Alflutop analogues are cheaper in ampoules. Is there a Qualitative Analogue of Alflutop

Alflutop is a chondroprotective drug that improves the condition of joints in diseases such as deforming osteoarthritis of the knee, hip and other joints. You can read more about this medicine in the article Alflutop Injections: why this remedy is needed, reviews about Alflutop.

But sometimes for some reason - the inability to get the remedy or its high price- it can be useful to have information about Alflutop's analogues - in order to know what other chondroprotectors can be used instead of this drug. In this article, we made a small overview of such medicines. More detailed information you can see about them in the article How to choose a chondroprotector for arthrosis of the joints: what is important to pay attention to.

Important: Alflutop, extracted from marine fish, is a unique drug of its kind, which has no absolute analogues! All drugs listed in this article can only be attributed to relative analogues. this tool- according to the method of obtaining medicinal raw materials or the mechanism of action.

So, let's look at what medications a doctor can prescribe for you as an analogue of Alflutop.

Medicine #1: Rumalon

If we consider all chondroprotectors on a scale of "naturalness", "naturalness", then Rumalon will be the closest in terms of the method of obtaining active substances to Alflutop (read the article about this tool: Chondroprotector Rumalon: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues).

So, if Alflutop is obtained by extracting various useful substances(including chondroitin and hyaluronic acid) from small marine fish, the raw materials from which Rumalon is extracted are also natural and natural - these are glycosaminoglycan-peptide complexes obtained from bone marrow and cartilage tissue young calves (under the age of 6 months).

Rumalon is prescribed for the same diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of the spine, deforming osteoarthritis of large (knee, hip) and small (arm joints) joints, chondromalacia of the patella and other diseases.

This analogue of the chondroprotector Alflutop is also prescribed in the form of injections and is produced in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml in packs of 10 ampoules.

Rumalon is not prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as with individual hypersensitivity to this drug. From adverse reactions on the this medicine can (rarely) be seen allergic reactions.

This product is produced by the pharmaceutical company "Ferein / Bryntsalov" under an exclusive license from the company "Robofarm" (Switzerland). Its cost in the spring of 2016 ranged from 1300 to 1600 rubles. for a pack of 10 ampoules.

Buy Rumalon in Moscow with home delivery or pickup >>>

#2: Chondrogard

Chondroprotector Chondrogard, like Alflutop, is prescribed in the form of injections, i.e. intramuscularly.

The active ingredient in this product is chondroitin sulfate, which is produced at a dosage of 100 or 200 mg of the active substance in 1 and 2 milliliter ampoule, respectively. Unlike Alflutop or even Rumalon, Chondrogard is not extracted from natural raw materials, but is synthesized chemically, but this drug is used in the same way - in the form of injections.

Indications for the use of Chondrogard are almost similar to other chondroprotectors: osteochondrosis various departments spine, uncovertebral arthrosis cervical, as well as different kinds osteoarthritis of the peripheral joints of the hands and feet.

Since this remedy is synthesized and in a sense not as “natural” as Alflutop, it will have more contraindications: the medicine cannot be used with a tendency to bleeding, with thrombophlebitis, in childhood as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

From side effects various allergic reactions to the drug in the form of dermatitis, urticaria, skin itching, as well as small hemorrhages in the injection area.

Treatment with Chondrogard is usually carried out, starting with one injection every other day; one course of treatment consists of 25-30 injections of the drug

This medication is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Sotex. One package of medicine contains 5 or 10 ampoules of 1 or 2 ml. The cost of one package of Chondrogard as of 2016 in Moscow pharmacies ranged from 700 to 900 rubles (buy).

Please note: all information about doses, frequency of administration of the drug, indications and contraindications is published for informational purposes only. Do not try to self-medicate, this can lead to serious complications! Take only those tablets and in those doses as prescribed by your doctor!

No. 3: Mukosat

Chondroprotector Mucosat is a preparation made from natural raw materials (from the cartilage of the trachea of ​​cows and calves). In this sense, it is more similar to Alflutop and Rumalon than other chondroprotectors.

The active substance in Mukosat is the same chondroitin sulfate, which stimulates an increase in the synthesis of cartilage tissue in joints affected by deforming arthrosis and other cartilage diseases.

In addition, Mukosat has a positive effect on calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, while affecting not only cartilage, but also bone tissue, increases the amount of synovial fluid in the joint, and also inhibits the destruction of cartilage.

Indications, contraindications and possible side effects roughly correspond to the same data for Alflutop and Rumalon.

Mucosat is produced, like all other drugs presented in this article, in the form of ampoules of 1 and 2 ml for intramuscular injection. They contain 100 and 200 mg of chondroitin sulfate, respectively.

Mukosat is prescribed only by a doctor with a course of 25-30 injections, which are carried out every other day. If the drug is well tolerated, the initial dose may be increased. Usually healing effect in the form of a decrease in pain, discomfort, a decrease in inflammation occurs within two to three weeks from the start of treatment with the drug. If necessary, such treatment courses Mukosat can be prescribed every six months.

This chondroprotector is available in packs of 5 and 10 ampoules, which contain 1 or 2 ml of solution. As of the spring of 2016, you can buy Mukosat in pharmacies at a price of 600 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of ampoules in the package and the dosage of the medicine.

Buy Mukosat in a pharmacy with home delivery or pickup >>>

So, we briefly told you about 3 drugs close in mechanism of action to Alflutop. But, of course, there are much more chondroprotective drugs, here are just a few of them:

  • Structum
  • Artra
  • Artradol
  • Chondroitin
  • Chondrolon
  • Elbon

You can learn more about these and other remedies in our article on chondroprotectors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments!

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Chondroprotectors for arthrosis - only benefits and no contraindications

The human musculoskeletal system is a rather fragile apparatus, in which the slightest damage brings a person inconvenience and restrictions in motor activity. However, the strong pain, which can be completely forgotten if you use chondroprotectors for arthrosis.

  • What are chondroprotectors?
  • Operating principle
  • Methods of administration
  • Duration of treatment
  • Classification and description
  • Positive Effects

What are chondroprotectors?

The name chondroprotectors comes from the Greek words χόνδρων - cartilage, grain and προστασία - protection, which indicates the historical conditionality of their use in diseases of the joints and in the process of recovery from fractures or injuries.

Chondroprotectors are biological preparations, the core of which is the animal base with elements of natural cartilage tissue. They are used to renew or build cartilage and intra-articular fluid.

The raw materials for the preparation of chondroprotectors are either marine invertebrates or certain types salmon fish.

There are also chondroprotectors, the main component of which is vegetable base from legumes, soybeans or avocados.

Operating principle

The action of chondroprotectors is effectively manifested in the restoration of the structure of the joints, their functionality, as well as the elimination negative feelings that prevent the joints from functioning normally.

After all, the consequence of arthrosis is the mechanical destruction of the cartilage-layer in the joints. The ligaments and muscles around the joint, taking care of it, hold it down, thereby limiting the mobility of the bones in the joint. This process makes it possible to restore damaged areas of the joint.

But at the same time, the blockade by the muscles and ligaments of the joint has negative side. With the restriction of motor processes in the joint, the supply of the necessary nutrients and the duration of renewal of joint cells increases.

Chondroprotectors compensate for the deficiency of building substances, components of articular cartilage - glucasamine and chondroitin sulfate, and save the energy of the cells of the affected joint, which they would need to direct to the synthesis of cellular material.

In the complex treatment of arthrosis, chondroprotectors also have a healing effect. They remove toxins from the body, relieve spasms and swelling, improve blood circulation, increase immunity and stimulate metabolism, while protecting and restoring the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

Timely regular use of chondroprotectors delays the possibility surgical intervention in the treatment of joints.

Methods of administration

Chondroprotectors can be introduced into the body in several ways:

  • Lubrication - in the remission stage, the drug is injected into the joint capsule after ultrasound diagnosis. Preparations "Fermaton", "Ostenil".
  • Oral administration - allows chondroprotectors to be quickly absorbed into the patient's blood. Preparations "Teraflex", "Don", "Artra".
  • Intramuscular administration. Preparations "Don", "Mukosat".

Duration of treatment

The duration of the course of treatment with chondroprotectors is different, however, mainly with daily use is three to five months. No more than six months later, the course of treatment must be repeated. In total, for two to three years, the treatment of arthrosis with the help of chondroprotectors takes approximately 90 to 150 days a year, depending on the stage of development of the disease.

Classification and description

First generation

Rumalon is an animal-based medicinal product containing an extract of the brain tissue and bone marrow of slaughter cattle and a bone and cartilage extract of young animals.

Rumalon stimulates the normalization of metabolism in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints and the nutrition of articular cartilage, increases the efficiency of their regeneration.

Rumalon is administered intramuscularly at 1 ml three times a week or 2 ml twice a week. The course of treatment lasts 5-8 weeks.

Alflutop (Alflutop) is a chondroprotector, which is a standardized, deproteinized and fat-free extract from four types of marine fish. Consists of chondroitin sulfate, mucopolysaccharides, peptides, amino acids and ions of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc and iron.

Alflutop has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This chondroprotector blocks the destruction of the macromolecular structure normal tissue and has a stimulating effect on the processes of restoration of articular cartilage tissue.

For arthrosis, alflutop is administered at a dose of 20 ml per injection into each affected joint once every three days. After six such procedures, alflutop injections are continued intramuscularly. After 4-6 months, the course is repeated.

Second generation

Chondroitin sulfate (Chondroitin) is a chondroprotector that enhances regeneration and increases the depreciation properties of cartilage. In addition, chondrotin sulfate has the ability to stimulate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, strengthens the connective tissue structures of the joints, such as cartilage.

Adults use chondrotin sulfate inside 1-1.5 g twice a day, and children daily dose depending on age, it ranges from 250 mg up to 1 year to 500-750 mg over the age of 5 years.

Outwardly chondrotin sulfate is used as an ointment for 2-3 weeks twice a day.

Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate) is also called liquid prostheses, because. preparations containing it act on the articular components as a healthy synovial fluid. They prevent excessive friction of the bones in the joint and slow down the process of cartilage destruction, protecting the joint from mechanical shocks and overloads.

Sodium hyaluronate is part of the drugs Dyuralan, Synvisk, Ostenil, Fermatron and domestic Giastat.

The duration of treatment of arthrosis with preparations containing hyaluronic acid is three to five intra-articular injections. They are administered once every 7 or 10 days.

third generation

Chondrotin sulfate + hydrochloride is one of the most useful groups drugs for the treatment of arthrosis. Its use, unlike the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), allows you to restore cartilage tissue, improve the production of joint fluid and normalize its "lubricating" properties.

The duration of use of chondrotin sulfate + hydrochloride should be at least 12 weeks, however long-term treatment within 3 years gives a greater effect. It is recommended to use chondrotin sulfate + hydrochloride 150 days a year for 3-5 years.

Mandatory conditions of use

The use of chondroprotectors is prescribed only by a doctor in health care institutions. Patients who are prescribed these drugs must strictly observe the duration of treatment and dosage. medicines, as well as undertake additional measures to enhance blood circulation in diseased joints.

Patients who stopped the cartilage destruction of their diseased joints not only took prescribed medications, but also attended many massage and physiotherapy courses.

Additional terms effective treatment chondroprotectors of arthrosis are the normalization of a person's weight and the avoidance of severe physical activity. To reduce the load on sore joints when walking, it is recommended to use a cane. The course of treatment with chondroprotectors is at least three months and requires periodic repetition, because. these drugs act in arthrosis rather slowly, but in the end they bring a lot of benefits.

It is also important that chondroprotectors have practically no contraindications and side effects.

Description of drugs

On the modern pharmacological market, chondroprotectors are widely represented by various drugs tested and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

  1. "Artra". Made in the USA. Artra tablet contains 500 mg of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. For a full-fledged effective treatment, take the medicine 2 tablets per day.
  2. Don. Produce the drug in Italy. This is a mono preparation that contains only glucosamine. It has several release forms. This is the solution for intramuscular injections and drugs for oral administration. The course of treatment is either 12 injections two or three times a year, or 1 bag of Dona or 4-6 capsules per day.
  3. "Structum". Produce the drug in France. This is a mono preparation that contains only chondroitin sulfate. Available in capsules of 250 or 500 mg. Take either 2 or 4 capsules per day as directed by a physician.
  4. Teraflex. Produce the drug in the UK in the form of capsules of 400 and 500 mg containing chondroitin sulfate. Take Teraflex 2 or more tablets per day.
  5. "Chondroitin AKOS". Produce mono drug in Russia. It contains only chondroitin sulfate. Available in capsules of 250 mg. It is recommended to take the drug 4 or more capsules per day.
  6. "Chondrolon". Produce mono drug in Russia. Produced in the form of ampoules that contain 100 mg of chondroitin sulfate. The course of treatment consists of 20 or 25 intramuscular injections.
  7. "Elbon". Produce mono drug in Russia. It contains only glucosamine in the form of ampoules with a solution of 400 mg. It is injected intramuscularly into the buttocks 3 times a week. The course of treatment is 12 injections two to three times a year.
  8. "Arteparon". The composition of the drug is similar to the composition of cartilage tissue. Arteparon inhibits the development of arthrosis and helps prevent joint destruction. Apply it intramuscularly once every two weeks. The result is felt after completing the entire course.
  9. "Mukartin". It is a mucopolysaccharide sulfate ester. The principle of exposure is similar to Arteparon.
  10. "Rumalon" and "Artron". Chondroprotectors contain bioactive substances and bone marrow cells. The use of Rumalon and Artron in arthrosis helps to achieve the production of glycosaminoglycans in the diseased joint, improve the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and lubricate the diseased joint. It also improves the composition of the synovial fluid that fills the joint. The drug is used only in the first stages of the development of the disease.

Positive Effects

timely complex treatment arthrosis with the use of chondroprotectors:

  • Provides daily requirement joints with ready-made building materials;
  • Stimulates the regeneration of cartilaginous tissues of the joints;
  • Does not affect the effectiveness of other drugs and has no side effects;
  • Has a healing effect.

Treatment of arthrosis with chondroprotectors is effective on initial stages diseases and do not exaggerate the capabilities of these drugs. Since treatment requires the patient not only simply to take medications, but also to thoroughly undergo a whole range of related activities.

In this article, you can read the instructions for use medicinal product Alflutop. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Alflutop in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Alflutop's analogues, if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of arthrosis and osteochondrosis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Alflutop- a drug that regulates the metabolism of cartilage tissue, chondroprotector. It is a bioactive concentrate from small marine fish containing mucopolysaccharides, amino acids, peptides, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc ions.

Alflutop prevents the destruction of macromolecular structures of normal tissues, stimulates recovery processes in the interstitial tissue and articular cartilage tissue, which explains its analgesic effect.

The anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration are based on inhibition of hyaluronidase activity and normalization of hyaluronic acid biosynthesis. These effects are synergistic and cause the activation of metabolic processes in tissues, in particular cartilage tissues, preventing degeneration processes.


Action of the extract marine organisms is the cumulative effect of active ingredients, therefore, the study of pharmacokinetic characteristics is not possible.


Release forms

Solution for injection (injections in ampoules), 1 and 2 ml.

Instructions for use and method of use

The drug is prescribed for adults.

In case of polyosteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, Alflutop is administered deep intramuscularly, 1 ml per day. The course of treatment - 20 injections - 1 injection per day for 20 days.

At predominant lesion large joints, the drug is injected into the joint, 1-2 ml into each joint with an interval between injections of 3-4 days. The course of treatment is 5-6 injections in each joint.

A combination of intramuscular and intraarticular administration is possible.

It is advisable to repeat the course of treatment after 6 months.

Side effect

  • itchy dermatitis;
  • skin redness;
  • burning sensation at the injection site;
  • short-term myalgia;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • transient amplification pain syndrome(when administered intraarticularly).


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period ( breastfeeding);
  • children's age (due to lack of data from clinical studies);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

special instructions

In case of individual intolerance to seafood (sea fish), the risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

drug interaction

Until now drug interaction Alflutop drug has not been established.

Analogues of the drug Alflutop

Alflutop has no structural analogues for the active substance. However, there is a large class of drugs similar in their mechanism of action combined into a group of correctors of bone and cartilage metabolism:

  • Aklasta;
  • Actonel;
  • Alendronate;
  • Alostin;
  • Aminoartrin;
  • Aredia;
  • ARTRA Chondroitin;
  • Artrin;
  • Biartrin;
  • Bivalos;
  • Blaster;
  • Bonviva;
  • Bondronat;
  • Bonefos;
  • Boar;
  • Veroclast;
  • Videhol;
  • Glucosamine;
  • Dihydrotachysterol;
  • Don;
  • Zemplar;
  • Zometa;
  • Inoltra;
  • Calcitonin;
  • Klobir;
  • Mukosat;
  • Ossin;
  • Remains;
  • Osteogenon;
  • Osteokhin;
  • Pomegara;
  • Rumalon;
  • synovial;
  • Skelid;
  • vitreous body;
  • Structum;
  • Tahistine;
  • Tevanat;
  • Tridin;
  • Fitin;
  • Fosamax;
  • Chondractive;
  • Chondramin;
  • Chondroitin sulfate;
  • Chondroxide;
  • Exgiva;
  • Elbon;
  • Etalfa;
  • Unium.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Among the chondroprotective drugs that effectively restore cartilage tissue and are successfully used for osteochondrosis, arthritis and infectious diseases joints, special place occupied by Alflutop.

His natural composition , the absence of side effects, rapid positive dynamics in the treatment make it in demand among specialists. Yes, the trouble is, the cost is too high, even with great desire makes its purchase and use impossible.

People in pain are forced to seek him more cheap replacement with a similar mechanism of action. In addition, the drug contains components of marine fish, which rarely, but still cause allergies.

How to choose the right analogue of Alflutop? What should you pay attention to, besides the price?

Alflutop: analogues are cheaper

A few words about Alflutop himself.

Its composition contains extracts of small Black Sea fish and has two main effects on the human musculoskeletal system:

  • relieves pain, swelling, inflammatory processes, which are characteristic of osteochondrosis and arthritis;
  • acts as a chondroprotector, that is, it restores cartilage tissue and stops degenerative changes, acting on each cell, protecting and promoting its growth.

It should be said right away that Alflutop is a unique drug, and 100% of its analogues do not exist. You can choose drugs that are similar in mechanism of action and the components contained in the composition - natural or synthetic.

They are used mainly intramuscularly with courses of injections, and in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, punctures are made into the joint. Used in production modern technologies high purification. Produced in packs of 10 or 15 ampoules, the price ranges from 2700 to 3600 rubles. It depends on the number of ampoules and their concentration.

Great for helping with:

  • injuries of varying severity;
  • osteoarthritis of the hip, knee and other joints;
  • inflammation and tuberculosis of the joints;
  • osteochondrosis of any part of the spine.

The most important thing is its composition. It refers to combination drugs.

That is, it contains the two most important components, which work so effectively when interacting:

  • chondroitin sulfate - the main building material for cartilage;
  • glucosamine is a substance for the nutrition of articular tissue, which slows down or even stops regeneration and begins growth.

Among the analogues of Alflutop there are many mono preparations containing only one of the main components of the chondroprotector. And this is their shortcoming.

Another drawback is the release form in the form of an ointment or gel. Chondroitin and glucosamine have large molecules in their structure, which slow down the process of their penetration through skin. Hence the low efficiency.

Only if the drug contains dimexide, the situation improves significantly, as it quickly increases the permeability of skin cells. Therefore, you need to carefully read the composition and buy ointments that contain dimexide.

In the case of mono drugs, it is better to take them in a complex. From this, the effectiveness of treatment will increase significantly or become even stronger.

Aflutop analogues and their prices

Drug Rumalon

No. 1 in the list of analogues, but it costs at least 1000 rubles cheaper. Produced from bones and cartilage cattle. Especially good result gives in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

Combined drug, the main properties of which are:

  • regeneration articular tissue;
  • increase in the synthesis of own collagen and substances involved in metabolic and recovery functions;
  • nutrition and normalization of intracellular processes
  • inhibition and stop of destruction processes.

Biologically even more compatible with human body. Available in packs of 5 or 10 ampoules, the price of a pack ranges from 1600 to 1800 rubles. Produced by the pharmaceutical company Ferein-Bryntsalov.

It is well tolerated, with almost no side effects observed. At the beginning of the application, an exacerbation of the underlying disease may occur, but this is normal. It is prescribed for adult patients in courses 2 times a year for 15 or 25 injections. It depends on the volume of the ampoule.

Don's drug

Produced in Ireland. Refers to mono drugs, most importantly active substance- glucosamine, which restores joint tissues.

Main functions:

  • cartilage improvement metabolic processes;
  • elimination of pain.

Release form is different. In the form of powder and capsules for oral administration, ampoules for intramuscular injections.

Capsules Structum

French production, contains glucosamine, a mono drug.

Basic actions:

  • normalization of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the body;
  • suspension of degenerative destruction;
  • further regeneration and growth of cartilage tissue.

Take two capsules a day for five months. Only after six months there is an improvement clinical picture. The package contains 60 capsules. The price is from 600 rubles and more. So, the course will need about 5000 rubles.

Ambene injections

The main active ingredient is a glucocorticosteroid. Several injections are prescribed during an exacerbation and the occurrence of acute pain, swelling and inflammation. Good for rheumatoid arthritis.

Artra tablets

Their value is that they contain glucosamine and chondroitin, that is, they have complex impact . Very effective for osteoarthritis of any degree. Help cartilage tissue in recovery, prevent its chemical destruction.

Combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs who repay them negative impact on the body, including metabolic processes.

Preparation Chondroflex

Has the lowest biological activity, but it also has the lowest cost. Produced in the form of an ointment for outdoor use and capsules for oral administration. Capsules take part in the regeneration of the joints, and the ointment relieves pain and inflammation, restores mobility.

Wobenzym tablets

Basic actions:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • boosting immunity.

Contains plant and animal enzymes. Used as part of general therapy with pathologies musculoskeletal system. The package contains 40 pieces, the cost is from 300 rubles.

The duration of the course and the amount of the drug taken are prescribed by the doctor depending on the patient's condition. It may also happen that at first you will have to take ten tablets, and the duration of the intake will be six months.

Injections for intra-articular punctures Adgelon

Contains substances from the serum of cattle.

Provides the following assistance:

  • participates in the production of its own collagen;
  • removes inflammatory processes;
  • is an anesthetic;
  • stops pathological changes in the joints and restores the affected tissues.

The injection is made directly into the diseased joint or into several joints. The maximum course is 10 injections, 2 procedures per week.

The cost of ten ampoules is approximately two thousand rubles, usually this is enough to alleviate the patient's condition.

Intramuscular drug Chondrogard

Contains chondroitin. But it differs from natural chondroprotective preparations in that it is synthesized by artificial means. Therefore, there are many more contraindications.

It is not prescribed to women in anticipation of a child and during breastfeeding, in childhood, with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Injections are given once every two days. Twenty-five to thirty injections are enough.

The Russian analogue of Alflutop, manufactured by Sotex, is much cheaper. The price for one package ranges from 700 to 900 rubles. It depends on the amount of the drug, which can be 5 or 10 ampoules of 1 or 2 mg of the drug.


Injections of this drug help especially well with exacerbations of deforming arthrosis and other most common diseases of the spine. Contains chondroitin obtained by extraction from cow tendons.

Main functions:

  • synthesizes the affected tissues;
  • optimizes calcium-phosphorus metabolism and other metabolic processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on the composition of the joint fluid, increases its production;
  • stops the permissive processes not only in the joints, but also in the bone skeleton;
  • relieves pain and inflammation.

Contraindications and side effects practically absent. It is prescribed in the form of injections in a course of 30 pieces every other day. Treatment is carried out once every six months. Improvement, as a rule, occurs only after 20 days from the start of application. The cost ranges from 600 to 900 rubles per pack. It depends on the amount and dose of the drug.

There are many analogues of Russian production.

They are presented:

  • Arthrophone;
  • Bischofite;
  • Gamma plant;
  • Synovial;
  • Sinoart.

In fact, when you come to the pharmacy, you can find a large number of analogues of Alflutop. Yes, and their prices are much lower. But experts do not recommend choosing them yourself. They have different indications, contraindications and side effects. They may not help, but aggravate the disease, worsen the condition as a whole.

Treatment with such means can only be determined by a doctor. He will do this after a thorough examination, testing, diagnosis, establishing the cause and accurate diagnosis. And only then, under his supervision, you will be able to start a comprehensive therapeutic treatment illness that bothers you.

Alflutop is a chondroprotective drug that improves the condition of joints in diseases such as deforming osteoarthritis of the knee, hip and other joints. You can read more about this medicine in the article. .

Important: Alflutop, extracted from marine fish, is a unique drug of its kind, which has no absolute analogues! All drugs listed in this article can only be attributed to relative analogues of this drug - according to the method of obtaining medicinal raw materials or the mechanism of action.

So, let's look at what medications a doctor can prescribe for you as an analogue of Alflutop.

Medicine #1: Rumalon

So, if Alflutop is obtained by extracting various useful substances (including chondroitin and hyaluronic acid) from small sea fish, then the raw materials from which Rumalon is extracted are also natural and natural - these are glycosaminoglycan-peptide complexes obtained from bone marrow and cartilage tissue young calves (under the age of 6 months).

Rumalon is prescribed for the same diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of the spine, deforming osteoarthritis of large (knee, hip) and small (arm joints) joints, and other diseases.

This analogue of the chondroprotector Alflutop is also prescribed in the form of injections and is produced in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml in packs of 10 ampoules.

Rumalon is not prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for individual hypersensitivity to this drug. Adverse reactions to this medicine may (rarely) include allergic reactions.

This product is produced by the pharmaceutical company "Ferein / Bryntsalov" under an exclusive license from the company "Robofarm" (Switzerland). Its cost in the spring of 2016 ranged from 1300 to 1600 rubles. for a pack of 10 ampoules.

#2: Chondrogard

Chondroprotector Chondrogard, like Alflutop, is prescribed in the form of injections, i.e. intramuscularly.

The active ingredient in this product is chondroitin sulfate, which is produced at a dosage of 100 or 200 mg of the active substance in 1 and 2 milliliter ampoule, respectively. Unlike Alflutop or even Rumalon, Chondrogard is not extracted from natural raw materials, but is synthesized chemically, but this drug is used in the same way - in the form of injections.

Indications for the use of Chondroguard are almost similar to other chondroprotectors: osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine, as well as various types of osteoarthritis of the peripheral joints of the arms and legs.

Since this remedy is synthesized and in a sense not as “natural” as Alflutop, then it will have more contraindications: the medicine cannot be used with a tendency to bleeding, with thrombophlebitis, in childhood, as well as during pregnancy and during lactation breast.

Of the side effects, various allergic reactions to the drug can be observed in the form of dermatitis, urticaria, skin itching, as well as small hemorrhages in the injection area.

Treatment with Chondrogard is usually carried out, starting with one injection every other day; one course of treatment consists of 25-30 injections of the drug

This medication is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Sotex. One package of medicine contains 5 or 10 ampoules of 1 or 2 ml. The cost of one package of Chondrogard as of 2016

Please note: all information about doses, frequency of administration of the drug, indications and contraindications is published for informational purposes only. Do not try to self-medicate, this can lead to serious complications! Take only those tablets and in those doses as prescribed by your doctor!

No. 3: Mukosat

Chondroprotector Mucosat is a preparation made from natural raw materials (from the cartilage of the trachea of ​​cows and calves). In this sense, it is more similar to Alflutop and Rumalon than other chondroprotectors.

mucosat - a medicine that a doctor can replace alflutop

The active substance in Mukosat is still the same, stimulating increased synthesis of cartilage tissue in joints affected by deforming arthrosis and other cartilage diseases.

In addition, Mukosat has a positive effect on calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, affecting not only cartilage, but also bone tissue, increases the amount of synovial fluid in the joint, and also inhibits the processes of cartilage destruction.

Indications, contraindications and possible side effects roughly correspond to the same data for Alflutop and Rumalon.

Mucosat is produced, like all other drugs presented in this article, in the form of ampoules of 1 and 2 ml for intramuscular injection. They contain 100 and 200 mg of chondroitin sulfate, respectively.

Mukosat is prescribed only by a doctor with a course of 25-30 injections, which are carried out every other day. If the drug is well tolerated, the initial dose may be increased. Usually, the therapeutic effect in the form of reducing pain, discomfort, and reducing inflammation occurs within two to three weeks from the start of treatment with the drug. If necessary, such treatment courses Mukosat can be prescribed every six months.

This chondroprotector is available in packs of 5 and 10 ampoules, which contain 1 or 2 ml of solution. As of the spring of 2016, you can buy Mukosat in pharmacies at a price of 600 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of ampoules in the package and the dosage of the medicine.

So, we briefly told you about 3 drugs close in mechanism of action to Alflutop. But, of course, there are much more chondroprotective drugs, here are just a few of them:

  • Artra
  • Chondroitin
  • Chondrolon
  • Elbon

Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments!

Solution for injection 100 µl/ml.

  • Dark glass ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml, package No. 10.
  • Dark glass ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml, package No. 5.
  • Pre-filled with solution (2 ml) clear glass syringes with disposable needles with a capacity of 2.25 ml, package No. 5.

The solution looks like clear liquid, colorless, yellowish or yellow with a brown tint.

pharmachologic effect

Chondroprotective . Alflutop is a drug that regulates metabolism and helps restore damaged cartilage tissue. Relieves pain and inflammation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Reduces the activity of hyaluronidase - an enzyme that plays leading role in the stabilization of hyaluronic acid and collagen of the second type and involved in the destruction of the intercellular matrix.

Reduces capillary permeability, inhibits the destruction of the macromolecular structure of the main substance connective tissue, stimulates regenerative processes in loose fibrous connective tissue and cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

Due to these properties of Alflutop in a patient:

  • the intensity of pain decreases (movement, at rest, when climbing stairs);
  • reduced local swelling;
  • reduced contracture.

The use of the drug Alflutop allows you to alleviate motor activity and increase the range of motion of the affected joint. Also, in patients receiving this medicine, the content of serum glycoproteins of seromucoids and globulin, fibrinogen, the number of leukocytes and C-reactive protein in synovial fluid.

At the end of a six-month course of treatment, the level of hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid doubles. Anti-inflammatory effect observed after a week of treatment.

Indications for use: why Alflutop injections?

Alflutop medication injections are prescribed for degenerative rheumatic joint diseases (indications for use: , arthrosis of small joints , gonarthrosis , coxarthrosis ), ossification disorders (chondral and endochondral), traumatic dystoses , periodontal disease (the drug is used as an addition to the main therapy).


Contraindications are pregnancy, lactation, children and adolescence, allergy on the components contained in the drug.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug are manifested in the form:

  • weak and short-term myalgia;
  • itching dermatitis, burning sensation, redness at the injection site;
  • short-term amplification joint pain after injection of the solution into the joint.

AT rare cases possible hypersensitivity reactions.

Instructions for use Alflutop

Alflutop injections: instructions for use

The Sports Wiki (Wikipedia of scientific bodybuilding) indicates that Alflutop is intended for intramuscular, paravertebral, periarticular, intraarticular administration, as well as for administration into pain points(at fibromyalgia ).

At polyosteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis the course of treatment is designed for 20 days. The content of the ampoule (1 ml) is injected deep into the muscle once a day.

If a pathological process has spread to large joints, injections should be made into each affected joint. single dose 1-2 ml. The course of treatment includes 5-6 intra-articular injections, which are performed once every 3-4 days.

After the last dose is injected into the joint, Alflutop continues to be administered intramuscularly for another 20 days. Six months later, the course should be repeated.

At sequestered hernia of the spine Alflutop is prescribed as an addition to the main treatment: application chondroprotectors with this pathology, it helps to prevent further degenerative changes in discs .

Medical therapy hernia sequestration carried out using:

  • NSAIDs;
  • diuretics (these funds are prescribed in a short course to eliminate excess fluid and reduce pressure on the spinal column);
  • analgesics (in some cases it is advisable to do novocaine blockade);
  • b vitamins ;
  • muscle relaxants ;
  • drugs that improve blood supply and nutrition of tissues near the focus of inflammation;
  • anticonvulsants .

Currently, Aflutop is often prescribed for the treatment of complicated Withequestration of nucleus pulposus of hernias . The effect of its use is noticeable within a week after the start of the course. Contained in solution natural substances activate the synthesis of cartilage tissue and have positive influence for bone uniformity.

As a result, in a patient with sequestered hernia the intensity of pain decreases, the focus of inflammation is stopped and the mobility of the vertebrae increases.

If after 2-3 weeks of treatment there is no positive dynamics, a decision is made on the need for a planned operation.

How to inject the drug into the joint?

After puncturing the joint bag, make sure that the syringe needle is positioned correctly. This requires an attempt to aspirate the synovial fluid.

However, in most cases this is quite problematic, since the fluid filling the joint cavity due to its high viscosity can block the tip of the needle with dense particles.

In such a situation, it is possible to judge the correct location of the needle in the joint cavity only by the relative painlessness and ease of administration of the drug.

If fluid aspiration is difficult, do not rotate the needle of the syringe, as this may injure the articular capsule, intra-articular ligaments, cartilage, or synovial membrane. As a result, it may develop hemarthrosis .

In cases where the evacuation of synovial fluid does not cause difficulties, it should be removed (as much as possible). This reduces the pressure in the joint cavity, reduces pain (including those caused by the introduction of an additional volume of injection solution) and facilitates the injection.

With the synovial fluid, in addition, the aggressive substances contained in it (in particular, proteases) are removed, the concentration of the active substance of the drug in the joint increases and its leakage through the lymphatic tract slows down.

The medicine must be administered slowly, without applying excessive force.

If the tip of the needle does not rest against dense fabrics inside the joint, the injection is usually painless or painless. Too much resistance during insertion and / or intense pain may indicate that the needle has not entered the joint cavity. In this case, it should be pulled a little towards you or, conversely, moved a little deeper.

Other release forms

On sale you can find ointment Alflutop. The manufacturer does not release the drug in tablets.

Tablets are considered less effective when compared with an injection solution.

This is due to the fact that at oral intake the active substances of the drug cannot enter the pathological focus unchanged and in the necessary to achieve therapeutic effect concentration, since they undergo biotransformation already when passing through the alimentary canal.

As for the ointment, it is a remedy external therapy and applied topically. Apply it to the site of the projection of pain 2 or 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to three months.


Predisposed patients with overdose may develop hypersensitivity reactions, sometimes severe.

In such situations, the drug is canceled. Further medical measures- symptomatic.


Medicinal and other types of interactions of Alflutop have not been established to date.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

Best before date

Three years.

special instructions

The risk of developing hypersensitivity reactions increases with intolerance to seafood.

Analogues of Alflutop: what can replace the drug?

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Analogues of Alflutop in injections:, , , , , Don .

The price of Alflutop analogues is from 695 rubles.

Similar preparations produced in the form of tablets: , , Piascledin , , Chondroflex , , Rumalaya , Wantun ARTI , Tazan .

Alflutop or Hondrolon - which is better?

Chondrolon is a drug based on chondroitin sulfate (A and C) sodium salts which are obtained from the cartilage of cattle. The drug is used to treat degenerative diseases of the spine and joints (intervertebral osteochondrosis , primary arthrosis etc.).

If we compare it with Alflutop, then these are completely different drugs in terms of the nature of the effect. That's why Chondrolon is not considered as a substitute for Alflutop.

According to existing classification, Chondrolon belong to the group chondroprotectors 2nd generation. Some scientists tend to believe that their effectiveness is higher than that of the 1st generation drugs (which include Alflutop). If the effect of the use of the latter, in their opinion, is comparable to the placebo effect, then newer drugs already give a clinically proven result.

Which is better - Dona or Alflutop?

The drug (and its analogues) is a corrector of the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue. Unlike Alflutop and Chondrolon in preparation Don glucosamine is used as an active substance.

Like chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, having a tropism for cartilage and a complex mechanism of action, inhibits the destruction of cartilage tissue and stimulates its synthesis.

Both of these substances are natural components of cartilage. The first is an integral part of the proteoglycan chondroitin sulfate molecule and is a high molecular weight polysaccharide from the group of proteoglycans. The second is necessary for the synthesis of proteoglycans.

Both glucosamine and chondroitin (in the form of sulfate) have their own analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which are realized not by suppressing Pg synthesis, but by inhibiting the activity of lysosomal enzymes and superoxide radicals.

Both of these substances have a positive effect on cartilage due to the ability to suppress catabolic and stimulate anabolic processes in it. However, to finally assess the degree of their influence on the course osteoarthritis extremely difficult.

The disadvantage of Don's drug can be considered that it is available in tablet form. That is, there are doubts that its active substance reaches the lesion in the required concentration. It is difficult to judge the effectiveness of Alflutop due to the fact that the composition of the marine fish extract contained in it is unknown in quantitative terms.

Which is better - Alflutop or Chondrogard?

Chondrogard is a generic Chondrolon . active substance of this drug is chondroitin sulfate sodium. It is rather difficult to compare it with Alflutop, since it is impossible to say exactly what the concentration is in the latter. chondroitin .

For kids

To date, there is no evidence base that would confirm the safety and efficacy of Alflutop in pediatric practice, and therefore the drug is not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

Alcohol compatibility

The action of the drug is designed for damaged cartilage and bone tissue. An injection is made directly into the diseased joint. Penetrating into the affected tissues, the active substance inhibits the destruction of the joint and stimulates the formation of healthy cartilage tissue.

To articular cartilage functioned normally, it should absorb fluid into the joint cavity and then give it away under load. The process of destruction of cartilage tissue is associated with a lack of water. As a result, the cartilage loses its ability to recover.

One of the properties of alcohol is its ability to remove water from the body, which can negate the effectiveness of the drug.

However, in the manufacturer's instructions there is no categorical ban on the use of alcohol during the period of treatment with Alflutop.

During pregnancy

It is contraindicated to use the medicine during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Reviews about Alflutop

Reviews of doctors about Alflutop, as well as reviews of patients on the forums, are often contradictory. Someone questions the effectiveness of the drug, someone, on the contrary, considers it a very effective tool.

As disadvantages, patients note mainly high cost medicinal mixture and sometimes not immediately noticeable result from its use.

Reviews of experts allow us to draw the following conclusion: the effectiveness of the drug directly depends on how timely treatment was started, and what drugs were prescribed to the patient in addition to Alflutop.

To date, it has been proven that within 3 years, patients who received injections for the joints did not show radiographic progression. osteoarthritis and the effect was maintained for several months.

Other studies conducted in a group of nearly 4,000 patients with osteoarthritis hip and knee joints showed that the use of chondroitin does not allow to achieve clinically significant effect. In patients who took chondroitin, in comparison with patients who received placebo, there was no decrease in joint pain, as well as slowing down the narrowing of the joint space.

However, since many people believe that chondroprotectors they are helped, and in view of the absence of adverse events associated with their use, physicians see no harm in continuing treatment as long as it seems to be beneficial to the patient.

Because chondroprotectors Rather, they inhibit the destruction of cartilage, and do not restore it, it is advisable to prescribe these drugs not during an exacerbation of the disease, but in preventive purposes(for example, to prevent the development degenerative changes that occur when spinal hernia ).

Alflutop price

Alflutop price in Ukraine

You can buy injections for joints in Kyiv for an average of 470 UAH (the price is for 10 ampoules). The cost of 1 ampoule of medicine is 45-46 UAH. The price of Alflutop ampoules in Kharkov or Odessa practically does not differ from the price of the drug in the capital's pharmacies.

Alflutop tablets are not produced by the manufacturer.

How much does Alflutop cost in Russian pharmacies?

You can buy Alflutop in Moscow for 1770-2300 rubles. The cost of ampoules in Yekaterinburg, in Krasnodar, in Novosibirsk is from 2000 to 2650 rubles.

The most affordable prices, according to buyers, are in the Ozerki pharmacy chain in St. Petersburg.

The cost of the drug in Minsk

In Minsk, Alflutop can be purchased for 503.5-633 thousand rubles.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies of Ukraine Ukraine
  • Internet pharmacies of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Alflutop injection 10 mg/ml 1 ml 10 pcs. Zentiva [Zentiva]

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    Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College majoring in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

    Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

    NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before medicine use Alflutop surely consult with the attending physician.

    Inna Markina | 10:23 | 27.06.2018

    Are you sure you only had a five-day course? My doctor prescribed them for me too. lumbar osteochondrosis, but the course was 20 days and I had two such courses during the year. The effectiveness of course is very high, I forgot about back pain.

    Eldar | 14:09 | 12.02.2018

    Well, pierce the course of Alflutop again, even though I don’t limp now, I injured my knee in my youth, now I’m constantly toiling, it’s good at least there are such drugs. Otherwise, he would probably not part with a wand, or what good would he move in a wheelchair.

    Tata | 13:46 | 01.02.2018

    Yesterday I made my second injection. So far, it feels like nothing. Slightly painful, but tolerable. I'll poke further, I really hope that it helps.

    Arthur | 8:35 | 30.01.2018

    Andrei, at least read what it is, and then write. This should not be drunk, but taken intramuscularly or intraarticularly, by injection. By simple injections. What we have in the joints really looks like jelly, which is formed from fish and other things. But I do not care for anyone to make up for the deficiency of chondroitin by eating fish. Can you imagine how much you need to eat it in order to make up for the deficiency of chondroitin in the joints? Never eat that much, and nothing will help except an injection if the joint already hurts.

    Natalya | 15:12 | 28.01.2018

    Tata, yes no from him severe pain. Read less. If they inject intramuscularly, then the pain is quite a bit, and then it burns a little at the injection site, but not for long. Against the background of the restoration of full mobility of the joints, this is all baby talk. Alflutop works great in this regard.

    Tata | 14:34 | 28.01.2018

    I was just prescribed it, I have not yet gone for injections, I am afraid to shiver. I read the information that it hurts and that it is not always effective. In general, the other day to the doctor, and I have already changed my mind three hundred times.

    Natalya | 12:50 | 26.01.2018

    Andrei, you roughly estimated how much jelly you need to eat to replace 20 injections this drug?? You won't get that much from food in your life. This is not the first time that Alflutop has helped me personally. And do not care about the price, health is more expensive

    Slesarev | 19:17 | 20.12.2017

    I didn’t think that this would happen to me, once upon a time there was a hand injury, and now here is arthrosis elbow joint. The hand ached, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little weaker, it’s good that at least there are such chondroprotectors, they pricked Alflutop for 20 days, five days later the pain was gone. Now I feel an absolutely healthy hand, I hope for a long time.

    Vladislav | 20:39 | 13.12.2017

    They successfully treated my osteochondrosis with alflutop, recently my neck got sick again, they prescribed it intramuscularly again, to my surprise, the drug became cheaper and much more, they pierced full course, the neck is like new again, I turn my head, nothing hurts.

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