Causes of runny nose in children. Frequent runny nose in a child treatment and causes

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by discharge. A runny nose may indicate a child's morbidity with acute respiratory diseases or an allergic reaction to a particular irritant. Frequent runny nose may indicate chronic rhinitis. Therefore, it should not be ignored. You should not only get rid of the symptoms of a runny nose, but also find out the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of the development of a frequent runny nose in a child

Types of runny nose in children:

  • Infectious rhinitis. Often caused by viruses or bacteria. Allocate acute and chronic rhinitis.
  • noninfectious rhinitis. Occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to an irritant. Non-infectious or vasomotor rhinitis is divided into allergic and neuro-reflex.

The causes of the disease can be:

Cold air


Allergy to something

Deviated septum of the nose

How to treat a frequent runny nose in a child at home?

In the autumn-winter period, rhinitis is a fairly common occurrence in children. It can be both an independent disease and a companion of the flu, acute respiratory infections or other diseases. Due to its physiological characteristics, even a slight runny nose can make it very difficult for a child to breathe. Therefore, even a slight runny nose must be properly treated. To do this, you need not only to use medications (drops, ointments, tablets), but also monitor the condition of the air in the room, proper nasal hygiene, and so on.

Many mothers go to extremes. Some believe that private rhinitis in a child is not a serious disease and you should not worry, it will go away on its own in a week. Others panic and use all possible means, including medication. You should not panic, but you should not let everything take its course either. Proper treatment and care will help to cope with the disease and will not lead to complications.

Tips for treating a common cold in children?

Is your baby running nose again? Sooner or later, all parents face the need to choose a remedy for a cold for a child. Meanwhile, dads and moms understand that there are simply no universal remedies for this disease. Only an integrated approach can help the baby defeat this unpleasant disease. Consider the main ways to deal with the disease in children.

Always make sure that the air in the room where the sick child is located is well humidified. Open windows as often as possible, ventilate, regularly do wet cleaning in the nursery. Use a humidifier to help your child recover from a runny nose. Wet diapers hung around the room can replace this device.

The nasal passages also need moisture. To do this, you can use saline or thuja oil, as well as sea water. The child's nose must be washed periodically, freeing it from accumulated mucus. The best for these purposes are such remedies for the common cold as Aqua Maris, Physiomer.

After consulting with a pediatrician, it is necessary to bury the nose with drops or use folk remedies for instilling the nose.

Inhalation is also a great way to treat a common cold in a child. You can do inhalations with decoctions of various herbs or with mineral water. The main thing is not to forget about the precautions. Too hot water is dangerous with scalding steam, which can damage the lungs of a child, so in no case should the comfortable temperature be exceeded.

Aromatherapy and warm baths.

Warm compresses on the nose.

Avoid hypothermia, lead a healthy lifestyle, harden and monitor nasal hygiene.

An effective method against the common cold is acupressure and breathing exercises.

In case of allergic or neuro-reflex rhinitis, the child should be protected from contact with the irritant.

An important and effective remedy is a plentiful intensive drink. The baby should drink often and in large quantities. Teas, decoctions, natural juices and various fruit drinks should be used. If the cause of the disease is a viral infection, then it will be very useful to solder the patient with linden tea. Such tea not only strengthens children's immunity, it helps to expel the virus from the body.

With a runny nose, it is very difficult for a child to fall asleep. If the baby's head is horizontal, then the secreted mucus accumulates in the nose and makes it difficult to breathe freely. To avoid this, you need to try to lift the pillow. You can put another pillow, cushion or folded blanket at the head of the bed.

A proven way to treat a frequent runny nose in a child is vasoconstrictors. Many doctors themselves recommend them to reduce swelling and alleviate the condition of a sick baby. But we must not forget that these drops must be treated very carefully, observe the dosage, frequency and duration of use. If you still decide to use them, do not forget to rid the child's nose of accumulated mucus before instillation. Otherwise, the drops simply will not work.

An old remedy for a runny nose - dry mustard in children's socks - can give very, very good results.

Combining various means, you can quickly save the baby from pain, which is what we wish you.

Even a slight manifestation of rhinitis should be treated and not ignored. However, diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, do gymnastics, harden the body and lead a healthy lifestyle with your child. And then, all diseases will bypass you and your family.

All parents want their child to grow up healthy. And when children get sick often, it becomes a real problem that requires medical attention. And in this regard, cases with a constant runny nose are very indicative. It seems that considerable forces are being applied to cure him, but the symptoms still do not go away. What is it connected with, how it manifests itself and what is required to eliminate rhinitis - many puzzle over these questions. But only by contacting a doctor, you can get competent answers.

The main problem with a protracted course of the inflammatory process in the nose is to determine its origin. Indeed, if the source of the pathology is incorrectly established, even the most modern treatment will be ineffective. The causes of a runny nose in children can be different. First, frequent rhinitis is the result of respiratory viral infections. Then we are talking about a decrease in the body's immune reactivity, and hence its ability to resist infections.

Secondly, the problem may be chronic. But not so much infectious agents as other adverse factors are already involved here:

  • Structural anomalies (deviation of the nasal septum, congenital defects, consequences of fractures, foreign bodies).
  • ENT diseases (adenoids and polyps, sinusitis, tonsillitis).
  • Irritant agents (cigarette smoke, dust, dry hot or cold air, chemicals).
  • Sensitization of the body to allergens.
  • Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants).

Harmful aerosols and dust can initially cause acute and then chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane. They lead to a violation of the outflow of secretions from the nasal cavity due to the death of the ciliated epithelium. Ventilation disorders occur during volumetric processes that interfere with the passage of air (adenoids, polyps, foreign bodies), and long-term pathological processes in other parts of the respiratory tract only support constant inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Special mention should be made of allergic rhinitis. It has a non-infectious origin, and edema and mucus hypersecretion are caused by the production of histamine, serotonin, and bradykinins. These substances increase vascular permeability and are responsible for other allergy symptoms. And the reason for such sensitization can be various antigens that surround the child in everyday life (food, animal hair, plant pollen, drugs, chemicals). Vasomotor disorders can have a neuroreflex mechanism, arising in response to the inhalation of cold air, with strong odors or stress. In turn, this is also accompanied by rather violent manifestations from the nasal mucosa.

If the child has a constant runny nose, then first of all it is necessary to determine the cause of the violations. There may be several states responsible for such a phenomenon.


So, it became clear that a runny nose in children can be both acute, but often recurring, and chronic. The latter has several varieties. In the modern classification of protracted rhinitis, there are such forms:

  • catarrhal.
  • Hypertrophic.
  • atrophic.
  • Allergic.
  • Vasomotor.

The first is characterized by superficial inflammation of the mucous membrane. During the hypertrophic process, its compaction occurs. Atrophic rhinitis, on the contrary, is accompanied by thinning of the mucosa and the formation of crusts. Allergic rhinitis, in turn, is seasonal and year-round. It can be included in the structure of atopy (along with dermatitis and bronchial asthma). A vasomotor runny nose is not associated with inflammation or allergic reactions.


To understand why a child has a constant runny nose, you should first deal with his clinical picture. First, the doctor interviews the patient himself and his parents for complaints, and then conducts a general and ENT examination to identify objective signs. As a rule, with a prolonged runny nose, there are the following manifestations:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Allocations (mucous, mucopurulent).
  • Violation of nasal breathing.
  • Decreased sense of smell.
  • The nasality of the voice.
  • Difficulties in breastfeeding.
  • Headache.
  • Decreased attention and memory.
  • Bad dream.

The last symptoms from the above list are associated with hypoxia due to ventilation disorders. Therefore, children have to breathe through their mouths, which creates a characteristic appearance. If a child has frequent colds, other symptoms may appear, such as cough, sore throat, and fever. Other symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Uncontrollable sneezing.
  • Watery discharge.
  • Itching in the nose.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Conjunctivitis.

With atrophy of the mucous membrane, children are worried about dryness in the nose and burning. When attempting to remove the crusts, slight bleeding and sores may occur. The hypertrophic process is sometimes accompanied by narrowing of the Eustachian tubes, which causes a feeling of pressure in the ears. On examination, the mucous membrane may look different: reddened and edematous, with a cyanotic tint, "marble", hypertrophied or thinned with a viscous secretion and crusts. It all depends on the nature of the lingering cold.

The clinical picture with a prolonged runny nose in children has many common features. But a more detailed examination allows us to establish the cause.

Additional diagnostics

Turning to a doctor, you can be sure of a quality and timely examination to establish a diagnosis. To understand what causes a frequent runny nose in a child, a laboratory and instrumental examination should be carried out:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry: immunogram, antibodies to infections.
  • Nasal swab (microscopy, culture).
  • Allergy tests with various antigens.
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • Radiography.

Probably, an allergist or an immunologist will have to be involved in the formation of the final conclusion. We must not allow gaps in the diagnosis to remain, because the success of therapeutic measures can directly depend on this.


Having learned about the causes of the pathology, one should move on to ways to treat a persistent runny nose. This requires a differentiated approach, taking into account the nature of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the organism. It should be understood that it is not the symptoms that are to be treated, but their immediate cause. It is impossible to allow the disease to gain a foothold and progress - it is important to eliminate it in time.

The success of treatment is largely determined by the creation of external favorable conditions. Parents with children need to remember that the room should be humid and cool air. In dry and hot weather, you can turn on the air conditioner and humidifier. If this is not the case, simply ventilate and spray water (clean, put wet towels, put filled open containers). This will moisturize the nasal mucosa and allow it to cope with inflammation more easily. A prerequisite for the treatment of allergic rhinitis will be the elimination of contact with the alleged antigens.

Food is recommended to be easily digestible, without spices, pickles, smoked meats and marinades. You need to drink more liquids (alkaline mineral water without gas, compotes, juices and fruit drinks). It is better to raise the head of the bed a little to facilitate breathing and secretion. It is necessary to constantly clear the nasal passages of mucus: if the baby cannot blow his nose, then use a suction (aspirator).

So that the child does not get sick so often, you can conduct hardening sessions, vaccinate during the SARS and flu season and avoid mass gatherings of people.


It is quite difficult to cure a child with a frequent runny nose without medication. Based on the cause of the pathology, the doctor will prescribe certain drugs. The list of medicines recommended for use in children may include:

  • Salt solutions (Aquamaris, No-Sol).
  • Vasoconstrictor (Nazivin).
  • Antihistamines (Allergodil, Kromoheksal).
  • Antiseptics and antimicrobials (protargol, salicylic acid).
  • Glucocorticoids (Nasonex).
  • Oil solutions (Sinuforte, vitamins A and E, rosehip and sea buckthorn).
  • Immunomodulators (Nazoferon).

These drugs are used in the form of local forms: spray and drops, ointments, inhalations. With vasoconstrictors, one should be especially careful, since their irrational use can cause vasomotor rhinitis. Therefore, all drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor and used under his supervision.

The use of topical drugs is the basis for the treatment of chronic rhinitis in children.

Non-drug remedies

In chronic rhinitis, physiotherapy is widely used: ultraviolet irradiation, UHF therapy, massage of reflexogenic zones (acupuncture), inhalation of mineral waters, spa treatment. With hypertrophy of the turbinates, they are cauterized using electrical, laser or radio wave coagulation, cryotherapy. Adenoids and polyps are also removed. Foreign bodies are removed from the nasal cavity endoscopically.

A constant runny nose delivers a lot of trouble not only to children, but also to their parents. But in order to get rid of it, you must first find out the cause of the violations. And this is impossible without visiting a doctor. The specialist will conduct an appropriate diagnosis and make a diagnosis, on the basis of which he will tell you what to do in the future. By following the doctor's recommendations, you can be sure of the effective elimination of a protracted runny nose and the normalization of the quality of life.

Rhinitis or runny nose is a violation of the condition of the epithelial membranes of the nasal cavity. The disease is manifested by swelling, a feeling of congestion, the appearance of copious mucous or purulent discharge, deterioration of smell, headache, etc. With a long course, it is possible to develop a pathology of the respiratory function, leading to various dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system. Often, rhinitis is a manifestation of other more serious diseases:

  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis, etc.

In young children, rhinitis is one of the most commonly reported upper respiratory tract disorders. This is due to the underdevelopment of the immune system, as a result of which various bacteria and viruses easily enter the child's body through the mucous membranes of the nose.

Attention! Most often, children have acute rhinitis, indicating the development of a general disease in the body. In this case, a runny nose must be treated correctly and in a timely manner, otherwise the pathology becomes chronic and is extremely difficult to treat.

On average, rhinitis of an infectious nature lasts from 3-4 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease. However, in some cases, the pathology can continue for several weeks and even months. The following factors can serve as the reasons for such a violation of the well-being of the child:

  1. Severe mucosal injury. Traumatic rhinitis caused, for example, by a chemical or thermal burn, can last for a long period of time. In its treatment, it is extremely important to observe measures aimed at restoring the epithelial membranes. Otherwise, the disease can become chronic.

The duration of the course of the disease largely depends on its form. Acute infectious rhinitis in children ends immediately after the relief of the inflammatory process in the body, that is, within 2-7 days. Other types of rhinitis require longer treatment. Experts distinguish four main types of the disease:

  • infectious - caused by bacteria or viruses;
  • vasomotor - provoked by a violation of blood circulation in the epithelial membranes of the nose;
  • allergic - arising, against the background of an autoimmune reaction of the body;
  • traumatic - appeared due to mechanical, chemical or thermal damage to the nasal mucosa.

The reasons for the development of each of the subspecies of rhinitis are different, so the treatment of pathologies has its own characteristics. It is very important to follow the recommendations of a specialist in order to prevent the formation of a chronic form of the disease.

Treatment of chronic infectious rhinitis

With infectious rhinitis in children, there is a pronounced swelling of the epithelial membranes of the nasal cavity, which leads to a sharp decrease in respiratory function. Because of this, the child can cry and act up a lot, sleep poorly, complain of a headache. To minimize such manifestations of the disease, patients are prescribed decongestants - drugs to narrow the blood vessels. For the treatment of children of preschool and primary school age, the following means are used:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Nasonex;
  • Protargol;
  • Sinupret, etc.

Attention! You can use vasoconstrictor drops and sprays for the treatment of protracted rhinitis for no more than 5-7 days and only as directed by a doctor. These drugs effectively stop the symptoms of the disease, but if used improperly, they can lead to the development of vasomotor rhinitis.

If a child constantly has relapses of rhinitis, then a specialist can prescribe him drugs to strengthen the immune system:

  • Anaferon;
  • Interferon;
  • Immunal;
  • Imudon;
  • Likopid.

The scheme of application and dosage of the drug in each case is determined by the doctor. At the same time, courses of treatment must be taken regularly, especially in autumn and spring, when there is a sharp increase in the incidence of respiratory infections among children.

To facilitate breathing and reduce irritation of the mucous membranes, herbal medicines are used. They have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Such means include Kameton, Pinosol, Pinovit etc.

Attention! Before using essential oils or drops based on them, it is recommended to warm the product to 37-38°C for greater effectiveness.

If therapy does not bring results, then the patient is prescribed antibacterial agents. It can be sprays, ointments and drops. In severe cases, if the inflammatory process goes to the deep sinuses, it is necessary to use antibiotics in tablets or injections.

Topical preparations include:

  • Isofra;
  • Polydex;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • Bioparox etc.

Attention! All antibacterial drugs have age restrictions. You can use funds only with the appointment of a specialist. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of children under two years of age is not recommended.

Differential diagnosis for chronic rhinitis

If, with proper treatment of rhinitis, recovery does not occur within 10-15 days, additional diagnostic measures must be taken to exclude the presence of more serious pathologies. In this case, you should seek advice from a pediatrician and an otolaryngologist. The doctor will prescribe the following studies:

  1. Rhinoscopy or endoscopic rhinoscopy is a method that allows you to determine the development of sinusitis.
  2. Diaphanoscopy - transillumination of the paranasal sinuses. Often performed to detect acute sinusitis.
  3. Collection of discharge from the nose and throat to determine the causative agent of the disease.
  4. Bacterial culture discharge from the nasal cavity.

Treatment of protracted vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a disease that develops as a reactive reaction of the body to a decrease in vascular tone. Pathology quickly takes on a chronic course, manifested by constant difficulty in breathing, bouts of sneezing, the appearance of scanty mucous discharge from the nose.

Attention! Vasomotor rhinitis most often occurs in people aged 25-45 years. In children, a similar pathology develops with improper decongestant therapy. This disease is also called medicinal rhinitis.

To normalize the functioning of the vessels of the nose, it is necessary to eliminate all factors provoking rhinitis. To do this, if necessary, therapy is carried out for the child's pathologies of the nasopharynx:

  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • nasal polyps, etc.

If the disease is caused by a violation of the medication, then you should stop using them. In the absence of therapeutic measures, vasomotor rhinitis can persist for several years, leading to disruption of trophism in the nasal mucosa.

Attention! Refusal of vasoconstrictors in vasomotor rhinitis often provokes the appearance of edema of the epithelium and, as a result, a sharp decrease in respiratory function. To avoid this, it is recommended to use plant-based sprays and nasal drops that do not contain xylometazoline, naphazoline and other adrenostimulants.

To reduce swelling, the following agents are used:

  • Pinosol;
  • Pinovit;
  • Tizin Allergy;
  • Allergodil spray, etc.

Also, the patient is shown drugs of general action with an antihistamine effect: Tavegil, Diazolin, Claritin, Erius. An obligatory part of complex treatment is physiotherapy: electrophoresis, inhalation, therapy using a nebulizer, acupuncture can be used to correct the condition of children over 10-12 years old.

Treatment of persistent allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is an autoimmune reaction of the child's body to the effects of an allergen, including the manifestation of hay fever.

Attention! Pollinosis is a seasonal disease. It occurs as a result of an individual hyperreaction to the pollen of flowering plants.

This type of rhinitis is usually manifested by nasal congestion, bouts of sneezing and coughing, the appearance of abundant clear discharge from the nose, swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, etc. In the absence of therapy, a long-term allergic rhinitis can lead to the development of sinusitis, nosebleeds, a pronounced decrease in smell and bronchial asthma.

Allergic rhinitis usually affects children aged 8-12 years and occurs in about 10% of patients. Therapy in its treatment should be aimed at eliminating the allergen and reducing or completely stopping the symptoms of the disease.

Experts distinguish two main types of allergic rhinitis:

  1. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is the most common type of the disease. It usually manifests itself in children at an early age: at 3-6 years. The symptomatology of the pathology manifests itself only in the spring-summer period and is due to the contact of the mucous membranes of the nose with plant pollen.
  2. Year-round runny nose. This form of the disease is relatively rare in children. Signs of disturbance are equally pronounced throughout the year. With this type of rhinitis, the pathological reaction of the body is due to the constant presence of an allergy pathogen in the environment.

A characteristic feature of allergic rhinitis in children is the presence of concomitant disorders: food allergies, dermatosis, allergic bronchitis, etc. You can distinguish an infectious rhinitis from an allergic one by the following signs:

  • the child's constant desire to scratch his nose;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • profuse liquid clear discharge from the nose;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • snoring or labored breathing during sleep.

It is more difficult to differentiate between vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. Often, only a specialist can accurately determine the nature of the violation after conducting tests.

Comparative characteristics of the manifestations of vasomotor and allergic rhinitis

If a prolonged runny nose in a small patient is caused by an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to eliminate the causative agent of rhinitis. The most common allergens are the following substances:

  • fluff and feathers;
  • dust, including domestic dust: on blankets, carpets, curtains, toys;
  • animal hair, especially cats;
  • household chemicals;
  • scented candles, perfumes, scented cosmetics.

It is quite difficult to independently establish the cause of the development of rhinitis, therefore, to identify the factor provoking the disease, the child is prescribed an allergy test.

Attention! Infants are particularly sensitive to the effects of various stimuli. Therefore, the room where a small child is constantly located should not be listed potential allergens.

Therapy of rhinitis in this case can take from 3-6 days to several weeks. For a quick recovery, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Carry out daily wet cleaning in the house where the patient is located.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly for 10-15 minutes in winter and 30-40 minutes in summer.
  3. Spend enough time outdoors with your child.
  4. Eliminate potential allergens from consumption: citrus fruits, honey, carbonated sweet drinks, chocolate.
  5. To wash baby clothes, use special hypoallergenic powder or soap.
  6. Carry out a course of treatment with antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor: Claritin, Clemastine, Cetrin etc.

If this type of rhinitis is detected in a child, it is necessary to contact an allergist and in the future regularly visit him for a preventive examination.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, the patient's immunity should be strengthened:

  1. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and rest.
  2. Conduct courses of vitamin therapy.
  3. Enroll your child in the sports section, swimming pool.

Treatment of protracted traumatic rhinitis

Traumatic rhinitis is one of the types of rhinitis that has developed as a result of mechanical, chemical or thermal damage to the epithelial membranes of the nasal cavity. As a result of such a lesion, the mucous membranes begin to produce more secretion than is necessary. Often with rhinitis, the nasal cavity is affected on one side.

Prolonged traumatic rhinitis in young patients usually occurs due to exposure of the epithelium to hot or toxic vapors. Therefore, to prevent the development of this pathology, household chemicals should be kept out of the reach of children.

Traumatic rhinitis is manifested by a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • dryness of the epithelial membranes in the nasal cavity and pharynx;
  • sneezing, coughing, hoarseness;
  • the appearance of abundant colorless discharge from the nasal cavity, which after 2-3 days acquires a mucopurulent character;
  • itching in the nose and above the upper lip;
  • possible headache, lacrimation, lethargy.

To relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, decongestants are used for 3-4 days:

  • Nasonex;
  • Protargol;
  • Tizin Xylo and others.

Also, to prevent dryness of the nose, you can use sea buckthorn oil, Bepanten or Panthenol ointments. If traumatic rhinitis is caused by surgery, then as part of complex therapy, it is necessary to use antimicrobials: Isofra, Polydex, Bioparox.

Attention! With this type of rhinitis, it is forbidden to carry out various physiotherapeutic measures that involve a thermal effect on the epithelial membranes of the nose. This can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

Rhinitis is the most commonly reported upper respiratory tract disorder in children. Normally, the acute form of this disease stops 5-7 days after the first signs appear. If the runny nose becomes protracted, you should contact a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist and establish the cause of the ailment. Properly selected therapy will quickly and effectively cure a child from rhinitis.

Video - Runny nose and cold medicines

The protracted course of the inflammatory process of the mucosa manifests itself in the child as a constant. To normalize the quality of life and relieve symptoms, it is important to differentiate the etiology of rhinitis in a timely manner, to correctly select the treatment with pharmaceuticals.

The article provides an overview of the aggressive factors that provoke this clinical condition, and recommendations for parents on what to do if the baby constantly has snot.

Snot is rarely an independent disease. More often, their development is preceded by an allergic reaction, an infectious lesion of the upper respiratory tract. The nasal mucosa performs a barrier function, preventing the penetration of foreign agents into the nasal cavity.

The direct impact of aggressive factors destabilizes the work of the protective mechanism, reduces the activity of the mucociliary apparatus, provokes inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, and abundant production of secretory discharge.

Constant snot gives the child discomfort, prevents full nasal breathing

If you do not limit contact with the irritant, the runny nose becomes protracted.

Possible causes of a very frequent runny nose in a child:

  • allergies. When exposed to antigens, the body reacts with increased production of biogenic amine, serotonin and bradykinin, which contribute to mucus hypersecretion. Mucociliary clearance is sensitized by plant spores, dust, pet hair, household chemicals, food products. With an allergic reaction, the clinical picture is supplemented by lacrimation, coughing, itching and burning inside the nose, redness of the skin.
  • Bacterial and viral ENT diseases. The activation of infectious pathogens is preceded by hypothermia, a state of immunosuppression. Upon contact with microorganisms, the mucosa produces a nasal secret that contains an antimicrobial substance.
  • Vasomotor disorders. The neuroreflex mechanism occurs with sudden thermal changes, inhalation of cold or hot air, against the background of emotional shock, excessive physical exertion. The tone of the vascular wall is disturbed by diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
  • Unfavorable climatic conditions, toxic effects of industrial emissions, chemical compounds. In such an environment, the mucosa is subjected to systematic irritation, which increases the likelihood of developing a chronic rhinitis.
  • immunodeficiency state. A weakened defense mechanism is not able to withstand the attack of pathogens. They reach the inner shell, then radiate to healthy organs and systems. The result is frequent and prolonged colds, which are accompanied by a constant flow of snot from the nose, the migration of pathology from the catarrhal stage to the chronic one.
  • Changes in the bone and cartilage structure of the nose. They violate the natural sanitation of the nasal cavity, which predisposes the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora to congenital anomalies, narrow nasal passages, and deviated septum.
  • benign growths(, white seals, papillomas,). During the active phase of growth, neoplasms increase in size, completely blocking the communication channels of the nasal cavity with the outside world. The accumulation of sputum in the projection of the nose is a favorable environment for the vital activity of infectious agents, thereby maintaining inflammation in the nasopharynx.
  • Unsystematic use of vasoconstrictor drops. Alpha-adrenergic blockers in the composition of sympathomimetics have a detrimental effect on the activity of the ciliated epithelium, which leads to a violation of the outflow of muconasal secretion, drug-induced rhinitis.

Important! Liquid transparent snot in a newborn up to 3 months does not require treatment. In medicine, this condition is indicated. In this way, the mucous membrane adapts to new environmental conditions.

With a prolonged runny nose, a child has a risk of developing complications in violation of the dynamic growth process, biological maturation of the baby, changes in the structure of the facial skeleton, inflammation of the larynx, bronchi, and lungs.

It is important to seek medical help at the first pathological symptoms, to carry out the full course of treatment until the disappearance of clinical manifestations.

How to treat a constant runny nose in a child

The success of therapeutic measures depends on how competently and accurately the causes of prolonged snot in a baby are determined. To form a diagnosis, the otolaryngologist conducts instrumental (rhinoscopy, radiography) and laboratory tests (biochemistry and complete blood count, allergy tests, a swab from the nasal cavity).

To stabilize the baby it is necessary to create favorable conditions:

  • control humidity(50-60%) and temperature regime in the room(during the day t varies from 20 to 22⁰С, for night sleep it drops to 18⁰С). To maintain the microclimate, use a humidifier, air conditioner or ventilate the room, hang wet towels at the head of the bed (during the heating season on batteries);
  • regular wet cleaning. These measures reduce the concentration of irritating agents and dust in the room, facilitate breathing, improve children's sleep;
  • provide plenty of fluids(natural juices, fruit drinks, compotes, tea, alkaline water without gas). The liquid washes away toxic waste products of pathogenic strains, normalizes the water-salt balance in each cell;
  • increase the height of the head of the bed with an extra pillow. This posture improves sputum discharge, facilitates nasal breathing;
  • balance nutrition. Prepare easily digestible food for the child, refuse spices, pickles, smoked meats and marinades. Limit the use of confectionery and bakery products. To saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meats and fish;
  • spend more time outdoors if the child's condition allows. For physiological sanitation of the cavity, the baby must be outside for at least 60-90 minutes.

Advice! When a baby is sick, it is very important to continue breastfeeding. With mother's milk, he receives protective elements, the body's resistance to aggressive factors is formed.

During the period of exacerbation of viral diseases, avoid crowded places, vaccinate in a timely manner, and take antiviral drugs at the first suspicion of respiratory diseases.

Causes of a prolonged runny nose in children

Medical assistance

It is difficult to stop the causes of protracted rhinitis without pharmaceuticals. How to treat and what to do if a child has a constant runny nose is determined by the attending physician.

Having differentiated the etiology of the lesion of the upper respiratory tract, the otolaryngologist selects medicines taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient (weight, height, history, general condition).

A possible list of pharmacotherapy is formed by the following groups:

  • Solutions based on isotonic sea water:"", "Humer", "No-Sol". They enrich the mucosa with useful trace elements, prevent drying out and crusting, increase the aeration of the sinuses, and accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues.
  • Vasoconstrictor:"", "", "Nazol Baby". Temporarily relieve nasal breathing, stop the symptoms of rhinorrhea, eliminate inflammation, reduce spasm in smooth muscle. The therapeutic course is limited 3-5 days, in severe cases it is possible to use up to 10 days.
  • Antihistamines:"Loratadin", "Allergodil", "Fenistil", "Zodak". They block the development of allergic reactions, reduce the production of biogenic amine, reduce swelling of the mucosa, and have an antipruritic effect.
  • Antibacterial:"", "", "", "Flemoxin". Nasal sprays exhibit a local effect, are intended for the sanitation of the nasal cavity, and are active against gram-positive and gram-negative strains. use from 5 to 10 days.
  • Homeopathic: Arsenicum, Allium Cepa, Aconitum, Oscillococcinum. Effective in combination with the main therapy. The natural composition has a minimum of contraindications. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the level of interferon in the blood, trigger protective and immune processes inside the body.
  • Glucocorticosteroids:"", "", "Flixonase". Steroid components improve the quality of nasal breathing, stop the inflammatory process, and reduce soft tissue swelling.

Advice! Nurofen antipyretic syrup will help reduce the intensity of pain, normalize body temperature.

Constant runny nose good amenable to physiotherapy. To eliminate the symptoms of rhinorrhea, the doctor prescribes a course from 5 to 12 sessions UHF procedures, ultraviolet irradiation, massage of reflexogenic areas.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need the medical participation of an otolaryngologist, if necessary, an allergist and an immunologist

With mucosal atrophy, the problem is solved by cryotherapy, laser coagulation, and endoscopic intervention. Adenoids and polyps are often removed surgically.


A prolonged runny nose indicates pathological changes in the upper respiratory tract. Inflammation requires medical involvement to determine the destabilizing factor, make a diagnosis, and choose a treatment method.

What to do if there is a constant runny nose in a child? This question worries every parent. It is important to know that such a symptom appears in babies with rhinitis, when the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ is irritated. Before starting the treatment of snot, it is necessary to find out the cause of their appearance. Only after that you can start any manipulations.

The main problem with a prolonged inflammatory process in the nose is the definition of the nature of its occurrence. If the source of the disease is incorrectly identified, even timely therapy will be ineffective. The causes of snot in younger patients can be varied. Rhinitis usually suffers from respiratory viral infections. The place has a lowering of the human immune system, that is, the human body cannot fight back infections.
Pathology can also be chronic. In this case, not only infectious agents are involved, but also other negative factors. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Acquired or congenital anomalies. These include the curvature of the septum of the organ of smell, the consequences of fractures, the ingress of foreign bodies into the nasal passages.
  2. The presence of ENT diseases. They are adenoids and polyps, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  3. Allergens. They can be tobacco smoke, dust, chemicals, dry air.
  4. Spontaneous use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Dust and harmful aerosols can first cause an acute course of pathology, which later becomes chronic. Special attention should be paid to allergic rhinitis. It is characterized by a non-infectious nature of occurrence. It is called due to the entry of an irritant into the nasal passages.
There is another reason for a prolonged runny nose, which is related to the smallest. Slight clear discharge may occur at the time of teething. This process is accompanied by a decrease in immunity. For this reason, the body becomes more vulnerable to various infections. They are similar in texture to saliva and are colorless.


A runny nose in a child can be both acute and chronic. The chronic form has its own classification. Prolonged runny nose has the following forms:

  • catarrhal;
  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic;
  • allergic;
  • vasomotor.

The catarrhal form is characterized by mild inflammation of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ. In the case of the second form, mucosal thickening is observed. In the atrophic form, it becomes thinner and crusts form. The allergic form can be seasonal and year-round. The latter type is in no way associated with the inflammatory process and allergic reactions.

Symptoms of a constant runny nose

In order to identify the reasons why the child has a constant runny nose, you need to pay attention to the symptoms that appear. The patient's complaints are taken into account, and the baby is examined. If the child constantly has a runny nose, then the following symptoms appear:

  • decreased sense of smell;
  • unhealthy sleep;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • congestion of the olfactory organ;
  • the occurrence of mucous or purulent-mucous compartments;
  • decrease in attention.

The last signs are associated with hypoxia due to ventilation changes. Children are allowed to breathe through their mouths. If the baby has a cold, then a cough, fever, and sore throat may occur. In the case of allergic rhinitis, babies show other symptoms:

  • watery compartments;
  • lacrimation;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • itching in the organ of smell.

With atrophy of the mucosa, dryness and a burning sensation appear. In case of separation of crusts and ulcers,


A frequent runny nose in a child becomes the root cause of a change in the microclimate in the apartment. This is necessary if the air is too dry. The nasal passages dry up, and nasal drops only aggravate the whole situation and cause addiction in the child. Humidify the air with a special device. The room should be ventilated from time to time. Clean the room daily. The baby is shown to consume as much liquid as possible. This will help remove toxins from the body.
The general treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the nasal cavity.
  2. Moisturize mucous membranes.
  3. Apply drops that help reduce mucus separation.
  4. If necessary, apply drops with.
  5. Use antibacterial ointments.

Antibiotics and antibacterial drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician. It is important to master the technique of washing the olfactory organ in order to avoid regular rhinitis in babies. The washing procedure is performed using saline solutions. It is possible to prepare at home by mixing salt with water in the proportion of a teaspoon to a glass of water. Also, children can use special sprays with sea salt.
To reduce mucus, Collargol and Protargol drops are often prescribed. Parents use drops that constrict capillaries with frequent runny nose, which are best replaced with oil-based products. They will not dry the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ too much. Pinosol drops are an excellent option. To moisturize the mucosa, inhalations with a nebulizer are effective.
It is almost impossible to cure a runny nose without medication. What to do with such a pathology? Usually small patients are prescribed:

  1. Immunomodulators. Effective is Nazoferon.
  2. Oil solutions - vitamins A and E, sea ​​buckthorn, wild rose.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drug Nazivin.
  4. Saline solutions Aqua Maris, No-Sol.
  5. Antihistamine medicines - Kromoheksal, Allergodil.
  6. Salicylic acid as an antimicrobial agent.

The use of topical drugs is the basis for the treatment of prolonged rhinitis in children.

With a constant runny nose, an integrated approach to solving the problem is important. The main ways to deal with pathology are:

  • breathing exercises;
  • acupressure;
  • warm bathrooms;
  • warm compresses on the nose;
  • with allergic rhinitis, protect the child from the irritant;
  • inhalation.

At the time of sleep, the pillow should be raised. This will help your child breathe easier. The secreted mucus will not accumulate in the nose.
If you follow all the recommendations, you can save your baby from a runny nose very quickly. It is important to consult a doctor when only the first symptoms appear. Even a small manifestation of rhinitis cannot be ignored.

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