Professional teeth whitening. Dental teeth whitening: types of procedures and their description

Price whitening can be different, as well as efficiency, because it all depends on which method you choose.

What are the methods?

Options home whitening folk remedies we do not consider, since they are either ineffective or cause significant damage to tooth enamel. We need a method that is efficient and as safe as possible.

Therefore, we consider exclusively professional teeth whitening, which can be both at home and in the office.

Today, teeth whitening is carried out using special gels, the main component of which is hydrogen peroxide. When the gel is applied to the teeth, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen and hydrogen. It is oxygen that whitens teeth. The higher the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the better effect, and the less time is needed to obtain this effect. Doctors prefer to use those methods in which you can get the best effect, with minimal damage to dental health.

Home whitening

As it becomes clear, it is carried out at home. But with the use of professional whitening systems, and only under the supervision of a dentist.

Such whitening is suitable if you do not need an immediate effect and you are ready to wait.

The essence of the method is the daily application of a whitening gel to the teeth. In fact, this is the same gel that is used in office whitening, but the concentration active substance in it below.

The gel is applied not directly to the teeth, but to a special tray, which is made individually. After that, the mouth guard is put on the teeth and left, as a rule, for an hour. After that, the mouthguard is removed and the mouth is rinsed with water. This is a day whitening option, there is also a night whitening option, when the kappa is left all night.

With home whitening, you can lighten your teeth by 3-10 tones - the result depends on individual characteristics and how well you adhere to the recommendations of the dentist.

In-office whitening

The price in Moscow, which, of course, is higher than homemade, allows you to lighten your teeth up to 8 tones in 1 session.

Today there are several methods of in-office whitening: laser, chemical, lamp. Each of the methods has its pros and cons.

Chemical teeth whitening. Dentistry today is gradually abandoning this method, due to its relatively low efficiency and increased risk get chemical burn. In fact, this is the same whitening as home whitening, except that the gel that is applied to the teeth contains more active substance.

Laser whitening. Modern Method, in which gels with a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide can be used. In high concentrations, peroxide is needed only if the oxidation reaction takes place on its own. But the laser beam is a good catalyst, which allows you to speed up the whitening process even with a relatively low concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This means that the teeth are whitened quickly, by 8-12 tones per session, and without any damage to the health of the teeth. It is believed that laser teeth whitening is the most effective and safe. But it is also the most expensive.

Lamp whitening. The essence of the method is the same as in laser whitening, but not a laser acts as a catalyst, but a special LED lamp. There are several such methods, the most famous and popular is Zoom whitening. It's safe and effective method, which allows you to whiten your teeth by 8 tones in one procedure. Whitening itself is carried out in sessions of 15 minutes, in total whitening can take up to 1 hour. As practice has shown, such whitening does not harm the enamel and even improves its condition, due to amorphous phosphate calcium, which is part of the gel, as well as additional fluoridation of teeth after whitening. To date, this is the best option in terms of price and quality.

Which whitening method to choose is up to you. But it is worth remembering that before the procedure it is necessary to carry out a complex professional hygiene oral cavity.

Many people think that whitening in the clinic, the price of which is not the lowest, gives only a short-term effect, and in a year or two the teeth will return to their original color. This is not so - after the procedure, the teeth remain white. But the ideal whiteness, of course, will have to be maintained - once every few years, if desired, you can carry out home whitening. If you want a quick result - in-office whitening.

Teeth whitening: the price is fully justified
Today, teeth whitening is of particular interest, the price of the issue, the effect, the safety of the procedure, and rightly so. Because beauty, first of all, is an open and sincere smile. And how can you talk about an open smile if a person is embarrassed by his teeth, which are far from ideal in color. But today the situation is easy to fix, because there is teeth whitening. The cost of it is different, it all depends on whether you will spend it at home or visit the dentist's office.
However, even an in-office procedure is quite affordable at the same time, in terms of the quality of services, our clinic is comparable to European ones. Why is that? Because we keep it simple pricing policy and we believe that high-quality, European dentistry should be accessible to everyone.

Teeth whitening price in dentistry "Ortholaim"


Cost, rub.

Dental hygienist consultation


Complex of professional oral hygiene


Mouthguards for home whitening


In-office whitening with Opaliscence system


home whitening complex


In-office whitening "ZOOM 3"


* The prices indicated on the website may differ from the actual cost - check the prices with the operator by phone or online.

How is this procedure carried out?
After the patient has sat down in a chair, the dentist closes his gums, lips with a special film to protect against active drug(whitening gel). Then a gel is applied to the teeth to reduce their sensitivity. The patient is also put on special goggles to protect the eyes from the light of the bleaching lamp.
After the preparation is over, an active gel is applied to the teeth. The composition of the preparation, in addition to the bleaching agent (hydrogen peroxide), includes a photoactivator, due to which the release of active oxygen is accelerated under the influence of lamp light. This is necessary so that the whitening takes place faster and does not harm the teeth. Next, the gel is exposed to the light of a lamp. There are three sessions in total, each lasting 15 minutes. After the procedure is over, another preparation containing fluorine is applied to the teeth in order to strengthen the enamel.
This is how teeth whitening works. The price of the service is fully justified by the short duration, good effect and safety. Yes, an in-office procedure is more expensive than home teeth whitening, which immediately seems very cheap. However, you can see the result of the office procedure immediately, and this result is more significant.
Therefore, if you wish to restore your teeth White color as soon as possible, you should whiten your teeth. The price of the service will depend on the type of whitening, and how many tones you need to lighten your teeth. But in any case, the cost of the service will be acceptable.

You can make an appointment at the Ortholaim clinic by phone or by visiting us in person. Registration is also possible online, on our website it is enough to fill out the application form. Sign up and spend a comfortable, safe and effective whitening teeth. Question price? Let it bother those who will envy your Hollywood smile.

Teeth whitening at home

Most effective way Make your teeth whiter with in-office whitening. However, today there is also home whitening, which has become quite popular.
What is teeth whitening at home? The method involves the use of trays, which are made individually by the doctor, and a whitening gel designed specifically for home use. Such a gel contains less hydrogen peroxide, which means it acts softer. Although it is slower, which means that the effect of the procedures is not immediately noticeable, and the teeth brighten gradually.
How is teeth whitening done at home?
A bleaching agent, a gel, is applied to a special tray that is worn over the teeth. Then you need to walk with a mouth guard from 4 to 8 hours, it depends on the type of whitening (day, night). Then the kappa is removed, the mouth is rinsed with water. This procedure is carried out every day until desired effect. But keep in mind that home procedures make it possible to lighten your teeth by no more than 3-10 tones. In the future, if desired, the procedure can be repeated every 6 months.
It would seem that teeth whitening at home is simple and understandable, but in reality it is not so. Without knowing some of the nuances, you can significantly damage your teeth, and that is why the doctors of the Ortholaim clinic strongly recommend: if you want to whiten your teeth at home, you should consult a hygienist. What for?
The fact is that any teeth whitening, including home whitening, must be carried out only after the procedure. Plaque, tartar, all this will interfere with the whitening gel, which means you will not get desired result. In addition, an examination of the oral cavity is necessary to ensure the health of the gums and teeth, and if any diseases are detected, they must first be cured, and then whitened.
So, if you are interested in teeth whitening at home, you should make an appointment with Ortholaim for a consultation. So you can learn all about the intricacies of the procedure. You can sign up for a consultation by, as well as by filling out an online application on our website.

Teeth whitening: reviews will help you decide

Yes indeed, if you are interested in teeth whitening

If the enamel has darkened due to any reason, it makes sense to resort to a procedure such as teeth whitening. There are ways to get rid of darkening at home, but it's always better to trust the dental professionals.

Causes of darkening of tooth enamel

Why do teeth darken? Answering this question, we can identify a number of main reasons leading to a change in the color of the enamel. Among them:

  • poor hygiene and plaque formation;
  • the use of products containing dyes;
  • smoking;
  • tooth injury;
  • some consequences of dental treatment;
  • hereditary pathologies;
  • aging;
  • excess fluoride in drinking water.

The most common cause of discoloration of the enamel (discoloration) is a violation of the rules of dental hygiene. If cleaning is done infrequently or illiterately, plaque accumulates on the surfaces of the teeth, the color of which can vary from light yellow to dark brown. It is made up of food debris and bacteria.

If the plaque is thoroughly cleaned daily, it gradually condenses and forms a shell that changes the optical properties of the enamel and hides its natural color. In addition, microorganisms in the process of life produce acid that destroys the organic matrix of enamel. carious lesion teeth always changes the color of the teeth. Demineralization of hard tissues initial stage appears as a light "chalky" spot, and subsequently brown pigmentation appears.

A number of foods and drinks contain natural and synthetic colors. The shade of enamel can change with regular consumption of strong black tea, infusions of some medicinal herbs, coffee, juices, fruit drinks, red wine, beets and berries. Deny familiar products not worth it, but for brushing your teeth in this case it is advisable to use pastes with a high coefficient of abrasiveness.

Teeth turn yellow and darken in smokers because tobacco smoke there is a significant amount of coloring resins, gradually deposited on the surface of the enamel. If you can not overcome the addiction to nicotine, then at least should be given increased attention oral hygiene.

If the neurovascular bundle (pulp) is damaged as a result of trauma or medical intervention, the teeth in most cases also darken.

Pigmentation may result from the use of outdated endodontic materials by the dentist. Silver amalgam fillings also lead to darkening of the hard tissues of the tooth. From "metal" fillings nowadays Russian doctors practically abandoned, but in a number of countries their production is practiced everywhere.

Brown pigmentation of the enamel is characteristic of the pathology, which is commonly called "tetracycline teeth". If a woman takes tetracycline during pregnancy, then the antibiotic enters the rudiments of the child's teeth and, accumulating, subsequently becomes a cause of serious aesthetic defect. Some hereditary and systemic pathologies can also be the cause of tooth staining.

Natural aging processes lead to a change in the structure of the enamel, which can also lead to a change in its shade over time.

The color of the teeth may change if the drinking (running) water in the area contains increased amount fluorine.

note: Teeth whitening is not always professional and allows you to restore their natural color. In many cases it can be shown orthopedic treatment(setting crowns or veneers).

Professional whitening

The most advanced enamel lightening techniques currently are:

  • laser whitening using a special gel;

  • ZOOM - whitening.

The most effective is whitening with a laser. In some cases, it even helps to cope with brown pigmentation with tetracycline teeth. Teeth are coated with a gel that contains sodium chloride (or hydrogen peroxide) and fluoride and minerals. Under the action of radiation, it releases active oxygen that cleans the teeth.

The "ZOOM" method involves the application of a proprietary Bleach-n-Smile composition, which is then activated by the radiation of a plasma lamp. The gel is capable of bleaching most pigments.

How to whiten your teeth yourself?

For teeth whitening at home, you can use this modern facility like stripes special composition. They allow you to achieve lightening by two or three tones after a month of regular use. The effect of the most affordable strips lasts an average of two months. More expensive samples lighten teeth by five to six tones for up to a year and a half.

The strips are not able to whiten the interdental spaces, but special gels are deprived of this drawback, which can be applied with a brush to all surfaces without exception. These drugs are made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide, and safer ones are based on carbamide peroxide. The desired effect is usually achieved in a couple of weeks. It is recommended to use the gel together with special plastic caps that are applied to the dentition.

A kind of "portable" type of gel is a whitening pencil, which is convenient to take with you on the road. The concentration of peroxide in it is relatively low, but it is sufficient to eliminate stains from nicotine or coffee.

The most affordable, but unsafe for enamel and mucous membranes method is home teeth whitening with 3% hydrogen peroxide. For 100 ml of water, you need to take 20-30 drops of a pharmacy solution. The resulting liquid is applied to the teeth cotton swabs and then rinse thoroughly oral cavity and brush their teeth without toothpaste. Side effects of the method are a burning sensation in the gums and increased sensitivity of the teeth.

best result in as soon as possible can be achieved using a homemade paste of a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of peroxide.

How to whiten teeth with herbal preparations?

An excellent remedy for getting rid of plaque and home teeth whitening is also 100% tea tree oil.

Put away dark spots and you can whiten the enamel by regularly wiping your teeth with a slice of lemon or zest without pulp.

To learn more about teeth whitening, watch this video:

Plisov Vladimir Alexandrovich, dentist

In which the effect of the whitening gel is enhanced by the cold or hot light of a halogen, ultraviolet or other lamp. Advantages of photobleaching: affordable cost and simultaneous impact on all teeth in the smile zone. Minuses: high risk overheating of the teeth during the procedure.

Chemical bleaching does not involve a catalyst in the form of lamp light, here the effectiveness is achieved due to increased concentration gel and the time for which it is applied to the teeth.

Whitening from the inside of the tooth with various whitening pastes is called endo whitening or internal whitening. It is used for teeth that, after filling the canals or due to trauma, have changed their color.

Home professional whitening

And now let's talk a little about professional home whitening. First you need to come to the clinic, where the aesthetic dentist will examine you and make casts of your teeth, then a special mouth guard will be made from these casts. The next time you come to the clinic, you will be given a tray and gel, and the doctor will tell you how to use them. The course of home whitening lasts from several weeks to a month, at the end you should definitely see a dentist. Home professional whitening is divided into night and day, depending on when the whitening cap is put on.

The effectiveness of professional whitening

As noted earlier, the most efficient and fastest of professional types Whitening is considered to be office whitening with a laser, photobleaching is in second place, chemical whitening is in third, and home professional whitening is in fourth. But the final result will depend not only on the method by which the teeth were whitened, but also on many other factors, for example, the initial color of the teeth, the presence of any dental diseases, such as fluorosis.

The cost of professional teeth whitening in Moscow

It is not difficult to guess that office types of professional whitening will cost more than home whitening.

The average price for teeth whitening in Moscow dental clinics is about 12,000 - 15,000 rubles for one session. Laser whitening is the most expensive, however, given the difference in prices in economy and premium dentistry, laser whitening in one clinic may be cheaper than photowhitening in another. If we talk separately about each type of in-office whitening, then laser will cost an average from 7,500 rubles to 30,000 rubles, photobleaching will cost from 4,000 to 20,000 rubles, while the chemical will require an average from 5,000 to 22,000 rubles. For comparison, the average prices for home professional whitening are from 5 000 rubles in economy class dentistry and from 15 000 rubles in a premium clinic.

A beautiful snow-white smile is not only an indispensable component general health organism, but required attribute success, high social status and a fast-paced public career. This is why teeth whitening is so popular these days. And the fastest and safest way to get a snow-white smile is to resort to in-office bleaching.

What is in-office teeth whitening

The term "office whitening" usually refers to aesthetic dental procedures that are carried out in the office of a dentist under his constant supervision. The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to achieve the desired result very quickly, sometimes even in one visit to the doctor, unlike home procedures that can take several weeks.

How safe is in-office teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening in the doctor's office is considered the most in a safe way gaining snow-white smile, since in this case a thorough preliminary preparation is carried out, and all stages of the process are under the control of a specialist.

Before starting the procedure, the dentist examines the patient and decides whether whitening is possible and whether it will harm the health of the applicant. Even small cracks or chips in the enamel of the teeth can become a reason for refusal. If caries or deposits of tartar are found during the examination, then the oral cavity is sanitized before teeth whitening. It is not uncommon for dental treatment to take several weeks before the procedure.

After eliminating all contraindications to the whitening procedure, the doctor selects the required dose of active gel, which is most often the well-known hydrogen peroxide. It perfectly whitens protein compounds in the voids of tooth enamel. The dosage is always determined individually, with what thinner layer enamel and the more depleted it is, the smaller it is. As a rule, for people with relatively healthy teeth the proportion of hydrogen peroxide in the active gel is 40%, in cases of problematic enamel, it decreases to 15-20% and, accordingly, the procedure becomes less effective.

Hydrogen peroxide is very active and can damage the mucous membrane, so the doctor's task is to prevent dangerous contact. For this, a fixator is placed in the patient's mouth, the cheeks are fenced off with a special apron, and the mucous membranes are covered with a protective gel-film. Eyes and clothes are also protected, for which the patient is given a gown, apron and glasses.

After office whitening teeth, the result is immediately visible. However, the method has no complications and side effects, except, perhaps, an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel, which usually disappears the next day after the procedure. But with all the safety professional whitening should not be used more than once a year.

Types of office teeth whitening

All types of whitening, whether at home or office, have a similar principle of action, based on the chemical reaction of hydrogen peroxide with additional components of the active gel. At the same time, peroxide does not directly brighten teeth, this is carried out by active oxygen atoms that are released during a chemical reaction.

In order for bleaching to take place as quickly and efficiently as possible, activators of a chemical reaction, the so-called catalysts, are used. It is by the type of catalyst that office teeth whitening methods are classified. There are three in total:

  • Laser.
  • Light (or photobleaching).
  • Intracanal.

Laser teeth whitening is the most common and popular today. In this case chemical reaction activated laser radiation. After the active gel is applied, the doctor treats each tooth in turn with a laser. The procedure usually lasts from 20 to 30 minutes and allows you to whiten your teeth by 5-6 tones according to the VITA scale. Laser whitening is preferred by patients who dream of the most natural result, as well as those who suffer from hypersensitivity gums

Photobleaching is also a very popular procedure. aesthetic dentistry. In this case, the chemical reaction is activated by halogen or ultraviolet lamp. The result of photobleaching is impressive and allows you to correct even imperfections that have developed as a result of fluorosis or long-term use tetracycline antibiotics. In one session, teeth can change color by 6-8 tones. Sometimes the effect of the procedure is so dazzling that the teeth begin to look unnatural.

The intracanal technique is used only when absolutely necessary, when the discoloration of the tooth was the result of endodontic disease. In this case, the cleaned root canal is filled with a bleaching composition, after which it is sealed. After a few weeks, the tooth is opened, cleaned and sealed.

In Russia and the CIS countries in recent times began to show a cult of healthy and beautiful smile. Residents of the United States and Europe have long suffered, and maybe even enjoy, such a fashion trend. Who exactly can afford it, so it's dentists. A Hollywood smile is not a cheap pleasure. Office teeth whitening alone costs a lot of money, but there is not much choice today. Only office procedures guarantee good result and maintaining the health of the enamel.

What is in-office teeth whitening?

We hasten to disappoint those who have decided that teeth can now be whitened right at the workplace. The name "office" does not indicate this at all. This term is called professional, office procedures.
Please note that such whitening is necessarily carried out under supervision, so professional mouth guards, which are made individually for the patient in dentistry, have nothing in common with the office procedure.

Is in-office teeth whitening safe?

Office teeth whitening is considered the safest way to achieve Hollywood smile. All its stages are fully controlled, complete and careful preparation before they start.
The specialist makes sure whether such a procedure is possible at all, whether it will damage the patient's teeth. This is done using a standard inspection. Even if small cracks or chips are found on the mineral layer, the patient may be refused.
With diseases of the oral cavity, everything is much simpler. They need to be cured before the main procedure. Most often, caries and tartar are eradicated. They interfere with the uniform lightening of the enamel and can soon ruin the whole result. Sometimes the treatment before whitening can be delayed for several weeks.
Ultrasonic or laser cleaning is used to remove tartar. Before bleaching, they will be useful, even if the petrified plaque is not very visible. Cleaning will remove all possible impurities, make the enamel smoother, remove all barriers between it and the bleaching agent.

During preparatory phase the specialist will immediately select the required dosage of the active substance. In this capacity, hydrogen peroxide is most often used. Popularly, it is better known as peroxide, a wound disinfectant that is found in almost every home first aid kit.
By itself, peroxide is quite dangerous for the protective mineral properties, but entering into special chemical reactions, it serves as an excellent reagent for whitening protein compounds in small enamel voids. Dentists try to use additional catalysts in order to add as little peroxide as possible, but they cannot get rid of it completely.
The dosage of peroxide in the product is selected individually. The weaker and more depleted the enamel, the less it is. The best option- 40%, for people with damaged teeth it drops to 15-20%, but this is no longer so effective.
Even a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in the product can damage the mucosa. It is necessary to isolate it as much as possible from the ingress of the bleaching gel. To do this, a retainer is placed in the mouth, the cheeks are fenced off with a specific apron, the gums are covered with a protective gel film.
Eyes and clothes also need to be taken care of. Therefore, before the procedure, the person is given an apron or gown and glasses.
All these security measures are the main difference between office teeth whitening. Whitening at home is often carried out without observing even the simplest recommendations of the manufacturer.
After the in-office procedure, the result is visible immediately. There are no serious complications. People with hypersensitivity of enamel observe its even greater increase. In most cases, this unpleasant effect disappears the next day.
It is impossible to resort to such a complex dental procedure too often. It depletes and weakens the enamel. Optimal cycle repetitions - once a year.

What types of in-office teeth whitening are there?

The principle of operation of any whitening, whether office or home, is based on the chemical reaction of peroxide and additional components.
By itself, peroxide does not lighten enamel. This is done by active oxygen atoms that are released during a chemical reaction.
In order to speed up the whitening process and make it more effective, additional devices are used. The use of one or another method of accelerating a chemical reaction explains the classification of office bleaching. In total, there are three types of procedures: intracanal, laser and photobleaching.
First of all, it is worth talking about the laser technique. Today it is the most common and popular. As the name suggests, a chemical reaction is triggered by laser light. After applying the active gel, the dentist alternately shines through each tooth with it.
The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. The result for one session is 5-6 tones on the Vita scale.
The main competitor of the laser is photobleaching. Laser technique is preferred by those who want to get more natural result, as well as people with hypersensitivity of the gums. The laser does not harm the mucosa, because its light is pointwise and does not harm already damaged gums.
Photobleaching works due to the light of a halogen or ultraviolet lamp. The most common and effective photo-whitening device is ZOOM. Often the procedure on this device is called ZOOM whitening.
The method gives the most impressive and noticeable result. It is effective even with the manifestation of fluorosis or after long-term use of tetracycline. In one session, the teeth become whiter by 6-8 tones.
Among the shortcomings of the method, one can single out the fact that its effect is even too good and sometimes the teeth after such a procedure look completely unnatural.
The intracanal technique is used only if necessary. As the name implies, whitening in this way occurs from the inside. The whitening composition is placed in the cleaned root canal, which is then closed. After a few weeks, the tooth is again cleaned and sealed.
Such whitening is necessary only if, due to the development of various endodontic diseases, major changes pigmentation.

How much does in-office whitening cost?

Office whitening is one of the most expensive aesthetic dentistry services. Laser technique and photobleaching costs about the same, 15-17 thousand rubles. Intracanal whitening paid per tooth. Its price is about 5 thousand rubles.

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