Correct name for husky. The Siberian Husky is a reliable friend with a cheerful disposition and good health. The right diet for the Siberian Husky

Currently, in our country, huskies are just beginning to gain popularity. Interest in dogs with a thousand-year history in Russia appeared only in the mid-90s of the last century.

And this is despite the fact that the northern regions of our country are the historical homeland of this breed.

The article tells in detail about such a breed of dogs, which is currently gaining more and more popularity, like huskies. The material tells about the accepted international standards of the exterior, the nature of the animal and the peculiarities of its behavior.


This breed appeared in northeastern Siberia, and the Chukchi brought it out. The history of the breed has more than one millennium. The study of the husky genome allowed scientists to rank them among the 14 oldest breeds in the world. Their genotype is more than all other breeds similar to the wolf.

In the early 20th century, dog sled racing was especially popular. And American gold diggers, keen on this sport in Alaska, just fell in love with huskies. So this breed came to America, where it gained the greatest popularity.

This breed became famous for the whole thanks to the rescue relay organized to deliver the diphtheria vaccine to the city of Nome in Alaska. The most famous husky in the world is the dog Balta, who led the team in the last section of the relay and brought the vaccine to the city. The memory of this dog is immortalized in a monument, and a cartoon was even made about him.

Telling the story of the husky, it would be dishonest not to mention one more dog that made a huge contribution to the rescue of Nome, this is the leader of the Togo pack and his famous musher Leonard Seppala. In this relay, they overcame the most difficult section of the track. And if not for Togo, then Balto would never have become famous.


The official breed standard is approved - FCI Standard No. 270 of 01/24/2000. He describes a working dog, not a racing or show dog. Husky sizes are as follows: the weight of an adult cable varies from 21 to 28 kg, females - 16-23 kg. The height at the withers for a male is 54-60 cm, for a female - 50-56 cm.
Boy (left) and girl side by side


The most common husky color is black and white or gray and white. Less common are brown and white huskies, brown, black and white. Each dog usually has its own unique white or black mask on the muzzle, and two vertical stripes on the forehead at the base of the nose.
flower mask
Black and white handsome man cable
red husky
brown color
Gray - amazingly similar to a wolf!


Purebred huskies have a thick coat and a dense, soft undercoat that perfectly protects him in winter. Caring for him is simple and does not require any special experience! According to the breed standard, the coat should be "double", soft, pleasant to the touch, fluffy, of medium length.


The tail resembles a fox, but it should be lowered slightly below the level of the back. Huskies usually throw it over their back in a crescent shape when the dog's attention is attracted by something, but the lowered tail is typical for a resting dog. The hair on the tail is of medium length and about the same length on top, sides and bottom.


The eyes are slightly slanted, almond-shaped. The eyes can be hazel, olive, amber or blue, as well as multi-colored (such dogs are called harlequins) or partially colored. And, of course, a person is always fascinated by the look of multi-colored eyes. But, the standard color is black, brown and gray.


The real husky has high-set, medium-sized, triangular-shaped ears. Set close together, dense with rich hair, without leaning forward and with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up.


Black in grey, red, or black dogs, brown in brown dogs, and may also be flesh-colored in pure white dogs. Let's say a nose with pink streaks (the so-called "snow nose").

winter nose


The muzzle is of medium length and width, gradually tapering towards the nose, while the nose is neither pointed nor square.

Head and stuff

The special proportions of the body of this breed should also be taken into account. So in profile, the length of the body from the shoulder to the rear point is slightly, but longer than the height of the body from the ground to the top of the withers. The head of the dog is medium in size, pronounced. The neck is of medium length, gracefully curved. The chest is not very wide, but powerful and deep.

Description of the breed

We give an exhaustive description of the dogs of this breed.


Husky dogs have a great temperament. On the one hand, huskies are unusually friendly, kind, calm, and at the same time very curious and require constant activity. But sometimes they can be very capricious and stubborn, so the owner of such a dog must be persistent and demanding, and if he takes up education from childhood, he will grow an unusually obedient and devoted dog.

Siberian Huskies have a tendency to run away, especially if they lack physical activity. In addition, they are excellent diggers and good jumpers.

Huskies get along well with children of all ages.. And this is understandable. Firstly, these dogs are very fond of spending time actively, and with whom, if not with children, you can play, run, jump without rest. Secondly, it happened so historically. The Chukchi trusted their newborn children to these dogs. It is known that huskies lived on the street, but when children appeared in the family, the owners launched the flock into the yurt, and they warmed the baby.

They can get along well with other animals. in the house, for example with cats, but if they were brought up from puppyhood. Since the wolf gene is still present in the blood of this breed, and the hunting instinct may periodically wake up, rodents living in the house, such as hamsters and guinea pigs, may be in danger.

Huskies and children: adorable photos

In the description of the Siberian Husky breed, we cannot ignore this important point: if you need a reliable guard, then husky is not your option. Since they were bred as sled dogs, and by nature they are kind and affectionate, they do not show aggression towards strangers. At the same time, under certain circumstances, huskies can still show good security properties. But it largely depends on genetics and the prevailing conditions.

The hunting instinct of these dogs is well developed, but they hunt more for themselves, as a game. If you took a husky for hunting, then, of course, they will help to catch the beast. But be sure that they will not bring prey to your feet. Huskies are very smart, and quite independent.

Thinking in a pattern is not for them. Therefore, as a service dog, this dog is also not suitable. Numerous attempts to awaken aggression in these dogs failed, and only led to a violation of the animal's psyche, which became dangerous for the people around him.

How many live?

The life expectancy of a husky directly depends on the conditions of their maintenance: in the city, the average life expectancy of a Siberian husky is 12–15 years. But if you provide the dog with really comfortable conditions in a country house, with a spacious aviary and a lot of physical activity, he can live almost twice as long - 20-25 years.

Besides, this breed is very harmful to the heat because nature did not prepare her for such climatic conditions!

Bark and howl

Siberian Huskies bark less than all other breeds. Barking is a dog's way of dividing up territory, and since Huskies have never been bound by territorial boundaries, their barking is just an invitation to play.

Howling is the main feature of the Husky, passed down from their ancestors. No one knows the reason why a Husky can howl - sometimes out of boredom, sometimes - in the company of other dogs of this breed. If your husky has friends of the same breed, then you will notice that sometimes they can start a collective howl. And since they howl at different voice levels and with different tonality, the sounds are reflected from the walls, and it may seem that instead of two dogs, a whole dozen are howling. This trick is often used by wolves to fool their enemies into thinking the pack is much larger than it really is.


You will learn how much Siberian Husky puppies cost, their approximate cost, and where you can buy them from the article.


Oh, how to train a husky - buy yourself valerian! This is an activity for the strong in spirit. For persistent, purposeful people with strong leadership qualities. For training to be successful, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • reward the pet for the successful execution of the required commands;
  • since dogs are not characterized by concentration, the "lessons" should be short, simple and in the form of a game;
  • Encourage your puppy to socialize with other people and animals in the house. By the way, the husky loves to “monkey” and steal many of the habits and habits of the neighbors in the aviary or other members of the pack (your family, home, animals, etc.). The character of the dog does not change from this, but take this fact into service;
  • all actions and words must be consistent and the same for each training;
  • multiple repetition of commands;
  • set a schedule for walking, feeding and exercising.

Never worth it:

  • apply violence to an animal;
  • do not immediately give a large number of commands;
  • do not scream or squeal if the puppy does something wrong, speak in a firm and clear voice;
  • do not change the limits set for the puppy depending on the circumstances and your mood.

How to teach?

To teach whether to teach a husky to do something, remember the following interpretations of dog behavior:

  1. if desired, the husky reacts poorly to commands, allegedly does not hear- this means that the dog trusts his feelings more than you,
  2. chewing and biting things- explores the world
  3. dog biting and growling- you did not become a leader for him, so he demonstrates superiority and tries to educate you.

Do they bite?

If this is a puppy, then there will be “bites”, not even as a manifestation of aggression, but as a game. Starting from 2-3 months, start weaning it.

But with an adult dog it is impossible to answer unambiguously. The most likely situations where you can get a bite is during breakup fights. If the dog turns out to be weaker than the opponents, especially in the team (runs slowly or accidentally falls), the herd instinct works in others. In no case should you try to separate by pulling the collar. You need to separate by the legs - this way you reduce the likelihood that you yourself will be bitten.

Husky makes a bite

Huskies can accidentally bite during the game: dogs are very active and at the same time they are not always aware of their strength. Be careful in games, and it is best to put on a thick glove.

Do not forget about basic safety precautions. You can’t feed someone else’s dog from your hands, otherwise bitten fingers await you (for example, when your friends treat husky dogs through the bars of an aviary).

Like any other dog, the Husky can bite in self-defense. The main thing to remember is that a dog is always a dog. Do not pet other people's dogs without the permission of the owner, even if they look cute and fluffy.

Education and maintenance

How to raise a Husky? Most importantly, you must always remember that this is a pack animal, and in many respects everything will depend on how you define and learn the puppy's place in your pack - your family. The dog needs to clearly understand what is allowed and what is not. Huskies are very smart, and quickly understand what is required of them, but the rules should be set clearly, without variations and deviations.

talking about the conditions of content, it is worth noting that huskies are quite simple in this regard and will not cause much trouble. Consider keeping a dog in an apartment and in a house.

Due to their active disposition, huskies are completely unsuited to being indoors for a long time. Husky is not the kind of dog that will lie on the couch all day. Therefore, if you live in an apartment, you should provide your dog with a guaranteed long walk (4-5 hours) every day.

The result of inattention

Of course, the dog must have a place where he will eat and his "own place" where he sleeps. It’s good if the pet knows where his “clothes” are located - a collar, a leash and a muzzle. These are the necessary attributes of every dog.

Some breeders advise to eliminate some misunderstandings on the part of the dog due to its energy, to close the animal in the cage when leaving the house. But what loving owner wouldn't have a heartbreak if he knew that his incredible active pet was locked up? A dog trained in a cage since childhood will certainly survive this, but a cage is just a barbaric option for a husky.

When living in a private house, always remember that your husky is a wolf at heart. He does not freeze on the street, he is not scared and not bored, so you should not lock him in four walls. In addition, there are cases when huskies ran away from the house, breaking the glass with their heads. For these dogs it is necessary from reliable materials, preferably from steel bars. Since he will easily gnaw through an ordinary chain-link mesh. If you neglected the aviary, then you should take care of strengthening the fence. Because of their curiosity, these diggers will gladly dig a hole and run away in search of new adventures.

For the summer period, it is necessary to organize a canopy from the sun and rain.


How to care for a Husky? Care is reduced to regular combing once a week. To do this, you will need brushes with medium-length metal teeth, a comb and a slicker brush. You need to teach your pet from early childhood, but remember that up to six months the puppy's fur is very soft and you can only comb it out with a soft massage wooden comb with rounded ends.

Husky is a very clean breed, the coat has no characteristic odor and is capable of self-cleaning. Huskies shed 2 times a year (spring and autumn), and during this period the dogs are combed out daily, using first a slicker brush, removing dead undercoat, and then a comb with frequent teeth or a metal brush.

You need to comb out with smooth movements, without jerks and strong pressure, along and against the growth of wool. Particular attention should be paid to the tail, "pants", collar, hair between the ears and on the front legs.

Bathe 2-3 times a year.

Physical activity

For a husky, activity is simply vital, and almost any: for example, carrying weights (in winter, an adult dog can ride a child on a sled), running, jumping, rollerblading and cycling (your, of course, not dogs). On a hiking trip, you can let your pet carry things in a special backpack (maximum load is 20% of the animal's weight) - believe me, your husky will simply howl with joy.

Very important: Do not overexert puppies under 1 year old.

This means that it is impossible to seriously train crumbs - for example, running up stairs or surfaces with a clear slope threatens to tear the shoulder or inguinal muscles. From 8 weeks old, you can practice 1.5 km long walks with your puppy (for the whole day). But from 9 months it's time to accustom him to the load: either light empty sleds or toy strollers, or harnesses with other dogs so that the load is minimal. Full training and active walks can be started from 18 months.

Until 9-12 months old, the joints, bones and ligaments of a Husky are not yet fully formed and can be easily damaged. Do not allow larger and older animals to play rough with the puppies! Puppies up to a year old should be handled with extreme care on walks!

Even if you don't train your dog for exactly this kind of thing, keep this balance in the simple activity of life! Walks should start at about 2 months.. But: without vaccinations, even in six months, it is impossible to let an animal out into the street!

How to walk?

How to walk a Siberian Husky? Many inexperienced owners are faced with the problem of not knowing how to correctly organize a daily walk for a husky, taking into account the physical and psychological factors of this breed. Here are some important rules:

  • 50-60% of the diet is meat. Better if it's beef. Possibly turkey or rabbit meat. It is dangerous to give chicken, as it can cause allergies, and it is absolutely impossible to give lamb and pork;
  • with a sufficient amount of meat 1-2 times a week, you can give eggs (only the yolk) and vegetables, except for potatoes;
  • it is also necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet, milk is not desirable, as it can cause diarrhea;
  • be sure to add vegetable oils and fish oil, as well as vitamins (a consultation with a veterinarian is necessary).


Huskies can be divided into 3 groups: working, racing and show.

The rarest - workers. This is what started husk breeding all over the world. These dogs carry not very large loads over long distances, and are not as fast as racing dogs. Smart, unpretentious. They may not be sleek and beautiful, but amazingly hardy. Huskies of this variety used to carry mail, firewood, meat (remember Jack London and Time Doesn't Wait).

As workhorses, huskies are no longer used today. The closest to working use can be called hiking and dog riding. These dogs work day in and day out throughout the season.

Husky racing These are sport dogs. Riders are also divided into subgroups depending on their activity - so for skijoring, teams of 2-4 dogs, huskies 60 cm tall and above are preferred. These are large, capable of running fast in a small group and at the same time dragging the owner behind them. Racers running in sixes and larger teams are more moderate in stature. In general, racing dogs differ from kennel to kennel. Each kennel has its own type of racer, depending on the preferences of the owner. A common feature of all racing huskies is short fur.

Husky show. They can be divided into two large groups - American and European. American ones are heavier and more powerful, look more voluminous. European dogs are lighter and more graceful. A common feature of all show huskies is a shortened muzzle, which gives the dog a more attractive appearance, but worsens the heating of the inhaled frosty air.


Breeders, in an attempt to improve the Siberian Husky, created the following varieties of the breed:

  1. Klee-kai(mini-husky) is a miniature dog for husky lovers living in an apartment. A good-natured and energetic dog will always cheer up his master. A distinctive feature of the klee-kai is a tail twisted into a ring with a dark tassel hanging down on its side. Another feature is the mask on the muzzle, which differs in color from the main color of the coat.

  2. Alaskan- is considered the most expensive mestizo in the world. This is a fast, hardy, athletic dog. She owes her origin to such breeds as the Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, Border Collie. Due to its unbridled energy, such a dog needs constant supervision, as it can become very naughty from idleness.

  3. Sakhalin- the rarest breed that Japanese breeders seek to save from extinction. This dog has a very high level of stamina and increased intelligence, which gave rise to its other quality - selfless devotion to the owner. Sakhalin Huskies are considered the best military dogs. They are used as carrier dogs, covering long distances in short periods of time.

  4. Siberian- The history of this breed is rooted in the depths of time. Initially bred as a mount, it has changed a lot with the advent of civilization. And if this dog does not receive a sufficient level of exercise and full employment, then it will turn into a show class dog, more suitable for exhibitions and sports competitions than for working in the Far North.
  5. Japanese(Akita Inu) - bred specifically for protection, and not running in a harness.

Pros and cons

From pluses breeds to be noted

  1. Kind and friendly disposition.
  2. Strong health and stamina.
  3. He gets along well with children and other animals.
  4. Quiet (virtually does not bark)
  5. Clean (neither wool nor leather have a smell).

To cons breeds include:

  1. Stubbornness and willfulness.
  2. Striving for leadership.
  3. High need for long-term vigorous activity.
  4. Strong molt.
  5. And almost no security guard.

Funny video

See how the husky howls and even says:

How does it look (with beautiful photos)?

Newborn Huskies:

Puppy 1 month:

2 months:

3 months:

4 months:

5 months:

White puppy with blue eyes:

Husky in winter:

Next to the wolf:

Mix - husky crossed with spitz:

This is how the husky sleeps:

Large adult:


cute bitch photo



Huskies are an absolutely amazing creature. This is a source of endless energy and at the same time a gentle, patient creature in relation to children. On the one hand, this is a faithful, devoted and obedient dog, and on the other hand, it is a stubborn, wayward and curious leader of his pack. If you chose this dog, then a quiet evening on the couch is not for you. It means speed, thirst for movement, the desire to drag the harness forward - this is your way of life.

Dear owners husky, do you also? Tell us how you spend your time with your pet, what do you like to do? Show the world a photo of your favorite and most beautiful husky!

Update: October 2017

Classic lines, luxurious coat and expressive look are what attracts Siberian Husky lovers. Representatives of the breed:

  • easily adapt to a cold climate, feel worse in the southern regions;
  • not indifferent to children, excellent companions for the family;
  • friendly to people, including strangers;
  • quick-witted, they are difficult to deceive;
  • have a pronounced hunting instinct;
  • are quite stubborn, it is not easy to train them;
  • inclined to independent decision-making;
  • practically do not bark, but like to howl;
  • easily tolerate travel, love long-distance car trips;
  • need active walking and regular work;
  • require a lot of space;
  • are distinguished by good health and longevity.

Characteristics of the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed

Is it difficult to take care of a Husky?
Grooming is simple, the greatest effort requires walking and regular grooming.
Preferred conditions of detention
The pet will be better off in a country house or in the yard.
Is aviary allowed?
The dog is not afraid of the cold. Thick fur makes him invulnerable. On the street, he feels even better than in the house.
How long do you need to walk?
Walks should be at least an hour long. The dog must run at least 10 km a day. In this case, the pet is usually kept on a long leash.
Do Husky dogs shed?
The animal sheds, and it's hard not to notice. The dog's coat is thick and heavy; during molting, all surfaces in the house are covered with a fur rug.
Hair care
You need to comb your pet every two days, during molting more often. Otherwise, the wool will fall off. If the animal lives in a relatively warm climate, the hair between the toes is also cut off.
How often should you bathe?
This is a clean breed. Its representatives take care of themselves like cats. Bathe pets, as a rule, only 1-2 times a year. The exception is individuals with white hair, they are bathed regularly.
Why do husky eyes come in different colors?
Eye color depends on the amount of melanin. Heterochromia occurs when the amount of pigment in the eye is not the same. The heterochromia gene is inherited.
Is heterochromia a defect?
Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which the iris of the eye is painted in different colors. It does not affect vision. Multi-colored eyes are not considered a defect or marriage. This is a feature of the breed, it is noted in the standard.
How do they tolerate heat?
Animals are accustomed to frost, but it is difficult for them to adapt to heating in houses and to hot summers. In the heat, you need to make sure that the animals always have access to water. You can not load the dogs with work during this period.
What kind of work can they do?
Huskies are used as sled dogs in the North. In the conditions of the city, a pet can accompany cyclists or joggers, sledding.
Is it possible to walk without a leash?
It is better not to let your pet off the leash. Cute hashis are prone to escaping. Free range is possible only in a closed area.
Is the breed suitable for protection?
The dog has no guard instincts. He also lacks aggression. He treats all people well.
How does he get along with other pets?
Get along well with peers. With some effort on the part of the owner, they can make friends with other pets. However, the dog will perceive other people's cats, guinea pigs and other small animals as prey.
Can I buy for a child?
They love children. But the breed is prone to dominance. It will be difficult for a child under 12–15 years old to deal with such a pet.
Who is not suitable for the breed?
Inactive people who prefer passive recreation.

Breed Benefits

  • Huskies are friendly and love to interact with people.
  • They have a charming appearance and a piercing gaze.
  • They treat people well, as they understand that they provide them with the work they love so much.
  • Fast adaptability. After all, there were times when huskies, like other sled dogs, often passed from one owner to another.
  • They are pack animals, accustomed to working in a group. They do well in group keeping.
  • Adapted to work in the most severe climatic conditions.
  • The unique structure of the coat keeps Huskies from freezing and eliminates the smell of dog that is characteristic of most dogs.
  • The breed can be called talkative. With different moods, pets are able to make interesting sounds. At the same time, they bark rarely and quietly.
  • Animals are in good health. They have earned the reputation of dogs with good genetics.
  • This is a bright star in the show ring. Such a magnificent coat and proud posture can be the envy of other breeds.
  • Life expectancy is relatively high.

Disadvantages and difficulties

  • Behind an attractive appearance lies a stubborn character.
  • The pet is wayward and cunning. Parenting can be difficult.
  • Huskies have learned to get their own food from generation to generation, therefore, on walks, dogs believe that everything that is conditionally edible is their legitimate prey.
  • This is a hunter, ready at any moment to demonstrate all his skills on yard cats, squirrels and other living creatures. But he hunts for himself. Don't wait for the dog to bring you prey.
  • The propensity to escape is quite high. The owner must always keep in sight of his pet.
  • A bored hasya will become a destroyer in the house. This happens more often in housing. The dog can pretty spoil the interior.
  • The breed has historically not developed a set of enzymes for eating cereals. The diet should be dominated by proteins of animal origin. This menu is not cheap.
  • Not suitable for weak and soft people who do not have the proper patience.

Husky photo

Siberian Husky: dog character, behavior

The magnificent appearance and cheerful disposition often mislead inexperienced lovers. In fact, representatives of the Siberian Husky breed have a difficult character. They love people, but not a specific owner. Most of them do not care who exactly their owner. Loyalty is not their forte. These are wayward individuals with their own opinions. However, quite often, pets become devoted friends for their owners. Rest assured, if you find an approach to them, you will forget to think about other breeds.

Siberian Huskies are characterized by such character traits as:

  • friendliness;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • high activity;
  • the need for communication;
  • quick wits;
  • lack of aggression;
  • endurance.

This is a pet for the owner, who is ready to prove to his dog every day that he is smarter and more cunning than her. The ancestors of the Siberian Huskies lived next to people on equal terms. Together they struggled with the unkind nature of the North. The tendency to make independent decisions has been preserved to this day. Animals are obedient exactly as long as the owner does not give them the opportunity to evade.

Behavior in the house and apartment

Often left alone, huskies begin violent activity. The most harmless way of showing activity is a drawn-out howl that all neighbors hear. It stops as soon as the owner approaches the house. Pets may not be aware of such musical abilities of the pet.

Loud sounds are far from all that a pretty khasia is capable of. He likes to gnaw on things that are not intended for this. There are frequent cases when, after a working day, the owner is met by a muzzle, looking out from under a pile of damaged things. Therefore, pets should not be left locked up for a long time.

Behavior in the yard

Not everything is simple and with the content in the yard. These animals are born to run, they love to seek adventure. A fence one and a half meters high is not an obstacle for them. They can easily overcome it. If they fail to jump over, they will dig. As a rule, fences for Siberian huskies should be at least 1.85 m high. It is good if you can dig it deeper.

If you love your garden, don't let Hasyu go there. These diggers will dig up the lawn and flower beds. Give them a place where they can enjoy digging without sacrificing garden design.

This behavior is more common in puppies. Adults become more calm and accommodating, especially if they are loaded with work. Do not let your pet get bored, and he will not engage in sabotage.

Behavior on the street

Hunting instincts inherited from the ancestors of the breed. This breed does not need to be trained, taught to hunt. Miner at the call of the heart - that's what they call huskies. Description of the breed, the nature of behavior on the street confirms this. During walks, you need to carefully monitor your pet. Otherwise, the hasya can rush away from the owner if he notices a squirrel on a tree or a cat on a bench.

In relation to large dogs, representatives of the breed are friendly. But with small dogs, difficulties can arise. They look too much like a cat. Fights with them are not excluded.

Attitude towards strangers, protection of the owner and home

Experienced owners note that huskies can be taught to guard the house. With due diligence on the part of the owner, this is real. The dog will make sounds when strangers approach the house. But this breed is far from being a watchman. For her, any person is a companion, which makes no sense to attack. This dog will not protect property.

Content Features

Hair care

Siberian Huskies have a unique coat. It does not pass water, protects from cold and wind. It is not uncommon to see a pet sitting quietly in the rain. The rain doesn't bother him at all. He just needs to shake himself off, and the coat will be fine again. With puppies, it's different. Before the appearance of the outer hair, babies have a soft coat that gets wet. Therefore, they need to be wiped after walking in the rain with a dry towel.

Lush and thick coat requires regular care. It needs to be brushed weekly. More often if needed. Examine the pet after walking, in order to identify burrs and thorns tangled in a thick fur coat.

For care, you will need the following inventory:

  • comb with wide teeth;
  • massage brush;
  • brush with long bristles;
  • tangle remover.

Representatives of the breed have a double coat. In no case should you cut it for the summer. So you will not protect the animal from the heat. Husky cooling technology is well thought out. The structure of the coat keeps you warm in winter and prevents you from overheating in summer.

It is useful to blow out dead hair from a pet's coat with a hair dryer or compressor. This will help keep the coat clean and neat, without bald spots. Blowing wool during the molting period should be done as a weekly procedure.

Care of teeth and gums

Prevention is the best way to avoid problems in a Husky. Care and maintenance consists of regular checkups of the pet. Your pet's teeth should be checked regularly. There should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth and swelling of the gums. Siberian Huskies are taught to brush their teeth from puppyhood. During the procedure, only special tools are used. If not, you can use baking soda. Regular toothpaste won't work.

Hygiene of the muzzle

The eyes should be examined daily. If minor secretions are detected, they are removed with a damp cloth. Every week you need to look into the ears of the pet. If sulfur has accumulated there, remove it with an ear stick. Do not insert the wand into the ear. This is dangerous. After all, you can not only push sulfur into your ear, but also damage your hearing organs.

Walks and exercise

Understanding what makes a dog do certain things will help raise a pleasant pet in communication. Walking is not only a physical activity, but also an element of education. Dogs of this breed have a highly developed sense of pack hierarchy. This helped their ancestors to survive in difficult conditions. This trait must be treated with respect.

During the walk you need to follow these rules:

  • do not let an untrained dog off the leash;
  • do not leave the dog unattended in an unfenced area;
  • walk young individuals on a long leash-roulette.
Choice of activities for husky during walks

This is a sled dog. All activities similar to this type of activity will be to the liking of the pet. A good choice for four-legged fidgets:

  • dog sledding;
  • ski skijoring;
  • weight pulling (movement of goods);
  • hiking;
  • cycling and rollerblading;
  • agility.
Walk mode

Full physical maturity in this breed occurs by the age of three. However, even puppies can run in a harness. Up to a year, the puppy's joints are still being formed, so they need to be loaded wisely. If you plan to use your dog for racing, you need to train him from an early age. In other cases, you should simply provide the dog with an activity that he will like.

Puppies are taught to walk from 8 weeks of age. On the day, the little one can overcome up to 1.5 km, only in two runs. The intensity of the loads is gradually increased. Starting from 9 months, a young dog can already run in a harness. But heavy loads are not up to him yet. He will be able to work with them no earlier than 18 months of age.

Vaccinations, susceptibility to diseases

This is a healthy breed. But she also has some specific diseases. The most common are:

  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems);
  • eye diseases (corneal dystrophy, cataract, glaucoma, retinal atrophy, torsion of the eyelid);
  • diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, degenerative myelopathy);
  • skin diseases (depigmentation of the skin and nose, atopic dermatitis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joint dysplasia);

Of the specific diseases of Siberian Huskies, juvenile paralysis of the larynx, eusinophilic granuloma of the mouth, and spastic colitis are distinguished. All these diseases will bypass your pet if he does not have genetic problems and you take care of him properly.

Treatment against worms and ticks

Huskies have a passion for travel and adventure. They are actively looking for them in the most unusual places for people. They like to get food in the garbage. During such adventures, pets can easily pick up helminths. Worms are done once every three months.

Two weeks before the introduction of the vaccine, deworming is carried out.

  • At 8–9 weeks of age, the polyvalent DHPPi vaccine against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and the Lepto vaccine against leptospirosis are given.
  • Revaccination (DHPPi) is given after 14–28 days. Usually the puppy is just 2.5-3 months old. The DHPPi + (RL) rabies and leptospirosis vaccine is used.
  • Then a year they vaccinate against canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus (DHP) + (RL), rabies, leptospirosis.

What to feed?

These dogs eat little, but after intense exercise they need to make up for the loss of energy. There are two feeding options - natural food and ready-made rations. Many owners prefer the second option. It saves time, but not money. Good food doesn't cost that much. And cheap food below the “Premium” class is not suitable for Siberian Huskies.

There is no universal option that would suit all dogs. The selection of food is carried out individually. At first, the puppy is fed what he is used to from the breeder. Gradually, he is transferred to a different diet, monitoring the well-being of the pet.

In the case of ready-made dry food, follow the manufacturer's instructions. However, the daily portion will need to be adjusted. If you choose natural feed, then they are supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements.

puppy diet

Up to 4 months, puppies are fed 4 times a day. When choosing natural feeding, you can choose the following menu:

  • breakfast - cottage cheese, shabby carrots with an apple (vegetables can be replaced with 2 eggs);
  • lunch - raw meat or fish (about 200 g);
  • afternoon snack - kefir (0.5 l);
  • dinner - meat with porridge (ratio 1: 3).

When the puppies reach 4 months, the afternoon snack is removed, the proportion of meat products is increased. At 7–8 months, they deprive their pet and lunch. In a year, the dog's diet looks like this:

  • breakfast (optional: cottage cheese, meat or fish);
  • dinner (meat + porridge).

The amount of food is calculated individually. The dog must completely eat the entire portion. But if she began to recover, and the ribs are already difficult to feel, then feel free to cut the amount of food.

Adult dog diet

Adult Siberian Huskies can be switched to a single meal. Basic products for pets:

  • meat - 60–70%;
  • vegetables and fruits - 20-30%;;
  • porridge - no more than 20%.

The basis of the diet should be meat. For dogs, beef trimmings and offal, boneless chicken are suitable. From vegetables, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin are preferred. Huskies love apples, pears and other fruits. They are not averse to doing their prey right in the garden. As for cereals, they are not suitable for everyone.

Features of fat metabolism in Siberian Huskies

There are two types of fat metabolism in dogs:

  • protein-carbohydrate - typical for European breeds;
  • protein-fat - traditional for northern breeds.

In the first case, you can safely give porridge: buckwheat, rice, good quality oatmeal. But if your pet has preserved aboriginal protein-fat metabolism, then his body will not absorb cereals. You can determine the type of exchange empirically.

If, after a week of feeding cereals, the dog begins to smell unpleasant, then she has a protein-fat metabolism. Cereals are not suitable for such a pet. What to feed the husky in this case? Mainly meat products with the addition of vegetables.

Training and education

One of the characteristics of huskies is their tendency to dominate. And if you do not correct this behavior as early as possible, you can get an uncontrollable animal that will create many problems.

Pet care is about:

  • establishing rules of conduct in the pack and home;
  • learning basic commands (close, fu, stand, come to me);
  • developing the habit of obedience.

This is a savvy breed, she quickly understands what the owner wants from her. But she does not always listen to her owner. It is better to train a pet during games. Punishments are used in moderation. The best reward is a treat. After all, huskies are miners. If during class they can get a treat, then they will like it.

Choosing a puppy

The Siberian Husky is a difficult breed. Her touching appearance does not reflect her character. When buying a puppy, many go on about their emotions. The mind starts to turn on later, when it turns out that the owner simply does not have time for a pet. To prevent this from happening, weigh all the pros and cons of the breed before buying, and only after that begin preparations for the appearance of a puppy in the house.

Determining the best puppy in the litter for this breed is not easy. Babies will change a lot as they grow up. If possible, see the entire litter at 4-6 weeks of age. Promising puppies can only be identified by an experienced breeder.

Take a closer look at the exterior of the parents. Most likely, their offspring will look the same. But the color of the eyes should be paid attention last. The standard provides for both blue eyes and brown, and even multi-colored. Visual acuity does not depend on this.

breed standards

Usage sled dog
Appearance A medium sized working dog with a quick and easy gait.
Temperament, behavior Friendly and kind, but at the same time attentive and sensitive. There is a tendency towards leadership. Lack of protective qualities and aggression.
  • Scull: medium size, proportional.
  • Muzzle: medium length and width, gradually tapering towards the nose.
  • Bite: scissor.
  • nose: black in dogs of gray, red and black color, in copper - chestnut, skin color is allowed in pure white individuals. A "snowy nose" with pink streaks is also not considered a vice.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, moderately spaced and slightly oblique.
  • Eye color: brown or blue, divergence and partial staining is acceptable.
  • Ears: medium size, triangular in shape, set close and high.
  • Back: straight and strong, medium length, with a straight topline.
  • Small of the back: Elastic and thin, fit. Already than the chest.
  • Croup: sloping, but this does not interfere with the drive of the hindquarters.
  • Rib cage: deep and strong, but not wide.
  • Neck: Of medium length, arched, carried proudly when the dog is standing.
  • Tail: Well pubescent "fox" type.
limbs front:
  • when viewed from the front at a standing dog, the limbs are moderately spaced, parallel and straight. The bone is strong but not heavy.


  • when viewed from behind at a standing dog, the hindquarters are moderately spaced and parallel.
  • Feet: Oval, medium in size, compact and well furred between toes and pads.
movements The gait is even and light, effortless. In the show ring, she must move on a loose leash.
Wool "Double", medium length.
Color Colors from black to pure white are allowed. Various markings on the head are common.
Growth Height at withers:
  • Males 53.5–60 cm;
  • Bitches 50.5–56 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

This is one of the oldest breeds. There is no exact information about its origin. The word "husky" was used to refer to the Eskimos. There are adherents of the version that representatives of this nationality were the first to use the Siberian Husky in sled dogs. The characteristic of the breed confirms only that it was bred in the nomadic tribes of the northern peoples. Modern researchers believe that the Siberian Chukchi bred the breed.

It took a long time before the dog got to Alaska. It happened in 1908, during the "gold rush". Huskies have become helpers for people. In America, pets were also introduced to various competitions.

The last dog was taken out of Siberia in 1930. After the closure of the borders, the transportation of animals from country to country became impossible. The breed has survived to our time. Outwardly, she has changed a little, but the character has remained the same.

You should not start a husky, succumbing to fashion. They are mischievous and funny, but with them it is not easy, but interesting. These dogs with the same enthusiasm run for a walk, with a bicycle, in a harness and in the ring. And if you are aware of what you can expect from them, then this is your dog.

Today we will talk about Husky, about the breed of dogs, description of the breed of dog. To begin with, it is worth knowing about their origin. Imagining a husky, involuntarily, the imagination draws a picture for us, in which a flock of dogs pulls a wagon through the snow. It was from there from Siberia that they came to us, their direct purpose is traction power and assistance in moving a person in areas where equipment does not pass due to heavy snow. If you believe the origin story, then the husky is a mixture of a husky with a wolf and indeed there is a similarity with the wolf to some extent. Sometimes even the character traits of a wild animal appear.

General characteristics of the Husky breed

Siberian Husky, breed characteristics are an important issue for those who are thinking about acquiring or are simply interested in them as a species. Their color is not very diverse, mainly black and white or gray and white, in rare cases brown or red is found. There are certain standards in the description of Siberian huskies, it is immediately worth noting that their sizes are average, they do not belong to large canine representatives. The maximum size for males reaches 60 cm and 30 kg, and for bitches up to 56 cm and a maximum of 25 kg, which is typical for medium-sized breeds. The wool is quite thick with abundant down, thanks to which they can withstand very low temperatures and are able to sleep peacefully lying on snow or ice in severe frost. Cold is a natural habitat for them, and if your pet lives outside in winter, this will only give him pleasant sensations, they are more difficult to experience heat, in the summer it is necessary to provide them with a cool place where the dog will rest, for example, open a basement in which it is cold and your pet will enjoy spending time there, or simply wet a large suitable piece of cloth on which he will lie.

The nature of the Siberian Husky

If we talk about the features of the Husky breed and characteristics, then it is impossible not to touch on the topic of their character. In the description of the Husky breed, you can find the pros and cons. Let's start with the same story of their origin and the presence of a wolf in their blood. They are incredibly free-spirited. They are very prone to escapes, you should always make sure that the doors and gates are closed, it is not advisable to let them off the leash during a walk, you risk running for a long time and looking for your fugitive. The bad side of huskies in the description of the breed is that they are very difficult to train, if you expect instant results, you will be very disappointed. When he gallops in an open space, the command “to me” is unlikely to be heard and executed, most likely the dog will not react to it in any way and will continue its run. The best option for walking is a leash at least 5 meters long. They are very wayward and rarely the owner becomes an authority for them. Very stubborn that's what you can say in the description of a husky dog.

Husky in the house.

Husky description of the breed at home cannot but be of interest to those who are thinking about starting this wolf cub in their home. Features of raising a husky, especially in the house, is a very important point, if you took a puppy to your house and plan to live with him there, then you need to know about all the nuances. This kid will not lie still and just sometimes play with you, if you imagined life together that way, then this is a mistake. This little imp will run around the house destroying and nibbling everything, and if he is not brought up, it will be the same with an adult dog. Firstly, it is worth teaching where his toys are, and where are your things or they are at risk of being damaged, buy a toy and when the dog tries to take something that cannot be taken away and say “no” when he takes the toy, praise. Among the features of husky upbringing, there is such an important point as going to the toilet when needed, in no case should you teach a puppy to go to the toilet on a diaper, otherwise everything that is made of fabric will become a toilet, select a piece of the place where there will be sawdust or straw and teach to go there, then gradually go outside. In the characteristics of the breed, the husky rarely describes the moment that it is rather difficult to accustom them to a place, due to their characteristics in the house, they, like in the snowy expanses, believe that their place is just everywhere. Without accustoming to the place, it will be difficult for you to manage this wild flow of energy in the future. Select a place for him that he will love more than others, put a rug and dog toys there, which should always lie exactly there, treat him with a treat, give him exactly there, calling for a treat, give the “place” command, and only when your pet is in place, give a treat, let this place is associated only with pleasant sensations and not with negativity.

Mental abilities of a husky

Husky dogs characteristic of the breed includes their mental abilities. Many owners mistakenly consider their pets not very smart, this is all due to the fact that they are very difficult to train. But this is far from true. Huskies are quite smart and quick-witted, sometimes they simply amaze with their abilities. If the owner believes that his pet is not smart, this only indicates the weak character of the owner, he could not subdue his dog and become an authority. There are a lot of dominant qualities in the characteristics of the Husky breed, and not everyone can become a leader for them.

Sports lifestyle with husky

Husky dogs do not need a description of their breed for owners leading a passive lifestyle, for the reason that this breed does not suit them at all. If you lead an active lifestyle, love to run or just take long walks then this is your dog. If you describe the husky breed pluses and minuses, then their activity can be attributed to both. For people with an active lifestyle, they are suitable like no other breed, they will not get tired half way and will not require rest, the walk will be as long as you want. But for passive people this is a big minus, you need to walk a lot with them, otherwise the whole flow of this unbridled energy will be poured into your house. Walks should take place 2 times a day, approximately 5 km per walk. In a day, for a full expenditure of strength, you need to walk 10 km with them. So if you are a sofa lifestyle lover, think twice before buying a puppy.

Children and Huskies

Siberian Husky super babysitter! Husky description of his breed includes this wonderful quality. They do not have aggression, this allows them to be wonderful nannies. The Eskimos, who bred this breed, used Huskies to warm newborn babies. Leaving a child alone with this wolf cub is not dangerous. But leaving him to guard the child is useless, as guards they are not very good.

The need for loads

Huskies are described as a draft dog breed. Loads of this breed are simply necessary. They were born to pull carts and have been doing it for many centuries, the whole body, including the brain, is adapted to this. If your pet does not receive a load, does not carry weights, the vessels of the animal's brain will suffer, and after 3-4 years, degradation or, in simple terms, dullness will begin.

Mini husky breed description

Few people know about such a breed as the mini Husky, the second name is the Alaskan Klee-Kai. They do not have any special differences, except perhaps only for height and weight. The maximum height of this mini wolf is 40-44 cm, weight 7-11 kg. The breed was bred artificially by crossing. The breed belongs to the category of rare and expensive. They do not differ in character or behavior.

Husky food

Siberian Husky description of his breed naturally includes the rules. They prefer natural food. Of the meat products, beef and lamb are in priority, they are very fond of offal, it is especially good to introduce porridge with offal into the diet. There must be bones, huskies love to gnaw on everything, and it’s better to have a bone than your shoes. The Siberian Husky's favorite treat is an apple, it should be given whole, you can give them 1 apple a day. In the description of the Husky dog ​​breed, you can find such an interesting fact as that they are all scavengers, life in the ice taught them to eat everything that comes across, do not be surprised that your pet is constantly rummaging through the garbage, it is in his blood. An interesting and frightening fact is that huskies are the only dogs that eat cats, if you want to keep a cat and a husky in the same house, be careful.

Speaking about the characteristics of the husky breed, reviews are very important, they should be studied and not bypassed, it is better to learn from someone else's experience than to make personal mistakes. Following the reviews, we can make a general conclusion - the husky dog ​​is not for passive people, it is not suitable for living in an apartment, it takes a lot of time to educate and. An ideal companion and friend for active people, a wonderful dog for children. Not suitable for security.

"Good afternoon! I plan to buy a dog of the Husky breed, which is the closest relative of the wolf. It is interesting to know what other dogs exist that are in many ways similar to huskies in appearance and other features? (Elena)".

The Siberian Husky is a famous sled dog of the peoples of the Far East. A representative of the species weighs on average 15–28 kg, has a height at the withers of 50–60 cm. Its ancestors were animals that lived with the indigenous inhabitants of Kolyma, Kamchatka and Anadyrya. The new breed came to the United States at the beginning of the 20th century and was officially registered.

There are many breeds that are similar in characteristics to the husky and the wolf. For example, mini-husky, aka Alaskan Klee Kai. Representatives of the breed have the same eye color as that of a larger relative - blue, amber or brown, harlequin or "split eye". Wool is one of the wolf shades, white, sand or red (with variations). Kli-kai weighs up to 10 kg, height at the withers is 38–42 cm.

The officially recognized breeds are the Alaskan Malamute, the Saarloos Wolfdog and the Czechoslovakian.

The Alaskan Malamute weighs on average 24–38 kg and grows up to 58–64 cm. This mount was bred by the Eskimos. Malamute loves to walk a lot, is faithful to the owner and family, treats children well. He is clean, eats little, needs a strict upbringing.

The Saarloos dog weighs 35–48 kg, height at the withers is 60–75 cm. It appeared thanks to a Dutch specialist who successfully crossed a German shepherd dog with a she-wolf in 1925. The animal looks very much like a wolf. Used in Holland to save people and as a guide for the blind. The character is independent, but quickly becomes attached to the owner.

Another interesting breed of dogs, similar to blue-eyed beauties, is the Czechoslovakian. This is a cross between puppies of Carpathian wolves and German shepherds. The Czechoslovak Wolfdog was recognized by the International Canine Federation (FCI) in 1999. It has a proud and independent disposition, it is difficult to educate and train.

Unrecognized breeds are the Tamaskan dog, Northern Inuit, Utonagan and wolfdogs.

The Tamaskan dog is a docile animal native to Finland, weighing 23–45 kg and 60–70 cm tall. A cross between Siberian Huskies, German Shepherds and Alaskan Malamutes. Such a pet is unpretentious in care, hardy, likes to walk a lot, tolerant of children.

The Northern Inuit weighs 25–50 kg on average, and is 59–76 cm tall at the withers. The dog appeared in Canada, then became known in the UK. It looks like a white wolf. German Shepherd and Siberian Husky mix. Balanced dogs often become actors in films.

Utonogan weighs 25–50 kg, height at the withers is 61–73 cm. It comes from Malamutes, Huskies and Shepherd Dogs. Originally from the UK. Today it is an excellent family dog ​​with a good appetite.

Volkosob - a hybrid of dogs and wolves. It was bred by specialists from the Institute of Internal Troops (Perm). Dogs are used as guards on the Mongolian and Chinese borders. They are very smart, endowed with lightning-fast reactions and well-developed instincts. Only a professional cynologist can train a wolfdog.

Today we will talk about how to find out if your Husky meets the breed standard. We will also consider the international generally accepted breed standards for the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed with a detailed description and illustrations.

The general appearance of a dog of the Siberian Husky breed is, first of all, the appearance of lightness and speed. This is a medium sized dog with a compact build. When viewed from the side, the length of the body from the shoulder joint to the ischial tuberosity is slightly greater than the height of the dog at the withers. The coat is quite dense, with a well-developed undercoat. The ears are erect, the tail is feather-shaped.

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog, quick and light on its feet and free and graceful in movement. Its comparatively compact and well-dressed body, erect ears and evenly feathered tail indicate a northern origin. His characteristic gait is even and seems effortless. It perfectly fulfills its original function in the harness, transporting a small load at medium speed over long distances. His body proportions and constitution reflect this basic balance of strength, speed and endurance.

Siberian Husky males are larger and stronger than females, but never of coarse constitution, females are lighter and more slender, but without weakness in structure. When properly maintained, Siberian Huskies are strong and well-muscled and never overweight. The main features of the Siberian Husky breed are medium size, not heavy bones, general harmony of exterior and constitution, lightness and freedom of movement, appropriate coat, proportional head and ears, pleasant expression of the muzzle, correct tail position and calm, affectionate behavior.

Heavy bone and heavy weight, a tied or clumsy gait, or a long, wiry coat will detract from the score. The Siberian Husky never appears as heavy and rough as a hauling animal, but it is not as light and fragile as a sprinter. Both males and females of the Siberian Husky are dogs that can withstand a lot of stress. In addition to the disadvantages already mentioned, the Siberian Husky does not want to have structural defects common to other breeds, although they are not specifically stated.

Origin: USA. Application: Sled dog. FCI classification: Group 5 Spitz and primitive types. Section 1 Nordic sled dogs
Height: Males: 53.5 - 60 cm at the withers; Bitches: 50.5 - 56 cm at the withers
Weight: Males: 20.5 - 28 kg; Bitches: 15.5 - 23 kg

Weight is proportional to height. The dimensions mentioned above represent the extreme limits of height and weight, with no preference for any limit. Any display of excessive bone or weight shall be disqualified. In profile, the length of the body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
Disqualification - Males over 60 cm and females over 56 cm.

Eyes: Almond-shaped, medium-spaced and slightly oblique. The eyes may be brown or blue; eyes of different colors or partially different colors are acceptable.
Disqualification - Too obliquely set eyes; set too close.

Ears: Medium size; triangular in shape, set close together and set high on the head. They are thick, well haired, not leaning forward and firmly set with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up.
Disqualification - Ears too large in relation to the head; set too wide; not directed upwards enough.

Skull: Of medium size and in proportion to the body, slightly rounded at the crown and tapering from the widest point to the eyes.

Disqualification - Head coarse or heavy; the head is too sharply outlined.

Stop: The transition from the forehead to the muzzle (stop) is clearly marked and the bridge of the nose is straight throughout.
Disqualification - Fuzzy (insufficient) stop.

Muzzle: Medium length; those. the distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occiput. The muzzle is of medium width, gradually tapering towards the nose, while the nose is neither pointed nor square.
Disqualification - Muzzle either too narrow or too coarse; muzzle

too short or too long.

Nose: Black in grey, tan or black dogs; brown (liver color) in brown dogs; may be flesh-colored in pure white dogs. Let's say a nose with pink streaks ("snow nose").

Lips: Well pigmented and close fitting.

Teeth (Bite): Scissor bite.
Disqualification - Any bite other than scissor bite.

Neck: Of medium length, arched and carried proudly in a standing dog. When moving, the neck is extended in such a way that the head is slightly forward.
Disqualification - Neck too short and thick; the neck is too long.

Chest: Deep and firm, but not too broad, deepest point just behind and level with the elbows. The ribs radiate well from the spine, but flatten laterally to sagittate for freedom of movement.
Disqualification - Chest too broad; Barrel ribs, ribs that are too flat or weak.

Back: The back is straight and strong, with a level back line from the shoulder blades to the croup. It is of medium length, neither short nor sagging from excess length. The loin is elastic, narrower than the chest, slightly tucked up. The croup drops from the line of the back at an angle, but not too steep, so as not to restrict the throwing movements of the hind legs.
Disqualification - Weak or sagging back; arched back; sloping back line.

Tail : A well-dipped fox-tail type carried just below the line of the back and usually curled gracefully in a sickle-like manner over the back when the dog's attention is called to something. When carried up, the tail does not curl over either side of the body, nor is it carried over the back. The lowered tail is typical of a resting dog. The hair on the tail is of medium length and about the same length on top, sides and bottom, giving the impression of a round “fox tail”.
Disqualification - Flipped or tightly curled tail; too pubescent tail; tail set too low or too high.

Shoulders: Shoulder blades clearly laid back. The upper limb (shoulder) is at a slight angle back from the point of the shoulder to the elbow and is never perpendicular to the ground. The muscles and tendons that attach the shoulder to the chest are strong and well developed.
Disqualification - Straight shoulder; hunched shoulders.

Forelegs : Seen from the front, the legs are moderately spaced, parallel and straight, with the elbows close to the body and turned neither in nor out. When viewed from the side, the pasterns are slightly sloping, the pastern joint is strong but flexible. The bone is strong, but never heavy. The length of the limb from the elbow to the ground is slightly greater than the distance from the elbow to the end of the shoulder blades. The rudimentary toe on the forelegs may be removed.
Disqualification - Weak pasterns; too heavy bone; too narrow or too wide in front; turned outward at the elbows..

Feet: Oval in shape, but not too long. Medium in size, compact and well furred between toes and pads. The pads are firm and thick-skinned. The feet are turned neither in nor out when the dog is in a natural posture.
Disqualification - Soft or flat fingers; paws too large and clumsy; paws are too small and tender; fingers turned inward or outward.

HINDQUARTERS: Seen from behind when standing, the hindquarters are moderately spaced and parallel. The thighs are muscular and strong, the stifles are mobile, the hocks are well defined and close to the ground. If there are vestigial fingers, they must be removed.
Disqualification - Straight knees; cow postav; set too narrow or too wide.

Coat: The coat of the Siberian Husky is double, of medium length, giving the impression of being well furred, but never too long to obscure the dog's clear body line. The undercoat is soft and dense and of sufficient length to support the awn. The dressing hairs of the awn are straight and somewhat smooth, never coarse or erect. It should be noted that the absence of undercoat during shedding is the norm. Trimming is permitted on the cheekbones and between the toes and around the paws for a neater appearance. Trimming hair on any other part of the dog is unforgivable and should be severely penalized.
Disqualification - Long, rough or shaggy coat; the texture is too rough or too soft; trimming wool, except for the above-mentioned permitted places.

Colour: All colors from black to pure white are allowed. Usually a variety of head markings, including distinct masks that other breeds may not have.

Movement: The characteristic movement of the Siberian Husky is smooth and seemingly effortless. He is fast and light on the foot. When in the show ring, it should be shown on a free leash at a relatively fast trot, showing good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters. When viewed from the side, the Siberian Husky's gait is not unilinear, but as speed increases, the limbs gradually tilt inwards until the footprints begin to line up just below the horizontal center of the body. When the pad marks match, the forelegs and hindquarters are held straight when neither the elbows nor the knees are turned either in or out. Each hind limb moves flush with the forelimb of the same side. When the dog runs, the line of the back remains clear and level.
Disqualification - Short, jerky, jerky gait, limping or mincing gait; crossing or divergence of limbs.

Temperament: Characteristic features of the Siberian Husky's temperament are friendliness and affection, but also sensitivity and sociability. He does not possess the qualities of a guard dog, nor is he overly suspicious of strangers or aggressive towards other dogs. In an adult dog, there is a certain degree of restraint and self-esteem. His mind, obedience and willingness to help make him a good companion and hardworking assistant.

The most important breed characteristics of the Siberian Husky are medium height, not too light or heavy boned, well balanced proportions, freedom and ease of movement, appropriate coat, pleasing head and ears, correct tail and excellent temperament. Any sign of overweight, heavy build, stiff or clumsy gait, long or coarse coat must be rated as faulty.

The Siberian Husky never seems so heavy or rough that it looks like a heavyweight; however, he is not so light and fragile that he could be mistaken for a sprinter. Both males and females of the Siberian Husky have the appearance of extremely hardy animals. Mind, beauty, devotion!

Summary. The main breed characteristics of the Siberian Husky are medium size, moderate bone structure, well balanced proportions, light and free movement, appropriate coat, pleasing head and eyes, correct tail, good character. Any appearance of excessive bone or weight, tied or clumsy gait, long or rough coat should be considered as faults. The Siberian Husky never looks so heavy or rough as to resemble a heavy truck, nor is it so light and fragile as to give the impression of a sprinter. Both males and females of this breed give the impression of great endurance. In addition to the faults already noted, obvious faults in the structure are also undesirable for the Siberian Husky, as for any other breed, although they are not specifically mentioned here.

Once again, we recall the disadvantages:
Any deviation from the above requirements is considered a defect, and its severity is evaluated strictly in proportion to the degree of its severity.
Skull: Rough or heavy, with too fine lines.
Stop: Not pronounced enough.
Muzzle: Too tight or coarse, too short or long.
Bite/Teeth: Any bite other than a scissor bite.
Eyes: Eyes too slanted or too close together.
Ears: Too large in relation to the head, set too wide, not fully erect.Neck: Neck too short or thick, too long.
Back: Weak or soft, humpbacked, with a sloping topline.
Chest: Too broad, barrel-shaped, with too flat or weak ribs.
TAIL : Tail carried or tightly curled, too heavily feathered (with dewlap), set too low or high.
Shoulder blades: Sheer or loose.
Forequarters: Soft pastern, too heavy bone, too narrow or wide forelegs, elbows turned out.
Hindquarters: Straight knee, cow-like stance, hindquarters too narrow or too wide.
Feet: Soft or loose toes, too large or thick, too small and thin, clubfoot or splay.
Gait: Short stride, prancing and often changing gait, clumsy or swaying gait, crossed limbs or raking linked movements.
Coat: Long, rough or shaggy coat with too harsh or too silky texture, trimmed coat except as noted above.

Disqualifying vices
Males over 60 cm, females over 56 cm at the withers.
N.B.: Males must have two normal, fully descended testicles.

Additional descriptions of the Siberian Husky Standard

The dog works great in a harness, easily transports light loads. Animals are hardy, males outwardly differ from females in more powerful bones and body proportions. Bitches have a more fragile and refined skeleton, but they cannot be called weak. If dogs of this breed are properly fed, they are not overweight.

The expression is lively and friendly, interested and even mischievous.

The cranial part of the Siberian Husky is very proportional to the body, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is gradual, not pronounced. A rough head is a fault in this breed, as well as a too light and refined head. The distance from the end of the nose to the beginning of the skull should be equal to the distance from the beginning of the muzzle to the back of the head. The width of the muzzle is medium, the lips are pigmented and should not be loose. Scissor bite, and any other bite is a fault or defect of the breed.

Ears are medium in size; triangular in shape, not too spaced apart and set high on the head. Thick, well haired, not leaning forward, only firmly erect, with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up.
The eyes should be almond-shaped, moderately wide apart, slightly oblique. The color of the eyes can be from brown to blue, there may be a difference of eyes, that is, one eye is brown, the other is blue, it is also possible that there are 2 colors in one eye. Disadvantages are too close or far set eyes.

The neck is raised when the dog is standing, of medium length, sufficiently arched and lifted. If the animal is trotting, the neck is extended, so that the head is sufficiently pushed forward. The disadvantages are too massive neck, long or short.

Shoulders according to the standard should have an oblique shoulder blade, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. The shoulder should not be perpendicular to the ground. The disadvantage is the straight and too loose, so-called loose shoulder.

The Husky's chest is deep and powerful, although not very broad. The ribs diverge from the spine to the sides, but do not interfere with free movement. Too wide or barrel-shaped chest is a fault of the breed.

The forelimbs of the Siberian Husky look moderately wide apart, always parallel and straight, the elbows should fit snugly against the body, the pasterns should be slightly sloping. The length of the leg from the elbow to the toes is greater than the distance from the elbow to the withers of the animal. If there are dewclaws on the front feet, they may be removed, although there is no strict clause on this in the standard. The disadvantages are too wide-set elbows..
The hindquarters are also parallel and set moderately wide apart. Powerful thighs, the angle of the hock joint is quite pronounced. Dewclaws are also removed.

When moving, the dog's paws remain straight and turn neither in nor out. The disadvantages are a loose paw, too large, or, conversely, small and fragile. Fingers that look inside the paw are also considered a fault of the breed.

The tail of the animal is well pubescent, reminiscent of a fox's tail, it is set under the topline and raised above the back in a beautiful post, especially if the dog is in an alert state. The tail does not curl to one side and does not lie on the back; in a calm state, the tail is straightened. The hair on the tail is of medium length, evenly distributed. Faults: Carried above the line of the back or tightly curled tail; excessively pubescent tail; tail set too low or too high.

The color of the Siberian Husky can be almost any: black, white, with marks and stripes all over the body. The most typical are black and white and gray and white. Brown-white color is much less common. Pure brown (no white) and pure white are extremely rare, but not disqualifying. Typical, although not mandatory, is the presence of a mask around the eyes (black or white) and a double vertical stripe on the forehead at the base of the nose.

The coat of the Siberian Husky is not long, but quite thick, giving the impression of a well-dressed animal. The undercoat is very soft and dense, perfectly holding the awn, which lies smoothly and does not bulge. During the shedding period, the dog does not have undercoat, in order to give the animal a more accurate shape, it is trimmed on the sides and between the fingers. In other areas, trimming is not allowed, and in case of violation, the dog is removed from the competition. The disadvantage of the coat is a long, coarse, too soft or harsh coat.

For dogs of this breed, the gait is smooth and light. The dog is very fast and light. When looking at the animal from the front, the tracks do not form a single line. The disadvantages are clumsy movement, movement with a shortened step, crossing of the limbs, skidding of the back of the body when running.

The faster the husky runs, the easier and freer it seems, it seems that the animal is flying above the surface of the earth.

The weight of the animal should be proportional to its height, various size limits allow for quite a wide variation in numbers, but males are rarely heavier than 28 kg, and bitches - 23 kg. Animals that are too tall, outside the breed standard, are disqualified and are not allowed to breed.

The lack of drooling and the self-cleaning coat make these dogs virtually odorless. However, if the dog is washed regularly in the shower (for example, to cool off in the heat), the smell may appear for a while.

The character is friendly and calm, but at the same time lively.

The dog is categorically not suitable for use as a hunting dog (hunts, but does not bring prey), watchdog (the instinct to protect the territory is minimized) and guard (normally, these dogs have absolutely no aggression towards humans). The dog is too independent, so it is not suitable for the role of a service dog.

Attempts to unblock aggression against a person, as a rule, end up with a dog with a mental disorder, which, given the physical capabilities of this dog, poses a tremendous danger to others. This breed should not be used as a guard dog.

The Siberian Husky easily settles in a new place and is well suited for apartment maintenance. Recently, this breed has become very popular due to its extraordinary appearance. However, huskies require a lot of physical activity, long walks and regular "exercises for the mind" (obedience classes, frisbee, agility, hiking in new places for the dog, etc.)

Siberian Huskies have a tendency to run away. In addition, they are excellent diggers and good jumpers, which makes it difficult to keep them within the fenced area.

The dog is very clean, not drooling, coat and skin are odorless. With aviary content, molting takes place twice a year in a natural way, without trimming. With apartment maintenance, molting is weakly expressed. The animal does not require special care; during molting, the undercoat (quite thick) is combed out, which facilitates the process.

Dogs of this breed need constant physical activity. Representatives of the Siberian Husky breed can be divided into 3 groups - working, racing and exhibition ("show").

The rarest are workers. This is what started husk breeding all over the world. These are horse dogs. Carrying not very large cargo over long distances, quite quickly. Smart, unpretentious. Not sparkling with beauty, not very fast, but amazingly hardy.

These are dogs, which since ancient times carried mail, firewood, meat. "Workhorses", canine version. As working animals, huskies are no longer used today. The north has its own native dogs, and they are exploited. The closest to working use can be called hiking and dog riding. These dogs work day in and day out throughout the season. And they work all day long.

Racing Huskies are dogs for sport. The speeds that they develop are an order of magnitude higher than the speeds characteristic of "horses". These dogs are specific in appearance, very motor. There is a widespread opinion about racers that they are uncontrollable, naughty - this is just a myth. Such dogs live quietly in the city and are exhibited.

Riders are also divided into subgroups depending on the activity - so for skijoring, teams of 2-4 dogs, huskies 60 cm tall and above are preferred. These are large, capable of running fast in a small group and at the same time dragging the owner behind them. Racers running in sixes and larger teams are more moderate in stature. In general, racing dogs differ from kennel to kennel. Each kennel has its own type of racers, depending on the preferences of the owner. A common feature of all racing huskies is short fur.

Show Huskies are dogs whose job is to show in the ring. A successful show dog is a talented actor. Show dogs are very different in appearance, a lot depends on the kennel. But you can divide the exhibition huskies into two large subgroups - American and European. Americans are heavier, more powerful, and usually high fronted (this is a feature of American handling and its influence on the development of the breed). European dogs are lighter and more graceful. A common feature of all show huskies is a shortened muzzle, which gives the dog a more attractive appearance, but worsens the heating of the inhaled frosty air.

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