So that the teeth do not crumble. Why does tooth enamel collapse, what to do if teeth begin to crumble? How does tooth decay occur?

This phenomenon can occur due to many reasons, but it is possible to restore the aesthetics of a smile. The main thing is not to ignore visits to the dentist, to monitor the quality of food consumed, and to eliminate defects associated with teeth in time.

In some cases, crumbling of the teeth appears against the background of concomitant ailments, the treatment of which must be dealt with in the first place.

Why teeth crumble in an adult - all the reasons for crumbling teeth

The main reason for the considered negative phenomenon is enamel damage.

It can develop due to several factors:

  • Hormonal disruptions in the body. Adolescents, pregnant women, and the elderly are at risk. Their hormonal background can change dramatically, which increases the acidity of saliva. This gradually erodes the tooth enamel.
  • Wrong nutrition. Frozen vegetables, fruits, vegetarian diets, the use of semi-finished products can provoke errors in the work of the intestines, as well as adversely affect the condition of the teeth. The use of fresh fruits and vegetables favors an increase in salivation, which improves the natural cleaning of crowns. Dairy products, liver, fish contain calcium and fluoride, which are so necessary for teeth. Some people like to drink coffee with ice cream, which is an explosive mixture for enamel: there is a simultaneous effect of cold and hot temperatures on the teeth.
  • Mechanical damage to teeth due to bad habits. This includes cracking nuts, opening bottle caps with your teeth. You should pay attention to the habits of your children: they often gnaw pencils, suck their fingers - this not only supplies the oral cavity with microbes, but also leads to the destruction of enamel. Grinding of teeth is another serious problem that may require the help of several specialists at once.
  • Some chronic diseases: arthritis, diabetes mellitus, allergic reactions of various nature, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, rheumatism, etc. Tooth decay is a consequence of these ailments.
  • Lack/incorrect oral hygiene. This is especially true for children under the age of 2 years. Some parents ignore the importance of brushing their teeth at this age. Although milk teeth should be cleaned with a soft bristled baby brush.
  • Heredity. The predisposition to crumbling of teeth in young patients can be passed on to them from their parents. To minimize this risk, children need to see the dentist regularly.
  • Lack of vitamin D in the body. This deficiency is present in residents of the northern regions, where bright sunlight (which contributes to the formation of vitamin D) is a real luxury. Without this trace element, calcium is practically not absorbed.
  • Caries. Here much will depend on the professionalism of the dentist. In some cases, caries is not completely drilled out, and a filling is placed on top. After a certain period of time, the crown begins to crumble. In addition, the destructive process can also affect adjacent teeth.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Drinking tap water. Having a good filter saves the situation. However, if the liquid is not purified, harmful trace elements in it will leave a negative imprint on the teeth (and not only).

In children, milk teeth can be destroyed for several reasons:

  • Reception by mother during pregnancy of antibiotics, strong toxicosis.
  • Lack of calcium, fluoride in breast milk.
  • Prolonged use of a pacifier that adversely affects the shape of the front teeth can lead to their crumbling.
  • Wrong nutrition.

Is it possible to treat crumbling teeth - how can dentists help?

If even minor errors in the structure of the teeth are detected, you should contact your dentist. This doctor will diagnose to establish the causes of such defects.

If the crumbling of the teeth occurred against the background of common diseases, the help of other specialists (therapist, endocrinologist, etc.) will be needed. Dental treatment is carried out only after the treatment of the main disease.

In other cases, the following measures can be taken to preserve the teeth:

  • Mineralization. Applications are prescribed for damaged teeth, which are designed to enrich the enamel with fluorine and calcium. The duration and type of such applications are determined by the dentist.
  • Coating of crowns with fluorine varnish.
  • Use of special toothpastes, high in fluorine.
  • Sealing. Actual in the presence of caries, partial splits of teeth due to injury.
  • The installation of veneers is used as an extreme measure of treatment when the crown is so destroyed that it is impossible to restore it by other methods.

Rules for the prevention of crumbling of teeth - in order not to lose teeth

To protect yourself from the dental disease in question, it will be useful to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Choosing the right toothbrush. The bristles should not be stiff. This also applies to children. Adults should floss after every meal.
  • If there is a heredity in terms of crumbling, children, after the appearance of the first milk teeth, are prescribed special elixirs, pastes, which can be purchased at pharmacies.
  • Bad habits (nibbling seeds, pistachios) should be eradicated.
  • Visits to the dentist should be at least 2 times a year. When caries occurs, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate the defect. Crowns should be professionally cleaned at least once a year.
  • Teeth grinding is not easy to eliminate, but it is possible. In some cases, a consultation with a neurologist is needed: they try to solve the problem with sedatives. To protect tooth enamel, the dentist can also make a custom-made silicone tray that is worn at night. Thus, the crowns, even when grinding, remain unharmed.
  • Vitamin complex with calcium, fluorine, vitamin D twice a year will help strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth.
  • Dairy products must be included in the diet(especially useful for teeth - homemade milk and cottage cheese), fresh vegetables and fruits, walnuts, seafood, liver.
  • Periodic mouth rinses with herbs(sage, oak bark) will help strengthen the gums, have a positive effect on dental crowns.

A beautiful wide smile and snow-white teeth are the hallmark of a healthy person who, without a shadow of embarrassment, enters into a conversation and laughs, not being afraid to show an even dentition.

At the same time, communication with an interlocutor who has dental problems (absence or crooked teeth) is unlikely to be constructive, because such a person on a subconscious level causes rejection and unwillingness to continue visual contact.

Bad teeth are an aesthetic problem that affects both the character (difficulties in communication, finding a job) and human health.

dental alphabet

A tooth is a separate organ that has a specific shape, is equipped with nerve endings and blood vessels. Its purpose is to grind food supplied from outside and participate in the articulation process.

  • anatomical crown, which protrudes from the jaw alveoli and is covered with enamel;
  • root, hidden in the dental alveolus and attached to it by connective tissue;
  • necks, which is the "border" between the visible part of the tooth (crown) and the root.

Enamel is a layer of solid elongated formations that, like a matrix, stretch along the entire surface of the tooth.

Its thickness in different parts of the tooth ranges from 0.01-1.5 mm. The enamel is covered with a special transparent pellicle, which is resistant to aggressive factors (acids, saliva).

Under the enamel "hides" dentin, consisting of many "glued" collagen threads. The space between such fibers is filled with mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, sodium).

In the dental crown there is a cavity (), which is a connective tissue penetrated by a network of blood vessels and nerves. Attachment of the root of the tooth to the tooth cavity is carried out by means of periodontium.

How does tooth decay occur?

The most common cause of tooth decay is the development of a pathological process that initially leads to demineralization of the enamel layer, and then to the appearance of characteristic cavities in the dentin.

Symptoms of tooth decay include:

There are such types of caries:

  • elementary(c), proceeds almost asymptomatically, is due to a lack of Ca salts, leads over time to a tissue defect in the area of ​​the spot;
  • surface, in which the cavity is located within the enamel, there are complaints of hypersensitivity to irritants;
  • average when the dentin is also involved in the pathological destructive process;
  • When the patient notes regular pain in response to the action of mechanical or thermal stimuli, a large cavity is visualized upon examination, filled with softened dentin. In the worst case, or joins.

A timely treated tooth retains its properties and aesthetic value.

However, in the absence of dental care, caries leads to damage and loss of the tooth and provokes many problems: the appearance of gastritis, the development of pyelonephritis and tonsillitis (due to the infection constantly present in the body), etc.

Why do teeth still deteriorate?

Tooth decay is the result of several damaging factors. So, external irritants are isolated, which ultimately lead to thinning of the enamel and the appearance of caries:

  • mechanical leading to deformation of the tooth and violating its integrity (these are blows, erasure, pressure);
  • chemical(sweet, sour), with prolonged exposure provoke a "weakening" of the enamel;
  • temperature when the tooth is exposed to the stress of contrasting temperatures, which is fraught with the appearance of microcracks.

There are other causes of tooth decay.

chronic diseases

Teeth are often destroyed and broken due to such problems:

Irrational nutrition

The condition of the teeth is affected by food preferences and a balanced diet of a person. The scarcity of food for minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus salts, will inevitably lead to tooth decay.

So, increased consumption of foods rich in calcium (hard cheese, sesame, bran, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, herbs, legumes) and phosphorus (fish, cottage cheese, cod liver, shrimp, squid, beets, carrots) helps to “freeze” the pathological process tooth destruction.

At the same time, the predominance of white flour products (bread, pies), sweets, protein products and refined cereals in the diet contributes to the development of dental problems.

The habit of getting rid of thirst with carbonated drinks (with dye) and juices only harms the health of the teeth, while the consumption of purified (not boiled) water helps to cleanse the oral cavity of plaque and food particles.

Improper hygiene

Insufficient or improper oral hygiene provokes the development of caries and other dental diseases, due to which teeth are destroyed.

So, food debris stuck between the teeth becomes a “refuge” for pathogenic microbes, which significantly increases the likelihood of an early meeting with the dentist.

This is due to:

Enamel and dentin of milk teeth have lower mineralization indicators compared to primary teeth, which leads to frequent.

At the same time, pathological processes develop simply at lightning speed due to the fact that the pulp in milk teeth has a larger volume. This speeds up the infection process and provokes the development of inflammation.

Why do teeth deteriorate during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is experiencing tremendous stress associated with the need to provide the growing crumbs with vitamins and microelements necessary for growth.

The reserves of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, etc., accumulated during a favorable period, come first of all to the fetus, which can lead to a deficiency of certain microelements in a pregnant woman. This can cause caries on healthy teeth during the period of gestation.

In addition, at this time, the acid-base composition of the secreted saliva changes in the direction of increasing acidity, which creates an additional load on the bone tissue.

Prevention of dental problems

Problem teeth are the misfortune of many people, because it is impossible to get rid of caries on your own, without the help of a dentist.

However, there is a list of measures that help prevent the development of pathological processes of tooth decay:

Unlike other bone tissues, teeth lack the ability to repair themselves and are therefore subject to wear and tear over time.

Increased attention and constant care will help prevent the development of dental problems and maintain a beautiful smile.

In some people, tooth tissue becomes so weak that it begins to crumble into pieces. Teeth can crumble for various reasons, so the dentist, and sometimes other highly specialized doctors - an immunologist, an allergist, a rheumatologist, should decide what to do in each individual case. In most cases, a crumbling crown can be salvaged, but it is better not to allow such a problem, and for this it is necessary to clearly understand what processes occur in the dentition and why.

Reasons why adult teeth crumble

Teeth crumble due to damage to the outer, strongest layer - enamel. If this shell cannot cope with the load and collapses, the internal tissues also begin to deteriorate. This process is triggered by many factors:

  • Failure to maintain oral hygiene, causing a massive accumulation of plaque and the multiplication of bacteria. They release substances that can destroy the structure of the enamel.
  • Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, which leads to a lack of vitamin D and a deficiency of elements important for the formation of dental tissue - calcium, phosphorus. Sweets and a combination of food with a large temperature difference (coffee with ice cream) cause particular harm to enamel.
  • Mechanical damage caused by the person himself due to bad habits or bruxism - involuntary grinding of teeth. More often, teeth crumble, break off and break in those who open bottles with them, gnaw nuts.

  • Hormonal imbalance that occurs against the background of endocrinological diseases, during puberty, during pregnancy and menopause. An increased or decreased concentration of hormones in the blood can contribute to the acidification of saliva, due to which it loses its protective properties - this leads to loss of enamel.
  • Metabolic disorders in case of metabolic failure, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.
  • Connective tissue diseases - arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism.
  • Severe allergic reactions.
  • Poor heredity and congenital malformations of the jaw.
  • The use of poor quality water.
  • Poorly placed seals.
  • Age changes.

Causes of the destruction of milk teeth in children

Milk teeth do not last long and usually fall out intact, in good condition. But in some children, the enamel begins to crumble even before the loss of temporary and the formation of molars, which parents should pay close attention to. To the destruction of enamel leads to:

  • Malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy, due to which the tooth germs are formed incorrectly.
  • Insufficiently nutritious breast milk due to malnutrition of the mother during lactation.
  • Nutritional deficiencies due to improper and untimely introduction of complementary foods in addition to breastfeeding.
  • Abuse of sweets and sweet carbonated drinks.
  • The use of antibiotics and other harmful drugs by a woman during pregnancy.
  • Prolonged use of pacifiers and pacifier bottles.
  • Thumb sucking habit.
  • hereditary predisposition. It can manifest itself if the teeth break or crumble in the parents or close relatives of the baby.
If the teeth are destroyed in childhood, then without the elimination of destructive factors, the enamel of the molars will quickly collapse in the future. Without treatment by a dentist, a child may not develop permanent dentition correctly.

Diagnostic measures

To find out why the teeth of an adult or a baby crumble, and what to do to preserve the enamel, is possible only in dentistry. The doctor examines the oral cavity, assesses the nature of the damage, collects information about the general condition of the patient and existing chronic diseases. For accurate diagnosis, the following methods can be used:

  • Blood test - general and biochemistry.
  • Blood test for hormone levels.
  • Allergy tests.
  • X-ray of the jaw.

If, when searching for an answer to the question of why the teeth are destroyed in an adult patient, the dentist suspects an internal disease, he will send the patient for a consultation with the appropriate specialist: endocrinologist, immunologist, therapist, nutritionist.

What to do if teeth crumble

After the diagnosis and identification of factors that cause teeth to crumble in an adult or child, appropriate treatment and diet are prescribed. The list of therapeutic measures and procedures depends on the type of common disease detected, if any:

  • Prescribing multivitamins and nutritional supplements to patients with vitamin deficiencies and micronutrient deficiencies.
  • Hormonal therapy for patients with endocrinological diseases.
  • Taking antihistamines for allergic reactions.
  • Treatment of chronic connective tissue diseases.

The doctor will definitely advise the patient on how best to care for the oral cavity. During a visit to the dentist professional teeth cleaning with removal of tartar can be carried out, under which the enamel layer collapses more intensively due to the accumulation of bacteria. Carious cavities are cleaned out and a filling is placed in their place.

To improve the appearance of broken teeth with chips, as well as to strengthen brittle enamel, the following procedures are performed:

  • Artistic restoration by filling.
  • Mineralization with the application of applications containing calcium and fluorine.
  • Enamel coating with fluorine varnish.
  • Regular use of toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium.

If the tooth is severely chipped or crumbled, the dentist will advise microprosthetics. During this procedure, the outer surface of the enamel is ground down, and an overlay is placed in its place - a veneer or lumineer. With an even more deplorable condition of the teeth, the installation of artificial crowns is recommended.

First aid for pain

There are cases when tooth enamel collapses gradually and breaks off in small pieces, which may not even be noticeable to the person himself. But if the tooth has crumbled sharply, its internal contents may be exposed - the pulp, which contains the nerve. In this case, a person feels a sharp pain, in which it is impossible to sleep or eat.

If a chipped tooth hurts a lot, you can take a pain reliever before visiting the dentist. But it is undesirable to choose an analgesic on your own, it is better to ask your doctor about it, at least by phone.

To avoid clogging the open pulp, do not chew food from the side of the jaw where the tooth has crumbled. To reduce the sensitivity of the enamel, you can rinse your mouth with a weak saline solution at room temperature.

Diet with increased fragility of enamel

Nutrition should always be complete - a variety of plant and animal foods must be present in the human diet. Harmful dishes with a lot of preservatives, salt, hot spices, as well as alcohol should be excluded or consumed rarely and in a minimal amount.

But if the enamel of the teeth is already crumbling, the nutritional requirements should be more stringent. It is necessary to find out exactly why teeth break in adults or children, to recognize the lack of one or another nutritional component:

  • If the body lacks calcium, not only the teeth “fall apart”, but also the bone tissue of the skeleton - bone fractures become more frequent. The skin dries up and flakes, and with severe deficiency, seizures are possible. You can replenish the supply of calcium in the body through the use of dairy products, legumes, almonds, sesame.
  • Lack of vitamin D complicates the absorption of calcium from food, and in children it manifests itself as rickets. To eliminate vitamin deficiency, dairy products, seafood, eggs, vegetable oils are needed. Walking in the sun is useful - at this time the body itself produces the vitamin in the skin.
  • If there is not enough phosphorus, numbness in the limbs may develop, irritability appears, and liver dysfunction occurs. Legumes, black bread, seafood, eggs, pumpkin, carrots will help replenish the supply.
If the patient's teeth not only "collapse", but also the hair "falls", the pressure often drops and breathing quickens, it is likely that he does not have enough fluorine. It can be found in tap or store drinking water, black and green tea, seafood, liver, onions.

Teeth can also decay due to excess fluoride, so people living in regions with a high content of the element in tap water should not use fluoridated toothpastes.

Preventive actions

Both milk and molars need to be protected to preserve the overall health of the body, especially since nature does not provide for a second change or regeneration of the dentition in adults. To prevent teeth from becoming brittle and breaking off, it is better to carry out preventive measures:

  • Cleaning of the mouth should be regular, with the use of calcium pastes against crumbling of the teeth. To fully cleanse the oral cavity from food plaque, you also need to clean the tongue, and after eating it is recommended to clean the interdental spaces with dental floss and rinse your mouth with special solutions or water.
  • The brush should not be too hard, softer bristles should be selected for children and people whose teeth are already “pouring” or breaking.
  • In order for the body to always have enough of the necessary nutritional components, you need to eat fully, you cannot follow strict diets for weight loss without consulting a nutritionist.
  • To improve the metabolism in dental tissues, it is useful to rinse them with herbs and massage the gums with your fingers or a brush.
  • You should regularly visit the dentist to monitor the condition of the dentition - at least twice a year. If the teeth are already decaying, the examination should be done even more often.
  • It is better to give up the habit of chewing hard objects and smoking.
  • Children are better either not to accustom to a pacifier at all, or to wean it off in time. You can not feed the baby from a bottle with a pacifier for a long time.
  • Complementary foods for babies should be introduced strictly according to the plan recommended by the pediatrician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

If the teeth began to break off or "crumble", you can not leave such a symptom unattended. It may be followed by other disorders in the body, so the diagnosis should be timely.

The crown of a tooth consists of hard shells - enamel and dentin. Protective tissues are resistant to external environmental factors, protect the neurovascular bundle (pulp) from the negative impact. Many causes can lead to the destruction of enamel and dentin. Pathology affects people of different sex and age, the risk group includes children, pregnant women and people over 50 years old.

The teeth became brittle. Where to look for the reason?

Caries is considered to be the most common factor in dental tissue damage. The disease develops gradually. At the initial stages, the mineral balance of enamel is disturbed, its demineralization is observed. Over time, dentin is involved in the process, pigmentation, a pathological cavity appear. The tooth loses its smoothness and becomes brittle. If the bacteria that caused caries reach the pulp, it occurs.

The disease is not always accompanied by visual changes, hidden cavities and initial forms of pathology are difficult to detect on their own. Caries is a chronic focus of infection. Appearing on 1 tooth, it helps to weaken the body's defenses. In the absence of timely treatment and prevention, the disease spreads and contributes to the mass destruction of incisors, canines and molars.

Why adult teeth crumble. Secondary reasons:

  • Hormonal changes- observed in adolescence, during pregnancy, in menopause. In connection with the restructuring of the body, the acidity of saliva changes. The biological fluid becomes viscous and viscous, enamel demineralization occurs, caries develops. The cause of hormonal imbalance is the patient's chronic somatic diseases (pathologies of the pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid glands, ovaries, adrenal glands, etc.);
  • Avitaminosis. Alimentary lack of vitamins is associated with the wrong approach to nutrition. People who completely exclude animal products, fats and carbohydrates from the diet often face the problem of beriberi. Some men and women eat the same way, prefer fast food, break the rules of cooking. As a result, there is a lack of useful elements in the body, dental tissues lose strength, begin to crumble.
    Secondary or endogenous vitamin deficiency is observed as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, genetic pathologies;
  • Poor oral hygiene. Despite the elementary rules of brushing your teeth, people neglect an important procedure. As a result, the mechanism of enamel destruction is triggered, which contributes to further damage to the tissues of incisors, canines and molars.
    Wisdom teeth are located in a place that is difficult to reach for cleaning, they most often develop caries. Due to natural features, it is impossible to fully treat the eights and they often have to be removed;
  • Traumatic factor. In the presence of enamel demineralization, even a slight physical or chemical effect provokes the appearance of microcracks. The primary violation of the integrity of the crown becomes the impetus for the gradual destruction of the entire tooth. Minor injuries are caused by the systematic use of whitening pastes, the use of chips and crackers, bad habits (nail biting, cracking seeds, nuts);
  • hereditary predisposition. Dentists recommend that patients with a aggravated anamnesis pay increased attention to dental health, timely prevent and treat somatic diseases and pathologies of the oral cavity.

Why teeth crumble and how to deal with it - video:

The cause of the destruction of enamel and dentin can be malocclusion. With pathological closure of the jaws, an inadequate distribution of the chewing load occurs, as a result, an increased erasure of healthy tissues is observed.

Decay of milk teeth in children

Sweets, chips, crackers and sodas are the favorite treats of millions of children. Parents buy goodies in stores and rush to please their crumbs, without even thinking about the dangers of these products.

With the systematic use of sweets and poor-quality brushing of teeth, a rapid increase in opportunistic bacteria that cause caries is observed in the mouth.

Teeth in children crumble, for the same reasons as in adults. It is necessary to take into account the main factor - the enamel of milk units is thin, in a short time there is a complete destruction of the crown and the development of pulpitis. Affected teeth often break while eating solid food.

Factors of tooth decay:

  • Bruxism. The rattle appears mainly at night. Pathology affects people of all ages. The cause of jaw spasm in children and adolescents is nervous strain, psychological conflicts, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Poor quality dental care. With incomplete removal of caries, the likelihood of developing a secondary disease and complications is high;
  • Simultaneous consumption of cold and hot foods. Temperature fluctuations cause the appearance of microscopic cracks, which subsequently increase and lead to tooth decay;
  • Bottle feeding in the evening and at night for babies older than 6-7 months.

Parents are responsible for the health of the child. It must be remembered that a baby at 3-4 years old cannot perform good oral hygiene. After the baby brushes his teeth, take the brush and repeat the procedure in the form of a game.

About children's teeth and diseases, says Dr. Komarovsky:


At the initial stages, caries has no unpleasant symptoms, rarely accompanied by visible changes. Demineralization is manifested by roughness of the enamel, a change in the color of the crown, and the formation of white spots.

Over time, mineral imbalance becomes apparent:

  • the tooth crown loses its smoothness and shine, the protective tissues become loose and soft;
  • a pathological cavity is formed on the enamel and in the dentin, chips and cracks are observed;
  • hypersensitivity appears when eating hot, cold, sour, sweet, salty foods;
  • the tooth hurts and crumbles.

The rapid destruction of enamel and dentin occurs in pregnant and lactating women. Dentists explain the fact by the fact that the body of the future mother during the period of intrauterine development of the crumbs undergoes global hormonal changes. Prolonged toxicosis and malnutrition aggravate the situation. If a woman does not receive the necessary elements from food and vitamin supplements, she develops alimentary hypovitaminosis. The condition negatively affects the well-being of the future mother and her body (hair, skin, nails, teeth).


Regardless of the degree of destruction of enamel and dentin, you should not postpone a visit to the dentist. Timely preventive examination will help to identify the initial changes.

If a person has not 1, but several teeth crumbling, the therapy is carried out in stages. The result of the doctor's work is the sanitation of all foci of infections of the oral cavity.

Treatment methods:

  • Tissue strengthening and– restoration of the normal balance of microelements and protection against caries. The procedure consists in saturation of enamel and dentin with calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium and other substances. Before manipulation, hard and soft plaque is removed. Treatment is carried out in the clinic or at home with the help of special varnishes, caps, gels, pastes;
  • Tissue restoration by filling. Treatment consists in the removal of enamel and dentin affected by caries, careful antiseptic treatment, and the formation of a filling. The final stage of therapy is the bite correction of the crown, its grinding and polishing.
    Dental fillings are painless. With minor tissue damage, it takes 1 visit, has a relatively low cost, is suitable for patients of various ages;
  • The use of orthopedic structures. If the tooth is destroyed by more than 30%, it is covered with a protective crown. It is recommended to install aesthetic ceramic and metal-ceramic structures on incisors and canines, chewing units can be covered with solid metal “caps”.

Timely treatment and compliance with the rules of oral hygiene helps to maintain health, prevents unexpected tooth decay and pain.

Question answer

How to protect teeth from decay? Prevention methods

With the help of a varied menu, a person receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, natural strengthening of dental tissue is carried out. Useful products: milk, kefir, vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts.

Poppy and sesame are considered champions in calcium content.

Artificial remineralization of teeth is carried out after consultation with a dentist. During a face-to-face appointment, the doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe a course of treatment for the patient.

Preventive measures include elimination of somatic diseases, correction of bite, treatment of bruxism.

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Many future mothers are convinced that dental intervention can harm the baby, but this is not correct. In the arsenal of modern dentists there are enough safe drugs and materials that can help a woman, regardless of the gestational age.

What to do if a child has a toothache?

You need to visit a pediatric dentist as soon as possible. Do not rush to remove the affected incisor, canine or molar. Premature prolapse or extirpation of the unit can cause displacement of the jaws, the development of malocclusion.

Methods for the treatment and prevention of caries in babies: remineralization, fluoridation, filling, fissure sealing, endodontic therapy.

The type of treatment is chosen by the doctor, depending on the diagnostic picture and the characteristics of the body of the young patient.

Tooth decay is a problem faced by many people. This is a pathological phenomenon that tends to progress. The disease should not be ignored. If there are signs of poor dental health, you should consult a doctor. They will conduct a qualitative diagnosis and select a method to solve the problem.

Why do teeth crumble?

There are many indicators that have a negative impact on the condition of the teeth. The key causes of the disease include:

  1. Hormonal failure - in the presence of such a problem, the acidity of saliva increases. Tooth enamel begins to gradually corrode. Failure of the hormonal system contributes to the development of the disease in adolescents, the elderly and women bearing a child;
  2. Bad habits - these include cracking nuts and opening bottles with your teeth. This problem also applies to children who chew on pencils and suffer from bruxism. Over time, small cracks appear on the surface of the enamel. They increase and become the cause of crumbling of the teeth;
  3. Non-observance of the principles of proper nutrition - malfunctions in the digestive tract negatively affect the condition of the teeth. They occur when eating dishes prepared from semi-finished products and frozen vegetables. Diets in which a person does not eat fish and dairy products have a negative effect on the strength of the enamel;
  4. Heredity - if adults have a predisposition to crumbling teeth, you need to be on the alert and visit the dentist's office periodically. Then the risk of a dangerous problem in children is minimized;
  5. The presence of chronic diseases - for example, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  6. Vitamin D deficiency - the disease often develops in people living in the northern regions. This is due to the lack of sunlight, which contributes to the production of biologically active substances;
  7. A sharp change in temperature indicators - it occurs with the simultaneous use of cold and hot food. This is an invalid action. It provokes the development of a complex dental disease.

If a person uses a paste with a high fluoride content for a long time, problems cannot be avoided. A large amount of fluorine accumulates in the human body, which has a devastating effect on enamel.

Poor oral care is another reason for a difficult situation. In the presence of gaps between the teeth, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly. Bacteria that contribute to the appearance of caries settle there. This is a pathological process leading to the destruction of hard tissues. Under the filling and under the enamel, it is invisible. If left untreated, the problem worsens. A person begins to remove particles of teeth from the oral cavity.

The crumbling of milk teeth is also observed in children. It occurs for several reasons: prolonged use of a pacifier, lack of calcium during breastfeeding, taking certain antibiotics during pregnancy. To minimize the risks, you need to teach your baby to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth after eating. Milk teeth should be preserved until they fall out naturally.

Why is tooth decay dangerous?

It is impossible to ignore the disease. Negligence is fraught with serious complications. Teeth are responsible for chewing food, so they must be strong. When the enamel is destroyed, the process of eating becomes more complicated. As a result, there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. Children additionally develop beriberi. This is a disease accompanied by a lack of appetite, a decrease in mental activity, and violations in the development of the child.

What to do when teeth crumble?

Correction of the situation is possible when contacting a dental clinic. First, a qualified specialist reveals the true cause of the disease. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor draws conclusions. If the cause concerns dentistry, treatment is prescribed:

  • filling;
  • Mineralization, which means the use of applications enriched with calcium and fluorine;
  • Brushing teeth with special pastes;
  • Installation of artificial crowns and veneers.

Tooth decay occurs against the background of common diseases. Then you need to seek help from a therapist or endocrinologist. After establishing the diagnosis and eliminating the cause of the disease, you need to use the services of a dental clinic.

Preventive measures

What should be done to protect yourself from a dangerous disease? There are simple rules by which you can strengthen your teeth and avoid their further destruction. These include:

  • Using a toothbrush with medium bristles;
  • The use of floss after meals;
  • Eradication of bad habits;
  • Fighting bruxism;
  • A complete diet, which provides for the use of dairy products, walnuts, liver;
  • Improving the state of health with the help of vitamin complexes;
  • Periodic rinsing of the mouth with herbal infusions that help strengthen the enamel;
  • Regular visits to the dental clinic.

If you follow some simple rules, your teeth remain healthy. They do not crumble and do not cause problems!

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