Staphylococcus epidermidis as transmitted. Diseases caused by staphylococci. Infection during pregnancy

The most common opportunistic bacterium is staphylococcus aureus. The microorganism can cause inflammation on the skin, affect subcutaneous tissue, affect the internal organs. To avoid a dangerous infection, it is important to know how staph is transmitted and whether it is contagious.

Staphylococcus can affect not only internal organs, but also the skin

Staphylococcus - what is it?

Staphylococcus (staphylococcus) is a gram-positive bacterium that is part of healthy microflora human skin. A small amount of opportunistic pathogens is also present in the nose and throat, which is normal.

At certain conditions(decreased immunity, concomitant diseases) the bacterium is capable of causing disruption of the functioning of any organ or system. Most often, the skin, intestines and genitourinary system suffer.

The severity of the lesion and the course of the staphylococcal infection depends on the type of pathogen:

  1. Saprophytic staphylococcus. The bacterium affects the genitourinary system of women, causing cystitis and kidney pathology. The localization of this type of bacteria is concentrated in the genitals and on the epithelium of the urinary canal.
  2. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common and harmful type of pathogenic microorganisms. The bacterium causes in adults and children purulent inflammation layers of the skin, can affect the liver, heart, blood vessels and brain.
  3. Epidermal staphylococcus. The bacterium is part of the normal microflora of the skin and all mucous membranes of a person. With strong immunity cutaneous staphylococcus aureus does no harm to health. If the pathogen enters the bloodstream with weakened body defenses, the focus of inflammation can develop in the heart (in the inner shell).

This infection is highly resistant to external factors and has a high resistance to antimicrobials. Because of this feature, pathogenic microorganisms are difficult to treat and require long-term therapy.

Causes of infection and routes of transmission

Epidermal and saprophytic pathogens are constantly present on human skin.

The cause of its entry into the blood can be any violation of the integrity of the skin:

  • scratches, abrasions, microcracks;
  • wounds after surgery.

The risk of contracting Staphylococcus aureus is much higher. This is due to the fact that the bacterium constantly lives in the external environment and freely passes from person to person.

Main routes of transmission:

  1. Medical instruments and equipment. You can become infected with staphylococcal infection during intravenous nutrition, ventilation of the lungs, hemodialysis. Most often, patients have a weakened immune system, so the bacteria, once in the body, immediately affect the internal organs.
  2. Food. Bacteria can be found on dairy products, cakes, eggs, meat. Once in the body, pathogenic microorganisms poison the intestines, causing severe intoxication of the body.
  3. Airborne (air-dust) way. Microorganisms are quickly transmitted between people through sneezing and coughing, and sometimes in order to get sick, it is enough to be close to the sick person.
  4. Household path. The causative agent of inflammatory processes withstands high and low temperatures, therefore, its presence on household items of a sick person is quite possible. It is important to wash your hands after any contact with other people's things.
  5. Nosocomial infections. The source of infection are patients with erased forms of staphylococcus aureus or staphylococcus carriers.
  6. Sexual infection. During unprotected sex, staphylococcus aureus moves from the carrier to a healthy person through the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.

Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted by airborne droplets

A favorable factor for the development of staphylococcal infection is reduced immunity. Associated viruses, including pathogens of dysbacteriosis, also favor the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

At childbirth

Children have high probability get infected in the hospital through any wounds or microtraumas during childbirth. As a result, the newborn may experience skin rashes purulent nature, damage to the lungs (pneumonia) and blood (pemphigus, sepsis).

A newborn can become infected through microtrauma

When breastfeeding

If a woman is infected, infection with staphylococcus aureus in infants occurs through breast milk. Once in the intestine, the bacterium can cause dysbacteriosis of varying severity in a child.

Staphylococcus can be transmitted to the child through mother's milk

It is possible to infect a mother from a child during breastfeeding. If bacteria from the baby's saliva enter the cracks in the nipples, staphylococcus provokes development in the breast severe inflammation, which develops into purulent mastitis.

Can you get infected through kissing?

Staphylococcal infection is transmitted through the mucous membranes. With saliva, pathogenic bacteria are able to pass from the carrier to a healthy person. Therefore, kissing is another way of transmitting staph.

Infection can be transmitted through kissing

Is the infection from a dog or cat?

Pets can be infected with staphylococcus aureus. In this case, the route of infection is an animal bite, in which saliva with bacteria enters the human body.

Animals are also susceptible to infection with staphylococcus aureus.

What is the danger of infection with staphylococcus aureus

Infection with staphylococcus threatens a person with the following consequences:

  • pathology of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • inflammation in the lungs (pneumonia);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis);
  • acute purulent processes internal organs(abscess, peritonitis);
  • inflammation in the brain (meningitis);
  • defeat gallbladder(cholecystitis).

Staph can cause eczema

Staphylococcus produces dangerous toxins that cause acute intoxication organism. To avoid severe consequences, at the first symptoms of malaise, it is important to go to the hospital.

Prevention of staph infection

To protect yourself from infection with staphylococcus aureus, you need to adhere to the basic preventive measures:

  • personal hygiene (wash your hands often, use your own towels, do not take other people's things);
  • timely and carefully treat any skin lesions with antiseptics and cover them with bandages (bandage, adhesive plaster);
  • lead healthy lifestyle life to maintain the body's immune forces;
  • use condoms during sexual intercourse.

To protect yourself from staph infection, you must use condoms during sexual intercourse.

Preventive measures not only help to avoid infection dangerous infection, but also provide an opportunity to monitor health in general.

Among the conditional pathogenic bacteria that a person faces daily, the most dangerous is staphylococcus aureus. The microorganism is able to affect not only the skin and subcutaneous layers, but also penetrate into the organs, causing purulent inflammation in the lungs, brain, genitourinary system, intestines. Staphylococcal infection has many transmission routes, which makes it especially dangerous for both children and adults.


The opinion of doctors ... "

Staphylococcus bacteria are dangerous because they cause many serious illnesses. Staphylococcus transmission is possible different ways from a sick person to a healthy person. To resist infection and be on the alert, you need to know how the infection is transmitted.

Staphylococcus is a bacteria that lives in the human body. They can for a long time do not manifest yourself, waiting for an opportune moment, for example, a decrease in immunity. Staphylococcus bacteria live on mucous membranes, as well as on top layer human epidermis. It is important to know if staphylococcus is transmitted in one way or another in order to protect yourself from the disease.

Many underestimate the danger of staphylococcus aureus, but these bacteria can cause diseases such as:

  • meningitis;
  • cystitis;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • appendicitis;
  • abscess;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peritonitis.

This is far from full list. One only Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of more than 100 different diseases.

It is difficult to fight this infection, so it is imperative to contact a specialist. Many antibacterial and antimicrobials do not act on the causative agent of infection, and when taking medication, staphylococcus is able to develop resistance to them.

If you doubt whether staphylococcus is transmitted from person to person, the answer is unequivocal: infection is quite possible. People with weakened immune systems and those who violate the rules of personal hygiene are most at risk. Bacteria enter the body through the blood, the epidermis, getting on the mucous membranes, burns, wounds.

There are many ways to get infected:

Physician's opinion...

  • Staphylococcus is transmitted by airborne droplets even if its carrier does not have any manifestations of the disease. That is direct contact with the sick is not required, sneezing, coughing, or just being next to the sick is enough.
  • Bacteria live on surfaces and in dust. It is easy to become infected with staphylococcus aureus through dirty handrails on buses, through contact with the patient's personal belongings.
  • AT medical institutions you can get sick by getting infected through dressings, catheters, medical instruments. Especially often staphylococcus aureus is transmitted during intravenous procedures.
  • An infant can get an infection through mother's milk or still in the womb if the woman is a carrier of staphylococcus aureus.
  • Staphylococcus is transmitted sexually during sex with an infected person through the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system .
  • Stale food is another cause of the disease. Staphylococcus multiplies well in butter cream, dairy and fermented milk products, canned food, however, absolutely any food can become a source of infection.

The "gates" for the penetration of staphylococcus are:

  • Mucous membranes of the digestive, genitourinary, respiratory systems;
  • Wounds and cuts on the skin;
  • open burns;

Once in the human body, staphylococcus bacteria do not give themselves away. However, as soon as favorable conditions come for the development of staphylococcus, it will immediately appear. Infection can manifest itself both in the form of a specific disease, and as complications after suffering ailments.

Is staphylococcus sexually transmitted?

With intimate contact with a patient with staphylococcus aureus, bacteria enter the body through the mucous membranes. urinary organs. Even if there are no manifestations of the disease, a person may be its carrier, in which case infection is also possible.

For newborns, staphylococcus aureus is especially dangerous, since they do not have immunity to this disease. In children, the infection can develop in the womb or be transmitted through milk. Probably infection in the hospital during childbirth and during the subsequent stay in the hospital.

One route of infection is through mucosal transmission. The kiss in this case is quite possible way infection, as staphylococcus bacteria live and multiply in the mouth.

Sick staphylococcus and domestic animals - cats and dogs. When bitten, the saliva of an infected animal can enter the human body. Thus, infection is quite possible.

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that can cause a variety of infectious diseases that differ in localization, symptoms and severity in humans.

There are 27 types of staphylococci, and 14 of them can live on the epidermis and mucous membranes of a healthy person. To protect yourself from a number of ailments, you need to know how staphylococcus aureus is transmitted and where you can get it. Ways of transmission of staphylococcus

Hand washing is a way to protect against staph

The main ways of infection with staphylococcus, leading to the development of diseases, primarily of the respiratory system, are airborne and airborne. Inhaling bacteria along with air, droplets of the saliva of a human carrier and dust, they are introduced into the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Going down, bacteria can provoke bronchitis and pneumonia.

Together with dust, dirty hands or through an infected dressing, the pathogen can get into the wound or burn surface This is how they become infected with staphylococcus aureus. Entrance gates can also be cracks in the nipples of a nursing woman, scratches and microtraumas on the skin, for example, a place where a burr breaks off. All this leads to suppuration.

A greater threat is posed by people infected with staphylococcus aureus or who are its carrier. They spread pathogens through household items, food, personal hygiene items, handshake. Of particular danger are such people working as cooks, waiters, medical workers.

Intestinal infections occur when staphylococcus aureus is transmitted through dirty hands. This route of infection is possible if personal hygiene is not followed after a visit. public toilets, or when a person does not wash their hands before eating. Another option for the penetration of a microorganism into the digestive tract is dishes not processed according to all the rules in catering establishments, kindergartens, schools, hospitals. This can lead to real epidemics.

Another way of transmitting staphylococcus bacteria occurs in the absence of asepsis and antisepsis in dental and manipulation rooms, surgical hospitals and beauty salons. Staphylococcus is transmitted through contaminated instruments directly into the blood, which can lead not only to the formation of abscesses, phlegmon, but also to sepsis.

The infection enters the genitourinary system through untreated catheters, unprotected intercourse (including as a result of oral sex if one of the partners is sick with staphylococcal tonsillitis). Penetrating through the urethra ascending path the pathogen can cause various inflammatory diseases, including prostatitis, cystitis, nephritis, orchitis, vaginitis, endometritis.

Staphylococcus is transmitted along with contaminated food in case of violation of the technology of preparation or storage, most often the source of many diseases can be unboiled milk or raw eggs obtained from sick animals.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

More than 40% of the world's population are carriers of this infection. Conditionally pathogen causes many terrible diseases - meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis and even sepsis. The high degree of resistance of the microbe allows it to survive under high temperatures, it does not die from antibiotics and reproduces freely in various points human body.

What is Staphylococcus aureus, how the infection is transmitted, preventive measures to reduce the risk of morbidity - this article will tell about this.

Staphylococcus aureus: what is its danger

Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus) is a representative of the normal microflora of the body, which, when favorable conditions(weakening of immunity, open wounds) is capable of causing the strongest inflammatory process absolutely in all tissues and organs. It is widely distributed, variable, has a high survival rate, antibiotic resistance and quickly adapts to different conditions environment. Staphylococcus aureus is dangerous for the development of opportunistic infections. Both exotoxin and bacterial cells themselves play an important role in the pathogenesis of diseases caused by staphylococci.

How the infection is transmitted

Staphylococcus is introduced into the body through the mucous membranes and skin, spreads by airborne droplets and airborne dust. Entry into the blood (septicemia) occurs due to the pathogen overcoming the protective lymphatic barriers.

Risk factors:

  • - metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • - immunodeficiency states;
  • - extensive trauma (after surgery);
  • - children and old age;
  • - pregnancy;
  • - lactation period.

Anyone can become infected with staphylococcus aureus. However, not everyone shows the pathogenetic ability of the infection. Most of the population are passive carriers of Staphylococcus aureus.

Ways of infection with Staphylococcus aureus (how the infection is transmitted):

  • - contact - through contact;
  • - aerogenic - airborne;
  • - alimentary - through food.

Contact route of infection with staphylococcus aureus

Once in an open wound, staphylococcus causes purulent inflammation of damaged tissues.

Infection often occurs during surgical operations and various traumatic procedures using intravenous catheters, devices that are in contact with internal environment human body. These are hemodialysis, intravenous nutrition of premature babies, artificial lung ventilation. When conducting instrumental diagnostic methods with non-sterile medical instruments, infection occurs extremely often (artificial path).

Staphylococcus aureus can be contracted through ear piercings, piercings, and tattoos. Injection drug users can infect the injection wound.

In medical institutions, Staphylococcus aureus can get on wound surface from medical staff (potential carriers of infection) with poor-quality hand treatment and in the absence of a mask.

In a person with strong immunity at the site of penetration of staphylococcus, the inflammatory process inhibits the spread of infection beyond the focus, where pathogenic microorganisms undergo phagocytosis (destruction).

Small children often become infected with staphylococcus aureus when playing with dirty toys in the sandbox.

Aerogenous way of infection with staphylococcus aureus

Living on mucous membranes oral cavity and nasal passages, staphylococcus easily leaves its host along with exhaled air. With close contact of the carrier of the infection with an unhealthy person, Staphylococcus aureus freely penetrates into the patient's body. Weak the immune system, the presence of small cracks in the skin, small foci of inflammation increase the risk of getting sick.

In some cases (with AIDS and after chemotherapy for cancer patients), when staphylococcus enters the respiratory organs, staphylococcal pneumonia can develop with a fatal outcome.

Infection with staphylococcus aureus

The source of staphylococcus is often food: dairy products; meat products in the form of semi-finished products and sausages, fish (slightly salted, canned), flour sweets.

Getting into food products, staphylococcus multiplies and releases enterotoxins. After eating contaminated food, a person can become infected with staphylococcus aureus by contact of food with mucous membranes. digestive tract(most often in the mouth) and, moreover, will be poisoned (enterotoxins cause severe intestinal poisoning).

Newborns can become infected with staphylococcus aureus from the mother while passing through the birth canal. The infection often penetrates through cracks in the nipples of a lactating woman, causes purulent mastitis and passes into breast milk.

Measures to prevent infection with Staphylococcus aureus

The microorganism in the dried state is viable for more than 6 months and up to 100 days in dust. Repeated freezing does not kill staphylococcus, prolonged exposure direct sunlight. Staphylococci are able to withstand heating up to 70C for more than one hour. At 80C - they die after 10-60 minutes, at 100C - instantly (boiling point); A 5% phenol solution neutralizes bacteria in 15-30 minutes. Staphylococci are sensitive to Zelenka (brilliant green).

In order to prevent infection with staphylococcus, you need to:

Observe the norms of proper nutrition (to avoid weakening immune properties body) and eliminate (if present) vitamin deficiency. AT healthy body the infection is not pathogenic.

Prevent injury (especially in children). This will minimize the possibility of penetration of staphylococcus through damaged areas of the skin and open wounds. If, nevertheless, an injury occurs, you must immediately take measures (treat with brilliant green or other antiseptic) in order to disinfect the wound surface.

Adhere to sanitary and hygienic standards. This will help everyone prevent ingestion pathogenic flora. On clean, intact skin, Staphylococcus aureus dies in 5-6 minutes. It is necessary to keep the body clean, wash hands with soap and water before eating (the procedure is repeated especially often for children), wash children's toys and systematically clean the house.

Fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements in maternity hospitals, surgical departments, in kindergartens, at work, will additionally protect the population from infection with staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcus occupies one of the first places among the many pathogenic microorganisms: how the infection is transmitted, how to avoid infection - reasonably frequently asked questions.

At active growth bacteria appear pronounced, very characteristics which cannot be ignored. Timely treatment help avoid serious complications.

Staphylococcus - what is it?

Staphylococcus is a gram-positive bacterium in the form of a ball, characterized by low mobility, forms groups similar to a bunch of grapes. This pathogenic microorganism belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora, lives in the nose, pharynx and on skin, is activated against the background of weakened immunity and chronic diseases.

What types of bacteria are most dangerous to humans:

  1. Saprophytic staphylococcus - affects the organs of the genitourinary system, lives on the epithelium of the genital organs, the urinary canal, provokes the development of cystitis, nephritis.
  2. more widely distributed than the other two brothers and much more dangerous than them. When infected, purulent and inflammatory processes develop on the skin, in the nasopharynx, heart, and blood vessels.
  3. Epidermal staphylococcus - lives on the skin, through scratches it can penetrate into the bloodstream, which will cause inflammation of the lining of the heart, meninges, blood poisoning and so on.

Infection treatment

The basis of staphylococcus therapy is antibacterial drugs, they are prescribed after receiving the results of tests for the sensitivity of bacteria to the active substances of drugs.

Drug groups:

In the treatment of staphylococcal furunculosis, the method of autohemotransfusion is used - the patient is injected intramuscularly with his own venous blood, after destruction, decay products begin to stimulate local immunity. If the treatment does not bring the desired result, abscesses and boils are opened surgically.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is resistant to most antibacterial drugs, can only cope with a microbe Linezolid, Fusidin, Vancomycin, they must be taken in conjunction with Biseptol.

How not to get infected?

To avoid staph infections, it is necessary to constantly strengthen defensive forces body - in a child and an adult with strong immunity the chance of infection is small.

Prevention of staphylococcal infections:

  • scrupulous observance hygiene rules- hands should be washed as often as possible, try not to touch your face once again, each family member should use their own towel;
  • even minor scratches must be treated immediately antiseptic preparation, seal with adhesive tape or apply a sterile bandage;
  • eat properly and balanced, refuse junk food, bad habits;
  • get enough sleep, avoid stress and hypothermia;
  • move more, take daily walks on fresh air, do not forget about hardening procedures;
  • ventilate the room more often, regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room;
  • timely carry out the prevention of influenza and SARS, do not delay the treatment of caries, diseases of the nasopharynx and genitourinary system;
  • wash vegetables and fruits well, meat, fish, eggs, subject to thorough heat treatment, use only purified water;
  • use condoms.

Since staphylococcus often begins to actively multiply during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics in advance, constantly monitor the number of pathogenic bacteria in the body.

From the video you will learn about common mistakes in the treatment of staphylococcus according to the results of the tests:

Staphylococcal infections are dangerous for human life and health, especially for children. Timely diagnosis and properly selected drugs will help to avoid the development severe complications, and the observance of simple preventive measures minimizes the risk of infection or recurrence of the disease.

Website - medical portal online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question about Is staphylococcus sexually transmitted? and get free online consultation doctor.

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Questions and answers on: is staphylococcus sexually transmitted

2012-08-23 17:51:24

Maria asks:


From November 2011 to January 2012 I had complaints of urination problems. I managed to go to the doctor only in April. Diagnosis ureaplasma parvum abundant growth, cervicitis. As prescribed by the doctor for 14 days, doxycycline 2x100 mg, polygynax, chamomile infusion, douching. Against the background of doxycycline, dysbacteriosis of the intestinal and vaginal flora occurred. From the second time staphylococcus aureus 10 in 6 was sown, there were no lactobacilli. I think he got from there from the intestines (the reaction to a / b was liquid stool). The torment was terrible in tech. two months, but now it started to go away on its own, but does not go away completely. She put 6 suppositories of clindamycin (to which the staff was sensitive), then 10 suppositories of atsilact. Now periodically again a weak burning sensation. Is it normal that dysbiosis does not go away for so long? It does not depend on the day of the cycle. I follow hygiene rules. Maybe the treatment was wrong? Is staphylococcus sexually transmitted - is it necessary to treat a partner? could it be that he keeps coming back, tk. lives higher - eg. in the uterus?

Responsible Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Hello! Such a long dysbiosis is not the norm, repeat the tank. sowing, and the partner must be treated for everything that a woman is being treated for.

2012-06-01 17:29:46

Sergei asks:

I am undergoing treatment for staphylococcus. I asked the attending physician if staphylococcus is sexually transmitted, he said that it is transmitted and that it is necessary to check my sexual partner. I read the comments of specialists on this issue on this site, they say that it is not sexually transmitted. Answer specifically once again to this question, otherwise I just don’t know who to believe?


Good day, Sergey.
Firstly, there are different types of staphylococcus aureus, epidermal, saprophytic. I don't know what exactly you are talking about. We will assume that it is golden, since it most often manifests itself as a causative agent of inflammatory processes.
Secondly, all types of staphlococcus belong to opportunistic bacteria, i.e. is in the norm healthy people and does no harm. Clinically significant is its presence of 10^3 and above and its repeated detection. It is not clear to you in what quantity and where exactly it was detected.
Staphylococcus aureus does not belong to sexually transmitted infections, however, if your partner is his carrier and you have reduced local immunity, then with prolonged repeated contacts, infection with it is possible. That. the question is primarily to your local immune response. There are many approaches including proper nutrition, mode, hardening, taking immunomodulators.
If it has already been proven that it is Staphylococcus aureus that is the cause of your complaints, then it is better to sanitize (treat) it not with antibiotics, but specific drugs(bacteriophages, toxoids, vaccines, etc.)
Be healthy!

2008-03-04 11:34:01

Dmitry asks:

A smear from the urethra revealed Staphylococcus hemolytic 4 st. already passed the 3rd course of treatment for staphylococcus (drugs were selected according to sensitivity), but there was no sense, respectively, after treatment, when passing repeated tests, resistance to the drug that was treated appeared. Questions arise: 1. Is staphylococcus transmitted sexually? 2. Is the treatment of staphylococcus effective at all? 3. Is there a maximally effective treatment for staphylococcus? 4. How can you protect yourself from the occurrence of this disease in the future?

Responsible Markov Igor Semenovich:

Good afternoon, Dmitry! The detection of staphylococcus in the urethra in the specified titer is evidence of dysbacteriosis. With dysbacteriosis, the composition of the normal urogenital flora is disturbed, as a result of which active reproduction begins. conditionally pathogenic microflora, including staphylococci, which are normally found in the urethra (though in very small quantities) and do no harm. Against the background of low activity of immunity, hypovitaminosis, irrational intake of antibacterial drugs, chronic concomitant diseases, hormonal changes often there is a violation of the protective properties of the mucous membrane, as a result, staphylococci begin to actively multiply and cause inconvenience. If left untreated, dysbacteriosis is likely to develop complications. In no case should staphylococcus associated with dysbacteriosis be treated with antibiotics. Effective remedy for the treatment of staphylococcus - the use of an autovaccine from a strain isolated from you personally, followed by a course of vaccination, the use of a bacteriophage and probiotics, which will lead to an increase in local immunity of the mucous membranes urinary tract. Do not be ill

2007-12-06 13:21:50

Polina asks:

Good afternoon! My urogenital smear showed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, 10 * 3. Antibiotic prescribed. Tell me, how effective is the antibiotic in the treatment of staphylococcus. Is staphylococcus transmitted sexually, i.e. Do I need to treat staphylococcus aureus for my husband? Thank you!

Responsible Markov Igor Semenovich:

Good afternoon! Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in the indicated titer in the genitourinary system indicates the presence of urogenital dysbacteriosis. Since dysbacteriosis is not genital infection You won't be able to infect anyone with it. Therefore treatment of a staphylococcus to your husband is not shown. With dysbacteriosis (including vaginal) there is a violation of the composition normal flora vagina, as a result of which active reproduction of opportunistic microflora begins, including staphylococci, which are normally found in the vagina (though in a very small amount) and do no harm. Against the background of low immunity activity, hypovitaminosis, irrational intake of antibacterial drugs, chronic concomitant diseases, hormonal changes, the protective properties of the vaginal mucosa are often violated, as a result, staphylococci begin to multiply actively and cause inconvenience. If left untreated, this condition can lead to infertility, miscarriage, infectious complications pregnancy, gynecological operations and examinations, childbirth and postpartum period. Treatment of staphylococcus in this case cannot be carried out with the help of antibiotics - they will help to achieve only a temporary improvement. An effective remedy for the treatment of staphylococcus is the use of an autovaccine from a strain isolated from you personally, followed by a course of vaccination, the use of a bacteriophage and probiotics, which will lead to an increase in local immunity of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract. Do not be ill!

2012-08-26 15:52:15

Max asks:

Good afternoon. At microscopic examination urogenital secretions determined hemolytic staphylococcus aureus 10*5 cfu/ml. Tell me how dangerous it is, how and with what to treat it, and is it sexually transmitted?

Responsible Kharitonchuk Vadim Nikolaevich:

Dear Maxim. The causative agent you indicated is conditionally pathogenic, if immunity is impaired, it can be the cause pathological process and lead to the destruction of red blood cells; the detected concentration indicates the presence of a pathological process, while the pathogen becomes contagious (during sexual contact) and requires adequate treatment. Asked question assumes knowledge of an unfavorable variant of the course of the disease, we are ready to assist you.

2012-06-22 11:03:25

Elvira asks:

Hello!!! I have long time subfebrile temperature. Almost all tests are normal. Only in a smear constantly high white blood cells. when I get treated, they return to normal, but after a month, pains in the lower abdomen, discharge, pain during sexual contact again begin, high leukocytes in the smear again. A smear for bacterial culture showed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus 4 degree. The gynecologist prescribed doxycycline, suppositories to strengthen the immune system and vitamins, and also said that staphylococcus aureus and fever also cause problems in a feminine way. Prior to this, antibiotics were periodically prescribed, the condition temporarily improved (at temperature, weakness worries, headache, fatigue, the temperature dropped, but a few days after the end, everything returned. Question: can staphylococcus cause fever and is it sexually transmitted, i.e. whether the husband needs to be examined (nothing bothers him). I also noticed that when menstruation comes, she falls and rises after they end. Thanks a lot in advance!

Responsible Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Hello Any infection that causes leukocytosis in a smear in one of the partners (either in the husband or in the wife) is treated jointly by sexual partners. It is possible that the recurrence of the infection and the intoxication syndrome that you describe is due to the fact that the sexual partner is not being treated or is being treated, but it is not cured. It is necessary to examine the husband at the urologist and adequately treat.

2011-12-24 10:43:24

Marina asks:

Staphylococcus, which manifests itself in swelling of the nose and inflamed tonsils almost always (a person is sick for two years)
Question: How is this staphylococcus transmitted?
sexually, kissing, dishes joint??

2011-06-09 15:43:07

Julia asks:

Good afternoon. Three months ago I had been ill with cystitis. When they were taken acute symptoms I felt a burning sensation in the region of the urethra, which is still present, in response to this complaint, antibiotics were prescribed to me again and again, without taking a culture for sterility and sensitivity. When the gynecologist, and not the urologist, gave a referral for this analysis, staphylococcus cohnii and haemolyticus were detected in the urine. On the gynecological side, everything is in order. Please tell me how to treat and is it sexually transmitted? Thank you.

Responsible Zhiravetsky Taras Mironovich:

Good afternoon. Sexual transmission is possible, although it is not venereal diseases. You should have an antibiogram according to which the doctor should choose an antibiotic. Besides dynamic control of the analysis of urine is necessary.

2010-08-19 20:49:38

Viktor asks:

Hello. I am 23 years old, married. We are going to have a baby. I had prostate problems. After another analysis, they found Streptococcus pyogenic (massively) and Staphylococcus aureus. How can we not find out if these microbes will affect conception and are they sexually transmitted? Thanks in advance for your reply

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Victor! These microorganisms are not transmitted sexually, because these are not STD pathogens, but representatives of the opportunistic flora, which is normally present (in small quantities) on mucous membranes and skin healthy body. If, in addition to the indicated test results, you have complaints that can be attributed to inflammatory processes in prostate, then this condition needs to be dealt with, but without antibiotics. The fact is that with a decrease in immunity, exposure to various adverse conditions, reducing the resistance (stability) of the body, opportunistic flora can lead to the development of inflammatory processes. And inflammation, if it develops, will be an obstacle to conception. But since we are talking about a violation of the normal composition of the microbial flora of the mucous membranes (and not about inflammatory disease), treatment should be carried out not with antibiotics, but with drugs that restore normal composition microflora and local immunity of mucous membranes. Be healthy!

in our time is one of the most common infections. According to official figures, more than forty percent of the population is infected with it. The causative agent has the ability to cause severe pathologies, including brain damage, pneumonia and even blood poisoning.

Today we will talk about how you can become infected with staphylococcus aureus.

Microorganisms have great amount strains. The most dangerous among them is Staphylococcus aureus.. However, other species are no less dangerous. They differ varying degrees intensity. As soon as the protective abilities of the body weaken, the infection, if ingested, can lead to a serious pathological process.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that the pathogen produces a huge amount toxic substances which are detrimental to the entire body.

The causative agent can lead to severe pathologies, one of which is sepsis. In addition, it adversely affects nervous system, the brain, leads to the formation of purulent neoplasms.

Staphylococcus aureus

Infection very often joins after the transfer of various pathological conditions, when the body is weak and unable to resist. It is worth noting the phenomenal resistance of microorganisms to external influences. They have also adapted to different types antibacterial drugs.

Each modern man must know how staphylococcus is transmitted between people in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Transmission Features

The infection has the ability to take root through the skin and mucous membranes. The path of distribution is airborne or dusty. When the agent penetrates into the blood, it means that the pest has managed to overcome the protective barriers.

Who is at risk:

  1. People suffering from the disorder carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes.
  2. Individuals with weakened immune systems.
  3. Patients after injuries and operations.
  4. Children and the elderly.
  5. Women in position.
  6. breastfeeding period.

Nobody is immune from terrible infection. But far from everyone, staphylococcus is activated and is harmful to health, causing pathological conditions. There are a lot of people in the world with a passive carrier.

In medicine, there are three main ways of transmission of staphylococcus aureus:

  1. Contact.
  2. Air.
  3. Alimentary.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Contact transfer method

When it enters fresh wounds, the pathogen begins to provoke the development of purulent foci.

Often, infection occurs during surgical interventions, as well as various manipulations where the use of devices is required, in contact with the internal environment of the human body:

  1. Hemodialysis.
  2. Intravenous feeding of premature infants.
  3. Artificial ventilation of the lungs.

If a instrumental research performed non-sterile surgical instruments infection is very common.

In hospitals and clinics, the pathogen can enter the body through non-sterile cleaned instruments.

Even when doing a piercing, you can become infected. It is also dangerous to get tattoos. The risk category includes drug addicts.

In hospitals and clinics, the pathogen can get on a fresh wound from medical workers with improper hand treatment.

If the immunity is strong, then the inflammatory process is somewhat slowed down in the affected areas.

It should be noted that children are particularly susceptible to infection. They become infected while playing in sandboxes, in contact with dirty toys.

Air (aerogenic) path

As you know, microorganisms live on the mucous membranes in the mouth, nasopharynx and leave their "carriers" along with the exhaled air. If you come into contact with an infected person, you can also become infected through contact by air. The trigger mechanism is weak immunity, cracks and lesions of the skin, small pathological foci.

AT severe cases, for example, with AIDS, infection in the lungs can be fatal.

Alimentary method

Often, infection occurs through the use of different products nutrition. There, the pathogen spreads, producing harmful substances. When eating such food, the patient will become infected and poisoned.

Infants become infected through passage birth canal mother. Often, the pathogen enters the body through cracks in the nipples of a woman who is breastfeeding.

How to know if you are infected

Manifestations depend on which particular organ was affected. The stage of severity is affected by the aggression of the pathogen and the state of the immune system.

Main complaints:

  1. Purulent-inflammatory processes.
  2. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Rashes in the form of abscesses, carbuncles, pimples.
  4. Purulent mastitis of the chest.

Staphylococcal mucosal lesions

When the infection penetrates the nasopharyngeal mucosa, tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs may occur.

If the pathogen enters Airways, especially in young children, this leads to the development of severe forms of pneumonia.

When it hits the bones, osteomyelitis develops and so on.

General signs of infection:

  1. Increase in temperature indicators.
  2. Redness in places of inflammation.
  3. Puffiness.
  4. Pain.
  5. Functional disorders of the organs.

The rise in temperature is provoked by the outflow of blood to the pathological area. In this case, there is an expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in the outflow of blood in the veins.

All of these symptoms occur as defensive reaction for the introduction of a foreign agent.

Similar manifestations are observed in adults. Children and the elderly may have other symptoms.

Therapeutic measures

The task is not easy. The most important thing is to find out if the pathogen is resistant to a certain type of antibiotics. The use of bacteriophages and antibiotics a wide range actions are the most popular techniques.

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to sow from the painful focus for susceptibility to drugs. Then the specialist prescribes a combined examination, which includes taking immunomodulating agents that restore normal microflora.

The most important thing is to complete the course of therapy to the end, follow all doctor's recommendations.

Prevention measures

The answer to the question of whether staphylococcus is transmitted from person to person is unambiguous - it is transmitted. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the important and correct measures to prevent infection. Every year, microorganisms become more resistant to antibiotics and seriously harm health.

It's important to know! Staphylococcus is not afraid of frost and ultraviolet. The pathogen is sensitive to brilliant green and a 5% phenol solution.

Staphylococcus is not afraid of frost and ultraviolet

To protect yourself from the effects of a terrible infection, the following measures will help:

  1. Strict adherence to hygiene principles.
  2. Active life position including regular exercise, balanced diet, no harm.
  3. Prevention of respiratory viral infections in the season.
  4. Timely treatment of caries, diseases of the urogenital area, ENT organs.
  5. Consumption of thermally processed foods.
  6. Refusal of the services of unverified establishments: tattoo parlors, manicure, etc.
  7. Strict processing of medical instruments.
  8. Timely appeal to doctors at the first symptoms of the lesion.

Now you know whether it is possible to get staphylococcus aureus from a person. Take care of your own health and the health of those close to you.

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