Goose fat face cream. Where to get this product? How to properly melt internal goose fat for treatment at home

Dietitians oppose animal fats, most women generally consider fat to be poisonous to the body. The human body needs animal fats as well as vegetable fats. When hair breaks in winter, nails begin to exfoliate, the skin becomes dry - all this is a consequence of a lack of animal fat.

In winter, you should not get carried away with low-fat diets, because a lack of fat, as well as its excess, are dangerous for the human body, as a result of which the immune system is significantly weakened. There is an opinion according to which an insufficient amount of fat affects human behavior. For example, if a person receives or absorbs little omega-3 fats, the concentration of a person decreases, he becomes fussy. Based on this, I would like to bring you to such a valuable product as goose fat.

It is believed that the medicinal properties of goose fat are much greater than in other animal fats. Goose fat contains a lot polyunsaturated acids such as oleic acid. Goose fat is used for skin diseases, frostbite, in the treatment of burns. Below are some tips and how to use it.

Goose fat - skin diseases.

Take fat (112 g), mix with Auba bark powder (20 g), mix well and the resulting mixture in the form of a patch, then apply to sore skin areas. Change 2-3 r. per day. According to Korean doctors, this recipe is especially useful for people with purulent skin lesions.


Take a tablespoon of saponaria root powder, add three tablespoons of goose fat. The mixture is ready. Regularly apply the resulting composition to areas with psoriasis. Helps better than hormonal ointment.

Wet eczema.

If you have suffered from such an ailment as wet eczema, we recommend that you prepare a mixture of goose fat and fir oil in a ratio of 2 to 1. Mix all components thoroughly, apply to the affected area, put compress paper on top and secure. Make such a compress two or three r. per day for a course of 12 to 24 days. It is also effective to use this ointment for bedsores and diaper rash, wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab.

Goose fat for colds (cough).

Goose fat for frostbite.

Pour cool water over the frostbitten area and grease with goose fat. Do this procedure every evening.

Goose fat and burns.

Apply goose fat to the affected area and cover with a bandage. Change the bandage 2 p. per day.

We treat pulmonary tuberculosis with goose fat.

The beneficial properties of goose fat are also manifested in the treatment of lung diseases. Prepare the following mixture: aloe juice (150g), goose fat about 100g, honey (100g), cocoa powder (100g). Mix everything, take a tablespoon with a glass of hot milk twice or thrice a day.

Alternative treatment of pneumonia with goose fat.

The most common adverse effects of the flu are pneumonia and pneumonia.
If pneumonia is severe, it is advised to mix grated garlic (100g) and goose fat (500g), place the resulting mixture for a short time (a couple of minutes) in a water bath. Next, generously spread the mixture on paper (parchment), place on the chest and tightly tie a scarf of wool. Leave overnight.

Treatment of shortness of breath, goose fat

Mix honey (1 kg), goose fat (1 kg), vodka (1 l). Put for 2 weeks in a warm place. Take orally 30 minutes before meals 1 tablespoon.

Goose fat for the treatment and prevention of respiratory organs.

You will need a large bow. Clean it, wash it and rub it on a fine grater. Mix with goose fat. Rub the resulting composition on the chest and neck. Wrap yourself in a warm scarf. Take 1 tablespoon of this composition on an empty stomach when coughing. Do not forget about such things necessary for health and youth as winter walks, skiing, skating. Remember to protect your face from frost. But suddenly, if you could not protect yourself from frostbite, it is better to use the folk method of treatment - goose fat.

Before leaving the house, frostbitten areas can be smeared with goose fat. After all, this is the best protection.

The healing properties of goose fat have found their application in cosmetics. It is enough to use only a small amount of it. It promotes beauty and does not harm the figure.
To give the skin of the face and hands softness and tenderness, Korean doctors recommend applying goose fat to them. With it, you can whiten your skin, heal chapped lips, and moisturize your face. On this issue, Russian doctors are in solidarity with Korean doctors.

Dehydrated skin on the face can be moisturized in this way. Before going to bed, apply goose fat on it. For such purposes, it is better to use an old pillowcase. Do not leave excess fat on the skin, blot it with a napkin. Animal and vegetable fat is also used as a foot cream.

Thrombophlebitis, leg problems.

A mixture of goose fat and Kalanchoe juice
Take three parts of goose fat and one and a half parts of Kalanchoe juice. Stir and put in a dark glass container. Make a small amount. Apply before going to bed and leave until the morning, wrapped in cling film

Biostimulator SMAK

Take one hundred grams of goose fat, one hundred grams of honey, fifteen grams of aloe juice, one hundred grams of cocoa powder. Mix everything, put on a small fire to bask, but do not bring to a boil. Without cooling, pour into a glass container. Take one tablespoon for one glass of milk two to four times a day. per day, look at the general well-being. With such ailments as anemia, tuberculosis, a strong degree of emaciation, the mixture will be very useful.

Goose fat for back pain

The origin of back pain varies. For some, this is due to osteochondrosis of the vertebrae, metabolic-dystrophic polyarthritis or sciatica. In this case, use the following recipe.

On a fine grater, grate horseradish and raw potatoes in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly, add 1 tablespoon of honey.

Apply the finished mixture in a dense layer on the places in the area of ​​pain, covered before this goose fat. Cover with a film, wrap yourself in a wool scarf. This process helps to warm up. Be patient for an hour, there will be no harm to the skin during this time. Can help with one time, there were such cases!

Cosmetology and goose fat

Goose fat was considered a very good cosmetic product among Russian beauties. In frosty weather and strong winds, it was applied as a cream to keep the skin of the hands and face healthy.

Protective mask.

Grind goose fat, melt it in a water bath. Then strain with 2 layers of cheesecloth. Store in refrigerator.
Mask for flaky and dry skin (nourishing). Mix twenty-five grams of goose fat with two and a half grams of camphor oil. Rub everything well and apply for twenty minutes. on the face. Remove grease with a dry cloth. Wash off with warm water afterwards. Then cool.
To hydrate and rejuvenate lips. Nineteen petals of wild rose (or any other red or pink rose) grind to a pulp and mix with one tablespoon of goose fat. Lubricate the skin of the lips with this mixture three to four p. during the week. This will allow you to keep them smooth and bouncy as ever.

Dry brittle hair

Goose fat mask.

Goose fat has long been on the list of useful products that are used by traditional medicine to treat various diseases. It not only warms in cold weather and improves skin condition, but is also able to get rid of serious ailments. All this is due to the useful substances and nutrients contained in it. Let us consider in more detail the properties and use of goose fat in the areas of human life.

Chemical composition

The composition of goose fat includes such useful components:

  • fatty acid(normalize the water balance of the body; increase the permeability of lipids, which allows cosmetic components to penetrate the skin faster; promote the healing of damaged skin);
  • selenium(regulates metabolism, in particular, the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates; improves the absorption of iodine);
  • cholesterol(acts as the basis of cells, regulates their permeability; takes part in the accumulation of vitamin D);
  • vitamin E(activates the body's immune response; synthesizes collagen; protects cells from damage).

Important! The calorie content of this product is 900 kcal.

The healing properties of goose fat

Goose fat is a natural healing product. It is widely used in folk medicine due to the following properties:

  • easily absorbed by the body;
  • has a warming effect;
  • renews cells;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • promotes the rapid penetration of nutrients into the skin.

Indications for use: what treats

The medicinal characteristics of goose fat make it an indispensable tool in the treatment of both minor ailments and diseases of a gynecological orientation, respiratory system, and skin. According to some reports, it has the ability to destroy cancerous tumors.
The product is used in such cases:

  • with problems with the lungs (inflammation, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis);
  • with skin damage (burns, frostbite, eczema, psoriasis);
  • with gynecological diseases (infertility, erosion);
  • for the treatment of prostatitis;
  • with problems with the legs (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, muscle pain);
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • for the treatment of diabetes;
  • with a cold.

Important! Goose fat has long been used to relieve hangovers. Before a meal, it is enough to drink one spoonful of the remedy to reduce the negative effect of alcohol on the body and reduce its absorption into the blood.

How to use goose fat

Goose fat is a universal remedy that is widely used not only in medicine, but also for cosmetic purposes, in culinary delights, and in everyday life.

In folk medicine

Goose fat can cure a variety of diseases.

Did you know? Each person, on average, gains 1 gram of excess fat per day.

For cosmetic purposes

Cosmetologists use the healing properties of goose fat for face, body and hair care. It perfectly smoothes small wrinkles, eliminates dry skin, heals small wounds. Cosmetics based on this component has a positive effect and restores the beauty and freshness of the female body. Goose lard can be added to regular skin care creams.

In its pure form, fat can be used for such cosmetic purposes:

  • For hands. Regularly at night, the brushes are lubricated with lard. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, heals scratches and cracks, makes hands soft and tender.
  • For face. A daily light facial massage using goose fat helps to get rid of dry skin. Express mask for 15 minutes from this product regenerates cells and has a healing effect on the face. After such procedures, the number of wrinkles is reduced, and the face looks young and healthy.
  • For lips. Masks of fat and rose petals are applied overnight on the lips. 2-3 procedures per week are enough to keep lips moist and not cracked.
  • For hair. To make the hair thick and strong, it is recommended to tone it with goose lard. The product is heated to a liquid state and rubbed along the entire length of the hair. A towel is put on the head and they walk like this for 10 minutes, after which they are washed off with running water.

In cooking

Goose fat is used not only for the manufacture of medical and cosmetic preparations, but also for the preparation of culinary dishes. This product is most widely used in French cuisine. It is used to create various sauces, chicken and goose pâtés, roast meat products, and sauté vegetables.

A quality product should be white-golden in color, without dark brown spots. Due to the fact that there are no artificial additives in lard, cooking on it is good for health. In addition, it has a delicate aroma and gives the dishes a spicy taste.

Important! The main thing is not to abuse this product. It contains a large amount of lipids, which means that it is very high in calories and can cause excess weight.

At home

At home, goose fat is used to protect shoes from water and moisture. To do this, leather shoes are rubbed with lard using a special sponge. To improve the effect, shoes can be pre-heated with a hair dryer, and then rubbed thoroughly. After such a procedure, raindrops will simply flow down the shoes and not be absorbed by the surface.

Harm and side effect

Goose fat is considered a healthy product without side effects. However, it should be taken with caution by people suffering from chronic diseases. Cholesterol in its composition in large quantities is harmful to health.
Despite the fact that this is the main material for building the cells of the human body, while cholesterol in large quantities tends to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and create so-called plaques. The latter, in turn, block the blood flow and contribute to the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, using goose fat in cooking, you should always follow the measure.


This product has no direct contraindications. This is one of its main advantages.

There are just a few caveats to taking it:

  • Lard contains fatty acids that oxidize in the sun and become harmful to health. In this regard, it is not recommended to apply products based on goose fat before going outside in the heat.
  • The calorie content of the product provides for moderate use by people who are prone to fullness.
  • If your blood cholesterol is high, it is better to consult your doctor before use.

The product is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Did you know? Fat cells are able to live for another 10 years after the death of a person.

Procurement of raw materials

Proper harvesting of raw materials will ensure the right consistency of the product for use in different applications.

How to melt

In order to prepare lard, all subcutaneous fat is collected from the goose, cut into small pieces 1.5-2 cm in diameter and placed in a heat-resistant container. The contents are put on the stove and slowly brought to a boil over low heat for about half an hour.

The resulting mass is filtered through a sieve, drained into a glass jar, covered with parchment paper on top, tied up and placed in a cold place (refrigerator or cellar).

How to use

Fat is taken in liquid form, depending on the purpose. Most often, no more than one tablespoon is consumed at a time. Many recipes include the ability to dilute lard in a glass of warm milk for better absorption.

How to store

The prepared lard for everyday needs is stored in a glass dish in the refrigerator. The prepared but not used product is recommended to be packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. It is better to store blanks for a long period in a plastic container in the freezer. Such a product retains its medicinal properties for three years.

Healing recipes

In folk medicine, goose fat recipes are very popular for the treatment of diseases of various etiologies. This product is effective both in the form of ointments and in the form of infusions.

From cough

For coughs, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, a special infusion is prepared.


  • honey - 100 g;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • vodka - 100 g.
All components are mixed in a container and placed in a cool dark place for a week. The finished product is taken every day in a teaspoon until the cough disappears completely. It is recommended to store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Syrup can be combined with rubbing the chest. To do this, you need to make an ointment based on goose fat and wax. The components are taken in a ratio of 4:1. The wax must be melted before mixing. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the chest area, bypassing the heart. The compress is done at night. To enhance the effect, they are wrapped on top with a downy scarf or a warm scarf.

Since ancient times, goose fat has been one of the commonly used remedies for various ailments. It has a wide range of useful properties that are applicable in traditional medicine. Include it in recipes for home cosmetics.

Goose fat - medicinal properties

It is a mistake to believe that fat is an extremely harmful product, since in fact it contains substances important for the body, for example, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and group B, and also selenium. Goose fat, the use of which is approved by doctors, has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Previously, it was used as an aphrodisiac, and it was also recommended to be eaten regularly by women who could not conceive a child for a long time. In Russia, goose fat was used to rid men of prostatitis, for which they applied compresses to the perineum.
  2. The properties of goose fat can be used to combat hangovers. To do this, after a feast at night, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of fat.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive system, so it is recommended to use it for disorders, constipation and other problems.
  4. The composition contains natural antidepressants, so it will be useful to combat stress and depression. With regular use, you can cope with chronic fatigue and improve sleep.
  5. It is recommended for people in old age, as it helps with reduced immunity, weakness and other problems. With frequent use, you can prevent the development of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.
  6. Helps speed up the process of tissue regeneration in the presence of wounds, frostbite and burns. Many cosmetics used to treat skin diseases contain goose fat.
  7. Contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and helps to cope with beriberi.
  8. Liquefies bile and cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances.
  9. It is useful for women to normalize the hormonal form.

Goose fat for burns

In folk recipes for external processing, goose fat is used due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties. It is believed that with its help the process of regeneration of damaged skin is accelerated. There are several ways to use goose fat for burns, and the simplest of them include the following:

  1. To speed up the healing of wounds, it is necessary to carefully treat the burns on the body a couple of times a day, covering the top with a gauze bandage.
  2. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can mix fat with sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. In order for the ingredients to combine better, it is recommended to warm them up, and then cool them, and only then apply them to the burnt places. Lubricate twice a day.

goose fat cough

Among the most popular folk remedies for fighting cough, fat takes its place of honor, because it has a number of important properties. It quickly relieves inflammation, facilitating the work of the respiratory system, fights bacteria that provoke coughing, and increases the protective properties of the body. Goose fat when coughing is used externally for rubbing, which has a warming effect. With this simple procedure, you can deal with both dry and wet coughs. This method of treatment is safe for infants.

Goose fat with a cold

There are folk remedies that help to cope with other symptoms of a cold, such as a runny nose. Finding out what goose fat helps with, it is worth pointing out its ability to quickly relieve discomfort and make breathing easier. To get the result, it is necessary to carry out treatment at the first signs of a cold.

  1. Melt 50 ml of fat and add a spoonful of red ground pepper to it.
  2. After mixing, transfer the product to a clean container. Store in refrigerator.
  3. At night, lubricate the heels with the prepared ointment and put on socks on top.

Goose fat in gynecology

Folk remedy has long been used in the treatment of female diseases. In most cases, it is used for cervical erosion. To get the beneficial properties of goose fat, you need to prepare such a medicine:

  1. Take an enamel pan and melt 100 g of fat in it.
  2. Add a few pinches of dried calendula flowers and then mix well.
  3. Place the container in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. After that, take it out and strain it using a sieve.
  4. In the finished product, moisten a sterile gauze swab and insert it into the vagina at night. For treatment, you need to do three courses of 10 days. It is important to take breaks of the same duration between them.

Goose fat for hemorrhoids

Some properties of goose fat are useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It contains polyunsaturated acids, necessary for the walls of blood vessels, and vitamin E, which promotes tissue healing. Goose fat from hemorrhoids is also useful due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Please note that folk remedies can only be used as an auxiliary method of treatment. For the procedures, it is necessary to prepare an ointment.


  • goose fat - 150 g;
  • chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • sage flowers - 10 g.


  1. Grind the flowers to obtain a powder and mix it with fat to make a homogeneous mass.
  2. Lubricate the formations with the finished ointment 2-3 times a day and carry out the procedure at night. The duration of treatment is a week, and then a break is made for the same duration and the course is repeated.

goose fat for allergies

Many people experience allergies, which are evidenced by rashes and redness on the skin. At the same time, severe itching and other discomfort torment. To cope with the manifestation of the disease, you need to see a doctor, and with the help of folk remedies, you can only reduce the symptoms. Treatment with goose fat is carried out by making an ointment that eliminates redness, itching and swelling. For it, you need to mix sea buckthorn oil, viburnum juice and goose fat. Use the ingredients in equal proportions.

goose fat for arthritis

Many people, and not only in old age, are faced with joint problems in which pain is felt. An ambulance in such a situation will be goose fat used for medicinal purposes, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the medicine, mix garlic and goose fat, using the ingredients in equal parts. Rub the finished ointment into problem areas dry overnight. Carry out the procedure every day until the condition is relieved.

Goose fat in cosmetology

Many adherents of homemade natural cosmetics claim that the effect of goose fat can be compared with expensive store products. If you are interested in how goose fat is useful, you should indicate its effectiveness in combating various problems of hair and skin. Results can be seen after the first procedure. Goose fat is in most cases used as a basic ingredient in various masks, creams, ointments, and so on.

Goose fat for the face

The rich chemical composition explains a large number of beneficial properties for the skin. Effective goose fat for the face from wrinkles, and it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It moisturizes, promotes recovery, improves cellular metabolism, relieves redness and inflammation, and also regulates the sebaceous glands. It remains to figure out how to use goose fat for the face:

  1. For a protective mask, it is necessary to melt the fat in a water bath and strain using a fine sieve. It must be applied warm for half an hour, an hour before going outside. This mask is especially recommended in winter.
  2. To make a nourishing mask for 25 g of goose fat, put 2.5 g of camphor oil and mix well. Apply the prepared mass on the face for 20 minutes. Remove the residue with a tissue and wash with cool water.

Goose fat for hair

For the health and beauty of your curls, you can use various folk remedies. Fat helps to remove brittleness and split ends, make hair shiny, moisturized and soft to the touch. Goose fat in home cosmetics is used as follows:

  1. In order for the hair to become healthy, elastic and thick, it is necessary to rub warm fat a couple of times a week before washing your hair.
  2. After applying, cover your head with a film and insulate with a towel. Keep 5-10 min.
  3. Rinse first with shampoo, and then rinse with water and lemon juice.

Goose fat for eyelashes

It is difficult to find a girl who would not dream of beautiful and voluminous eyelashes. This can be achieved using folk remedies. Goose fat is an affordable remedy that, after several procedures, will restore eyelashes. It will be especially useful for those who, after building up, faced the problem of loss. It is necessary once a week to lubricate the eyelashes with melted fat using a brush.

Nowadays, many have already forgotten what it is, so it was not possible to buy it in a store. In the countries of the former USSR, it is not produced in production batches. And those people who grow geese with us always leave goose fat for their own use. In Europe, goose fat is the number 1 product, especially in France and the UK.

Since ancient times, in Russia, and in many other countries, goose fat has been used as a therapeutic and prophylactic (for colds, pneumonia, psoriasis, eczema, etc.), and as a cosmetic product. In cold and windy weather, goose fat is used instead of a cream to maintain healthy skin on the face and hands.

Goose fat, according to Koreans, helps to dissolve tumors. The collected goose fat was also used to treat skin diseases. There are many recipes for the treatment of various diseases, the basis for which is goose fat. A lot of information and publications about goose fat can be found on English and Russian websites and in books of ancient medicine.

In nutrition, goose fat has many advantages over other fats of animal origin. First of all, it is a purely monounsaturated fat. In fact, it is oleic acid - that is, its chemical structure is the same as that of olive oil, whose beneficial effects on health do not need to be proven.

Goose fat also has an advantage over all other fats, because it can withstand high temperatures (over 200 C) without changing its molecular structure.

Therefore, it is easily digested and, even when heated, does not adversely affect the cardiovascular system.

Goose fat does not contain cholesterol.

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications for women, men and children

Medicinal properties of goose fat:

  • Antioxidant
  • Immunomodulator
  • Restores the skin
  • Has mild antibacterial properties
  • Improves the penetration of drugs into the skin
  • Helps warm the skin
  • Improves metabolism


  • High blood cholesterol
  • Outdoor use in hot weather
  • Open wounds with infection
  • allergic reactions
  • Pregnancy lactation
  • Children under 3 years old

How to properly melt internal goose fat for treatment at home?

Melting goose lard at home is very simple.


  • Wash and butcher the bird, cut off the yellow raw fat
  • Cut the raw material into small cubes and transfer to a thick-walled pan
  • Put on a small fire and drown for 4 hours
  • Don't forget to stir. After 3 hours, remove the cracklings and keep on fire for another 1 hour
  • Pour the finished product into jars and refrigerate

Recipes for the use of goose fat with milk, honey in folk medicine for colds, coughs for adults and children, during pregnancy

The remedy is often used in the treatment of SARS, cough, runny nose and sore throat in children. In addition, fat is used both for oral and external use.

Recipes for the use of goose lard for colds in babies and pregnant women:

  • Cough for children. Enter into a glass with warm milk 12 ml of fat and 10 ml of honey. Stir the substance, let the child drink before bedtime.
  • Compress for bronchitis. Mix goose lard with grated onion and lubricate the chest and back of the baby with the resulting composition. Wrap your baby in a towel and put him to bed.
  • With lemon during pregnancy. This remedy will help get rid of cough during pregnancy, the substance improves immunity. It is necessary to put a lemon in a container with water and cook for 20 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Enter 35 ml of goose fat and shake. Drink 30 ml before each meal.
  • With cocoa. Take equal amounts of fat, honey and cocoa powder and average. Enter a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of milk and drink three times a day. It can also be given to children.

Application for SARS

Recipes for the use of goose fat for a cold

Ointment with pepper from the common cold:

  • Melt 50 ml of lard and add a spoonful of red ground pepper
  • Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a clean jar
  • Store in the refrigerator, and at the first sign of a runny nose, lubricate the heels before going to bed
  • Don't forget to wear socks on top. It's a warming ointment.

Recipes for the use of goose fat for angina

Most often, with angina, goose lard is used to warm the throat and promote sputum discharge from the mucous membrane.


  • Melt 50 ml of goose fat in a water bath and add 10 g of beeswax
  • Stir the pasta and cook over a fire until smooth.
  • Lubricate the outer surface of the throat with the substance
  • Wrap your throat with a towel. Exercise before bed

use for angina

Recipes for the use of goose fat for pneumonia, bronchitis

Ointment for pneumonia and bronchitis:

  • Immerse 50 ml of goose lard in a container of boiling water and stir until liquid is obtained.
  • Enter 30 ml of alcohol and average
  • Lubricate the chest and back with the resulting product.
  • Wrap yourself in a warm scarf. Rubbing before bed

use for bronchitis

Goose fat for immunity: a recipe

To strengthen immunity, you should prepare a pasta according to the following recipe:

  • Mix in equal parts goose lard, bee nectar, cocoa powder
  • Add 15 g of aloe juice
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath
  • Take the substance inside 20 g twice a day, diluted with a small amount of warm milk

application for immunity

Goose fat for lymph nodes

Lymphodenitis is an inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, which occurs with tonsillitis and tonsillitis.


  • Mix 110 g honey and 110 g goose fat
  • Enter 90 g cocoa, 15 g aloe juice
  • Blend the paste and transfer to a jar
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. with one glass of hot milk

Goose fat for burns, and for sunburn

Ointment for burns:

  • Pour into a thick-walled saucepan 30 g of the main product
  • Pour in 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Average everything and simmer on fire for 3 minutes
  • Pour into a jar and lubricate burns 2 times a day

Goose fat and comfrey from thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis paste:

  • 5 parts crushed comfrey root, 1 part chestnut flowers, 1 part white locust flowers - mix it all
  • moisten with alcohol and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • Enter 4 parts of goose fat and simmer in the oven for 2-3 hours
  • The ointment should be applied to the sore spot, covered with a linen napkin, and in the summer with burdock, and bandaged

from thrombophlebitis

Goose fat from erosion

The tool is widely used in gynecology. Fat helps rapid epithelialization of scars and erosions.


  • Melt a little product in a water bath
  • Dip a cotton swab in warm liquid
  • Tampons last all night
  • Remove the tampon in the morning, repeat 10 days

from erosion

Goose fat from hemorrhoids


  • Melt 3 parts of the substance in a saucepan with boiling water
  • Enter 1.5 parts of Kalanchoe juice. Pour into a jar
  • Lubricate the anal area in the morning and evening

Ointment based on goose fat and camphor oil: a folk recipe for joints in

Instructions for preparing the product:

  • Melt 50 g of the product in a container with boiling water
  • Inject 10 drops of camphor oil into the liquid
  • Rub the resulting remedy on sore joints

folk recipe for joints

Goose fat for atopic dermatitis

For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, a therapeutic ointment is being prepared.


  • Pour 100 g of bacon into a metal bowl and let it melt
  • Enter 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Lubricate the affected areas

with atopic dermatitis

Goose fat in oncology

In a study by American scientists, it was found that duck fat is the strongest food biostimulant. It revitalizes the entire immune system, especially in moments of asthenic conditions, overwork, spring beriberi, prevention of seasonal influenza epidemics.

Instructions for use:

  • Take orally 10 ml of fat in the morning and evening
  • You can dissolve the product in a glass of warm milk
  • Enter some honey

in oncology

Goose fat for psoriasis

This is a serious disease that can be cured with goose fat.


  • Treat all wounds and peelings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • Lubricate these areas with melted fat
  • Wrap with cloth and leave overnight

from psoriasis

goose fat

In cosmetology, the product is used in the preparation of creams and masks.

Instructions for preparing the mask:

  • 1 fresh egg yolk mixed with fat (1 tsp)
  • Enter melted honey (1 tsp)

for the face and skin around the eyes from wrinkles


  • Use like regular cream

face cream with propolis


face for acne

Goose fat for heels


for heels


  • Wash your shoes and dry them

for impregnating shoes

How to store goose fat?

store goose fat

  • Apply the resulting mass under the eyes.
  • After 30 minutes, wash everything off with warm water and wipe with a decoction of chamomile.

for the face and skin around the eyes from wrinkles

How to make a cream with goose fat and propolis for the face?

This is a simple and affordable tool. It can help moisturize dry skin.


  • Mix in a saucepan 20 ml of lard and propolis
  • To make propolis rub well, freeze it
  • Add 50 ml base oil. Better take almond
  • Pour into a jar and store refrigerated
  • Use like regular cream

face cream with propolis

Goose fat for acne

This remedy is not used in the treatment of acne and pimples. Most often, acne appears due to increased secretion of sebum. Using lard, we further contribute to an increase in oily skin.

Goose fat masks for hair loss


  • Warm up some lard in a water bath
  • Dip your fingers in the warm liquid and rub the product into the roots.
  • The procedure is carried out on dirty hair 1 hour before washing.

face for acne

Goose fat for heels

It can be used to treat cracked heels.


  • Melt a little in a water bath
  • Soak your lower limbs in hot water
  • Wipe with a cloth and coat the cracks with

for heels

Goose fat for impregnating shoes

This tool helps to improve the condition of leather shoes, soften it.


  • Wash your shoes and dry them
  • Rub in and let it soak in
  • This treatment will keep the shoes from getting wet.

for impregnating shoes

How to store goose fat?

In order for the tool to be only useful, it should be properly stored. All animal fats go bad. Store the product in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. Take the required amount of the product with a dry and clean spoon.

store goose fat

As you can see, goose fat is a useful remedy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. This product will help improve skin condition.

Despite the fact that in the pharmacy today you can buy anything and at any price, we still respect the so-called "grandmother's methods". Let's talk today about ... goose fat.

Our ancestors used goose fat to treat the most serious diseases lungs, got rid of joint pain, rheumatism, spinal ailments, protected in severe frosts and treated the skin, keeping it tender.

Read also:

What are the beneficial properties, and how to use goose fat today?

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications

In our diet today, it is essential lack of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Due to the lack of necessary elements in our body, including “omega-3”, metabolic processes are disrupted, the skin is dried out, hair and nails break, digestion is disturbed, and nerves often fail.

Goose lard contains all the fats the body needs: omega-3 acid, acids - stearic, oleic, linolenic, myristic, palmitoleic and many others. BUT .

In addition, the useful product contains minerals (magnesium, zinc, sodium, copper, selenium) and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP, etc.).

Goose fat has a warming property, is able to rid the body of toxins, and also helps the resorption of neoplasms and can be used to treat cancer.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of goose interior fat, because this product is one of the most harmless and safe remedies for the treatment of diseases among other animal fats.

The only contraindication is personal intolerance to taking this product inside. You can not take it during pregnancy, breastfeeding mothers, babies under three years old. Not recommended for people with chronic liver disease. Outdoor use is not limited.

The use of goose fat in folk medicine

Cough remedies:

- mix four parts of warm fat with a part of melted wax and rub into the chest and back (the procedure is carried out at night);
- Warm up a mixture of 0.5 kg of the base and 0.1 kg of crushed garlic in a water bath, smear the back and chest with the medicine received and, having tied the patient with a woolen scarf, leave it all night.

Frostbite. It is enough to lubricate the injured area with a melted product three times a day, and put a compress from it at night.

Burns. For small burns, the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should be thickly greased and bandaged. The bandage is changed twice a day, each time smearing the burn with a new layer of the medicinal product.

Psoriasis. Mix 180 ml of the base with 60 ml of crushed soapwort root. Regularly lubricate damaged areas of the skin with the resulting medicine.

Eczema. Mix the heated base with fir oil in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively. Apply the mixture in a thick layer on the sore spot, fix and leave overnight.

Tuberculosis. You need to take one hundred grams of the base, aloe juice, cocoa powder and honey. Mix all ingredients. The medicine is consumed in 60 ml with warm milk three times a day. Treatment takes a long time.

Thrombophlebitis and leg diseases

Insist for a week a mixture of the main product with Kalanchoe juice in a ratio of 2:1, respectively. The medicine should be kept in a dark container and in the refrigerator. Sore spots are lubricated for a long time before going to bed.

Gynecology and hemorrhoids

Mix half a cup of the base with one large spoonful of dried calendula flowers, heat the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour and then strain. The rest is moistened with gauze swabs. Compresses put every day at night.

The course consists of ten procedures, and repeat it two more times with a ten-day interval.


To prepare the mask, you need to mix a quarter cup of the base with a teaspoon of camphor oil. Spread the product on the face, after 20 minutes remove excess fat with a soft cloth and wash. The healing product is also used to strengthen and regenerate hair: the melted agent is rubbed into their roots. The mask is kept for half an hour and then washed off.

How to melt goose fat

Cut the product into small pieces. So that there is not a lot of splashing, and so that the fat does not stick, in a well-heated stewpan with a powerful bottom sprinkle a pinch of salt. Reduce the heat, put the product in a bowl and cover with a lid.

Stirring, melt all the fat. Strain the melted mass into dark glass containers. To store the cooled remedy, put in the refrigerator.

Goose fat cough for a child

For rubbing or compresses, melted fat is applied to the neck and chest, and the baby is wrapped up at night. With a strong cough, a quarter cup of the base is mixed with 60 ml of vodka.

Children do not like the use of goose fat inside to warm up the body. So that the child does not suffer, you can soften the unpleasant taste of the product decoction of lemon, boil it in water for 10 minutes.

Then the fruit is peeled, the juice is squeezed out of it into a saucepan with broth. Now you can add a couple of tablespoons of goose fat. Take a spoonful before meals until the child recovers.

Another cough composition: make a mixture of the main product with honey, cocoa powder, aloe juice and heat over low heat until a smooth mass is formed. The finished medicine is used in a small spoon with a glass of warm milk.

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