Plank exercise - the benefits and harms, how to do it right, plank for weight loss. The correct technique for performing the exercise plank for weight loss at home

What a cool exercise! The plank is both effortless and makes you feel every second as if it were your last. However, despite the simplicity, many do it wrong. We have selected three ways to help you improve your plank and make it even cooler!

Test yourself

Proper technique in fitness is everything! If you do something wrong, then your exercises are not only ineffective, but also potentially harmful. Of course, in the case of the plank, you are unlikely to get injured, but it's better to do the exercise correctly, right?

So, here's the correct course of action:

  1. Take an emphasis lying down.
  2. Bend your elbows and place your forearms on the floor so that they lie parallel to each other. Clench your palms into fists.
  3. Straighten your body into a string, but do not strain your neck and back.
  4. Tighten your abs and buttocks. These are the two main muscle groups that this exercise works.
  5. Hold the plank until your muscles start to burn. Look at the floor in front of you and do not raise your head up.

Keep track of time

When doing the plank, many do not hold it long enough. I do not argue, this is a difficult exercise and sometimes the burning becomes simply unbearable, but I am sure that you want to develop and become stronger. And for this you need to time yourself and keep the bar a little longer each time.

Use the timer on your smartphone or watch to keep track of the time. I do not advise you to constantly keep your eyes on the timer, as every second will seem like an eternity. :)


One of the tips that will noticeably improve your plank is to breathe. After the first 20 seconds, breathing properly becomes more and more important. At first, paying attention to breathing will be quite difficult, but after a while you will realize that by inhaling and exhaling correctly, you can significantly increase the time in the plank.

At rest, we breathe 12 times per minute. And under heavy load, this number increases to 80! A good reason to start thinking about proper breathing.

Plank is a great way. And, remembering the sensations that accompany this exercise, I want to repeat it again and again. And you?

In the struggle for a slim figure, elastic muscles and a toned body, women and men around the world are looking for a universal exercise that involves all the muscles of the body. And there is such an exercise - this is a plank. Some experienced trainers compare the plank to running - more than 90% of the various muscles are involved during this physical activity. Some are satisfied with the static nature of the exercise - no need to run anywhere, it is enough to keep the body in the correct position. For others, the plank is a quick and easy way to stay in shape. Even if you don't have time to workout, doing a plank every day will help you keep your body in good shape. And all this in just a few minutes a day! But for the result to be really noticeable, the exercise should be performed correctly. So, today we’ll talk about the bar - useful properties and the correct implementation of this exercise.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise?

Today, the bar is included in the training program of many areas of fitness, usually this is the final exercise, which, as it were, fixes the load on the abs, arms and legs. How useful the bar is for the body, let's try to figure it out.

  1. High-quality "pumping". The load on the muscles in a static position is much more intense, since a person is in an unnatural position, it is much more difficult to maintain your body weight in the plank exercise. This allows you to better pump the muscles of the back and abdominals, which cannot be achieved with a dynamic load.
  2. Slim stomach. The bar qualitatively pumps the lower, upper and side abs, back muscles, buttocks, thighs, biceps. With the help of the plank, you can achieve a perfectly flat stomach and embossed cubes, which is important for both women and men. Plank allows you to get rid of the beer belly.
  3. Movement coordination. The bar allows not only to train muscles, but also to improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, because the exercise requires a long-term balance and coordination of movement. Especially if we are talking not about the classic, but about the side plank, it is much more difficult to maintain balance during such an exercise.
  4. Back. This exercise is a great workout for the spine. Keeping the body in a horizontal position allows you to work out the muscles of the back with high quality, this gives feasible training loads on the intervertebral discs. The plank is very useful for performing with hernias, as it forms a muscular corset around the spinal column, which eliminates the displacement of the vertebrae. But it is worth doing the exercise only after the permission of the doctor. Regular exercise "Planck" relieves back pain.
  5. Warm up. The plank is very useful for those who have to do sedentary work all day long. This quick yet effective exercise can tone your body in minutes.
  6. Slimming. Despite the fact that the load in the exercise is static, this is a great way to burn fat. Regular exercise on the muscles stimulates their growth. Growing muscles need nutrition, they take energy not only from food, but also consume a significant part of the subcutaneous fat reserves that every person has. The plank allows many athletes to dry out and lose weight before the competition.
  7. Posture. The plank is for you if you want to improve your posture. The load is mainly on the cervical and lumbar spine. Regular training will help to make your back even in a couple of weeks.

All these benefits make the plank an incredibly effective and versatile exercise that is accessible to many. The bar can be done by men and women, adults and children, professional athletes and novice amateurs, this does not require special sports equipment. But in order for the exercise to give you the maximum effect, it must be done correctly.

How to do plank exercise

The bar is one of the few loads in which technique is very important. Many coaches advise - do not chase the duration of the bar. It is better to hold the bar correctly for 10-20 seconds than to hold the body in the wrong position for more than a minute. Mistakes in plank performance will not only make the exercise useless, but can also be harmful - excessive bending of the lumbar spine can lead to disc displacement, back pain, etc. Here are some tips and tricks to follow when doing a plank.

  1. Before the load, be sure to do a warm-up - do light stretching exercises, do exercises, jumping, jogging - all this will help you warm up your muscles. It is very useful to do the bar after the main sports activities, to consolidate the result.
  2. Make sure you have good sports shoes with rubber soles. This will help you keep your body in a horizontal position, your legs should not slip, otherwise you will not be able to do the exercise correctly.
  3. Another common problem when doing a plank is the skin of the elbows, especially in women. Many of the fair sex admit that it is difficult to keep the body in balance for a long time, because the delicate skin on the elbows hurts, especially if the exercise is done on a carpet or other corrugated, hard surface. To eliminate this, you need to wear elbow pads or simply substitute soft yoga mats under your elbows.
  4. Take a horizontal position, toes of the feet and palms rest on the floor. On command, when the timer starts, you should take the classic plank position with a flat body.
  5. The elbows should be directly under the shoulders, the shoulder blades should not be reduced and separated, they should be kept in a static position with muscle effort. Do not place your hands too close to each other, this can lead to injuries of the shoulder joints.
  6. The head should not be raised up, the gaze should be directed to the floor or down. Imagine that you are squeezing a tennis ball between your chest and chin, which should not fall. Many make the mistake of raising their heads and looking in front of them in the mirror - this way the load on the cervical spine increases significantly.
  7. The wrists in the correct position should be on the floor, parallel to the elbows. That is, the hands should be, as it were, clenched into fists. Some trainers allow the connection of two brushes in the castle, but it is better not to do this. And, moreover, you should not turn your hand so that the palm is completely lowered to the floor - this is a mistake.
  8. The hips and abdominal muscles should be tense. You should also tighten your buttocks, you will feel special pressure on the coccyx. In no case should you bend your back in the lumbar spine, this is the most common mistake. In some cases, people feel less stress in this position, which is why they arch their backs. But it is very harmful for the spine.
  9. It is important to watch your breathing - it should not be interrupted, you should not hold it. You need to breathe deeply, measuredly. The body itself will tell you the pace at which you should breathe, depending on the energy consumption.
  10. Hold the plank for as long as you can. Do not rush to increase the time of the exercise. Now the body must remember the execution technique, this is much more important. Hold the bar at first for 15-20 seconds, gradually increasing the time to two minutes.

In many armies of the world, the plank exercise is a kind of indicator of the level of preparedness of recruits. If a young man can hold the bar for more than two minutes, he is in good physical shape. If the future fighter cannot keep his body in an even horizontal position for 30 seconds, he has very weak and flabby muscles, weaned from the load. If you easily exceed the two-minute mark, then you should modify the bar and consider other ways to perform this exercise.

Experienced trainers are always modifying exercises to increase or decrease the degree of load in order to change the group of muscles being worked. Here are a few more types of planks that can be performed in combination with a classic exercise.

  1. Side plank. It is more focused on the development of the oblique abdominal muscles. You need to stand on the bar sideways, that is, the supporting leg with the side of the foot and one elbow. You will immediately feel the tension of the peritoneum on one side - you can even feel it with your free hand. The side plank is great for developing coordination, as you will need to maintain balance in order to perform it. As a rule, if you stand on your right elbow, the right side of the abdomen is pumped, but the left side does not rest either. If you bring your left (free) hand behind your head as much as possible, this gives an excellent stretch to the oblique abdominal muscles on the left side. Be sure to repeat the exercise on both sides.
  2. Plank on outstretched arms. This exercise is considered more lightweight, since it is easier to keep your own body weight in this position. It is usually recommended for beginners or overweight people when the muscles are not prepared for excessive stress. It is not difficult to perform the exercise - you need to stretch your arms forward, put your palms on the floor, lean on the toes of your feet and palms, without bending your elbows. The most difficult thing in the exercise is not to stick out the buttocks, but to make a straight line from the back and legs.
  3. Reverse plank. This is a very difficult variation of the exercise, which is not given to many. The bar in this case is done in the opposite direction, that is, you need to lie on your back, and then raise the body and lean on straight arms or bent elbows, the second point of support is the heels. Socks should point up, the whole body should be a straight line. In this position, a special load goes to the cervical spine and buttocks.
  4. Plank with arms and legs. This exercise is also very difficult to do. After you get into the position of the classic plank, you need to simultaneously raise your right arm and left leg to the sides, keeping them in a straightened state. Then you need to change the reference points and raise the opposite arm and leg. Exercise should be done slowly, straining the press, keeping the body in a static and even position.

In no case should the plank exercise be done during pregnancy, whatever its term. Excessive load in the early stages (especially if you did not play sports before pregnancy) can lead to uterine tone and miscarriage. Also, you should not perform the exercise after spinal injuries - this is a rather serious load that can lead to problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Remember, the plank is not a panacea. But with its skillful execution, in combination with proper nutrition and cardio loads, the plank will help you make your figure beautiful and your body toned.

Video: top 5 common plank exercise mistakes

The plank is a very popular weight loss exercise. It is an ideal option for those who suffer not only from extra pounds, but also from time pressure. Just a few minutes a day - and in a month, or even earlier, according to the reviews and promises of fitness trainers, results will be noticeable.

At first glance, the technique for its implementation is as simple as possible: just think - you need to stand in one position, without running, without jumping and without sweating yourself into three streams. In fact, the unprepared do not withstand even a minute, which means that the load on the body is enormous. What is the magic?


The benefits of this exercise are not only in freeing the body from fat folds. First of all, experts consider it as part of the treatment of certain diseases.

When performed regularly and correctly, it is capable of:

  • it is good to pump the spinal muscles;
  • eliminate manifestations of osteochondrosis of the neck and lower back;
  • have a significant effect on the muscles of the arms, legs, abs and buttocks;
  • make the following muscles work to the limit: external and internal oblique, transverse - press, straight line - abdomen;
  • improve posture;
  • relieve pain in the shoulder blades and spine;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • prevent the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

But will plank exercise help you lose weight? There is no doubt about this, since after a month of regular classes, the results will be visible to the naked eye:

  • fatty tissues will go away primarily on the lower body, so the bar is recommended for losing weight on the abdomen and sides;
  • the waist circumference will decrease by 2 cm;
  • weight will drop to 4 kg;
  • buttocks will gain elasticity;
  • the legs will become slender, as their muscles bear the main load;
  • the tummy will finally be flat due to the powerful study of the abdominal muscles;
  • the arms will lose weight and at the same time become pumped up, as the triceps and biceps are actively involved in the training.

When it comes to how many calories the plank exercise burns, opinions differ here. Usually numbers from 5 to 12 calories per minute are called. It depends on your weight, the correctness of training, all kinds of complications of the classic stance.

One of the main advantages of this method of losing weight is the absence of contraindications, only benefits for the body and the body. The only harm it can do is krepatura. But over time, muscle pain, characteristic of any sport, should go away.

Execution technique

If you decide to lose weight in this way, you should first learn how to do the exercise correctly, because violations in technique can be fraught not only with muscle pain, but also with a lack of results.


Take the starting position - lie on the floor down with your stomach. Straighten your arms, lift your body up. Hands should be under the shoulders. Tighten your pelvis. Stay in this position for as long as the training program requires (from 20 seconds to 5 minutes). To relax. Repeat several times again in accordance with your individual lesson plan (from 1 to 5 times).


  1. Keep your feet together. This will make it more difficult to maintain balance, but the load will be more noticeable, and weight loss will be more effective.
  2. Stretch your legs as much as possible and stretch them into a string.
  3. Tighten your stomach. Don't let it sag. This will reduce the benefits of exercise.
  4. Keep all parts of the body tense, especially arms, legs and buttocks.
  5. Want to improve your results? Intensively contract and relax the gluteal muscles in this pose.

Common Mistakes

  1. Do not bend at the waist, as this allows relaxation and sagging of the abdomen, and can also cause back pain.
  2. You can't put your head down. You can not concentrate only on the lower body - this will relax the head and cervical spine. You need to keep your head straight, eyes can be closed or lowered to the floor.
  3. You can't hold your breath. This can cause dizziness, nausea, and even loss of consciousness. Experts advise to slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Please note. Exercise helps to lose weight only with the right technique.


There are different plank options. The selection of the right one depends on the level of physical fitness, the desire to experiment and achieve excellent results. The classic model is for beginners, and for those who are already familiar with it, you can make up a whole set of exercises from different racks.


  1. Lie down on your stomach.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows at an angle of 90 °, take the emphasis lying down. The body resembles a straight line from the top of the head to the heels.
  3. The support falls on the forearms and toes (or rather, their tips).
  4. The elbows should be under the shoulders.
  5. The abdominal muscles are tense and do not relax for a minute.
  6. Fixation time - from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.


The side plank is more effective than the classic exercise, since only 2 points of support hold the weight. As a result, you need not to lose balance, and strain your body.

  1. Lie on your right side.
  2. Place your elbow under your shoulder.
  3. The left hand is on the left thigh.
  4. Tighten the press, raise the pelvis until a diagonal is formed.
  5. Fix for 30-50 seconds.
  6. Do the same on the other side.

With a raised leg

In this bar, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport decreases, which leads to an increase in the load on the abdominal muscles. So if you want to lose weight in the waist, this option is perfect for you.

  1. Get into a classic plank.
  2. Raise the straightened leg up above the shoulders. The body position must remain unchanged.
  3. Pull the toes on the raised leg towards you.
  4. Fixation - 30-40 seconds.
  5. Repeat the same for the other leg.

With your hand up

A very effective option for weight loss, but suitable only for the most trained. It is a classic, but the support is only on one hand. The second is given either to the side or behind the back. Hands alternate.

Lateral complicated

One of the most difficult forms of the bar, but incredibly useful for weight loss, since all the muscles of the hips and abdomen have to work for wear.

  1. Lie on your side. Connect straightened legs.
  2. Place your left forearm so that the elbow is under the shoulder.
  3. Raise the body to a straight line.
  4. Raise up the right limbs.
  5. Lock in for as long as possible.
  6. Repeat the same for the other side.

On the ball

If you love and are already accustomed to the classic plank, combine these techniques - and the fat folds will go away even faster. The main thing is to stay on the ball without pulling your neck into your shoulders.

  1. Repeat the classic version of the plank, resting your elbows not on the floor, but on the fitball. You can first kneel, resting on the ball, and roll it forward until your back is straightened.
  2. Straighten your knees.
  3. Fix for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Slightly lower your knees, touch the floor.
  5. Starting position.
  6. Repeat 7-15 times for 3 sets.

You can perform various exercises in the bar, combining them with each other in the most working complexes. The main thing is to learn how to accurately make a classic stance.

When, after a month of regular training, the scales show a few kilograms less than the initial weight, and your favorite jeans finally begin to fasten, the question of whether the plank exercise affects weight loss will disappear by itself. The main thing is to maintain this result in the future. And to improve it, it is advisable to listen to the advice of experienced coaches.

  1. Start with the minimum amount of time you can hold a plank and work your way up to 20-30 seconds daily.
  2. Training should be done every day.
  3. After a month, having mastered one option, surprise the body, create a stressful situation for it and start performing another type of exercise. This will allow you to consolidate the results achieved in losing weight and continue to shape your figure. Do not stop.
  4. You can start with a plank as a warm-up for any workout - strength and cardio, at home and in the gym, running and working on.
  5. Eat right so that the fat folds are gone forever. Don't eat before bed. Light diets for faster weight loss are welcome.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Drink plenty (up to one and a half liters per day).

By following these recommendations, you can achieve excellent results after a month of regular and proper training. No wonder it is believed that the plank is the best exercise for weight loss, which does not require time and financial costs and is available to absolutely everyone at home.


A static exercise does not require a lot of time to train, but classes must be systematized. Therefore, try to stick to the program for a month from the very beginning, which will improve performance.

Spending only 5 minutes a day (and this is the maximum!), You can correct the waist, buttocks and hips, reducing their volume while maintaining a beautiful relief. The long-awaited elimination of fat folds will give a feeling of lightness. After all, it is not for nothing that this unique exercise is included in all known bodybuilding programs - bodybuilding, yoga and fitness.

The plank is a static exercise on the floor with an emphasis on the hands or forearms. The plank is considered one of the most effective ways to reduce the stomach and tighten the body. Is it really? Let's see what are the benefits, advantages and harms of the bar, how to perform it correctly and how often, is the bar effective for weight loss? We also offer you a unique selection: 45 options for exercises with a plank in pictures!

Plank exercise: general information

The plank has long been a classic exercise not only in abdominal training, but also in general training for the whole body. This multifunctional exercise allows you to use many muscle groups, and at the same time it does not require any additional equipment, special skills, or great experience from you. The plank can be practiced by both beginners and advanced practitioners. It is thanks to its practicality, effectiveness and universal availability that the plank exercise has gained widespread popularity.

The plank works the muscles of the upper and lower body, which means you will strengthen your body, making it supple and toned. Especially this exercise is useful for the development of the muscular corset (stomach, back, buttocks). Strong muscular corset supports the back and spine , which means it helps to reduce the risk of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

How to do a plank correctly?

Get into a floor standing position - push-up position. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and shift your weight onto your forearms. Your whole body should form one straight line, the stomach is tightened, the muscles are tense.

What to pay special attention to:

  • Head and neck: should be relaxed and free. Look at the floor, do not raise your head up.
  • Arms: hold straight in front of you or cross them. Place your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints so as not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulders. Drop your shoulders, don't lift them up to your ears.
  • Small of the back: it can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is firmly pressed against the wall.
  • Legs: should remain straight and tense. Otherwise, the main load will go to the lower back, and not to the abdominal muscles.
  • Buttocks: should also be tense and be on the same level with the back. Do not bend your pelvis and do not lift your buttocks up.
  • Stomach: retract, and then (already retracted) try to pull up to the ribs. Keep it taut throughout the exercise, while not holding your breath.
  • Feet: can be connected together, you can arrange a little. The closer you put them to each other, the stronger the load on the abdominal muscles will be.
  • Breath: Be sure to remember to breathe deeply throughout the exercise. Inhale and exhale slowly and measuredly.

Hold the plank position for as long as you can. Beginners can hold the bar for 15-30 seconds, intermediate - 30-60 seconds, advanced - 60 seconds or more. When you feel that it becomes difficult for you to keep the correct form, end the exercise. Never increase the duration of an exercise to the detriment of technique! Better take a break and repeat the exercise in 3-4 circles with short stops.

Plank fit for all levels of training because you can always increase or decrease the duration of the static position depending on your fitness level. Also, this exercise can always be modified and complicated. If you are a beginner, then perform the bar, kneeling down. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can raise your arm or leg and hold the bar in that position.

How to increase plank time?

  1. Practice the bar every day, do the exercise in several approaches. If possible, do the plank 3-4 times a day.
  2. try progress every 4-5 days. For example, by increasing the time of holding the bar or increasing the number of approaches.
  3. Do other exercises to develop different muscle groups. For example, push-ups, squats, exercises with dumbbells for arms and shoulders.
  4. If you have been practicing the bar for a long time and calmly hold it for several minutes, then proceed to more complex options doing this exercise. Your muscles are probably used to the load, so the effectiveness of the plank is reduced.

Sooner or later, the body adapts to any exercise. You should not constantly move towards increasing the bar time, it is better to move on to more complex options for performing this exercise. If 2-3 minutes in the bar is not difficult for you, then feel free to move on to more complex modifications.

Plank contraindications

Despite the fact that the plank seems to be a fairly harmless exercise, in certain cases it is not recommended to perform it. The bar has the following contraindications:

  • Hand, shoulder, foot injuries
  • Pregnancy and postpartum
  • Large overweight (you can perform a plank variant on your knees, but no more than 30 seconds)
  • Hypertension or hypotension
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Spinal injury
  • Diseases of the internal organs
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What muscles are involved in plank

During the execution of the plank, the muscles of the abdomen, back and shoulders are primarily included in the work. The bar also engages the muscles of the buttocks, chest, calves, front and back of the thigh.

So, during the classic plank, the following muscles are involved:

  • Rectus and transverse abdominal muscles
  • Latissimus dorsi muscle
  • Muscles of the lumbar
  • Muscles of the shoulder girdle
  • Trapeze
  • pectoral muscles
  • Gluteal muscles
  • Quadriceps and hamstrings
  • calf muscles

When performing a side bar, an additional load goes to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as to the muscles of the outer and inner thighs. The side plank is one of the most best exercises to strengthen oblique muscles and spinal stabilization for back health.

Static Plank Workout Plan

We offer you a ready-made plank training plan that can be performed as an addition to any program. Just follow the proposed plan and work on the perfection of your figure. There are four exercises for you: elbow plank, planka on hands, boforged strap on the right hand, bshackle on the left hand.

You will repeat all exercises in several approaches. We offer you the following plan:

  • First week: each exercise for 15 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 30 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.
  • Second week: each exercise for 25 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 30 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.
  • Third week: each exercise for 35 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 20 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.
  • Fourth week: each exercise for 45 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 20 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.

If necessary, you can adjust the proposed plan or perform each exercise at a more comfortable time for you or perform simplified modifications (on your knees).

The benefits, harms and effectiveness of planks for weight loss

Benefits of Plank

1. Plank is the perfect exercise for abdominal muscles because it covers all major abdominal muscle groups, including the transverse, rectus, oblique muscles.

2. The bar includes not only the muscles of the core, but also the muscles of the shoulders, chest, buttocks, upper back, front and back of the thigh. This is a unique exercise that will force your body to work almost entirely.

3. With the plank, you will strengthen the muscular corset that supports your spine, which is excellent. back pain prevention.

4. With the help of the plank, you will strengthen your back and buttocks without damaging the musculoskeletal system and joints (as opposed to, for example, deadlifts, squats, and lunges) .

5. Regularly doing the plank will help you maintain a straight posture and a flat back.

6. Plank exercise is available for everyone: from beginner to advanced. Just adjust the holding time of the static position depending on your training.

7. By strengthening your core muscles, you will be able to improve your balance and balance, which will be useful to you in everyday life.

8. Unlike many other abdominal exercises, the plank does not have a devastating effect on your lower back.

9. Plank has a large number of modifications: only in our article offers more than 40 options!

10. You can perform plank absolutely anywhere: at home, on the street, in the gym. You just need some free space.

Plank Harm

However, despite all the benefits of the bar, this exercise can be fraught with danger. For example, if your core muscles are not strong enough, your spine will sag while doing a plank, causing pressure on the vertebral discs, lower back and shoulder joints . At the slightest violation of the correct form of the exercise, you may feel pain in the neck or lower back.

In addition, prolonged plank exposure can cause increase in blood pressure and even a heart attack, especially people with hypertension are at risk. Therefore, you should not be in the bar for more than two minutes in a row. If you want to increase the load on the muscles, then it is better to go in the direction of complicating the plank options. (for example, with a raised arm or leg) than in the direction of increasing the time of the static position.

For overweight people, it is recommended to perform the bar, kneeling down. This will help reduce stress on your back and joints. However, the bar is one of the safest exercises for developing core muscles . It has a much less harmful effect on the spine than most other abdominal exercises that are performed on the back.

Common Plank Mistakes

To avoid back problems from incorrect execution of the bar, we draw your attention to typical mistakes in this exercise:

  • stooped back, shoulders down
  • lifting the buttocks up, above the level of the head
  • arching or rounding in the lower back
  • relaxation of the muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks
  • lifting the head up and deflecting in the cervical region
  • breath holding

Is plank weight loss effective?

The plank strengthens muscles, works out the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but for burning fat and losing weight, the plank is not an effective exercise. The bar does not help to remove the stomach and get rid of the sides! This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

Moreover, we emphasize again that weight loss depends on nutrition and not from exercise. Training helps burn more calories, tone muscles, improve body quality, but getting rid of excess weight occurs only with food restrictions (calorie deficit). The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body, get rid of flabbiness and detraining, but dietary restrictions are required for weight loss.

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to focus on dynamic exercises that help burn more calories than static exercises. Ideally regularly do cardio exercise. Moreover, cardio exercises can be performed in the bar, thereby achieving two goals at once: burn calories and strengthen abdominal muscles. Read more about plank cardio exercises below.

45 plank exercises: a unique selection!

If you are ready to increase the effectiveness of your workouts with more diverse plank exercises, then we offer you our unique selection: 45 Different Plank Exercise Variations with Visual Pictures. From these exercises you can make a complete training program. You can use our options for ready-made programs or create your own set of exercises.

If you are already calmly holding the classic bar for 2-3 minutes, you should not increase the complexity to hold a static position for 5-10 minutes, as many sources advise. Most likely, your muscles have already adapted to the load, so it will be more effective. complicate the load , i.e. move on to more advanced modifications of the exercise.

We offer you 45 exercises in the plank. They are conventionally divided into 5 groups: static exercises, plank exercises on the arms, exercises in the plank on the elbows, exercises in the side plank, cardio exercises in the plank. If you decide to make your own training plan, it is advisable to use the exercises from each group.

You can also complicate training with slats with the help of additional equipment:

Static plank exercises:

1. Plank on the hands (Plank)

2. Plank on the elbows (Forearm Plank)

3. Side Plank

4. Reverse Plank

5. Plank near the wall (Wall plank)

6. Plank with arms forward (Levered Plank)

7. "Star" (Star side plank)

8. Plank with a raised leg (Plank single leg)

Arm Plank Exercises:

1. Hand touching forward in plank (Plank alternating reach)

2. Plank leg raise

3. Touching the shoulder in the plank (Plank shoulder tap)

4. Plank opposite knee touch

5. Crossbody mountain climbers

6. Walking in the bar to the side (Plank lateral walk)

7. Spiderman plank

8. Plank Up & Down

9. Plank dumbbell raise

10. Raising the legs + touching the elbow with the knee (Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross)

11. Plank right-left (Plank In & Out)

12 Superman Plank

13. Plank arm raise

14. Touching the foot in the plank (Down to toe tap)

15. Wipers (Windshield wipers)

16. Sliding the knee up and down the arm (Arm sliders)

17. Plank walkout

18. 360 degree rotation (Plank barrel roll)

19. Turning the body sideways (Plank T-rotation)

Elbow Plank Exercises:

1. Side plank roll

2. Plank saw

3. Touching the elbows with the knees (Knee to elbow)

4. Plank buttocks up (Hip raise plank)

5. Laying the legs to the side in the plank (Starfish march)

6. Body turns in plank (Plank rocker)

Side Plank Exercises:

1. Hip drop side plank

2. Turning the body in the side bar on the elbows (Forearm plank reach through)

3. Turning the body in the side bar (Plank reach through)

4. Twisting in the side plank (Crunch side plank)

5. Raising the arm and leg in the side bar (Star side forearm plank)

Plank Cardio Exercises:

1. Jumping jack

2. Plank knee tuck

3 Mountain climbers

4. Touching the feet in the plank (Plank toe tap)

5. Jump into the bar buttocks up (Plyo peak plank)

6. Plank heel click

Thanks to youtube channels for visual pictures: Republic of Strength, Jordan Yeoh Fitness, Dont Quit, Max's Best Bootcamp, Ammar Montaser, The Live Fit Girl.

Ready-made plank exercise plan for all fitness levels!

We offer you a ready-made plank exercise plan for all levels of training . Don't know which group you belong to? Complete the level for beginners, and if the load seems insufficient to you, then feel free to move on to the average level.

You can always change the plan at your discretion by adding, replacing or removing some of the suggested exercises. Repeat exercises in several circles or do one circuit if you don't plan on doing the plank set for more than 5 minutes. If the exercise is performed on one side, then the first circle is performed on the right side, the second circle - on the left.

First round:

    (Forearm Plank)(Crossbody mountain climbers)(Hip drop side plank)(Plank arm raise)(Windshield wipers)

Second round:

    (Reverse Plank)(Down to toe tap)(Jumping jack)
  1. (Plank opposite knee touch)
  2. (starfish march)

How to do this plank workout for beginners?

  • Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, a break of 15 seconds
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 3.5 minutes
  • Total workout time: ~17 minutes

First round:

    (Plank single leg)(Mountain climbers)(side plank roll)(Plank walkout)(Plank knee tuck)
  1. Plank spider (spiderman plank)
  2. (Plank alternating reach)

Second round:

    (side plank)(Plank Up & Down)(Forearm plank reach through)(Plank shoulder tap)(Hip raise plank)(Plank In & Out)(Plank dumbbell raise)

How to do this workout with intermediate planks?

  • We perform each round for 2 circles
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 4.5 minutes
  • Total workout time: ~22 minutes

First round:

    (wall plank)
  1. Full body rotation (Plank T rotation)
  2. (Plank toe tap)(Superman Plank)(Plank lateral walk)(Knee to elbow)

Second round:

  1. Classic arm plank (Basic planks)
  2. (Plank leg raise)(Plyo peak plank)(Plank saw)(Star side forearm plank)(Plank Up & Down)

Third round:

    (Levered Plank)(Plank barrel roll)(Plank heel click)(Crunch side plank)(Plank shoulder tap)(Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross)

How to do this advanced plank workout?

  • Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, a break of 10 seconds.
  • We perform each round for 2 circles
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • Total duration of one lap ~4 minutes
  • Total workout time: ~30 minutes

There is simply a huge number of secrets of youth that will also help to keep. However, many of them require endurance, iron willpower and a considerable amount of time, which is not always enough. But there are some ways that can bribe what seems to be available. And the Planck exercise for the press, muscles of the arms and legs is one of them. It is becoming more and more popular with each new day, as it can help in keeping weight under control. With it, you can get a toned and slim figure. Is it really?

What are the characteristics of the exercise?

Why does the Planck exercise for the press attract attention to itself so much? The whole point is that it does not put forward any requirements for the place of execution, for the use of shells, for the presence of uniform and good physical fitness. This is what makes this training so attractive. In addition, the execution technique is quite simple. And the results can be astonishing. If the “Planck” exercise for the press is performed regularly, then in the end you can get a toned stomach, slender hips. The ugly folds that were at the waist and under the shoulder blades will disappear. All this sounds quite tempting.

It is necessary to follow the technique of performing the training

How to do the exercise "Planck" for the press? The technique of the standard version of this training is quite simple. You need to do the following:

  • we lie down on the floor on our stomach (instead of a rug, you can use a blanket or bedspread);
  • we bend our elbows in such a way that an angle equal to 90 degrees is obtained;
  • we collect all our strength and raise the torso on the forearms, as well as on the toes.

As a result of all the above actions, the body should stretch and form a straight line - a bar. And it should run parallel to the floor.

The complexity of the technique does not differ

How to do the plank exercise? It is more correct and more convenient to place the elbows directly under the shoulders. In the accepted position it is necessary to keep within 1-2 minutes. Everything will depend on weight and physical condition. Ideally, three approaches should be performed. It is not required to leave the place where you are doing the exercise.

If you have a question about how to do the Plank exercise, then you can see that there is nothing complicated in the technique of its implementation. This activity can be done by anyone. Even those who are overweight are able to perform such training at home. And the results will be quite effective.

The plank exercise for weight loss is so versatile that it is available to absolutely everyone. But you need to understand that you should do it regularly, while showing patience and faith in your abilities. At first, it must be performed once a day (3 approaches). Gradually, the number of repetitions can be increased to the level that you need for your development. At the same time, it is necessary to increase not only the number, but also the execution time of approaches.

A more difficult version of the exercise

What types of exercise "Planck" for weight loss includes? Over time, you should pay attention to the side stand. The technique for its implementation is as follows:

  • we lie down on our side, focusing on the arm bent at the elbow and on the side of the foot;
  • the second limb should lie on the hips;
  • legs should be kept together.

Having lifted the body from the floor, it is necessary to linger in the final position for 1 minute. You will need to complete 3 approaches. Over time, you can increase the time and number of repetitions. It is necessary to periodically change sides. This is necessary so that the muscles receive a uniform load from all sides of the body.

Simple steps that will lead to good results

What other elements can include "Planck" - an exercise for the press? Over time, girls can increase the effectiveness of this training with the help of simple actions.

  1. Having taken a classic stance, you can alternately raise your legs and arms up, holding at the end point for a while.
  2. Performing a side plank, it is allowed to raise the upper leg.
  3. You can use a sports ball, focusing on it either with your hands or feet at the time of the training.

Have you decided to do the plank exercise? The results that can be obtained with it will manifest themselves after a month of training. Naturally, if they are regular and with the correct execution of the technique. To increase the effect, you should think about your diet. You should try to exclude muffins from your diet. It is also undesirable to eat in the evening. More to get a taut figure is not required.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise? Reviews

The results before and after training, according to numerous reviews, can simply amaze. In what way do they appear?

  1. The elasticity and tone of almost all muscle fibers of the body increase. This also applies to problem areas: buttocks, thighs, abdomen, back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.
  2. According to reviews, you can get rid of cellulite. This is possible for the reason that there is an improvement in the blood supply to the tissues.
  3. The back is being strengthened. It will also get rid of those pains that often occur in the lumbar region. This is due to the formation of a strong muscular corset.
  4. This exercise can be performed with osteochondrosis of the spine.
  5. The relief of the legs and back will improve.
  6. Excess fat will disappear. This is due to the increased work of muscle fibers, due to which excess fat will be burned.

This is the effect of the Planck exercise. Reviews, results before and after training demonstrate that this training will help you get a flat stomach, and a good shape.

Advantages of the exercise

What other benefits does this type of training have? There are some nice moments worth mentioning.

  1. Performing the side plank (1 set) will result in a loss of 12 calories.
  2. You can get rid of excess fat hands and hard-to-reach internal places.
  3. Power over your body will be obtained, willpower will become stronger. And yes, your self-esteem will go up.

There are some conditions that will help make the Plank exercise effective. The results will depend entirely on them.

  1. Breathing is required evenly and calmly. It is not necessary to dissolve the muscle fibers of the abdomen. You only need to work with the diaphragm.
  2. Try to exercise control over your body, every muscle group. There is nothing wrong with the fact that everything will start to hurt the next day. All these unpleasant moments will disappear if the training is regular.
  3. At first, there will be a feeling of clumsiness and fitness. Such feelings are usually experienced by all beginners, and there is nothing terrible about it. In time, everything will pass.

Do not rush to complete the training

Do not forget that there are also harder planks to perform. But they should be started only after a year of regular training. We are talking about an exercise on a fitball, in which the emphasis is on 4 points. Particular attention is required to the V-shaped bar, in which you need to take a head-down position with an emphasis on your elbows. The angle between the legs and the body should form the letter V. There are quite a few variations.

The results will largely depend on the load and the type of bar being performed. In some situations, two weeks may be enough to tighten the muscles.

Nutrition must be right

We should not forget about nutrition. It must be correct. Otherwise, the desired goal will not be achieved. It is necessary to give up carbonated drinks, fatty, salty and smoked foods. From the diet should be removed pastries and sausages. Otherwise, the benefits of training will not be possible. Alcohol is allowed, but you need to know the measure. If you drink coffee, then you should not add cream and sugar to it.


The plank is the best abdominal exercise for girls. However, it is necessary to remember the regularity of the training process. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself if you want to get good results in the shortest possible period of time. Follow all the above recommendations, work on the technique, and then the positive effect will not be long in coming. Good luck with this technically simple but effective exercise.

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