Pancreatin side effects. Pancreatin-LekT is a quick aid to digestion. Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pancreatin is an extract of the pancreas, which contains enzymes that improve the digestive process. This enzyme medication contains enzymes such as protease, lipase and amylase, which break down proteins, lipids and carbohydrates that make up various products nutrition. Pancreatin is used for various diseases gastrointestinal tract, with serious errors in the diet, as well as before x-rays or ultrasound diagnostics bodies abdominal cavity.

For the first time, pancreatin began to be used from the mid-60s of the last century in the form of a powder, which was made from the pancreas of a pig. After some time, it was proved that when in contact with the acidic environment of the stomach, pancreatin lost its effect. Subsequently, pharmaceutical companies began to produce it in the form of dragees, tablets and capsules, which, passing through the stomach, dissolved in the duodenum.

On the this moment Pancreatin is made from the pancreas of cows or pigs. Pancreatin is a fine-grained powder of slightly yellow or gray color with a very specific odor. It should be noted that this medication is very poorly soluble in water.

Types of medication, commercial names of analogues, release forms

Due to the fact that pancreatin itself in gastric juice rather quickly loses its activity, this enzyme medicine, as a rule, is produced in the form of tablets, which are covered with an enteric coating. Thanks to this shell, pancreatin passes through the stomach and, having penetrated into the duodenum, begins to dissolve under the influence of a more alkaline environment.

Pancreatin has a number of different trade names- Biozim, Vestal, Panzinorm, Pankreazim, Pangrol, Ferestal, Pankrelipase, Enzibene, Evenzim, Biofestal, Ermital and others. These analogs are dosed according to the amount of lipase in them ( an enzyme that breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids).

Pancreatin manufacturing companies

Manufacturing firm Commercial name of the drug Producing country Release form Dosage
Pharmstandard medicines Pancreatin Russian Federation Enteric film coated tablets. Tablets, like capsules, can be taken with or after meals.

The medication should be swallowed without chewing with a glass of water ( 200 - 250 milliliters). The daily and single dosage must be selected based on the degree of pancreatic insufficiency.

Medium daily dosage for adults is 150,000 units. When there is complete insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas ( violation of the production of enzymes involved in digestion) the daily dosage should be increased to 400,000 IU ( this dose corresponds daily requirement the body of an adult in the enzyme lipase).

children older than one and a half years, 100 thousand units are prescribed per day, and younger - 50 thousand units. The course of treatment varies greatly depending on pathology and degree enzyme deficiency pancreas).

Biosynthesis Pancreatin
Aveksima Pancreatin
Pharmproject Pancreatin
Valens Pancreatin
AVBA RUS Pancreatin
Abbot Products Creon Film-coated capsules.
Berlin-Chemie Pangrol
Nordix Arzneimittel Ermital
Rusan Pharma Gastenorm Forte India Enteric-coated tablets.

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of the drug

Pancreatin is an enzyme medication that can compensate for the lack of certain pancreatic enzymes. This enzyme preparation contains a protease ( breaks down proteins into individual amino acids), amylase ( breaks down starch into oligosaccharides) and lipase ( breaks down fats fatty acids and glycerin), which are necessary for the full process of digestion. It should also be noted that pancreatin to some extent improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The enzymes that make up this medication are released only in the alkaline environment of the duodenum due to a special shell ( enteric coating).

Most often, with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is preferable to use pancreatin in tablet form, and in case of violation of enzyme production ( exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) - in microtablet form.

The maximum effect after taking pancreatin is observed, on average, after 30-50 minutes.

For what pathologies is it prescribed?

Pancreatin is prescribed for insufficient exocrine pancreatic function. It can also be prescribed to prepare for the study of organs that are located in the abdominal cavity ( Ultrasound or X-ray examination).

The use of pancreatin

Name of the pathology Mechanism of action Dosage
Diet Violation Contains digestive enzymes. Amylase breaks down starch into smaller chains of carbohydrates ( oligosaccharides), lipase breaks down lipids into glycerol and fatty acids. The protease, in turn, is able to break down proteins into individual amino acids. These enzymes, having penetrated into the duodenum, are able to replace pancreatic enzymes. The medication is taken before meals or before meals. The dosage is selected based on the age or degree of pancreatic enzyme deficiency.

For adults the average daily dosage should not exceed 150,000 IU. The maximum daily dosage is 15,000 - 20,000 IU per kilogram of body weight. With complete enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, up to 400,000 units per day are prescribed.

AT childhood (up to 1.5 years) the daily dosage is 50,000 IU, and over one and a half years and older - 100,000 IU each. The dosage should be adjusted according to the quantity and quality of food ( based on the amount of fat consumed during the day). During resection of the stomach ( surgical removal parts of the stomach) it is recommended to open the capsule with the medicine and drink its contents without chewing. The course of treatment is selected by the attending physician and depends on the pathology.

Chronic pancreatitis
(inflammation of the pancreas)
Pancreas cancer
Acute intestinal infections
irritable bowel syndrome
(chronic abdominal pain, bloating and abdominal discomfort)
Narrowing of the pancreatic duct
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
(pancreatic insufficiency, bone marrow failure, as well as various bone anomalies)
Intestinal form of cystic fibrosis
(secretory insufficiency of the digestive organs)
The same. The dosage should be selected individually.
Combination Therapy
After surgery on the pancreas The same. The dosage is selected in each case separately.
After organ irradiation digestive tract The same.
Preparing for an ultrasound or radiographic examination of the abdominal organs It normalizes digestion and thus facilitates the visualization of the abdominal organs with x-rays or ultrasound.

How to apply the medication?

Capsules or tablets should be taken during or immediately after a meal. The medication should not be chewed. It is necessary to drink pancreatin enough water ( in the amount of 200 - 250 milliliters). This is necessary so that the enzymes that make up the drug are released in the duodenum at the very moment when food enters it.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor based on the age and degree of pancreatic enzyme deficiency. If a person has a complete deficiency in the production of digestive enzymes pancreas, then 400,000 units are prescribed, which fully corresponds to a person's need for an enzyme that breaks down fats ( lipase).

Average daily dosage for an adult is 150,000 units, and the maximum is 15,000 - 20,000 units per kilogram of weight.

For kids up to one and a half years, a dose of 50,000 units is provided, and from one and a half years - 100,000 units each.

At intestinal form cystic fibrosis, a single and daily dosage of the drug should be selected only by the attending physician. The course of treatment can vary greatly depending on the disease ( in case of violation of the diet, the treatment is several days, and in case of complete insufficiency of pancreatic function - months and years).

Possible side effects

When taking pancreatin, any side effects are rarely recorded. These phenomena can only occur when long-term use high doses of medication.

As a result of taking pancreatin, the following side reactions may occur:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the urinary system;
  • allergic manifestations.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Since pancreatin acts directly on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, sometimes nausea, single vomiting, bloating and pain in the upper abdomen.

Urinary system disorders

Quite rarely, from the urinary system, symptoms such as hyperuricuria and hyperuricemia can occur, which are characterized by an increase in the level of uric acid in the urine and blood. These violations are the result increased output uric acid in the body.

Allergic manifestations

Allergic reactions while taking pancreatin are relatively rare. In some cases, allergies may appear as a skin rash. This rash, as a rule, is a small and itchy dots that can appear on various parts of the body. In some cases, urticaria may occur. For this allergic reaction characterized by the appearance of intensely itchy blisters on the skin. The skin rash with urticaria is pale pinkish in color and slightly raised above the level of the skin. It should be noted that these blisters in their appearance resemble the blisters that appear after nettle burns.

Approximate cost of medication

Pancreatin can be bought in various cities of the Russian Federation. Depending on the form of release and dosage, the price may vary slightly.

average price pancreatin

City average cost medication
Enteric coated tablets Enteric coated capsules
Moscow 47 rubles 211 rubles
Kazan 46 rubles 209 rubles
Krasnoyarsk 46 rubles 208 rubles
Samara 45 rubles 206 rubles
Tyumen 48 rubles 211 rubles
Chelyabinsk 50 rubles 213 rubles

Is it possible to drink pancreatin during pregnancy?

The drug pancreatin is prescribed for various digestive disorders associated with insufficient secretory function pancreas. This medication contains enzymes from the pancreas of pigs or large cattle, which, in fact, are identical to the human. Pancreatin contains enzymes such as amylase, lipase and protease. Amylase has the ability to break down ( hydrolyzes) long carbohydrate chains to shorter ones ( oligosaccharides), protease hydrolyzes proteins to individual amino acids, and lipase breaks down lipids ( fats) to fatty acids and glycerol.

During pregnancy in female body there are various changes in hormonal background, as a result of which some problems with the digestive process may appear. Often, pregnant women complain of heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, etc. These symptoms in some cases may occur against the background of a lack of digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. If a doctor has diagnosed partial or complete insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function ( decreased production of enzymes involved in the process of digestion in the duodenum), then he can prescribe pancreatin as a treatment. The main thing in this case- correctly assess the expected effect of treatment and potential risk for a child.

During pregnancy, pancreatin can be taken in the following cases:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • indigestion against the background of diseases of the liver, gallbladder or biliary tract;
  • x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is a fairly common pathology in which, as a result of a prolonged inflammatory process, the pancreas undergoes various pathological changes (substitution functional tissue connective, narrowing of the excretory duct of the pancreas, its wrinkling, as well as the appearance of stones in it). In chronic pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is observed. It is in this case that the body additionally needs enzymes from the outside. It should be noted that pancreatin is prescribed only for a chronic process and is strictly contraindicated for acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis ( can lead to complications of the disease).

Gastritis with low acidity
Acid gastritis is a type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is characterized by a decrease in the production of of hydrochloric acid and stomach enzymes this species gastritis is also called hypoacid). Normally, the stomach produces the enzyme pepsin, which largely contributes to the breakdown of proteins into individual amino acids. When acidity decreases, pepsin remains inactive ( pepsinogen is not converted to active pepsin) and is unable to perform its functions, as a result of which protein food remains incompletely digested and poorly absorbed.

Indigestion due to diseases of the liver, gallbladder or biliary tract
Pancreatin can also be prescribed for pathologies in which there is a violation of the outflow and stagnation of bile in the gallbladder ( biliary dyskinesia, inflammation of the gallbladder, hepatitis). These changes often occur during pregnancy ( cholecystitis), because gallbladder extremely sensitive to various changes in the hormonal background. Ultimately, bile in insufficient quantities penetrates into the duodenum and is not involved in the process of digestion. Normally, bile is needed to emulsify fats, it also provides a change gastric digestion for intestinal ( lowers acidity and eliminates the effect of pepsin on pancreatic enzymes), enhances the motility of the small intestine, and also has some bactericidal action ( neutralizes pathogens that have entered the gastrointestinal tract). It should be noted that in this case ( in the absence of gallstones) prescribe pancreatin along with bile, which is contained in drugs such as enzistal, digestal, festal, etc.

X-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs
Pancreatin promotes normal digestion and to a certain extent facilitates the visualization of organs located in the abdominal cavity ( normalizes digestion and eliminates the accumulation of food in the stomach and intestines).

The daily and single dosage is selected by the attending physician depending on the current disease, as well as on the degree of insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas. Given medicine prescribed during or immediately after a meal, it is not recommended to chew it. Pancreatin should be taken with a large glass of water ( 200 - 250 milliliters).

At what age can pancreatin be given to children and at what dosage?

Quite often in childhood there are various violations digestion, including in connection with insufficiency of pancreatic function. These disorders can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal heaviness, and weight loss. Such symptoms may occur due to a lack of production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. Pancreatin contains all necessary set enzymes ( amylase, lipase, protease), which are necessary for the normal digestion of food. This enzyme preparation promotes absorption nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pancreatin can be prescribed to children from one year of age. It is highly not recommended to give it to children younger than this age, since there is a possibility of individual intolerance to some components of the drug ( on excipients contained in the shell of pancreatin). Also, taking pancreatin in infancy can lead to intestinal obstruction. Most often it is prescribed to children who have already reached the age of two or three years.

One important point should be mentioned. In no case should a tablet or capsule be divided into several parts. The fact is that pancreatin enzymes are quickly neutralized in the acidic environment of the stomach, while the special shell of the drug ( enteric coating) protects these enzymes from the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid. After passing the stomach and reaching the duodenum, this shell dissolves and releases the entire set of enzymes necessary for digestion.

It is recommended that children take the microgranular form of pancreatin rather than regular tablets or capsules. In this form of release of the drug, the enzymes are in acid-resistant microtablets or microspheres with a diameter of less than 2 millimeters, which are much easier to take for children.

It should be noted that the dosage and course of treatment for the child are selected only by the attending physician. The doctor is based on the degree of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency ( how impaired is the function of the synthesis of digestive enzymes), and also takes into account the age of the child. Up to one and a half years, the child should receive up to 50,000 units of pancreatin per day, and from one and a half years to eighteen - up to 100,000 units. The medication is taken during or immediately after a meal. Pancreatin should be taken with a large glass of water or fruit juice.

What is in pancreatin?

Pancreatin is an enzyme drug that is used to improve the digestion process. The main components of pancreatin are three pancreatic enzymes that are necessary for the normal digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pancreatin contains the following enzymes:

  • amylase;
  • lipase;
  • protease.
Amylase is an enzyme that can break down long chains of carbohydrates into smaller fragments. There are three types of amylase - alpha-amylase, beta-amylase and gamma-amylase. Pancreatin contains alpha-amylase, which breaks down starch and dextrins ( starch that has been exposed to saliva) to short chain carbohydrates ( which contain from 3 to 8 glucose residues) and maltose, consisting of two glucose residues ( disaccharide). It should be noted that this pancreatic enzyme is not able to hydrolyze ( split) cellulose or fiber.

Lipase is an enzyme that is involved in the digestion, dissolution, and separation into fractions of fats. Lipase is able to break down lipids ( fats) to glycerol and fatty acids. By breaking down fats, lipase also promotes absorption in the body. fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.

Protease An enzyme that breaks down proteins into individual amino acids. The pancreas synthesizes several types of proteases, each of which cleaves the protein molecule at different sites.

Also, the composition of pancreatin also includes excipients, which are in a certain amount in the shell of a tablet or capsule.

The pancreatin shell may contain the following auxiliary components:

  • lactose;
  • glucose;
  • sucrose;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • polyvidone;
  • dyes.
Talc used to prevent sticking of the active components of the drug, as well as to improve the sliding of the tablet or capsule in oral cavity and esophagus.

magnesium stearate is included in the group of emulsifiers that are necessary for mixing ( homogenization) substances which under normal conditions cannot be miscible.

Polividon is a binder that improves the solubility and bioavailability of pancreatin, due to the formation of water-soluble complexes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dyes are part of the tablets, mainly to improve appearance medication. Most often, dyes of brown or pink-red color are used in pancreatin.

It should be noted that in some cases, certain excipients contained in pancreatin ( most commonly magnesium stearate or colorants) may occur drug allergy. In case of itching, skin rash, severe reddening of the skin ( erythema) it is necessary to completely refuse to take the medication, and also urgently consult a doctor.

Is it possible to combine taking pancreatin with alcohol?

Pancreatin is a medication that contains pancreatic enzymes that improve the digestion process. The use of this enzyme medication along with any alcoholic products is strictly contraindicated. The fact is that alcohol enhances the production of pancreatic and gallbladder enzymes, but at the same time causes a spasm of the smooth muscles of the excretory ducts and the sphincter of Oddi ( circular muscle that controls the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum). This effect on the digestive organs further leads to stagnation of bile in the gallbladder and the reverse outflow of pancreatic enzymes ( pancreatic enzymes). As a result, pancreatic enzymes become active and begin to digest the body's own tissues, which can cause acute pancreatitis. Given pathological condition presents with sudden and intense pain in the upper abdomen ( epigastrium), which most often gives ( radiates) in left side abdomen, as well as repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief. The occurrence of these symptoms requires immediate medical care, since in acute pancreatitis a large amount of pancreatic enzymes is released into the blood. In the future, pancreatic enzymes can reach the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain and cause serious and irreversible damage in them ( even death is possible). Taking pancreatin in this situation will only exacerbate pathological disorders.

It is worth noting that greatest danger It is not easy to take alcohol, but its combination with the use of fatty and fried foods. In this case, the probability of occurrence of disorders from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract ( pancreas, gallbladder) increases significantly.

Pancreatin can be taken when the amount of alcohol taken was insignificant. The medication must be taken during a meal or immediately after a meal, without chewing the tablets or capsules and drinking it with a sufficient amount of liquid ( 200 - 250 milliliters). But it is best to completely abstain from alcohol if you have any pancreatic disorders ( even the smallest).

When inflammatory processes appear, there is a need for timely, proper treatment. But the patient is lost in the variety of medicines that he sees in the pharmacy. It must be remembered that taking any remedy is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor, and self-treatment often leads to complications.

According to statistics, at inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, doctors often prescribe "Pancreatin Forte" (Biosintez, RF) - medicinal product, which improves the digestion process, contributing to the development of the missing ones. But for the use of the tool, you need to consider individual characteristics organism, as well as strictly adhere to the recommendations set out in the instructions.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and dragees, all of which dissolve easily in the intestinal environment. The product is covered with a light pink shell, has a biconvex shape and a slight specific smell. Amylase activity can be from 3.5 thousand U and above. Also included are components such as:

  • sodium chloride;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • starch;
  • cellulose with microcrystalline structure;
  • special dyes.

1 tablet contains up to 192 mg of pancreatin powder. The tool is produced in small glass jars, where there are 60 tablets, or in the form of blisters with 10 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Before using the product, consult your doctor! When using Pancreatin Forte, the patient's digestion process is significantly improved. Under the influence of the components of the drug in the duodenum, fats, proteins and carbohydrates are well cleaved, and the enzymes necessary for the gastrointestinal tract are produced in the pancreas. As a result, the digestive processes are improved.

Alpha-amylase, which is part of the product, helps in the breakdown of starch, lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids, and protease helps break down proteins into amino acids. Due to this, trace elements are absorbed faster in the gastrointestinal system.

Due to the insolubility of the drug shell, pancreatic enzymes do not break down under the influence of gastric juices. Medicine promotes recovery normal operation pancreas, which, when inflamed, ceases to produce enzymes in required quantity.


  • pancreatitis at the chronic stage;
  • dispersion manifestations;
  • fibrosis of the cystic type;
  • the emergence of non-communicable disorders;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • violation of the process of processing and assimilation of food.

In addition, the tablets help to get rid of the accumulation of gases before an ultrasound or X-ray of the organs is performed. digestive system. If patients have a normal functioning gastrointestinal tract, but they often eat fatty foods, they are advised this medicine to speed up the digestion process.

Methods of application and dosage

The dosage of the medicine is prescribed by the attending physician.

The medicine is taken orally during a meal, while swallowed without chewing. It is best to take the medicine with non-alkaline liquids such as water, tea or juice. The drug is taken along with the main meals.

There is little difference in drug intake for different age categories. For adults with digestive problems, it is allowed to drink up to 21 capsules per day, which is 150 thousand units. For children maximum daily dose is 100 thousand units.

Reception of the drug is prescribed only by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis of the patient and his individual characteristics.


The use of the drug has certain features and contraindications. The drug should not be used during acute pancreatitis, with exacerbation of the chronic stage of pancreatitis, and also if the patient has an individual intolerance to some components of the drug. pick up medicinal products children, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, only a doctor can determine the degree of risk or benefit in a particular situation.

Side effects

There may be constipation, nausea when taking the drug.

Side effects when using the drug appear extremely rarely. They can occur in the form of disorders or constipation, nausea, discomfort in the abdominal region. The use without interruption of large doses for patients in childhood is fraught with the appearance of perianal irritation. In addition, with individual intolerance to some components, an allergic reaction may occur.

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme used for insufficient secretory activity of the pancreas, as well as for different kind dyspeptic disorders. Pancreatin is much better known to a wide range of average visitors to polyclinics under the trademark "Mezim" of the German pharmaceutical "giant" "Berlin Chemie", however, there are prophets in their native country (under trade name"Pancreatin" the drug is produced exclusively in Russia). So, pharmacological effect of this drug is associated with the replacement of enzymes secreted under normal conditions by the pancreas, which, as you know, is one of the main participants digestive process. Pancreatin compensates for the lack of exocrine secretory activity of this enzyme "generator", has a proteolytic (protein breakdown), amylolytic (starch breakdown) and lipolytic (fat breakdown) effect. Pancreatin contains four digestive enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lipase), due to which protein is broken down into amino acids, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, starch into monosaccharides and dextrin. In addition to their destructive good sense This word functions, pancreatin normalizes the functional state of the digestive tract, optimizes the digestive process.

The enzyme trypsin inhibits stimulated secretion of the pancreas and at the same time has an analgesic effect.

Pancreatin is available in the form of enteric-coated tablets. At the same time, the manufacturer provides that the dosage form does not collapse in the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach, but begins to release the active substance when it enters the "friendly" alkaline environment. It is best to take pancreatin during or immediately after a meal, drinking a tablet with some non-alkaline drink (fruit juices or plain water). The dose in each case is determined by the doctor. By general recommendations for adults, it is 2-4 tablets 3-6 times a day with maximum dose in 16 tablets. For children over 6 years of age, pancreatin is indicated only by agreement with the doctor. As a rule, in standard situations, he prescribes 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment can vary within a fairly wide range: from 2-3 days (with correction of the digestive process due to dietary disorders) to several months or even years (with replacement therapy on the permanent basis).


Enzyme agent. Contains pancreatic enzymes - amylase, lipase and protease, which facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine. In diseases of the pancreas, it compensates for the insufficiency of its exocrine secretory function and improves the digestion process.


The pharmacokinetics of pancreatin has not been studied.

Release form

10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (3) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (5) - packs of cardboard.


The dose (in terms of lipase) depends on the age and degree of pancreatic insufficiency. The average dose for adults is 150,000 IU / day. With complete insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas - 400,000 IU / day, which corresponds to the daily requirement of an adult in lipase.

The maximum daily dose is 15,000 U/kg.

Children under the age of 1.5 years - 50,000 IU / day; older than 1.5 years - 100,000 IU / day.

The duration of treatment can vary from several days (in violation of the digestive process due to errors in the diet) to several months and even years (if necessary, constant replacement therapy).


With simultaneous use with antacids containing calcium carbonate and / or magnesium hydroxide, it is possible to reduce the effectiveness of pancreatin.

With simultaneous use, it is theoretically possible to reduce the clinical efficacy of acarbose.

With the simultaneous use of iron preparations, a decrease in iron absorption is possible.

Side effects

When used in medium therapeutic doses side effects are observed in less than 1%.

From the digestive system: in some cases - diarrhea, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, nausea. A causal relationship between the development of these reactions and the action of pancreatin has not been established; these phenomena are symptoms of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Allergic reactions: in some cases - skin manifestations.

From the side of metabolism: with prolonged use in high doses, hyperuricosuria may develop, in excessively high doses - an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood plasma.

Other: when using pancreatin in high doses in children, perianal irritation may occur.


Insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas (including in chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis).

Chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder; conditions after resection or irradiation of these organs, accompanied by disorders of food digestion, flatulence, diarrhea (as part of combination therapy).

To improve food digestion in patients with normal function Gastrointestinal tract in case of errors in nutrition, as well as in violation of chewing function, forced long-term immobilization, sedentary lifestyle.

Preparation for X-ray and ultrasound abdominal organs.


Acute pancreatitis. Hypersensitivity to pancreatin.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The safety of pancreatin use during pregnancy has not been sufficiently studied. Application is possible in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

AT experimental studies it was found that pancreatin does not have a teratogenic effect.

Use in children

Application is possible according to the dosing regimen. With a high activity of lipase contained in pancreatin, the likelihood of developing constipation in children increases.

special instructions

In cystic fibrosis, the dose should be adequate to the amount of enzymes necessary for the absorption of fats, taking into account the quality and quantity of food consumed.

In cystic fibrosis, the use of pancreatin in doses of more than 10,000 units / kg / day (in terms of lipase) is not recommended due to an increased risk of developing strictures (fibrous colonopathy) in the ileocecal region and in the ascending colon.

With a high activity of lipase contained in pancreatin, the likelihood of developing constipation in children increases. Increasing the dose of pancreatin in this category of patients should be carried out gradually.

Gastrointestinal disorders may occur in patients with hypersensitivity to pancreatin, or in patients with meconium ileus or bowel resection in history.

Pancreatin is a natural enzyme of the human pancreas.

The drug is made from crushed pig gland. The main role of this substance is the breakdown of incoming nutrients and the improvement of their absorption in the intestine. Being an enzyme, pancreatin is not absorbed in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, but exerts its effect directly upon contact with food.

The use of Pancreatin improves the functioning of digestion, ensures the normalization of digestion processes and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug provides replenishment of the lack of pancreatic enzymes, has amylolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic properties, enhances the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the duodenum.

The drug is characterized by fairly rapid and complete absorption.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Enzyme agent.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Pancreatin cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 30 rubles.

Release form and composition

Pancreatin comes in the form of small tablets. Brown color topped with an enteric coating. The drug has a smooth shell of saturated color, which has a light brown tint on the fracture. Pancreatin is available in tablet form. The package contains five plates (10 tablets each).

  • In the composition of tablets, dragees and capsules as active substance includes pancreatin (Pancreatinum) with a minimum lipolytic enzyme activity of 4.3 thousand units Ph. Eur.. Minimum enzyme activity amylase - from 3.5 thousand units Ph. Eur.; proteolytic activity - from 200 IU Ph. Eur..

As auxiliary components in the manufacture of various dosage forms the drug used: sodium chloride (Natrii chloridum), colloidal silicon dioxide (Silicii dioxydum colloidal), microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulosum microcrystallicum), collidon Cl (Kollidon Cl), magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate), polyacrylate 30% (Polyacrylate 30%), propylene glycol (Propylene glycol), talc (Talcum), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide), sodium carboxymethyl starch (Sodium starch glycolate), starch 1500 (Amylum 1500), povidone 8000 (Povidonum), dyes.

Pharmacological effect

The action of pancreatin is aimed at replenishing the insufficient secretion of enzymes by the pancreas. Pancreatin contains three enzymes specific to fats, proteins and carbohydrates: lipase provides the decomposition of fats into glycerol and fatty acids, amylase breaks down starch into simple saccharides, protease decomposes proteins into amino acids.

Thanks to this, the full assimilation of the three organic components of food occurs. The special coating of the tablets ensures unhindered passage acid environment stomach. Normalizes the processes of digestion of food in the duodenum, small intestine.

Indications for use

What do pancreatin tablets help with? The main indications for the use of the drug include:

  1. Remheld's syndrome (gasphocardial syndrome).
  2. Preparing for x-ray examination and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  3. Violation of digestion of food (condition after resection of the stomach and small intestine).
  4. To improve the digestion of food in people with normal gastrointestinal function in case of nutritional errors (eating fatty foods, large amounts of food, irregular meals) and with violations of chewing function, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged immobilization.
  5. Replacement therapy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, condition after irradiation, dyspepsia, cystic fibrosis; flatulence, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious genesis.


Pancreatin during pregnancy is not recommended for use, however, the list official contraindications such item is not included. It is forbidden to take it with individual sensitivity to the components of the composition, as well as with a number of diseases.

You can not drink Pancreatin when:

  1. Empyema of the gallbladder;
  2. Hyperbilirubinemia;
  3. Liver failure, precoma and coma;
  4. Acute pancreatitis;
  5. The period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  6. Acute hepatitis;
  7. Intestinal obstruction;
  8. mechanical jaundice;
  9. cholelithiasis;
  10. Syndrome of glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no data on the safety of the use of Pancreatin by women during pregnancy. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe a drug to a woman during pregnancy, after analyzing the risk-benefit ratio for the fetus and mother in advance.

At breastfeeding the drug is also used only according to indications.

Dosage and method of application

The instructions for use indicate that the dose of Pancreatin (in terms of lipase) depends on the age and degree of pancreatic insufficiency.

  1. The average dose for adults is 150,000 IU / day. With complete insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas - 400,000 IU / day, which corresponds to the daily requirement of an adult in lipase.
  2. The maximum daily dose is 15,000 U/kg.
  3. Children under the age of 1.5 years - 50,000 IU / day; older than 1.5 years - 100,000 IU / day.

The duration of treatment can vary from several days (in violation of the digestive process due to errors in the diet) to several months and even years (if necessary, constant replacement therapy).

Side effects

Against the background of taking Pancreatin tablets, development is possible adverse reactions from various organs and systems:

  • Metabolism - hyperuricuria (increased excretion of uric acid), after taking the drug in high doses, an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood is possible.
  • Digestive system - a feeling of discomfort or pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation. Children may develop perianal irritation.
  • Allergic reactions - rarely develop skin manifestations in the form of a rash and itching.

With the development of side effects, the question of drug withdrawal is decided by the doctor on an individual basis, depending on their nature and severity.


An overdose of Pancreatin according to reviews causes the following symptoms: hyperuricemia, hyperuricosuria. An overdose of the drug in children can cause constipation.

In these cases, the use of Pancreatin should be discontinued and symptomatic therapy should be carried out.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. Not recommended for use in the acute phase of chronic pancreatitis.
  2. In cystic fibrosis, the use of pancreatin in doses of more than 10,000 units / kg / day (in terms of lipase) is not recommended due to an increased risk of developing strictures (fibrous colonopathy) in the ileocecal region and in the ascending colon.
  3. In cystic fibrosis, the dose should be adequate to the amount of enzymes necessary for the absorption of fats, taking into account the quality and quantity of food consumed.
  4. Gastrointestinal disorders may occur in patients with hypersensitivity to pancreatin, or in patients with meconium ileus or a history of bowel resection.
  5. With a high activity of lipase contained in pancreatin, the likelihood of developing constipation in children increases. Increasing the dose of pancreatin in this category of patients should be carried out gradually.

drug interaction

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the interaction with other drugs:

  1. With the simultaneous use of iron preparations, a decrease in iron absorption is possible.
  2. With simultaneous use, it is theoretically possible to reduce the clinical efficacy of acarbose.
  3. With simultaneous use with antacids containing calcium carbonate and / or magnesium hydroxide, it is possible to reduce the effectiveness of pancreatin.

Pancreatin and alcohol compatibility

Alcohol irritates the stomach and aggravates the situation with digestion. Therefore, if you take pancreatin and alcohol at the same time, the consequences will not be long in coming. There may be indigestion, pain. So, answering the question of whether it can be taken together, the answer is yes. That is, in principle, they are compatible: no cases of serious deterioration were observed. But is it possible to cure the disease with such "therapy" - the answer is controversial.

Pancreatin is prescribed for insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas, acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food poisoning, errors in food intake in order to improve the absorption of nutrients. The dosage is selected individually, depending on the age of the patient and clinical manifestations illness. With a long-term course of chronic pancreatitis, the dosage can be 25,000 units or more. healthy person for improvement functional state digestive organs, 1 or 2 tablets of the drug in its standard form are enough - 25 units each.

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    The composition of the drug

    The composition of the drug includes pancreatic enzymes like those produced by the pancreas:

    • lipase;
    • amylase;
    • protease.

    These components help to improve the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the lumen of the small intestine. In fact, the process of digestion is built on this. If there are not enough enzymes in the body, then they must be compensated. For this, the drug Pancreatin is prescribed.

    More often, a drug is prescribed in a dosage of 8000 IU. One tablet contains 0.24 g of pancreatic enzymes. If you recalculate for units, you get 8000 units active component. This is where the corresponding digital value in the name is formed from.

    In addition to enzymes, excipients are also present.

    • titanium dioxide;
    • sodium chloride;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
    • talc;
    • microcrystalline cellulose.

    The description states that the components of Pancreatin provide the breakdown of proteins to amino acids, starch to monosaccharides, and fats to glycerol and fatty acids. Without specific enzymes, the body is not able to cope with the absorption of food.

    The drug to some extent has an analgesic effect, since trypsin in the composition of Pancreatin inhibits pancreatic secretion. This happens when moving to small intestine. In fact, trypsin acts as a proenzyme. Patients with painful form pancreatitis and gastritis experience significant relief after half an hour. The feeling of heaviness in the intestines is also eliminated.

    The shell is provided so that the active substance does not break down under the influence of hydrochloric acid and safely moves into the intestine. Pancreatin has a stimulating effect on the pancreas.

    Release form

    Pancreatin is available in the form of small brown tablets coated on top with an enteric coating. The drug has a smooth shell of saturated color, which has a light brown tint on the fracture. Pancreatin is available in tablet form. The package contains five plates (10 tablets each).

    Pancreatin acts as the main active component. It is a pancreatic enzyme derived from the processing of bovine and porcine pancreas. The component in its pure form is yellowish or gray tint. It has a specific taste and smell.

    Auxiliary components in the composition of the drug are aimed at enhancing the action of the main active substance - pancreatin. They are necessary to give the optimal shape and consistency to the drug.

    The use of tablets

    Pancreatin acts as an "ambulance" for overeating. If a person has eaten foods that are difficult to digest or are incompatible with each other, his digestion malfunctions. The drug improves the work of the digestive tract. You can use it as a prophylaxis and for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in combination.

    The following indications for the use of Pancreatin as a therapeutic pharmacological agent are distinguished:

    • Impaired exocrine function of the pancreas. There is a lack of digestive enzymes. A frequent such phenomenon is observed in cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis.
    • Digestive problems caused by surgery or resulting from irradiation of the digestive tract. These phenomena are also associated with diarrhea, flatulence. Pancreatin is part of complex rehabilitation therapy.
    • Various pathologies characterized by dystrophic and degenerative changes fabrics internal organs, including the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and liver.
    • Problems with intestinal motility caused by in a sedentary manner life.
    • Violation of chewing function or overeating.

    Instructions for use and dosage

    When prescribing the dosage and method of application, the age of the patient, the general clinical picture and the dynamics of the development of diseases are taken into account. For children, the drug is not prescribed without the participation of a doctor. There is no fixed duration of treatment. The course varies from several days to months and even years in some cases. For children, the following rules apply:

    • patients under 7 years of age take no more than 1 tablet per day (25 units);
    • one tablet (25 units) is given to a child from 7 to 9 years old twice a day;
    • a single dose of Pancreatin is the same for children adolescence, but the frequency of reception increases.

    An adult is allowed to take Pancreatin up to 6 times a day before meals or during meals. Wash down the pills large quantity liquids.

    A single dose for an adult is from 2 to 4 tablets, which corresponds to 50 to 100 IU of the active substance. The maximum daily dose is 400 pancreatin units or 16 tablets. Do not take one pill after another if the first did not have the desired effect. The effect of the medicine begins after an hour.

    Taking the drug is allowed for several days if there is a violation of digestion. It occurs under the influence of a change in habitual nutrition. Enzyme preparation prescribed on an ongoing basis as replacement therapy chronic diseases pancreas.

    Application during pregnancy

    Studies among pregnant women regarding the intake of pancreatin have not been conducted, so it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. However, it is generally accepted that in case of digestive problems during the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother can be treated with this remedy.

    Side effects and overdose

    Pancreatin of any dosage, both 8000 and 10000 IU, does not pose a health hazard, since it is a pancreatic enzyme. However, you must carefully consider the dosage indicated in the instructions for use.

    If used in in large numbers Pancreatin for a long time, side effects in the form of allergies may occur. An overdose sometimes leads to the appearance of blood in the urea.


    Pancreatin should not be taken in acute pancreatitis and its exacerbation chronic form. Taking the medicine is also unacceptable for those whose body is sensitive to specific components of the medication.

    If contraindications or intolerance to Pancreatin are identified, it is canceled and prescribed alternative drug. If there are concerns that the drug will cause an adverse reaction from the body, you can take it at a dosage halved.

    Diet therapy while taking medication

    Specific nutrition while taking Pancreatin is not required. If a we are talking about chronic patients, to maintain normal well-being and get well soon should be excluded:

    • fried food;
    • fatty foods;
    • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
    • mushrooms;
    • legumes;
    • greens;
    • bakery products;
    • sweets and refined foods.

    In the first month after an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or gastroduodenitis, it is allowed to take lean meats and fish, steamed vegetables, steam omelet and cottage cheese casserole. Extremely important fractional nutrition, With gradual increase meals, but at the same time reducing portions. Pancreatin for chronic patients should be drunk only before meals.


    On the pharmacological market there are drugs containing the same substances as Pancreatin. They facilitate the work of digestion, especially the pancreas. Medicines in which pancreatin plays the role of the main active substance are:

    • Creon;
    • Micrasim;
    • Panzinorm;
    • Penzital.

    Special Notes

    For healthy patients Pancreatin is effective in minimal dosages. When it comes to patients with chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, people in the recovery period after surgery on the digestive tract, the dosage should be from 10,000 IU and more.

    The doctor prescribes, depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, 10,000 or 25,000 units of pancreatin as a single dose. Usually, when it comes to snacking, a dosage of 10,000 IU is enough. When the patient consumes more high-calorie foods, say, meat, he will need more powerful support. Chronic patients who have been deficient in pancreatic enzymes for many years often switch to higher doses. Pancreatin is taken without interruption throughout life. The drug helps them feel good and absorb maximum nutrients from food.

    It is allowed to use Pancreatin substitutes with similar properties in the form of capsules and powders.

    Not all analogues of Pancreatin can be suitable for people with digestive disorders. For example, if a person has gastritis or duodenitis, then the presence of bile acids, in addition to pancreatin, can lead to pain. An example is the drug Panzinorm. With an adverse effect of the drug, it is advisable to replace it with Pancreatin, Mezim forte, Micrasim or Creon.

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