The most effective eye drops for cataracts (list). Catalin is an ophthalmic drug for the treatment and prevention of cataracts. Of the contraindications and side effects are possible

With cataracts, various eye drops are used to improve vision, stop the further development of the disease, and prevent the disease after surgery. Based on the goals and situation of using the drops, the ophthalmologist makes an appointment for each individual case.

Drops have a beneficial effect on the eyes: they relieve inflammation, fatigue, moisturize, improve blood circulation, protect against the adverse effects of sunlight and harmful radicals, strengthen blood vessels, prevent the formation of cataracts and increase resistance to this disease.

Vitamins and microelements, which are the ingredients of the selected drops, help to replenish the missing components for nutrition and full-fledged metabolism of the lens and retina of the eye, prevention of age-related cataracts, improvement and restoration of impaired vision.

Medications selected by a specialist can be a good alternative to a surgical solution to the cataract problem.

Vitamin drops can not be used constantly. The course of treatment must have breaks of 1-2 months.

Effective eye vitamins

Eye drops to improve vision in cataracts are available in a wide range of ophthalmic drops on the market. The most popular of them are:

Taufon- used for radiation, senile, traumatic or other cataracts. The drug serves as a stimulus for the regeneration of eye tissues, functional metabolic and energy processes, and an increase in the conduction of a nerve impulse.
It is prescribed for adults up to 4 times a day, 1-2 drops. The treatment period lasts 3 months with a pause of 1 month.

Quinax– created for the treatment of congenital, age-related, secondary and traumatic cataracts. The main component of azapentacene is a stimulus for the enzymes of the eye fluid, which protect the protein of the lens of the eye from oxidation and remove their cloudy compounds.
Daily instilled 5 times 1-2 drops.

The course of treatment is long. Wearing lenses should remove them before using the drug and insert them 15 minutes after instillation.

In case of visual impairment, after using the medication, you should not drive or work with complex mechanisms until it is fully restored.

Vitamin eye drops to improve vision with cataracts produce an immediate therapeutic effect. Despite this, the course should not be interrupted, otherwise a positive result may have a reverse effect.

Vitafakol- is prescribed for senile and other types of cataracts. Combined drops consisting of nicotinamide, adenosine, sodium succinate, and cytochrome C.

The drug prevents the appearance of cataracts, activating metabolic and energy processes in the lens, activates the work of the carrier of protons and electrons in the cell, improves its metabolism, provokes the synthesis of cyclic AMP, on which the exchange reactions of the lens depend. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day, 2 drops.

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Combined eye preparations for cataracts

Combination eye drops are often prescribed to improve vision in cataracts. which consist of different combinations of the required components (amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes and other nutritional components):

Of the contraindications and side effects are possible:

- allergic expressions on the conjunctiva, short-term tingling, contact dermatitis or eye burning;

- arterial hypotension (fever, pulsation in the temples, hot flashes), nausea, short-term shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting;

Combination, vitamin or other eye drops used to improve vision in cataracts are not prescribed for people who are highly sensitive or intolerant to drug ingredients (may cause an allergic reaction), are not given to children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women, or prescribed treatment under under the strict control of the attending physician.

Features of the Ayurvedic preparation - Ujala

A tonic that can clear the lens of the eye without surgery, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. It consists of diffuse boerhavia, potassium nitrate and an auxiliary component - glycerin.

There are no chemical compounds, therefore it is acceptable for use by people with hypersensitivity to standard medicines and for those who, for physical reasons, are not able to undergo surgery.

In the first few minutes of use, excessive tearing and burning occurs. Washing or rubbing eyes is prohibited. In the event of a long-lasting reddening of the eyes, it is necessary to resort to the advice of a specialist.

Do not use after corneal surgery, with viral and fungal diseases of the organ of vision, hypersensitivity, children under 12 years of age and those undergoing contact correction.

The therapy takes place in 2 stages (preparatory and main):

  • For 1.5-2 months, the lacrimal canals and vessels are cleaned.
  • From 2 to 12 months, the cataract is destroyed and removed from the eye.

Instillation is carried out in the early morning and before going to bed, 1-2 drops. Then it is necessary to lie with closed eyelids for 10 minutes and not overstrain the eyes for another 2 hours.

For cataracts and glaucoma, the duration of treatment is 4-6 months, then the drops are instilled for 1 month and they stop for 1 month. Further prevention (2-3 months per year).

With cataracts and glaucoma, the duration of treatment with tonic is 4-6 months

After prolonged use, constipation is possible, therefore, during treatment, the consumption of vegetable and animal fats is reduced, replacing them with fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and increased water intake.

With weak blood vessels and after a disease, the course of treatment begins with 1 application in 2-3 days, gradually returning to the standard course.
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Catalin is an ophthalmic drug for the treatment and prevention of cataracts.

It is used in senile and diabetic cataracts. It prevents the development of the disease by improving the nutrition of the lens and stabilizing its metabolic actions.

Consists of perenoxin, aminoethylsulfonic and boric acid.

It is instilled after dissolving the tablet in the available isotenic buffer solution, 1-2 drops per day.

The drug can not be used together with drops that are completed with metal ions(zinc sulfate, collargol, silver essence), otherwise it will change color.

Side effects are manifested by blepharitis, redness, superficial keratitis, burning, itching.

Emoxipin is a synthetic antioxidant drug for the treatment of cataracts.

The drug is responsible for the withdrawal of retinal hemorrhages, strengthening of its vessels and mucous membrane, blood supply to tissues, nutrition, protection from the adverse effects of light and the influence of harmful radicals.

The duration of treatment with the drug depends on the course of the disease and ranges from 3 to 30 days (the doctor determines) 1-2 drops up to 3 times a day. With positive results and normal tolerability, it is possible to extend the treatment period up to 6 months. A second course is carried out if necessary after 4-6 months.

Emoxipin is not used with other eye preparations.. Only when combined treatment is required, the drug is used last (15 minutes from the last instilled agent).

It is contraindicated to prescribe drops to pregnant women and people with individual intolerance. Possible manifestation of side effects in the form of itching, allergies, passing hyperemia of the conjunctiva or burning.

Eye drops to improve vision with cataracts should be chosen together with your doctor who will select the most appropriate, taking into account the desired effect, the possible consequences of the treatment, in addition, if necessary, he will be able to change the treatment in a timely manner.

Video on how to maintain eye health, as well as folk ways to treat eye diseases:

How to properly instill eye drops:

How to cure cataract without surgery:

What vitamins are needed for cataracts and glaucoma

Cataract is an eye disease characterized by clouding of the lens. With glaucoma, increased pressure inside the eye is noted, which negatively affects the entire organ. Both diseases can lead to serious consequences - blindness. Most often, these diseases develop after the age of 45, when the eyes lose their compensatory mechanisms and deplete their vitamin reserves. Statistics say that every fifth inhabitant of the planet over the age of 55 suffers from cataracts.

That is why it is very important to maintain the necessary amount of nutrients in the body in order to prevent the development of such health problems in the future.

What vitamins are needed for eye cataracts and other ophthalmic diseases:

Vitamin Beneficial features
A (retinol) It is considered the most important vitamin for the eyes. Helps improve vision, protects against various ophthalmic diseases. Deficiency leads to night blindness (inability to see at dusk)
C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin, which is responsible for the condition of all vessels and capillaries in the human body. In glaucoma, vitamin C reduces vascular permeability, which contributes to a better removal of excess fluid, has a beneficial effect on the retina, and protects against free radicals.
B1 (thiamine) Takes part in all metabolic processes in the body, prevents cell aging, helps in the functioning of the nervous system, which has a positive effect on vision
B2 (riboflavin) Reduces eye fatigue, protects the lens from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation
B6 (pyridoxine) Promotes the production of amino acids and improves the condition of nerve endings
E (tocopherol) One of the most effective antioxidants
PP (nicotinic acid) Takes part in redox processes in the body

Cataract patients are especially deficient in vitamins A, E and C. Regular intake of these vitamins reduces the risk of developing the disease by 90%

Also, with cataracts and glaucoma, a person feels a lack of such useful substances:

You can maintain a normal level of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the body with the help of good nutrition and taking vitamin complexes. Also effective in the prevention and treatment of eye diseases are vitamin drops.

Vitamin complexes for eye diseases

Vitamin preparations help to fill and prevent the lack of nutrients in the body, which can provoke the appearance of vision problems and complicate the course of existing diseases. For example, it is known that with cataracts and glaucoma, patients have hypovitaminosis A, E, C and a lack of other useful substances.

Some popular vitamins for glaucoma and cataracts are:

  • Strix. The complex contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person, as well as selenium and zinc, which are beneficial for the eyes. The drug has a pronounced neuroprotective effect, slows down the aging process, controls the circulation of fluid inside the eye. The complex is allowed for adults and children over six years old.
  • Vitrum Vision. Vitamin-mineral complex with blueberries, lutein and pigments that protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Vitamins Vitrum Vision relieve dry eyes and fatigue. Regular intake reduces the risk of cataracts and other diseases. The tool is recommended after surgery and as an adaptogenic drug that protects and restores the retina.
  • Tienshi. It has a wide range of useful properties that affect all structures of the eye organs - restores the cornea, normalizes intraocular pressure, tones and strengthens blood vessels, slows down the atrophic processes of the optic nerve head.
  • Complivit Oftalmo. An effective remedy against glaucoma and its consequences.
  • Focus. The tool helps to restore and expand the boundaries of vision in cataracts, slows down aging, improves color perception, restores the ability to see at dusk and protects from harmful sunlight.
  • Blueberry Forte. Contains blueberry extract and vitamins that protect the eyes from negative environmental factors. The tool is able to improve the metabolism in the cells of the eyes, which contributes to the prevention and more effective treatment of cataracts.
  • Visiomax. A tool that helps slow down age-related changes in the eyes and compensates for vision problems in diabetes. Therefore, these vitamins are especially recommended for the elderly and diabetics.
  • Okuvayt Lutein. A dietary supplement with antioxidant properties slows down the aging process throughout the body, prevents the appearance of cataracts, including in diabetics.
  • Lutein Complex. The drug contains lutein, useful for the eyes, which accumulates in the lens and is partially transported to zeaxanthin. The tool has a preventive effect against cataracts and prevents cell aging in the eyes.
  • Doppel Hertz eye vitamins. The drug is an antioxidant, improves vision and color recognition, protects against age-related changes, cataracts and retinal diseases.

Drops with vitamins for the eyes

Recently, all kinds of eye drops with vitamins have become often used in the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases. Unlike tablets, drops act faster, since the active substances enter the eyes immediately.

Effective eye drops:

  • Taufon. Drops are prescribed for radiation, senile and traumatic cataracts. They restore eye tissues, activate functional metabolic and energy processes, increase the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Quinax. These drops are an effective tool in the treatment of congenital, age-related, secondary and traumatic cataracts. They contain azapentacene, which protects the lens protein from oxidation and helps maintain transparency.
  • Vitafacol. An effective remedy for cataracts. Contains nicotinamide, adenosine, sodium succinate, cytochrome C. Drops are a powerful prophylactic against cataracts, as they contribute to the activation of metabolic processes in the lens.
  • Vita-Yodurol. Drops are prescribed for all types of cataracts. They contain magnesium and calcium chloride, nicotinic acid, adenosine, which prevent the accumulation of protein in the lens, improve metabolism, blood circulation inside the eye.
  • Khrustalin. The tool improves vision with cataracts and protects against the development of other eye diseases. Contains sodium succinate, nicotinamide, cytochrome C, adenosine, benzalkonium chloride. Promotes DNA repair in tissues, helps generate energy for the eyes and prolongs the life of lens cells. Also, the drops improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye, relieve inflammation, protect against pathogenic microbes and free radicals.
  • Oftan Katahrom. As part of the drops: nicotinamide, cytochrome C, adenosine, sorbitol, hexahydrate, sodium succinate, sodium phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, water. The tool strengthens capillaries, prevents aging, removes harmful substances, improves metabolic processes and regulates the balance of fluid inside the eye, improves blood circulation.

Drops should be prescribed only by the attending physician, as improper treatment can worsen the course of the disease and cause complications.

Vitamin preparations in tablets and drops help not only in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, but also protect healthy eyes from various diseases. Useful substances in the composition nourish and restore cells, saturate them with energy, prevent age-related changes and improve vision.

In addition to the timely treatment of eye diseases, it is important to eat right. What products are harmful to vision can be found in the video below.

What to eat with cataracts? Nutrition for cataracts involves the rejection of certain foods. To the maximum, you should include the “right” dishes in the diet. Food should be healthy. Exclude with cataracts of the eye you need to eat fatty foods. It is they who not only provoke the development of the disease, but also cause a relapse after long-term drug treatment.

It should be understood that a disease such as cataracts is a constantly worsening disease. The only true treatment is surgery.

The cataract of the eye is insidious in that it can manifest itself at any age. In older people, the aging processes of eye tissues provoke the disease, in young people - eye injuries and heredity.

If the food is correct throughout life, then even with a genetic predisposition, the development of pathology can be avoided.

Free radicals are molecules that are particularly active.

Action of free radicals:

  • They “take away” electrons from other molecules, which, in turn, immediately become harmful molecules as well. This process can go on indefinitely.
  • The more harmful molecules, the faster the process of strong oxidation occurs in the body.

The body needs free radicals, but in very small amounts. They help the immune system to destroy a harmful infection. But as soon as their number increases, various pathologies immediately begin to develop in the body. And eye cataracts are not the only disease triggered by harmful molecules. The consequences of a large number of harmful molecules are cancer, stroke, heart attack, premature aging of the body.

Free radicals enter the body in most cases with harmful foods. But there are other ways to get them into the blood.

Interesting! For 10 minutes, while a person refuels a vehicle at a gas station, he receives a dose of gasoline fumes, which contains such an amount of free radicals that ancestors did not receive in their entire lives.

A diet for clouding the lens of the eye provides for the exclusion of foods that contain harmful molecules. There are useful products that will help get rid of them. Antioxidants neutralize the action of harmful molecules, sweeping them out of the body like a broom.

Antioxidants are also called antioxidants. Found in many foods.

Actions of antioxidants:

  • Block harmful molecules.
  • These molecules coagulate and remove them from the body, preventing the development of pathologies, including cataracts.

Vitamins to help

The most powerful antioxidants include vitamin E, C and carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin). The last two substances are part of the lens of the eye. They prevent the negative effects of free radicals, do not allow them to change the structure of the lens.

As soon as there are fewer useful elements, the process of cataract development immediately begins. It is clear that food should contain the maximum amount of antioxidants.

Daily intake of antioxidants for cataracts:

  1. Vitamin C. Men - up to 100 mg, women - up to 80 mg, women and men who smoke - up to 40 mg.
  2. Vitamin E. Regardless of gender, people should consume every day natural vitamin up to 20 mg, synthesized up to 23 mg.
  3. Lutein, zeaxanthin - up to 7 mg.

Vitamin C is found in:

  • lemon;
  • oranges and freshly squeezed orange juice (store-bought juices can also contain free radicals, so the diet involves the use of freshly prepared drinks);
  • grapefruit and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice;
  • melon and melon seeds;
  • strawberries;
  • green sweet pepper;
  • broccoli;
  • tomato juice;
  • fresh and dry rose hips;
  • blackcurrant;

  • kiwi;
  • honey and propolis;
  • greens;
  • gooseberry;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • green peas;
  • quince;
  • radish.

Vitamin E (folic acid) is found in:

  • sunflower and butter;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • almonds, walnuts, peanuts;
  • broccoli;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • apple and pear seeds.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in:

  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • mustard and dandelion leaves;
  • turnip tops;
  • green peas;
  • citrus;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • melon;
  • pumpkin;
  • corn;
  • apples;
  • grenades;
  • red grapes;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets.

As you can see, the diet should contain such foods for eye cataracts as vegetables and fruits. But meat products are also not prohibited.

  • You can eat chicken, rabbit, beef.

  • Seafood and fish are rich in zinc, which also prevents the development of cataracts. From fish it is better to give preference to marine species.

Food with clouding of the lens of the eye should be steamed or baked in the oven. It must be remembered that many fruits and vegetables, during heat treatment, lose some of the useful elements. Therefore, it is better to give preference, for example, to fresh strawberries than compotes from it.

It is better to eat food fractionally, that is, in small portions, but often. So that the diet does not harm a person, you should consult a nutritionist. Because many foods can cause allergies.

What drinks will help destroy free radicals that affect the eyes:

  • green and herbal tea (thyme, chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, strawberries - these plants are the most powerful antioxidants in nature, which means they can suppress the action of free radicals);

  • mineral still water;
  • freshly squeezed juices - they can be drunk in unlimited quantities (pumpkin, carrot, beetroot, cucumber, spinach, parsley juice is especially useful).

Juices should be prepared and drunk immediately. After the drink has stood for 2-3 hours, it already loses half of its beneficial properties.

Beta carotenes for cataracts

Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant. The lack of this substance leads not only to cataracts, but also to night blindness; perforation of the cornea of ​​the eye; chronic inflammation of the edges of the eyelids (blepharitis); the process of drying the conjunctiva of the cornea (xerophthalmia); damage to the cornea, in which melting and necrosis of tissues occurs (keratomalacia); complete loss of vision.

One molecule of beta-carotene is capable of destroying a thousand molecules of free radicals. In addition, this substance is able to eliminate the damage caused by free radicals.

Doctors advise against the use of synthetically produced beta-carotenes in the form of dietary supplements. It is better to give preference to natural products. Natural beta-carotene is much better absorbed in the body.

The highest content of beta-carotene is found in:

  • boiled carrots (boiled carrots contain more carotene than raw ones);
  • greens;
  • apricots;
  • turnip;
  • cabbage;
  • red bell pepper;
  • egg yolks;
  • butter;
  • parsley;
  • sour cream;
  • liver;
  • watermelons;
  • sweet potatoes.

It is not in vain that mothers, especially girls, say in childhood that they need to eat carrots and parsley so that their eyes are beautiful. Such food will help prevent the development of various ophthalmic pathologies, including cataracts. All of the above products must be included in the diet, especially for people who are at risk.

Foods that cause cataracts

  1. The #1 food that causes eye cataracts is sugar. The lens is a gel-like transparent substance. With an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, this element of the eye is able to "sugar". If a person's diet contains a lot of sweet foods, and he likes to indulge in sweet tea with cakes, then glucose will concentrate in the lens, causing it to become cloudy. Especially it is necessary to monitor the level of sugar consumption in the elderly. You also need to exclude confectionery, chocolates.
  2. In second place are fried and fatty foods. This food contains a huge amount of free radicals and cholesterol. Moreover, even healthy foods, such as eggs, can contain harmful elements. If a person, having fried eggs or a piece of bacon in a pan, sees a black crust, then he should know that he will saturate his body by eating such a dish with free radicals. By the way - experts believe that fat is a harmful product. But as the truth says - everything is useful in moderation. With cataracts, it is allowed to eat no more than 50 g of fat per day. In this case, bad cholesterol will not be produced. In such an amount, fat is even useful.
  3. The third place is occupied by alcoholic beverages. Not only does ethanol kill all the vitamins and nutrients in the body, but when consumed in excess, it contributes to the formation of free radicals. People suffering from cataracts or those who have undergone lens replacement surgery should avoid drinking alcohol as much as possible. The monthly dose is not more than 150 ml (meaning dry white wine).

With a beginning cataract, a diet will help prevent visual impairment. But eventually the disease will still progress. Therefore, it is better not to hesitate and do the operation right away.

Good day, dear friends! To date, the most formidable and intractable eye diseases are glaucoma and cataracts. Diseases are terrible for their consequences, the main of which is complete blindness.

To prevent deterioration, stabilize the process before surgery, vitamins for the eyes are often prescribed for cataracts and glaucoma. The article provides an overview of the most popular and effective drugs.

So, a cataract is a pathology of the lens, in which it loses its main organoleptic property - transparency. The light beam, passing through this medium, is not refracted to the proper extent, the view becomes foggy and cloudy. Most often, in the patient's complaints, the description of the vision sounds like: "I look, as if through a waterfall." It was this natural phenomenon that became the Latin name for the disease.

Glaucoma is an intraocular hypertensive disease. in the chambers of the eye, it has a negative, damaging effect on absolutely all structures of the organ.

If cataracts suffer the most sharpness and color perception, then with dropsy of the eye - visual fields. This is dangerous because the concentric narrowing of the fields is often registered only after examination by an eye doctor and often causes surprise in patients.

The concentric limitation of vision occurs so slowly that a person has time to adapt to this, sometimes relatives notice that he is looking like a pipe. What a healthy person sees with peripheral vision requires him to turn or tilt his head, or even the entire body.

The reason for this is atrophic lesions of the retina as a result of a violation of its nutrition and oxygenation due to mechanical squeezing of the vascular and nerve plexuses of the fundus.

This is due to increased intraocular fluid pressure.

These pathologies are often recorded in combination. First of all, most often the diseases develop after 45 years and sometimes are the result of natural aging of the organ of vision. The eye simply “wears out”, loses compensatory mechanisms, consumes vitamin reserves.

What vitamins do patients need?

Thus, with these pathologies, not only vitamins are needed that maintain sharpness, twilight vision, but also normalize nerve conduction and strengthen the vascular wall. These include:

  • Retinol (A) is the most important vitamin for the eyes, with a deficiency of which twilight adaptation (night blindness) is significantly reduced.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is a vitamin most important for the vascular wall. In glaucoma, it reduces vascular permeability, thereby slightly reducing moisture production. It makes the wall more resistant and elastic, thereby maintaining microcirculation at the proper level.
  • Thiamine (B 1) - participates in all metabolic processes of the body, is the best vitamin agent for the prevention of natural aging. An important metabolite for nervous tissue.
  • Pyridoxine (B 6) - the main purpose - participation in the production of amino acids, improves impulse conduction along nerve fibers.
  • Nicotinic acid (PP) - also participates in metabolic processes, mainly redox reactions.
  • Tocopherol (E) is the most effective known antioxidant.

Basic drugs

There are many vitamin preparations. They differ in composition, some have restrictions on indications. Here is some of them:

  1. Strix. In addition to the main set of vitamins, the composition contains trace elements selenium and zinc. They are used by the body in many metabolic processes as stabilizers and enzymes that speed up reactions. It has a pronounced retinoprotective property, significantly slows down the natural aging processes, normalizes the microcirculation of aqueous humor. Several forms of release allow the use of the drug even in children from 6 years of age. It has a lot of positive feedback from both doctors and patients.
  2. Vitrum Vision. The preparation based on blueberry extract contains daily dosages of essential vitamins, microelements, as well as lutein, a pigment that has a protective effect against ultraviolet rays. It is successfully used in the postoperative period as the main adaptogenic drug that allows you to restore and protect the retina.
  3. Tienshi. It has a wide range of effects on all structures of the eye: they participate in the regenerative processes of the cornea, stabilize intraocular pressure by normalizing vascular tone and microcirculation, and slow down the processes of atrophy of the optic nerve head.
  4. Complivit Oftalmo. Due to its composition, it allows for adequate prevention of both glaucoma itself and its complications. It has affordable prices, which makes it accessible to various segments of the population. The course of application of the drug is at least three months.

Vitaminized eye drops

The advantage of topical application of vitamins allows you to concentrate the active substance directly at the site of the disease, without spraying it throughout the body with blood flow.

This gives some advantage over the tableted form, besides, the effect of the drug is not cumulative, as with the use of tablets, but almost instantaneous. As soon as the drug penetrates the stratum corneum, it immediately begins its action.

The most common drops are:

  1. Taufon. The main active ingredient is taurine, which is an essential amino acid in the functioning of the eye. Allowed simultaneous use of the drug with antihypertensive eye drops. Moisturizes and nourishes the eye, reduces redness of the eyes, protects the retina.
  2. Vizin. Widely used for the prevention and treatment of both glaucoma and cataracts. The drug is prohibited for therapy.

So, a wide selection of drugs provided on the pharmacy shelves will allow you to choose the best drug for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. Only a doctor should decide which medicine is most effective, self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences and aggravation of the disease.

Watch a video about the use of drugs for cataracts: Skulachev drops, tablets, vitamins, eye injections:

Remember that vitamins are not a complete treatment, but are used only as a biological supplement that normalizes almost all processes in the eyeball. Take care of your eyesight! See you soon! Sincerely, Olga Morozova.

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