How not to get rotavirus infection at sea. Prevention of rotavirus infections at sea in children: simple rules and useful recommendations

In what places is rotavirus infection found, where, is it possible to get infected and how to protect a child? The virus has a lot of ways of distribution, the main one is oral-fecal, sometimes airborne. The causative agent of the infection is found in water, land, household items and personal use, as well as on unwashed vegetables and fruits. Rotavirus is not afraid of temperature changes and cold weather, so infection of a child occurs at any time of the year. However, as practice shows, most often a child catches an infection on vacation, near the sea.

Is the child often sick?

your child constantly sick?
A week in kindergarten (school), two weeks at home on sick leave?

Many factors are to blame for this. From bad ecology, to weakening of immunity with ANTIVIRAL DRUGS!
Yes, yes, you heard right! By stuffing your child with powerful synthetic drugs, you sometimes do more harm to a small organism.

In order to radically change the situation, it is necessary not to destroy the immune system, but to HELP IT ...

Rotavirus: the effect of infection

A viral infection can seriously spoil the impression of a vacation, especially for a child. As a rule, the infection acts on the body quite harshly, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms. Once in the body of a child, the infection goes through an incubation period, in most cases a short one - 1-2 days. After this time, parents can observe the following signs of the disease:

  • an infectious child complains of nausea, vomiting appears;
  • change in bowel movements - diarrhea;
  • discomfort, colic in the intestines;
  • weakness, fever, lack of appetite.

The main localization of pathogenic microorganisms is the upper sections of the small intestine. The virus infects the intestinal cells, thereby provoking the development of the pathological process.

Prevention of rotavirus

Almost everyone suffers a rotavirus infection at an early age, due to this, immunity to the cells of the pathogen is developed and re-infection with the virus proceeds without pronounced signs. Children under the age of 5-6 years have a more vulnerable immune system, so infection with rotavirus, both primary and repeated, is more difficult to endure.

The most unpleasant problem that occurs against the background of rotavirus is a disruption of the intestines, the recovery of which takes a long time. Preventive measures for rotavirus infection are not complicated and mainly relate to personal hygiene.

Preliminary preventive measures

In order for the virus to settle in the child's intestines and begin its pathological process, it needs to enter the body through the oral cavity. Typically, this occurs through dirty hands, household items, and through food such as fresh, poorly washed fruit. To select the most effective preventive measures, it is necessary to consider various situations.

Initial preventive measures

On vacation, the main place of infection with rotavirus is the sea. Therefore, the child must be protected by explaining in an accessible way that during bathing it is necessary to exclude the ingestion of sea water, and if this happens, inform the parents as soon as possible. Next, you need to carry out emergency prevention, the methods of which we describe below.

The next route of infection is drinking untreated water (from the tap) and eating fruits / vegetables that have undergone poor processing. Fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed, then poured over with boiling water.

Why is my child's immune system weakened?

Many people are familiar with these situations:

  • As soon as the season of colds begins - your child is bound to get sick and then the whole family...
  • It seems that you are buying expensive drugs, but they only work while you are drinking them, and after a week or two baby gets sick again...
  • Are you worried that your child's immune system is weak very often disease takes precedence over health ...
  • Afraid of every sneeze or cough...

    It is necessary to strengthen YOUR CHILD'S IMMUNITY!

Next, you need to pay attention to bed linen, because as a rule, when parents with children come to rest, they rent rooms in hotels. Unfortunately, not all hotels use linen disinfection methods, so it is better to take your own kit.

What else you need to know about rotavirus infection is a disease of "dirty hands", so teach your child to wash them thoroughly after the street. It will not be superfluous to use antibacterial agents (gels, wipes), especially after swimming in the sea or playing with sand.

Basic rules for protecting a child from rotavirus

You can talk about preventive measures that protect against rotavirus for a long time. Therefore, experts have identified a number of rules that must be followed on vacation with a child so as not to get sick:

  • try not to plunge into the ode with your head to prevent it from being swallowed;
  • after contact with the sea, sand, outerwear (swimsuit / swimming trunks), wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, apply an antibacterial agent;
  • use your own set of linen or thoroughly steam the given one;
  • remind your child about hygiene rules as often as possible and keep his hands clean.

By adhering to such simple rules, the risks of infection are significantly reduced, but not completely eliminated. For this reason, parents need to know about emergency prevention methods in order to prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Emergency prevention of rotavirus

Prevention of the emergency nature of rotavirus infection at sea is to stop the further development of the pathogen in the child's body. As a rule, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed to increase the protective functions of the immune system in the fight against the virus. It is not recommended to prescribe medications to a child on their own, but if it is not possible to consult a doctor, you can use the available drugs - Linex or Nifuroxazide.

Do not forget that rotavirus provokes a severe violation of bowel movements, namely diarrhea. To eliminate such a symptom, it is necessary to take sorbents, for example, Smektu and solutions to restore the water-salt balance in the body - Regidron.

Prevention and treatment of infection at sea

The most effective method of preventing rotavirus infection in children is vaccination. Today there are several types of vaccines:

  1. РВ1 (introduced 2 times);
  2. PB5 (introduced 3 times).

The first dose of the drug should be started as early as possible, the recommended age of the child is 6 weeks. Further, the drug is administered after 16 weeks.

Vaccination enhances the protective functions of the immune system, which avoids infection, completely or reduces symptoms to a minimum.

The first type of vaccine is highly effective against type A virus, the second one protects against several. Vaccine preparations are available in the form of drops, so they are convenient to use for children of any age. The Ministry of Health highly appreciates the effectiveness of these funds. According to medical studies, vaccination protects a child by 75% from infection and 92% from the development of severe symptoms.

Vaccination of a child is the main form of prevention, in comparison with other methods, it guarantees the highest percentage of protection.

A sharp change in climate, for example, on the Black Sea, can adversely affect the child's body, therefore, even when vaccinated, you should take care of the following nuances:

  • in the first days of rest, the child's stay in the water and in the sun should be minimal;
  • pay attention to nutrition, give the child only bottled water;
  • do not change the baby's diet, exclude the use of foods that are not familiar to him, thus preventing malfunctions in the intestines;
  • at sea, refuse to use dairy products, they increase the risk of infection with rotavirus;
  • before the trip, consult a pediatrician, a specialist will help you choose the necessary drugs for the trip.

Treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic. To date, a single drug capable of fighting this infection has not been developed.

The main treatment for rotavirus infection in children

If the infection is taken by surprise, how to treat it? As mentioned above, the treatment of the infection is symptomatic, since there is no drug whose action is aimed solely at stopping the virus. Therapeutic methods are aimed at eliminating the disruption of the intestines, stopping vomiting and normalizing the stool.

With the development of intoxication of the body, in no case should the child be given dairy and sour-milk products. It is they who will provoke an even greater development of the pathological process.

During the period of exacerbation of the infection, the child's appetite decreases or disappears altogether. Do not force the child to take food, limit the diet to homemade jelly or light chicken broth. Portions of food should be as small as possible to prevent a gag reflex.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to treat rotavirus infection with the help of sorbent preparations (activated carbon, Attapulgite), as well as rehydration agents. The preparation of rehydron is dissolved in 500 ml of water and the child is given 50 ml every hour, during the day.

We bring down the temperature with rotavirus

Rotavirus infection is almost always accompanied by an increase in the central body temperature, on average up to 38 degrees. In the case when the child tolerates this symptom satisfactorily, then there is no need to resort to taking antipyretics. When the temperature rises to 39 degrees, doctors recommend Cefekon suppositories, suitable for children under 3 years old. For older patients, Paracetamol is allowed, dosing according to the instructions. In some cases, when the temperature cannot be brought down to an acceptable level, it is possible to use Paracetamol with Analgin (a quarter of a tablet).

In addition to medical treatment, wet rubdowns with a vodka solution or vinegar are added. It is necessary to apply solutions to the entire body of the child, avoiding temperature differences between areas of the skin.

Enterofuril has a good therapeutic effect. The tool actively fights against the disruption of the digestive tract and stabilizes body temperature. If necessary, you can replace Enterol.

When a rotavirus infection is accompanied by pain in the gastrointestinal tract, the child is given 1 ml of No-shpa solution, after diluting it with a teaspoon of water or tea.

Rotavirus infection is accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. After the main treatment, you will need a course of drugs that eliminate dysbacteriosis. For the treatment of childhood dysbacteriosis, the following drugs are allowed: Hilak forte, Linex, Normobact (allowed for infants).

It might be interesting:

If a child is constantly sick, his immunity DOES NOT WORK!

The human immune system is designed to resist viruses and bacteria. In babies, it is still not fully formed and does not work to its full potential. And then there's the parents "finish off" the immune system with antiviral agents, accustoming him to a relaxed state. The poor ecology and the wide distribution of different strains of the influenza virus make their contribution. It is necessary to temper and pump the immune system and you need to do this IMMEDIATELY!

How to protect yourself from rotavirus infection at sea worries many people who are going on a trip with children.

All people experience bacterial or viral infections during their lifetime.

But a disease that occurs in an adult or a child on vacation is especially dangerous, since medical care can be provided late.

A feature of rotavirus infection is the ability of a person to develop immunity to it, therefore, it can only be re-infected with a severe impairment of health.

General characteristics of rotavirus

Rotavirus infection is a serious disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Mostly rotavirus infection affects children under the age of 3 years.

The severity of the course of rotavirus infection depends on the state of human health. In nature, the causative agents of this disease are widespread.

Moreover, the virus is able to mutate, infecting more and more people, since the developed immunity to one strain does not work on another.

You can understand that a person could become infected with a rotavirus infection by certain symptoms:

  • deterioration or loss of appetite;
  • the occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea;
  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • body heat.

Rotavirus infection has a certain difference from other gastrointestinal infections - it is a catarrhal syndrome.

In humans, in addition to the main signs of the disease, nasal congestion, cough, inflammation of the larynx mucosa are observed.

Against the background of recurring exhausting vomiting, loose stools and fever with increased sweating, a patient with rotavirus infection very quickly loses large volumes of fluid.

He becomes lethargic, weakened, small children act up. This condition is very dangerous for people, dehydration should be avoided if possible.

Features of the body (lack of weight, chronic diseases, severe illnesses suffered in the near past) can lead to complications in the course of rotavirus infection.

Such cases require immediate hospitalization in the infectious diseases department.

More often it is necessary to put children with this disease in the hospital, because due to weak immunity and thin mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity of gastric juice, rotavirus infection is difficult for them to treat.

You can get rotavirus infection at home and at sea. The main ways the virus enters the body:

  • fecal-oral route - infection occurs due to dirty hands, eating unwashed foods, unboiled water;
  • airborne droplets - coughing or sneezing contributes to the spread of sputum and saliva for several meters around the patient.

If a person with rotavirus infection has vomiting and diarrhea, then before the arrival of the ambulance, he must be given plenty of fluids.

If you have a fever that accompanies the illness, you can give Ibuprofen or another antipyretic.

For soldering, you can make a special solution: dilute one bag of Regidron in a liter of boiled water and give it one spoonful every 5 minutes.

If children refuse salt water, then they can be given mineral water, having previously rid it of gas.

To do this, mineral water must be poured into a saucepan, put on a divider, lying on a small fire, and slowly stir.

If vomiting persists, you can inject an antiemetic prescribed by your doctor. Gradually, the loss of fluid with vomit will stop.

How not to get sick with rotavirus on vacation?

During the holidays, people rush to relax in the mountains or at the sea. But it is there that you can get rotavirus infection.

To prevent illness, you can take a first aid kit with you to the sea, complete with antidiarrheal and antimicrobial drugs.

Prevention of rotavirus infection is especially important - we must not forget about the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation.

All parents are interested in what measures should be taken at sea in order to protect themselves and their children from getting sick or getting infected with rotavirus again.

In fact, it is very difficult to protect people from getting sick, especially during holidays at sea.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements does not guarantee that infection with rotavirus infection will not occur.

This virus is very resistant to detergents and temperature extremes. People who have been ill with rotavirus infection can be carriers of the virus for another month.

In trying to protect family members from rotavirus infection, it is necessary to understand that prevention is of great importance.

The effective way to prevent the disease is a vaccine. It does not pose any danger to a person and does not negatively affect his body.

Vaccination is carried out by instillation of the solution into the mouth.

But while relaxing at sea, it is necessary to reduce the risk of contracting rotavirus infection.

When planning a vacation, it is advisable to take a course of rehabilitation therapy for existing chronic diseases in advance, especially for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

At sea, the following steps must be taken:

  • drink boiled water and milk;
  • eat only fresh and high-quality food;
  • sterilize utensils from which babies are fed;
  • wash the products well with running water;
  • wash hands after the street and the toilet;
  • take disinfectants with you to the beach - napkins, gels;
  • Wash and wash toys regularly.

When swimming in the sea, you need to close your mouth so as not to swallow water. It is also better not to dive, because water can enter the stomach through the nose.

Don't buy hand-me-down food from passing vendors and local markets if it's kept outside of refrigerators.

It is necessary to ensure that children do not play with other people's toys. It is advisable to swim in the sea when there are not too many people or choose sparsely populated places.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to regularly wet clean the room, wash toys, process household items and ventilate the room.

Compliance with all of the above rules (vaccination, cleaning of premises, following the rules of personal hygiene) will help reduce the risk of contracting rotavirus infection at sea.

Order of progression and drug therapy

A person with a rotavirus infection wakes up tired and lethargic in the morning, vomiting is possible. Appetite disappears, and a small amount of food provokes new urge to vomit.

To these signs are added fever (39 degrees), lasting up to five days, and diarrhea. In this situation, it is necessary to remove all dairy products from the diet.

To replenish the amount of ions in the blood, you need to prepare a solution of Regidron (dissolve 1 sachet in 1 liter of boiled water).

Large portions of liquid can provoke vomiting, so it is necessary to give it to drink 50 ml per hour. The first 2-3 days you need to follow a diet: porridge on the water, chicken broth, jelly and compotes.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, then it must be reduced. For this, suppositories of Cefecon, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Brufen are suitable.

Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for medicines. But it is not necessary to reduce the heat below 38 degrees, since the rotavirus infection dies at these temperature parameters.

In some cases, wiping with a wet towel soaked in vinegar solution is effective. The entire body should be wiped, after the procedure it is not necessary to wrap the patient.

To reduce pain in the abdominal cavity, you can use No-shpu, preferably in the form of intramuscular injections.

Enterofuril or Enterol is used to stop the development of associated pathogenic bacteria. The dosage is selected according to the instructions.

To stop diarrhea that occurs with rotavirus infection, Smecta is used (2 sachets per 0.5 cup of water). Vomiting and diarrhea in this disease may not go away for 3 to 6 days.

To quickly restore the optimal ratio of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the stool, Baktisubtil is used, the rules for taking: dissolve 1 capsule in 0.5 cups of water and drink 1 hour before meals, 2 times a day. The drug should be used after the weakening of the attacks of vomiting.

A patient with rotavirus infection is constantly sleepy, there is no need to disturb him. But it is necessary to ensure that the sick person receives a sufficient amount of fluid.

Before using medications, as well as for an accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to call a doctor at home. He will prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

You should not self-diagnose, because the signs of the disease may be similar to those of other serious illnesses that require immediate medical attention.

Preventive measures are to comply with sanitary and hygienic rules and isolate the patient.

A long-awaited vacation, gentle warm sea, golden sand, vivid impressions - probably, a tourist thinks about this when setting off on a long-awaited trip. Behind the mass of positive emotions and pleasant anticipation, we sometimes forget that unpleasant surprises and even dangers, such as infections and viruses, can await us at sea. The most common virus that you can catch while on vacation is, of course, the insidious rotavirus.

Rotavirus in Russia and abroad

There is an erroneous opinion that, they say, an intestinal infection can only be caught in our “terrible” Russian resorts, while abroad everything is top-notch. This is far from true! Rotavirus is found in Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Thailand and other popular seaside resorts. Keep in mind that treatment abroad is many times more expensive than at home.

Where does rotavirus come from?

The causative agent of the infection is found in water, earth, sand, household items, personal use and hygiene, as well as poorly washed vegetables, fruits, and poorly cooked food. This virus, unfortunately, is not afraid of temperature changes and therefore can take you by surprise at any time of the year, but most often in the summer.
Rotavirus at sea is quite easy to catch. This is facilitated by an environment favorable for the development of infection.

Rotavirus symptoms:

- nausea and vomiting
– diarrhea
- abdominal pain, colic
- Weakness and fever
- lack of appetite

How not to get sick with rotavirus at sea? (General rules)

In order to leave a good impression about your vacation, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of sanitary doctors, especially if you are traveling with a child, because children's immune system is much weaker than an adult's.

Here is a list of measures that you need to follow to protect yourself and loved ones from infection in the body:

  1. Vaccination. Get your child vaccinated against rotavirus.
  2. When swimming in the sea, avoid getting water in your mouth and intestines, try to supervise children so that they do not swallow water.
  3. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after bathing, contact with sand, pebbles, shells, if this is not possible, treat your hands and your children's hands with antibacterial agents.
  4. Drink and let the children drink bottled water.
  5. Avoid eating at questionable establishments and buying hand-me-downs on the beach.
  6. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with warm water.
  7. If possible, bring your own set of bed linen to the guest house.
  8. As often as possible, remind your child about the rules of hygiene and keep his hands clean.

The myth of the ineffectiveness of the rotavirus vaccine

Rotavirus infections most often affect children under 5 years of age. And the rotavirus vaccine for children at the age of 2 is already losing its effectiveness, and even more so it is useless for adults. If you did not decide on the procedure at an early age of the child, then when he grew up, there is no point in the vaccine.

  1. Try not to rest during the peak months of the holiday season. For Russia, for example, these are July and August. During this period, the largest number of tourists is observed, and reaches maximum levels.
  2. Avoid large and popular resorts during peak months. Do not swim in the bays (for example, as in)
  3. Ask the locals where they swim. They never swim on the central and crowded beaches, with rare exceptions.

What to do if you get rotavirus?

It is necessary to treat rotavirus infection with the help of sorbent preparations, for example, activated charcoal, as well as rehydration agents, such as Regidron. Bring down the temperature in young children with antipyretic suppositories, and for adults and older children, you can use drugs that include paracetamol. No-shpa will help to cope with pain in the abdomen. Rotavirus infection is accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. After the main treatment, you will need a course of drugs that eliminate dysbacteriosis. During treatment, in no case do not give children and do not consume milk and sour-milk products, as lactic ferments will provoke pathological processes even more.

Stock up on the necessary medicines in advance, otherwise you will have to overpay for all this at the resort (enjoy the delights of capitalism!))

Good luck to everyone, do not get sick and rest wisely!

Rotavirus at sea is one of the most common diseases. It is in the summer, during the heat, that excellent conditions are created for the reproduction of the infection. The carrier can be not only children, but also adults. This is a disease of dirty hands, that is, if the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, the child's body becomes a target for pathogens. The infection is difficult to tolerate in both children and adults. Pregnant women need to be especially careful, as this infection can trigger preterm labor.

The course of the disease depends on the immunity of the patient. In order to reduce the risk of infection, the following requirements must be observed:

  • during contact with the sea, sea water should not be swallowed;
  • it is forbidden to eat food that is sold on the beach;
  • be sure to wash your hands with running water and soap before eating or treat with special disinfectant solutions;
  • it is undesirable to exchange toys between children on the beach;
  • all toys should preferably be washed with soap when coming home;
  • do not allow children to drink or eat from the same dishes;
  • before going to sea, take preventive measures to prevent the disease.

Prevention of rotavirus infection at sea

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, eat only fresh food (preferably cooked by yourself). This is an infectious disease in which the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are affected. As a rule, children under three years of age are susceptible to rotavirus infection. If the baby is breastfed - that's great, in the summer you should not experiment much with food innovations.

Mom also needs to watch her diet. To reduce the risk of contracting rotavirus, do not share cutlery, drinkers, or toys with other children. All purchased vegetables and fruits are recommended to be thoroughly washed with running water and treated with boiling water, milk should be boiled before consumption. At the first suspicion of an infection, immediately go to the hospital for professional medical care.

The main signs of rotavirus in children

It is sometimes confused with simple poisoning or the flu. The main signs of the disease are:

  • acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • violation of the chair;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the throat;
  • runny nose, cough.

With the combination of all these symptoms, severe dehydration of the human body occurs. The baby does not sleep well, becomes irritable. The course of the disease is about 7 days, with proper treatment after this period the person recovers.

In addition, this virus stamp is prone to constant mutation, so there is no guarantee that a person will not become infected again if he had previously had a rotavirus infection. At the very beginning, rotavirus symptoms resemble the common cold, and not all parents proceed to the correct treatment. Therefore, the disease enters a more severe phase, which may require hospitalization.

The development of the virus in the body and the main types of treatment

Every fifth person encounters an infection at sea. After the rotavirus enters the body, there is a strong increase in body temperature, a stuffy nose or a cough may begin. This is called the incubation period and lasts several days. Then, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, and vomiting are added to these symptoms. But not always the infection causes a temperature, sometimes the disease proceeds without it.

Another characteristic manifestation of rotavirus is liquid yellow stools, it has a sharp and unpleasant odor. On average, a person is sick for about 2 weeks, and half of this time he is a potential carrier of rotavirus. Therefore, in order not to infect others, it is necessary to minimize communication and stay at home until complete recovery.

Treatment of rotavirus occurs by relieving the main symptoms. Doctors recommend at this time to take antipyretic drugs, enzyme compounds, drink plenty of fluids. It is imperative to adjust the nutritional norms: dishes should be boiled or steamed. It is not recommended to eat a lot, so as not to overload the stomach. For a while it is better to exclude fresh fruits, vegetables, meat.

Be sure to drink preparations such as Regidron at sea to restore the water-ion balance. To stop the resulting diarrhea, appropriate medications are allowed. It would be useful to take sorbents, but all fermented milk products should be abandoned until complete recovery. If acute symptoms appear, you should contact a medical facility where the child will receive quality care.

Over the past few years, in the media, you can find unflattering reviews from people vacationing on the Black Sea. The reason for such conversations is the incidence of intestinal infections among tourists. Is it really? It is possible that this information is false and is being disseminated in order to reduce the number of vacationers on the coast. Otherwise, it is dangerous to spend holidays in the famous resorts of the Black Sea. How the situation is in reality, journalists and tourists who have been poisoned are trying to find out.

The incidence of intestinal infections in the Black Sea

Information about what is found in many vacationers appeared in 2012. Since then, this rumor has been spreading more and more every year. The presence of foci of infection in this area is indeed a big problem not only for vacationing tourists, but also threatens the health of local residents and affects the profits of owners of resort areas.

Everyone knows that the Black Sea has always been considered a great place to relax. Favorable climate and various amenities for tourists attract not only residents of Russia and Ukraine, but also people from other countries. In addition to recreation areas, there are many resorts and sanatoriums on the Black Sea coast. They are intended for people with chronic diseases. Therefore, the outbreak on the Black Sea coast is a large-scale problem. Nevertheless, it cannot remain unresolved, because not only resort owners, but also state authorities are interested in this.

Information about outbreaks of infections in the Black Sea: truth or myth?

The fact that an intestinal infection has appeared on the Black Sea coast is evidenced by a lot of people's reviews. Mostly complaining tourists who returned after a holiday and were dissatisfied with this situation. Some of them even conducted their own investigation and collected information from the head of the infectious diseases hospital and local authorities. However, people did not receive a reliable answer. Complaints about infection with infectious pathologies scare others who want to relax on the Black Sea. This has a significant impact on the economy of the country.

Despite cases of infection, there is no official confirmation of such information. Doctors say that infectious diseases are normal for the summer period. Especially if you take into account the number of fruits and vegetables sold at the resorts. In addition, many come to the hospital with ordinary poisoning. No one is insured against such cases, regardless of where a person is: on vacation or at home.

Despite this, people planning a vacation often ask themselves the question: where on the Black Sea coast is there no intestinal infection? Indeed, this topic is quite relevant. Especially if the infectious lesion of the intestine is associated with bacteria found in sea water. There is no confirmation of such information at the moment. But, if this turns out to be true, the owners of recreation areas will suffer big losses, and swimming in the sea will become dangerous for health.

What infections are found on vacation?

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast can be different. Especially if the cause of its development is not related to water contamination. The most common intestinal pathologies encountered on vacation in this region are diseases whose pathogens live in the sea. At the same time, people can become infected both while swimming and eating fish from this reservoir. There are the following types of infectious diseases:

All these diseases are acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, when eating sea fish, you can get a specific infection - opisthorchiasis. This disease adversely affects the cells of the liver and bile ducts.

Reasons for the development of intestinal infections during rest

Despite the fact that intestinal infection occurs on the Black Sea coast, its cause does not always lie in poor water quality. After all, the causative agents of pathologies can be anywhere. As the doctor of the infectious diseases hospital, located in one of the resort towns of the Black Sea, explains, most often patients come to the clinic with banal food poisoning. In this case, it is impossible to talk about the contamination of sea water. breed in vegetables and fruits, eggs, meat of poor quality. Transmission and spread of infection from sick people to healthy tourists is also possible. It is known that intestinal pathologies are highly contagious lesions.

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: symptoms of pathology

Signs of an infection acquired on the Black Sea coast may be different. It depends on the pathogen. However, all intestinal infections have similar symptoms. The main ailments that you can pick up include enterocolitis, dyspepsia and intoxication. People who have been infected experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • General weakness and fever.
  • Pain in the abdomen, localized in the lower and middle sections.
  • Diarrhea.
  • The appearance of impurities in the feces. With some infections, there is a discharge of blood, pus.

Specific signs of dysentery is pain in the left iliac region. Tenesmus is also observed - a false urge to defecate. With salmonellosis, the feces become green, reminiscent of “frog spawn”.

Diagnosis of infectious diseases of the intestine

Diagnosis criteria include diarrhea (intestinal emptying more than 10 times per day), fever, abdominal pain. It is important to distinguish diseases among themselves. After all, the choice of treatment depends on the causative agent of the pathology. To this end, pay attention to the change in feces (its appearance), localization and nature of pain. To identify the pathogen, biological fluids and excrement are sent for laboratory testing.

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: treatment of pathology

Such pathologies cause such dangerous disorders as loss of fluid from the body (with vomit, feces), changes in water-salt metabolism. This is the danger of an intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast. How to treat such a disease? Therapy should be aimed at combating the pathogen and correcting violations. The choice of drugs depends on the etiology of the infection. In some cases, treatment is carried out with the drug "Penicillin", "Metronidazole", "Ceftriaxone". To replenish the volume of fluid, it is recommended to take Regidron. In case of severe violations, an intravenous infusion of saline is performed, and the electrolyte balance is corrected.

To avoid infection, it is recommended to postpone the vacation on the Black Sea for 1 month. That is, to come to the resort before the opening of the season. People who relax at sea in May or early June do not complain about the development of infectious diseases. Unlike the tourists who came in July and August. It is also recommended not to take infants with you. Refrain from climate change should be people who have problems with the immune system, suffering from acute illnesses.

Prevention of intestinal infections in the Black Sea

Before going to the resort, you should consult with your family doctor. Doctors also need to be warned that, judging by the reviews of tourists, an intestinal infection may develop on the Black Sea coast. Prevention for those who decide to go on vacation is to perform the following activities. First, you must follow the rules of hygiene. It should be remembered that you can not swim in the presence of damage to the skin, during menstruation. Secondly, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed. In the presence of small children, products should be poured over with boiling water. Thirdly, you need to clean and wash the fish well, give it a thorough heat treatment. Drinking bottled water is recommended.

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