy the bacteria that cause acne inflammation and suppuration. If necessary, the doctor prescribes other drugs:

  • oral contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels in women;
  • spironolactone;
  • antiandrogenic substances;
  • isotretinoin (a derivative of vitamin A).

Isotretinoin preparations are very effective in the treatment of acne. However, due to a sufficient number of side effects and contraindications, they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Other types of acne

In addition to acne, acne can also occur with certain diseases.

Psoriatic acne

Psoriatic acne, or guttate psoriasis, is not associated with blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. They are also not associated with the pathogenic microbial flora of the skin. Psoriatic acne - multiple small painless yellow-pink pimples. They appear on the back and chest, then spread to the legs, less often to the face, ears, scalp. In children, such acne is often located around the anus, leading to severe itching.

The rash is usually associated with the activation of fungi of the genus Candida or yeast microorganisms that cause seborrheic dermatitis. Less commonly, it is caused by staphylococcus aureus or papillomavirus. Immune system disorders affect the condition of the skin, leading to the appearance of small pimples. Therapy of the disease is carried out with glucocorticoids and ultraviolet radiation.


The disease is caused by an increased reaction of the skin to external irritation and an increase in the permeability of blood capillaries. It appears as small red spots on the cheeks and on the nose. If larger vessels are affected, purple spots form in their place.

Increased vascular permeability is due to their altered reactivity to signals from the nervous system. Therefore, the foci of rosacea become brighter after drinking hot drinks, spicy food, or, for example, when it enters a warm room from frost. Rosacea rashes are not associated with infection and require a different treatment than regular acne.

acne in newborns

Elements are localized on the face and head of a newborn and infant. They look like small white pimples, less often tubercles (papules) and pustules. From an allergic rash, such acne differs in unchanged surrounding skin, the absence of itching and the association with the use of new types of food. The general condition of the child does not change.

The rash usually goes away by three months. Its occurrence is due to hormonal imbalances in the mother during pregnancy. If neonatal acne persists in a child older than a year, this is no longer the norm and requires a visit to a dermatologist.

Acne in children

This form of the disease is accompanied by the appearance in young children of a large number of inflammatory elements - papules (red bumps) and pustules (pustules). Usually, the pathology is caused by violations of the endocrine system of the child - adrenal hyperplasia, tumors that produce androgens. Therefore, when a rash appears, a thorough examination is necessary.

Inverse acne

The defeat of the sebaceous glands in this pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the adjacent sweat glands. As a result, large abscesses break through to the skin. Typically, lesions are located under the armpits, around the nipples, in the umbilical region and perineum.

Inverse acne occurs secondary to severe acne. Their appearance is promoted by skin irritation, sweating, obesity, mechanical impact. They look like small elevated formations that gradually soften and open with the release of pus. Gradually, the focus heals and scars with the formation of a rather large retracted scar. The course of the disease is long, it is difficult to treat.

How to remove acne scars on the face, read in the previous article.

Lightning acne

This is a severe complication of common inflammatory acne vulgaris. Against the background of a stable course of the disease, the temperature suddenly rises, signs of intoxication appear. Pustules appear on the skin of the whole body, with the exception of the head, quickly necrotizing with the formation of ulcers and subsequent scarring.

Acne fulminans are more common in adolescents with comorbid digestive conditions, such as colitis or Crohn's disease. It is assumed that irrational treatment of acne with antibiotics, retinoids, and hormones plays a certain role in their appearance.

Tropical acne

It appears mainly in young women after applying sunscreen cosmetics and exposure to the sun or in a solarium. It is caused by the comedogenic effect of such cosmetics, associated with blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands by oxidized cocoa butter, sea buckthorn, coconut contained in it.

Face, neck, shoulders, arms are affected. Comedones with white heads, papules and pustules appear on the skin. A rash appears in summer and disappears in winter.

Excoriated acne

This type of acne is a complication of common acne in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, more often in women. Noticing a pimple, they immediately begin to squeeze it out, scratch and damage the skin. As a result, a bacterial infection joins, purulent elements appear, which heal with the formation of scars.

Acne caused by endocrine diseases

Part of the pathogenesis of acne is a violation of the metabolism of hormones, especially sexual ones. Therefore, many diseases accompanied by hormonal imbalance are accompanied by different types of acne. These include:

  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • adrenal tumor;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
  • some pituitary tumors;
  • diabetes and others.

rare forms

  • Keloid acne appears in young men who shave their heads. The reason lies in the defeat of the hair follicles. If this pathology occurs, you should stop washing your scalp with shampoo and start treatment with benzoyl peroxide, glucocorticoids, and sometimes antibiotics.
  • Many bacterial skin diseases are accompanied by acne. However, it is not acne vulgaris. In this case, the main complaints of the patient are other symptoms - itching, burning, redness.
  • Incorrect treatment of acne with antibiotics can be complicated by gram-negative folliculitis. The disease is manifested by a pustular rash resembling acne, as well as the formation of deep abscesses.
  • Facial pyoderma is a severe form of acne that only affects women under the age of 40. It is accompanied by the appearance of nodules, pustules on the face, which then open with the formation of small ulcers, followed by scarring. The disease begins suddenly, often in women who have never suffered from acne, and progresses rapidly. Treatment is with isotretinoin and systemic glucocorticoids.

What to do when acne appears

Acne of any type requires long-term treatment. Sometimes improvement occurs immediately, but more often during the first weeks or months, the skin condition does not change. The patient should not take too many drugs at once. This can cause dry skin and the body's response in the form of increased sebum production.

When any skin formations appear, an examination by a dermatologist is necessary. This is necessary in order to distinguish acne from other skin diseases, such as:


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Hello. On the inner and outer parts of the Belra, and also on the buttocks, pimples appeared in large numbers, red with a white head, they do not itch, when pressed, pain sensations Tell me what to do

Maria, Vladimir

ANSWERED: 06/05/2017

Hello, it is quite possible we are talking about ostiofolliculitis. Lay out the pictures (allowed areas), I will comment and give recommendations. As a trial therapy, it is possible to treat with a mixture of calendula tincture and salicylic alcohol.

clarifying question

Clarifying question 05.06.2017 Maria, Vladimir

Good afternoon. Thank you for answering me. Can you tell me what tests I can take? I'm adding a photo. Ten years ago I had a furunculosis. Then I drank the antibiotic Suprax 400. This time I also drank it for 12 days, it didn’t help.

ANSWERED: 06/05/2017

Hello, yes it is osteofolliculitis. Mix tincture of calendula, salicylic alcohol, chloramphenicol (crush tablets). Wipe twice a day. Take a clinical blood test, blood sugar level

clarifying question

Clarifying question 21.08.2017 Maria, Vladimir

Clarifying question 21.08.2017 Maria, Vladimir

Hello. Please tell me, my mother has a red spot on her stomach 3 cm and red pimples in it, they burn, respectively, it hurts. They began to smear with calendula + sal. Alcohol and apply a cabbage leaf. Pimples have not gone away for 4 days. What could it be please tell me how to anoint the photo I attach

ANSWERED: 08/23/2017

Hello, the picture is not of the best quality, but we can speak with some certainty about a herpes infection. Acyclovir inside, a mixture of tincture of calendula and chloramphenicol (grind tablets) externally, 5-7 times a day.

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 08/23/2017

Hello, there is a development of a herpetic infection. Acyclovir inside, externally - a mixture of tincture of calendula and chloramphenicol (grind tablets), 5-7 times a day

clarifying question

Clarifying question 23.08.2017 Maria, Vladimir

Thank you Doctor! We will heal then. If it does not help, I will write to you again. Are you in Kovrov? How to get an appointment with you if it doesn't work. We ourselves are from Mstera, we go to doctors in carpets

ANSWERED: 09/08/2017

Hello, be sure to write. Please post pictures. Mstera is a city of artists, you have a good hospital

clarifying question

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Among dermatological problems, acne with a white-yellow head is very common. Why they appear on the body and face, what other signs the pathology has and how to treat it - it is better to contact a specialist with these questions.

Causes and mechanisms

Acne with yellow contents is a sign of pyoderma or acne. Pustular elements appear due to the bacterial flora, namely staphylococci. These are opportunistic pathogens that live on the skin and scalp in many people. But pustular rashes do not appear in everyone, because the development of such acne is promoted by:

  • Damage (cuts, abrasions, excoriations, burns, maceration).
  • Pollution (dust, fuels and lubricants, physiological secretions).
  • Hypothermia and overheating.
  • Malnutrition and avitaminosis.
  • Endocrinopathy (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism).
  • Diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Immunodeficiencies.

As you can see, the decisive role in pyoderma belongs to a decrease in the activity of local and systemic protective factors. Under such conditions, microbes easily penetrate into the mouths of the hair follicles, begin to multiply there and provoke an inflammatory reaction.

Acne is caused by a combination of several factors: increased production and violation of sebum secretion, hyperkeratosis and accumulation of propionobacteria. Skin pores are clogged with fat deposits and horny cells, which creates favorable conditions for the development of microbes. The appearance of acne (acne) is promoted by hormonal changes in the body (usually during puberty).

Acne with a white head is a superficial pyoderma caused by bacterial flora, or acne on the face that occurs when sebaceous secretion is disturbed.


With superficial pyoderma (ostiofolliculitis), the hair follicle is damaged. First, there is a slight hyperemia and compaction, painful on palpation. Then the nodule becomes cone-shaped and a pustule is formed. The abscess looks like a red pimple with a white head, located at the base of the hair. After a few days, the contents dry out, and the top of the pustule is covered with a crust.

Ostiofolliculitis can be limited or occupy large areas of the body. Such pimples are located in groups, but they do not have a tendency to merge. Sometimes individual elements increase to 10 mm in diameter, which allows us to talk about another form of pyoderma - Bockhart's staphylococcal impetigo. It often occurs as a complication of scabies.

Acne on the face, which is a sign of acne, can have a different character. They are represented by the following elements:

  • Comedones (open and closed).
  • papules.
  • Pustules.
  • Nodes.
  • cysts.

Comedones are non-inflammatory pimples that appear when the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are blocked. Closed elements are white, and open ones have a black top. They are mainly localized on the forehead and chin. The skin at the same time looks shiny, and the hair is oily.

Further attachment of inflammation leads to the appearance of papulo-pustular rashes. Small pustules heal without a trace, while larger ones leave behind scars. The spread of the process in depth is accompanied by the formation of nodes and cystic cavities.

The clinical picture is determined by the cause of acne and the stage of their development. Visual signs form the basis of a preliminary diagnosis.

Additional Research

To understand why yellow acne formed on the face or body, the results of additional studies will help. Based on the specific situation, the following procedures may be necessary:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Hormonal spectrum.
  • Analysis of discharge (microscopy, culture, sensitivity to antibiotics).

Sometimes, to clarify the underlying pathology, you have to consult an immunologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.


Superficial pyoderma responds well to external therapy. First, the skin is treated with antiseptic solutions:

  • Brilliant green.
  • Fukortsin.
  • Boric alcohol.

Further, the affected areas are lubricated with antibacterial ointments (levomycetin, tetracycline). Systemic therapy is indicated only for extensive and deep pyoderma. Then antibiotics are prescribed inside, immunotropic agents and vitamins.

Acne needs to be treated comprehensively. As a local therapy, drugs are used that normalize the secretion of sebum, reduce the severity of hyperkeratosis and have antimicrobial properties:

  • Benzoyl peroxide.
  • Azelaic acid.
  • Retinoids.
  • Antibiotics.

In addition to local exposure, it is necessary to normalize the hormonal background, for which oral contraceptives with an antiandrogenic effect are prescribed. Systemic antibiotic therapy in acne treatment regimens is also present.

It is possible to treat pathology only after establishing a holistic picture: identifying the causes, determining the nature and severity of the process.

Acne with a yellow or white head may indicate pyoderma or acne. These states have fundamental differences that must be taken into account for a complete and high-quality therapy.

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