The most painful places in a person. Self-defense - pain points

Any knowledge can be useful to us in practice. And knowing where the most painful points on the human body are located can even save your life and health in a certain situation, because you will know where it is better to hit an aggressive opponent or which areas of your body should be protected in the first place. So…


It is the most unprotected area in the upper part of the head. If a strong and sharp blow is applied to this zone, then a person may die.


In detective stories, they often show how a person was pushed, he hit his temple against something - and died ... It's true, an artery of the brain membrane passes under the temple. A blow to this area can lead to a concussion, and this is fraught with both fainting and death.


A blow to the nose is not only severe pain. This can disorient the person and cause bleeding. The nasal bone is very easy to break.

Bridge of the nose

It is connected to the optic nerve. If you "knowingly" poke a finger at this point, it can turn into a fatal outcome.


If you hit a person in the eye area, this is not just a sharp pain, the victim may completely lose his sight. And if you poke your thumb in the eye, you can reach the very brain and cause irreversible damage to it.

Lower jaw

The point just below the junction of the jaw with the ear is also called the "knockout area". A side impact directed there leads to the defeat of the cervical spine, and the enemy falls. That is why during the fight, participants often lower their chins, trying to cover a weak spot.

Adam's apple

Even a light blow to this area can lead to choking or vomiting. If hit hard, it can cause loss of consciousness or death.

elbow joint

Even when we ourselves accidentally bruise our elbow, it hurts a lot. A strong blow to this area can cause numbness in the arm.

Solar plexus

Everyone knows that a blow there, especially directed upwards, is very painful, as it "enters" the internal organs - the heart, liver, lungs. The consequences can be very serious.

Heart area

A strong blow here can simply kill, as a person's heart will stop. Finger poke between the ribs is very painful, although they do not carry much danger.


It is in the abdomen that most of our internal organs are located. No wonder the "belly" in Russian - from the word "life". Also in the old days the expression "not sparing your belly" was common. Especially dangerous is a deep penetrating blow to the upper abdomen. A blow to the lower part introduces a state of shock, and if it is strong enough, it can lead to serious internal damage.


It is not for nothing that the expression “beat off the kidneys” is so common. A blow to them not only causes severe pain, it can render the organ unusable and turn a person into a disabled person.


For men, blows to the groin and perineum are especially painful. And if hit hard, it can be fatal.

Knee cap

A blow to the kneecap is not only very painful, it is fraught with injury, and even disability. As a result of the blow, the cup can be broken or the mobility of the knee joint can be impaired, which will lead to permanent dislocations.

Myths about pain points

One of the most common misconceptions: if you know where to hit, then the enemy can be disabled for a long time. In fact, it is important to know not only where, but also how and at what angle to strike.

Quite often we hear that there is some mysterious point on the neck, by clicking on which, you can make a person, if not die, then at least lose consciousness. Well, maybe martial artists are capable of that. But it is difficult for an ordinary person to find this point and influence it correctly. Similarly, it is a myth that a person can be killed with a single light poke using a special "death touch" technique. This can only be seen in action movies.

There is also a horror story that if you break a person's nose, then broken cartilage can damage the brain. But from the point of view of anatomy, this is simply impossible ...

There is also a theory that pain points on the human body have varying degrees of vulnerability, depending on the "ebb" and "ebb" of energy. Those who allegedly master the so-called "art of the poisonous hand" can calculate such periods and use it to neutralize opponents. But this is not yet a confirmed legend.

The science by name, Reflexology, proposes to replace the use of drugs in other, more interesting ways. Scientists in this field believe that a person has certain places on the body, by pressing on which, you can: relieve a headache, get rid of worries, or even cure insomnia.

Can you imagine? And this is not magic. And such is the unusual science. And, as they say, there is only one way to check its veracity - to check how these same points work.

Well? Ready for a little experiment? Then let's go.

Against nasal congestion

We are sure that each of you is familiar with such an unpleasant thing as a runny nose. Usually, he comes - at the most inopportune moment. And it is capable of poisoning our lives quite strongly. If you think there is nothing wrong with that. We hasten to dissuade you. Doctors believe that nasal congestion reduces the quality of life more than such unpleasant diseases as lung disease and even heart disease.

It may seem incredible, but a runny nose can be treated with self-massage. To do this, it is necessary to act on the points located in the grooves above the wings of the nose. Just massage two symmetrical points at the same time for 2-3 minutes. And you will notice how the unpleasant mucus in your nose will begin to dissolve.

Relieve stress

If any of you do not know, then we are simply obliged to convey the following information to you. Severe stress causes not only moral depression, but also worsens the physical health of a person. Namely, it contributes to the appearance of: insomnia, headaches, indigestion, constant feeling of fatigue, colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

And now you got it right. He needs to be fought! And now we will show you a way that anyone can master.

Feel for small indentations at the back of the head, they are located symmetrically, directly under the occipital bone, on the hairline, at the junction of the head and neck. You can massage these points in turn or at the same time. It is best to do this with the pads of the middle fingers, in a circular motion, clockwise.

To alleviate the exciting state, usually 5 minutes of such self-massage is enough. You will be surprised, but after such actions, you will really feel better. Be sure to try!


What could be worse than a headache or migraine? When this happens, it is simply impossible to think of anything else. Agree, you can cope with headaches without pills and special ointments. As you may have guessed, this ailment also quickly disappears due to massage, some points.

One of them is located directly above the bridge of the nose. To find it, mentally draw a line connecting your eyebrows. The Miracle Point is right in its center. Also, by pressing on it, you can relieve tension from the eyes.

And the massage of two symmetrical points located above the outer tips of the eyebrows is also effective. The points are located on the hairline. If massaging these places does not completely relieve discomfort, then, for sure, it will reduce them significantly.

How to cheer yourself up?

Think back to a time when you were very busy at school or at work. Surely, at this moment, your best friends are lack of sleep and fatigue. So right? These two states do not allow you to cope with everyday tasks, for everything - 100%. Yes, what is there! You are barely on your feet.

If you have absolutely no time - lie down and relax during the day. Try to act on the point located in the notch above the upper lip. This is the so-called “peak point”.

Another place similar in function is located right in the center of the palm. Massage it on both palms in turn and, instead of lethargy and drowsiness, you will feel how energy fills your body.

Well, in order to finally wake up, massage your earlobes with your thumbs and forefingers.

A tonic massage of each point should be carried out, rather, with intense pressure for 30-60 seconds on each place. And that's it! Cheerfulness to you is guaranteed!

Removal of toothache

Of course, acupressure will not help cure bad teeth. But, if it is not possible to go to the dentist right now, self-massage may well help to survive even seemingly unbearable sensations.

The first point can be found between the thumb and forefinger of the hand. Approximately a couple of centimeters from the edge of the membrane. You will recognize it by a small depression.

Another effective point for relieving toothache is located at the junction of the upper and lower jaws. With closed teeth, the muscles at this point will protrude slightly. With relaxed jaws, a depression is formed at this point. Symmetrical places should be massaged - at the same time. Usually, 2-3 minutes is enough to relieve pain.

But, if this does not help better, immediately, run to the doctor.

To avoid back pain

It seems to us that most of our readers are quite young people. However, it would seem that even at a young age, sometimes there is a feeling that you are an “old grandfather”. Well, the same thing when you sit for a long time, then get up abruptly, and your back starts to hurt.

Familiar? Such pain is one of the common reasons for seeking medical attention. It can be associated with: vertebral discs, nerve endings, muscles and other important parts of the body. When you go to the hospital, of course, they can offer you a bunch of different methods of treatment. Starting from stretching and ending with surgery.

Well, wait, maybe we'll try to beat the back pain ourselves first. You don't have to worry! This really works. Even studies have shown that for some people, acupressure is more effective than "doctor's stuff".

So let's get started

Place your left thumb on the web between your right thumb and forefinger.

The desired point is located just below the junction of the bones of the thumb and forefinger. Press on this point, from above - with the thumb of the left hand and from below - with the index finger of the left hand. Lower the rest of the fingers of the left hand. When you first apply pressure to a certain point, you will probably feel a slight pain or burning sensation. But, do not worry: this means that you are pressing in the right place and the pain will soon pass. Here you will see.

Relief from nausea

An unpleasant feeling when: breakfast, lunch or dinner is asked to go outside can arise for a variety of reasons. Whether it's motion sickness on the road or just a spoiled product. Whatever it was. In any case, you would like to get rid of it. Of course, we are not doctors, but we can help by telling you about all the same “magic points”.

For nausea to leave you alone, you need to find a special place. Step back 3 fingers' width down from the transverse crease, at the wrist and press the point between the two large tendons with your thumb.

Found? Here it is, the point of solving your problem. Press firmly on both sides of your wrist with your thumb and forefinger or middle finger. Then gently, but with force, massage it in circular motions for a few minutes. You may feel relief - immediately. But sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes.

There is another effective, but less effective way to suppress nausea. You need to pat one wrist against the other, while breathing deeply. Continue for several minutes until you feel that the nausea has stopped.

It may seem to some that patting or rubbing your wrists together is easier than finding and massaging - the cherished point. But, as we have already said, in some cases this technique does not work. And in the end, nevertheless, you have to “poke your fingers” a little.

Deep sleep

Many people suffering from insomnia are interested in: “Does a person have such a point that serves as a “body switch”?” I wanted to and fell asleep at one moment. No torment and endless counting of sheep, with your eyes closed.

In fact, each person has as many as several of these "switches". By clicking on special points, you can relax as much as possible, which will make it possible to get rid of the signs of insomnia.

The first point is a place located at a distance of 1 centimeter from the outer corner of the eye. You should massage it with your index and middle fingers, and you will not notice how reality mixes with sleep.

The second useful point in falling asleep is the area between the eyebrows. To activate it, you need to press it several times with your index finger.

Well, if you want sleep to come almost instantly, you need to press on the points above the eyeballs, with two fists. After that, lower your eyelids and try to see with your inner gaze - your own legs.

General condition of the body

If you suddenly became interested - is there such a point that can tone up your entire body? We assure you it exists!

And this is located - “a miracle place”, just above the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead. It is also called the "third eye". Well, if you thought that she had some kind of magical power. It's not like that at all! By massaging the skin of the forehead with small pressure, in this place, the blood circulation in the body is significantly improved, muscle tension is reduced, and the work of the brain is perfectly stimulated.

Pressing on this point also improves concentration, relieves headaches and helps with eye fatigue. They also say that regular massage of this point will allow you to develop a sense of intuition. To be honest, we haven't tried it ourselves. But, if suddenly you succeed, then you, safely, can be considered a powerful psychic.

Strong heartbeat

Each of you may face an unpleasant situation when, out of breath, you cannot restore your breath and your heart is about to “jump out of your chest” or, on the contrary, stop. This state can be experienced after a hurried way to study or an important meeting.

And it seems that quite a lot of time has passed after this time, but your heart is still beating like crazy. Stop! Just do not rush to run for sedatives now, dispersing an already restless organ. For this case, we also found a point that will help you recover.

The place responsible for the work of the heart is located in the palm of your hand, under the thumb. If you bend your fingers, your index finger will dig right into it.

With a rapid pulse, massage this point in a circular motion, counterclockwise. When slow - clockwise. But, in general, that's all. Your heart is calm, and the body is glad that this time there were no pills.


We have listed only a few of the points of our body, the impact on which can help you in some situations. However, do not forget that depending on the intensity and speed of pressing on a certain point, you can not only heal yourself or your friend, but also harm.

Consider the deadly Chinese martial art Dim Mag. Representing a technique of influencing those very points of a person. Some scientists who study this technique claim that its effect is comparable - "with a strong heart attack."

In other words, pressing on some places creates both a positive and a negative effect on human health. A blow delivered to a certain point can lead, even to death.

The art of "Dim Mag", is mentioned in many films. However, the most famous episode from the movie "Kill Bill 2". When Beatrix Kiddo kills Bill with a 5 finger punch. Fortunately, the heart is one of the protected organs of our body. It is protected by: the lungs, the diaphragm and the entire chest.

All of this puts the Beatrix Kiddo kick in a number of numerous techniques that are practically impossible to perform in real life. But, be that as it may, put pressure on your body - be careful.

Knowing the pain points on the human body helps to effectively counter the enemy in self-defense. Vulnerable are those parts of the body that most painfully react to blows, hard pressure or twisting and are guaranteed to cause acute pain and even long-term disruption of a person's vital functions. First of all, these are places on the human body in which the main nerves and ganglions and blood vessels, joints, internal organs are concentrated; places where the bones are least covered with muscle tissue.

* Between the eyebrows, at the junction of the nasal cartilage and the skull, are the nasal bones. A blow to them will cause profuse bleeding, making it difficult to breathe, impair vision and lead to pain shock. A blow to the nose from the bottom up with the base of the palm is considered the most dangerous. It is convenient to use in close combat. If the hit in this area is accurate, then with even a slight blow, the enemy can be killed.

* Accumulations of nerve endings and fragile blood vessels are located on the superciliary arch. From a blow to the superciliary region, the vessels burst, hemorrhage begins in the eyes, vision deteriorates sharply, and the nerve endings, which are shocked, lead to a strong pain effect.

* The zygomatic arch, which is located under the eye, is easily injured from a punch, as it is quite fragile. Pain shock and temporary loss of vision are guaranteed.

* The most vulnerable area of ​​the head is, of course, the eyes themselves. They are vulnerable to trauma. A light blow to them leads to permanent loss of vision. Blows to the eyes, pressure on them with the fingers are extremely effective.

* The lower jaw is considered to be a mobile bone formation. The main problem lies in its mobility: a blow to this place can cause a displacement with a rupture of the muscles fastened to the fixed part of the skull. Or maybe crush a bone. Result: pain shock and loss of consciousness in the opponent. In boxing, this point is known as the knockout area.

* Opponent may lose consciousness from the resulting concussion and knocked out lower jaw as a result of a blow to the chin. In this case, the tongue is severely injured.

* A strong blow to the ears with the palms of the hands will damage the outer ear, leading to hearing loss. A blow to this area causes bleeding and even loss of consciousness from pain shock, since many blood vessels and nerves are located here.

* The bones of the skull at the temples are the thinnest, they break through even with a weak blow. The consequences of fractures at these points can be fatal.

* As well as blows to the kidneys, blows to the back of the head are dangerous. Here the base of the skull is affected, and with a strong blow, the consequences can be the most severe. Here, even with not the most effective attack, the enemy will lose the ability to navigate.

*The neck contains vital blood vessels on the sides, back cervical vertebrae, and a vulnerable "Adam's apple" in the throat. Strong blows with damage to the vertebrae can cause paralysis. If you use the edge of the palm to perform lateral blows to the neck, this will sharply disrupt the blood circulation of the brain and lead to loss of consciousness.

* Knee caps, elbow joint, outer and inner parts of the knee, foot, shin, thigh muscles on the legs, hands and fingers are the most vulnerable points of the lower and upper extremities of a person.

* Extremely effective blows to both the elbow joint and the patella of the supporting leg. Attacks in these areas cause not only pain, but also immobility of the joints.

* A direct sharp blow to the outer part of the knee can lead to the destruction of the joint due to an unnatural deflection to the other side, causing severe pain and temporary immobility of the knee. When hitting the inside of the knee, the ligaments and tendons at the patella are damaged, which also leads to immobility of the knee joint. An exact gift to the patella will lead to its displacement, make the lower limb immobile.

* Attacking with the outer edge of the foot at the level of one third of the lower leg from below into the opponent's lower leg can be one of the most effective techniques. Here the bone, as in the case of the temporal part, is the least thin. A strong blow is more likely to cause a fracture, and not too hard will help the opponent feel pain.

* Perineum, heart, spleen, liver, kidneys, solar plexus, ribs, armpits, coccyx are among the most vulnerable points of the body.

* There are many nerves and large vessels in the perineum, and very sensitive genital organs are located a little higher. A blow to this area can lead to rupture of the bladder. A kick to the testicles will take the opponent out of the fight for a long time.

* The solar plexus point is located in the center of the chest. Near the solar plexus are the vital organs (heart, liver, stomach). Here is the largest accumulation of nerves. Since there are no ribs, this area is extremely exposed, physical impact on it will lead to a noticeable pain effect. Shock, shortness of breath, stomach bleeding, heart failure and loss of consciousness - and these are not all the consequences of an attack in this area.

* By their structure, the ribs are the most fragile bones in humans. Fractures of the ribs from the fifth to the eighth also occur with blows of medium strength. But the point is not only in the pain shock from broken ribs, it must be borne in mind that fragments from them can damage vital organs.

* In the region of the lower ribs are the liver and spleen. Not the strongest blow to the liver leads to its defeat.

It is located under the lower ribs on the right side, you need to hit with your left hand or knee, if the fight is close, or strike with your left foot at an average distance and the outer edge of the foot with your right foot from the side. We should not forget about the area of ​​the spleen.

* Large blood vessels and nerves are located in the armpits. Feelings of the enemy from a blow to his armpits will introduce you to a strong electric shock. Result: pain shock and loss of hand function.

* The kidneys are located near the back wall of the abdominal cavity. They do not have bone protection, therefore they are very vulnerable. A blow to them will give strong pain, their rupture with internal hemorrhage is likely. Do not forget that the kidneys are located somewhere on the same level with the elbow joint.

*Attack on the coccyx can damage the central nervous system, and even cause paralysis, not to mention severe pain

Vasilenko Valery

All hand-to-hand fighters and fans of martial arts are familiar with the concept of a nerve center or a vulnerable point. In addition to the well-known points such as the eye-throat-groin, there are several hundred others located both on the trunk and on the limbs. Looking at the map-scheme of the abundant location of vulnerable centers on the body, it is very easy to decide that everything is simple - no matter where you knock, you will hit some point. But this, fortunately, is absolutely not the case - otherwise, in an ordinary drunken fight, people would be killed by an accidental splash in the nose or chest. In fact, you need to know to what depth, at what angle, what impact form should be applied in order to achieve this or that effect. Very many points are most sensitive to defeat precisely by small forms, and only a few can work with them. In addition, you need to know the anatomical location of the point very accurately, be able to work with the reflexology atlas.

Mystified Eastern teachings, one of those that guarantee, if not spacewalking without a spacesuit, then at least physical immortality due to the mastery of the mythical energy "Chi" or "Ki", ​​are very fond of loading their followers with tales on the popular topic of the art of the poisonous hand. Their essence lies in the fact that if you know the time when one or another point has a maximum or, conversely, a minimum of energy, having mastered the control of it, you can send a person to the next world with a simple touch of your finger, and also after a given time period (day, month , year). So the unlucky followers of all kinds of sensei and gurus learn by heart thick Talmuds on acupuncture, memorizing the time of "ebb and flow of energy" on the "meridians", difficult to pronounce Chinese names of points and other nonsense. They do push-ups on their fingers or poke them into the sand, beans and the wall, earning arthritis from a young age. They spend precious hours of their free time on all sorts of meditations on mastering the "current of energy", "opening the chakras, dan-tien and clearing the channels" in the style of qigong, tai chi and other heresy, and, shamefully getting into the head from the guys from the boxing or kickboxing section , explain to themselves that their art does not need to be mastered for a year or even a dozen years, in contrast to a rude massacre. But when they master it, they will show them all, wow! After all, they have such a cool teacher! (Who's so cool because he doesn't spar with anyone).


Consider "stopping" the enemy blows to the above-mentioned places. For example, a blow to the throat is dangerous even from a small child. But any adult can, with his action directed at the throat, transfer his opponent to the "other world", a lot of strength is not required, just a vector poke in a certain direction. But this is science for the special forces, who have to engage in deadly duels. And it is enough for a "mere mortal" to know that, for example, a slight slap on the Adam's apple with your fingers will stop any attacker, because. in this place there are no muscles that cover the cartilage. In army manuals, you can see a blow with a machine gun barrel in the throat, which is very effective.

Going down below, take the solar plexus. All martial artists received blows to this point, and everyone probably remembered unforgettable sensations. Needless to say, with such a blow, it takes little effort to knock the opponent into a fetal position! But at the same time, it must be taken into account that a strong blow delivered with a certain vector will kill the enemy, which is known to those who are supposed to know this. So with blows to the solar plexus, you should be careful.

Groin is a place of "persuasion" for many, especially in the night city. No wonder they say: eye, throat, groin - you can’t pump! But what is dangerous is not that they hit in the groin, but in a place just above the "male" pride. For an internal hematoma and irreparable consequences, a kick in the "grindars" is enough - that's it, the operation is guaranteed!

Although, it should be noted that the following often happens "on adrenaline" - after a blow to the groin, the enemy jumps up after 2-4 seconds, and then you really need to try hard to emerge victorious from this fight! This happens due to the inaccuracy of the strike and the concentration of the aiming point precisely on the genitals. In fact, you need to hit inward, with maximum effort from the bottom up!


Shocking, paralyzing and disabling points are found along the lateral lines of the skull, face, throat and torso. A sharp and carrying blow with a small form to these points causes the enemy to recoil or pull back a limb. Several repeated blows to these points cause a cumulative pain effect and, as a result, temporary paralysis of the limb.

These are points located in the center and on the sides of the articular folds of absolutely all joints of the arms and legs; located one third (of the length of the limb segment) above and below the joint; on the inside of the forearm, along the midline between the radius and ulna; on the arms and legs, where you can feel the bone through the muscles (on the thigh and shoulder they are located along the inner and outer lines).

It is located not to the left of the sternum, as we usually think, but mainly along the midline and has the shape of a drop, inclined from the sternum with a sharp part to the left nipple. Closest to the surface of the body is the left ventricle. Just under the left nipple, where the pectoralis major muscle ends, you can see or feel its pulsation. In athletes, it is displaced to the outer part of the body. As a result of breaking through this point with the knuckle of the middle or index finger, the heart rhythm is lost. A simple fist strike introduces arrhythmia into the work of the heart, adding stress during the contraction and phase of breathing. Possible valve closure and death. In a bad way (for the enemy with your good blow), the rib breaks and the heart breaks.


Figuratively speaking, it is a ball-skull on a spring-backbone. Impacts to the side of the "spring" (in the horizontal plane) can destroy the bones of the facial skeleton (nose, jaw), but are partially damped. Practically no shocks are amortized to break the "ball" from the "spring", that is, from the bottom up towards the top of the head.

No wonder the chin is the point of turning off consciousness! But this is not easy to achieve, because the accuracy of the blow is required, at the same time, a side blow with an open palm or even a forearm in the jaw or in the outstretched hands (self-impact with one's own limbs) very often "knocks out" consciousness. This is achieved by the total area of ​​the lesion and by combining the blow with the movement of the head upon impact, which is fraught with a concussion, and with the addition of a painful effect - a knockout.

Reverse blows - in a horizontal plane to the back of the head - are also very dangerous. A sharp unbearable blow, the so-called "rabbit", knocks out and can deprive of consciousness. A slightly stronger blow to this area, without touching on the details of its application, was forbidden to use "maroon berets" on the exam after the death of an officer.

Any blow with the forearm or elbow to the left and right side of the back of the head leads to loss of consciousness, and it doesn’t matter if it was a clean blow or not. To realize the effect of such work, ask a friend to lightly slap you on the back of the head with his palm, but from your position, face to face. So how is it? Did you feel it!?

The usual "splash" directly to the back of the head or slightly at an angle breaks cartilage and thin bones. Result: "blood" (it is not necessarily visible from the outside, it can drain down the back of the throat). Someone is shocked, someone continues the massacre, not noticing the injury in a fever, and someone additionally goes berserk from the taste and sight of their own blood, it happens. And as a result of a "catchy" blow with the knuckles on the protruding part of the nose from the side, a painful shock occurs, although there may not be any "blood".

"Strawberry". This is everyone's favorite point under the nose. Read about its use in combat survival in the "extreme" section ("SU" No. 2, 2004, article "If you were hooked with a knife"). In a fight, a tangential blow to this point with the edge of the palm causes the opponent to turn his head in the direction of the blow, lose sight of you and open the side of the jaw and head. By pressing on this point with the base of the index finger, we force the enemy to tilt his head up, open his Adam's apple to defeat, over-bent his back and lose stability ... By the way, pressing on the tip of the nose causes the same effect. Option: hook any two fingers of the enemy behind the nostrils from behind (it is possible with one, but the degree of reliability of the combat element drops.

Many have experienced a blow to the nose. But, as a rule, these are blows according to the scheme directly to this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, but one of the officers of the Airborne Forces admitted that somehow in a fight he didn’t hit the “penny”, the blow slipped to the left, and what was his surprise when the attacker’s nose curled up to the side, and the enemy, squealing in pain, fell to the ground. He did not expect such efficiency.


A very delicate place in the fragile male body, almost the same as the testicles, only 2/3 are hidden inside the body. Accordingly, there are the same number of experiences during squeezing, and tearing off, unscrewing, crushing (continuing to the extent of personal sadism) is much more problematic. Especially if the "body" is stuffed, even if not with drugs, but with adrenaline, actively puffs, spins and does not want to freeze, so that it would be more convenient for us to pick out these very eyes.

In a word, it is problematic to deprive the body of the eyes, since while this very body is not in a deep coma, it will reflexively jerk its head away, leaving the line of attack. This, by the way, is one of the simplest tests from the practice of resuscitation doctors for the "load" of the cortex.

Well, now you are armed with a terrible knowledge that although it hurts, it is not fatal, but your opponent does not know this, which we will use. The effects on the eyes pass well immediately after a "relaxing" palm strike on the chin, nose, "from the wing" on the "rabbit" point behind the ear.

There is a so-called "officer's reception": a whip with a cap, a cap, a beret in the eyes! A very painful and shocking blow!

Grandfather, a Kuban Cossack, showed one of the authors a poke with his little finger in the eye, but not just like that, but in the process of cutting with sabers, i.e. close combat with the use of edged weapons. The shock was the strongest when, having beaten off a blow with a saber, the grandfather took a step forward, pressing the attacking limb with a blade and changing the angle of the saber, letting it slide off, carried out this technique! That's what our grandfathers knew!

Adam's apple

According to legend, when Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, he choked on it, a piece got stuck in his throat - hence its second, ancient name "Adam's apple". One of those interesting protrusions on the uncle's body that distinguishes him from his aunt. Accordingly, a reverent attitude towards him, the only one. Up to the point that in some men, with a simple touch to this zone, there is a spasm of the airways and suffocation (this is without compression!). By the way, the terrible truth: a person does not die from a blow to the Adam's apple! A person can die from subsequent suffocation or from reflex cardiac arrest with a deep penetrating blow with the edge of the palm across the midline, but not due to an injury to the "Adam's apple", but due to the impact on both vagus nerves. Yes, and a stab in the throat, if it was performed without subsequent ripping and exactly along the midline, that is, in the Adam's apple, does not entail any "lethal" consequences, except for the facilitated influx of a wave of fresh air to the lungs. There is such an operation, the simplest, called a conicotomy. The link for Stakhanovites and pioneers about the absence of responsibility of the authors for the consequences of performing exercises for techniques is VALID in this place, as in all the others, even where they did not write, too.

Be that as it may, the impact on the Adam's apple has firmly migrated from street fighting and the teachings of gray-haired eastern elders to manuals on hand-to-hand combat for special forces around the world. Read the first aid for yourself or a friend when receiving this blow in our development on extreme (the above number is "SU"). In the meantime, try to touch the Adam's apple, move it to the right and left, be bold, pull it away from you and, conversely, press it against your neck. Well, it's not that scary. And now we will open the real secret technique! Above the Adam's apple there is another bone, the hyoid one, for some reason everyone forgets about it, but in vain! For this bone, grabbing it with the fingers of a palm turned upside down to the sky, it is very convenient to control the enemy. It is important to squeeze it on the verge of breaking and push it up at 45 degrees. Shockers on the Adam's apple: striking casual blow with the knuckles of the phalanges of the "leopard's paw"; poke with the tips of bent fingers from the side (NOT IN the Adam's apple) - from the Adam's apple towards the midline. In addition to hitting with the edge of the palm, there is another interesting variant of the combined traumatic blow to the Adam's apple. First, a poke is performed with the tips of bent fingers into the jugular fossa, then the fingers bend into the paw of a leopard and already press the knuckles of the phalanges, as a result, the knuckles of the fist act. In general, the whole movement is like the course of a tank caterpillar.

The tearing grips of the Adam's apple and windpipe are simple and reliable (compared to a punch). They are divided into two groups: crushing (performed with one hand, the movement is similar to showing a sacred pagan gesture called kukish and fig, less often with two hands) and tearing (performed with two hands).

The cruel truth: finishing off in any conflict was often done with the butt of a rifle, a machine gun in the throat, namely in the Adam's apple!


One of the most complex and most vulnerable joints in our body. It is characteristic that an injury or simply very severe pain can be caused from almost any direction. A blow from the side from the inside or outside tears the ligaments and breaks the joint. A blow from behind, in the popliteal fossa, tears the ligaments and knocks the leg forward.

A frontal strike also breaks the knee joint, unless it was bent at 90 degrees. This position is very fond of representatives of hard styles - they say, try to break the joint blocked in this position (deep forward lunge, archer stance). That's how it is, a blow to the knee, with proper preparation, holds, but there is one very interesting and fragile detail here. In Latin, "patella" is called, that is, the patella, or patella, as we are more and more used to. This very patella breaks like a nutshell, with a good sharp blow with a "reset".

Without the ability to stop the attacker, keep him at a distance, there is no combat system. Therefore, almost all martial arts profile blows to the legs, namely to the knee! The efficiency is very high: if you carry out a "brush" (football kick on the ball) to the knees, multiplying by shoes and strength, we get an injury or at least a 100% stop of any attack! An example from life: a bunch of juvenile idiots in the amount of 10 people had fun as best they could, but they could only drink vodka and beer. They saw a man in uniform from afar and rushed to ask him what rank he was and from what kind of troops! The clarification did not take place, because. the man turned out to be an officer of the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, he had two campaigns in Chechnya behind him, and he did not want to get injured and expose himself to the "recognition" guys! But, being a man of age and having seen a lot, he did not want to cut off young lives. Within 30 seconds, the acquaintance ended with blows to the legs, and more specifically to the ankle and knees. The officer scattered this group of accelerators, saving their lives and giving them another chance!


The pain turns on and is carried out from one point to another with sharp, strong concentrated blows that are applied sequentially to several points. They can be connected by pain into a single "meridian" and, for example, "dry", that is, turn off a limb - the so-called "chained stream". It is possible to "drive a nail" deep, inflicting high-speed strikes of different strength and amplitude on one point - its pain load occurs.

One of the secrets of our ancestors was the ability to influence the internal organs without using pain points. Wave shocks-impacts with the force application vector directed to the liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, etc. up to the cerebellum, led to death or loss of consciousness. They strengthened the effect of the application by mentally placing a part of the body of a rigid object inside the attacked organ - a stone, the tip of a sword: "And mentally an enemy appeared before him, and he brought a stone to the adversary in his hand in all the weight of his thoughts, at his head ..."

As you can see, the system of initial acquaintance with pain points is simple, easy to remember and immediately.

First of all, understand that half a year of attending a sambo section or martial arts does not guarantee you victory in a duel when attacked by a night robber. It is unlikely that a criminal who has decided to enter an unsafe trade has less experience in fights than you.

Feeling like Bruce Lee, you only harm yourself by blunting your guard, if you want, even fear that is healthy for such situations, and as a result you do not use the only opportunity that allows you to “make legs”. In order to confidently resist the criminal, half a year of martial arts is not enough. Yes, perhaps even a year is not enough.

If you have already decided for the purpose of self-defense to master the secrets of the arts of hand-to-hand combat, do not strive to work out all the known techniques, for which, naturally, neither the time nor the strength will be enough. As a result, you will know a lot and at the same time nothing. For a night fight, five or six blows are quite enough, but brought to automatism. This is something that every person can do. Preference should be given to the simplest and at the same time the most traumatic techniques. You can read about them in special literature, which today is in abundance on every book counter.

True, I must note that the theoretical study of self-defense techniques during an attack has not yet saved anyone. When attacked, during a real fight, a person who has no combat experience almost always gets lost and completely forgets where and how to hit. Hand-to-hand combat techniques only justify themselves when they have been repeated a thousand times during training. Then the fighter, during the attack and during the battle, acts in accordance not with the mind, but with the developed conditioned reflex.

So, if you want to be able to defend yourself not imaginatively, but for real, build a dummy-pear of your alleged enemy stuffed with rags from old clothes, in extreme cases, draw his figure on the wall, mark three or four most vulnerable points and beat them with your hands and feet every day. Only in this case, in case of an unexpected attack, will you be able to resist. Most of all, training on dummies is necessary to develop the habit of hitting a living person. Where we don’t know how to hit hard, because we know how painful it is. Well, we are not able to cut the throat with the edge of the palm of our hand, drive the cartilages of the nose into the brain and gouge out the eyes with our fingers.

Our whole being resists such blows, and therefore, at the very last moment, our hand weakens and our outstretched fingers freeze in front of the open eyes of the enemy. It is possible to overcome this psychological barrier only by adopting the methods of teaching special forces hand-to-hand combat techniques, that is, beating dummies every day and poking fingers into the eyes drawn on paper, inclined to a pear. Preferably drawn very realistically in order to gradually get used to not soften the force of the blow. Then, even if you are afraid to cripple a person, you will still hit with full force, the way your hand is used to.

Available pain points on the human body.

I will indicate the pain points most accessible to a non-specialist, which, if successfully obtained, can cool the ardor of the attacking enemy for some time. Phalanges of the toes, on which, during an attack, it is very convenient to hit from above with the heel of a shoe, and even more painfully - with a hairpin of a woman's shoe. Shin, a sharp blow to which the toe or heel of a hard boot is extremely sensitive. Groin. Such a blow can neutralize the man who attacked you for more than a minute. The pain from such a blow can incapacitate even the most experienced fighter. It is only in the cinema that after the enemy's leg hits this area, the hero, smiling charmingly, continues the fight.

A normal man will sit quietly on the ground for at least five minutes. And, by the way, his hands will be busy supporting the injured organ. It is a sin not to take advantage of the moment and not to “finish off” the villain with a blow to an open face. What, cruel? Then substitute your organs and your face. But only then do not complain that the enemy, not appreciating your nobility, did not hold back his blows during the attack. In war as in war. And a night attack on an initially weaker passer-by is even worse than war. At least it is carried out according to certain rules.

Solar plexus. This punch is good, but it requires certain boxing skills, which theoretically, from reading this advice a hundred times, are not developed. Throat- the most vulnerable part of the human body. But in order to hit him, it is desirable to make the enemy lift his head. Take a look at the roof of the nearest building, roll your eyes, let out an exclamation of surprise, maybe your opponent will fall for the trick and look up, for which he raises his chin. Hit the opened Adam's apple with your fist or the edge of your palm. A hard blow to the throat can be fatal.

A very painful blow with a tightly clenched fist in base of the nose or into the carrier. But such blows must be well placed. Punch in temple capable of instantly incapacitating the enemy. A strong blow is to kill. back of the head, or rather, the upper part of the neck. A hard blow with a fist or the edge of the palm to the base of the skull can not only immobilize, but kill your opponent. Eyes- the most vulnerable spot. They are not protected by muscles or skin. They are open to traumatic impact. An accurate lunge can blind an opponent for hours, while a strong one can blind an opponent for life. The beat should be spread with the middle and index fingers, thumb or middle knuckles.

A sharp blow with the edge of the palm from the bottom up in upper lip causes severe pain and loss of consciousness, since there is a dense network of nerve endings at the base of the nasal cartilage. A strong blow from both sides with folded hands on the ears causes the attacker to lose consciousness. I must say that the eyes, lips and ears are very sensitive to force during an attack. Something to remember during close combat, when it is impossible to strike from afar. For example, when trying or strangling, when the enemy came close or wrapped his arms around his victim.

In this case, only the eyes, lips, and ears are potentially reachable. They should be hit. Eyes with fingers. On the lips - with a fist or grab them with your fingers and jerk down with all possible strength. The same can be done with the ears. But it is even better to push some sharp object into the ear - a hairpin pulled out of the hair, a fountain pen, a key, etc. A damaged eardrum will cool the ardor of the most ferocious bandit. But the easiest and most effective way is to use not fingers, but teeth, especially since, unlike hands, they are likely to be free. So you should cling to them in all the same lips, ears and nose. And so to cling to that at least bite off. As a powerful shock weapon, you can use your own head.

For example, if the enemy grabbed you from behind during an attack. Hitting the back of your head on the bridge of your nose is a very serious blow. Of course, if you have the courage to hit with all your might. In the same way, you can hit the opponent standing in front with your head. In the criminal environment, they are very fond of such, stealthily strikes. And that means they will suit you. Feel free to use improvised means. Pull out the penknife. Hit in the face with sharp keys. Umbrella point. The cutting edges of a bottle broken on the asphalt, which you hold by the neck. Cauterize an enemy's skin with a burning cigarette. Or poke in the eyes with the tip of a fountain pen. Women can successfully use a hairpin as a weapon. Feel what the name is? Barrette. Well, then use it for its intended purpose!

But! Whatever methods of defense and attack you possess, whatever weapons you prepare for battle, you should not show your skill ahead of time. If the enemy knows what to expect from you, combat skills lose their significance. No threats (I have four dans in my asset and a grenade in my pocket!), no warning attacks and defensive defensive postures. On the contrary, pretend to be clumsy, relax the enemy with demonstratively stupid actions, convince him of your incapacity, let him open up and quickly, without prior preparation, that is, without swings, fighting stances, strike a “deadly” blow.

Just don't look where you're going to strike. Do not warn him of your intentions if you do not want to run into a counterattack. Look elsewhere. And don't be silent! Shout "Hurrah!", "I'll kill you!", "Police!" or something more articulate, but no less formidable! First, someone can hear you and call the police. Secondly, screaming is a means of psychological attack. Unless, of course, he has the tone of a threat, and not a request for mercy. Thirdly, your cry “turns on” you, sets you up for battle and victory. Confident in his own strength.

It is not for nothing that most street fights begin with insults and screams that warm up the fighters. And it is not for nothing that in martial arts, the reception is accompanied by screams. Well, you scream too. It's even easier to die that way. Than in deathly silence for you. If you managed to "drop" your opponent to the ground, don't wait for him to get up - go for finishing moves. I understand that such advice has little to do with the code of officer honor and the unwritten rules of yard children's fights, where they don't beat a lying person. And you will have to. And it is lying down. Until he got up and laid you on the vacant place on the pavement.

Finishing off a defeated opponent during an attack is one of the first rules of street fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Do not let the bandit who attacked you get up. Kick him in the most vulnerable points - in the face, stomach, groin. Hit until he stops trying to get up. Beat, even if you have not touched a single person in your entire life. Then the more hit. In a similar situation, as in a battle - either you or you. I only conjure you - hit with full force, because if he gets up, you will no longer be able to count on pity. You will be killed already. Bandits don't like passion when they get hurt.

One or two with the maximum application of impact forces - and a quick retreat or finishing off an enemy who has not come to his senses. The middle, that is, the expectation when he comes to his senses, is equal to defeat. Beat. Without fear of hurting your opponent. Remember that the Criminal Code gives you the right to self-defense. Up to the killing of the attacking side when attacking you. There is a case when a farmer killed three racketeers who came to receive “tribute” from him from a double-barreled shotgun and was released in peace. Remember that under the law, the attacker will be found guilty even if he suffers more than the victim. Even if it's crippled.

Necessary self-defense when attacked.

But only when attacked. And if it only threatens, and you respond to abuse and demonstration of fists with a crippling blow, then the Criminal Code no longer protects you, but your victim. And you turn from a victim into a criminal. This is the facet of legislation that you need to know about so as not to suddenly end up on prison bunk beds. A citizen has the right to self-defense in the event of an attack only in situations that clearly threaten his life and the lives of his loved ones. In all other cases, he cannot count on the softness of the law.

As well as in cases where not random bricks, stakes, penknives and kitchen knives were used as a weapon of retaliation, but firearms and edged weapons prohibited by law, as well as grenades, grenade launchers, poisonous substances, tanks and artillery of large calibers. What I must warn the reader about. However, when meeting in a dark alley with a group of bandits, I recommend not remembering this law. In order not to weaken the force of impact. Because the law, even in the worst case scenario, can send an unwitting killer to places not so distant only for a decade and a half. And the bandits - to the next world for the rest of their lives.

And now, I will tell you about one more, but this time a tragic case. The champion of France in karate, the owner of many belts, medals, etc., sports and combat distinctions, was killed by a juvenile teenage hooligan with an awl in the back. This I mean that you can not consider your skill as a panacea for all possible ills. You can also lose.

In conclusion, I will give a really wise rule of the ancient Eastern fighters: the battle won is the one that did not take place! And in addition, let me remind you of our domestic, perhaps not so sophisticated, but essentially accurate sentence: there is no reception against scrap! So try to win the fight without starting it. By following them, you will be better protected from surprises than even having a black belt in karate.

Based on the materials of the book "School of Survival in the Conditions of the Economic Crisis".
Andrei Ilyichev.

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