Essentiale injections analogues are cheaper. What are the analogues of Essentiale forte? The analogue of "Essentiale Forte" is inexpensive

Unfavourable conditions life, fatty food, malnutrition, alcohol abuse and smoking, all this entails disruption in the work of one of the most important organs digestive system human - liver. In order to support its tissues and prevent premature cell death - hepatocytes, an effective drug Essentiale Forte is used. This medication has already gained great popularity among patients suffering from liver pathologies, as well as doctors practicing the treatment of diseases of this organ. gastrointestinal tract. Despite this, its cost sometimes does not please a buyer with low incomes, so the patient is forced to look for a cheaper alternative, but with the same pharmacological properties. Let us consider in more detail what exactly analogues can replace this drug, and in what forms of release they are presented on the domestic market in Russian pharmacies.

What you need to know when looking for Essentiale analogues - what is the composition of the drug?

Before proceeding with the list and therapeutic features generic medicines, you should carefully study the original drug for the treatment of liver pathologies. Similar drug must contain the same biochemical formula, or contain substances that have a similar therapeutic effect. Essentiale capsules contain in their composition a large number of phospholipids, as well as a balanced group of vitamins, which are designed to stop the process of destruction of liver cells, and also contribute to their gradual recovery.

Therefore, inexpensive analogues must also contain phospholipids, without which the whole point is lost. therapeutic effect to hepatic tissues. At the same time, the presence of such additional additives as vitamin, minerals or stimulating activity immune system, fade into the background. In relation to the composition of generics, there are not so severe requirements. The main thing is that those active components that have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, which ensure the cleansing of the body of toxins, are present.

If the manufacturer or distributor of the drug issues the drug as an analogue of Essentiale Forte, but the composition of the drug is completely different, then in this case it is better to refrain from purchasing such a drug. It is possible that the pharmacist is not competent enough in this matter, or is trying to deliberately mislead the buyer. Having bought a drug for cleansing the liver, which does not contain substances that are useful for liver tissues, the patient will not receive the expected therapeutic effect, and in some cases the development of negative complications and related dysfunctions digestive tract.

Domestic cheap analogues of Essentiale Forte (Russian, Russian)

To ensure that every person suffering from liver disease and unable to buy original tablets, was able to pass complex treatment, on the market of Russian pharmacology, are represented the following drugs generics, which are also considered very effective.


Pills yellow color, which are available in transparent cassettes of 10 pieces each. The drug is relatively cheap and contains only natural ingredients, among which extracts of such medicinal herbs, How:

It is taken to stimulate the work of liver cells and the production of additional bile by the gallbladder.

The drug is very useful for stagnation, when bile in sufficient volumes does not enter the duodenum and because of this, the functioning of the liver tissues is disrupted.

A striking advantage of this drug is that it practically does not cause side properties and is contraindicated only in people with a tendency to display allergic reactions on the active components of Allochol.


A powder having a structure in the form of granules. Based on it, a suspension is prepared, which must be drunk immediately after dissolving the drug in warm water. In its composition it has a phospholipid component, which is presented in the form of a synthetic formula, namely:

  • ornithine aspartate;
  • sodium cyclamate;
  • saccharin;
  • orange flavor;
  • levulose.

After entering the gastrointestinal tract, it is quickly absorbed into its walls and spreads throughout the body along with the flow of the bloodstream, reaching the liver tissues already 20 minutes after ingestion.

As a cheap analogue of Essentiale Forte, it is used if a person has liver diseases such as severe intoxication of the body, coma, provoked by the ingress of toxic substances into the blood, protein deficiency, initial stage cirrhosis. Due to the chemical component, doctors try not to prescribe this substitute for patients with extensive organ damage.

Livolin Forte

Capsules with a rich brown tint. Outwardly, they are very similar to the original remedy - Essentiale. In addition to phospholipids, it contains a powerful vitamin formula that should support diseased cells and stimulate their regenerative division. The composition of the drug is as follows:

  • toxopherol acetate;
  • vitamin B3;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B12;
  • emulsifier - soy lecithin;
  • vitamin B6.

Belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors and most importantly pharmacological property this medicine- this is the earliest possible resumption of full-fledged work of the liver, so that the body, as before, has the opportunity to participate in the digestion of fatty, fried, smoked foods.


Gelatin capsules that are taken orally with a small amount water on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals. They have a balanced biochemical formula, which consists of such components as:

  • soy phospholipids;
  • gelatin;
  • glycerol;
  • soybean oil;
  • vitamin E.

The drug restores the functioning of the hepatic ducts, stimulates the production of bile, improves digestion. It is prescribed by attending physicians to patients with extensive damage to the liver tissues, cirrhosis and viral hepatitis. Virtually no contraindications.

Which analogue to use in each individual case is determined by the doctor who has a patient suffering from a particular liver disease. By the same principle, the selection of the dosage of the drug and the duration of its administration are carried out.

Inexpensive foreign analogues

For patients who prefer cheap analogues of Essentiale Forte, but at the same time prefer a foreign manufacturer, you can use generic medicines such as:

  • Karsil (the composition of the preparation is completely natural and is based on extracts obtained from dried herbs with medicinal properties towards damaged tissues liver);
  • Essliver Forte (has an almost identical biochemical formula, like the original drug, but at the same time cheaper, since it went into production much later and on the basis of a license);
  • Prohepar (after Karsil is one of the most popular substitutes for Essentiale Forte, which is in demand among Russians suffering from various pathologies liver);
  • Rezalut Pro (suspends the process of destruction of hepatocytes, promotes more quick recovery new cellular material for the stable functioning of the liver, as before the development of the disease);
  • Urosan (a drug from a Czech manufacturer that reduces the concentration of cholesterol inside the bile and liver tissues, prevents obesity of the organ and the replacement of its cells with adipose tissue).

All of the listed analogues of the original drug, which are produced by foreign pharmaceutical companies, have an identical composition, like Essentiale Forte. There is only an insignificant difference in terms of the concentration of active substances.

What is better Karsil or Essentiale Forte?

Each of these medicines is useful for the patient's body in its own way and can be used in a particular clinical situation. Karsil's advantage lies in its complete natural composition. It's an extract medicinal plant- milk thistle.

At the same time, due to the natural formula, the drug has to be taken longer than Essentiale saturated with phospholipids. Therefore, if the question is to carry out exclusively cleansing of the liver and according to the results comprehensive survey not found in humans serious illnesses or liver dysfunctions, then it is better to take a course of therapy with Karsil. In case of urgent need to provide quick help and take off pathological condition liver tissues, it is recommended to use the original medication, and not its cheaper substitute.

"Essentiale Forte" is a classic hepatoprotector based on phospholipids and vitamins, triggering the regeneration of liver cells, affecting metabolic processes eliminating the effects of intoxication various kinds. The drug is considered quite safe, it is used in children and pregnant women. However, it is not always available to the consumer, as due to high cost, and due to possible absence on sale. Can you find a replacement for him?

Domestic analogues of "Essentiale Forte"

Among the drugs Russian production there are few full-fledged substitutes for "Essentiale Forte": most of them are rather similar to it in terms of the principle of action and indications for use, but not in terms of chemical composition (the same problem with anaferon). Consequently, they can only be compared by their ability to solve a certain problem, but not by all points at once.


The only Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte, which has an almost identical chemical composition. The spectrum of action due to this, the drug is expanded: in addition to the fact that it belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors, it also has antiviral action and also stabilizes the cell membrane. Thus, it inhibits the progression of the disease and reverses the ongoing processes in the liver.

The main indication for the use of Phosphogliv- hepatitis caused by a virus, cirrhosis and psoriasis, any liver damage - from toxic to medicinal, hepatosis, intoxication, neurodermatitis. At the same time, the drug is not approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age. Among the side effects, only a skin rash was recorded, which disappears after the drug is discontinued.

The drug is available in capsules, the package contains 50 pcs, average cost- 500-600 rubles.


Similar in type of action to Essentiale Forte, a drug that works due to C100 lipoid as an active substance, as well as silimar. Auxiliary components are silicon dioxide, calcium phosphate dihydrate, povidone, magnesium stearate. A classic hepatoprotector with no other uses. It is focused on eliminating problems of the liver and biliary tract, possessing milk thistle phospholignans. Restores metabolism in liver cells, as well as protein synthesis and detoxification functions, blocks the formation of connective tissue.

Indications for the use of "Phosfonciale" are hepatitis of any degree and form, diabetes And fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, preeclampsia, consequences of irradiation, intoxication, alcoholic hepatitis. It is also recommended as a drug that restores the liver after serious illnesses. If the dosage is exceeded, side effects from the digestive system are possible - nausea, heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

The cost of the drug for 30 capsules ranges from 340-400 rubles.


In terms of chemical composition, it is also a worthy analogue of Essentiale Forte, since it acts due to phospholipids, but there is little information on it. Hepatoprotector aimed at the treatment of any type of hepatitis, hepatic coma and cirrhosis of the liver, intoxication, fatty degeneration, preeclampsia. The list is identical to that presented for "Essentiale Forte". The degree of effectiveness is assessed as low, therefore, at the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to use not only capsules, but also intravenous administration, for which a solution for droppers is produced, which is diluted with dextrose.

Side effects included only nausea and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, possible in case of hypersensitivity to the components. There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Inexpensive analogues of "Essentiale Forte"

Average price tag for this drug today is 470-500 rubles. for 30 capsules, which is equal to only 10 days full reception, while the course itself lasts much longer. For this reason, sometimes it becomes necessary to look for more budgetary substitutes. What can you pick?

Essliver Forte

A full-fledged analogue of "Essentiale Forte" in composition. Classic hepatoprotector, produced in capsule format. In the process of taking the drug, it improves lipid metabolism, liver function and the activity of its enzymes. The maximum concentration of the active is observed 6 hours after administration, lasts up to 24 hours. The half-life of choline is carried out after 3 days.

The drug can be used as with hepatitis of any severity and form of manifestation, as well as with cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, toxicosis caused by pregnancy. There are no restrictions on taking Essliver Forte, but it is worth consulting a doctor for breastfeeding young mothers, as well as with increased sensitivity to its components. Side effects when taking the drug were also not identified.

For 30 capsules of this drug, you need to pay 200-220 rubles. The packages come with 30 and 50 capsules.

"Livolife Forte"

Hepatoprotector based on lecithin and phosphatidicholine, used alone or as a component complex therapy. The list of indications is absolutely identical to that indicated for "Essentiale Forte" or "Phosfonciale", while the chemical composition is quite different.

No side effects observed with the drug, but with increased sensitivity of the body, pain in epigastric region and skin rashes that resolve after withdrawal. For children under 12 years of age, Livolife Forte is prohibited, use with caution during pregnancy, stop breastfeeding during lactation if it is necessary to take a course.

The cost of 30 capsules of the drug is 260-280 rubles.

Special attention among the analogues of "Essentiale Forte" is awarded to "Rezalyut PRO", similar in active active ingredient, but with other excipients. The spectrum of action of the agent is already, however, the mass positive feedback in his direction speaks for itself. Learn also about Erespal's analogues.

Active ingredient "Rezalut PRO"- lipoid, which includes saturated phospholipids, glycerol, triglycerides, soybean oil, alpha-tocopherol. The same soybean oil also acts as an auxiliary component. Release form - capsule, gelatin shell.

Indications for use include hepatitis, fatty degeneration, liver damage of any origin, cirrhosis, elevated level cholesterol that is not reduced in a non-drug way.

Children under 12 "Rezalyut PRO" allowed to use only by prescription at a reduced dosage. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications. It is not recommended to use the drug for persons with hypersensitivity both to the components of the drug, and to peanuts and soy.

Side effects in response to taking "Rezalut PRO" take place not only from the side of the digestive system, but also in the form of increased profusion of menstruation, skin rash, itching, urticaria.

Nevertheless, judging by the comments on the description of the drug, it is tolerated painlessly even by children, acts quickly and gently, and does not conflict with other medicines.

  • Eve: She turned to hepatoprotectors when the cholesterol level jumped to 7.5, and it became clear that troubles with the liver could no longer be started. I took "Rezalyut Pro" about the recommendations of a doctor friend, drank 1 capsule for 2 months before each meal. In general, the dosage should have been higher, but the body is very sensitive, I was afraid of side effects. When I went to take tests after 2.5 months, it turned out that cholesterol had dropped to 5.5 (upper standard limit), I completely forgot about the location of the liver. A year has passed since that moment, cholecystitis does not bother at all.
  • Lydia: When I finished school, all sorts of prohibitions ceased to work on me, and "the soul went to dance" - I stopped feeling the measure both in nutrition and in alcohol at parties. In general, she mocked the liver as best she could. After a while, this resulted in the inability to eat anything without consequences. I began to look for a means to restore the poor organ - I bought Rezalyut PRO. I drank the capsules for a month, positive effect felt by the end of the 1st week. Now I feel reborn.
  • Galina: Apparently, only I was unlucky with this drug, since the reviews on it are everywhere completely enthusiastic. In fact, there are no complaints about the work of its components: I bought it as a means to restore the liver after the flu (treated with antibiotics), the liver really began to return to normal by the 3rd day. However, to replace unpleasant sensations in the hypochondrium came pain in the stomach, which passed, as soon as you stop drinking these capsules. Subsequently, I replaced Rezalyut PRO with Essential Forte: I did not see any side effects from it.

Liver problems happen to people different ages and financial situation. Doctors most often recommend the drug "Essentiale Forte" as a reliable and universal remedy- equally suitable for adults, the elderly, very young and pregnant. But this is an expensive drug and not everyone is ready to buy it. Fortunately, domestic pharmaceuticals have already reached the appropriate level and you can pick up a decent and inexpensive analogue"Essentiale Forte".

Domestic analogues of "Essentiale Forte"

Russian drugs that can replace Essentiale Forte are very different from it in composition. They solve the same problems and have the same indications, but are independent drugs and have individual differences. Therefore, you need to choose carefully, taking into account all the details. Then you can find such an analogue of "Essentiale Forte", which is ideal in your case.


This is the closest substitute for "Essentiale Forte". He is more similar to him than the others in composition and action. In addition to the actual quality of the hepatoprotector, this remedy strengthens cell membranes and destroys viruses. That is, it stops the destruction of the liver, helps tissue repair and improves the patient's condition.

Indication for the use of "Phosphogliv" - hepatitis and any liver damage that is viral in nature, caused by poisoning, etc. The only possible side effect- rash on the skin. If it appeared, it is enough to switch to another medicine and everything goes away.

Unlike "Essentiale Forte", this remedy is not suitable for use under 12 years of age, by pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

Release form of the drug - capsules, coated with a protective shell, 50 pieces in a box. The average price is 500-600 rubles.


An excellent hepatoprotector, an analogue of "Essentiale Forte" with a very similar therapeutic effect. Helps to restore the membranes of liver cells. It performs its task perfectly, but does not affect the state of the body as a whole.

Indications for the use of "Phosfonciale" - liver disease or a period of rehabilitation after complications that have caused a load on this organ. May also protect the liver after long-term treatment powerful drugs.

Side effects occur only with an overdose - this is nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Available in capsules. In a box 30pcs, average price- 340-400 rub.


This is an inexpensive Russian analogue of "Essentiale Forte", which has completely identical indications for admission. But it works much weaker. To achieve a good result in the first weeks of treatment, it is necessary to combine the intake of capsules with intravenous droppers.

Side effects are possible with individual sensitivity, in the form of nausea and unpleasant heaviness in the chest.

Unfortunately, the admissibility of use in the treatment of children and pregnant women is not specified.

The release form corresponds to the methods of application: capsules in a shell and a solution for intravenous administration.

Inexpensive analogues of "Essentiale Forte"

Liver healing can take months. One pack of "Essentiale Forte" is enough for 10 days of admission, and it costs 470-500 rubles. Not everyone can afford the long-term purchase of such drugs. Fortunately, you can find an inexpensive analogue of "Essentiale Forte", which will be no less effective.

Essliver Forte

This is a complete replacement for "Essentiale Forte", the drugs really have a very similar composition.

Essliver Forte can be taken even during pregnancy and breastfeeding but a doctor's supervision is essential. Personal intolerance to the components is possible, but side effects have not yet been identified.

The drug perfectly restores liver damage. You can rely on it - provided that the reception is coordinated with the attending physician.

Available in capsules, there are packs of 30 or 50 pieces on sale. The price for 30 capsules is 200-220 rubles.

"Livolife forte"

This tool has a completely different set of active ingredients. At the same time, the functions are the same, thanks to which it is not only an economical Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte, but also a worthy alternative for those who are faced with intolerance to the components.

There are no side effects. With hypersensitivity of the body, abdominal pain and a rash are possible, which are eliminated immediately after stopping the intake.

Pregnant and lactating women should not take this drug, and it is permissible for children with constant medical supervision. Adults (from 12 years old) can take the drug without fear.

There are 30 capsules in a box, the average price is 260-280 rubles.

"Rezalut Pro": indications for use, consumer reviews

"Rezalut Pro" includes the same active, but a different set of auxiliary components. This narrowed the range of indications, but did not affect the effectiveness. Reviews of patients who used the drug in treatment convince that this high-quality analogue"Essentiale Forte".

The active substance of the drug is phospholipids and linoleic acids Omega, which restore the membranes of liver cells and restore their functionality.

It is used to restore the liver after hepatitis, psoriasis, any of its damage, even associated with in the wrong way life.

The drug has no contraindications. It is taken only under medical supervision. If the patient is under 12 years old, admission is possible, but with caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist. The same applies to pregnancy and period breastfeeding. The composition of the drug contains soybean oil, so if you are allergic to soy products, it is also used with great care.

Good antibiotic for various infections is Augmentin 400 suspension.

Hamamelis-based preparations help in the treatment of hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Side effects are the same as in the drugs of this group - possible hives or rash, abdominal pain. Women can also fail. menstrual cycle and intermenstrual bleeding. Such cases are extremely rare. If unwanted symptoms occur, the drug is stopped.

"Livolife Forte" has established itself as an inexpensive analogue of "Essentiale Forte", which really works and does not negative impact on the body of the recipient, which is very important, because hepatoprotectors often have to be taken for quite a long time.

Total analogues: 36. Price and availability of analogues of Essentiale Forte N in pharmacies. Before using any medicinal product you should definitely consult your doctor.

This page provides a list analogues Essentiale Forte N- these are interchangeable drugs that have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. Before you buy analogue of Essentiale Forte N, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding the replacement of the drug, study in detail, read and a similar drug.

  • milk thistle

    milk thistle used in the treatment of toxic liver damage (alcoholism, intoxication with halogenated hydrocarbons, compounds heavy metals, drug lesions liver) and their prevention. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver (as part of complex therapy). Conditions after infection and toxic hepatitis, dystrophy and fatty infiltration liver. Correction of lipid metabolism disorders.
  • Legalon

    A drug Legalon appointed in the following cases:
    - liver damage in alcoholism;
    - chronic liver intoxication (including professional) with halogenated hydrocarbons, heavy metal compounds, etc.;
    - liver damage of drug genesis (in particular, some psychotropic drugs, tuberculostatics, oral contraceptives, paracetamol, some antibiotics and immunosuppressants, anesthetics);
    supportive care for chronic inflammatory diseases liver and cirrhosis.
  • Gepaguard Active

    Gepaguard Active recommended in conditions where an increased need for phospholipids, L-carnitine and vitamin E is necessary:
    - to protect the liver from obesity;
    - to lower cholesterol levels;
    - for improvement functional state liver and antioxidant system of the body;
    - for improvement metabolic function liver;
    - to optimize food metabolism.
    - to increase the detoxification function of the liver.

    Gepaguard Active promotes:
    - increasing the body's resistance to the effects of toxic substances;
    - protection cell membranes from oxidation;
    - maintaining the functional activity of the nervous system;
    - increasing the detoxification function of the liver.

  • Laminolact second wind

    Laminobact second wind - required component daily diet people with any liver disease, especially with viral hepatitis (current or past).
  • Antral

    Antral used to treat both adults and children with acute and chronic hepatitis of various origins (drug-induced, viral, toxic, alcoholic), liver cirrhosis and fatty degeneration; with inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, spleen; resection of the gallbladder. In order to prevent liver diseases caused by negative impact toxins various etiologies: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, alimentary toxins, medicines.
  • Galstena

    Galstena recommended as part of complex therapy for:
    - acute and chronic liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatosis);
    - diseases of the gallbladder ( chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);
    - postcholecystectomy syndrome;
    - chronic pancreatitis.
  • Lioliv

    A drug Lioliv prescribed for diseases:
    Acute and chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, incl. viral, with varying degrees activity benign hyperbilirubinemia, liver cirrhosis in adults and adolescents.
  • Lipoferon

    A drug Lipoferon used in the complex therapy of patients with c acute hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C, for the treatment of patients with atopic diseases, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and BA during specific immunotherapy, for the prevention and treatment of SARS and influenza.
  • Silymarin

    Silymarin appoint in the following cases: chronic hepatitis (in particular chronic persistent, subacute and chronic active form); hyperlipoproteinemia, disorders in the body of lipid metabolism and metabolic and reparative processes; conditions after hepatitis viral etiology; cirrhosis of the liver; drug and toxic liver damage (alcohol intoxication and alcoholism, intoxication with heavy metal compounds, organic solvents, halogenated hydrocarbons, mushroom poisoning, drug intoxication, etc.); fatty degeneration of the liver, fatty hepatosis; diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract (cholelithiasis, dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis).
  • Holiver

    A drug Holiver used for diseases:
    - cirrhosis of the liver,
    - chronic hepatitis,
    - jaundice,
    - cholecystitis,
    - cholangitis,
    - dyskinesia biliary tract hypokinetic type;
    - oliguria due to heart failure and cirrhosis of the liver;
    - chronic constipation due to intestinal atony.
  • Hepel

    A drug Hepel taken as part of complex therapy for violations of the functioning of the liver of toxic and inflammatory etiology. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of the following types of diseases: with cholestasis and dyskinesia bile ducts; with non-infectious jaundice in children; at chronic inflammation gallbladder and stones in gallbladder; with hepatitis B chronic form, cholangitis, liver cirrhosis; with colitis and enteritis in a chronic form; at increased flatulence; with an increase in blood cholesterol levels.
  • Ovesol Evalar tablets

    Ovesol tablets designed specifically for gentle cleansing liver.
    Oats milky ripeness has positive impact with intoxication and disruption of the liver.
    Immortelle sandy helps to eliminate stagnation and improve the composition of bile.
    Turmeric long exhibits a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    Peppermint has an antispasmodic effect, which is especially important in the process of cleansing the liver.
  • Ovesol Evalar drops

    Drops Ovesol recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of flavonoids and emodin.
    Recommended for violation of the processes of bile formation and bile secretion and related chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Ovesol drops are specially designed for mild cleansing of the liver.
  • Betargin

    A drug Betargin recommended for use in liver diseases, liver intoxication, steatosis, steohepatitis, hepatitis, hepatic encephalopathy.
  • HepatoTransit Evalar

    HepatoTransit Evalar recommended for liver cleansing.
    Biologically active additive to food is a source of flavonoids, promotes the removal of toxic metabolites from the liver, reduces the risk of gallstones.
  • Repein Evalar

    BAD Repein Evalar designed to detoxify the body and increase the efficiency of detoxification organs, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to remove toxic metabolic products, during radiation and chemotherapy (reduces the risk of complications due to the elimination of toxins).
  • cordyceps

    A drug cordyceps applies: when cardiovascular diseases; in diseases genitourinary system; with lesions of the respiratory system (including tuberculosis); with liver diseases (including cirrhosis and hepatitis); with sexual impotence; at different kind autoimmune diseases; with blood diseases; at malignant tumors; for detoxification of the body; when performing organ transplant operations; with increased physical exertion; under stressful loads; with premature aging.
  • Essliver forte

    Essliver forte are: disorders of lipid metabolism of various origins; fatty degeneration of the liver of various etiologies; cirrhosis of the liver; alcoholic and narcotic liver damage; drug-induced liver injury; radiation damage to the liver; psoriasis (as part of combination therapy).
  • Gepal

    Indications for the use of the drug Gepal are: biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, toxic liver damage, chronic hepatitis, the initial stage of liver cirrhosis.
  • Silibor

    Silibor used in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver (complex therapy), chronic hepatitis of various etiologies (in subacute, chronic persistent or chronic active form), fatty hepatosis, fatty degeneration of the liver, conditions after suffering toxic and acute infectious hepatitis, medicinal and toxic lesions liver (with alcoholism and alcohol intoxication, intoxication with halogenated hydrocarbons, heavy metal compounds, organic solvents, drug intoxication, mushroom poisoning, etc.).
    Silibor can be prescribed to patients with hyperlipoproteinemia, metabolic and reparative processes in the body, lipid metabolism disorders.
    Silibor is appointed as prophylactic with long-term use medicines with hepatotoxic effect, as well as with prolonged occupational intoxication.
  • Hepaphorus

    A drug Hepaphorus prescribed for adults for the treatment of:
    - toxic liver damage (including medicinal ones);
    - tuberculosis of various etiologies, complicated drug-induced hepatitis and violation of the normal flora of the intestine;
    - chronic hepatitis, including those with impaired function of the biliary tract;
    - cirrhosis of the liver (as part of complex therapy);
    - conditions after hepatitis;
    - acute viral hepatitis.
    Drug with preventive purpose apply when chronic intoxications(including professional), long-term use drugs and alcohol.
  • Gepar Compositum

    Gepar Compositum used for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases liver and gallbladder.
    In the complex therapy of skin diseases of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature (toxic exanthema, dermatosis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis).
  • Hepatoleptin

    Hepatoleptin recommended as a dietary supplement for food - a source of flavonoids containing phenolic compounds.
    It is used for prevention and complex therapy:
    - gallstone disease;
    - Cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis;
    - Cholangitis, cholangiohepatitis;
    - Cholecystopancreatitis;
    - Fatty hepatosis.
  • Karsil

    Indications for the use of the drug Karsil are:
    - toxic damage to the liver;
    - chronic hepatitis of non-viral etiology;
    - cirrhosis of the liver (as part of complex therapy);
    - condition after acute hepatitis;
    - in order to prevent long-term use of drugs, alcohol, chronic intoxication (including professional).
  • Hepatan

    Hepatan recommended as an additional source of soy phospholipids, which contribute to the restoration of liver cell membranes.
    Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  • Hepatofilter


  • Hepatrin

    Biologically active food supplement Hepatrin is a source of phospholipids, milk thistle flavolignans (silymarin), additional source vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, E.
    Helps protect the liver.

Essentiale Forte is a fairly popular drug from the group of hepatoprotectors, which is used in the treatment of fatty liver degeneration, hepatitis of all etiologies and types, in the complex therapy of many liver diseases. One of the main disadvantages of the drug is its price. Analogues of Essentiale Forte, cheaper in price and just as effective in action, are presented in the article.


Essliver Forte

It is produced in capsules, the active active substance begins to act in the small intestine.

Active ingredients:

Unfortunately, this drug is not available in the form of injections. But its reception also has a significant advantage - when applied " Essliver» You do not need to take additional vitamins, as they are included in its composition.

In the treatment of the liver treatment course can reach 2-3 months, 6 capsules per day three times a day, when administered in therapeutic regimen skin diseases drink " Essliver forte»It is recommended up to 2 weeks in the same way.

The drug is not suitable for everyone precisely because of the high dose of vitamins. When taking nicotinamide, you may experience by-effect- irritation of the intestinal mucosa. This limits the circle of persons who can use this analogue " Essentiale". It should not be prescribed for erosive diseases of the digestive tract, use during pregnancy and lactation only on the recommendation of the attending physician.


This medicine is available in 2 forms: in tablets or as a solution for injection.

The composition of the tablets with respect to the active active substance is ademetionine;

solvent for injection - L-lysine buffer solution of caustic salt.

In use this tool there are some features. The specific appointment depends on the patient's response - 800-1600 mg per day is recommended relative to the active substance, but start with a dose less than that prescribed, especially in the case of elderly patients and pregnant women.

Cheap " Heptral"You can't name it - it costs even more" Essentiale forte"- but with its help it is possible to treat not only hepatic dysfunctions, fatty degeneration of the liver and cirrhosis, but also stop depression, which often develops against the background of toxic liver damage, regardless of etiology and liver failure.


Doctors advise giving preference to this remedy for liver damage of viral etiology. This tool is more expensive, but it has some advantages. The composition of the drug, in addition to phospholipids that protect the liver and stimulate the regeneration of hepatocytes, contains glycyrrhizic acid - sodium glycyrrhizinate.

This tool quickly stops the activity of virions, stops their destructive activity, restores hepatic function and normalizes metabolic processes in hepatocytes at the intracellular level. The advantages of this analogue over other substitutes for "Essentiale Forte" and lies in the action glycyrrhizic acid- It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

« Phosphogliv"can be taken for a long time - up to six months, 2 capsules 3 times a day, regardless of the age of the patient. A course of treatment " Phosphogliv» when introduced into a therapeutic regimen to protect hepatocytes - 1 month, but if restoration of hepatic tissue is required, it has to be taken up to six months

The inconvenience of this hepatoprotective agent is that it is available only in the form of injections, which limits its use at home. To do intravenous injections, it is necessary to invite an experienced nurse (or nurse).

Cheaper and more accessible hepatoprotective agents, which are often prescribed instead of " Essentiale forte» in their composition have an extract of milk thistle.

The extract from this plant contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex and biologically active components:

But the main active substances milk thistle extract contains silidianin, silybin and silicristin. It is these substances that contribute to the restoration of hepatocytes.

From this group, the following drugs are most often used:


It contains silymarin. Available in the form of tablets and capsules (" Carsil-forte”), covered with a dense acid-resistant shell. The drug stops the destruction of hepatocyte membranes, accelerates regeneration processes, normalizes the production of phospholipids and proteins that help eliminate hepatic intoxication. Dosage depends on clinical picture, age of the patient and dosage form - from 3 to 8 tablets per day and from 1 to 3 capsules in the same period of time. The duration of the treatment course is also considered on an individual basis.

Age contraindications - up to 5 years in the case of tablets and up to 12 - capsules, also " Karsil»cancel with individual intolerance. The latter is extremely rare.


Release form - gelatin capsules or syrup; has a combined hepatoprotective effect.

Made from natural ingredients, in its composition extracts:

  • ecliptic leaves;
  • leaves of Berhavia sprawling;
  • rhizomes and roots of picrorhiza curroa;
  • flowers and fruits of Indian spheranthus;
  • fruits of black nightshade;
  • seeds and leaves of milk thistle;
  • fruits of barberry spinous;
  • common chicory seeds;
  • fruits of radish;
  • fruits of tamarix dioecious;
  • licorice roots.

The indications are slightly different from those for which the use of " Essentiale forte", it is prescribed for hepatitis and liver damage caused by alcohol intoxication. It is appointed at the same time as Metoclopramide"and antispasmodics.

Reception three times - 1-2 tablespoons of syrup and the same number of capsules after food intake. « Bonjigar» designed for short-term use - usually all biochemical parameters organisms are normalized in 1.5 weeks. Cancel for " Bonjigara» are indicators biochemical analysis blood.


The action of the drug - both hepatoprotective and choleretic - normalizes the functions of the liver and gallbladder. Indications - hepatitis of various etiologies, fatty degeneration of the liver, biliary dyskinesia, chronic intoxication.

Main active active substances as part of the drug:

  • dry extracts of herb fumes officinalis and fruits of milk thistle;
  • silymarin.

By price " Gepabene» 2 times cheaper « Essentiale forte", so it is used most often. Recommended intake - 1 capsule after the main meals, but with acute pain daily dosage can be increased to 6 pieces per day.

One of the contraindications that distinguish the analog from the rest is biliary dyskinesia and gallbladder disease. Do not prescribe to patients under 6 years of age. May be used during pregnancy.

Side effects can be significantly pronounced and are not uncommon: diarrhea, skin reactions- rash. " Gepabene"has a pronounced diuretic effect.


This is another drug that protects hepatocytes from toxic damage. It is recommended for use in the same diseases as original drug. Produced in the form of tablets, relatively inexpensive. The regimen depends on the age and physiological status of the patient and is calculated on an individual basis. Sometimes doctors advise to rely on the recommendations of the instructions " Silibor”, but in most cases the reception is corrected.

Side effects are similar Gepabene", but are also complemented by a possible disorder vestibular function. In this case " Silibor» are cancelled.

The longest course of treatment Silibor» up to 3 months.

"Rezalut Pro"

It is considered the cheapest analogue of Essentiale Forte.

The drug is available in the form of capsules, the action is provided by the following composition:

  • polyunsaturated phospholipids from soy lecithin;
  • glycerol mono/dialconate;
  • medium chain triglycerides;
  • soybean refined oil;
  • α-tocopherol.

The indications are the same as those of "Essentiale Forte":

intoxication, including chronic.

If the rest of the taxes and the original remedy are taken after a meal, then " Rezalut Pro» up to 1 capsule.

Contraindications and side effects do not differ from similar manifestations from the use of analogues.

But the budget Rezalut Pro"Not everyone can afford it.

Which analogue is better can only be determined empirically. The organisms of patients differently perceive the same drugs. Even if the drugs have similar components, their effects may differ.

Replacing " Essentiale forte» a cheaper drug or - on the advice of friends - a remedy that works better and more efficiently, you should always consult with your doctor.

Whatever medicine is prescribed, before you buy it, you must read the instructions. Each drug has its own contraindications for use and can cause its own side effects.

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