What is the best food for the elderly? Features of nutrition of elderly and senile people. dietary guidelines for the elderly

According to centuries-old observations, the life expectancy of earthlings is constantly growing. If at the beginning of the last century the average life expectancy was 35-40 years and 50-year-olds were considered very old, then by the end of the 20th century the average life expectancy increased to 70-75 years.

According to the age classification of the World Health Organization, biological age has now changed significantly. From 25 to 44 years old- this is a young age; 44-60 years old - this is middle age; 60-75 years - elderly age; 75-90 years old- senile age; 90 years and older are long-lived. Moreover, in many developed countries there is an increase in the elderly, senile age and centenarians.

Scientists have not come to a consensus regarding the reasons for such a sharp increase in life expectancy. Some attribute this to the development of civilization: from cave life, a person moved to warm dwellings, provided himself with enough food, medical care, etc. Others explain this by the evolutionary development of the human race ...

Be that as it may, but an important influence on the life of a person of any age, and even more so the elderly, has food.

Changes in the body of the elderly

The process of human aging is manifested by the natural development of changes in the structure and function of various organs, including the organs of the digestive system. The most pronounced changes are observed from the side of the oral cavity:

  1. Preserved teeth have a yellowish tint and varying degrees of wear.
  2. Decreases the volume of the oral cavity, salivary glands, the filiform papillae of the tongue disappear, the mimic and chewing muscles, the bones of the facial skull atrophy.
  3. With age saliva production decreases, therefore, in the elderly and old people, dry mouth, cracked lips and tongue are often observed.
  4. As a person ages the esophagus is somewhat lengthened and curved due to an increase in kyphosis of the thoracic spine, expansion of the aortic arch.
  5. With age the frequency of reflux increases (reverse reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus), which is associated with a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the esophageal sphincter.
  6. is increasing total length of intestine , lengthening of separate sites of a large intestine is more often observed.
  7. Changes intestinal microflora: the number of bacteria of the putrefactive group increases, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, which contributes to the growth of endotoxin production and, ultimately, the disruption of the functional state of the intestine and the development of the pathological process.
  8. going on reduction in liver mass.
  9. gallbladder increases in volume due to lengthening, increasing the tone of the muscles of the bladder wall, which also contributes to the stagnation of bile. This factor, combined with increased cholesterol secretion, creates the prerequisites for the development of gallstone disease in elderly and senile people.
  10. Atrophic changes pancreas develop after 40 years.

Malnutrition in old age often leads to serious diseases such as chronic gastritis,peptic ulcer, chronic hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic colitis, diabetes mellitus, etc.

In order to avoid such diseases it is necessary: strictly adhere to the principles of nutrition,satisfy the body's need for nutrients, adhere to a diet.

Compliance with the principles of nutrition

When organizing the nutrition of the elderly, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the reduced capacity of the digestive system. In this regard, the main requirements for the nutrition of the elderly are:

  1. moderation, those. some limitation of nutrition in quantitative terms.
  2. security high biological usefulness of nutrition due to the inclusion of sufficient amounts of vitamins, biomicroelements, phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, etc.
  3. enrichment nutrition with natural anti-sclerotic substances contained in significant quantities in some foods.

Need for nutrients

Full satisfaction of the needs of an aging organism in nutrients is a guarantee of protection against diseases. What is this need?

  1. Need for proteins. A decrease in overall performance in old age and often the cessation of intense physical work is the basis for reducing the protein norm. However, the elderly still need to regenerate the restoration of worn out, obsolete cells, which requires protein (the more, the higher the wear and tear of tissues).
  2. Need for fats. Fats in the diet of the elderly should be limited. A connection between abundant fat consumption and the development of an atherosclerotic process has been established. Along with butter, vegetable oil must also be used. It in the amount of 20-25 g per day provides a sufficient intake of those substances that are necessary in old age (polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.).
  3. Needin carbohydrates. In the generally accepted formula for a balanced diet, the amount of carbohydrates is on average 4 times higher than the amount of protein. Such a ratio of protein and carbohydrates is acceptable for the elderly only with an active, mobile lifestyle. With little physical activity, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced. Desirable sources of carbohydrates are whole grain products (rye and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, etc.), as well as potatoes and other vegetables. You should also use foods that contain a lot of fiber and pectin. Fiber helps to remove cholesterol from the body.

Of particular value are raw vegetables and fruits, which have the most active biological effect.

  1. Need for vitamins. Vitamins, due to their properties, are able to a certain extent to slow down the aging process. Of particular importance are vitamins that have a normalizing effect on the state of the vascular and nervous systems, as well as vitamins involved in reactions associated with inhibition of the development of the sclerotic process, these are vitamins: C, P, B12, B6.
  2. Need for minerals. The balance of minerals in the diet of the elderly is needed to a lesser extent than in mature and middle age.

Of particular importance in the mineral metabolism of the elderly is calcium. Its excess leads to the deposition of salts in the walls of blood vessels, in joints, cartilage and other tissues.

Currently, the generally accepted norm of calcium for the elderly is the norm adopted for adults, i.e. 800 mg. per day.

  1. ATAn important mineral element in old age is magnesium. It has an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect, stimulates intestinal motility and increases bile secretion. The effect of magnesium on lowering blood cholesterol has been established. With a lack of magnesium, the calcium content in the walls of blood vessels increases. The main sources of magnesium in human nutrition are cereals and legumes. The daily requirement for magnesium is 400 mg.
  2. Potassium also playsimportant role in old age and old age.It increases the excretion of water and sodium chloride from the body. In addition, potassium enhances heart contractions. All foods in the diet are involved in the daily supply of potassium. However, in old age, the most profitable source of potassium are raisins, apricots, potatoes.
  3. For the elderly it is desirable to strengthen the alkaline orientation of nutrition through increased consumption of milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.
  4. For Belarus as a whole characterized by iodine deficiency. Therefore, the intake of iodine in the aging body is important. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of iodine deficiency by using iodized salt or using a daily dose of potassium iodide - 150 mcg.


In old age, the diet is of particular importance for the prevention of aging. The main principles of the diet of the elderly are:

  1. eating at exactly the same time;
  2. limiting the intakewowquantities of food;
  3. exclusion of long intervals between meals.

Four meals a day are recommended.
A diet can be set to five times a day. This mode is most rational in old age, when food should be taken in smaller portions and more often than usual. With 4 meals a day, the food ration is distributed as follows: for the first breakfast 25 %, for second breakfast 15 %, for lunch - 35 % and for dinner - 25 % from the daily diet.

Approximate daily diet for the elderly

First breakfast: omelette - 100g., oatmeal milk porridge - 150g., tea with milk - 150/50g.

Lunch: fresh fruits or berries - 150g, baked apple - 130g.

Dinner: carrot salad with sour cream - 100g, vegetarian cabbage soup (with vegetable oil) - 250g, boiled fish baked with mashed potatoes -85/150g, compote - 150g.

Afternoon snack: rosehip broth - 150 ml. vegetable or fruit juice - 200 ml.

Dinner: Cottage cheese pudding - 100g, cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables (in vegetable oil) - 150g.

For the night: Kefir - 200 ml.

All day: bread - 250-300g, sugar - 30g, butter - 10g.

What is the secret of active longevity?

According to geneticists, the biological age of a person is set to 150 years.

What is not necessary and what must be done in order to live at least 100 years?

Laziness and overeating- the most dangerous vices that shorten life.

Anger, envy, despondency, melancholy, intolerance- the main causes leading to illness and shortening life.

What helps a person to live happily ever after?

strong affection to freedom and independence. Always remain internally free and independent.

  1. Stick to principles of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Observe mode of work, active rest and rational nutrition.
  3. Want not get sick and live longer - move.
  4. Not complicated physical exercises and walks are necessary for an elderly person more than food.
  5. Moderate and feasible physical activity can give a five-fold increase in the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.
  6. Refusal from bad habits (smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, etc.).
  7. active workbrain to preserve memory and mental clarity. Do not let the brain become decrepit: continue to work professionally, help young colleagues, write articles, books, learn foreign languages, solve crossword puzzles, memorize poems, etc.
  8. Track for pulse and blood pressure. The normal heart rate is 60-70 beats per minute. Blood pressure at 60 years of age and older should not exceed 160 by 80-90 mm Hg.

You must always remember:

Only a happy person can live long, and it depends on him!

The rhythm of life in modern megacities does not allow you to breathe freely. These are stresses, the daily race for material goods, bad habits. And sometimes, even young people feel low and tired, and are exposed to negative environmental factors. What about older people? They are doubly hard. Age brings with it not only general melancholy, but also malfunctions in the body. About that, you can learn from the article.

Features of nutrition of the elderly

The aging process is an integral part of life. The body begins to age from the moment a person is born. In the process of aging, age-related changes occur, expressed in a slowdown in psychomotor functions, a decrease in the restorative functions of the body and a weakening of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. To maintain the functions of an elderly organism, it must receive a sufficient amount of energy. Food is a source of nutrients and trace elements. And a well-chosen diet plays an important role in this. But, it is worth remembering that in older people the metabolism slows down, so nutrition should be selected not only taking into account the history of diseases, but also taking into account the age category.

A sedentary lifestyle, a lack of vitamins and minerals, frequent use of drugs, constipation, all this leads to an exacerbation of diseases and decrepitude of the body as a whole. In order to avoid these unpleasant consequences and maintain health, older people need to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition. Namely:

- food should be varied, tasty and healthy;

- the water balance must be observed;

- the diet should contain a sufficient amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, as well as dishes with legumes and grains, nuts;

- nutrition should be based on the use of vegetable fats in cooking;

Vitamin E and sulfur-containing amino acids should be present in the diet.


The body of an elderly person is very sensitive to overeating, which can lead to obesity. Therefore, the diet of the elderly should be built on a balance. Those. Calories entering the body should correspond to energy costs.

Proper nutrition for the elderly

Proper nutrition of older people, in general, is not much different from the nutrition of other people. So, the rules of nutrition for the elderly:

  1. Food should be easily digestible, varied, and most importantly, biologically valuable, with a sufficient content of proteins, vitamins and salts, especially calcium and iron.
  2. The diet should consist of 4-5 meals per day. Since the metabolism of older people is slower, the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. This will avoid such troubles as heartburn, bloating and insomnia.
  3. No overeating! The diet of an elderly person, taking into account the condition of the teeth and the work of the digestive organs, should contain 1800-2400 kcal. With a sedentary lifestyle, this rate should not exceed 2000 kcal.
  4. The use of vegetable fats (corn) and protein (lean meat, cottage cheese) will help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and avoid premature aging.
  5. Limit your intake of sugar and sugary drinks by replacing them with fruits and vegetables. Avoid high consumption of pasta and fresh bread.
  6. Daily cooking of fresh food.

You can get acquainted with information about proper nutrition after 60 from the video .

Restrictions in the menu of the elderly

The daily menu of the elderly should include the following products:

  • Cereals- a source of fiber that regulates the digestive tract. In addition, it is a source of energy.
  • Vegetables and fruits- a source of vitamins C, E, K, folic acid and flavonoids. Eating them is the prevention of cancer and slows down the aging process.
  • Dairy- a source of calcium, so necessary in old age. Calcium deficiency can lead to the development of osteoporosis, especially in women over 60 years of age.
  • Meat and fish- a source of protein and B vitamins, so necessary for the normalization of blood pressure and beauty. A decrease in the ability to self-renewal of protein in old age leads to the manifestation of protein deficiency in the body. But, and excess protein in the blood can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The lack of B vitamins leads to a pronounced manifestation of deep wrinkles on the face, especially in the mouth area.

Diets, as such, are contraindicated for the elderly. Normally, weight loss per day should not exceed 400 grams. Everything above is an indicator for contacting a medical institution. But, if, nevertheless, for medical reasons, a restriction in food is necessary, then these should be:

- poultry meat (duck, goose);

- semi-finished meat products (smoked products, ham, canned meat), canned fish;

- salted and pickled foods;

- pasta, other than those made from durum wheat, white rice;

- foods high in simple carbohydrates (jam, jams, sauces, mayonnaise, sweet drinks, honey);

- alcohol, strong coffee, carbonated drinks.

There are practically no restrictions in nutrition for healthy older people. It is only necessary to slightly adjust the quantity and quality of the consumed products, taking into account physical activity and a history of diseases. In addition, it does not make sense to limit the consumption of one food group in favor of another, because. one-sided nutrition in old age cannot contain the full nutritional value.

An approximate menu for an elderly person should ideally consist of 4-5 meals, with a run-up: breakfast at 7.00, second breakfast at 10.00, lunch at 13.00, afternoon tea at 16.00, dinner at 19.00. It is possible to have a snack before bedtime, but light and low-calorie.


— Rice milk porridge, cottage cheese milk tea, bread

- Fruit or fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil

— Vegetarian cabbage soup with sour cream, beef stroganoff with potatoes, bread, dried fruit compote

— Vitamin juice

— Boiled fish with rice, kefir, bread, tea

- Yogurt or kefir with a bun


— Bagel with ham, chicory coffee

— Omelet, sandwich with butter and cheese, cocoa

— Vegetable soup, boiled chicken with vermicelli, freshly squeezed juice

- Kefir or curdled milk

— Charlotte with cottage cheese, dried fruit compote

- fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil


— Rice milk porridge, cottage cheese with sugar and milk, tea with milk

- Seasonal fruits

— Vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream, boiled meat with mashed potatoes, compote

- Vegetable or fruit juice

— Jellied fish, apple soufflé, tea with milk

— Kefir, bun


— Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, chicory coffee with milk

— Oatmeal with milk, green tea

— Fish soup puree, beef stew with vegetables, cranberry juice

- Apple or banana

— Veal Zraza with steamed vegetables, baked apple, green tea


— Cottage cheese-pumpkin casserole, apple juice

— Chicken omelet, applesauce, green tea

— Vegetable soup with chicken breast, stewed cauliflower, bread, compote

— Cottage cheese cheese, green tea

— Meatballs with buckwheat, fruit yogurt, tea

- Yogurt or kefir


— Oatmeal on the water with honey, coffee without sugar, banana

— Green tea with lemon, dried fruits

— Stewed vegetables with brown rice, bread, compote

— Cottage cheese casserole with fruit, green tea

— Baked fish with stewed vegetables, freshly squeezed juice

- Fruit or vegetable salad


- Hercules porridge on the water with butter, cheese sandwich, coffee

- banana or apple

— Boiled chicken fillet with baked vegetables, bread, compote

- Low-fat yogurt, green tea

— Sugar-free cottage cheese with sour cream, baked apple, cocoa

Nutrition of the elderly with diabetes mellitus and fractures

The senile organism is subject not only to general wilting. Against the background of a general deterioration in the condition, endocrine dysfunction may occur - diabetes mellitus. Against the background of the development of the disease, there may be complications with the work of the heart, problems with blood pressure, difficulties with weight control. Therefore, proper nutrition of older people with diabetes is the main method of treatment. The main thing is to follow the rule: strict restriction of carbohydrate intake, and restriction of sugar intake. In addition, older diabetics should limit their intake of fried foods and fatty meats. This will keep your cholesterol levels in check.


The basis of the diet of elderly diabetics should be vegetables (except potatoes) and dairy products. This will keep the metabolism of carbohydrates normal and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver.

In addition to diseases that can develop as the body ages, fractures are quite difficult for older people to tolerate. It is not uncommon for an elderly person to break an arm or leg. Due to age-related changes, the absorption of calcium in the body is slower, and it is washed out of the bones faster. This imbalance leads to fractures of varying severity. For a speedy recovery and bone fusion, the body must receive a sufficient amount of calcium. And in order for this calcium to be better absorbed, vitamin D must be present in food, which is abundant in fatty fish. In addition, protein is extremely important for fractures - the building material of bones. Its deficiency can be replenished by eating meat, eggs, low-fat cheeses.

How few people die simply of old age, having lived in good health for 100 years or more! They are written about in newspapers and on TV. Most people die from various diseases. Among the most common causes of death are cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Proper nutrition is an indispensable condition for longevity, maintaining efficiency, vigor.

In old age, a person should take more care of his diet than in previous periods of life. WHY? Physiology answers this question.

What does old age bring with it?

  • digestion and assimilation of food worsens;
  • due to a less mobile lifestyle, intestinal motility weakens, there is a tendency to;
  • the body's need for certain components increases, for example, vitamins;
  • long-term use of certain drugs leads to a lack of components necessary for the body;
  • bad habits associated with food are even more intensified in old age, and this, combined with ignorance of the rules of rational nutrition, can easily lead to illness, decrepitude and other unpleasant consequences.

To stay healthy in old age, you need at least a little understanding of how to eat right. When examining the lifestyle of centenarians in different regions of the planet, much in common was revealed:

  • The daily diet of the elderly and old people contains about 50 g of protein, 30 g of fat, 300 g of carbohydrates, which is about 1700 kilocalories per day.
  • Centenarians consume very little sugar and sweets, broths and first courses on broths.
  • A lot of fresh and dried herbs, onions, garlic, red peppers, vegetables and fruits, a large number of dishes from beans, corn and other legumes.
  • Fats are predominantly vegetable.
  • Meat - boiled lean goat meat, lamb, beef, poultry.
  • Thirst is often quenched with water, buttermilk, curdled milk and other fermented milk products.
  • Their diets contain a high content of vitamin E and other antioxidants (vitamins C, P, PP, sulfur-containing amino acids,).

Nutrition tips for older adults

Overeating should be avoided

especially with a sedentary lifestyle. Diet 4-5 times a day (according to the principle: eat more often, but little by little to kill the feeling of hunger). The distribution of products should be approximately the same so as not to overstrain the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially important for those suffering from angina pectoris, in whom stomach fullness can provoke.

The most high-calorie food is fats

It is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats rich in saturated fatty acids. At the same time, the share of products containing vegetable fats rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and vitamin E should be increased. The fat content should not exceed 50-70 g, the share of 30-40%. It is advisable to gradually replace animal fats in the diet with low-calorie margarines, with a fat content of up to 60%, as has long been customary in the West.

Limiting foods with easily digestible carbohydrates

Easily digestible carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose), which also contain a lot of calories and, conversely, enrichment with foods with dietary fiber (fiber). Fiber, which is part of cereals, vegetables and fruits, eliminates, promotes the “burning” of excess fat, excretion, regulates glucose levels (thus preventing diabetes), and prevents the development of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Leguminous crops are among the most ancient and are the basis of the nutrition of the population of the entire globe, in Europe it is wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc., in America - corn, beans, in Asia - rice,. They are the main source of vegetable protein and carbohydrates, fiber, and B vitamins.

Be careful with diets that prohibit bread, cereals, potatoes. Lack of fiber leads to indigestion. Hypovitaminosis B1, B2, B6 - to dysfunction of the central nervous system (irritability, weakness, memory loss, depression, fatigue), skin problems (dryness, peeling, hair loss). Therefore, bread (especially from wholemeal flour), cereals, potatoes should be consumed several times a day. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed 400-500 g per day, preferably fresh and grown in the place of residence. Boiled and stewed, as well as frozen vegetables, fruits and berries are also useful. Avoid fried foods.

Animal protein restriction

To a greater extent due to meat and to a lesser extent - milk. Meat products are an important source of protein and iron. At the same time, meat products contain a sufficiently large amount of saturated fatty acids, which increases the risk of developing hypercholesterolemia and CVD. Therefore, meat products with a high fat content should be replaced with lean meat, poultry, and legumes, which contain less saturated fat.

A complete rejection of animal products is no less harmful than their excess consumption. With prolonged vegetarian nutrition, there is a decrease, anemia, fatigue, weakness, headaches, dry skin, hair loss, decreased spermatogenesis and sexual activity in men (zinc deficiency, vitamins A and B12, which are found only in animal products). The best option: meat - 1-2 times a week, fish - 2-3 times a week, eggs - once or twice a week and dairy products every day.


are an important source of calcium and protein. Calcium is especially necessary for the elderly. You should eat low-fat milk and low-salt dairy products, while maintaining calcium and protein in the same amount. Many foreign nutritionists believe that milk is good for children under 3 years old, but not for an adult. Because in a person older than 30 years, milk sugar - lactose - does not break down.

At the same time, many Russian nutritionists do not agree with this. In their opinion, milk is indispensable for people over 50 as a source of calcium (but you need to drink it constantly, then there will be no indigestion of milk in the stomach). Apparently, both are right. It is now well established that the amount of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk decreases with age, but this process is individual. And therefore, for some adults, milk can really harm, for someone, on the contrary, it will be useful. The same nutritionists argue that milk is not a drink, but a complete food, and they should not quench their thirst and drink food with milk: it blocks the normal secretion of gastric juice. It is advisable to drink milk on an empty stomach in small sips. When milk is drunk quickly and in large quantities, it coagulates into large flakes and is more difficult to digest. The combination of milk with bread is considered successful.


reduces the activity of enzymes (lipases) that promote the digestion of fats, and increases the permeability of the vascular wall. Therefore, its consumption should be limited to 5 g per day. To eat less salt, use seasonings from herbs (dill, parsley, cumin, green onions, garlic, mint, etc.). They give the dishes aroma and peculiar taste, but most importantly, they facilitate digestion.


necessary at any age, but in an elderly person the need for them is higher. And why? Because he absorbs them worse. It is difficult to list all the diseases that their lack can cause. Vitamins stimulate redox processes and therefore improve the processes of processing fats and cholesterol in the body, preventing them from accumulating (Vit C, E, P, B6, PP, A). Vitamins C and P, in addition, strengthen the walls of arteries, reduce their permeability to cholesterol. Even a small deficiency of vitamin C can lead to serious consequences - mortality from cardiovascular diseases among those who receive about 50 mg of ascorbic acid per day is 15% higher than those who receive twice as much. Vitamin C helps prevent anemia. The fact is that it greatly increases the absorption of iron contained in animal products. In practice, this means that if you eat meat, yolk (i.e., foods rich in iron), then add as much greenery as possible to them, and then the absorption of iron will increase by 3-4 times. Vitamin C, as well as vitamin P, is found in many fruits and vegetables, but is stored for the longest time in cabbage, citrus fruits, and sweet peppers.

When a person has “third teeth”, i.e. prostheses, he tries not to eat raw vegetable salads, but prefers vegetable purees. Because of the “tender” stomach and the already not quite healthy liver, he refuses black bread. And as a result, there is not enough thiamine (vitamin B1) in the food, and although the elderly lady says: “I must have sclerosis, I forget everything,” memory impairment is not necessarily caused by sclerotic changes, but perhaps a lack of vitamin B1.

Such an unpleasant detail of appearance as fan-shaped wrinkles above the upper lip appears with a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Lack of vitamin B3 (niacin, or vitamin PP) can cause symptoms similar to neurasthenia.

With a lack of vitamin B6, atherosclerosis develops faster.

Vitamin B12 increases resistance to oxygen, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and with age it becomes more and more effective (for example, at 50-60 years old, this vitamin does not help as much as at 70 and older).

The source of most B vitamins (except vitamin B12) are cereals, wholemeal bread, bran, seeds, nuts, legumes.

Vitamin B12 is found in animal products - liver, meat, fish, egg yolk, seafood.

Vitamin E plays a very significant role in the processes of formation of new and in prolonging the life of old cells in the human body, promotes the absorption of vitamins A and D. It has been proven that vitamin E slows down aging. There is an opinion that “flowers of old age”, i.e. age spots on the skin do not appear in old age if there is enough vitamin E in the body.

trace elements

Food should contain a sufficient amount of foods rich in trace elements: calcium, magnesium, copper, chromium, zinc,.

Calcium needed for normal bones. It is especially important for women, because. they are 5 times more likely than men to suffer from osteoporosis. Dairy products are a source of calcium. Cheeses contain the most calcium, but cottage cheese and sour-milk products are recommended for older people, because cheese is poorly digested. There is a lot of calcium in powdered milk, so it can be added to dough, minced meat, meatballs, etc.

Thanks to magnesium people suffer less from sclerosis, they tolerate stress more easily, and hemorrhoids appear less often. A lot of magnesium in buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, peas, beans.

Iodine activates the breakdown of cholesterol (found in seafood).

Selenium prevents the development of cancer - its source is seafood, especially herring, crabs, lobsters, yolk, offal, barley (barley, barley groats), yeast, wheat bran. Simple carbohydrates (sweet and starchy foods) interfere with the absorption of selenium.

Zinc participates in the processes of bone formation, affects the condition of the skin, makes us more resistant to stress, colds. Men need this trace element more, since in old age it prevents the development of prostatitis and prostate cancer (in the young it promotes spermatogenesis). Rich and affordable sources of zinc include herring, mackerel, oatmeal, mushrooms, wholemeal bread, and garlic.

It is better to get all the substances necessary for the body with food. But in old age, there is often a need for additional intake of vitamins and trace elements. Separate vitamins, as a rule, are produced in therapeutic doses and are used only as prescribed by a doctor for various diseases. For the purpose of prevention, it is advisable to purchase a vitamin complex in a pharmacy, preferably with microelements.

Old age is a natural phenomenon, it is hereditarily programmed.

However, this process can be slowed down, proper and rational nutrition will help support the vital activity of the body.

When compiling a healthy menu, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of age-related changes, various diseases, and lifestyle.

Proper nutrition for the elderly will help to avoid food poisoning, frequent stress, and make the body more resistant to environmental negative factors.

Features of the functioning of the human body after 60 years

When a person ages, atrophic and degenerative processes begin to develop. With age, the functionality of all organs and systems weakens, biological processes slow down.

Doctors distinguish the following characteristic changes in the body of people over 60 years old:

  • The balance between anabolic (tissue structure) and catabolic (destruction) processes is disturbed. Then the body cannot normalize blood pressure, sugar levels after eating, fully recover from illness, etc.
  • The number of body cells decreases, their activity decreases. This is manifested by a violation of the functioning of the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, central nervous system. As a result, muscle mass decreases, the amount of blood proteins increases, and the fat layer increases.
  • The functionality of the stomach is disturbed, intestinal motility is reduced, frequent constipation occurs.
  • The condition of the teeth worsens, due to which a person cannot chew food thoroughly, dry mouth occurs, and appetite decreases.
  • Decreased sense of smell, ability to distinguish taste. Then the person loses his appetite or consumes a lot of sweets.
  • The functionality of the kidneys is impaired, the volume of urine increases, dehydration occurs, and the balance of electrolytes is disturbed.
  • The function of the immune system worsens, the risk of infections and cancerous tumors increases.

In addition, older people often suffer from heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis (increased bone fragility), etc.

General principles of the proper diet of an old person

To avoid chronic ailments characteristic of older people, to support the body and improve its functionality, you need to adjust the diet. For this, the following nutritional principles must be observed:

  • Control calories. The number of calories that enter the body with food should be equal to the actual energy consumption.
  • Follow an anti-sclerotic diet. The diet should be replenished with products with anti-sclerotic action.
  • Create a balanced, varied menu. A person should eat food rich in all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals.
  • Include easily digestible foods in your diet. A person should consume foods that are easily digested, moderately activate the secretory, motor function of the digestive tract.
  • Strictly follow the diet. It is important to schedule a meal by the hour, evenly distributing.

An elderly person, when compiling a diet, must take into account the state of certain organs and systems, metabolic features, and eating habits.


People over 60 should eat regularly, avoid long intervals between meals, and not overeat. So the products will be digested normally, and all the organs involved in the absorption of nutrients will not be subjected to excessive stress.

With age-related changes in the body, the functionality of the digestive system decreases, so heavy meals disrupt their work.

Important! After the age of 60, men and women should switch to four meals a day. Lunch and breakfast should be the most satisfying, and for dinner it is better to eat light foods (low-fat sour-milk drinks, fresh vegetables or fruits).

Doctors recommend periodically arranging fasting days. Then a person throughout the day should consume only cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable products.

Completely starving people of the "third" age is prohibited.

In the presence of chronic diseases, it is worth switching to 5 meals a day. This is necessary to unload the digestive organs, speed up the metabolism, and improve the general condition.

Serving Size

A person over 60 should eat moderately. He should eat food 4 times a day, but in small portions.

Product Man under 65 Woman under 65 Man over 65 Woman over 65
Bread made from rye flour100 100 100 100
Bread made from millet flour200 150 150 120
Grade A pasta10 10 10 10
Cereals and beans30 30 25 25
Potatoes250 200 200 150
Other vegetables400 400 350 350
Fruits, berries300 300 250 250
dry fruits25 25 25 25
Sugar50 50 50 50
dietary meat100 75 60 60
Milk, kefir (low fat)150 150 150 150
Cottage cheese100 100 100 100
Eggs per week3 pcs.2 pcs.2 pcs.2 pcs.
Vegetable oil30 20 20 20
Butter10 10 10 10

If it is easier for a person to focus on portions of products, then every day he should consume:

  • Bread, cereals - 5 to 6 servings. 1 serving is 1 slice of bread, 30 g of cereal, ½ cup of porridge.
  • Vegetables - 2 to 2.5 servings. At one meal, a person can consume 1 cup of vegetables or ½ cup chopped (raw or cooked).
  • Fruit - 1.5 to 2 servings. At a time, you can eat 1 medium piece of your favorite fruit, ½ cup chopped (fresh, cooked or canned), the same amount of dried fruit, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Milk and products from it. A single serving consists of 220 ml of milk, yoghurt (low fat), 45 g of hard cheese.
  • Lean meat, fish, beans, eggs, nuts - 1.5 to 2 servings. For 1 meal, a person can eat about 90 g of meat or fish (about 200 g per day), 1 cup of beans, 2 eggs, 100 g of peanut butter, 25 g of nuts.

When eating small portions, food is broken down faster, and nutrients are absorbed.

Healthy foods

People of the "third" age suffer from a slow metabolism, decreased appetite, various negative reactions after taking medications or overeating. To reduce negative phenomena, you need to include the right foods in the diet:

  • Proteins can be obtained from seafood, which are better absorbed. Lean meat, eggs can be consumed 1-2 times a week. Low-fat dairy products are suitable for daily consumption.
  • Sources of fats are unrefined vegetable oils. They can be used for dressing salads, cereals.
  • Complex carbohydrates, as well as fiber, can be obtained from whole grain breads, cereals, and plant foods.

Important! People over 60 need to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Those nutrients that they get from food are not enough, so it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

What to refuse, and what food to limit

To avoid such common problems as obesity, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, you need to limit the amount of sugar, pastries, sweets. You can replace harmful foods with xylitol (sugar substitute), berries, fruits, honey.

To avoid unnecessary stress on the digestive system, give up spicy, smoked, salty foods.

It is strictly forbidden for older people to indulge in fast food, semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, sausages, fatty meat, milk. A person in the "third" age can afford 150 g of dry wine.

Energy balance

To avoid obesity and related problems, an elderly person must control the daily calorie intake. The approximate energy value of the menu for people from 60 years old is from 2300 to 2100 kcal, and from 80 years old - from 2000 to 1900 kcal. When exercising, the number of calories can be slightly increased.

In old age, the need for proteins decreases, people from 60 years old need 65-70 g, and from 80 years old - from 57 to 60 g. Older people should consume from 65 to 70 g of fats (dairy products, vegetable oils). The content of carbohydrates is from 275 to 340 g, of which 10 - 15% are simple carbohydrates.

Menu specifics for men and women

Women over 60 are advised to replenish their diet with healthy plant foods, low-fat fermented milk products, cereals, herbs, as well as foods containing protein, calcium, and iron. Read more in the article at the link.

Daily menu for women after 60:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese, dry fruits, nuts, green tea or freshly squeezed juice.
  • Lunch - fresh, steamed or baked fruit.
  • Lunch - soup or buckwheat with meat, vegetables, cookies, tea.
  • Dinner - porridge on the water, baked (without oil) fish, vegetable salad.

Important! Supplement your diet with seasonal vegetables and fruits specific to your region.

The daily diet of a man contains more calories:

  • Steamed or oven fish, sliced ​​vegetables, unsweetened tea.
  • Fruit salad.
  • Low-fat borsch with meat, a little sour cream, a slice of bread, baked apples with honey, tea.
  • Cottage cheese casserole, kefir.

Menu options for men are different, the main thing is that he eats 1 kg of vegetables and fruits, 200 g of fish and meat.

Healthy food for those over 80

After 80 years, a person has a predisposition to overweight. To avoid this, you need to eat 5 times a day in small portions.

To support the work of the body, you need to follow these rules of nutrition:

  • Eat lean fish, meat, fats before 12 noon.
  • Dine on fermented milk products, give up salt and extractives
  • Boil products, stew, steam.
  • Give up sweets, sugar, animal fats.
  • The menu of an old person after 80 years should include side dishes and vegetable dishes (salads with butter, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, greens). Limit the amount of legumes, spinach.
  • Drink green tea, weak coffee, freshly squeezed juices, water.

It is also important to remember that the menu should be varied, so look for new recipes.

Useful supplements: vitamins, trace elements

The lack of nutrients threatens to disrupt the work of many organs and systems.

Their deficiency is manifested by rapid fatigue, digestive disorders, deterioration of hair, skin, nails, frequent infections, complications of chronic diseases.

To avoid health problems, a person should know what useful substances he needs: retinol, group B elements, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, calciferols, tocopherol, vitamin K.

Important! Before you buy a dietary supplement, consult with your doctor, who will determine what substances your body needs.

The most popular drugs for people over 60 include Hexavit, Undevit, Centuri.

Well-known nutritionists in Moscow know everything about healthy nutrition for people of the third age. They can tell you how to safely and quickly lose weight, keep fit after 60 years.

Experts will tell you how to create a balanced and varied diet that will improve the condition of the body and slow down aging.

Natalya Sarkisyan, nutritionist

A well-known doctor advises how to:

  • Reduce calorie intake, eat more nutrients.
  • When excess fat appears, consult a doctor who will draw up a safe weight loss program.
  • Even if you have a normal weight, eat healthy food.
  • Follow the meal regimen, do not skip a meal even if you do not feel hungry.
  • Drink water regularly throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty.
  • Eat 4 meals a day, eat only fresh food.

Anna Melekhina, nutritionist

According to a leading nutritionist, after 60 years it is possible to normalize weight, for this you need to make a daily routine, adjust the menu.

  • The basis of a proper diet for people over 60 years old is plant foods.
  • During a snack, eat greens, nuts, dry, fresh fruits, vegetables.
  • Drink green, herbal teas, juices, and coffee can be replaced with a chicory-based drink.
  • In the evening, eat sour-milk products, gluten-free cereals.
  • Eat breakfast and lunch with meat, fish, or a small amount of beans.
  • Eat vegetable fats.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water.

For people over 60, physical activity is very important: walking with a pedometer or morning exercises.

Lidia Ionova, nutritionist

The specialist advises older people to switch to proper nutrition, which has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

The menu should contain the following products:

  • Fruits and vegetables - 50% of the total daily menu.
  • Grain products (unrefined, whole grains) - 25%.
  • Protein products (nuts, beans, dietary fish, meat, dairy products) - 25%.

You can replenish the amount of fluid in the body with the help of water, milk, tea, soups. Vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, the main thing is to use them in small quantities. Salt is recommended to be replaced with herbs and spices.

Walking, cycling, swimming will only increase the effectiveness of the diet and improve the general condition.

Useful video

Watch a video about proper nutrition in adulthood:

Main conclusions

After 60 years, all biological processes in the body slow down.

To delay the onset of old age, as well as improve the condition of the body, you need to switch to proper nutrition. The basic principles of rational menu planning should be adjusted for age-related characteristics.

The calorie content of the diet with proper nutrition in old age is from 1900 to 2300 kcal.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, fruits, the amount of protein should be reduced. In addition, you should replenish the menu with foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vegetable fats.

People of the "third age" must observe the drinking regimen and eat 4-5 times a day.

In addition to organizing proper nutrition, after 60 years, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes that will help avoid vitamin deficiency and improve the general condition of the body.

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According to the age classification, the population over 60 years old is divided into two age groups: the first - 60-74 years old, the second - over 74 years old.

The aging process is a slow accumulation of age-related changes that manifest themselves at all levels of the body. Among the changes and causes that form aging include: a decrease in daily energy consumption, a decrease in redox processes, the prevalence of dissimilation processes over assimilation processes, the presence of degenerative atrophic processes in the body, as well as a weakening of the functions of the digestive apparatus - a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, disorders of the pancreas and liver.

Changes in the gastrointestinal tract affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients. A decrease in the acidity of gastric juice can be the cause of the development of vitamin B12 deficiency - anemia. In the elderly, there is a deterioration in the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, which leads to thinning and a decrease in bone density - a disease of osteoiosis.

In old age, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels decreases, which leads to the development of hypertension.

When organizing the nutrition of the elderly, it is necessary to take into account all the changes that occur in the body.

Since there is a need for some restriction of the amount of food, especially at one meal, there are problems with providing the diet with biologically active nutrients.

In the diet of the elderly, it is necessary to include nutritional substances with anti-sclerotic and lipotropic properties.

It is necessary to include foods rich in fiber in the diet in order to remove excess cholesterol and stimulate intestinal motility.

Of great importance in the nutrition of people in this category is the enrichment of the diet with fermented milk products, the most important part of which is lactic acid, which has biological activity. Lactic acid also inhibits the development of putrefactive and some pathogenic bacteria. With the help of fermented milk products, it is possible to limit the formation of putrefactive microbes in the intestines of harmful substances involved in the development of atherosclerosis.

Need for nutrients

. For the elderly, in accordance with the physiological norms of food needs (1991), the amount of protein for men under 75 years old is 68 g, over 75 years old - 61 g per day. For women, 61 and 55 g, respectively. In terms of 1 kg of body weight, the need for protein is 1-1.3 g. It is unacceptable to include an excess amount of protein, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis and strain of the liver and kidneys.

. In the diet of the elderly, low-fat dairy and fish products, as well as seafood are recommended.

The need for fat in older people corresponds to 77 and 65 g for men and 66 and 57 g for women. The proportion of vegetable fats should be at least 30% to provide the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids. The inclusion of oleic and linolenic fatty acids (olive oil, seafood, linseed and hemp oils) in the diet reduces blood viscosity, prevents thrombosis, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Foods high in fat should be excluded from the diet.

. Carbohydrates, as the main source of energy, should be 50-55% of the total calorie intake. The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 335 and 280 g for men and 284 and 242 g for women. The proportion of simple sugars in the elderly should not exceed 10-15% of the total amount of carbohydrates, since their excess leads to an increase in cholesterol synthesis in the liver, an increase in blood sugar and a risk of cancer. For people in this category, it is recommended to include in the diet a sufficient amount of fiber and other complex carbohydrates. A sufficient amount of dietary fiber in the diet helps to stimulate intestinal motility, the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora, and the prevention of cancer.

. In the nutrition of the elderly, vitamins are of particular importance, especially those that have anti-sclerotic, hypotensive (lower blood pressure), lipotropic and antioxidant effects.

Among these vitamins, vitamins B 6 , PP, folic acid, vitamin E, β-carotene can be distinguished. In old age, it is necessary to constantly maintain the physiological level of vitamin C in the body, as it increases redox processes, normalizes metabolism, slowing down the aging process, has a lipotropic effect, and helps the absorption of iron.

In old age, cases of polyhypovitaminosis (deficiency of several vitamins) are often noted.

To compensate for vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to provide the body with a balanced diet, in some cases it is recommended to use vitamin complexes.

Minerals. With age, a large amount of minerals, especially Ca salts, accumulate in the human body. They are deposited in the walls of blood vessels, joints, disrupting their motor ability. Along with this, the concentration of minerals decreases in some tissues. Often in older people, there is a slight release of calcium from the bones.

With insufficient intake of calcium from food, in case of violation of its absorption, a decrease in bone density and mass occurs, which leads to osteoporosis. The need for calcium in the elderly is 1000 mg per day.

In old age, especially in women, iron deficiency is noted. In old age, dehydration of the body is possible, caused by a lack of fluid or sodium intake.

Diet. In connection with the decrease in the functions of the digestive tract, it is necessary to adhere to 4-5 meals a day at a strictly defined time, to exclude long breaks between meals.

Physiological norms of needs for basic nutrients and energy for elderly and senile people are presented in Table. one.

Table 1. Norms of physiological needs for nutrients and energy for the elderly and senile

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