Remedy for urinary incontinence in women pills. Medical devices and surgeries for the treatment of incontinence. Treatment of urinary incontinence in older women

Urinary incontinence is a symptom that accompanies most various ailments. Such a problem cannot go unnoticed, since it interferes with both work activity and the usual routine of life. Urination, which is difficult to control, can be triggered by channel atrophy, hormonal imbalance, obesity, hyperactivity Bladder, infectious process or excessive consumption of diuretics and other pharmaceuticals. Drugs for urinary incontinence can reduce the frequency of urges and improve the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole

Varieties of pathological urinary incontinence

Before prescribing tablets from, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology that has arisen. Each individual case requires an individual therapy that will bring the best results. There are such varieties of frequent uncontrolled urination:

If the problem was caused by the presence inflammatory processes or other pathologies, the doctor must prescribe to the patient an individual complex drug therapy, which involves taking antidepressants and other medicines.
  1. Incontinence provoked by ailments of the genitourinary system, the cause of which is diabetes or various injuries of the spinal column.
  2. Urgent type incontinence. Diagnosed in 15 of all patients. Occurs due to too high pressure in the bladder and low pressure in the urethra. Distinctive feature pathology is a sharp, difficult-to-control urge to urinate, most often ending in spontaneous excretion of urine.
  3. Approximately half of patients suffer from involuntary stress urination, which occurs at the time of coughing, sneezing, laughing or strenuous exercise. Such disorders are most often associated with an insufficient amount of collagen in the ligaments located in the pelvic area.

30% of patients who are prescribed drugs for urinary incontinence are diagnosed with pathology mixed type. Treatment involves training the bladder, thanks to which it is possible to block the imperative urge to urinate and adherence to a specific diet that excludes the use of caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, citrus fruits and various sugar substitutes. In drug therapy, the following groups of drugs are mainly used today.


With an overactive bladder, the patient experiences the urge to urinate even if it is empty. Drugs of the anticholinergic group act directly on acetylcholine, which acts as a chemical transmitter of neuronal impulses that cause bladder contraction. By blocking the work of acetylcholine, anticholinergics save from enuresis and teenage urinary incontinence. Similar drugs are often prescribed for older people. To the most popular pharmaceuticals anticholinergics include:

  1. "Ditropan" ("Oxybutynin"). Has antispasmodic effect and relaxes smooth muscle Bladder. The standard dose of the drug has an effect for several hours, so the patient needs 2 to 3 tablets per day. Causes severe dryness of the mouth and may provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. "Detrol" (main active ingredient- tolterodine). It is used in cases of overactive bladder and high frequency of urge to urinate. Urinary incontinence in older women often involves treatment with Detrol tablets, as they save from urgent incontinence.
  3. "Spasmex" is prescribed for dysuria, enuresis and various muscular dysfunctions of the urinary canals. Enlarges the bubble in volume and significantly reduces the frequency of urges.

Among the others pharmaceuticals of the anticholinergic group, Oxytrope, Detruzitol and Levzin are most often used. Most drugs have side effects such as decreased visual acuity and pain in the abdomen. In folk medicine, instead of anticholinergics, belladonna and some plants containing the poisonous atropine are traditionally used.


Urinary incontinence in women and men is often treated with tablets that have a metabolic effect (antidepressants). Such drugs are used mainly in cases where the loss of control over urine output was provoked by a stressful situation. Their regular intake has a beneficial effect on local and general metabolism, and also accelerates the synthesis of important proteins in the body and protects tissues from various toxins. The most popular antidepressants used to treat incontinence are:

"Amizol", taken separately, is not able to cope with the problem of urinary incontinence. However, the drug has the properties of an M-anticholinergic and balances the state of the serotonergic and adrenergic systems. It has a pronounced analgesic effect. Side effects include hallucinations, confusion, increased anxiety, nausea and difficulty concentrating.

Tablets for urinary incontinence are not prescribed for older women in cases where the ligaments and muscle tissue surrounding the bladder have not completely lost their tone or their integrity does not have serious violations.

Alpha-adrenergic agonists

Drugs in this group have a stimulating effect directly on alpha-adrenergic receptors. Thus, the muscles of the urethra contract, which allows the sphincter to effectively cope with the task of holding urine within the bladder. The most famous substances from the group of alpha-blockers are pseudoephedrine and ephedrine.

Most often they are used in the treatment of bronchitis, to suppress appetite, alleviate the condition of patients with bronchial asthma, and also to get rid of cough. However, they have found their application in the fight against frequent urination.

Among the side effects of ephedrine-containing drugs are a feeling of dry mouth, increased nervous irritability, insomnia and headaches. Contraindicated in diabetes.

Estrogen based products

Doctors often prescribe pills with a synthetic analogue of estrogen and other hormones. Due to the presence of estrogen, it is possible to reduce atrophic age-related changes affecting the mucous membranes of the bladder. It accelerates the regeneration of nerve tissues and improves blood circulation.

When menopause ends, a woman's body experiences acute deficiency hormone, which leads to a loss of elasticity of the muscles surrounding the bladder.

In order to smooth out the symptoms of menopause, drugs containing estrogen are used in the form of ointments, suppositories, tablets and solutions. The most popular are the following tools:

  1. "Demopressin". It is a synthetic analogue of estrogen. Reduces the production of urine by the body. Children and adolescents suffering from are most often deficient in this hormone, which is replenished by regularly taking Demopressin. Available in pill and nasal spray form factor.
  2. Older women are usually prescribed suppositories like Ovestin, which should be consumed no more than once a week. When suppositories are prescribed, the dosage of other incontinence drugs taken by the course should be reduced.

Usage efficiency similar drugs is not scientifically based, but many patients respond very positively to therapy with estrogen-based drugs. The best results can be achieved by combining medication with physiotherapy and other therapeutic methods.

It is worth knowing that drugs containing estrogen have a number of side effects and increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. At the moment, women are prescribed the hormone mainly in the form of vaginal suppositories.

New treatments for urinary incontinence

Assign modern drugs with urinary incontinence, the attending physician should be extremely careful, since many of them are currently under active clinical research, and the mechanism of action is not fully understood.

The Chinese urological patch contains frankincense, licorice, lemongrass extract and a number of other components. Many patients suffering from prostatitis note a significant improvement in their general condition and the disappearance of various disorders associated with uncontrolled urination.

Despite the fact that such patches are homeopathic remedies, they are able to reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and increase the tone of the muscles surrounding the bladder.

Hyaluronic acid is injected into the urethra by injection into the anterior wall of the vagina to artificially increase the volume of tissues. Thus, it is possible to increase the level of pressure in the urethra and significantly reduce the frequency of day and night visits to the toilet. Hyaluronic acid is part of various pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, such as Urodex.

Apart from medications, it is recommended to use medicinal plants, herbs and honey. Elecampane, calamus root, dill seeds, centaury, St. John's wort and other natural products, if used systematically, can increase the body's defenses and save a person from pathological incontinence.

There are a number of problems that are simply inconvenient to see a doctor, one of them is urinary incontinence. In younger years, they simply turn a blind eye to this, but for people of age it may simply be too late to go to the doctor.

Frequent incontinence urine in older women is a fairly common disease.

The beginning of this problem may be the structural features of the woman's body during this period and some mistakes made in her younger years. Regardless of whether urinary incontinence in women appears in life, the causes and treatment should be known to you today.

Based on statistics, about a hundred million people have subjected their body to such a problem, and with age, the number is only growing.

Causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in women

Incontinence problems are usually a consequence of another disease, which is characterized by an involuntary process of urination without a clear reason for this.

There are several groups of factors that cause this problem.

For the reasons that provoked this problem:

  • after the woman underwent surgery in the pelvic organs, which led to the occurrence of adhesions and fistulas;
  • the most "popular" reason for uncontrolled urination is not completed the course of treatment or not following all the instructions in the process of eliminating cystitis in young years;
  • after past illness to which the nervous system is subject;
  • as a result of physical influences.

Urinary incontinence in women over 50 can be divided into the following types:

  • a consequence of nervous stress or heavy exertion, referred to as stress urinary incontinence in women;
  • if you have a problem with "hyperactive bladder", which is often in a state of urge to urinate;
  • due to non-final bowel movements of bladder volumes;
  • due to the emergence of special externally manifested mechanisms that provoke the process of emptying, ending at the moment when the external stimulus disappears;
  • by mixing the above two factors.

Each of these types of incontinence has its own characteristics and characteristics. Here are the most common ones.

overactive bladder

About sixty percent of incontinence is caused by an overactive bladder. In European countries, this percentage reaches sixteen and is relevant for the population over forty years old.

Frequent uncontrolled urination in older women in this case, based on its symptoms, contains an increased activity of the sphincter, which is responsible for blocking and holding urine in the bladder until the “suitable” moment.

A fairly clear manifestation of this type of problem is incontinence after the process of a stroke, which resulted in the inability of the body to block urine in the bladder.

Problems with urination after previous bladder infections

To begin with, the foundation will be any problems in the process of treating cystitis, or rather, all those manifestations that have not been correctly and completely blocked.

One of the most common causes of cystitis is bacteria. The undisputed leader among bacterial infections considered to be E. coli, which without extra effort penetrates the bladder through its already weakened walls. Enough women noticed pain, and burning in the lower abdomen and frequent desire to go to the toilet. But out of ten patients, no more than five come for a consultation with a doctor, and even fewer take the prescribed treatment.

This is a big mistake of youth, because cystitis weakens the sphincter of the bladder, thereby increasing the chances of incontinence in old age.

Clinical signs and symptoms

First of all, it is necessary to note the following symptoms of urinary incontinence:

  • frequent trips to the toilet during the day. AT normal condition a person visits the toilet no more than eight times a day, and if he is overtaken by an incontinence problem, the number of urination increases significantly;
  • frequent trips to the toilet at night. This is a fairly rare manifestation and often there is no desire to go to the toilet more than once a night. If there is such a symptom, then you need to carefully study it so as not to be confused with male problems prostate;
  • the prevailing feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied;
  • uncontrolled urination as a result of strenuous exercise, coughing, laughing or sneezing.

The following studies are needed:

  • detailed information the state of health of the patient;
  • older people are required to determine the frequency with which they visit the toilet or do not visit it, but when the process of urination occurs, thanks to keeping a diary. To do this qualitatively, the doctor advises keeping a diary for several days and entering all the information in it: sensations, amount and time of the fluid consumed;
  • an essential minimum: a general urinalysis, bakpasev, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, a study to determine the residual urine;
  • in order to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis, cystoscopy can be performed.

All of the above allows you to identify not only what type of incontinence belongs to, but also its true reason, according to which this pathology developed in the body.

Differential Diagnosis

Frequent uncontrolled urination in older women can be not just incontinence, but a manifestation of very serious pathologies in the body.

How to cure urinary incontinence in older people?

Consider the options for treating urinary incontinence in women. With urinary incontinence in people of age, the therapy process is aimed at restoring the ability to control the accumulation of urine in the bladder. To implement this moment, they write out a complex preventive procedures prescribed by therapists and urologists.

  • When active developing infection prescribe antibiotics.
  • Medications are used to restore the ability of the bladder sphincter to block urine output.
  • A woman at a certain age is discharged special kind exercises that improve pelvic floor.
  • Physiotherapy is prescribed.
  • If there is an urgent need, then they resort to surgical intervention, namely the elimination of weakened muscles in the bladder.

Remember! The main requirement for those who endure the process of incontinence is not to self-medicate! The correct and effective course of procedures can only be prescribed by a doctor, guided by the characteristics of the patient's body.


Treatment of urinary incontinence in women with folk remedies is a common therapy option, because due to the delicacy of the issue, many simply do not seek specialized help.

Well-known plants and their components come to the rescue.

Dill seeds are one of the quick helpers. A tablespoon of seeds is poured with boiled water in a volume of 250 milliliters, wrapped and put in a warm place (or just do it in a thermos) for 2 hours. After this time, the whole infusion is drunk.

Both fresh and dried leaves St. John's wort and lingonberries in tandem and brewed are very effective for incontinence. For 750 milliliters of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of each of them are taken, and put on fire for 10 minutes to boil. It is cooled, filtered, so that after 16 hours, slowly drink the broth until the very night.

Many patients praise kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence. Here are some examples of easy gymnastic exercises:

  • Lying comfortably on the floor, raise your arms up (to form a right angle with the body), then repeat the same with the legs and linger for a minute, while breathing with the stomach;
  • Continuing to lie on your back, you need to bend your knees, while closing your feet and knees together. It is necessary to strain and relax the muscles of the pelvis with a few second intervals.

Exercises for urinary incontinence in women can only help if they are performed regularly.

Pills and medicines

Medicines for urinary incontinence in women are prescribed to patients diagnosed with an overactive bladder, in order to eliminate its symptoms and further surgery.

The basis of this therapy is anticholinergic drugs, among which Trospium hydrochloride, Darifenacin and Atropine chloride are distinguished.

The portal administration categorically does not recommend self-medication and advises you to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Our portal presents the best specialist doctors, to whom you can make an appointment online or by phone. You can choose a suitable doctor yourself or we will select one for you absolutely free of charge. Also, only when making an appointment through us, the price for a consultation will be lower than in the clinic itself. This is our little gift for our visitors. Be healthy!

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Urinary incontinence in women over 50: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence in older women occurs due to various reasons. The elimination of the problem is based on the impact on the irritating factor and the maintenance of further health.

  • Drugs that cause enuresis

The main causes of urinary incontinence

1. Incontinence manifests itself at the moment when a person sneezes, laughs, coughs. It is caused by the loss of muscle activity in the bladder walls and the pressure that urine exerts on the bladder. Similarly, urine can leak during physical activity.

Stress incontinence is caused by:

  • burdened childbirth, which make themselves felt in old age;
  • bladder injury;
  • hormonal changes during menopause;
  • pathological conditions connective tissue;
  • diseases, a complication of which was an increase in internal pressure in the abdominal cavity.

2. Diseases leading to confusion do not allow the patient to adequately perceive the urge to urinate and visit the restroom. Urinary incontinence in women can cause depression and psychosis. This problem disappears immediately after the clarification of consciousness. A psychiatrist works with a patient.

3. Infections urinary tract, causing inflammation and giving a characteristic clinical picture, lead to spontaneous urination.

4. Senile urinary incontinence in women develops when the mucous tissue in the bladder and organs of the excretory system is replaced by a connective one.

5. The increased volume of urine produced by the body leads to the fact that the patient does not have time to visit the toilet. This condition can provoke the intake of diuretics, excessive fluid intake, increased content blood sugar, plasma calcium spike.

6. Conditions in which the patient has limited mobility, freedom of movement.

7. Uncontrolled unsystematic contractions of the detrusor.

8. Pathologies:

  • cancer and prostate adenoma;
  • urinary tract strictures;
  • change in the neck of the bladder.

Drugs that cause enuresis

Some medications cause urinary incontinence as a side effect.

1. Antihypertensive drugs. Since the action of many drugs is aimed at removing muscle tone, then, in addition to reducing the spasm of vascular smooth muscles, the muscles of the excretory system are also affected. The sphincter is not able to keep the bladder in a "locked" state, and the muscles of the bladder itself are relaxed.

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2. Urinary incontinence in women after 40 years of age can be provoked by hormonal preparations containing estrogens.

3. Antidepressants prescribed to women during menopause do not allow the bladder to empty completely and lead to its overflow, which means involuntary urination.

4. Medications with a diuretic effect lead to increased diuresis and can provoke urinary incontinence.

5. Sleeping pills and strong sedatives inhibit natural reactions. Incontinence in women at retirement age is caused by a decrease in the severity of the reaction.

6. Drugs not only reduce the natural reactions, but also the sensitivity of the bladder, which leads to malfunctions in urination.

How to cure urinary incontinence in older women

If the loss of control over urination is caused by taking any of the above drugs, you should discuss the problem with your doctor and replace these drugs with others.

Treatment of disorders caused by a decrease in the level female hormones, carried out using hormone therapy. The patient is prescribed vaginal suppositories, ointments, creams containing certain doses of estrogen. The concentrations of hormones are clearly balanced and do not pose a threat to health.

A decrease in the tone of the muscle layer of the bladder can be normalized by the complex special exercises:

  1. The most popular is the Kegel exercise. Most women who have known the joy of motherhood are familiar with it. To perform it, you need to squeeze the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, count to 10, then relax. Exercise must be performed 10-15 times in a row.
  2. Alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvis and anus is a good workout.
  3. Useful exercises to strengthen the press and leg muscles - leg swings, "bike". These sports complexes are recommended for the prevention of senile urinary incontinence.

Modern pharmacology offers a number of drugs that contribute to the normalization of the bladder. Reduces the volume of urine produced, the frequency of the urge to empty the bladder, normalizes urodynamics Detrusitol. To improve the functions of the muscular layer of the bladder, Omnik, Driptan, Spazmek are used.

Traditional medicine offers to treat enuresis herbal preparations. Such treatment is justified if urinary incontinence is caused by inflammation in the organs of the urinary system. Diuretic fees have an anti-inflammatory effect and do not allow urine to stagnate in the bladder, irritating it, causing pain and discomfort.

  • 1 tsp dill seeds pour a glass of warm water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist 1 hour in a warm place (you can use a thermos), filter and drink ½ cup three to four times a day.
  • Teas from rose hips, lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort have a pronounced diuretic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. Herbal medicine should be resorted to after consultation with a urologist.

The organ prolapse is stabilized by a supporting device, the pessary, which allows you to get rid of involuntary urination.

The laser treatment of incontinence in older women is aimed at stimulating muscles and producing new collagen fibers. This method is contraindicated in overactive bladder, in other cases it gives good results in 1-2 sessions. The procedure does not cause pain and discomfort, mucous internal organs is not damaged. The method has a number of contraindications.

The most radical treatment is surgery. There are minimally invasive methods and abdominal operations. In the first case, support is surgically created for the bladder and urinary canal. During major operations, stones, tumors, polyps are removed, physical pathologies that provoke urinary incontinence are eliminated.

The decision on the method of treatment is made by a specialist, after a complete examination of the patient. Each of the methods has a number of contraindications, so specialist advice is necessary.

Urinary incontinence in older women

One of the manifestations natural aging body is urinary incontinence. According to statistics, up to 50% of people over 75 suffer from enuresis. This pathology is equally characteristic of both sexes. In older men, the size of the prostate gland increases, which leads to disruption of the bladder. During menopause in women, the urethral muscles relax, the walls of the urethra lose elasticity, and the muscles that hold the bladder weaken. All these age-related changes eventually lead to urinary incontinence.

Types of urinary incontinence in the elderly

Forced. With this form of pathology, a woman may suddenly feel an unbearable urge to urinate, which is accompanied by an involuntary release of a portion of urine. Its volume can vary from small to large. In some patients, with an imperative urge, the bladder is completely emptied.

stressful. In this case, urinary incontinence in older women is associated with increased pressure on abdominal wall. The release of fluid occurs when lifting weights, sudden movements, due to coughing, laughing or sneezing.

Total. With this form of pathology, a woman is completely unable to control the process of urination. In this case, urine can involuntarily leak at any time of the day, regardless of physical exertion.

Treatment of urinary incontinence in adulthood

Medical therapy

Pharmacological therapy is prescribed for all types of urinary incontinence, while its greatest effectiveness is noted in women with an urgent form of the disease. The objectives of drug therapy are to increase the capacity and reduce the contractile activity of the bladder. Clinically, this is expressed by a reduction in the number of involuntary urination, a decrease in the intensity of urges and the cessation of cases of urine leakage. At the first stage of treatment of urge incontinence, the doctor prescribes drugs from the group of antispasmodics and antidepressants. One of the effective medicines is Spasmex. It has a direct relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the bladder. As a result, his muscles “calm down”, stop contracting, and the internal volume of the organ increases. Thus, the obstacle to the accumulation of urine is removed, the very cause of unbearable urges disappears. Taking this drug allows the patient to visit the toilet less often during the day and at night.

Only a doctor can choose the optimal therapeutic course!

Surgical intervention

Most cases of urinary incontinence in older women respond well to conservative treatment, but some patients require surgery. Suitable surgical method the doctor chooses based on the type of urinary incontinence, as well as the effectiveness of previous therapy. Surgery is most often used for stress incontinence, less often for urge incontinence. Women can be assigned the following types of operations.

  • Proximal fascial slings - tissues taken from the patient's body are used to support the urethra.
  • Mid-urethral slings - loops based on synthetic material are used to maintain the middle part of the urethra.
  • Maintenance of the urethra - raising the walls of the vagina and fixing them at the level of the pubic bone.

Exercises to treat urinary incontinence in the elderly

To combat urinary incontinence, exercises are used to strengthen the muscles of the perineum. Scientific rationale this method in 1948 gave the famous American doctor Arnold Kegel. The exercises proposed in his works are widely used in the world urological and gynecological practice. The Kegel method of gymnastics can significantly reduce the manifestations or completely eliminate urinary incontinence in older women.

The purpose of the exercises

To eliminate urination disorders, a woman needs to learn how to contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, lifting anus and squeezing the vagina for 15-20 seconds. Training of the muscles of the external urethral sphincter can be done during the normal act of emptying the bladder. In this case, it is necessary to stop the stream of urine with muscular effort. In the future, it is recommended to achieve reflex muscle contraction with increasing pressure on the abdominal wall, for example, when sneezing.


Older women need to do Kegel exercises 5 times a day. In one session, 15-20 perineal muscle contractions should be performed at a slow and fast pace. It is recommended to alternate such exercises during one cycle. For example, you can make several tonic contractions for 15 seconds, then break for a rest (5 seconds) and then perform a sharp short-term contraction. In one session, it is necessary to perform 10-15 such cycles. At the initial stage, the exercises are performed in a sitting position. After about a month, you can learn to contract the muscles of the perineum while standing, and then while walking. The most important thing for achieving positive results is the regularity of classes.

Exercise Efficiency

Subject to regular and correct execution exercise urinary incontinence in older women becomes less pronounced after 2-3 weeks after the start of training. The most common and quickly achievable effect is the disappearance of involuntary leakage of urine when physical activity especially in the morning and daytime. The duration of treatment of patients according to the Kegel method cannot be determined in advance. Exercises should be performed until urinary incontinence completely stops and the ability of the muscles to reflex contraction with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure is formed.

Urinary incontinence - how can a woman cope with this problem?

Urinary incontinence (or incontinence) is perceived by many as typical pathology old age. Indeed, this disease affects more than half of women after 70-80 years. However, a similar problem occurs not only in older women, but also after childbirth, on later dates pregnancy, after some operations and even in stressful situations.

The problem causes many inconveniences and restrictions in everyday life, leads to self-doubt, depressive states, isolation, disturbances in sexual relations. Unfortunately, not all women decide to seek medical help in time, keeping silent about the disease or looking for dubious remedies. traditional medicine. Pathology can be overcome only with the help of competent treatment.

Causes of the disease

There are many factors that can cause incontinence. There are several main reasons among them:

  • the period of pregnancy and after the birth of a child, when the enlarged uterus has high blood pressure on the pelvic organs;
  • prolonged stressful conditions;
  • age-related changes that cause a decrease in the elasticity of the ligaments and muscle tone;
  • surgical operations on the pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, rectum), complicated by the appearance of fistulas or adhesions.

It should be noted a number of diseases in which urinary incontinence is one of the symptoms. This is diabetes mellitus, the presence of stones in the bladder, multiple sclerosis, stroke. Certain medications (for example, diuretics), abuse of strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages, smoking, and being overweight can provoke a pathological condition. Even healthy woman high estrogen drugs or antidepressants can cause problems with keeping the urge to urinate. After discontinuation of these drugs, this condition disappears without treatment.

In women over 50, urinary incontinence can be hereditary. Availability in childhood Enuresis years later can also be a predisposing factor for senile incontinence.

Types of pathology

In modern medicine, there are several types of urination disorders. Their classification reflects the features various occasions making it impossible for the patient to control the process.

This condition is one of the most common. Uncontrollable discharge occurs during even minor physical exertion, when coughing and sneezing, when jumping and running, lifting weights, laughing. The main reason is the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

  • Urgent urinary incontinence

Or urgent - can be caused by an overactive bladder. His nerve endings react instantly to the slightest external stimuli: water noise, bright light. The desire to urinate occurs suddenly when a woman cannot keep the process under control. Incontinence can be caused by diseases of the brain, hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes in the bladder.

  • Bedwetting (enuresis)

It is more common among young children suffering from excessive nervous excitability. But there are frequent cases of the development of pathology in women of advanced age, as well as in younger representatives of the weaker sex.

Light urinary incontinence that occurs at night can be caused by hormonal changes, psychological trauma, organ diseases urinary system. Enuresis can occur after childbirth at the birth of twins or a baby with a large weight.

The inability to control the process of urination does not always indicate a full bladder. A small amount of urine may squirt or drip.

Occurs in about a third of cases of pathology. This type disorders combines the symptoms of incontinence during physical exertion and an urgent urge to urinate. More frequent urge to urinate is characteristic - more than 8-10 times in the daytime and more than once at night. This pathology often appears after childbirth or after suffering traumatic lesions pelvic organs.

With this type of incontinence, the outflow of a few drops (leakage) occurs with small interruptions during the day, regardless of physical stress.

The manifestation of the disease during menopause

Menopause is a difficult period during which a significant change in hormonal levels occurs in the body. This restructuring has a negative impact on the functioning various systems the female body, including the urinary tract. Urinary incontinence during menopause can occur even in those patients who have never experienced such a problem before.

The main causes of incontinence:

  1. The gradual fading of the ovaries and the associated decrease in the amount of estrogen. Their deficiency leads to a decrease in tissue elasticity.
  2. Pathological changes in the location and functioning of internal organs. After 40 years, there is a gradual lowering of the uterus and vagina. These organs begin to exert increased pressure on the walls of the bladder and intestines.
  3. Decreased elasticity of the walls of the bladder, causing its constant irritation.
  4. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina. This causes itching, burning and irritation, which in turn provokes the development of an infectious process and, as a result, urination disorders.
  5. Exacerbation or development of chronic diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas. Such diseases lead to malfunctions in the urinary system.
  6. Obesity. Excess weight- a typical phenomenon for women experiencing menopause. Even a few extra pounds can lead to the fact that the pelvic organs begin to experience additional stress and not fully cope with their functions.
  7. Hysterectomy. Urinary incontinence after removal of the uterus is one of the most common complications after surgery. It is caused by damage ligamentous apparatus common with the bladder.

Urinary incontinence, which develops during menopause, makes a woman experience physical and moral discomfort, which can be eliminated only after complex treatment.

Urination disorders in pregnant women

Pathology occurs due to a decrease in tone muscle tissue and relaxation of the sphincter under the influence of hormones. The intensity of the discharge may depend on the size of the fetus, its position in the uterus, general physical condition women who have chronic diseases of internal organs. The risk of developing urinary incontinence is especially high in women who have given birth many times, with a transverse position of the fetus, in the case of a short interval between two pregnancies.

In the postpartum period, urine leakage may occur after prolonged complicated childbirth. For most mothers-to-be, symptoms resolve within a few days after the baby is born without special treatment. If the cause of incontinence was kidney pathology or inflammatory processes in the bladder, careful treatment is indicated.

Incontinence in old age

Age-related urinary incontinence is associated with a general weakening of all body systems, a decrease in its immunity. Due to hormonal deficiency, the bladder loses the ability to hold a certain amount of fluid for a long time.

At retirement age, women have omission and sagging of the urethra, thinning of the membranes urinary organs, atrophy of the muscles and ligaments of the small pelvis.

Examination for illness

Before deciding how to treat urinary incontinence, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient. The doctor must find out when this problem whether she has hereditary prerequisites, whether the number of cases of incontinence has increased recently, what causes (physical or emotional stress) is provoked.

For convenience and reliability of information, a woman fills out a questionnaire in which she indicates how long she can hold urine when an urge appears, whether this problem occurs at night and how much it affects the quality of life. For a definitive diagnosis, the patient may be asked to keep a diary for several days, from which it will be possible to learn about the frequency of urination and the number of cases of incontinence.

If the doctor has doubts about the data provided by the patient, a PAD test is prescribed. During this study a woman uses special urological pads that show the weight of urine excreted.

Among other diagnostic methods, it is necessary gynecological examination for the presence of fistulas or adhesions, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, determination of dryness of the mucous membranes. A general urine test allows you to establish the presence of infectious diseases.


Treatment of pathology takes a lot of time and is complex. It includes compliance general recommendations on changing the regime of the day and lifestyle, drug treatment, performing physical exercises to strengthen muscles, psychological training. In some cases, a decision is made on surgical intervention.

The implementation of general rules that correct lifestyle include:

  • a change in diet that allows you to significantly reduce weight or get rid of obesity;
  • reduction in the amount of tea, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks consumed;
  • rejection bad habits(alcohol, smoking);
  • compliance with the urination regimen (going to the toilet at certain hours, regardless of the urge);
  • detection and treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • psychological trainings that allow you to escape from disturbing thoughts and switch attention.

Conservative therapy

One of the main methods of treatment is conservative drug therapy. Consider a list of drugs used to treat women with urinary incontinence. It consists of:

  • M-anticholinergics (Atropine, Metacin, Amizin);
  • antidepressants (Klofronil, Azafen);
  • antispasmodics (Noofen, Vesipar);
  • homeopathic remedies(Uronefron, Solidago);
  • hormone replacement therapy that helps to eliminate estrogen deficiency (Ovestin ointment or suppositories).

Features of the use of certain drugs

Candles are not prescribed for pathologies of cardio-vascular system, liver diseases, endometrial hyperplasia. Women with diabetes, epilepsy, high blood pressure, suppositories should be used with the utmost care and only under medical supervision.

Treatment of urinary incontinence in elderly women with the help of M-cholinolytics can reduce the frequency of urge to urinate and overcome overactive bladder. The drugs are included in the group potent means Therefore, their use is justified only on prescription. Contraindications include glaucoma, ulcerative colitis.

Antispasmodic medications are used for urge incontinence. Tablets are needed to reduce muscle tone and relieve spasms.

The use of antidepressants is necessary if urinary incontinence is caused by stressful situations and increased feelings of anxiety. The drug acts quickly nervous system and regulates the process of urination. These drugs are also prescribed after medical examination. In some cases, side effects are possible: dizziness, deterioration of visual acuity, a feeling of dry mouth, liver dysfunction.

Kegel exercises for incontinence

Special gymnastics, aimed at strengthening muscles, is considered an excellent addition to drug treatment. Exercises include slow and fast contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, their alternate contraction and relaxation, pushing out (the exercise involves the muscles responsible for attempts).

When performing exercises, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  • the bladder must be emptied;
  • the complexity and intensity of exercises increases gradually;
  • it is important to take a comfortable posture;
  • monitor the regularity of gymnastics;
  • increase the number of contractions by 5-10 per week, eventually bringing their total number to 30.

This technique is valuable in that it can be used not only at home, but also while in transport, while walking on fresh air.

Read more in the article: Kegel exercises

Surgical treatment

What to do if conservative treatment fails effective results? In these cases, sling operations are prescribed. The main indicators for surgical intervention are urgency and stress incontinence. A number of contraindications should be taken into account. The operation is not performed for pregnant women, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, for patients who take medications to thin the blood.

After a preliminary consultation with a urologist and a therapist, the sling operation is performed under local anesthesia. A loop is installed on the front wall of the vagina, which will maintain the bladder in the correct position. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes. To control the process of urination, a catheter is installed, which is removed a day or two after the manipulation. After the catheter is removed, a number of women experience minor pain, which is easily eliminated by painkillers.

The recovery period lasts from two weeks to a month. A woman should be in a state of physical and sexual rest, avoid lifting weights, intense sports, driving a car. Sexual life is allowed no earlier than a month later.

Sometimes there may be complications:

  • bladder injury;
  • bleeding;
  • the development of the inflammatory process, for its prevention, a course of antibiotics is prescribed;
  • problems with urination immediately after surgery;
  • intestinal disorders.

Performing an operation in a medical institution with a good reputation eliminates the risk of complications and makes surgery absolutely safe for health.

laser therapy

Laser exposure is one of the most effective methodologies to normalize urination. With the help of pulses, the walls of the vagina and the urethra are processed. Laser urinary incontinence treatment tightens the walls of the bladder, making them more elastic. The method has many advantages. It is painless, safe for the patient, does not require long-term compliance. recovery period.

According to statistics, more than 90% of patients report positive results after laser therapy sessions. The laser is not used for severe prolapse of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus, in the presence of malignant tumors and bleeding in the body. One of the contraindications is age over 60 years.

Traditional medicine

You can fight the problem of urinary incontinence with the help of folk remedies. Using the usual medicinal herbs, it is easy to prepare decoctions and infusions that will help reduce the activity of symptoms without the use of drug treatment.

Folk remedies will be effective for urinary incontinence with their regular use and compliance with the rules of nutrition. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of infusions and decoctions is not effective for urge incontinence that occurs with menopause, age-related changes, or the presence of inflammatory processes.

Two tablespoons of seeds are poured into 0.5 liters of hot water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, the resulting infusion is filtered and drunk before meals. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After a ten-day break, the treatment is repeated.

To prepare the medicine, dry berries and leaves of the plant are taken. They are crushed, the same amount of St. John's wort is added, poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Take a decoction should be a glass three times a day.

The root of the plant is poured with boiling water, kept on low heat for at least a quarter of an hour, insisted in a dark place for several hours, a small amount of honey is added. The resulting mixture is drunk before going to bed 2-3 times a day.

2-3 teaspoons corn silk pour boiling water, stand for a quarter of an hour or more, filter. Take the resulting broth several times a day, about half a glass with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

Two tablespoons of chopped herbs insist in a glass of cool boiled water, filter. Take a tablespoon several times a day. This remedy effective for nighttime incontinence.

Many patients also note the effectiveness of the following home remedies:

  • cold decoction prepared from the bark of viburnum, elm, ash;
  • taking a glass of fresh carrot juice before breakfast;
  • eating several times a day a pinch of crushed dill seeds;
  • inclusion in the menu of tea made from young twigs of cherries or sweet cherries.

Treatment with folk remedies has been confirming its effectiveness for many years. However, if a woman does not see a significant improvement after taking the course, she should consult a doctor in order to prescribe more effective methods or surgical treatment. Self-medication for a long time can be hazardous to health.

Lifestyle changes and prevention

When such a problem appears, a woman has to make certain adjustments to her lifestyle. First of all, you need to pay attention to personal hygiene. To avoid irritation and infection of the skin, after a shower, the affected areas should be treated with moisturizing anti-inflammatory creams or medicines. Well, if they contain petroleum jelly, lanolin or cocoa butter. When taking a shower, use warm, but not hot water.

Many women have to give up some of the pleasures of life because of the fear of leakage and odor. Absorbent protective pads are used to protect and eliminate these problems. Also in pharmacies you can buy special underwear. It should be changed and washed regularly.

Prevention of urinary incontinence involves the following measures:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights exceeding 5 kg, this causes excessive stress muscles of the pelvic region and serves as a provoking factor in the development of pathology.
  2. Under any circumstances, monitor the complete emptying of the bladder, do not postpone the process "for later."
  3. Watch your diet, do not overeat.
  4. Timely detect and treat inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
  5. Be active, follow the daily routine, including sports, swimming, walking.
  6. Monitor timely bowel movements, fight constipation.
  7. Provide yourself with a favorable emotional atmosphere, avoid stressful situations, chronic lack of sleep, increased physical and psychological stress.
  8. Control the amount of fluid you drink (1.5-2 liters per day).
  9. Make sure you empty your bladder before bed.
  10. Do not abuse sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices, strong tea, coffee and alcohol.
  11. Visit your urologist regularly.
  12. Perform Kegel exercises for prevention.

Special attention to the listed preventive measures should be given to expectant mothers and women with menopause. A positive emotional attitude is of great importance.

Urinary incontinence is a disease that requires careful long-term treatment. Only complex therapy, together with changes in the daily routine and nutrition, will eliminate the pathology and return the opportunity to lead a normal life.

Urinary incontinence in older women is a very common phenomenon that is perceived by many as a typical manifestation of aging. In fact, similar condition is a pathological process, the main cause of which lies in the weakening of the urethral muscles, provoked by the onset of menopause. In this regard, most often urinary incontinence in women is diagnosed at the age of 50 years.

The most common causes of the pathological condition

In older women, the main cause of urinary incontinence is hormonal changes in the body, provoked by menopause. The climax is characterized sharp decline in the body of the representatives of the weaker sex of female sex hormones, which leads to a change in the function of the organs of the genitourinary sphere, in particular, the bladder. Due to estrogen deficiency in menopause there is a weakening of the pelvic muscles, as well as a decrease in the tone of the urethral canal, which ceases to support the bladder.

The second common cause of urinary incontinence in older women is changes in the central nervous system, namely the brain. In female representatives, this pathological disorder may be associated with diseases of the neurological sphere, namely, vascular pathologies of the central nervous system, Parkinson's disease, ischemia, and the like.

The following categories of women are at risk for the development of senile enuresis:

  • obese patients;
  • women who have a history of the disease present neurological disorders and ailments of the central nervous system;
  • women who have undergone multiple, difficult births;
  • representatives of the weaker sex, who throughout their lives faced injuries of the perineum, pelvic floor muscles, surgical interventions on the pelvic organs, atrophic lesion pelvic muscle layer and the like;
  • patients with infectious lesions of the genitourinary system.

Other risk factors for the development of pathology include:

  • bad habits and excessive consumption of drinks with a high content of caffeine;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • diseases of the respiratory sphere, which are accompanied by a strong cough;
  • frequent constipation;
  • heavy physical work or playing certain sports;
  • operations on gynecological organs;
  • decrease in overall muscle tone.

Often the cause of urinary incontinence in older women is diabetes mellitus, permanent reception some medicines, physical labor. Alcohol, as well as smoking, has a bad effect on the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

The main types of incontinence

Depending on the causes of development and the main manifestations of the pathological condition, urinary incontinence in elderly women is of three types:

  • stressful, which occurs when laughing, sneezing, lifting weights and the like;
  • imperative or urgent, when there is involuntary urination after a strong urge;
  • mixed or incontinence, which is manifested by symptoms of the two previous types at the same time.

The pathological condition is also characterized by the amount of urine excreted. Depending on the severity of bladder emptying, it can be partial or complete. Doctors tend to distinguish several degrees of incontinence:

  • drip, when no more than 50 ml of urine is excreted;
  • mild, which is characterized by a loss of 50-100 ml of fluid;
  • medium or excretion from 100 to 200 ml of urine;
  • severe, in which a woman loses about 200-300 ml of urine;
  • very severe degree of incontinence - the amount of urine excreted without control is more than 300 ml.

What determines the disease?

In case of urinary incontinence, a woman should immediately consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and find out the reasons for the development of the pathological condition, which will allow the specialist to determine the tactics further treatment. In order to determine the nature and severity of the pathological condition, doctors use research methods such as:

  • collecting an anamnesis of the disease to determine the etiological factors of the underlying disease;
  • keeping a diary of urination, which records the amount of fluid drunk, as well as the volume of urine excreted outside over a certain period of time;
  • gynecological examination, which allows you to assess the condition of the walls of the vagina and bladder, as well as take smears for bacteriological examination;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and organs of the pelvic cavity;
  • checking the state of the function of the organs of the urinary system with a cough test, cystometry, uroflocmetry according to indications.

Modern approaches to treating the problem

The choice of treatment tactics for urinary incontinence in women of retirement age depends on several factors, including the causes of the development of the pathological condition, its form and severity, the presence comorbidities and organic lesions from the urinary organs. There is currently great amount methods to:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy and the appointment of a set of special exercises;
  • laser correction of a defect;
  • surgery;
  • folk remedies.

Features of conservative treatment

An important point in the treatment of urinary incontinence in older women is the appointment of drugs that eliminate the manifestations of the imperative type of urinary function disorder. In the process of implementing such therapy, doctors use several groups of medications:

  • hormonal preparations to restore the normal balance of female hormones, which can alleviate the symptoms of menopause;
  • estrogen-based topical drugs that improve the condition of the integumentary epithelium of the vagina and urethra;
  • drugs that affect contractility sphincter and bladder muscles;
  • drugs that reduce the amount of urine produced.

In the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract, patients are shown antibiotic therapy, which should be carried out taking into account the sensitivity pathogenic microflora to some type of antibiotic. It is better, of course, if a woman is offered broad-spectrum antibacterial or antimicrobial agents.

With urinary incontinence, which is stressful, doctors recommend that patients take antidepressants. These drugs actively fight the signs of stress in a woman who is going through a complex hormonal change in the body, and also relax well, which can significantly reduce the number of urges to urinate.

To make life easier for women suffering from incontinence, many devices have now been invented that allow the fairer sex to feel more comfortable and confident. The most common type of such means of protection against the consequences of arbitrary urination are urological pads. These pads are disposable and reusable. Also, women have the opportunity to use special hygienic pants that fix urological pads.

Urological sanitary napkins are not the only means of protection against the effects of urinary incontinence. modern medicine The following devices are known to increase comfort during involuntary urination:

  • vaginal cones;
  • pessaries, which provide a closed position of the urethra;
  • disposable sheets that replace urological pads at night with large volumes of urine;
  • urological inserts.

Laser correction of the problem

Laser treatment of urinary incontinence in older women is carried out at the initial stages of the development of the pathological process with the stressful nature of the disorders. Laser beams, acting on the anterior wall of the vagina, promote the synthesis of collagen structures in the urethra. So fortified urethra become more elastic and stop passing urine.

The therapeutic effect occurs after the first procedure. But to fix it, a woman needs to repeat the session twice. The correction is absolutely painless, so it does not need local anesthesia. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, does not require preliminary preparation of the patient and has no contraindications on the part of the woman's body, in addition to oncological ailments of the pelvic organs.

Features of physiotherapy

Physiotherapy treatment of incontinence is aimed at strengthening the muscular layer of the urinary tract, which will allow you to control the emission of urine. In the first days of classes, patients are advised to visit the toilet on a schedule (every hour), even if there is no urge to urinate. After about 4-6 weeks, the bladder gets used to holding urine, which will allow a woman to significantly improve the quality of her life.

Further, women are offered a course of special Kegel exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Such a gymnastic complex makes it possible in a few months to improve the general condition of a woman and stop arbitrary selection urine.

Surgical elimination of the disease

Surgical treatment incontinence is offered to patients diagnosed with severe forms of the disease that are resistant to conservative methods therapy. Before using the operation, the doctor must decide on the type and extent of the surgical intervention.

Patients aged are currently offered two surgical method elimination of the problem of arbitrary urination:

  • creating additional support for weakened bladder muscles using a synthetic loop that is inserted into middle layer urethra;
  • the introduction of a special gel under the mucous membrane of the urethra, which allows you to narrow the lumen of the urethra.

A full surgical correction gives a more stable and reliable result, while the introduction of a biopolymer gel is faster and less traumatic.

What can help prevent illness?

To ensure that the problem of urinary incontinence does not spoil the quality of life, older women should know simple rules, with which they can save themselves from problems with emptying the bladder. To avoid dysfunction of the urinary system, the fair sex in the age will help the following recommendations specialists:

  • do not lift weights;
  • it is necessary to empty the bladder in time and prevent retention of urine;
  • prevent constipation;
  • do not eat foods high in sugar, as well as tomatoes, citrus fruits and milk;
  • ensure an adequate drinking regime with consumption enough fluids (at least 2-2.5 liters per day);
  • use only hypoallergenic and safe products intimate hygiene that are devoid of parabens, dyes, fragrances and the like;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • avoid nervous breakdowns and stressful situations;
  • monitor weight and actively fight extra pounds.

In addition, in order to avoid urinary incontinence in old age, it is advisable for women to perform a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum, as well as periodically visit specialists with preventive visits.

Urinary incontinence is a common urological problem that manifests itself most often in elderly patients. With the symptoms of the disease, a properly selected drug will help to cope. The tactics of treatment will depend on the cause that caused the development of the pathological phenomenon. Consider the most effective means for the treatment of the disease and the features of their use.

How to choose a medicine?

Urinary incontinence may occur due to the most different reasons. The risk of developing the disease increases significantly with age.

Among the predisposing factors, the following should be noted:

  • hormonal changes (in women, estrogen production is reduced);
  • age-related changes in the prostate gland in men;
  • the presence of prostate adenoma;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • weakness of the pelvic floor muscles;
  • the presence of excess weight;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diabetes;
  • a history of operations performed on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • severe neurological diseases;
  • mental disorders.

What medicines are used for treatment?

Pills for urinary incontinence are chosen depending on the type of ailment. In medical practice, imperative and stress types are most common. In the first case, incontinence occurs due to increased activity Bladder. Even with its slight filling, there is an unbearable urge to urinate. Stress incontinence is associated with a malfunction of the muscle (weakness) responsible for the urethra, the sphincter.

To relieve inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, antispasmodics are prescribed: Spasmex, Driptan, Enablex, Vezikar, Oxybutynin. This group of drugs allows you to control nerve impulses passing in the walls of the bladder, and increases the time interval between urges.

Anticholinergic drugs can affect the contractile activity of muscles in old age, this ailment is very common. For effective treatment as part of complex therapy it is recommended to take hormonal and sedative medications. Among antidepressants, drugs such as Imipramine, Duloxetine should be noted.

Means "Driptan"

The French drug for urinary incontinence contains oxybutynin (the active ingredient), anhydrous lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and calcium stearate. The drug has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, reduces the frequency of the urge to urinate. Tablets can be used for those caused by neurogenic disorders, as well as for idiopathic detrusor dysfunctions. According to the instructions, the drug will be effective in therapy older than 5 years.

The recommended daily dose of the drug is 10-15 mg (2-3 tablets). From urinary incontinence in the elderly, "Driptan" is usually used in combination with other medicines. In this case, dosage adjustment will also be required.

Side effects and contraindications

According to reviews, the pills really effectively deal with the problem. However, in many patients, the drug causes allergic reactions, diarrhea, dizziness, insomnia, nausea.

Contraindications include pathological conditions such as ulcerative colitis, myasthenia gravis, angle-closure glaucoma, intestinal atony, gastrointestinal obstruction, obstructive uropathy, increased bleeding tendency.

Urinary incontinence drug "Vesikar"

The drug is available in the form of tablets containing 5 or 10 mg of the active substance solifenacin succinate. it specific inhibitor membrane proteins that are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses.

With frequent urination, overactive bladder, you can take this drug. From urinary incontinence, tablets are drunk once a day (5 mg). In some cases, the dose is increased to 10 mg. The medicine based on it has an anticholinergic and antispasmodic effect.

Urinary incontinence is very unpleasant problem any age. It should be noted that it can also appear in Naturally, this pathology causes nervous stress, reduces a person’s self-esteem, and makes his life uncomfortable. If doctors detect the elderly, treatment should be carried out after a thorough examination and establishment of the causes of the pathology.

The disease is a difficulty in controlling urination, that is, it often occurs spontaneously. It can appear due to any inflammatory processes of the kidneys, bladder or other organs. Stress, muscle weakness, irreversible age-related changes in the genitourinary system can also provoke incontinence. And the malfunction of the central nervous system, taking certain drugs, trauma to the pelvic organs, diabetes mellitus, a tumor, gynecological operations, menopause, hormonal disruptions.

In elderly women, the treatment of which should be mandatory, is determined not only by symptoms, but also clinical examination, urodynamic study, ultrasound procedure. Naturally, the patient should receive a consultation from a gynecologist and pass all the necessary tests.

If the doctor determines urinary incontinence in older women, the treatment he prescribes should be comprehensive. Conservative drug therapy involves taking certain drugs, depending on the causes, disease-causing. For example, if a woman experiences nervous strain or stress, it is necessary to take sedative medications, antidepressants. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs such as Oxybutynin, Tolterodine.

If urinary incontinence is found in older women, treatment may include surgical intervention. It is carried out only if other methods of troubleshooting the problem have not helped. The intervention is characterized by the fact that through a small incision in the urethra, the urinary canal is fixed with a special polypropylene mesh. It should be noted that this method of treatment is not very traumatic and involves a quick recovery period.

Urinary incontinence in the elderly should be eliminated not only with the help of tablets. The patient should give up all bad habits, adjust the regimen and diet, try to visit the toilet every few hours during the day. It is not necessary to drink too much liquid at night, although it should not be disturbed.

If doctors find urinary incontinence in the elderly, treatment may also include folk remedies. by the most simple recipe is this: 1 small spoonful of honey should be stirred in half a glass of warm water. You need to drink this remedy several times a day before meals. In addition, try to avoid those factors that can cause pathology. Drive as much as possible healthy lifestyle life.

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