In the corners of the lips, cracks and redness are the cause. Seizures and cracks in the corners of the mouth (angulitis, angular cheilitis, angular stomatitis). Causes, types, symptoms and treatment of lip jam in a child, in adults. The corners of the mouth are cracking: what to do

- These are small cracks that can lead to pain while talking or eating. At first, slight redness appears on the skin, and over time, a crack or erosion forms in this place. Pain occurs in various reasons, including a number of diseases, beriberi and mechanical damage. To prevent seizures from causing discomfort or complexes about appearance, you need to find out the reason for their appearance and choose best option treatment.

The reasons

Lead to the formation of sores on the lips different factors:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • dental diseases;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • allergies to certain medicines and cosmetics;
  • getting an infection.

It is known that in winter, jams appear much more often. This is due to the fact that the skin of the lips dries out due to low temperature, wind and too dry air. As a result, in the corners of the mouth appear small cracks.

In some cases, sores are found in children and people who have recently undergone serious illnesses and women during pregnancy. Gastritis and other diseases sometimes lead to seizures, in which the process of assimilation nutrients violated.

The formation of cracks in the corners is explained habit of licking lips. It is known that saliva contains many bacteria that can penetrate the wound and slow down its healing. The most common pathogens are fungus and streptococci.

Avitaminosis and congestion

In most cases, cracks in the corners of the mouth appear due to a lack of vitamin B 12. In this case, the patient has peeling of the skin, the formation of crusts on the nose, as well as redness and itching of the tongue. Patients may complain about general weakness and fatigue, lack of appetite.

If a severe symptoms no, but cracks on the lips still constantly appear, you need to reconsider your own diet. For example, you should use more fermented milk products, including low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, as well as liver, eggs and beef. These products contain a high concentration of B vitamins, which helps prevent the formation of jams. Riboflavin is found in plant foods such as green bean, fresh peas, broccoli and spinach.

It must be remembered that the formation of cracks contributes zinc and iron deficiency, therefore, it is necessary to add mushrooms and various nuts, parsley, oatmeal, peaches, red meat and offal, including heart and liver, to the diet. best source zinc are various seafood and greens, pumpkin seeds, as well as eggs and germinated wheat.

The course of the disease and its pathogens

The symptoms that are observed during the formation of cracks on the lips depend on the pathogen.

  • Candida fungus. In this case, red cracks without a crust form in the corners of the mouth. At the same time, mucosal damage is noticeable with the mouth open. In most cases, the disease progresses to chronic form. It occurs with a lack of vitamins and a serious weakening of the immune system.
  • Staphylo- and streptococci. In the presence of such a pathogen, a bubble forms in the corners of the mouth, in the place of which a wound with a purulent-bloody crust appears over time.

In any case, in addition to crack formation, a number of unpleasant symptoms. For example, a person may experience pain during communication and eating.


To accurately determine the disease and its causative agent, it is necessary to pass a smear from oral cavity. In addition, it is recommended that general analysis blood and sugar levels. Would like to consult with therapist, hematologist and endocrinologist.

In some cases, seizures and cracks in the corners of the mouth appear due to malocclusion or some mechanical damage. AT this case you need to see a dentist.


After the appearance early symptoms urgent need to start treatment. This will help to avoid the transition of the disease into a chronic form. However, it must be remembered that the choice of medicine depends on the pathogen.

  • If cracks appeared in the corners of the lips due to streptococcus then antibiotic ointments are prescribed. Most often it is levomecol or methyluracil ointment.
  • At fungal infection such drugs: levorin, ketoconazole, nystatin or fluconazole. These medicines have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They soften the wounds on the lips and promote faster healing.

The mentioned ointments are applied with a cotton swab three times a day 30 minutes before meals, and also 60 minutes before bedtime. After each snack, cracks must be treated with brilliant green. In addition, the intake of B vitamins is indicated.

During the treatment of cracks, it is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol, spicy and too salty foods. If the causative agent is a fungus, sweets should be excluded from the diet.

Features of the treatment of cracks in children

Treatment of children is much more complicated, because babies can not always tolerate various ointments. In this case, it is recommended to apply to the corners of the mouth. home lineups. For the preparation of such ointments, petroleum jelly, melted wax, olive oil and goose fat. At night, the affected areas are smeared with honey and cucumber juice.

Alternative treatment

In the treatment of jamming, they are quite effective. folk remedies. The most popular are such recipes:


To avoid the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth, it is necessary to use hygienic lipstick regularly. Also at night, you can lubricate the lips with honey or beeswax.

Must be carefully monitored for the condition of the oral cavity. So, it is important to treat caries and other diseases in a timely manner, remove plaque, and also check the integrity of crowns and prostheses. You need to eat right to avoid vitamin deficiency. You should also get rid of bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol.

Sores in the corners of the lips can spoil not only appearance person, but also his mood. When cracks form, you do not need to wait until they disappear on their own. It is necessary to start treatment immediately in order to maintain health and restore a beautiful smile.

Cracks, wounds and ulcers in the area of ​​labial adhesions are not only unpleasant cosmetic defect, but also a sign that may indicate the development of a wide variety of disorders in the body. The article describes in detail the symptoms that accompany the appearance of sores in the corners of the lips, the causes and treatment of pathology.

Causes of the formation of sores in the labial adhesions

  • angulitis (jamming) - damage to the skin and mucous membrane in the area of ​​​​the labial commissure streptococcal or candidal infection;
  • herpes;
  • lack of vitamin B2.

Probability of development pathological process increases under the influence of the following factors:

It has been observed that in autumn and winter time wounds, cracks, ulcers and herpes in the corners of the lips appear more often than in summer or spring. In women, sores in the area of ​​​​labial adhesions very often appear in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of pathology may vary depending on the reasons that provoked its occurrence. Let's consider all development options in more detail.

Streptococcal seizures in adults are extremely rare.. Usually children under the age of 12 experience this problem. In its development, the pathological process goes through the following stages:

  1. A small thin-walled bubble appears in the corner of the lips of a sick person.
  2. The loose element bursts, and in its place a slit-like erosion is formed, covered with a bloody-purulent crust. It hurts a person when opening his mouth or when touching the affected area.
  3. After 1.5-2 days, the crust falls off, exposing a bright red surface with a bleeding crack in the center.
  4. After 2-3 hours, the affected area is again covered with a crust, the pain becomes less intense.

If left untreated, the disease resolves in 8-10 days. The crust falls off, the streptococcal infection is completely epithelialized, leaving no scars and pigment spots on the affected area.

Candidal angulitis

The main signs of candidal seizures are:

  • the appearance in the area of ​​​​the labial commissure of erosion of red color, surrounded by a whitish fringe;
  • accumulation of light gray or white plaque in the corners of the lips in adults, children or adolescents;
  • moderate pain, burning or itching.

Over time, angulitis provoked by microorganisms genus Candida, turns into a chronic form that is difficult to treat.

herpetic infection

Herpetic eruptions in the corners of the lips appear due to infection of the body with herpesvirus type 1. The first signs of the disease are:

In the future, the exudate present inside the sores becomes cloudy. The bubbles burst and transform into small weeping scarlet sores. Brownish or yellow crusts appear on the surface of the ulcers, which soon fall off, leaving no scars or other marks behind.

Vitamin B2 deficiency in the body

The main cause of hypovitaminosis B2 in children and adults is insufficient intake food containing this nutrient. Sometimes riboflavin deficiency occurs in the background chronic diseases digestive tract or long-term use pharmaceuticals, which are antagonists of this vitamin.

In addition to sores (areas of manifestations) in the corners of the mouth, signs of hypovitaminosis B2 are:

  • vertical cracks on the mucous membrane of the lips;
  • redness and swelling of the tongue;
  • signs of seborrheic dermatitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, fear of bright light;
  • hair loss;
  • deterioration of the skin, nails;
  • prostration.

In some cases, the development of the pathological process is accompanied burning pains in lower limbs, muscle weakness.

Treatment of sores in the corners of the lips

The treatment regimen for cracks, wounds and ulcers in the corners of the lips is made up taking into account the factors that provoked the development of the pathology. In most cases, home therapy involves dieting, as well as the use of ointments and creams that destroy pathogens and accelerate regeneration. damaged skin, relieving pain, burning and itching in the affected areas. In addition, active use of traditional medicine.

Features of treatment for angulitis

In order to remove sores in the area of ​​labial adhesions with angulitis, you must:

For fungal angulitis that cannot be cured within 10-15 days, it is useful to undergo therapy with fluconazole or other systemic antifungal drugs.

Therapy for herpes

It is advisable to treat herpetic sores with drugs local action containing antiviral components. The most popular of them are:

With no effect from local treatment you need to take a course of systemic antiviral drugs- Valaciclovir or Famciclovir. Accept medicines only with the permission of a doctor and in strict accordance with the instructions attached to them.

Treatment for hypovitaminosis

Most effective method fight against sores in the area of ​​labial adhesions with hypovitaminosis B2 - diet therapy. A sick person is recommended to supplement his diet with foods rich in riboflavin:

  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • almonds;
  • mushrooms (chanterelles, mushrooms, champignons);
  • all types of cabbage;
  • cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • milk.

You can replenish the reserves of vitamin B2 in the body with the help of tablets.

Alternative treatment

Prescription medicines alternative medicine, can significantly speed up the healing process of seizures, herpetic rashes and expressions in the corners of the mouth. traditional healers recommend every 2-3 hours:

  • treat sores with olive oil or tea tree ;
  • apply lotions with a decoction of calendula, alder cones, sage or chamomile to the affected areas;
  • press against an erosion or crack cotton swab, soaked in aloe juice.

An effective remedy is prepared from propolis (20 g) and butter (200 g). The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath until the mixture acquires a uniform consistency. Cooled ointment every hour treat the affected area.

Treating any disease is much more difficult than preventing it. That is why doctors have developed a number of recommendations to prevent the appearance of sores in the corners of the mouth. In particular, people who often encounter this problem are advised to comply with hygiene requirements, refuse to use other people's dishes and cosmetics, visit the dentist regularly, eat right and protect their lips from adverse external influence. Compliance with these recommendations allows you to minimize the risk of developing angulitis, hypovitaminosis or exacerbation of herpes.

The appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips is due to a weakening of the immune system, in most cases this occurs in the spring months. The provoking factor is usually the microbes present in the oral cavity of each person. However, only when the body's defenses are reduced, the pathogenic process develops. As a result, there are pain when a person speaks, eats, laughs.

Why do cracks appear in the corners of the lips

To find the right decision problems, it is necessary to understand what exactly caused it. There can be a lot of provoking factors, the most common of them:

  1. decline defensive forces body after stress, illness, changes in climatic conditions, weather changes.
  2. Deficiency in the body essential vitamins- A, B, E, D, and also useful elements- zinc, iron. This can also happen after stressful situations, in women - with abundant menstrual flow, breastfeeding.
  3. Constant licking of the lips, especially in windy and frosty weather.
  4. Frequent dental procedures. Long stay with open mouth, the use of medical instruments and aggressive substances by a doctor - these factors cause injury to the corners of the mouth. And since it takes more than one visit to the doctor when it is necessary to cure the teeth, the damage does not have time to heal. A similar situation develops in people who wear removable dentures.
  5. Using new toothpaste. As part of modern means tooth brushing usually contains a lot of fluoride, which can cause allergic reaction in the form of cracks in the corners of the lips. The same can lead to the use of a new lipstick.
  6. Diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, as well as pathologies gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Various infections resulting from inadequate personal hygiene. Often, such cracks form in babies who taste everything that seems interesting to them. Some adults also have this habit and, thinking about something, they gnaw on a pencil or some other object. In some cases, the appearance of cracks is associated with a fungal infection.
  8. addiction to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Bad habits can cause cracks in the corners of the mouth, especially against the background of infectious diseases.


First, a small crack appears, because its size increases. As a result, an expression resembling a gap is formed. Its appearance will help determine what exactly caused it. this process. The crack is covered with a crust of pus and blood - the cause is an infection (streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus). The appearance of a pale gray plaque indicates a fungal infection. If you do not open your mouth, such a crack can be mistaken for a skin fold. In addition, the appearance of jamming in the corners of the lips is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain near the wound;
  • itching and burning at the site where the crack formed;
  • pain when opening the mouth.

When a person who has cracked lips eats anything salty, sour or spicy, the pain intensifies. It is difficult for him to speak, smile, brush his teeth.


Since the precipitating factor given state is different, the therapy used will also differ. Therefore, before doing any medical measures, it is necessary to pass diagnostic procedures, that is, pass the following tests:
  • examination of urine and blood;
  • scraping from the surface of the wound;
  • swab from the oral cavity.

An examination by a therapist who, if necessary, will send to narrow specialists - an endocrinologist, dentist, hematologist.

These studies can detect the presence of microbes at the site of formation or in the oral cavity. Other diagnostic measures are needed in order to establish the disease that accompanies the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips. It can be anemia, diabetes, intestinal infectious diseases, HIV.

In order to quickly and permanently get rid of such a phenomenon as cracks in the corners of the mouth, proper diagnosis is required. For this it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination to discover hidden diseases, if any. Because the most important thing is a strong immune system. healthy body easily overcome any infection. Consequently, the process of healing cracks will be faster.

What to do with cracks in the corners of the mouth?

If the appearance of cracks along the edges of the lips is not caused by serious diseases, and the nature of the phenomenon is not protracted, then the following rules can help:

  1. Strengthening immunity. This problem can be overcome if you start taking vitamins. The most effective in this case will be vitamin B, which is contained in brewer's yeast. In addition, vitamins E and A contained in the Aevit complex will bring invaluable benefits to the skin condition. The tool has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. It can be used externally by applying with a cotton swab to the lesions three times a day.
  2. Power adjustment. Until the cracks pass, salty, spicy, sour foods, peppers, and spices should be removed from the diet. If this is not done, the damaged areas will be constantly irritated.
  3. Hygiene. You can not touch the cracks with your hands, especially unwashed. Care must be taken when brushing your teeth. Choosing toothpaste, it is better to give preference to one that contains less fluoride, or a child's one, as it is less aggressive.
  4. Use a large number pure water. Such a measure will help get rid of the feeling of constriction that occurs when the wound heals and a crust forms.

Any therapeutic measures should be taken only when the nature of the disease is established. The most commonly used drugs are:

  1. It is possible to treat cracks that appeared against the background of an infection with the help of medicinal ointments: Vishnevsky, Methyluracil, Levomekoleva, Tetracycline.
  2. If the causative agent is a fungus, use Nystatin or Levorin ointment.

Regardless of the provoking factor, it is recommended to disinfect the lesions with iodine.

If cracks in the corners of the mouth are a symptom of a disease, then treatment should be aimed specifically at eliminating it. For example, if the phenomenon arose as a result of an allergy, then contact with the allergen substance should be eliminated and an antihistamine should be taken.

Folk remedies

During a course of therapy with medicines prescribed by a doctor, you can supplement it folk recipes so that the wounds heal faster.

Many are known folk ways combat this phenomenon. It should be noted that, as a rule, all of them are aimed at eliminating exactly the symptoms, and not the cause, therefore, they can only supplement the main treatment.

The following are considered the most effective:

  1. Tea tree oil. You should take a cotton swab, moisten it in the product and apply it to the wound twice a day for a couple of minutes. Therapy is carried out until the cracks pass.
  2. Butter. To soften the crack, you can use the usual butter which should be processed problem areas several times a day.
  3. Kalanchoe. The tool has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Fresh leaves must be crushed, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Apply the resulting mixture to damaged skin.
  4. Herbal infusions. For these purposes, you should take sage, celandine, chamomile - these plants will help relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. Pour a large spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Then take a cotton pad, soak in the infusion and apply to the sore spot.
  5. Aloe. The plant is also excellent tool helping to keep the skin healthy and beautiful. To prepare a medicine for cracked lips, you need to pick a leaf of the agave, grind it to a mushy consistency, squeeze out the juice, soak it in the resulting liquid cotton swab and gently treat the affected areas throughout the day.

Sea buckthorn helps well essential oil who need to lubricate the cracks before going to bed.

Streptocid tablets have high antiseptic properties. The medicine must be crushed and the resulting powder should be used to treat cracks, before wetting the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide.

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent than to treat later, so in order not to encounter cracks in the corners of the mouth, you must follow a few rules. First of all, you should not allow a lack of moisture so that the lips do not dry out. In addition, efforts should be made to reduce possible impact on the skin covering negative factors external environment. With a long stay in the cold, you need to use lip balm.

It is necessary to regularly drink the vitamin complex, especially in the spring, when beriberi is observed.

Of course best solution will contact a specialist. If the cause that provoked the occurrence of such a problem is unknown, self-treatment is not recommended.

Video: treatment of jam in the corners of the mouth

Dry lips, redness, the formation of cracks and sores - these symptoms indicate the presence of a fungus in the body. If the problem is ignored, it can grow even more - the eyes and nose of a person will be exposed to the fungus. Therefore, the appearance of the first symptoms is a call to what needs to be treated. As a rule, the fungus is accompanied by itching, redness of the lips, the formation of a crust and cracks.

  1. When a person licks his lips, eats improperly and abuses sweets, cracks can appear by themselves. Sometimes the body does not get enough nutrients. For example, vitamin B2 is found in any nut, vegetable, bran and rice porridge. Not including these products in the diet will impoverish the human vitamin complex.
  2. According to psychologists, among the symptoms of cracks in the lip can be attributed to psychological condition person. Nervous breakdowns, anxiety and depression are the main causes of poor health. Jams (crusts near the lips) occur due to wrong image life.
  3. Lack or lack of personal hygiene contributes to the formation of sores on the lips. Fissures can appear during an infection when streptococci occupy an area of ​​the intestine. Dentistry, or rather, diseases in its part, affects seizures near the mouth. One of these manifestations is caries. Man receives not only toothache but also an infection on the lips.
  4. The occurrence of an allergenic reaction is another reason for chapped lips. There may be a lack of iron in the body. Help to fill the missing balance healthy foods: all kinds of nuts, asparagus, cereals, fruits, herbs and meat products. It is advisable to make a uniform diet that would include the indicated vitamin complexes.
  5. In the summer, cracks in the lips can be triggered by the sun's rays. Excess ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin. Possible excessive peeling of the lips.
  6. Climatic conditions may also have an impact on seizures. The response of our body will upset the balance inside the intestine or immune system. Well, cracks on the lips will be the result of such a change.
  7. Escherichia coli associated with the functioning of the body's flora. AT normal condition they do not participate in the work of the intestine, but only indicate the presence. But as soon as their number is critical, the production of toxins begins, which mix with the blood. As a result, visible and invisible coupes are formed. To the visible we refer just sores on the lips.
  8. One of the main reasons for the appearance of cracks on the lip is a metabolic disorder. At the same time, the body begins to fail during the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The resulting cracks become painful places interfere with eating and talking. At first, a small wound with each opening of the mouth becomes larger and larger - sometimes the cracks develop further - they turn into the deepest possible. This is very serious!

The problem of cracked corners of the mouth applies not only to children, but also to adults. Due to the lack of vitamins in spring period, the body loses its former immunity. The disease is easily transmitted through the contacts of people or through their personal belongings. It is important to observe the hygiene of bath accessories, including cosmetics.

  1. Very often, seizures appear in malicious smokers. Nicotine eats into the vessels, forming gray pores. Treatment of the disease becomes useless, and the cracks persist. Therefore, it is worth thinking about getting rid of addiction. During therapy, products containing vitamin C are contraindicated.

Treatment of cracked lips

Medicine knows several ways to treat seizures in the corners of the mouth. Traditional medicine knows even more ways to get rid of the infection. Consider both options, as they are practically justified:

  • Pork fat and honey are taken as a basis in a ratio of 1 to 2. After eating, the lips are smeared with this mixture and left in such a “lipstick” for a while.
  • Tea spoon boric acid mixed with yolk and glycerin. The lips are lubricated with the resulting solution.
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil will do for cracked lips. You can also use avocado.
  • From jamming, the bitterness of garlic helps a lot. If there is an extract of plantain, then it will also be useful in treatment.
  • Human ear wax is applied to the corners of the lips, and after a certain time, the cracks resolve. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.
  • Soaked apple with milk - the mixture copes well with sores. Applying a milk apple to the problem area, wrap it with a bandage. In this way, you can eliminate the jam.
  • The use of fermented milk starter with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The course of ingestion is 7-15 days, depending on the result.
  • Applying lip balm or lipstick to the skin for hygiene. Well helps tetracycline ointment. Lubricate the problem area with its composition. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 3 times a day.
  • Eucalyptus tincture with mint - has a tonic and softening effect on the lips.
  • Aloe leaves are crushed, or juice is squeezed out of them. The liquid lubricates the pustular areas of the skin. The best solution would be to repeat the procedure regularly until the result is achieved.

  • Cucumber juice is great for moisturizing lips. Juice lubricates cracks and corners of the mouth.
  • You can use ascorbic acid, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of peas. Vitamins energize the body.
  • A folk method for eliminating sores: a piece of newspaper is set on fire on a plate, and after smoldering, the fire goes astray. The black charred side should be drawn along the cracks on the lips, and then applied to the affected area. The sores will start to disappear.
  • The powder composition of streptocide is triturated and applied in the form of powder. After treating the wound with powder, wait for it to be absorbed. After that, you can rinse your lips with peroxide. But not earlier than a day later.
  • Ebony oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the face. Suitable for disease prevention.

We treat cracks on the lips of a child

Parents are faced not only with the chapping of the lips of their child, but also with the formation of jams. A reasonable question arises: how to treat cracked lips in children? It should be said right away that the reasons for the formation of seizures in a child are no different from those indicated at the beginning of the article. The only thing that accompanies children's cracking of the lips is the following phenomena:

  • fungus;
  • tonsillitis;
  • colds;
  • caries;
  • violation of the microflora.

Parents must take the child to medical institution where you need to take tests and see a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of cracked lips and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Doctors advice: medical treatment should be carried out in cases of fungal infection of the child's body. If reasons related to poor hygiene are found, you can limit yourself to home treatment using traditional medicine methods. Treat the cracks on the child's lips with brilliant green. Of course, it is necessary to give the baby a complex of vitamins. They can be prescribed by a doctor. But if this does not happen, then stick to the foods described above, especially fruits and vegetables. This is the only way to protect your child from the appearance of an unpleasant infection on the lips.

Zayeda is not a medical term, but an everyday one. But he very tightly entered the lexicon not only ordinary people, but also medical workers. Zayed can be attributed to a certain symptom, which is based on the appearance of a skin defect in the corner of the mouth, accompanied by inflammatory changes in the tissues in the affected area and surrounding areas. Naturally, this cannot proceed without a trace for a person. And although similar condition does not carry any danger, but brings some discomfort. This is especially true for a long process.

Generally, such harmless symptom, as a jam, should not always be considered unambiguously. After all, in the normal state of the body, it does not occur. Therefore, sometimes it can act as a kind of "small tip of a big iceberg." This means that jamming can be not only an independent insignificant problem, but also a secondary sign. various diseases at the time of their occurrence or exacerbation. About this in more detail will be discussed in other sections of the article.

Here, it is advisable to indicate with what terms the jam is associated in medical circles. They can be heard at the reception at the dentist, dermatologist or therapist. These include: angular, angular stomatitis, slit-like. They should not cause any fantasies in the head of the patient about the severity of his condition, who asked for help in connection with a small, albeit annoying, snack. Similar terms mean the same state.

In its development, the jam in the corner of the mouth goes through a whole series successive stages. It all starts with the formation of a small bubble filled with a small droplet of liquid. It may be clear or somewhat hazy. Usually during a conversation or under the action external factors a rupture of the bubble occurs with the exposure of a small erosive surface on the skin or mucous membrane of the corner of the mouth. Soon there is an increase in it, and it is covered with a crust.

Clinical manifestations of seizures are reduced to the following signs:

    Redness of the skin with wetting, or a small wound in the corner of the mouth;

    Liver disease;


    Immunodeficiency states (decreased immunity);

    Courses of hormone therapy with glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, cytostatics.

At some points among the reasons for the development of seizures, it is worth dwelling separately, as this is important when choosing a method of treatment. First of all, it is worth noting the specific patterns in relation to the pathogen that caused the jam. Isolated seizures provoke streptococcus more often, while fungal infection always has a common character with a parallel lesion of the corners of the mouth, lips and oral cavity.

Jade development factors

As for the mechanisms of development of jamming under the action of causal factors, we can say the following. The direct pathological agent that causes skin lesions in the corner of the mouth is the microbial factor. But the implementation pathogenic properties of these microorganisms is possible only under the influence of provoking factors that cause either damage to the skin at the site of a future bite, or a decrease in immune surveillance. In the first case, unprotected skin certain time it is simply not able to resist streptococci and fungi until it is restored. Then there is a jam, as an independent problem.

By itself, the seizure brings moderate discomfort to a person, if its course is not complicated by anything. First of all, it concerns the formation of deep painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. Such a process is much more difficult to eliminate due to the presence of a relatively large wound defect and inflammation of the adjacent skin areas.

Consequently, the treatment process is delayed for more long time compared with the treatment of uncomplicated congestion. The mechanism of crack formation at the site of injury is quite simple. An educated jam in the corner of the mouth can develop in two ways. In the first case, skin damage by microbes is superficial and proper treatment such a process leads to its rapid relief.

If you do not follow the rules for caring for such a jam, or it initially begins to progress, affecting the deeper layers of the skin, then sooner or later everything will end with the formation of a crack in the corner of the mouth.

If its depth reaches the level of the location of the lymphatic capillaries, this leads to the appearance of discharge from the wound, which, spreading to the surrounding skin, causes its compaction and overdrying. It shrinks and loses its elasticity. When it is stretched when eating, laughing, talking, the skin is torn.

The result of all the processes described, which close the peculiar vicious circle, is the formation of cracks in one or both corners of the mouth. by the most serious complication a similar local process is the transition of inflammation to neighboring areas of the skin in the affected area. As a result, the formation of new cracks with their association into one wound, covered with a crust and accompanied by constant wetting. If not taken necessary measures, then the process will gradually expand with the transformation into a fairly large wound.

How to treat seizures in the corners of the mouth?

Healing process when seizing in the corners of the mouth depends on the immediate cause of their occurrence. It includes local (local) therapy and general activities. It is always worth starting with local influences at a stop. They can be presented folk methods and traditional modern medicine. First of all, it is worth dwelling on the most favorite methods among all who are faced with this problem. Naturally, everyone wants to get rid of it, as easily as possible.

Treatment at home

The first to come to the rescue are the improvised means of traditional medicine. Favorite and proven methods from this section are:

    Attachment to a meal earwax. The method of treatment, although not entirely aesthetic, but very effective;

    Grind plantain leaves into a mushy mass until the juice comes out. Lubricate the cracks with the resulting mixture;

    Prepare a mixture of bee honey and pork fat 2:1. Use to moisturize the skin in the corners of the mouth;

    The use of natural vegetable oils in the form of lotions or simple rubbing. Well helps tea tree oil, olive, rosehip;

    Applying freshly cut pieces to the jam. It has an excellent antimicrobial effect;

    To combat seizures of fungal origin, washing the wounds with concentrated soda solution or its mixture with vitamin B12.

Medical treatment

With a typical course of seizures, only local therapy is indicated. These drugs include:

    Stomatidin. Good antiseptic used for rinsing the mouth and for lotions for seizures. It has an equally good antimicrobial effect on streptococci and fungi;

    Metrogil denta. It is represented by a balanced mixture of metronidazole and chlorhexidine bigluconate. Thanks to this composition, the entire antibacterial spectrum is completely covered in relation to possible pathogenic microbes living in the oral cavity and on the skin around the mouth;

    Bepanthen and D-panthenol. They are mainly used at the stage of wound healing. Their use should be preceded by the application of local antibacterial drugs or their simultaneous combination;

    Tetracycline ointment. You can use its simple fatty forms, or you can apply it eye ointment. The latter does not cause unpleasant burning sensation and very well tolerated;

    Weak glucocorticosteroids with antibiotics. Shown with expressed inflammatory changes. The most common ointments are: gioksizon, trimistin, triderm;

    Cauterization of the jam with solutions of antiseptic dyes: fukortsin, iodine, brilliant green. After this procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin with any oil solution or cream.

    Clotrimazole. Antifungal cream. It is indicated in the case of exclusively fungal lesions of the skin of the corners of the mouth. At streptococcal infections brings no effect.

Video: 2 steps of treatment for 4-7 days (translation):

Restorative treatment

If, against the background of the use of local therapy, it is not possible to achieve healing of the jam, this indicates serious problems with health. There is a need for a detailed diagnosis and restorative treatment.

It includes:

    Vitamin preparations: vitamin C in high doses, aevit, tocopherol acetate, multivitamin complexes(duovit, vitrum, multi-tabs);

    Antifungal drugs and antibiotics according to indications (fluconazole, amoxil);

    Immunomodulators and general tonic;

    Treatment of the underlying disease that caused the formation of jamming.

Only a clear and consistent approach to some trifles can help to understand their true origin and fast elimination. Do not stop halfway after curing a jam. It is best to see a specialist for an elementary examination. This will prevent this problem from reoccurring.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016 he has been working in diagnostic center №3.

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