Life after suffering from cervical cancer. Life after cervical cancer

modern medicine, can't offer yet ideal option for diagnosing the disease, although great strides have been made in this regard. However, treatment for cervical cancer is now possible, and in most cases, avoidable. lethal outcome. What will life be like after cervical cancer? For recommendations on how to return to a full life, including an intimate one, read this article.

Life after cervical cancer: the essence of the problem

It all depends on the stage of development at which cervical cancer was detected. In other cases, cancer treatment is done with simple surgery, bypassing the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Depending on the degree of damage, we can talk about the activity of the female reproductive system. However, life after cervical cancer is not so bleak.

If a woman has kept her uterus, then after the recovery course and the prophylactic period, she will even be able to give birth. At the same time, there is a special threat to such childbirth, after full recovery, No.

In those cases when the uterus is removed, childbirth, of course, becomes impossible. But there are some nuances here. Libido and sex life strongly dependent on hormones. The ovaries play a huge role in this matter. If the ovaries are left, then the removal of the uterus will not affect the libido.

If a woman has her ovaries removed, it can affect her life after cervical cancer, her health and sexual attraction generally. Unfortunately, the hormonal imbalance that the removal of the ovaries will cause can lead to the most various changes in the body.

Nonetheless, hormonal background offer lifelong post-cancer support with medication, and modern techniques are excellent at this task. Of course, this will complicate life a little, but the main thing is that a woman does not lose her desire to live and fight.

Note that after all the operations and recovery, there is still a chance for intimate plastic surgery which works wonders today. Therefore, you should not be afraid that life after cervical cancer will completely lose its colors. Pessimism has never helped anyone cope with problems.

The ability to have full sex remains as long as a woman has a vagina. The vagina is often affected in advanced cervical cancer. However, doctors try to save at least part of it, if possible.

The disease can be terrible and merciless, but this does not mean that you should give up. Even this terrible disease, like cervical cancer, can be eradicated, which means that it will also be possible to restore your usual life after cancer. The main thing is to make an effort and find options for yourself.

When diagnosed with uterine cancer, what is the life expectancy? This is the question that any woman who has undergone this oncology asks. This is one of the most common ailments in female gynecology. The disease does not belong to the category of hereditary, but is provoked by the appearance of the papillomavirus. Most often, the disease catches middle-aged women, but the fact of diagnosis in the younger generation is not excluded.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor located in the lower cavity of the organ. It is impossible to name absolute provoking factors that lead to cancer, but, as already mentioned, it is the human papillomavirus (HPV) that is the main provoking factor.

At the same time, it is worth considering that only 5% of women are prone to this oncology, they have a precancerous condition (dysplasia), and after 15 years it turns into cervical cancer. HPV in the rest passes on its own, without causing significant harm to the woman.

The main factors that increase the risk of oncology:

  1. If in female body there are many types of HPV.
  2. Low immunity, which is provoked malnutrition, diseases chronic nature, HIV diseases, a long course of medications that lower immunity (hormonal, chemotherapeutic).
  3. Harmful and addictions especially smoking.
  4. Early sexual experience (before adulthood).
  5. Early childbirth, up to 16 years.
  6. Frequent abortions.
  7. Chronic avitaminosis.
  8. Active sex life with different partners.

These factors do not always lead to the development of cancer, but the risk is significant.

Risk category

This disease can appear at any age, but is most often diagnosed in women over 35. In those who have been diagnosed with it earlier, it will develop slowly, sometimes over 20 years.

If we talk about how cancer develops, it usually proceeds without symptoms, but sometimes they manifest themselves.

So, to the most frequent signs can be attributed:

  1. Discharge of blood from the vagina. They can occur after sex or on any normal day. Their pathogenesis is still unknown. Usually, they have a dark or Brown color. It usually stands out not much, most often smearing and insignificant.
  2. Aching and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Most often, this symptom indicates that the cancer has moved to nearby organs.
  3. If the disease has reached the bladder, then the woman goes to the toilet more and more often, blood appears in the urine, while the process of urination itself is painful.
  4. If it has spread to the rectum, then constipation, diarrhea, painful trips to the toilet, blood in the anus are recorded.

When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. He will take a smear and send it to cytology. Even if the discharge is not associated with the development of oncology, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence.

This aspect depends on the stage at which the disease was detected and how affected the uterus is with nearby organs. In general, there are 4 stages, in about 2 years, the disease progresses from zero to the last.

The tumor occurs after a precancerous condition, the stage lasts from 3 to 20 years. And only then does cervical cancer occur.


  1. Zero stage (initial). This stage the easiest and perfectly treated without even requiring surgery. The probability of completely getting rid of the disease is very high. The survival rate at the five-year threshold is about 80%.
  2. The second, rather complicated, stage, which is not always amenable to any intervention. This is the reason for the survival rate, which practically reaches 60%.
  3. The third stage, which is not complete without surgery. Hysterectomy - removal of the uterus, it may even have to deprive the woman of other genital organs, such as the ovaries. Survival, even with the operation, does not reach 35%. Life after cervical cancer is not normalized, absolute recovery will not come.
  4. If the last, fourth stage of cancer is diagnosed, then the prognosis is minimal, only 8-10%. Even surgical intervention sometimes powerless.

In general, combining all the data, the average indicator indicating life expectancy is 55%.

It is very important to notice the symptoms in time and seek help. It is the conduct of the examination and the appointment of the correct, effective treatment, will save a life.

Even after successful removal of the tumor, the disease will occasionally remind of itself.

Possible complications:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • Fistulas in the bladder or rectum;
  • Purulent inflammation of the uterus.

It is possible that the disease will return. To prevent this, a woman must follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is important to eat right, occasionally exercise, because even the slightest stupidity can provoke oncology. It is important that in the first five years after the operation, undergo constant checks and examinations, this is the most risky period, the possibility of relapse is high.

Usually, relapse appears due to the incompetence of the doctor. Either mistakes were made during the operation, or metastases that spread to other organs were not noticed.

If oncology has affected the uterus of a young girl who has never given birth, only the damaged part is removed. Thus, after three years, she has a chance to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

The most important consequence of cancer is a violation of psychological peace. Women feel their inferiority, the risk of falling into depression is quite high.

It is very important to carry out cancer prevention, undergo examinations and monitor your health.

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...The program provides financial assistance to necessary treatment when diagnosing oncology, and from the age of 45 - with a stroke, heart attack or fractures due to osteoporosis. "Harmony" is designed for women aged 18 to 65 years. Until the age of 34, the insurance policy covers the treatment of breast, cervical and ovarian cancer, from the age of 35 other types of cancer are added. The advantage of the program is that even after payment for treatment, insurance continues to work. MetLife has tried to create a program that will be available to everyone. For every client annual payments on payment of the policy will be different. They depend on how much you want to get insurance coverage, and whether it will include ...

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A unique opportunity to get HPV vaccination at a discount...

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Vaccination of girls against human papillomavirus (HPV).

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes damage to the skin and mucous membranes, is the most important factor in the development of cervical cancer. These viruses are detected in 99.7% of biopsies various kinds cervical cancer. The group of particularly high oncogenic risk includes types 16 and 18, which can cause oncogenic (cancerous) transformation of cervical cells. Human papillomaviruses of low carcinogenic risk types 6 and 11 cause the formation genital warts genitals and perianal area...

I'm waiting for histology, a presumptive diagnosis of cervical cancer. Further therapy in this case is understandable, the end too. I scroll through the possible scenarios. Now I am determined to refuse any therapy in case of an unfavorable conclusion, and live as long as I live. My husband is against it, he said that he would divorce me if I did not continue the treatment. But I really don’t understand why poison my body, fight for life, and then die in agony and pain. What will fundamentally change for me these ...


I hope that you have already received life-affirming results.
If suddenly not: perhaps you are a person who tries on everything possible options developments in order to make a final decision. So, you need to imagine such a scenario. Imagine, but think about the fact that it is never too late to refuse treatment, and you can always do it, and it would be better to start it early. If I understand correctly, the sooner, the more successful, but also less painful.
May everything be fine with you :)

Please don't think of the worst possible outcome... especially given the "presumptive diagnosis". I have at least 2 women I know who have "everything" cut out and they feel great, live and do not complain! Tune in for the best outcome in any way, no matter what! Love life and yourself in this life and everything will work out!

When passing a medical examination for a sanitary book, the gynecologist, as soon as she looked, without waiting for the results of the smear, immediately, urgently, sent for a biopsy with suspicion of cancer. A year ago there was a simple erosion, smear and colposcopy are normal, now colposcopy is already ugly. I’m going for a biopsy the day after tomorrow, I hope for the best, but still I decided to ask, especially if anyone has personally come across, if cancer is confirmed, does this mean an operation and registration in an oncologic dispensary? And, accordingly, the impossibility of obtaining ...


I was also diagnosed 6 years ago. did cauterization under anesthesia, then processing. put "0" stage, but cancer cells were. at first I went to oncology once every 3 months, then once every six months, now once a year. I am registered, they will never be removed from the register. I'm in last year, when they went through a commission before adoption, I came to my doctor, I say - deregister, 5 years have already passed. but she said that they would not be removed from the register, but I would write in the certificate - recovery. of course it wouldn't have passed in custody. so we committed a crime - we bribed an aunt at the reception - she stamped that I was not registered. now, thank God for people like me, the path is open, if recovery, then with stages 1 and 2 it is possible to adopt.
If I were you, I would now put a seal that you are not registered. and of course checked. Now there are a lot of young girls in oncology and all with erosions that turn into cancer. but the operation helps, and the doctor at the hospital said to me - now you can just forget about what happened - it won't happen again. good luck and health.

"cancer is not malignant"

Cancer is ALWAYS malignant. A tumor can be benign, and cancer can only be malignant. FROM benign tumors will not be registered in oncology. With a malignant case, it’s not even that they will put it on record, but that your life is in danger. How to take a child? If you die, what will happen to the baby?

Who gets sick more often? It turns out that 80% modern women have ever had viral infections. Promiscuous or unprotected sexual intercourse, early onset of sexual activity - all this has led to the fact that the number of diseases and complications caused by HPV has increased tenfold. Most often, cervical cancer occurs in girls who began early sexual life, when the immune system not yet so perfect, the cervix has not yet fully formed, the hormonal status has not yet been fully established. They are more susceptible viral diseases and get sick more often. Smoking, drinking, taking drugs - all this additional factors risk of HPV infection. How is HPV treated? In general, any papillomavirus viral infection in young women (20-30 years old) in 60-70% of cases in a year it can completely eliminate, that is, leave ...

Cervical cancer is malignant tumor, which appears in the lower part of the uterus (c). Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among women worldwide.

Why does cervical cancer appear?

The exact reasons for the development of cervical cancer (as well as any other cancer) are not yet known, since it is not clear why, all other things being equal, one woman develops cancer and another does not.

However, not all women infected with the human papillomavirus develop cervical cancer. What's more, in the vast majority of women, HPV infection goes away on its own without treatment. Only 5-10% of women infected with HPV develop a precancerous condition (), which within 10-20 years may develop into cervical cancer.

There are several factors that increase the risk of developing cervical cancer:

The presence of one or more of the factors listed above will not necessarily lead to cervical cancer, but such a risk exists.

Who can develop cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer can develop at any age, but most often this disease is detected in women older than 35-40 years. In women younger than 30 years, cervical cancer is very rare, as this type of cancer develops rather slowly (usually within 10-20 years). In young women under 30-35 years old, precancerous conditions are more common, namely,.

Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is often asymptomatic and unnoticed by the woman herself. However, in some women, the first symptoms of cancer are:

    If suspicious areas are found during colposcopy, a biopsy of the cervix is ​​performed.

    Biopsy of the cervix

    A biopsy can help you find out if you really have cervical cancer, and if so, how much it has spread - this information will be important in making a treatment plan.

    HPV tests

    The main condition for the development of cervical cancer is the presence in the body of the human papillomavirus of a high oncogenic risk (HPV 16, type 18, etc.). If cervical cancer is suspected, the gynecologist must prescribe.

    Analysis for tumor markers in cervical cancer

    Tumor markers are specific substances found in the blood that can indicate cancer. For different oncological diseases, there are “own” markers, depending on which cells the cancer developed from. In cervical cancer, an increase in the level of the tumor marker SCC can be detected in the blood.

    It has been noted that the higher the level of SCC in cervical cancer, the more sizes tumors, "neglected" cancer, and the more difficult it will be to treat. During cancer therapy, changes in the level of the tumor marker SCC can indicate how successful the treatment is. After the end of the course of treatment for cervical cancer, an increase in the level of SCC may indicate a relapse of the disease.

    It is important to note that an increase in SCC is not proof of cervical cancer. This tumor marker can also be elevated in cancer of the vulva, vagina, esophagus, lungs, etc. But with a confirmed diagnosis of cervical cancer (using a cervical biopsy or histological examination after surgery) measurements of this tumor marker may have prognostic value and even influence treatment.

    Other tests

    When the diagnosis of cervical cancer is considered confirmed, additional tests, which help to clarify the degree of spread of the tumor (stage of cancer).

    For this, x-rays of the lungs can be prescribed, CT scan, and organs abdominal cavity, blood tests, urine tests and some other tests.

    Types of cervical cancer

    Histological examination in cervical cancer can give important information about what the tumor is made of. Depending on what cells the neoplasm consists of, there are several types of cervical cancer:

    • Squamous cell (non-keratinizing) cervical cancer accounts for 85% of cervical cancer cases. This type of cancer is made up of cells from the ectocervix (the vaginal part of the cervix).

      Glandular cancer (adenocarcinoma) - occurs in 10-15% of cases of cervical cancer and consists of cylindrical epithelial cells located in the cervical canal (in the endocervix).

      Mixed type of cancer (adenosquamous cervical cancer, adenosquamous carcinoma) is a rather rare type of cancer, which accounts for 3% of all cases of cervical cancer. This type of cancer has characteristics and squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinomas.

    Stages (degrees) of cervical cancer

    In order to determine the tactics of treatment, the doctor must establish the stage of cervical cancer. The stage (grade) of a cancer tells you how much the cancer has spread. AT different countries different classifications of cancer by stages can be used.

    We will consider the significance of cervical cancer stages, which are most often used in Russia and the CIS countries.

    Carcinoma in situ (carcinoma in situ, CIS, stage 0 cervical cancer)

    Carcinoma in situ is a condition in which some of the cells in the cervix have become cancer-like, but they are few and far between. Carcinoma in situ is not cancer, but a precancerous condition, which is also called grade 3 cervical dysplasia, or CIN 3. Sometimes this condition is also called stage 0 cervical cancer.

    If you remove the changed areas of the cervix at this stage, then cervical cancer can be prevented. If no treatment is given at this stage, there is a risk of developing cervical cancer in the coming years.

    First stage (grade) of cervical cancer

    With stage 1 cervical cancer, the size of the tumor is still very small, so the tumor may not be visible or noticeable with difficulty. In the first degree of cancer, the tumor is located within the cervix and does not spread to neighboring organs.

    Stage 1A - The tumor is so small that it can only be seen through a microscope or during a colposcopy. Stage 1A has 2 subgroups:

    • 1A1 - the tumor has a size not exceeding 7 mm, and it has spread deep into the cervix by no more than 3 mm.
    • 1A2 - the tumor has a size of no more than 7 mm, and it has spread into the tissue of the cervix to a depth of 3-5 mm.

    Stage 1B or 1B - The tumor is slightly larger than stage 1A, but has not yet spread deeply. This stage also has 2 subgroups:

    • 1B1 - the tumor has a size of no more than 4 cm.
    • 1B2 - The tumor is larger than 4 cm.

    Second stage (grade) of cervical cancer

    With stage 2 cervical cancer, the tumor begins to spread to neighboring tissues and organs.

    Stage 2A - The tumor has spread down toward the vagina. Stage 2A has 2 subgroups:

    • 2A1 - the tumor has a size of no more than 4 cm.
    • 2A2 - the tumor is larger than 4 cm.

    Stage 2B or 2B - The tumor has spread to the tissues around the cervix.

    The third stage (degree) of cervical cancer

    In stage 3 cervical cancer, the tumor grows into the cervix, spreading to the structures of the small pelvis and to the lower half of the vagina.

    Stage 3A - The cancer has spread to the lower third of the vagina.

    Stage 3B or 3B - the cancer has spread to the structures of the small pelvis or disrupted the patency of one of the ureters (the ureter is the tube through which urine enters the bladder from the kidney).

    Fourth stage (degree) of cervical cancer

    it last stage cancer, which means the tumor has spread to other organs.

    Stage 4A - The cancer has spread to the bladder or rectum.

    Stage 4B or 4B - The cancer has metastasized to other organs. Cervical cancer can metastasize to the lungs, liver, bones, and other organs.

    Statistics on life expectancy in cervical cancer

    We tend to think that cancer is incurable. fatal disease, but this is no longer true. cervical cancer on early stages can be completely cured and late stages treatment helps to significantly prolong life.

    Many women, when they find out they have cervical cancer, wonder how great their chances of survival are. In order to answer this question, we will give some figures that can give general idea about the state of affairs.

    Before you read this, please note:

    *AT medical science when statistics are compiled on life expectancy at various diseases, a time period of 5 years is used. This does not mean that you will only live 5 years: it means how many people will live at least 5 years after being diagnosed (but it can be 10, 20 years or more).

    *Statistics are only correct if the woman is receiving adequate treatment. Without treatment, the chances will be much lower.

    *These figures have been derived from various studies around the world. There are no national statistics that would reflect the state of affairs in Russia, Ukraine or any other country.

    *Please note that averages cannot tell you exactly what to expect. You can get the opinion of your doctor, but even he will not be able to say exactly what are your chances to overcome cancer and how many years you will live.

    With stage 1 cervical cancer, the chances of recovery are very high. How smaller sizes tumors, the more successful the treatment. So, for example, at stage 1A1, as a result of treatment, 98-99% of women recover, at stage 1A2, 95-98% of women recover after treatment.

    At stage 1B1 or 1B1, the chances of recovery as a result of treatment are 90-95%, and at stage 1B2 or 1B2 - 80%.

    With stage 2 cervical cancer, the chances of recovery are also very high, provided adequate treatment. At stage 2A, 70-90% of women will live for 5 years or more. At stage 2B or 2B, the statistics are as follows: 60-70% of women will live for at least 5 years.

    With stage 3 cervical cancer, about 30-50% of women will live for at least another 5 years.

    With stage 4 cervical cancer, about 20% of women will live for at least 5 more years. In stage 4A, the chances are slightly higher than in stage 4B or 4B.

    Treatment of cervical cancer

    The choice of treatment for cervical cancer depends mainly on the stage of the cancer.

    The early stages of cervical cancer are the first stage (1A, 1B) and the second stage (2A).

    Stage 2B, when the tumor has spread to adjacent tissues, is considered late, just like stages 3 and 4.

    Treatment of early cervical cancer (1A, 1B, 2A)

    In the earliest stages of cervical cancer (stage 0 cancer, cancer 1A1), it is still possible to remove only part of the cervix, leaving the cervix in place, or to remove only the cervix, leaving the uterus and other organs in place.

    Removal of a section of the cervix is ​​an operation called cervical conization (or wedge resection cervix, or wedge biopsy).

    Removal (or amputation) of the cervix is ​​an operation that may be recommended if a woman plans to have a baby in the future. Amputation of the cervix (radical trachelectomy) may not be effective in all cases and is not available in all clinics. Also, this operation cannot give a 100% guarantee that you will be able to become pregnant and have a baby in the future.

    If you have stage 2A2, 1B, or 2A cervical cancer, you will most likely be offered surgery to remove your uterus and cervix (hysterectomy).

    Radiotherapy may be given as an alternative surgical operation if a woman does not want to remove the uterus, either as additional treatment after operation. In some cases, in addition to surgery and radiation therapy, your doctor may prescribe chemotherapy ( medicinal treatment that destroys cancer cells that may have remained in the body).

    Treatment of advanced cervical cancer

    The main treatment for cervical cancer in stages 2B and 3 is radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy.

    With cancer at stage 4A, a radical operation can be performed - an operation to remove the uterus, cervix, vagina, and neighboring organs affected by cancer. After surgery (or, sometimes, instead of it), radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy is prescribed.

    For stage 4B cancer, when the cancer has metastasized to distant organs, treatment is prescribed that eliminates or reduces the symptoms of cancer and helps prolong life.

    cervical cancer during pregnancy

    AT rare cases cervical cancer can be detected during pregnancy. If a Pap smear reveals precancerous lesions (grade 1, 2, or 3) or early-stage cervical cancer, your gynecologist will recommend a colposcopy.

    Colposcopy is not dangerous during pregnancy and does not increase the risk of miscarriage. If suspicious changes are found during a colposcopy, your doctor may recommend a cervical biopsy.

    It may slightly increase the risk of miscarriage or, therefore, it is prescribed only in last resort, if you can't do without it.

    Cervical cancer usually develops slowly, so a woman often has time to “wait” until delivery and then undergo treatment.

    If the cancer has become dangerous enough to wait until delivery, the doctor may recommend more early delivery(by caesarean section), which will save the child and "save" a few weeks. Sometimes, immediately after a cesarean section, they are performed, and immediately after the operation, radio and chemotherapy are prescribed.

    Is pregnancy possible after cervical cancer?

    Unfortunately, in most cases of cervical cancer, treatment is prescribed that deprives a woman of the ability to become pregnant in the future. It's about about the removal of the uterus, without which pregnancy becomes impossible.

    However, in the early stages of cancer, the uterus can sometimes be saved, allowing the woman to become a mother in the future. Ask your doctor if you will be able to have children after treatment, and if so, when is the best time to start planning for pregnancy.

    Prevention of cervical cancer

    The main condition for the development of cervical cancer is infection. Prevention of cervical cancer includes measures to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

    General recommendations

    Compliance following tips gynecologists allows several times to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer:

      Do not have sex before age 18. Early onset of sexual activity increases the risk of earlier human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer.

      Use . Condoms do not guarantee 100% protection against HPV, but they significantly reduce the risk of contracting this virus and other sexually transmitted infections.

      Join sexual intercourse only with well-known men who did not have before you a large number women. Limit the number of sexual partners to a minimum. The fewer sexual partners you and your man had, the lower the risk of developing cervical cancer.

      Quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of cervical and other cancers.

      Contact your gynecologist if you have any suspicious symptoms (discharge with bad smell, bloody issues after sex, etc.)

      If you are over 25 years old and have never had a Pap smear, be sure to visit a gynecologist and take this test. If you have taken a smear for a long time (3 years or more), then you should repeat this analysis.

      If you are under 26, get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus. Read more about HPV vaccines at the end of this article.

    Screening for cervical cancer

    Currently, in developed countries, it has been possible to significantly reduce the incidence and mortality from cervical cancer. This is made possible by screening tests that include a Pap test and a human papillomavirus (HPV) test.

    Girls and women under 25 are not recommended for screening (although in the US, the first screening is recommended at age 21). Screening includes a smear for cytology.

    Over 65 years of age: if a woman has had adequate screening before this age and the results were normal, then screening can no longer be carried out, since the risk of developing cervical cancer will be extremely small.

    Vaccines (vaccinations) against cervical cancer

    In order to reduce the risk of developing cancer, a woman needs to protect herself from the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the cause of cervical cancer in 99.9% of cases.

    At present, vaccines (inoculations) have been developed that create immunity and do not allow dangerous viruses"settle" in the body.

    The vaccine is effective against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 (protects against cervical cancer and against), and the Crvarix vaccine is effective against HPV types 16 and 18 (protects only against cervical cancer).

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