Propolis extract water. To make alcohol, you need to use

Medications based on the life product of bees - propolis can be prepared at home and they will be even more effective than analogues purchased in a pharmacy environment.

Traditional medicine experts recommend tinctures, extracts, water of various percentage concentrations for the treatment. It can be 5, 10, 20 or even 50%. For various diseases, agents of acceptable concentration, infused with water, alcohol and oil, are used.

Homemade alcohol tincture recipe

To prepare the right irreplaceable medicine from the product of the vital activity of bees and at the same time not lose a single gram of medicinal properties, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Which ones we will now open the secret.

Required ingredients for cooking:

  • propolis - 80 gr;
  • 300 milliliters of alcohol 70% (medical only);
  • container (brown glass).

Cooking process:

Properly prepared tincture must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees. It is allowed to use the tincture for several years, since the substance does not lose its irreplaceable medicinal components.

Unique recipe: instant tincture

There are situations when alcohol tincture is urgently needed, the patient is simply not able to wait a few weeks until the infusion process passes. Then a quick and very simple recipe comes to the rescue.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • - 10 grams;
  • alcohol medical 70% - 90 grams.

Cool bee glue and grate on a fine grater or finely crumble. In a water bath, heat the alcohol to a temperature of no more than 50 degrees, pour in the beekeeping product. The mixture must be stirred continuously. Keep in the bath until the final dissolution of propolis. Important: the mixture should not boil!

When the propolis dissolves, remove the mixture from the bath, close the lid and cool. Filter the substance and pour into a dark glass container. Store the substance in a cool place, you can use it for one to two years.

Propolis tincture with Kalanchoe juice, aloe and honey

To prepare a unique tincture you will need:

  • prepared propolis 10% alcohol tincture - 10 milliliters;
  • May honey - 80 grams;
  • Kalanchoe juice - 15 milliliters;
  • aloe juice - 15 milliliters.

In the bath 10% (according to the previous recipe). After that, all components (except aloe juice) are taken in the indicated quantities and again heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. The heating temperature should not exceed 45 degrees. 15 milliliters of aloe juice is added to the resulting mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed. Pour the resulting tincture into a glass container and close with a tight lid. Store the finished substance in the refrigerator.

Liquid infusion prepared according to this recipe is a highly effective remedy. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, upper and lower respiratory tract, skin diseases, and even for inhalation.

Unique propolis milk

Specialists of traditional medicine and populists quite often recommend propolis milk to babies, women in position, people of senile age and those who reveal a desire to take a course of disease prevention.

The tool has the ability to increase protective functions in the body, increases resistance to infections, promotes the formation of specific antibodies in the body. A special effect of propolis milk is noted by patients when used to treat bronchial asthma, chronic and acute bronchitis, and purulent wounds.

Cooking process: boil 1 liter of milk, add 100 grams of mashed propolis. Stirring constantly, simmer the mixture on fire for about ten minutes. After - the hot mixture is filtered and poured into a dry glass container.

When the product cools down, a small layer of wax will appear on its surface. It must be carefully removed. Propolis milk is ready to drink. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to three days.

propolis extract aqueous

Currently, the most popular in the treatment of almost all diseases is propolis extract prepared in water. Such a remedy is allowed to be used by people of all ages - from infants to the elderly and even pregnant women.

The recipe is very simple: grind pre-chilled propolis (50 grams) thoroughly. Put a mixture of propolis and 100 milliliters of distilled water in a water bath. It is necessary to simmer until the propolis is completely dissolved (about 1 hour). Cool the product and filter after a few hours to remove the precipitate. Store in a tightly closed container in a cool place for 7-10 days. It is necessary to use correctly only in diluted form (with warm water or milk). Half an hour before a meal or two hours after a meal.

Another recipe: take one liter of distilled water (you can also boil it), add 10 milliliters of the finished tincture. Mix everything thoroughly. The solution is ready for use.

Propolis tincture on vodka

If medical alcohol is not available, then the tincture can also be prepared with vodka. However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of such a tool will be much less. It is in alcohol that propolis bestows all valuable and irreplaceable components, while vodka has a much lower degree of elongation.

Recipe: 200 grams, pre-chilled and grated on a fine grater, pour the substance into half a liter of vodka. Shake the mixture well and put in a warm and dark place for three weeks. Shake the contents of the container 2-3 times daily so that the tincture absorbs as many useful substances as possible.

After three weeks, the tincture is ready for use. Important: do not strain the tincture, as it continues further. It is recommended to store the tincture in a dark and cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Unique recipe for propolis tincture

This recipe has been used for decades. Recipe for 10% alcohol tincture: you need to take 9 milliliters of medical alcohol 96% and 15 grams of bee glue. Put propolis in three layers of gauze, dip in alcohol and leave to infuse. After 5-7 days of aging, only pollen and wax remain on the gauze. Squeeze out the gauze, and strain the resulting solution and still stand for a day. After, filter the liquid and add alcohol to get the initial volume.

The tincture prepared in this way is used externally in a diluted form for lotions and rinsing.

To prepare a remedy you will need:

  • oil base - 100 grams (olive, vaseline, corn or sunflower);
  • propolis - the amount of this substance depends on the percentage concentration of the finished infusion (10% - 10 g; 15% - 15 g; 20% - 20 g).

Finely chop the bee glue or grate it. The oil must be heated in a water bath until it begins to boil, pour in the prepared waste product of the bees. Means, with continuous stirring, simmer in the bath for at least half an hour. After - remove from the fire. Cool the resulting mixture at room temperature and strain. Pour the resulting liquid extract into a dark glass container, cork with a lid. You can store the resulting product for several years, only in the refrigerator.

The course of treatment with any of the prepared preparations averages from several weeks to a month. More detailed information can be obtained from a specialist.

Propolis is the juice of plants fermented with pollen by bees. It is viscous and plastic, used by bees to maintain the sterility of the hive.

Its properties have long been known, so various preparations are made from propolis and used as a natural antibiotic.

Propolis destroys bacteria, tubercle bacillus, fungus (including Candida), weakens influenza, herpes viruses, etc.

It anesthetizes and heals wounds, relieves vasospasm and improves immunity.

“Bee glue”, as propolis is sometimes called, is also unique in that it can retain its qualities even if you heat or boil it.

The most common preparation of propolis is its tincture. It is freely sold in a pharmacy and prepared at home without any problems (in the presence of propolis). It is usually transparent, with a color varying from yellowish to dark brown. The smell of the tincture is very pleasant, but the taste is bitter. At the same time, trying it on the tongue, you will notice its slight numbness due to the anesthetic properties of the drug.

The tincture has proven itself in case of skin and mucous membrane injuries, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis (ear diseases), sinusitis and sinusitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, pneumonia and influenza, diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, nephritis, prostatitis) and fungal infections (in including thrush), varicose veins, joint diseases and atherosclerosis, colitis, gastritis, flatulence, insomnia and headaches.

But it will be best if the dosage of propolis and the duration of the course of treatment are selected by the doctor.

Pharmacy tincture of propolis is available in glass bottles and has adaptogenic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

The tincture is shown to almost all people. The only exceptions are those who are allergic (to bee products), small children (under 3 years old) and pregnant (nursing mothers).

However, pregnancy is not a reason to stop using propolis. It's just that no one has studied its effect on the fetus, and therefore pharmacists recommend using the tincture during pregnancy with caution.

In principle, children from 4 years old and adolescents can use tincture, but carefully (so as not to provoke an allergic reaction) and in low doses.

Overdoses of the drug have never been registered. Of the side effects, doctors call only allergic manifestations (in cases of its presence) and a slight burning sensation at the site of application of the tincture.

propolis tincture

Pharmacy tincture is stored, maybe for 3 years at a temperature of 15-25 ° without access to light.

The instructions detail how to take propolis tincture. It is recommended to use it as an external agent, local or inhalation, depending on the problem being solved. Sometimes propolis tincture is taken internally.

Very often it is found in recipes of both traditional and traditional medicine. We have listed the best of them here.

With acute respiratory infections (colds) and SARS (flu):

  • 25-30 drops of 10% tincture added to tea in the morning

With tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis:

  • lubricate the tonsils 2 times a day. Course: 1-2 weeks.
  • make inhalations with propolis tincture (its solution with water 1:20). They are carried out 1-2 times a day. The course is 1-1.5 weeks.
  • for rinsing, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile or sage: 1 teaspoon. pour a spoonful of herbs or a mixture of herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, soak for 30 minutes. In ½ cup of infusion, add 10% propolis tincture - 30 drops. Gargle with the resulting composition of the throat 3-4 times a day.

With bronchitis:

  • inhalations (identical to those used for angina)

With a cold:

  • mix 1 tsp. vegetable oil and honey. Add 1 tbsp. 20% propolis tincture. Apply the resulting composition to a strip of bandage and put on the nose, or lubricate it (outside!).

With otitis:

  • the ear is cleaned of pus and a swab moistened with tincture (10%) is inserted into it for about 2 minutes. 2-3 p. per day or instilled (1-2 drops) 3-4 p. in a day

For periodontitis:

  • tincture (10%) is injected into periodontal pockets for about 5 minutes. (after curettage).

In case of damage to the oral mucosa and stomatitis:

  • 10% tincture, diluted with water (15 ml per 0.5 tablespoon of warm water), rinse your mouth up to 5 times a day. Course: 3-4 days.

For erosion:

  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to lay a swab dipped in 3% propolis tincture into the vagina. Course: 7-14 days

For back pain:

  • use the tincture as a rub

For skin damage:

  • the site of damage is treated with a tincture soaked (10%) and slightly wrung out with a swab up to 3 times a day.

For problematic facial skin (acne, rash, etc.):

  • A couple of drops should be added to the usual cream and the skin will shine with health.

For herpes:

  • 10% tincture during the day lubricates the damaged area.

For nail fungus:

  • moisten a cotton swab in 20% tincture and press it against the nails. Keep until dry. To do every day, until the complete change of nails.

With stomach ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis:

  • 25 drops of 10% tincture are added to ½ cup of milk. Drink the composition 2 times a day before meals
  • 25 drops of 10% tincture are added to tea 2 times a day. Course: 7 days. Then they arrange a break (7 days) and again drink a weekly course.

For nausea during poisoning:

  • 25 drops of 10% tincture are added to 1/2 tbsp. warm water. It will help to hold out until the arrival of the doctor.

During the menopause:

  • 25 drops of 10% tincture washed down with water 2 times a day

For hypertension:

  • 25 drops of 20% tincture should be taken 1 hour before meals 3 r. in a day. Course: 1 month. Then they take a break for 2 weeks and drink the course again

For oncology:

  • 30 drops 20% tincture should be taken 3 times a day before meals. Course: 3 months.

To strengthen the immune system:

  • a course for 2 months begins with the 1st drop, adding another one daily, and thus bringing up to 30 drops. After that, the 1st drop is reduced daily until the count approaches zero. Wash down with water (in a small amount).

Home tincture. Propolis tincture does not have to be bought at a pharmacy. You can cook it yourself. We will give you some tips on how to do this.

Propolis tincture on alcohol

Let's start with the preparatory stage
Carefully select propolis (the softest pieces), grind, which is quite difficult to do. It will simplify the task of cooling for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!). Becoming brittle, propolis will be chopped more finely (rubbed, succumbed to the blender). So alcohol will receive the greatest amount of useful substances.
Alcohol. It should be drinking (medical), 96% (but more often it is recommended to take 70%), of good quality.
Calculation of proportions. Based on what percentage of the strength of the tincture you want to get in the end (5%, 10%, 20% or 30%), you need to calculate the amount of dry propolis and alcohol. This is very easy to do:

  • for 5% tincture: alcohol - 95 grams, propolis - 5 grams
  • for 10% tincture: alcohol - 90 grams, propolis - 10 grams
  • for 20% tincture: alcohol - 80 grams, propolis - 20 grams
  • for 30% tincture: alcohol - 70 grams, propolis - 30 grams

This principle remains even when the basis of your tincture is not alcohol, but vodka, cognac, rum, moonshine.
Container for infusion. The bottle is perfect. It must be clean, dry and dark, i.e. be made of green or brown glass. In the light, the active substances of propolis "die" so to speak.
Cooking process. Pour the crushed particles of propolis into a bottle, fill it with alcohol, seal it well and send it for 10 days to a place deprived of light. Every day, 3 times a day, the tincture must be taken out and shaken.

After the set time has elapsed, the resulting product must be filtered and sealed in an opaque container.
Homemade tincture is not inferior in taste or properties to industrially prepared tincture. It is stored, like a pharmacy, for 3 years in complete darkness.

Propolis tincture on vodka

The principle of its preparation is similar to an alcohol-based tincture. However, sometimes the proportions still change. So, 50 - 200 gr. crushed propolis is dissolved in 0.5 l. vodka. The composition is kept for 21 days in the dark, shaking every day.

It is believed that vodka is not as effective in extracting nutrients from propolis as alcohol. Therefore, in order to make the propolis tincture on vodka effective, it is advised to take a double portion (or even more) of propolis for it.
The most commonly used proportion is 100 grams of propolis per 500 ml of vodka. By the way, it is better to store vodka tincture not for 3 years, but only 1.

Water tincture of propolis

It is used in case of an acute ban on alcohol. This tincture is recommended to be used for stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach. The downside of the tincture is its "fragility" - it is stored for no more than 10 days (better - a week).
Water for the recipe should be taken distilled or bottled. But do not try to use tap water from the network.
She prepares like this: Pour finely ground propolis with water and place in a water bath for 1 hour. All this time, stir the mixture with a spoon made of glass or wood (but not metal!). In this case, it is necessary to prevent boiling, maintaining the temperature at about 80ºС. After an hour, the mixture is passed through the filter and cooled.

Oil tincture of propolis

Cooking method number 1

We will need sea buckthorn oil and propolis (alcohol tincture) in equal volumes, say, 100 ml each. It is necessary to mix both components and keep them in a water bath until the alcohol has completely evaporated. The resulting composition is sealed in a bottle of opaque (green, brown) glass and sent to the refrigerator. Before direct use, the required dose is slightly warmed up.

"Soft propolis" is used for stomach cancer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking method number 2

Adhering to the proportions of alcohol tincture, we take 5,10,15,20 or 30 grams of propolis and 95,90,85,80 or 70 grams of butter (unsalted), mix them in a water bath until a single substance is formed. After that, stirring continuously, we stand for another 15 minutes at 80 ° C and remove from the water bath. We pass the composition through a gauze filter and stir until it is completely cooled. Sometimes, honey is added to such oil to make it tastier.
The composition is used for tuberculosis, lung diseases, burns, ulcers (for lubrication or rubbing, applying under bandages).

Thus, we can say that propolis, getting into any medium - alcohol water or oil, turns it into a valuable drug that should not be forgotten. No one has yet invented better medicines for us than nature has invented.

At honey fairs, beekeepers sell a lot of medicinal products, among which you can always find propolis - a resinous sticky substance of brown, dark brown, dark green color, solid in consistency, with a specific magical smell of wax, resin, needles, vanilla, honey.

Propolis is bitter in taste, and depending on the source of the collected substances, it has a certain smell.The only creator of propolis are the field workers - bees. All day long they collect and process sticky resin extracted from the bark of birch, alder, poplar and plant pollen.

The value of the biological components of propolis is enormous. No wonder its use has been known since ancient times, when our ancestors did not know what pharmacies, antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and even doctors are. Currently, propolis is undeservedly forgotten, starting treatment with strong chemicals of modern pharmacology.

Traditional medicine in its God's first aid kit keeps many interesting recipes for propolis for coughs, colds, diseases of the nasopharynx and many other ailments. If a person is not allergic to propolis, then the remedy can be used even in childhood.

Any biologist will tell you that it is simply impossible to accurately identify the composition of propolis. It is so diverse that scientists are still discovering new components of this wonderful resin. Somewhere even propolis can be compared with a mummy. Both of these products have a large list of useful substances and medicinal properties that can be listed for a long time.

The composition of propolis changes under the influence of such factors as:

  • climate;
  • plant variety;
  • bee health;
  • hive condition.

The main components of propolis include the following components: resins, esters of medicinal oils, wax (organic compound) and tannins. The main active substance of propolis is resins, they occupy about 50% of the total composition, and sometimes more.

A smaller proportion in propolis falls on all kinds of alcohols, proteins, trace elements, organic acids, vitamins, flavonoids. All these substances are in a harmonious combination, showing unique healing properties. Especially popular is this composition of propolis for cough, which is a consequence of various bronchopulmonary infections.

Throughout the long-term use of propolis, it has been proven that it is a natural antibiotic and exhibits the following medicinal properties:

Thanks to all these properties, propolis is used not only for respiratory infections, but also for many other diseases, such as: sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, stomach ulcers, beriberi, diseases of the oral cavity, skin lesions and many others.

Unlike antibiotics, propolis does not cause resistance of pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it can be used for a long time without causing dysbacteriosis and candidiasis of the mucous membranes.

Despite the versatility of bee products, the use of propolis should be avoided or used with caution in such cases:

  • a tendency to severe allergic reactions (hay fever, urticaria, eczema, a history of Quincke's edema);
  • diathesis in children;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypertension 2 and 3 degrees;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas (tincture is not taken orally);
  • intolerance to bee products.

It should be noted that the greatest danger is the internal use of tincture, external rubbing or rinsing very rarely causes adverse reactions.

To start using propolis to treat children, each parent must remember two rules. The first is that propolis procedures can be performed from the age of three (this is what apitherapists advise), and the second is a mandatory test for propolis tincture.

The test is carried out on the back of the wrist. A solution of propolis, which is prepared for rinsing or other applications, is applied to the skin in a small amount, just a few drops. After 5-10 minutes, the condition of the skin is assessed. If there is no burning sensation, redness, itching or other unpleasant symptoms, feel free to use the remedy in the recommended doses for a child.

In pediatric practice, propolis more often used for viral infections, bronchitis, lung diseases, tuberculosis (positive Mantoux test) and tuberculosis. Hence, the question arises among parents: “How to be treated with propolis for coughing?”, After all, all of the listed diseases, as a rule, are accompanied by this symptom.

It is very important to observe children's dosages of propolis tincture, for example, it is clearly necessary to know how to drink a cough solution or gargle correctly.

Important! Therapeutic tincture of propolis (20%) for children is diluted as follows: 1 drop per year of a child's life + 100 ml of boiled water. If the child has good tolerability of the remedy, then the amount of water can be reduced to 50 ml. In any case, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Therapeutic therapy usually lasts at least 10 days. Always ask your doctor for a detailed scheme for the use of propolis.

The most popular is propolis on alcohol, which is used not only for coughs and sore throats, but for almost all bacterial infections, regardless of their location.

Traditional medicine has different recipes based on propolis, let's get acquainted with the most effective and proven ones.

It will take at least 14 days to prepare propolis tincture at home, although there are faster recipes that do not require such a long exposure. But still, it is better to stock up on this useful thing in advance so that during the period of cold weather and epidemics, cough, sore throat and other infections do not take you by surprise.

In extreme cases, you can use the pharmacy tincture, which is always on sale, and has a symbolic price.

But, as experience shows, people prefer to make tinctures on their own or purchase them from beekeepers.

For the treatment of respiratory diseases, 5, 10 or 20% propolis tincture is usually used.

Important! To obtain the desired concentration, follow this dilution:

  • 5% tincture - 5 grams of propolis per 95 ml of alcohol;
  • 10% tincture - 10 grams of propolis per 90 ml of alcohol;
  • 20% tincture - 20 grams of propolis per 80 ml of alcohol.

Nothing complicated, everything is simple. The main thing - propolis and alcohol must be of good quality.

Propolis tincture (10%) instant

the main task- dissolve crushed propolis in heated alcohol up to 50 degrees. For 10 grams of propolis take 90 ml of medical alcohol (70%). It is imperative to stir this composition so that all the particles of propolis are well dissolved. The mixture should not boil!

When the mixture becomes homogeneous and cools, the filtration step begins. This can be done with ordinary gauze folded in several layers. Pour the finished tincture into prepared dark glass bottles, and tighten the corks well.

The tincture is stored for up to two years in a cool and dark place.

Classical 10% propolis tincture

This recipe is easy and quick to prepare. Pieces of crushed propolis are placed in a bottle with alcohol or vodka, and left to infuse for 14 days. That's the whole secret. For 10 grams of propolis, as in the previous recipe, 90 ml of alcohol (alcohol or vodka) is taken. Moonshine is not recommended.

The doctor about the correct tincture with propolis on alcohol

Without exception, all bronchopulmonary ailments develop against a background of weakened immunity, so propolis tincture will help not only cough, but also force the body to concentrate all its efforts on fighting the disease.

Half an hour before meals, preferably in the morning, drink the following solution: 100 ml of boiled water + 15 drops of 20% propolis tincture. For children, depending on age and tolerance, 5 or 10% tincture is recommended. The course of treatment is at least 14 days. Then the same break, and again taking 14 days.

Propolis tincture with honey, aloe and Kalanchoe

To prepare the tincture we need:

  • propolis tincture 10% - 7 ml;
  • honey - 80 grams (preferably lime);
  • aloe juice - 10 ml;
  • Kalanchoe juice - 10 ml.

Tincture and honey should be simmered in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. The languishing time is approximately 20 minutes. Add aloe or Kalanchoe juice to the cooled mixture, mix all the components thoroughly. The resulting drug is placed in a dark glass dish and stored in the refrigerator.

Take a teaspoon twice a day. The proposed recipe is effective for stomatitis, sore throat, cough, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi.

How to make propolis tincture - homemade recipe

Ointment is a milder remedy than tincture, because. butter is included in its composition. It perfectly treats a sore throat, eliminates cough, makes breathing easier, and is also used in dermatology, traumatology and gastroenterology.

In some pharmacies, often traditional medicine, propolis ointment can be purchased ready-made. Only instead of butter, pharmacists use lanolin or another thickener.

How to prepare propolis ointment yourself?

Pre-freeze 10 grams of propolis in the freezer. When propolis resembles an ice cube, quickly grate it and pour it into melted butter (100 grams).

Then everything is simple, we simmer the mixture for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. During cooking, foam appears, it should be constantly removed. Strain the resulting composition and squeeze. The ointment is ready. We store no more than 6 months in the refrigerator. It is recommended to harvest in August-September.

The finished ointment (mixture) is taken in a teaspoon three times a day. For children under 12 years of age, a single dose of the mixture will be enough, preferably at bedtime. For better tolerance of the drug, the joint intake of propolis with milk or tea is welcome. It is also good to simply dissolve the propolis mixture in milk and give it to the patient to drink.

Such treatment will quickly relieve cough, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Of course, if necessary, antibacterial agents should be used in combination with propolis.

A good effect is given by joint rubbing from ointment and tincture propolis. A teaspoon of the mixture (ointment) is mixed with 10 ml of 10 or 20% tincture. The resulting slurry is rubbed on the chest and back, the zone in the region of the heart is skipped.

For the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, tampons well soaked in propolis ointment are used. They are placed alternately in each nostril for 5-7 minutes twice a day. This procedure effectively removes thick mucus and pus from the nasal passages, the paranasal sinuses are cleared.

Milk with propolis for cough

This combination of two useful substances gives a pronounced therapeutic effect. Milk has a softening and neutralizing effect, and propolis actively kills bacteria. Even allergy sufferers, the proposed composition is more than well tolerated.

Add 10 drops of tincture to warm boiled milk, quickly mix the ingredients, and drink. Honey is added to improve the taste.

To improve the process of expectoration and get rid of obsessive sputum, a pinch of soda, butter on the tip of a knife and 5 ml of sage infusion are placed in propolis milk.

This combination will quickly get rid of cough and relieve inflammation along the entire tracheobronchial tree.

Inhalations can be performed using a nebulizer or in the usual old way:
solution, a saucepan, a terry towel and a chair on which we sit.

The mixture for inhalation has the following composition: 5% propolis tincture is diluted with distilled or boiled water 1:1. The procedure is performed twice a day for 7 minutes. When the condition improves, one inhalation per day is enough. Then the regimen of procedures is gradually reduced to nothing, performing inhalations every other day. Propolis inhalations help cure tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis and bronchitis.


In most cases, propolis brings healing without causing side effects to patients. The main thing is the observance of adequate dosages and the correct mode of application of the drug. If unexpected symptoms appear, propolis treatment should be discontinued. Be healthy!

Propolis cough - reviews


My story is sad and happy. He was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy. Therapy with five antibiotics was prescribed simultaneously. The treatment was very difficult to tolerate, new problems appeared: tachycardia, drug-induced hepatitis, colitis. Lost 10 kilos of weight.

I could not stand the therapy, I was removed one antibiotic 3 months after the start of treatment. The general condition did not improve, but the X-ray showed positive dynamics. Blood tests wished for the best, again chemotherapy had an effect.

I went at my own risk and canceled three antibiotics. On the advice of an old phthisiatrician, treatment continued with one antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) and an anti-tuberculosis drug (isoniazid).

In addition to them, he drank 20% propolis tincture for 1.5 months, then a break for 20 days and repeated the treatment again. A teaspoon of tincture was diluted in 100 ml of water. After three months of such treatment, the condition improved significantly, and the radiologist said: “Everything is clear!”, They didn’t even register with the TB dispensary!


I suffer from chronic bronchitis. Treatment, as always, according to the usual scheme: inhalations with cedar oil, antibiotic (macropen), erespal, aevit. The condition always improves, but relapses still happen three times a year. Recently, a slight shortness of breath and an uncontrollable cough began to appear.

I began to take propolis with milk. To be honest, I am a skeptic and did not believe in such a cheap treatment. After a couple of doses of this remedy, the cough ceased to suppress, she began to sleep at night, free breathing appeared.

Now I will start treatment first with propolis, and only then with antibiotics, but I think I won’t need them.

Recipe for sputum medicine based on propolis

Instructions for use Propolis tincture 10% in alcohol, 100 ml

The main ingredient of the tincture is propolis, which is made by bees from the resin of various plants. This substance is dark green in color with a pleasant aroma. It mainly consists of resin, but a large part is occupied by wax and essential oils, only about five percent is spent on pollen and other substances.

Propolis tincture is a transparent liquid of dark brown color, with a specific odor and a bitter taste, when tested on the tongue, it has an anesthetic effect, and precipitation is possible during storage.

The active substance is propolis. 1 bottle contains propolis tinctures in the ratio: 1:10 - 100 ml. biogenic drug.

Compound: propolis, ethanol.


· Antimicrobial;

· Anti-inflammatory;

Normalizes metabolism;

Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration;

· Wound healing;

· Deodorizing;

· Antitoxic;

Stimulates metabolic processes;

Reduces blood clotting;

Removes vascular spasm;

· Antioxidant;

· Increases protective reactions of an organism.

Application in traditional medicine is possible both internally and externally.

For immunity
The mixture is also used to enhance immunity, which is extremely important in winter. For this, especially with weakened immunity, the use of tincture as a treatment is reduced to daily procedures. It should be used strictly on an empty stomach and no later than half an hour before meals, with a concentration of no more than fifteen drops in one glass.

For hair
The use of propolis tincture on alcohol can also be used to improve hair growth. The recipe is very simple, but you should make sure that the person is not allergic to propolis, especially when applying it to the hair. Before applying to the hair, the mixture must be diluted with water, but preferably with oil.

This is done because of the alcohol's tendency to dry out the skin. Before and after applying the resulting substance, the hair should be thoroughly washed.

In case of hair loss, it is recommended to rub the tincture in its pure form into the hair and into the scalp before each shampooing session. If you have intense and increased prolapse, then you can prepare a simple mask: one tablespoon of onion juice, 1/2 teaspoon of garlic juice, one egg yolk, one teaspoon of aloe juice and one teaspoon of propolis tincture. This mask should be left on the hair for an hour, then rinsed off.

If you also have problems with dandruff, propolis tincture can also help. For best results, it is recommended to mix it with burdock hair oil. The recipe is quite simple: 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture.

The following recipe will help strengthen the hair roots and improve your overall hair health: 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves, the same amount of chamomile flowers, calendula, jojoba oil, a little honey and 1/2 spoon of propolis tincture. First you need to insist the herbs in boiling water for half an hour. Strain the resulting broth and add the rest of the ingredients to it. The mask is best used once or twice a week. This mask can make your hair more beautiful and healthy.

For acne
External damage application of propolis tincture not only disinfects, but also accelerates the healing of wounds. Getting rid of acne with propolis tincture is easy. To begin with, it must be diluted with warm water so that the solution turns out to be only thirty percent. It is applied by rubbing on acne up to three times a day.

When using tincture of propolis extract by children, it is extremely important to comply with the norm. With a mild cold, it is worth giving five drops of tincture diluted in a glass of milk.

Treatment with alcohol tincture of propolis
Internal use is appropriate in case of flu, colds and even tuberculosis. Also, the healing properties of propolis are qualitatively manifested in gastric diseases, such as gastritis and ulcers, hypertension, as well as inflammatory processes, coughing. This method of use also needs to dilute the tincture. But instead of water, it is proposed to use milk. For one glass of this drink, twenty to forty drops of propolis tincture should be allocated. The result will be visible after a week of treatment, and you can finish the course after a month.

Diseases of the oral cavity
In case of diseases of the oral cavity, rinsing with an alcoholic tincture of propolis can correct the situation. It is used to eliminate the pain of teeth and gums, the treatment of chronic tonsillitis. This method of application involves the preparation of a three percent solution of tincture with water.

With angina
Angina can be treated by rinsing the same mixture. Recipes are the same as for adults. But in general, according to the instructions, the child should be given five percent less tincture for each year until his twentieth birthday, so as not to harm the immune system.

With gastritis
A solution for the treatment of gastric gastritis is obtained by mixing a tincture of propolis extract with sea buckthorn oil, at a ratio of ten to one. Then it will have to be boiled, filtered, stored in the refrigerator. For use, three dozen drops are diluted in milk and taken orally no more than three times before meals, but no later than an hour before it. If there is no sea buckthorn, then butter will also work for the treatment of gastritis, under exactly the same conditions.

With bronchitis
Bronchitis can be easily cured with a simple tincture of propolis in alcohol with boiled water. 30-40 drops of a ten percent propolis extract are diluted in half a glass of water. It is taken to wash down with antibiotics three times a day. It is recommended to enhance the effect of treatment, rub the back and chest with propolis tincture, put compresses on it there too.

Against cough
A recipe for a mixture of tincture of propolis extract, St. John's wort and honey can certainly eliminate a cough. You will have to drink this when coughing three times in one day, but it will put a maximum of a week on your feet. And if more tinctures of St. John's wort and honey can be added, then there is no need to be zealous with propolis. Ten drops will be just right for one glass to eliminate cough in a few days.

With an ulcer
For the treatment of gastric ulcers, a prescription is used akin to the same mixture as for gastritis. Enough twenty drops of tincture of propolis extract per glass of milk. You need to drink at least three such glasses per day and each of them an hour before meals, otherwise you won’t be able to get rid of the ulcer.

From a cold
With a cold, propolis tincture will help in the form of a solution, when combined with honey or milk. On a tablespoon of any of these products you need from ten to fifteen drops of tincture. But this should be washed down with a glass of milk, but water will do. Repeat three to four times a day without interfering with food.

For the stomach
It is quite natural that the stomach will not happily meet alcoholic products, especially if it hurts. For this, a 10% solution of propolis with oil is used, but only twice: in the evening and in the morning, 6-8 grams each. This continues for about three weeks with severe abdominal pain.

How to drink propolis tincture on alcohol?
If you have previously experienced an allergy to any bee products or plant pollen, it is better to refrain from treatment with propolis. At the first symptoms of allergy, you should immediately stop treatment with propolis and consult a doctor.

For preventive purposes, propolis is best used in courses from 2 weeks to 2 months. Procedures should be interrupted at least two weeks apart.

The treatment course can last from 2 to 14 days, until the signs of the disease disappear completely. However, if the temperature rises or the signs of the disease do not go away, or at least do not decrease on the third day, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The daily use of propolis is not desirable, as this can cause sensitization and the appearance of allergic reactions in the future.

Contraindications: stones in the kidneys; liver disease; pancreatitis; chronic intolerance to propolis.

Storage conditions: At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Best before date: 3 years.

Package: bottle 100 ml

Item release unit: 1 vial 100 ml

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