Draw how to help animals in winter. How to help homeless animals? Make the Right Choice

All living things in the world were not created in vain. It doesn't matter if it's a small insect, a dog, a cat, a bird or a plant. We are people who use everything that is given to us by nature. Plants are eaten, and looking at animals or insects, we admire them. And with pets we have our own, special contact. Even if you just stroke them, you can have fun. Of course, each of us rejoices at a beautiful living creature living at home. But, unfortunately, not all people feel the pain and longing of homeless animals, as well as wild ones, which find it difficult to survive in the winter. A person puzzled by his problems does not even have a free minute to understand how it is to be hungry and constantly freeze in the cold season.

Helping animals in winter

What can be done for homeless animals to improve their living conditions? Of course, first you need to feed them. All people have leftover food, such as the remains of bones, cereals, soups and other food.

Collect leftover food in pots, bags or other containers. And so that your food does not accumulate, try to walk daily to the habitats of animals. By the way, before taking food outside, do not forget to warm it up. Only eating warm food will maintain the health of a living being. Prepare trays for laying out food so as not to put it on the snow, but carefully place it in these dishes. So you will walk every day, and in the meantime feed the animals. For birds, you can make feeders from any material at hand, even from plastic bottles, and there are definitely enough of them in every home. By periodically adding seeds, bread crumbs or other edible supplies, you will enjoy their beauty and singing.

Let's go back to wild and homeless animals. Let's say you already feed them, and they don't feel hungry. Animals will be grateful to you, and, smelling your scent, will come to meet you if you go to them again. In order to have more food, you can consider this option: regularly collect food waste by contacting your neighbors, or build a container in the entrance, but empty it every day so that there is no smell. Just think how much leftover food remains in each family, here you can feed hundreds of hungry wild and homeless animals. Now consider another negative phenomenon - it is cold.

Despite the fact that their undercoat will grow by winter, they still freeze. Every family has a lot of unnecessary and old warm things. You can donate them and collect them to equip small houses. You can also make a “home” for animals yourself from boards, plywood or from simple cardboard boxes, laying warm clothes inside. Of course, it would be ideal to settle them next to heating mains, where there is a constant source of heat, but not everyone around them will like it. Many people are outraged that they set up a shelter here. And no one knows what to do here, because many people condemn the construction of such shelters, kick animals with their feet, or declare euthanasia to hygiene centers. It is impossible to convince these people that they do things that are unusual for human nature, it is especially scary if they are adults. Sooner or later, this will also return to them, and they will suffer, not understanding why this is happening.

Volunteer coordination

Another option is to make the homeless and wild animals living on the streets have everything wonderful. All animal lovers should join forces to create a shelter on the outskirts of the city. For this you can
contact city officials. If you have to wait a long time for an answer, then do not give up. We have to do something ourselves. Many have a lot of waste lumber, gratings, bricks or other materials left on the farm, that is, if you try, you can find everything. The main thing is that everyone sticks together, and it is unlikely that any of the animal lovers will refuse to build their small settlement, especially since it will be built together and quickly, and places for abandoned or wild animals will be partially equipped, and therefore suitable for their temporary settlements. It is guaranteed that many animals will already be protected from cold and hunger, and human hearts will be calm for them. It's great to do good things! Nature will surely thank you for this.

Some reasoning

As mentioned above, people enjoy the beauty of pets when they are fattened, combed and just healthy. And if a shabby cat comes up at the bus stop, then many try not to pay attention to it, without thinking whether it is hungry or not, and it is winter outside and the animal is freezing. Of course, there is nothing to admire here, what beauty such a skinned and sick cat can have. As a rule, many pass by, and many will also be driven from their place. At the same time, no one even imagines himself in the “skin” of this animal. And if he was treated like that, how would he feel? At least a social outcast. This animal also has a soul and feels everything, it is defenseless, like a small child. We, the people, have a responsibility to help them. It is not for us to decide whether they live on this earth or not. Even if the animal is sick, it can be taken to a veterinary clinic. Of course, all services in such clinics are paid.

If the animal recovers, then it will be your merit.

Isn't it painful to watch a skinny and hungry dog ​​running past you repeatedly. What if the dog already has puppies? Doesn't the heart bleed, looking at all this? But we are people! And we are obliged and we can help even with elementary actions. For example, bringing leftover food or junk warm clothes.

Few people think about what birds eat in winter, after the autumn period berries and apples remain on the trees, they quickly eat it all up, and there is nothing more to eat, so many of them die. Although there are no difficulties to feed the birds. Having made an ordinary feeder, and regularly putting bread crumbs into it, you can solve this problem. Birds do not need warm clothes in order not to freeze during the cold season, so this problem is excluded, and food must be maintained.


Of course, there is a lot of controversy about helping homeless animals, someone believes that they are carriers of infection and are life-threatening. Perhaps in some cases this is true. But why then so many veterinary clinics? Many veterinarians are ready to help homeless and wild animals. Thus, the health problems of our smaller brothers can be solved.

The question arises: don't people get sick? Why should a person be pitied, but a sick animal should be treated differently? We are all the same and have the right to life. Living on the same planet, we are obliged to help defenseless animals, no matter what our income is. There is always a way out of the current situations. Let's be human to the end.

Only by joint efforts will we provide help that is invisible to us and invaluable to the homeless and wild animals.

Maria Ivanova

Winter is a particularly difficult period in life. birds, which remain winter in our area.

At this time, they especially need our care - top dressing. And everyone should help them..

The guys and I met wintering birds, examining the illustrations in detail, reading the fiction and scientific literature about them. At a lesson in fine arts, they sculpted birds, and then houses - feeders for them. The children found out that they were winter: dove, woodpecker, bullfinch, titmouse, sparrow, magpie, smur, waxwing, etc.

In one of the cognitive development classes, we offered children wall newspaper and told, How we can help the birds overwinter. The children listened with great interest to what they could feed. birds how and from what to make a feeder, where to hang it. Awe and anxiety children felt the birds. We devoted the whole day to this important topic for us - after sleep, the guys themselves expressed a desire to draw bird feeders, and when they went home, they promised to make houses for birds that do not fly to warmer climes. Take care of the animal world, especially in such a difficult period!

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is.


Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf.


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Animals spend the winter in different ways. Many of them have to endure numerous inconveniences. The life of animals will become easier if people help them. Sometimes a person can even save their life.


photo:Paul Stokes

Of course, we can say that helping animals is the concern of large organizations or governments. However, in winter everyone can contribute to the rescue of animals at no significant cost. food, water and shelter in winter are essential for all living beings. Destruction of hedges, forests, drainage of swamps and ponds, "cultivation" of the landscape make it difficult for animals and birds to survive in the winter. Therefore, animals willingly seek food and shelter in gardens. In too harsh winters, feeding birds is likely to give them a chance to survive.


Birds are easy to feed because they do not need expensive feed. If you have begun to feed the birds, this must be done throughout the winter as they become dependent on the feed. The value of winter feeding of birds is being re-evaluated, especially in cities. It can even turn into getting rid of any waste that does not harm the least demanding passerine species.

photo: Daryl L. Hunter

In the case of blackbirds and house sparrows, regular feeding causes these species to overproduce. Hanging feeders provide birds with security, so they are visited with pleasure by many of the small passerines. Nuts of all kinds, raisins, berries, fresh coconut are the best treat for most bird species. Many species love fruits or live insects.

It is necessary to take care of the availability of fresh water, especially if natural springs are frozen. You can fill a flat bowl with water and place it on the ground. The pond in the garden can be at least partially cleared of ice. Badgers, foxes, hares, rabbits and roe deer are accustomed to bait in gardens. By the footprints in the snow, you can find out that a fox visited the garbage heap. Squirrels also willingly come to bird feeders in search of delicious treats.


Animals can be helped, not only by providing them with food and water. The compost heap is a favorite place for hedgehogs and snakes to hibernate. Firewood or stones attract newts, frogs and many insects. Large nest boxes hanging from trees provide a comfortable resting place for owls and other birds. Booths under the roof provide shelter for bats. All these "shelters" need to be hung and arranged at a sufficiently large distance from each other. If they are nearby, then there will be no one who wants to settle.

Reduced immunity, increased drowsiness, lack of vitamins - these phenomena are typical for many of our smaller brothers in the cold season. How to help animals in winter? This question is asked not only by the owners of dogs or cats. If your son found a homeless animal on the street and brought it into the house, you should also know how you can help animals in winter.

Caring for homeless animals

Every day you can see a dirty, cold and hungry cat or dog basking on a manhole or heating pipe. Often such a “gift” is brought home by a child from a walk.

You don't have to be a veterinarian to know how to help animals in winter. In this situation, it will be useful to take care of your own health and the health of your family.

It is necessary to inspect the animal. Signs of the disease can be:

  • damage to the skin or coat;
  • bald spots;
  • discharge from the eyes and ears;
  • swollen belly.

If this is the case, then a trip to the clinic is indispensable.

Symptoms such as lethargy, loose stools, sneezing require a detailed examination. Often homeless animals have a fungus, the presence of which can also be determined only by a doctor. It would be useful to measure the temperature, which in a healthy individual is 38-39 degrees. How to help animals in winter if a cat or dog has a high or low temperature? It is imperative to visit the clinic. A low temperature may indicate exhaustion.

Fleas will definitely be found on the animal. For such cases, veterinary pharmacies have a variety of tools that quickly and efficiently solve the problem. As a rule, these are sprays that are sprayed on the withers of an animal, or special impregnated collars.

How to help animals in winter if they are homeless? Of course, shelter. However, this is not always possible. So, the best option is to start looking for a host for a cat or dog. Place an ad in the media with a proposal to give in good hands, contact your friends who live in the private sector.

There is a suspicion that the animal ran away from the owner? Look at the ads in the newspaper. When walking on the street, pay attention to the notice boards, perhaps someone is looking for their pet.

In extreme cases, you can attach the animal to a shelter that specializes in finding owners. In no case should you let your dog or cat go outside again. The animal will lose the chance to find the owner and after a while will be in the same deplorable state.

Lend a helping hand

How to help animals in winter, because it is impossible to warm everyone? The best way is to feed. Think about it, because buying chicken bones or small fish will not hit the family budget, but it can save someone's life.

"You are responsible for those you have tamed..."

If you want to have a pet, the question of how to help animals in winter must be studied in advance.

Your pet will require good nutrition and vitamins. Heating in apartments and houses leads to the fact that animals begin to shed heavily. Regular walks and a balanced diet can alleviate this unpleasant process. Vitamin A, biotin, taurine and saturated fatty acids are excellent prevention of beriberi.

After walking, be sure to wash the paws of the animal, since the pavement sprinkles contain a chemical reagent that can cause burns.

With the onset of cold weather, domestic hamsters, chinchillas and guinea pigs begin to stock up on food. Regular inspection and cleaning of the cage will keep pets clean. In winter, sprouted grains, vitamins and greens are added to the food for rodents.

Even fish in winter require increased attention. This is due to the decrease in daylight hours and cooling. Lowering the temperature in the room by 5-7 degrees can kill the fish, and the lack of lighting makes them lethargic.

In the cold, poultry shed intensely, refuse to eat, and do not tolerate the lack of lighting. Include minerals, amino acids, multivitamins in the feathered diet, place the cage near the lamp.

In reptiles in the winter, a complex restructuring of the whole organism occurs. Turtles and frogs, lizards and snakes all hibernate, slow down their metabolism, practically stop eating and reduce their mobility. To prepare such a pet for hibernation, it is necessary to gradually reduce the daylight hours in the terrarium, bringing it to 4 hours a day. Turtles during this period are fed once every four to five days, lizards and snakes - once a month.

How to help animals and birds in winter

If the winter is not snowy and not frosty, the settled and wintering birds in the forests are able to take care of themselves. When particularly difficult weather conditions arise, they need to be fed: a third of the daily ration for a bird is already salvation.

Nomadic birds, not accustomed to feeders, such as bullfinch, blackbird, goldfinch, bunting, migrate in search of their main food. These are the fruits of trees and shrubs, weeds. Helping such birds in winter is simple: do not collect fruits from trees completely in autumn, leave berries on the branches.

There is an opinion that city birds are able to feed themselves in the cold. This is not true. In winter, when there is no natural food, junk food is not the best option. And here, by the way, there will be feeders, wooden or plastic, placed in parks, squares and just in the yard.

What food should not be given to birds?

Dangerously salty, since the peculiarity of the excretory system in birds is such that an excess of salt causes poisoning in them. Fried foods are strictly prohibited, since such products change the structure of the feathered liver. Black bread causes bloating and fermentation. Peeled millet or grain should also not be given, the oxidation of fats on the surface of the grains leads to the fact that the birds get sick.

Feeding wild forest animals

Gamekeepers know best how to help wild animals in winter. Deer and roe deer are fed with forest and meadow hay, grain, silage, root crops, and acorns. Hang branches of trees such as willow, aspen, birch. They are harvested from May to June. Wormwood is added to each such broom.

Moose ignore feeders, so feeding for them is stored in a pile. Deer are also fed with branches of deciduous trees. The favorite delicacy of wild boars is roots and acorns. In the cold season, food is under snow and ice. How do people help animals in winter? Potatoes and corn cobs are piled in one place in the fall, then the animals get used to the place of feeding. Moose, roe deer and deer need mineral supplements. With a deficiency of table salt, the animal loses its strength, its metabolism worsens, horns and wool grow poorly. For them, salt licks are arranged in a stump, cutting down a funnel.

As you can see, helping animals in the cold season is not at all difficult.

Answer option 1

The school wall newspaper is a newspaper that hangs on the wall.

It usually looks like a big poster.

It has colorful pictures and written text.

Very often the wall newspaper is dedicated to some holiday or event.

However, sometimes it is also instructive.

In winter, it may be devoted to the topic of how to behave on the ice.

And also on any other topic.

Answer option 2

This is a large piece of paper, usually A1 size.

On it, schoolchildren depict various drawings and write texts that have some kind of common theme.

School wall newspapers can be dedicated to various holidays, events: school, state, international.

For example, if this is a wall newspaper for the New Year, then New Year's drawings and poems can be placed there.

If the theme of the wall newspaper is the protection of nature, then it may contain drawings of animals and plants, calls to protect nature, rules of behavior with the outside world.

2. What other sources of information will you use.

Answer option 1

If we do not know any information, then we immediately turn to the library.

With the advent of computers, questions of interest can be found on the Internet.

Answer option 2

We will use Internet resources; encyclopedias and reference books of nature, which we take in the library.

3. Determine the sequence of the facts, plan your article, Choose the words that can be used. Write down the story.

Answer option 1

Article outline:

1. Winter is a hungry and cold season.

2. Bird feeders.

3. Caring for forest animals.

4. Don't forget about pets.

5. Everyone can help!

Story - article "How to help animals in winter?" for grade 2

In our country, the weather is very different, depending on the time of year.

Therefore, it is very cold here in winter.

Sometimes the temperature can drop to minus 30 degrees.

People hide in houses and warm themselves.

And some animals are forced to live on the street.

In such a cold it is very difficult for them to survive.

However, we can help them.

As you know, birds eat grain and crumbs.

But in the snow they are very hard to find.

To help them, you can make feeders and pour grain and crumbs into them.

And you can put unsalted fat on tits.

Forest animals also need help.

For example, a moose will not refuse salt.

Pets also need to be taken care of.

Take out food and bedding.

If everyone helps one animal, it will become much easier for them.

Therefore, do not be indifferent - help animals.

Answer option 2

1) Winter has come

2) Cold and frost have come

3) The poor animals are starving and freezing

4) Help the birds

5) Help homeless dogs and kittens

6) Help wild animals

7) Everyone should help

Article - story "How to help animals in winter?" for grade 2

A fierce winter has come.

Frosts hit, the whole earth was covered with snowdrifts.

A terrible cold penetrates to the bones.

Poor animals suffer from lack of food and shelter.

Birds can't sit nests because they have nowhere to bring their children.

It is necessary to group and make feeders, give titmouse fat and drink clean water.

Stray dogs and kittens need to be fed and taken to an animal shelter.

It is also necessary to gather a group and go to the forest to help wild animals.

At a minimum, bring salt to the moose.

Everyone must enter into the position of animals and take a step towards them.

After all, they are part of our lives!

An example of a school wall newspaper on the topic: "How to help animals in winter"

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