Lilac dried for what. Fresh lilac leaves for the treatment of arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis. Acne and acne treatment

Common lilac, medicinal properties of lilac, tincture of lilac, indications for the use of lilac, contraindications, today we will talk about this. It's so hot outside, well, it's just a real summer, warm days have come, so I want to walk more in the fresh air ... Now the lilac is in bloom. Lilac bushes of extraordinary beauty bloomed in the National Botanical Garden in Kyiv. For a long time we wanted to look at the blooming lilacs there, as soon as we found out that the lilacs had blossomed, without hesitation we got together and went to Kyiv, and well, we simply couldn’t share such beauty with you, we always want to please our readers with new and interesting information. You can’t imagine how many people came to look at the lilac, someone just rested on a bedspread under flowering lilac bushes, someone painted a picture, someone just admired the beauty of blooming lilacs, blooming magnolia, blooming sakura ...

Moreover, the Botanical Garden named after N. N. Grishko offers a beautiful view of the left bank of Kyiv. This is just a real island of beauty, joy and tranquility for the residents of the city. Such a variety of lilacs is just a holiday ... Incredible beauty, and what an aroma, it is impossible to convey, it feels like you are in paradise.

Such a feeling in the soul of rest and tranquility, one might say appeasement ... Well, now a little more about lilacs.

Common lilac is a shrub that can reach a height of 8 meters. Lilac flowers are fragrant, pyramidal in shape. The flowers are usually purple in different shades, but it all depends on the variety of lilac, there are white, purple, pink, bluish ... Lilac leaves are ovate, can reach 12 cm in length.

Lilac usually blooms in late May or early June, but this year it is so warm that in early May we managed to admire the beauty of the blooming lilac flowers. The duration of flowering of lilac is from 10 to 20 days, lilac blooms every year. Lilac is not demanding on soil, it can grow on sandy, stony soils, soils rich in lime, but does not tolerate waterlogged and acidic soils.

Lilac can grow in the driest areas, also lilac is winter-hardy and can grow in both northern and southern regions. And due to its decorative effect and undemanding to growing conditions, it is a widespread and beloved shrub.

Lilac and magical properties

Previously, people believed that where lilac bushes grow there will be no ghosts and evil spirits, but there will be happiness and peace. And if someone is lucky enough to find flowers in an inflorescence with five bent lobes instead of four, then this is fortunate.

The use of lilac for poor eyesight

Prepare an infusion of lilac flowers and apply swabs to the eyes for 3-5 minutes, which are pre-soaked in lilac infusion.

Lilac with barley

The healing properties of lilac are also manifested with barley on the eye. It is necessary to pick 3-5 fresh lilac leaves, wash them thoroughly and chop them, spread the gruel from the crushed lilac leaves in a slide on a whole lilac leaf, apply this gruel to the barley. The procedure must be repeated until complete recovery. Usually, if such a procedure is done 5-6 times a day, then by the end of the day the inflammatory process will decrease.

Lilac with heel spur

Lilac flowers should be poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10, insisted in a dark and cool place for 14 days, then the resulting tincture should be filtered and rubbed with this tincture on sore spots and make compresses from the tincture.

Lilac for malaria

Dried lilac leaves are brewed at the rate of 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves per glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes and drink such an infusion as tea, you can drink the infusion all day hot or cold. After about a week, the malaria goes away.

Lilac with kidney stones

One tablespoon of dried lilac flowers is poured with one glass of water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, then the broth is filtered, brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take half a glass three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of lilac

Do not forget that the common lilac plant is poisonous and it must be used strictly observing the dosage, the use of lilac preparations inside requires great care. Be sure to consult your doctor before using lilac preparations.

Now you also know what medicinal properties common lilac has, I want the medicinal properties of lilac to serve only for the benefit of your health. Be healthy.

Surely everyone remembers their childhood, how they were looking for a five-leaf lilac flower in a huge lush bouquet. They immediately tried to eat it, as they were absolutely sure that their wish would come true. As it turned out, flowers not only bring good luck, fulfill a wish, but can also cure numerous diseases.

Lilac bushes have a different color: lilac, white, lilac. But white is used for treatment. Not only lilac flowers, but also buds and leaves have healing properties. One of the main components in the composition of lilac leaves is syringin, which has a healing effect.

The main medicinal properties and contraindications of white lilac leaves

Leaves are treated:

  • headache;
  • salt deposits;
  • bronchitis and colds;
  • diabetes.

This is not a complete list of diseases that are treated with white lilac leaves. It should be noted that, despite the fact that the leaves are a natural medicine, there will always be contraindications.

Important! Unfortunately, lilac is a poisonous plant. You just need to take into account the fact that the dosage should always be observed.

  • with renal insufficiency;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • in violation of the menstrual cycle (long delay).

In other cases, you can use the medicine from lilac leaves without fear.

Universal recipe for tincture of white lilac leaves

This recipe is universal for many diseases, in order to prepare it you need:

  • 100 g fresh leaves;
  • 1 liter of alcohol;

Pour fresh lilac leaves with alcohol. To do this, you can use a glass jar with a volume of 1 liter. Cover with a lid, put in a place where the light does not reach. Withstand 14 days. Filter. Take as directed. The tincture is taken when:

  • kidney treatment;
  • with malaria and other colds;
  • treatment of wounds and cuts treatment,;

The use of white lilac leaves for cough

To quickly cure a cough, you need the following ingredients:

  • 20 g leaves;
  • 1 st. hot water.

Pour 20 g of leaves with hot water (not boiling water), soak for 60 minutes. Use 17 ml three times a day. You can also treat a cold with a high fever with this recipe.

Getting rid of salt deposits with white lilac leaf tincture

The tincture of the leaves does an excellent job with the deposition of salts. To prepare, take:

  • dry lilac leaves;
  • alcohol 40%.

Pour pre-prepared dry leaves with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, soak for ten days in a dark glass vessel with an airtight lid. Take a teaspoon in the morning, afternoon and evening. At the same time, massage the sore spots with infusion and apply compresses.

Use of white lilac leaves for diabetes

This recipe will help cure diabetes:

  • 1 st. l. dry kidneys;
  • 20 g of white lilac leaves;
  • 1 st. hot water.

Prepare dry buds and leaves of white lilac, which must be dried in advance in a dark, dry place, pour very hot water: 20 g per 200 ml of hot water. Use 17 ml before you are going to eat, three times a day.

A unique recipe that returns men to their strength

The recipe is unique in that it treats sexual impotence, which has arisen not as a result of inflammatory diseases, but as a result of the usual home environment: infidelity of a neighbor, chagrin, insufficient attention, or an offensive word.

Preparation of the infusion: 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves fill with two cups of boiling water. Keep covered for half an hour. Filter. Drink 40 grams after meals. Make an elixir for two days. Store in a cold place.

Treatment of headache and migraine with white lilac leaves

It annoys the majority of young women who work hard. AT this case folk healers advise using a special ointment:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed flowers and leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

Combine the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. With the resulting ointment, it is necessary to rub the temples, forehead and occipital part. Gradually, the pain will subside.

Important! Lilac is contraindicated if there is a personal intolerance to the plant, smell.

Effective treatment of wounds and ulcers with white lilac leaves

Leaves washed and dried from water, finely chopped, applied to wounds. Make bandages several times a day. The leaves are very effective in treating festering ulcers.

Acne and acne treatment

Helpful Hints:

  1. When preparing elixirs and tinctures from white lilac leaves, it is allowed to use vodka instead of alcohol.
  2. From the leaves, you can make various cosmetic rejuvenation products.
  3. White lilac is an excellent air purifier.
  4. To harvest raw materials, dry the leaves in a dark place, and it is recommended to collect them in sunny weather.

Many more secrets are kept in the bushes of snow-white lilac. Including its own nectar, it hides in such a way that even a bee does not have the opportunity to get it. Maybe because the flowers are poisonous, albeit in small quantities, contain hydrocyanic acid. However, the controversy is that the presence of this acid creates the healing properties of the flower.

These are such beautiful lilac flowers. They will fill your home with a unique aroma and beauty. The garden will turn into a paradise. Healing gifts of white lilac will cure diseases and restore health. Use prescriptions according to the rules and schemes, in case of doubt, consult your doctor. And then there will be no harm to your health.

Be healthy and happy!

Lilac (lat. Syringa) - a flowering shrub, belongs to the flowering department, the dicotyledonous class, the order of the clear flowers, the olive family, the lilac genus.

There are two variants of the origin of the Latin name of the plant lilac. According to the first, the name comes from the Greek word "syrinx", which translates as a pipe, which the flowers of the plant look like. Other researchers suggest that the shrub was named after the nymph Syringa from ancient Greek mythology. In the old days, the Slavs called this plant "chenille", which is probably due to the characteristic color of its inflorescences.

Lilac - description and photo.

In most cases, lilac is a shrub with many upright or spreading trunks up to 5-7 meters high, less often the plant has the outlines characteristic of a tree.

The lilac bush is abundantly covered with foliage, which is located oppositely on the branches and keeps on them until late autumn. Depending on the type of lilac, leaf plates are simple with a smooth edge, ovoid, oval or elongated with a pointed nose, as well as pinnate and complexly dissected. Lilac leaves are light or dark green in color, and their length can reach 12 cm.

Funnel-shaped lilac flowers are quite small with four petals. They form racemose or paniculate inflorescences. The number of flowers on one lilac bush during flowering can reach 18,000 pieces. The color of lilac can be pink and purple, white and purple, blue and purple. In most types of lilacs, an admixture of a different color is added to the main monochromatic color. The aroma of lilac is very gentle, subtle and has a calming effect.

The elongated lilac fruits are a double-winged box containing several seeds with wings.

Lilac varieties - classification.

Over a century and a half of breeding, about 2,300 hybrid varieties of lilacs have been bred. The criterion for distinguishing them from each other is the shape, size and color of lilac flowers, the timing of flowering bushes, as well as their height and appearance.

In the form of flowers allocate varieties of lilacs with simple and double flowers.

By color (color of petals) lilac is distinguished white, violet, bluish, lilac, pinkish (pink), magenta, purple, complex.

By flower size allocate:

  • Lilac with large flowers - flower sizes exceed 25 mm;
  • Lilac with medium flowers, the sizes of which range from 15 to 20 mm;
  • Lilac with small flowers, the size of which is in the range of 5-10 mm.

Many people ask the question when the lilac blooms. In fact, by flowering time stands out:

  • Early lilac (early blooming) (last week of April - first week of May),
  • Mid-blooming lilac (mid-May),
  • Late lilac (blooms at the end of May, capturing the beginning of June).

Varieties of simple lilac - names and photos.

  • Lilac Blanche Sweet- a plant with spreading bushes of medium height and dense drooping inflorescences, consisting of large light blue flowers (30 mm).

  • Lilac Mulatto- upright shrub with dark green foliage. Lilac flowers are large, fragrant, pale-lilac, having a smoky chocolate hue.

  • Lilac India(Kolesnikov selection) - a plant with medium-sized spreading bushes, large dark green foliage and large dark purple buds. Opened large lilac flowers are painted in a rich purple color and have a reddish tint.

Terry lilac varieties - names and photos.

  • Lilac "Memory of Kolesnikov"- a sprawling plant with shoots of medium height and large snow-white double flowers, consisting of three layers of petals and similar to buds.

  • Lilac Katherine Havemeyer- French classic lilac variety with tall compact bushes and large inflorescences. Large double flowers of lilac are painted in pink with tints of bluish-lilac hues.

  • Lilac Morning Russia(Vehova selection) - a beautiful variety of lilac, representing a plant with spreading bushes of medium height and very large double purple flowers with mother-of-pearl tips. Lilac flowers are collected in pyramidal inflorescences.

Types and varieties of lilac - names and photos.

Today, more than 30 species of plants from the genus lilac have been studied and described, but a single scientific classification still does not exist. The most famous include the following varieties:

Common lilac (lat.Syringa vulgaris) - a medium-sized shrub, sometimes growing into a rather tall tree. The height of an ordinary lilac can reach 7 meters. Very fragrant brushes up to 25 cm in size are collected from small simple flowers of white or light purple color. Based on this species, breeders have created many new varieties of lilacs with pyramidal, round, cone-shaped and even cylindrical inflorescences. Common lilac varieties:

  • Lilac Beauty of Moscow - a medium-sized sprawling bush up to 4 m high with foliage of an ovoid-elongated shape. Vertical inflorescences of lilacs consist of large, pinkish-white, double flowers with a barely noticeable purple bloom. At the end of the flowering period, lilac flowers turn white.

  • Lilac Aucubafolia ( Aucubaefolia ) - a tall upright bush with light green leaves, on which small stripes and spots of yellow are visible. Lilac buds have a pink-lilac color, and large double flowers that have opened are bluish-lilac.

  • Lilac Sensation ( sensation ) - a variety of lilacs of medium height (up to 3 meters), the leaves have a dark green color. The flowers are dark purple with a white edge.

Meyer's lilac (lat. Syringa meyeri)- a miniature erect shrub no more than one and a half meters high, with broadly elliptical foliage of dark green color, with an edge along the veins on the wrong side, lighter side. Small (up to 10 cm) lilac inflorescences, consisting of small flowers, are painted in a light lilac-pink color. Based on this plant, the following varieties of lilacs were bred:

  • - a low-growing late-flowering (until mid-June) variety with small, pleasantly smelling red-violet flowers, turning pink as they age.

  • Lilac Palibin (Palibin) - remontant dwarf lilac with erect inflorescences of pinkish-lilac color with a pale lilac tint. The first time lilac blooms in late May - early June, the second flowering is observed in mid-August.

Shaggy lilac (lat. Syringa villosa) - an upright, medium-sized shrub with wide elliptical foliage, pubescent from the inside, about 15 cm long. Lilac inflorescences, almost 24 cm in size, consist of medium pink-purple flowers.

Persian lilac (lat.Syringa persica) - the species was obtained by crossing the finely cut and Afghan lilacs. The height of the lilac is about 3.5 m, the leaves are light green in color and pointed in shape. Light purple flowers of medium size are collected in inflorescences with an unusual aroma. However, there are forms with white and red tassels.

Wilted lilac (lat. Syringa reflexa)- a medium-sized erect shrub with a crown height of not more than 3 meters and elongated dark green ovate leaves with a slight edge along the veins. The flowers of this type of lilac are small (up to 10 mm), bicolor on the outside (pink with a reddish tint) and almost white inside, form gracefully hanging brushes.

Hungarian lilac (lat. Syringa josikaea)- upright bush about 4 meters high, with densely branched shoots and dark shiny foliage. The inflorescences consist of small, long-tubular lilac-colored flowers and are almost odorless. Lilac begins to bloom at the end of May.

- a plant with a high sprawling spherical crown up to 3 m, can develop as a shrub or tree. The broad, heart-shaped foliage is about 10 cm long and 7 cm wide. Conical inflorescences up to 12 cm in size are painted in pale purple or violet-lilac color. This type of lilac begins to bloom early and pleases with flowers from late April to early May.

Hyacinth lilac (lat. Syringa hyacinthiflora) is a medium-sized bush with heart-shaped pointed leaves, which acquire a purple-brown hue by autumn. Small loose brushes consist of rather small flowers of a bluish-lilac color. Based on this type of lilac, several varieties have been created:

  • - medium-sized, profusely flowering plant with large, light purple, pleasantly smelling flowers, collected in large (up to 20 cm) inflorescences.

  • - an early flowering variety with large buds of red-violet color. In the open state, lilac flowers are painted in a silvery lilac color with a delicate pink tint.

Where does lilac grow?

Wild lilac in natural conditions is distributed only in Europe and Asia, as well as the islands of Japan. Its habitat is limited to three isolated mountainous regions:

  • The Balkan-Carpathian region, which includes Albania and Serbia, Croatia and Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.
  • The Western Himalayan region, which includes India and China, Nepal and Pakistan, and Bhutan.
  • The East Asian mountainous region, represented by the territories of East and Central China, Primorsky Krai, Japan and the Korean Peninsula.

Lilac cultivars grow throughout Eurasia, from Portugal to the shores of Kamchatka, cover part of the coast of the African continent (Morocco), feel great in the countries of North and South America, as well as in Japan.

Medicinal properties of lilac and contraindications.

Lilac flowers and leaves have been used since ancient times in folk medicine to treat various ailments. They are used as one of the components in the preparation of herbal preparations or as an independent remedy.

  • An aqueous tincture of lilac flowers has a diaphoretic, antimalarial and analgesic effect. It is used to treat whooping cough and kidney diseases, headaches, and colds. An infusion of white lilac flowers is used for shortness of breath, stomach ulcers and noise in the head.
  • Lilac leaves, like plantain leaves, heal festering wounds, as they have disinfecting, antibacterial properties.
  • Lilac ointment and alcohol tincture are used to relieve pain and treat rheumatism and salt deposits in the joints of the upper and lower extremities.
  • An infusion of lilac leaves is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of festering wounds, it is used as a drug that has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.

Lilac: planting and care.

Lilac is often planted as a border and ornamental plant in urban park areas and in private household plots. In order for the plant to feel comfortable and delight with its flowering for a long time, when planting lilacs in the ground, certain conditions must be observed:

  • The best soil for lilacs is light sandy loam or loam with a neutral or slightly acidic pH level.
  • The place for seedlings should be well lit and, if possible, protected from drafts.
  • You can not plant lilacs in places with a high location of groundwater, so it is better to choose elevated areas.
  • So that in the future the bushes do not interfere with each other, it is better to plant lilac bushes at a distance of at least 2 meters.
  • The optimal size of the planting pit for lilacs is 0.5x0.5x0.5 m, however, if fertilizers are applied during planting, its dimensions can be increased.

White Amur lilac (Syringa amurensis)

How to choose lilac seedlings?

The quality of the seedling is of great importance. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the root system. Ideally, lilac roots should be developed, strong, flexible and well branched. If their length is much more than 0.3 m, they are shortened. In addition, broken and diseased roots are removed from the lilac seedling, as well as damaged or too long shoots.

An important condition for rooting and further growth of the bush is the fight against perennial weeds, which take away nutrient juices, and loosening the soil, which provides access to oxygen and moisture to the roots.

When to plant lilac? Spring or autumn?

Lilac planting time depends on the variety: some varieties can be planted in early spring or autumn, other varieties are best planted between July and August.

How to plant lilac?

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the landing hole, which can be expanded clay, small gravel or pebbles. After that, a small cone is poured from the excavated soil, on which the roots of a lilac seedling are straightened. Then the rest of the soil is carefully poured into the hole. It should be remembered that the basal neck of the lilac, when properly planted, should be 3-4 cm above the ground level.

Watering lilacs.

Irrigation has a great influence on the development of lilacs. However, do not overwater the soil, as this can damage the plant. The optimal period for abundant watering is the first half of summer. Lilac should be watered at the rate of 25-30 l / m 2 as the soil dries up. In August and September, the plant should be limited in water nutrition and given only during a long drought.

How to fertilize lilac?

To provide the roots of the plant with the necessary macro- and microelements, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to the root soil. As a source of nitrogen, necessary to improve the growth of lilac branches and leaves, urea or ammonium nitrate is used. Lilac top dressing should be carried out at the rate of 50-80 grams of fertilizer per bush for the entire growing season in 3 doses, starting in early spring after the snow cover has melted. The break between the introduction of dry top dressing is 25-30 days. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil to a depth of about 8 cm over the entire area of ​​​​the root system. You can also feed lilacs with superphosphate and potash fertilizers. A good result is obtained by alternating fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers (cow and chicken droppings).

Lilac cut. How to prune lilac?

Of great importance in shaping the appearance of the bush is the correct regular pruning of lilacs. A young bush up to 3 years old does not need pruning, since it has not yet formed all the skeletal branches. However, starting from the third year of the plant's life in early spring, while the buds are not yet swollen, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning. When performing this operation, you should follow a simple rule: no more than eight healthy buds should be left on each skeletal branch of lilac. This is done in order not to overload the plant during flowering. In addition, it is necessary to remove old, dry, damaged and diseased branches. All operations are performed only with a sharp tool.

During the active flowering of lilacs, pruning is carried out “for a bouquet”. Following the unspoken rule, about 30% of the inflorescences are cut off. After the end of the flowering of lilacs, all wilted brushes are cut off.

Each of us is familiar with lilac bushes. In our country, they indicate the arrival of the warm season, as the plant turns green early. Since May, the culture is covered with beautiful and fragrant white flowers and pleasant and juicy greenery is preserved until late autumn. The shrub is more resistant than other plants to frost and less sensitive to air pollution. The medicinal properties of lilac flowers are used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

Healing qualities of culture

Alcohol tinctures, decoctions and ointments are made from the plant, using stems, bark, buds and lilac flowers. The medicinal properties of the shrub have a number of beneficial effects. These should include:

The plant is used to treat the following diseases:

  • skin (abscesses, purulent wounds, ulcers);
  • with whooping cough, colds, bronchial asthma;
  • with kidney stones;
  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • malaria;
  • arthritis, osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.

How the plant is used

The medicinal properties of lilac flowers are used to make the following recipes:

  1. With epilepsy. To do this, the flowers are poured with boiling water, insisted, filtered and drunk no more than 3 times a day.
  2. From cough. From boiled water and flowers make a decoction and take it after filtering twice a day.
  3. With malaria. Lilac is poured with boiling water, then insisted for 4 hours and consumed inside up to 3 times a day.
  4. With rheumatism. Flowers are used and which are combined with alcohol and infused for 4 days. Before use, it must be filtered. Use three times a day, diluted with water.

Before using the listed prescriptions, the doctor should clarify the dosage and frequency of use of the drug.


Despite the medicinal properties of lilac flowers, they should be taken internally with caution, as they are poisonous. To avoid overdose, you should check with a specialist in what quantity it can be consumed.

To date, therapists prescribe lilac flowers for the treatment of diseases. Useful properties and contraindications in the use of plants are well studied by experts. You should not use the medicine:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for the treatment of children;
  • with severe diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Symptoms of bush poisoning

When using, it is always necessary to follow the dosage and not to drink the medicine for a long time. It is not recommended to leave a bouquet of flowers overnight in the room where they sleep.

If a plant poisoning occurs, you should know its symptoms:

  • there is a taste of bitterness in the mouth;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • skin and mucous membranes become saturated pink;
  • convulsions;
  • labored breathing.

With these signs, immediate medical attention is required, as cardiac activity may stop. The healing properties of lilac flowers will have a positive effect only if they are taken correctly.

It is called the fox tail and the symbol of the Russian estate. It blooms one of the first - in spring, in May, with whole clusters of purple, white, lilac flowers. Its intoxicating aroma spreads far around the area, and rarely is anyone tempted to pick up a whole armful of these luxurious flowers on their way home to put them in a vase at home. And it’s completely in vain, because that very smell can literally turn your head and raise your blood pressure, causing a severe migraine. We know so little about the ubiquitous lilac, which can serve as a cure for many diseases, and can turn into poison, since it contains hydrocyanic acid - poison. In folk medicine, I use lilac tincture with alcohol: the use of this home remedy helps to get rid of a number of ailments.

Lilac tincture recipe

Before you find a use for lilac tincture, you need to be able to cook it. It is recommended to collect medicinal raw materials (flowers and leaves) from lilacs, which grow far from highways and industrial plants. This must be done in dry weather. There is still no consensus on what color lilac is the most useful. In some recipes, this indicator is indicated, in some it is proposed to make a choice yourself. And yet, most researchers believe that it is better to give preference to white flowers.

  • The classic recipe for lilac tincture on alcohol

Fresh lilac flowers (leaves) (100 g) put in a liter glass jar, pour alcohol to the very top (1 liter). Close with a regular lid, put in any dark place for 10 days. Strain through four folded cheesecloth and take as directed. Homemade lilac tincture on vodka is prepared exactly according to the same recipe. Sometimes, depending on the disease, more or less alcohol is taken.

In fact, there are many more recipes, but this one is considered a classic of the genre, as they say: such a tincture is useful for the treatment of various diseases. Lilac has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial: the healing properties of this shrub are also confirmed by modern research.

Useful properties of lilac tincture on alcohol

For the preparation of tincture, lilac leaves or flowers are taken: the medicinal properties of both are the same and help in the treatment of various diseases. With proper preparation and proper use, lilac tincture:

  • treats inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, alleviates the condition in the presence of stones in the renal pelvis;
  • used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for colds, fevers, malaria;
  • used to treat bruises, wounds;
  • helps with arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis: lilac tincture for arthrosis is one of the best remedies;
  • relieves heel spurs;
  • treats nervous disorders;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • helps with laryngitis;
  • used for ringworm;
  • relieves migraine;
  • used for cardiovascular diseases;
  • excellent antitussive and anti-tuberculosis agent.

Among other things, lilac flowers, like its roots, leaves, bark, have a bitter taste due to syringin, a substance that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-febrile effects. So at home, finding the use of lilac on alcohol is very easy. Hurt - anointed - gone. Coughed - accepted - cured. Moreover, the external use of the product is allowed even for children. However, not everything is so rosy: there are a number of contraindications for the treatment of lilac tincture.

Contraindications for alcohol tincture of lilac

Such a healing shrub is also a poisonous plant, so the internal use of its tincture requires caution. It turns out that lilac combines useful properties and contraindications, and they especially relate to alcohol tincture. It is contraindicated in:

  • amenorrhea (this is a long delay in menstruation);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • atonic constipation;
  • severe diseases of the stomach;
  • glomerulonephritis.

In all other cases, lilac treatment is allowed without fear. In the presence of chronic, protracted diseases that are under the control of a doctor, it is recommended to take a preliminary consultation with a specialist so as not to harm the body.

Lilac tincture treatment

To activate the beneficial properties of lilac in the composition of the tincture, you need to know the scheme of its use. For the treatment of various diseases, variations of the main recipe are also offered, which should not be ignored: this will enhance the effectiveness of the funds.

  • kidney disease

100 g of lilac leaves are poured with 2 liters of alcohol. Further, everything is according to the usual recipe. Take 20 drops before meals (you can add them to tea or drink separately) three times a day.

  • High fever, fever, malaria

Rinse 100 g of fresh lilac leaves with water, put in a liter jar, add 2 g of fresh wormwood, 1 g of eucalyptus oil. Pour vodka (1 liter), leave in a dark place under the lid for 20 days. When the temperature rises, drink 50 g of tincture before eating. If it does not help the first time, repeat three times a day.

  • Wounds, bruises, injuries, ringworm

Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of vodka, leave under a closed lid in a dark place for 2 weeks. Lotions change 5 times a day.

  • Back pain, rheumatism

Lilac tincture is also used for joints, spine, bones, relieving pain syndromes. Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of alcohol (or vodka), insist under the lid in a dark place for 10 days. Rub sore spots twice a day.

  • Osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis

Grind fresh lilac leaves to make 2 tablespoons. Mix them with 300 g of juice squeezed from radish, 200 g of honey. Pour 100 ml of vodka, leave covered in a dark place for a day. Before rubbing the affected area, the mixture must be thoroughly shaken.

  • Gout, salt deposits, rheumatism, articular arthritis

Fresh lilac flowers, without tamping, freely pour into a half-liter glass bottle to the very top, pour alcohol (it is better to take 40%), close, leave in a dark place for three weeks, strain. Take orally before meals 30 drops three times a day for three months.

  • Heel spur

According to the classic recipe, use the prepared infusion as compresses on the affected area, changing it three times a day. In parallel with this, it is used orally (possibly with tea) 30 drops before meals, also three times a day.

  • Angina, laryngitis

Dilute a tablespoon of tincture prepared according to the classic recipe in 100 ml of water, gargle every three hours.

  • Migraine

Soak a cotton pad in the classic tincture of lilac, rub it over your temples and forehead. The pain goes away within five minutes. In this case, tincture of lilac flowers is used as needed.

  • Heart

In a half-liter glass jar, tightly fill purple lilac flowers to the very top, tamp. Pour in alcohol or vodka, insist under the lid for a week. Apply for pain in the heart and seizures, drinking a teaspoon of tincture with water.

  • Cough

Pour 30 g of fresh white lilac flowers into a liter glass jar, pour vodka to the very top, leave covered for two weeks in a dark place. Drink before going to bed, pouring 30 ml of tincture with a glass of hot tea.

Lilac is such a unique shrub: the use of its tincture in folk medicine helps to alleviate many painful conditions, which sometimes even medications cannot cope with. If everything is done correctly, the benefits of this remedy will not be long in coming, and many of the ailments will recede.

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