What helps chondroxide ointment. Chondroxide - instructions for use of various forms of release (gel, ointment and tablets)

Joint diseases can be faced not only by the elderly, but also by young people. Such pathological conditions bring significant discomfort. Therefore, for their treatment, the drug "Chondroxide" is very often used. The price of the mentioned means, its instructions for use, release form and reviews are presented below.

Composition, description, form and packaging

In what form is the drug in question produced? What does the manual say about this? Chondroxide goes on sale in several forms. It:

  • White tablets. Their active substance is chondroitin sulfate. The drug also contains magnesium hydroxycarbonate, crospovidone, microcrystalline cellulose. You can buy it in contour cells, which are placed in packs of cardboard.
  • Transparent gel for external application. Its active ingredient is also chondroitin sulfate. In addition to it, the composition of the drug includes such additional substances as dimethyl sulfoxide, nipazole, propylene glycol, ethanol, isopropanol, sodium disulfite, carbomer, nipagin, water and food flavoring.
  • Light ointment for external application. It also contains dimethyl sulfoxide, petroleum jelly, water, lanolin and monoglycerides.

The last two forms of the drug go on sale in tubes.

Pharmacological characteristics

What is the drug in question? What does the manual say about it? "Chondroxide" contributes to the regulation of metabolism in cartilage tissues. It provides their regeneration and chondrostimulation, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This medication is involved in the construction of cartilage and bone tissue, improves metabolism, slows down and inhibits enzymes that affect cartilage tissue.

Also, this tool regenerates the surface of the articular bag and joints, activates the synthesis of proteoglycans and stimulates the formation of intra-articular fluid. In addition, it inhibits bone resorption, restores their tissue and protects against calcium loss.

drug properties

The drug "Chondroxide", reviews of which everyone can leave, slows down the development of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis. It reduces pain in the affected joints and increases their range of motion.

The use of this drug helps to reduce the dosage of NSAIDs or their cancellation.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Is the drug in question absorbed? What does the manual say about this? "Chondroxide" when taken orally reaches a maximum concentration in the blood within four hours, and after five hours it is found in the articular cavities.

The bioavailability of this drug is 13%.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the cartilage is observed within two days. It is excreted from the body along with urine in about a day.


For what diseases is the drug "Chondroxide" used (injections, perhaps, are more suitable for someone, but the drug in question does not have such a form)? According to experts, this remedy is actively prescribed for the prevention and treatment of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints and spine, including osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.


When should you not prescribe Chondroxide tablets? Reviews indicate that this form of the drug is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy;
  • in childhood;
  • breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the drug and its elements.

Also, with extreme caution, this drug is used for bleeding tendencies.

As for the ointment and gel, they are contraindicated in:

  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • damage to the skin at the site of the planned application;
  • in childhood.

Dosage, instruction

"Chondroxide" in the form of tablets is taken orally 2 jokes twice a day. Such therapy should be carried out for six months. According to experts, after stopping treatment, the therapeutic effect persists for 4-5 months (depending on the development of the disease).

When used locally, the gel or ointment is applied to the affected area up to three times a day. For more effective absorption of the gel, it is applied to the skin with patting movements until it is completely absorbed. The duration of treatment with this remedy can be 2-12 weeks.

If necessary, it is possible to prescribe a second treatment.

Which is better: ointment or gel?

The drug in the form of a gel relieves pain quite well and does not require rubbing. In addition, it does not stain clothes and almost never leaves marks on the skin.

Ointment "Chondroxide" has a fatty base. It is ideal for use in self-massage.

Side effects

The drug "Chondroxide", the price of which depends on the form of its release, is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, it can cause local allergic reactions. When taking the tablet form, patients often develop diarrhea, nausea is observed.

Analogues and cost

The cost of "Chondroxide" in tablets is about 370-450 rubles. An ointment or gel with the same name can be purchased for 250-270 rubles.

What replaces the drug in question? Its main analogues are:

  • "Chondroxide Maximum" (the price of this remedy is indicated below). The active ingredient in this product is glucosamine. It has a chondroprotective effect, restores the surface of cartilage in the joints and spine, activates the production of hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans in the patient's body. Moreover, this remedy significantly reduces pain and eliminates inflammation. Reception reduces the amount of consumed NSAIDs. Also, this medicine reduces the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage.
  • "Chondroxide Forte". The instruction informs that the active elements of the drug in question are chondroitin and meloxicam. This medication slows down the development of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, relieves pain well, reduces swelling and inflammation in the joints and increases their mobility. The components of such an agent have mutual potentiating anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

How much does Chondroxide Maximum cost? Its price is quite high and is about 550-650 rubles. As for the means "Chondroxide Forte", it can be purchased for 250-300 rubles.

It should also be noted that the analogs of the drug in question include: Chondroitin-Akos, Chondrollar, Structum and Artrin.

In the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, an integrated approach is practiced. Medications should not only effectively and quickly relieve pain, but also prevent further progression of the pathology, help restore damaged cartilage structures and joints.

Ointment Chondroxide - composition

The main active ingredient of the presented medication is chondroitin sulfate. This is a natural substance belonging to the group of high molecular weight polysaccharides. It is obtained from the cartilage of cattle. To improve the penetration of chondroitin through cell membranes, the ointment contains dimethyl sulfoxide, which has anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic and analgesic properties.

There are additional ingredients included in Chondroxide - the composition includes:

  • lanolin;
  • white soft paraffin;
  • monoglycerides;
  • purified water.

Ointment Chondroxide - indications for use

The described local drug is a modern chondroprotector. Means of this type produce a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, while protecting the structural components of cartilage from destruction and promoting their regeneration. Chondroxide ointment is suitable for the treatment of most diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is especially recommended in the presence of pain, degenerative and dystrophic changes in the joints.

Chondroxide - indications for use:

  • osteoporosis;

Chondroxide - contraindications

The medication in question should not be used by people who are allergic to any of its ingredients. There are several more cases when it is undesirable to use Chondroxide ointment - contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis in the acute stage;
  • inflammatory processes at the site of application;
  • tendency to bleed.

With extreme caution, Chondroxide ointment is prescribed to pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. The efficacy and safety of the drug during these periods have not been sufficiently studied. For this reason, the ointment is allowed to be used only in cases where the benefits of using the drug outweigh the possible risk of applying it, according to the doctor.

Chondroxide - side effects

Negative symptoms after applying the ointment occur only if its components are intolerant or an allergic reaction occurs. Chondroxide - side effects:

  • itching at the site of use;
  • skin redness;
  • puffiness;
  • burning.

Ointment Chondroxide - application

The effectiveness of the presented local remedy depends on the correct use of it. The attending physician should explain in detail how and how much to apply Chondroxide - the use of the drug is expected to be frequent and prolonged. To get the desired therapeutic result as quickly as possible, it is important to complete the full course, lasting at least 2-3 weeks (can be repeated). The correct method of use is to rub the product into the skin 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed.

Chondroxide for joint pain

The active ingredients of the ointment in question help:

  • restore metabolism in cartilage tissue;
  • stop inflammation;
  • slow down degenerative processes;
  • normalize the functions of synovial fluid;
  • reduce pain.

Due to the listed properties, Chondroxide ointment is often prescribed for joint diseases associated with the destruction or abrasion of cartilage structures, for example, osteoarthritis. The drug helps to alleviate the symptoms of such pathologies, improves the quality of life and restores mobility. As part of a complex therapeutic scheme, you can use Chondroxide for gout. The ointment normalizes metabolic processes in the body, preventing the deposition of urates (salts of uric acids) in the joints.

Chondroxide for back pain

These clinical manifestations are characteristic of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. These diseases are accompanied by an intense pain syndrome due to the loss of its depreciation properties by the cartilaginous tissue. As a result, thinning of the intervertebral discs occurs, leading to the following problems:

  • increased load on bone structures;
  • friction of the vertebrae against each other;
  • education ;
  • deterioration of spinal mobility;
  • decrease in calcium concentration in bone tissue.

In almost 100% of cases, Chondroxide is prescribed for osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. This is the only topical preparation containing a sufficient amount of high molecular weight polysaccharide. A high concentration of chondroitin sulfate in combination with dimethyl sulfoxide provides effective therapy for degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, rapid relief of pain and inflammation, and guarantees the prevention of the progression of pathologies.

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the connective tissue sheath of several muscles of the foot. The heel spur is not included in the list of items for which Chondroxide is used, but this ointment can also be applied with the described disease. The drug effectively relieves pain during exacerbations of plantar fasciitis and stops inflammation. It is necessary to use the ointment in the classical way - rub into the heel 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Chondroxide - analogues

There are no absolute synonyms for the drug in question. In pharmacies, pharmacists can offer an indirect analogue of Chondroxide - an ointment based on sodium chondroitin sulfate. Such medicines also contain dimethyl sulfoxide and have an identical medicinal effect. These include:

  • chondroitin ointment;
  • Chondra-Strength;
  • Chondroflex.

The remaining analogues of Chondroxide ointment are available in the form of tablets, gels, hard-shell capsules and injection solutions:

  • Structum;
  • Arthrox;
  • Chondrosat;
  • Arteja;
  • Mukosat Neo;
  • Artrida;
  • Chondroitin;
  • Artiflex;
  • Struknotin;
  • Artron Chondrex and others.

Chondroxide ointment or gel - which is better?

The presented drug is available in another form for topical application. Many patients of the vertebrologist find it difficult trying to buy Chondroxide - an ointment or gel. The concentration of active components in them is identical, therefore, both forms of the drug produce the same effect. Both ointment and Chondroxide gel have similar indications. The differences between the means under consideration are in consistency. The ointment is more oily and dense, the gel is absorbed faster and does not form a shiny film on the skin.

Means for the treatment of joints are divided into general and local. Some people reject treatment with ointments and creams, considering such therapy to be insufficiently effective. However, it is not. There are drugs that can, when applied topically, have a beneficial effect on the spine and joints. One of these drugs is Chondroxide ointment or gel.

Instructions for use designate Chondroxide as a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps accelerate the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Consider the composition of the ointment:

  • Chondroitin sulfate. The content in 1 g of ointment is 50 mg.
  • Auxiliary components.

Chondroxide, as the instruction says, when applied, has the following effect:

  1. It slows down the rate of degenerative processes, which means it slows down the progression of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.
  2. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.
  3. Stimulates regeneration.
  4. Improves the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. The anti-edematous effect of the drug is known.
  6. Glucosamine itself will be the basis for the synthesis of the main structural components of the cartilage matrix. In addition, chondroitin has a positive effect on the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, on which bone density depends, and glycosaminoglycans.

Purpose and method of application

The gel has indications for use similar to all chondroprotectors. The instruction defines such indications:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Other degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the musculoskeletal system.

Chondroitin gel can also be used for prophylactic purposes by people who experience increased stress on the joints and spine.

Chondroitin gel is very easy to use. Even people with pain syndrome or those with certain disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system can cope with this:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of ointment on the palm or sore joint. The skin at the site of application should be dry and clean.
  2. Rub the gel with light massage movements until almost completely absorbed. This usually takes 2-3 minutes.
  3. After application, it is better to stay at home, and warm the application site with dry heat.

The frequency of application of Chondroxide ointment is 2-3 r / day. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but usually the time until the development of a full-fledged therapeutic effect is at least 2-3 weeks. The maximum application time is 2-3 months.

Restriction in use

Despite the fact that Chondroxide is applied topically, the ointment also has contraindications:

  • Do not apply ointment to damaged skin.
  • Chondroxide is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to any of its components.
  • The instruction contains information that you can not prescribe the drug to pregnant and lactating women. Clinical trials in these groups of patients have not been conducted.
  • Safety for children has also not been established.

If you have any doubts about the compatibility of Chondroxide ointment with the drugs you are currently taking, consult your doctor. In such a situation, it is undesirable to focus solely on the reviews of other people and reviews found on the network, even if they were left by a specialist. Each situation requires an individual analysis and approach to therapy.

The instruction indicates a low likelihood of side effects. The gel (ointment) is usually well tolerated. In rare cases, it is possible:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Skin irritation.

The manufacturer reports that to date, cases of overdose of Chondroxide ointment have not been observed.

Similar funds

In pharmacies, there is more than one local remedy, which includes chondroitin or chondroprotectors similar to it. Popular analogues:

  • Chondroxide max. The composition of the cream Maximum includes glucosamine sulfate in the amount of 80 mg of active substance per 1 g of cream. Glucosamine favorably affects the condition of the joints. It serves as a substrate for the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, stimulates the formation of its own hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans in the cartilage tissue. Also, glucosamine has an analgesic effect and suppresses the activity of the inflammatory process.

Indications, purpose and contraindications for the use of Maximum cream are similar to Chondroxide ointment. The only difference indicated by the instruction is the inability to use Chondroxide Maximum in patients with an allergy to seafood.

  • Chondroxide Forte. Forte has a slightly different composition from simple Chondroxide.

Composition Chondroxide forte

Meloxicam is a substance that belongs to the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They are caused by inhibition of a specific substance COX (cyclooxygenase)-2, a decrease in prostaglandins at the site of inflammation, another name for which is pain mediators.

An analogue of Chondroxide Forte has the same indications for use as regular chondroitin. Contraindications are also similar. Note that those restrictions on the use that are typical for NSAIDs used systemically, in the case of local agents (gel, ointment, cream) do not work, which is confirmed by the reviews of doctors. NSAIDs for internal use should not be prescribed to people suffering, for example, from gastric and duodenal ulcers, which cannot be said about local preparations. However, before using any remedy, it is better to consult a qualified physician, and not rely only on people's reviews.

There are other analogues of Chondroxide ointment:

  • Ibuprofen analogue. It belongs, like meloxicam, to NSAIDs, which means it has a similar effect. The analogue has various forms of release. Ibuprofen is used mainly in the form of capsules. The dosage is purely individual and depends on the pathology that required the prescription of the drug. Below we will indicate the cost of Ibuprofen, but it is necessary to indicate the following point: the remedy is not combined, and therefore, you will additionally have to buy a chondroprotector, which will not make therapy cheaper. Ibuprofen is used according to certain schemes developed for each pathology, or to relieve acute pain once. The detailed dosing regimen is determined by the doctor.
  • Analogue Artron complex. Combined preparation, which includes chondroitin 500 mg and glucosamine 500 mg. In general, the Artron complex will not differ in indications, contraindications from Chondroxide. The only thing worth considering: chondroprotectors for oral administration have a systemic effect on all joints. This may lead to the fact that the effect of the treatment will last longer, but the therapy itself is unlikely to be cheaper. Applied Artron 1 caps. 3 r / day for 21 days, after - 1 caps. 1 r / day. The course of therapy is determined by a specialist.

In pharmacies, you can find other chondroprotectors. Find out their names, effectiveness, as well as the price of medicines, which of the chondroprotectors is cheaper, better directly in pharmacies or from your doctor.


You can buy Chondroxide ointment at a pharmacy. What is the price of the drug and how much are its analogues, you can find out in the help desk by phone or clarify this issue directly at the pharmacy kiosk.

The price of Chondroxide ointment and analogues

You can see for yourself what the price of Chondroxide is, and estimate how much analogues cost. There are cheaper medicines and very expensive ones. However, it is not worth focusing only on this indicator, determining the effectiveness of the drug, which is confirmed by the reviews of doctors and people. In each specific situation, the result will be determined by the composition and correctness of the appointment of the agent for external use. That is why recommendations for the use of any medication should be given by a doctor.

Chondroxide (INN chondroitin sulfate) is a joint cartilage repair stimulator from the Russian pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm LLC, one of the top three domestic drug manufacturers. It is produced in the form of an injection solution, tablets, as well as external forms - ointments and creams, and in the latter case, the manufacturer managed to achieve an unprecedentedly high content of the active ingredient. The systemic use of NSAIDs in osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other degenerative-dystrophic diseases is fraught with serious adverse reactions, which increases the importance of effective local therapy: it is convenient, safe, does not entail the risk of unwanted pharmacological interactions and provides a therapeutic effect directly on the focus of the pathological process. The oral form of chondroitin sulfate has a low (13%) bioavailability, due to the impressive molecular weight of the active substance. In this regard, other ways of delivering the active component to the affected tissues, in particular, the local dosage form, are becoming increasingly important. The bioavailability of Chondroxide in the form of an ointment or cream is about 30%, which should be considered a very good indicator. The ointment contains dimethyl sulfoxide as an auxiliary component, which ensures effective penetration of chondroitin sulfate through the skin and mucous membranes to the affected joints and spine.

It is important that Chondroxide has a pronounced ability to slow down the destructive processes in cartilage and stimulate its regeneration. As a result, this leads to the removal of pain and an increase in joint mobility. The drug has an extremely favorable safety profile and, when used in doses recommended by the manufacturer, has virtually no side effects. OTC status of the drug allows the possibility of its use in the framework of responsible and controlled self-medication. Chondroxide not only significantly reduces the severity of pain, but also has a direct effect on the cause of its occurrence - on the main pathogenetic link in the formation of pain syndrome, providing effective regeneration of the cartilage tissue of the damaged joint. An important caveat: this process requires a certain amount of time: the duration of the use of the drug must be at least one month. Domestic doctors have accumulated considerable experience in the clinical use of Chondroxide. One of the studies was carried out in Tatarstan within the walls of the Kazan State Medical Academy. Scientists compared the effectiveness of Chondroxide and Ibuprofen in the treatment of lumboischialgia (lumbar pain syndrome). The results of the clinical trial proved the high analgesic efficacy of Chondroxide: after 14 days of treatment, the intensity of the pain syndrome in patients decreased by half.


The agent that affects the phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilage tissue is a high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide. It slows down the resorption of bone tissue and reduces the loss of calcium, accelerates the processes of restoration of bone tissue, and inhibits the process of degeneration of cartilaginous tissue. It prevents the contraction of the connective tissue and plays the role of a kind of lubrication of the articular surfaces. When applied externally, it slows down the progression of osteoarthritis. Normalizes metabolism in hyaline tissue. Stimulates the regeneration of articular cartilage.


With a single oral administration of the average therapeutic dose, Cmax in plasma is achieved after 3-4 hours, in synovial fluid - after 4-5 hours. Bioavailability is 13%. Excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours.

Release form

The solution for intramuscular injection is clear, colorless or with a slightly yellowish tint, with the smell of benzyl alcohol.

Excipients: benzyl alcohol - 9 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml.

1 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.
1 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (2) - cardboard packs.
2 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.
2 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (2) - cardboard packs.


Inside adults - 1.5-1 g 2 times / day.

Outwardly - 2 times / day for 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

Rarely: allergic reactions.


Osteoporosis, periodontal disease, fractures (to accelerate the formation of callus), degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine.


Hypersensitivity to chondroitin sulfate, tendency to bleeding, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding).

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Chondroitin sulfate is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use in elderly patients

special instructions

With various forms of periodontopathy, the course of treatment should be continued for at least 3 months.

There are clinical data on the use of chondroitin sulfate in elderly patients with atherosclerosis, while there was a slight decrease in the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood plasma.

With degenerative processes in the spine, joints, doctors often prescribe Chondroxide. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, stimulates the regeneration of bone tissue, relieves swelling, inhibits the development of osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, and other destructive processes in the ridge and cartilage tissue.

Composition and form of release

Chondroxide (Chondroxide) is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm. The tool is intended for the treatment of dystrophic-degenerative diseases of the joints and spine. Chondroxide is a drug that is produced in three versions:

  • tablets - 10 pcs. in one blister, the package contains 30, 50, 60, 90 100 pieces;
  • gel - tube contains 20, 25, 30, 35.50 g;
  • ointment - in a tube of 30 and 50 g of medication.

The active ingredient of the drug is chondroitin sulfate, which is obtained from the cartilage of the trachea of ​​cattle. In a tablet, its concentration is 250 mg, gel and ointment - 50 mg / g. Instructions for use indicate that the excipients of the tablets are the following components:



calcium stearate

emulsifier, reduces the likelihood of scratches on the edges of tablets


improves the release of the active substance from the tablet, is a disintegrant (prevents the disintegration of the shell during long-term storage)

binds toxins and removes them through the intestines

cellulose microcrystalline

lowers cholesterol, sugar, binds toxins

magnesium hydroxycarbonate

It has an antispasmodic effect, regulates the transfer and utilization of energy, ionic balance in the muscles

Ointment of light yellow color with a weak, not very pleasant smell. In addition to the main substance, it contains dimethyl sulfoxide, monoglycerides, lanolin, petroleum jelly, water. The gel has a slightly different, richer composition. It is characterized by a yellow translucent homogeneous consistency, fruity smell. Auxiliary substances of the gel are the following components:

  • isopropanol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • carbomer;
  • sodium disulfite;
  • nipazole;
  • water;
  • nipagin;
  • propylene glycol;
  • ethanol;
  • orange flavor (contains bergamot oil).

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the product, chondroitin sulfate, is a natural component that inhibits the processes that contribute to cartilage degeneration, stops the contraction of connective tissue. To this end, it does the following:

  • inhibits the action of enzymes that destroy cartilage;
  • stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans - the carbohydrate part of complex proteoglycan proteins;
  • enhances the regeneration of the cartilaginous surface of the joints and the articular bag;
  • stimulates the synthesis of intra-articular fluid;
  • improves the structure of chondrocytes, the main cells of cartilage tissue;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • anesthetizes;
  • relieves puffiness.

These actions help Chondroxide improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, slow down the progression of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. As a result, pain is reduced, mobility of the affected joints is improved. In addition, chondroitin sulfate has a good effect on the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, on which the state of bone tissue depends. Another positive effect on the body - the drug prevents the formation of fibrin clots.

After taking a tablet or applying a gel, ointment, the maximum concentration of chondroitin sulfate in plasma is observed after three to four hours, while in the joint, synovial fluid an hour or two later. Most of the active ingredient accumulates in the cartilaginous tissue (maximum concentration after 48 hours). At the same time, the synovial membrane (the inner layer of the articular bag) does not prevent the active substance from penetrating into the joint. The active substance is in the joint for five hours. The drug leaves the body with urine.

Indications for the use of Chondroxide

The main action of Chondroxide, regardless of the form of release of the drug, is aimed at inhibiting destructive processes in bone tissues and joints. For this reason, Chondroxide is recommended for use in complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that affects the cartilage of the articular surfaces.
  • Osteochondrosis - dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage.

Method of application and dosage

With mild pain in the joints and spine, ointment and gel are prescribed, with a bright form of the disease - tablets. Creamy products should be rubbed only into intact skin areas. Chondroxide should not get on open wounds, mucous membranes, eyes. The advantage of the gel over the ointment is that it does not stain clothes, does not leave marks on the skin, is quickly absorbed, does not require rubbing. The ointment is made on a fatty basis, so it is well suited for massage.

The ointment is intended for external use. It should be rubbed with light movements into sore joints, vertebral discs with a thin layer, for two to three minutes, until completely absorbed. Apply 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the effectiveness of the treatment. The course of treatment lasts 14-90 days, if necessary, repeat.

Tablets Chondroxide

The drug in the form of tablets should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Dosage for adults - 2 pieces (500 mg) twice a day. Chondroxide tablets should be taken with plain water. The recommended course of therapy is three to six months. If necessary, the treatment is repeated.


The agent, produced in the form of a gel, should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area 2-3 times during the day. Rub with patting movements for 2-3 minutes until completely absorbed. The gel does not stain clothes, does not leave marks on the skin. The course of treatment is determined individually, it can last from 2 weeks to 3 months. If necessary, after a while, the therapy is repeated.

The gel contains bergamot oil, which increases sensitivity to natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, during therapy, the treated areas should be hidden from UV rays, and prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.

special instructions

Like any drug, Chondroxide has its own characteristics. According to the instructions for use, the following points must be considered:

  • A gel or ointment can cause irritation if it gets on an open wound, mucous membranes, eyes. If this happens, the affected area must be washed under running water.
  • The drug, regardless of the form of release, does not reduce concentration, so it does not affect the ability to drive at all.
  • The effectiveness of Chondroxide for children has not been established, so you should not use the remedy at this age.

Chondroxide during pregnancy

According to the instructions, the tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The safety and efficacy after applying the gel and ointment during childbearing and breastfeeding have not been established. For this reason, cream products should be used only if the doctor has concluded that the benefits of using them outweigh the potential risk to the child.

drug interaction

With external use of Chondroxide, the interaction of the drug with other drugs has not been established. When taking tablets, the following points should be considered:

  • Chondroxide enhances the effect of drugs that prevent thrombosis - indirect anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, fibrinolytic agents.
  • When taken simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the analgesic effect of painkillers is enhanced.
  • In combination with tetracycline, chondroitin sulfate affects the concentration of this drug in the blood.
  • When taken simultaneously with glucocorticosteroids, Chondroxide reduces the need for these drugs, and therefore the doctor can reduce the dosage of GCS.

Side effects and overdose

It is impossible to abuse the gel or ointment, as an allergy may occur. Non-compliance with the dosage during treatment with Chondroxide tablets can provoke the following complications:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea
  • hemorrhagic rash, which manifests itself in spots of different colors, may be accompanied by itching (possible with prolonged use at a dosage exceeding 3 g per day).

Allergy when using a gel or cream may occur if the patient followed the doctor's instructions. In this case, it must be canceled and replaced with another remedy. The instruction indicates that the tablets can provoke a greater number of complications. Among them:

  • allergy, accompanied by itching, rash, Quincke's edema;
  • erythema - severe reddening of the skin due to the expansion of capillaries;
  • dermatitis - irritation of the skin in the form of inflammation, redness, acne, rash, peeling, spots, fluid-filled vesicles;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • swelling.


A contraindication to the use of all forms of Chondroxide is allergy, a tendency to bleeding, childhood, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the inner walls of the veins, followed by the formation of a blood clot). Creamy products can not be used in areas where the skin is damaged, acute inflammatory processes are observed. Instructions for use indicate that taking tablets is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys at the stage of decompensation, when the body is unable to cope with the disease on its own, which leads to death.

Terms of sale and storage

Chondroxide is available without a prescription. However, a doctor's consultation is required. Store in a dark, sun-protected place at temperatures up to 25°C. Tablets save 2 years, ointments and gels - three. After this period, the instruction prohibits the use of Chondroxide.


Chondroxide can be replaced with another drug that contains the same active ingredient. Analogues of Chondroxide are the following means:

  • Capsules and ointment Chondroitin-Akos (Russia). Active ingredient: chondroitin sulfate sodium. Apply the drug twice a day, 2 capsules for six months. The instruction indicates that the ointment should be rubbed 2-3 times a day, therapy lasts from 14 to 60 days.
  • Structum (France). Active ingredient: chondroitin sulfate sodium. Released in the form of tablets of 500 mg, ointment. Dosage: 1 pill 2 times a day for 3-6 months. According to the instructions for use, apply the ointment 2-3 times a day for two to three weeks.
  • Injections Chondrogard (Russia). Active ingredient: chondroitin sulfate sodium. Solution for intramuscular injection. Dosage: 100 mg every 2 days. If the body tolerates the drug well, after the fourth injection, the dose can be increased to 200 mg. According to the instructions, the course of therapy consists of 25-30 injections for osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. To stimulate the formation of callus in fractures, 10-14 injections are prescribed every other day.
  • Teraflex capsules (USA). Active ingredients: 400 mg sodium chondroitin sulfate, 500 mg D-glucosamine hydrochloride. Indications: osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, humeroscapular periarthritis, fracture (to stimulate the formation of callus). Dosage: 1 capsule three times a day for 2-6 months.
  • Cream Teraflex-M (USA). Active ingredients: glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, camphor, peppermint oil. Indications: osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, back and joint pain, conditions after injuries, other pathologies associated with destructive changes in cartilage. The course of treatment should last from 4 to 5 weeks.
  • Tablets and solution for intramuscular injection Mukosat (Belarus). Active ingredient: chondroitin sulphate. Injections are prescribed 1 ml every other day. If the body tolerates injections well, from 4 injections the dose can be increased to 2 ml. According to the instructions for use, 25-30 injections are needed to achieve the effect. During the first three weeks, the tablets are drunk at a dosage of 750 mg 2 times a day, then the dose is reduced to 500 mg. The duration of therapy is from 30 to 90 days.
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