How to get rid of residual cough in a child. Causes and signs of residual cough. Distinctive features of residual cough

Often the result of a respiratory or bronchopulmonary disease the child has a cough. This unhealthy symptom is called residual cough, which is treated with drugs and alternative medicine methods.

Causes and symptoms of residual cough

Respiratory manipulations are most effectively carried out using a nebulizer. For treatment solution should be used pharmaceutical preparations, mineral water, soda remedy. As an additional ingredient for inhalation, you can use aromatic oils that have an antitussive effect:

  • fir;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pine;
  • cedar.

In the absence of a nebulizer, inhalations are done over a container with medicinal solution covered with a towel. It is recommended to prepare a liquid for inhalation of vapors from herbal ingredients: hypericum, .


For treatment residual cough children are actively used. Their action is to stimulate blood circulation, which helps to restore damaged tissues.

Important! Babies under one year old are forbidden to put compresses. After all, when leaving bronchial mucus the child will not be able to cough it up.

For compresses use cabbage leaf, potato cakes, cottage cheese, but the most effective ingredient is honey. If the child is not allergic to bee products, you can prepare such a compress:

  • warm up the honey liquid state in a water bath;
  • soak a gauze bandage in the resulting mixture;
  • it is necessary to put a compress to the child on the chest area for half an hour.
  • Strengthen the child's immunity to prevent residual cough
    • ensure the required level of humidity and temperature range in the room;
    • do not overheat the child;
    • ventilate the room several times a day;
    • do not allow the child to come into contact with allergens;
    • strengthen the baby's immunity.

    Need to keep an eye on enough liquid consumed by the child, because it helps to thin the sputum. Doctors advise drinking homemade cranberry juice, which has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, lowers body temperature. Also useful containing high concentration ascorbic acid.

    Compliance simple rules will reduce the recurrence of residual effects.

    Residual cough after bronchitis or SARS is considered the norm in case of a weak manifestation of the symptom. If coughing persists for a long time, seek medical advice. medical assistance, because the similar condition can lead to serious complications.

    You will need

    • - eucalyptus,
    • - wild rosemary,
    • - plantain,
    • - coltsfoot,
    • - yarrow,
    • - sequence,
    • - essential oils fir, eucalyptus, cedar, sage, pine and lavender,
    • - potato,
    • - soda,
    • - pork suet,
    • - badger fat,
    • - black radish,
    • - honey,
    • - fir cones.


    Residual cough is painful because it does not go away for a long time and torments its owner for a month or more. If you passed full course traditional treatment medicines cough, but the problem remains, it is worth resorting to treatment with means traditional medicine. Thankfully, there are many effective recipes treatment of persistent residual cough.

    It is necessary to deal with sputum in a comprehensive manner, which means that the problem will have to be solved both from the outside and from the inside. Continue to take inhalations and cough medicine prescribed by your doctor, for example, Lazolvan or Berodual. Alternate such procedures with inhalations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. When conducting them, you can use eucalyptus, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, plantain, yarrow and succession. If your inhaler does not provide for the use of herbal decoctions, breathe over the teapot, adding fir, eucalyptus, cedar, sage, pine or lavender essential oil to the water.

    In the treatment of cough, physiotherapy is indicated, but if you do not have the opportunity to go for warming up, you can successfully be treated at home, using the most common potatoes for this. Boil a few potato tubers in their skins, put them on dense fabric and mash with a fork, forming two cakes. Add some baking soda to potatoes. Someone should help you and lay out the fabric with the cakes strictly between the shoulder blades. Roll over onto your back and cover yourself with a blanket. Lie in bed until the potatoes have completely cooled. Do the procedure 1-2 times a day.

    A warm compress should also be applied to the chest and feet. To do this, you can use lard or badger fat. Spread bacon or fat on the chest and feet, wrap with wax paper and wrap something warm. It is recommended not to remove such a compress throughout the night.

    A time-tested cough treatment recipe, black radish with honey. Cut off the top of the radish, make a hole in the vegetable and fill it with honey. The juice that appeared in a day, take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Spruce cones will help to cope with residual cough. 2 tbsp. l. crushed fir cones place in a thermos overnight and pour 2 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain the composition, add honey and drink the whole infusion during the day.

    Combine this cough treatment with massage. You will also need an assistant for this. Accept horizontal position face down with a small pillow under the pelvis. This is necessary so that the upper half of the body is located in an inclined position. Now let someone from your home on your back, in the area of ​​the bronchi, moving up. Such a massage will contribute to a better discharge of sputum. Do not forget to soften the nasopharyngeal mucosa: rinse it with a solution sea ​​water and instill in the nose sea buckthorn or sterile Vaseline oil.

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    Cough can disturb a person who has already recovered from the disease for about two months. It's connected with hypersensitivity bronchi, which react sharply to any changes in temperature and humidity. It needs to be cured completely.

    You will need

    • - saline or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden);
    • - sage, chamomile, licorice root, marshmallow, etc.;
    • - lard or badger fat;
    • - milk and honey;
    • - honey and apple cider vinegar;
    • - sea buckthorn or sterile vaseline oil.


    Do inhalations. To restore normal work bronchi, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate conditions - sufficient moisture. The easiest way to achieve this is by making daily inhalations - wet steam enters the mucous membrane and stimulates the cilia. As a remedy, you can use a solution or decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden). Immediately after inhalation, you can not go outside, you should sit in a room with room temperature.

    Drink herbal preparations. Specially selected compositions of several herbs help to normalize the functioning of the bronchi, but the duration of such therapy can be impressive - up to several weeks. Usually sage, chamomile, licorice root, marshmallow, etc. are used to treat residual.

    Why does the child have a residual cough

    Residual cough is observed in a child after bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis. It is observed already after all the symptoms have gone, the temperature has returned to normal, all the main signs of the disease have passed. In this case, the child periodically coughs without spitting out sputum. Such manifestations are called residual cough.

    Residual cough may appear for up to two weeks. AT this case becomes decisive children's immunity. In the event that ARVI is observed in a child for the sixth time a year, residual cough can be observed in him for up to three weeks.

    Causes residual cough pathogen infectious disease. The mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea is damaged by the virus, and it does not recover too quickly. For her full recovery must pass certain time. That is what constitutes the period of observation of residual cough.

    Residual cough after bronchitis in a child

    Residual cough after bronchitis gives the child a lot of trouble and requires appropriate treatment. Despite the fact that there is no immediate danger of coughing after bronchitis, there are two circumstances that make it necessary to take it seriously.

    First of all, it is often confused with the symptoms of bronchitis itself or its complications. In this case, the duration of the cough and the nature of its course are important. After bronchitis, it makes sense to periodically show the child to the doctor. In the event that the child has been coughing for more than three weeks, while the cough is dry, occurs in attacks, the possibility of whooping cough should be excluded.

    The duration of the cough after bronchitis suggests that there are malfunctions in the immune system. causing disease pathogenic microbes are perfectly deposited on the irritated bronchi of the child. He could catch the infection again if it is present in his team, whether it be a group kindergarten or class. It is better to keep the child at home until the cough is completely eliminated from him.

    Residual cough in a child after SARS

    Cough can be a residual phenomenon after an ARVI suffered by a child. It is observed because there is a violation normal process functioning of organs respiratory system the child and in his bronchi sputum is formed in the form of mucus. It is the presence of residual cough after SARS that is a guarantee of protection of the bronchi and trachea from sputum.

    residual cough after respiratory infection can be both dry and with phlegm. At the same time, the secreted sputum is thick and viscous, with impurities of mucus.

    A cough in a child can manifest itself in different ways. Coughing can be either inconspicuous or turn into a strong, persistent cough. In the latter case, the child may have a fever and feel worse. Residual cough after ARVI is most often manifested in children before school age.

    Residual cough in a child after tracheitis

    The main symptoms of tracheitis in a child are fatigue, weakness, fever. In their external absence, the child may experience a cough, which is one of the residual symptoms of the disease. This is observed in almost every second case. Residual cough in a child after tracheitis is manifested due to weakened immunity or individual characteristics child's body. Getting on the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi, the virus begins to actively multiply. Residual cough does not need any additional treatment, however time is needed for recovery.

    How long does a residual cough last in a child?

    Residual cough after an illness in a child is one of the normal phenomena. In about half of the reported cases, it lasts up to a month or longer. It all depends on the state of the child's body and the disease that he suffered. If it is observed after bronchitis, it should Special attention pay attention to the nature of the discharge when coughing. They should be light, the body temperature should not rise, and in general, the cough itself should tend to decrease.

    Children in preschool age they themselves cannot track the frequency of sputum discharge and spit it normally. In addition, they need more time to restore the bronchial mucosa. If you do not resort to additional methods treatment, sputum disappears after about a month.

    For children of primary school age, a shorter amount of time is required to eliminate the symptoms of residual cough. If no additional treatment is applied, their cough clears up within ten days on average. Treatment can cut this time in half.

    Residual cough in a child, how to treat?

    Pine buds on water or milk give good effect when used to treat residual cough in a child. Cooking medicinal infusion involves adding a tablespoon of boiling milk to half a liter pine buds. The fire is turned off and the infusion is carried out for an hour. To solder the child, a warm infusion is applied every two hours in a volume of 50 milliliters. Milk can be replaced with water, and Pine cones on spruce shoots.

    Badger fat is considered a good remedy traditional medicine for the treatment of residual cough in a child. Preschool children are recommended only for its external use. Fat is rubbed on the skin on the back of the child, on the abdomen, shoulders, chest and legs. After this, the child must be covered warmly and put to bed. After he sweats well, you need to change his underwear.

    For children over seven years old, badger fat can be recommended for oral use in a teaspoon three times a day. Can be dissolved in warm milk and give the child with honey, it will be healthy and tasty. If a child is allergic to such drinking components, you can buy him badger fat at a pharmacy.

    Except badger fat you can also use sheep, as well as goose. The intake of such fats is carried out according to the same principle as the use in medicinal purposes badger fat.

    Often, after suffering respiratory or bronchopulmonary diseases in children, it continues to be present. Such a symptom is considered a residual phenomenon. It is important for parents to know whether this symptom needs to be treated and in what cases.

    For the treatment of residual cough in children, various drugs are prescribed. medications, alternative therapies are used, including inhalation.

    What is residual cough and what are its symptoms?

    residual cough in medical terminology called, which continues after suffering a cold or diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

    During the period of illness, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are affected and progress in them. inflammatory processes. When the disease passes and its symptoms disappear, the mucosa needs some time to recover. Residual cough can last from one to three weeks.In frequent cases, this phenomenon goes away on its own, so many doctors claim that special treatment not required.

    But there are times when such a cough turns into a chronic illness.

    This usually happens when the disease is not completely cured - sputum remains and inflammatory foci. That's why given state needs to be treated.

    The main symptoms of residual cough in children include:

    1. Not deep cough without the formation of sputum, which manifests itself periodically, most often after the child wakes up.
    2. No elevated temperature.
    3. Cough is not accompanied by a runny nose and other symptoms of colds.

    After the disease, it is important to monitor the child - if the cough gradually disappears, then there is no need to treat it. But when the symptom intensifies, then action must be taken. To do this, you need to consult a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In addition, alternative therapies are considered effective for residual cough. Also effective method is holding .

    AT without fail you need to show the child to the doctor in case of a temperature that has risen after the disease, pain in the sternum, sputum with blood and paroxysmal cough. These symptoms indicate that the disease is not cured, which means that serious consequences can develop.

    Medical treatment

    For more fast cleansing respiratory tract from sputum with residual cough, specialists prescribe various medical preparations. The choice of such funds depends on what kind of cough is observed in the child.

    When wet, apply, when dry -. Medicines that have an enveloping effect are also used.

    To reduce irritation of the mucous membranes and eliminate residual effects, the following are considered effective:

    • Tusuprex is a dry cough medicine that blocks cough reflexes. Children under seven years of age daily dose becomes 40 milligrams.
    • - effectively promotes the removal of mucus. Produced in the form injection solutions, syrup, tablets, lozenges.
    • Libexin - has an anesthetic and antispasmodic effect. Great for dry barking coughs.

    With a dry cough, drugs such as Erespal in syrup, Omnitus, Fluditec, Libeksin are used. When a child has a small amount sputum is removed from the respiratory tract, mucolytics are used:

    • Bromhexine
    • Ambrobene

    Funding also helps plant-based which are safer for children. Therefore, medicines such as psyllium syrup are often prescribed.For increase defensive forces a child after a disease, it is necessary to use vitamin-mineral complexes. Children are recommended Univit, Vitrum, Alphabet, Complivit.

    Folk remedies are considered effective medicines for rare manifestations of residual cough. For children in such cases, the following alternative therapy is recommended:

    1. Homemade cough drops made with mint and ginger. For this burnt sugar mixed with powdered ingredients. This remedy relieves sore throat and relieves coughing attacks.
    2. Black radish juice with honey. To make such a remedy, you should cut the core of the vegetable and pour honey into the formed bowl. This medicine has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect and is a valuable source of vitamins, which boosts the child's immune system.
    3. - a valuable product that prevents growth and reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, contributes to the enveloping and moisturizing of the mucosa. It is taken alone or diluted with milk. Besides. Rubbing the sternum with this healing product is recommended.
    4. Drinking milk with soda. Boil 250 grams of milk and add a teaspoon of soda to it. It is recommended to drink the remedy before going to bed.
    5. Aloe and honey. This mixture quickly relieves cough, stimulates the immune system, and eliminates pathogenic bacteria.
    6. Milk with pine buds. To prepare this medicine, insist in the amount of one tablespoon in 0.5 liters of boiling milk. You need to use a little up to two times an hour.
    7. Decoctions of linden, licorice roots, rose hips, chamomile, raspberries, ginger, wild rosemary, help with residual coughing in children.

    At home, it is recommended to do warm-ups with. Paraffin, honey cakes, various warming compresses are used for this purpose. Can be rubbed to relieve cough chest child camphor oil and turpentine.

    Inhalation for residual cough

    One of effective methods in the treatment of residual cough, inhalation procedures are considered. They can be carried out in the usual way: over any container, covering your head with a towel, inhaling healing vapors.

    However, the most effective and safe method is inhalation using .

    For the inhalation method of treatment, the following agents can be used:

    • physiological solutions.
    • Mineral water Borjomi.
    • Soda solution.
    • Medicines (Ambrobene, ACC, Lazolvan,).
    • A couple of mashed potatoes.

    Essential oils have a good cough effect: eucalyptus, mint, pine, chamomile, fir, rosemary, sage, lavender, cedar. A few drops of aromatic oil are added to saline or ordinary hot water.

    1. Ensure optimal humidity and air temperature.
    2. Regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located.
    3. Avoid contact with allergens and other mucosal irritants.
    4. Set up the right one drinking regimen children.
    5. Coordinate treatment methods with a specialist and follow all his instructions.
    6. Provide a rational and balanced diet.
    7. Strengthen the child's immune system by hardening and taking vitamins.

    Treatment colds left behind, but you still can't get rid of the cough? The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in a child after SARS recovers slowly and, together with a weakened immune system, an unpleasant residual cough appears. How dangerous is it to health and how to cure a cough in a child?

    Why does residual cough happen in children?

    To cure a viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia is only the first stage on the road to recovery. Weakened by disease children's body, especially after taking antibiotics, it takes time to recover. And all the while sensitive bronchi apply the most common defense mechanism- a cough that prevents the airways from becoming clogged with phlegm, mucus or pus. Therefore, parents need to know the causes, symptoms and how to properly treat residual cough in a child.

    The reasons

    Persistent cough the child after past illness respiratory tract, refers to a variant of the norm rather than to a rare occurrence. To recover and develop immunity, the baby's body needs some time. The viruses remaining after the illness are no longer so strong, but still continue to irritate the bronchi and trachea, causing residual cough, which, when correct therapy should be gone in two or three weeks. Among other reasons, when a child coughing without temperature:

    • recurrence of an inflammatory or infectious disease;
    • reaction of the respiratory tract to contact with cold air, excessive physical activity;
    • allergy to dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke;
    • foreign body;
    • stress, nervousness;
    • rare disease stomach - gastroesophageal reflux.


    The situation, when there is a feeling that the cold is not going to go away and the child does not stop coughing for a long time, should alert the parents. At this moment, according to some signs, it is necessary to be able to determine where the beginning of a new disease is, and where the baby has stopped getting sick, and is only subject to residual effects. The most common symptoms persistent cough:

    • periodic manifestation of the residual phenomenon, when the cough itself is shallow, there is no sputum, it often appears in the morning;
    • there is no temperature, snot, intoxication and other signs of a cold;
    • within three weeks after completion of the course of therapy, the cough becomes less intense and rare;
    • the immune system the baby, recovering, weakens the cough and copes with it, even without treatment.

    When is a cough dangerous in a child after an illness?

    Fear should be caused by a situation when a child has a ringing cough for a month, a temperature has appeared, or the baby complains of pain. One must be able to distinguish any of these symptoms from residual effects and, if suspected, contact a pediatrician so that the baby passes additional examination. What is the danger of prolonged or persistent cough in children? Behind this may be the development chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, or a chest injury that makes inhalation and exhalation painful, tuberculosis begins. In these cases, serious health care.

    How to treat residual cough

    If there is confidence that these are residual effects after suffering ARVI or some other viral infection, then medical treatment may not be needed. After a few weeks, the respiratory system normalizes, the mucous membrane clears up and the residual cough will pass if you often ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, and use an ultrasonic humidifier. Then how to treat residual cough in a child? Quickly get rid of an obsessive cough will help folk remedies, inhalation, special occasions- taking medications.

    Medical treatment

    To Airways the baby is cleared of phlegm or mucus that accumulates with a cold faster, a treatment program to eliminate residual effects may include medication. By the nature of the cough and general assessment state of the child’s body, the pediatrician will prescribe thinners (dry cough) or expectorants ( moist cough) agents or preparations with spasmodic or enveloping properties. Reduce mucosal irritation and deal with residual effects help:

    Folk remedies

    If the child coughs heavily, then the conspiracy is unlikely to help influence the process. Among the folk remedies there are others healthy recipes that help remove dry frequent cough in a child with decoctions prepared in a special way products, compresses. How to cure residual cough in a child folk methods:

    • Warm drink with milk, and this product is combined with honey, soda, butter, figs, goat fat, mineral water. A tablespoon of another ingredient is taken for one glass of heated liquid, and milk is diluted with mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1. Such treatment of cough in children with the help of folk remedies is considered the most popular, and if given warm drink baby at night, it helps to improve sleep, remove barking cough, cure throat.
    • Egg yolks ground with sugar (chicken, quail) are a well-known eggnog. If a child coughs up to vomit, a whistle is heard, then this folk remedy will not help, but soften hard cough such a sweet treatment under the force. To make the taste even more pleasant, honey, cocoa, citrus juice are added to the pounded yolks, but on condition that the baby is not allergic to these products. To prepare a portion, you need to take one yolk and a tablespoon of granulated sugar, grind thoroughly to a lush white mass, and then add any of additional ingredients up to a teaspoon.
    • Herbal infusions are prepared in the evening, a thermos is used for this, and the proportions are simple: 1 tbsp is taken per glass of boiling water. l. vegetable raw materials. To treat cough in children faster, take chamomile for infusion, Linden blossom, hypericum, sage, green cones.
    • Instead of mustard plasters and ready pharmaceutical ointments it is better to do rubbing at night if the child has a wet cough, with pork, goat, badger, bear fat, and then wrap the baby well.
    • Compresses are another good folk remedy if the child does not have a dry cough for a long time, and boiled and mashed potatoes, bread crumb, cabbage leaf with honey are suitable for the procedure.

    Inhalation with dry cough without fever


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