Trays from chlorhexidine in gynecology. Douching with Chlorhexidine: indications, contraindications and features. Algorithm for douching in the postpartum ward

In the life of women, situations sometimes arise when a medicine is needed that can have a quick effect or protect against infection after an act of love. In gynecology, there is a sufficient list of new products, with good reviews about their properties, but you should not forget the time-tested ones either. Therefore, today we will talk about how to douche with Chlorhexidine correctly in order to avoid infection with certain diseases.

The use of Chlorhexidine in gynecology

In pharmacy chains, Chlorhexidine is sold in the form of a gel, vaginal suppositories and a solution of various concentrations. The active active substance in it is Chlorhexidine bigluconate, which has antiseptic and disinfectant properties, therefore Chlorhexidine is used in gynecology for purulent inflammations, microtraumas and for protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Instructions on how to douche with Chlorhexidine in gynecology for treatment or prevention are somewhat different.

Release form

Chlorhexidine solution is packed in glass jars or plastic bottles. Its concentration is 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 5%, 20%. In gynecology, an aqueous 0.05% form is used, which optimally acts on pathogenic microbes that live in the vagina.

To facilitate the introduction, it is packaged in 100 ml bottles, sometimes there are special tips in the box. If they are not available, you can enter a 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine using a syringe.

Indications for use

Chlorhexidine during douching does not slow down the growth and reproduction of the pathological vaginal flora, but destroys its cellular structure, which leads to death.

Therefore, in gynecology, it is successfully used:

  • with colpitis, thrush;
  • vulvovaginitis, bacterial vaginosis;
  • infections;
  • for the rehabilitation of the genital tract before and after diagnostic studies;
  • before installing an intrauterine device;
  • for disinfection of wounds after childbirth;
  • treatment of the genital organs after surgical operations.

How to Douche with Chlorhexidine 0.05%

How to douche with Chlohexidine 0.05% correctly, your doctor will tell and instructions will help. This manipulation can be carried out in a antenatal clinic, then it will be done by a health worker according to a well-established scheme and at the right dose. But you can do it yourself. As a rule, one wash per day is enough for a course of no more than 7 days. But the scheme may change at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the results of the examination and the course of the disease.

At home

How to douche with Chlorhexidine at home, the instructions will tell you. It is best to carry out the procedure in the bathroom. You should first wash your hands and wash yourself, prepare the required amount of medicine, lubricate the tip of the nozzle or syringe with petroleum jelly. Lie in the bath with knees bent and legs spread apart and carefully and slowly inject the liquid, which will then pour out beautifully on its own.

With thrush

Many ladies are interested in the question of whether it is possible to douche with Chlorhexidine for thrush. Experts respond positively to it, and the reviews of women who used it for thrush are mostly positive. Sometimes one use is enough to relieve vaginal itching.

Is it possible to douche during pregnancy

The concern of expectant mothers, whether it is possible to douche with Chlorhexidine during pregnancy, can only be dispelled by a gynecologist. Although the medicine acts locally, it can kill both harmful and beneficial microorganisms, or dry out the vaginal mucosa too much, which is completely useless during pregnancy.

Douching for prevention

You can douche Chlorhexidine to prevent infection during unprotected contact. Immediately after the act, it is necessary to urinate, treat the inner thighs and external genitalia with a solution. Then squeeze 1-1.5 ml into the urethra, hold for a minute, release. The remaining dose of the medicine from the vial should be injected into the vagina, after which it is advisable not to go to the toilet for 2 hours.

Do I need to douche for prevention.

This procedure is quite effective if carried out no later than two hours after the act, and serves as a prophylactic against such infections:

  • gonococci;
  • trichomonas;
  • ureaplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes;
  • thrush.

Chlorhexidine has no effect on viruses and fungi.

Chlorhexidine contraindications

No matter how harmless the drug may seem, do not try to take up treatment on your own, only a doctor can decide whether you can douche with Chlorhexidine and how to do it correctly.

There are also some contraindications for its use:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • skin inflammation;
  • viral diseases;
  • children under 12 years old.

Side effects

Chlorhexidine side effects include:

  • dry skin;
  • stickiness of hands 3-5 minutes;
  • allergy.

Application features

It is worth knowing about some of the features of Chlorhexidine:

  • the solution cannot be used with iodine;
  • it is incompatible with soap and other anionic compounds (colloidal liquids, carboxymethylcellulose);
  • ethanol enhances the action of Chlorhexidine.


Chlorhexidine is effective in preventing infection with infectious diseases and is used as prescribed by a doctor. Before the first administration, carefully study the instructions on how to douche with Chlorhexidine correctly, specify what percentage to use, in what quantity, and for how long, in order to avoid unnecessary complications and adverse reactions.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate is a medicinal, antiseptic drug that is widely used in medicine in the field of otolaryngology, dentistry, urology, dermatology, venereology, surgery, and gynecology. The release form of the drug is in the form of vaginal suppositories, gels for local and external use, a solution for external use 0.05% 0.2%, 1% and 5%. In gynecology, vaginal suppositories and a solution for external use of 0.05% are most often used.

Application and action of chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine, as previously mentioned, is an antiseptic and disinfectant.

With its destructive effect, it violates the integrity of the cell, further leading to its death.

This drug is very effective against many infections such as:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • gardnerellosis.

Chlorhexidine is powerless in the fight against fungal diseases and cannot resist viruses.

Application of chlorhexidine bigluconate solution (0.05%):

  • washing the urethra;
  • surface treatment of the skin around the genitals;
  • vaginal douching;
  • treatment of wounds after childbirth, abortion, installation of an intrauterine device, before various studies of the uterus.

A solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is used for douching, is sold in a pharmacy already in a concentration of 0.05% ready for use. It does not need to be further diluted with water or other auxiliary liquids. It should be recalled that the solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate should not be heated, as it may lose its medicinal properties when the temperature rises.

Application of chlorhexidine digluconate vaginal suppositories:

  • vulvovaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • milkmaid etc.

For the treatment of the above diseases, you can use vaginal suppositories. The content of the active substance in one candle is 0.008 g. Suppositories are used intravaginally 1-2 times a day in the morning and evening. The course of treatment lasts for 5-7 days. Sometimes it is extended up to 14-20 days.

Judging by the reviews of women who already use this drug in gynecology, it can be noted that it is very effective. Often this is a fight against thrush. Douching with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% in this case will help you a lot. And the price in pharmacies for this drug is very attractive in comparison with others. In addition, for many, Chlorhexidine has taken a place in the first-aid kit along with such medications as iodine, hydrogen peroxide and other antibacterial agents.

What can not be combined with the drug?

This medicine is not compatible with:

  • soap;
  • alkali;
  • detergents containing an anionic group (saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sulfonic acid);
  • iodine.

Ethanol, on the contrary, enhances the effectiveness of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Side effects

Usually, chlorhexidine is well tolerated by the body, but it is very rare and side effects such as allergic reactions, burning or itching.

Also, in many patients, after douching or using suppositories, vaginal dysbacteriosis was observed, because under its influence both harmful and beneficial flora die. To restore it, after taking the drug, doctors recommend using ecomefin suppositories. If you still experience any side effects during treatment with chlorhexidine bigluconate, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Like all medications, chlorhexidine bigluconate has its own contraindications. These are dermatitis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, viral skin diseases and allergic diseases, children's age (up to 18 years), pregnancy and lactation, as well as with the simultaneous use of antiseptic solutions, so douching with chlorhexidine is not always appropriate.

Before taking any drugs, many women resort to the help of the Internet, and reviews play an important role in their use. Some reviews become useful, others believe that they should not be trusted. In the case of the drug chlorhexidine, you probably will not find bad reviews both on the Internet and in life.

But no matter how good chlorhexidine is, do not self-medicate and do not use it without a doctor's prescription.

High-quality and timely consultation with a gynecologist will help you get rid of diseases quickly and without consequences.

Update: October 2018

Chlorhexidine is a popular drug, a local antiseptic, which is successfully used as a universal disinfectant and antimicrobial agent, and is especially popular in the post-Soviet countries.

The chemical compound chlorhexidine was discovered in the UK in 1950, and already in 1954 the first skin antiseptic based on this substance appeared. In the future, the substance began to be added to urological lubricants, catheters, implants, overalls of medical personnel were impregnated with it. Included in a number of mouthwashes and toothpastes. Widely used in veterinary medicine.

It is noteworthy that during the period of commercial use and numerous studies of chlorhexidine, the possibility of the formation of chlorhexidine-resistant microorganisms has not been confirmed. However, the use of Chlorhexidine is capable of causing bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The drug belongs to the group of budget medicines, remains available to the general public.

Farmgroup: antiseptic for local use.

Composition, physical and chemical properties, price

The drug is present on the pharmaceutical market in several dosage forms, each of which is characterized by its scope. In addition to the preparations described below, registered in Russia, there are creams, gels, ointments with a similar active ingredient.

Solution 0.05%

(chlorhexidine aqueous solution)



(commercial name - hexicon)

Base substance:

0.5 mg of chlorhexidine bigluconate in 1 ml of solution

25 mg chlorhexidine solution 20% in 1 vial 16 mg chlorhexidine bigluconate in 1 supp.


Water purified to the required volume

Ethyl alcohol 95% - 718.5 ml; purified water, until a solution volume of 1 l is obtained Polyethylene oxide 400, polyethylene oxide 1500

Physicochemical characteristics:

Liquid, clear solution

Colorless, transparent, sometimes slightly opalescent liquid with an alcoholic odor Vaginal suppositories are white or yellowish in color, torpedo-shaped, the surface is slightly marbled.

Packaging, price:

Available in various types of packaging (plastic, glass bottles), with or without dispensers.

Price: 0.05% solution 100 ml: 10-15 rubles.

70 and 100 ml in bottles / vials with a nozzle or a cap with a sprayer.

Price 100 ml: 98 rubles.

1 or 5 supp. In cell contour packaging. 1, 2 packs in a pack.

Price: No. 10 - 270-280 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The instructions for use of chlorhexidine indicate that the drug has a local antiseptic effect, mostly bactericidal. Changes the properties and composition of cell membranes of microorganisms. The cations formed during the dissociation of salts of the active substance begin to react with the shell of bacterial cells, which has a negative charge. The lipophilic groups of the antiseptic contribute to the disaggregation of the membrane of microorganisms, which has a lipoprotein structure, and lead to osmotic imbalance, loss of phosphorus and potassium from the bacterial cell. Destruction of the cytoplasmic membrane eventually leads to the death of bacteria.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution is effective against a wide range of microorganisms: Trichomonas vaginalis, Bacteroides fragilis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Gardnerella vaginalis, Chlamidia spp., Treponema pallidum, Ureaplasma spp. It has a moderate effect on individual strains of Pseudomonas spp. and Proteus spp. Viruses (except for the herpes virus) and fungal spores are resistant to the drug.

It has a long antibacterial effect, can be used for antiseptic treatment of the surgical field and the hands of the surgeon, since after treatment the active substance remains for some time on the skin. It retains antimicrobial activity in a purulent environment, blood, but the effectiveness is somewhat reduced.


Local application does not have a systemic effect - the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream.



Application in gynecology:

  • trichomonas colpitis;
  • itching of the vulva;
  • cervical erosion;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.

In dentistry and ENT practice:

  • gingivitis;
  • aphthae;
  • stomatitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • disinfection of prostheses (partially removable, removable);
  • angina;
  • postoperative hygiene in dental and ENT departments.

As a local antiseptic for:

  • treatment of wounds, including burn surfaces;
  • disinfection of the skin, including the surgical field;
  • treatment of the hands of medical staff, surgeon;

It is also used for disinfection of work surfaces, equipment, devices, thermometers that do not allow heat treatment.


  • Hygienic treatment of the hands of a surgeon and other medical staff in institutions of various profiles;
  • Processing of the skin area of ​​the injection, surgical fields, elbow folds (skin) of donors;
  • Disinfection of small surfaces of medical products (for example, ENT, dental instruments) for infections of various etiologies (bacterial, fungal, viral) in health facilities;
  • Hygienic treatment of the skin of the hands of workers in the catering, food industry, public utilities.


  • Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes;
  • Prevention of complications of an infectious and inflammatory nature in gynecology and obstetrics (before childbirth, termination of pregnancy, surgical treatment, before and after the installation of an intrauterine device, before and after diathermocoagulation (cauterization) of the cervix, before performing an intrauterine examination;
  • Treatment of bacterial vaginosis;
  • Therapy of colpitis (including mixed, Trichomonas, non-specific).


  • Hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components.
  • Dermatitis, allergic reactions at the site of application.

Pregnancy, lactation

Not contraindicated in lactation and pregnancy.

special instructions

With caution is prescribed for the treatment of children. In case of accidental ingestion of any form of chlorhexidine, immediately wash the stomach with a sufficient amount of water, and then take the adsorbent.

The spray should not be applied to mucous membranes and wounds. Solution and spray are unacceptable for contact with the auditory nerve and meninges. In case of accidental contact with these areas, thoroughly rinse the drug under running water. If the spray gets into the eyes, also rinse with water and drip albucid.

The drug is incompatible with alkalis, soaps and other anionic compounds (gum arabic, colloids, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, saponins). It is not used simultaneously with other antiseptics.

Do not forget that chlorhexidine is a drug, not a hygiene product, so you can not use it for everyday rinsing of the mouth and teeth, as well as douching. There are strict indications under which such a procedure is appropriate and necessary, and they should be followed. If you use chlorhexidine uncontrollably, it is fraught with an imbalance of microflora, the development of dysbacteriosis and allergic reactions.



  • Prevention of venereal diseases. It is used no later than 2 hours after the break of the condom, unprotected intercourse. For men, about 2-3 ml of the drug is injected into the urethra, for women - 2-3 ml into the urethra and 5-10 ml - additionally into the vagina (chlorhexidine in the form of douching). Be sure to process the skin around the genitals. Urination can be carried out no earlier than 2 hours after the administration of the drug.
  • in gynecology. Use in the form of douching with appropriate indications. It is carried out in a horizontal position, squeezing a few drops of the drug into the vagina from the bottle. After the procedure, you need to lie down for 5-10 minutes.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract in men and women. 2-3 ml of the solution is injected into the urethra once or twice a day for 10 days in a row.
  • For the treatment of skin lesions, wounds, burns, the solution is applied in the form of an application, which is left for 1-3 minutes.
  • For gargling with sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Recommendations for use for rinsing - before the procedure, rinse the mouth with warm water. Then take 10-15 ml of the solution and carefully gargle with it for about 30 seconds. Do not eat or drink for 60 minutes after the procedure. It is not necessary to dilute chlorhexidine - a 0.05% solution is suitable for the procedure.
  • In dentistry. For rinsing teeth, for washing the periodontal canal, fistulas, abscesses. It is also used to treat the gums after patchwork periodontal surgery.


  • For hygienic treatment of the hands of the medical staff, ~ 5 ml of the spray is distributed on the hands and rubbed for 2 minutes.
  • To treat the hands of the surgeon, first thoroughly wash their hands with warm running water and soap for at least 2 minutes, dry them with a sterile gauze cloth. Already on dry skin, apply a product with a volume of 5 ml at least 2 times, rub in for 3 minutes.
  • To treat the elbow folds (skin areas) or the surgical field, the skin is wiped twice, sequentially, using sterile gauze swabs, abundantly moistened with the preparation. After finishing the treatment, wait 2 minutes. Before the operation, the patient takes a shower, changes clothes. During the processing of the surgical field, the skin in one direction is wiped with a sterile swab irrigated with a spray. After the end of the treatment, you need to wait 1 minute.
  • To disinfect small surfaces (tables, chair armrests, equipment), they are wiped with a sterile rag soaked in the product. Consumption rate - 100 ml per 1 m 2.
  • Instrument disinfection. Before processing, impurities visible to the eye are removed from the tool by wiping with napkins, rinsing under running water with a ruff in compliance with the anti-epidemic regime. Then they are immersed in a container with a solution so that the cavities and channels are completely filled, with an exposure depending on the specifics of the treatment. The solution for disinfection under storage conditions under the lid is suitable for 3 days.


  • For the prevention of STIs - 1 suppository once in the vagina. A prerequisite is that no more than 2 hours should pass after sexual intercourse.
  • For the treatment of vaginosis, colpitis - 1 suppository twice a day, 7-10 days in a row.

Solutions of antiseptic agents for douching are widely used in gynecology. Having a lot of positive actions, effectively getting rid of various microbes and fungi, the compositions differ in name, price and pharmacology. One of the best and inexpensive in cost is Chlorhexidine. Simple-looking packaging hides a well-known and recognized antiseptic, and douching with Chlorhexidine is considered one of the safest for health.

pharmachologic effect

Chlorhexidine is a broad spectrum antiseptic. The drug has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal property, as a result of which it suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and causes their complete death. The activity of the drug is confirmed against bacteria such as:

  • Chlamydia;
  • gray treponema;
  • Ureplasma;
  • Fragile bacteroids;
  • herpes virus;
  • Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • gonococci;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Candida.

Some physicians are conducting research on the effect of chlorhexidine douching on HIV infection, but viruses without a cytoplasmic envelope are resistant to this drug. The following dosage forms are produced:

  1. Solutions in water of various concentrations (from 0.02% to 20%);
  2. vaginal suppositories;
  3. Gel forms of the composition.

When choosing Chlorhexidine for douching, preference should be given to weakly concentrated aqueous solutions with an active substance content of not more than 0.02-0.05%. All other formulations are used to treat superficial wounds, burns, sutures after surgery.

Important! Douching with a composition of 20% is strictly prohibited! This tool is used for the preparation of solutions on an aqueous, glycerin, alcohol basis. If the pharmacy did not have the desired solution, you should use a diluted composition, bringing the mass of the active substance to the desired volume. It is allowed to dilute the concentrated preparation with distilled (boiled and cooled) water.

In its form, the drug is a colorless transparent liquid without a pronounced odor. An additional substance is purified water, therefore, even if you buy a concentrated mixture, dilute it and use it for douching.

Indications for use

Use in gynecology only as prescribed by the doctor, the following diseases serve as indications:

  • Colpitis, including during pregnancy;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Sexual infections: syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, genital herpes;
  • Sanitation of the genital organs for and after diagnostic procedures;
  • Preventive measures after unprotected intercourse;
  • Treatment of the genital organs after surgery;
  • Vulvagenitis, bacterial vaginosis.

In the gynecological, obstetric, surgical department of each hospital there is a solution of Chlorhexidine. This is due to the inexpensive price of the drug ($ 2), excellent tolerance and wide possibilities of the antibacterial agent.

How to do douching at home?

For ease of use, solutions are available in different packages with additional nozzles. If there is no nozzle, a regular syringe, which is sold at any pharmacy, is enough. How to do douching with Chlorhexidine at home:

  1. Sterilize the nozzle, syringe;
  2. Do not heat the solution so as not to change its chemical, pharmacological properties;
  3. Lie horizontally, bend your legs at the knees, spread apart (you can in the bathroom);
  4. To lubricate the tip of the nozzle, use medical Vaseline;
  5. Draw 10-15 ml of solution into the syringe;
  6. Inject the drug directly into the vagina;
  7. With the effort of the muscles, push the composition back into the bath.

Knowing how to do douching correctly, the procedure should be carried out once a day for a week. You can use one nozzle, a syringe for the entire course of treatment, but only individually and each time after the procedure, washing them with warm soapy water and drying them without using cotton fabrics (a paper towel will do).

Treatment safety

With prolonged use of the drug, there may be a threat of vaginal dysbacteriosis. Therefore, it is recommended to look for analogues if a long sanitation / treatment of the genital tract is required, due to the treatment of a severe form of pathology.

Important! Doctors confirm the safety of the drug due to its indigestibility by the digestive tract. Even if a dose of the drug is accidentally swallowed, gastric lavage is not required - the antiseptic itself will be excreted from the body in 12-14 hours.

Contraindications include:

  1. Dermatitis;
  2. Viral diseases of the skin;
  3. Individual intolerance to the components.

The solution should be used with great care in conjunction with other anionic formulations. In particular, this applies to soap, gum arabic, colloids, sulfates, phosphates. In this case, patients use analogues:

  • Amident;
  • Hexicon;
  • Cyteal;
  • Miramistin.

In the case when douching is prescribed, Chlorhexidine can be diluted at home with plain water. It is allowed to make one solution and leave it in the refrigerator for the entire period of therapy. Reviews about the drug are the most positive. The solution perfectly copes with prenatal, postnatal sanitation, thrush. In particular, the composition relieves signs of malaise, provokes the complete destruction of bacteria and can be used as an aid in the treatment of thrush. According to patients, thrush disappears in 7-10 days, it is enough to irrigate or wash with the drug at the desired concentration of the active substance.

Gynecologists quite often prescribe Chlorhexidine douching to patients. This method is used in gynecology for the treatment of diseases of the genital area, against candidiasis.

Chlorhexidine is a versatile broad-spectrum antiseptic. It has been used in many areas of medicine for over 60 years.

It effectively fights against:

  • infections;
  • growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • some strains of viruses.

Chlorhexidine is a proven drug.

The mechanism of action of the drug

Solutions of the drug of various concentrations penetrate into the upper layers of the epithelium and mucous membranes when applied externally. Due to the opposite charge (positive and negative), chlorhexidine molecules are attracted to the membranes of the bacterial cell.

Douching with chlorhexidine in gynecology is a normal practice. The agent has bacterial properties.

When interacting with phosphates on the surfaces of membranes, the osmotic balance inside microbial cells is shifted, which leads to violations of the integrity of the membranes. This causes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug, being on the surface of the skin, retains its effect for several hours.

Chlorhexidine is detrimental to bacteria, some viruses, and membranous protozoa. The action of the drug does not apply to viruses devoid of a membrane envelope. Stops reproduction and suppresses causative agents of ringworm, dermatophytes and fungi of the genus Candida.

Composition and form of release

Chlorhexidine bigluconate (Chlorhexidini bigluconas) is an antiseptic, antimicrobial agent for external use. It is produced in the form of solutions, suppositories, creams and emulsions, and is also added as an additional or main component to medicinal or cosmetic preparations.

Dosage forms:

Release forms Concentrations % Volume, ml Package
Alcohol solution0,05 25, 50, 70, 100, 250, 500, 1000 glass vials,

Plastic bottles

Water solution0,05; 0,2; 0,5; 1, 5; 20. 100, 250, 500, 1000 and 5000Glass (bottle)

Plastic (bubble)

Gel0,5; 2. 5, 20 Aluminum tube
Cream0,5; 2. 20, 35 Aluminum tubes
Spray (alcohol)0,05 70, 100 spray bottle
Glycerin emulsion0,05 25, 50, 100, 250 glass vial
Vaginal suppositories 8mg, 16mgcontour packaging

The use of Chlorhexidine in gynecology

The high efficiency of the drug allows its use in gynecology, obstetrics. The drug is in greatest demand in gynecological hospitals and maternity hospitals.


Douching with Chlorhexidine in gynecology as prescribed by a doctor is used for:


The drug is used only locally and is not absorbed, therefore, toxic manifestations do not occur. The main contraindication to therapy is hypersensitivity (intolerance) to the components.

Do not use chlorhexidine:

  • With dermatitis.
  • in neonatology.
  • Ophthalmology.
  • Neurosurgery.
  • Otolaryngology.

It is forbidden to use in conjunction with other antiseptics and substances (hydrogen peroxide, surfactants, lauryl sulfate, soap).

Application methods

All pharmacological forms of chlorhexidine are intended for local external use. The choice of the method of application of the antiseptic is carried out by the attending physician. In gynecology, it is used in the form of aqueous solutions, sprays, vaginal suppositories. With the help of the drug, irrigation is done, and also used for applications.

For intravaginal purposes, suppositories are prescribed. Treatment of damaged areas is carried out with napkins moistened in weakly concentrated aqueous solutions. Such a solution is also used for treating the genitals and douching.

In order to prevent STIs, the drug is used no more than 2 hours after unprotected contact. In this case, with independent use, girls should remember that Chlorhexidine will only help to avoid infection. It is not suitable as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy.

A brief description of gynecological procedures using chlorhexidine in the main dosage forms is given in the table:

Procedure Dosage form Concentration, % Application
IrrigationWater solution0,01, 0,05, 0,2, 0,5 Using a napkin or irrigation method, the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membrane is treated.
douchingWater solution0,05 10-15 ml of the solution is inserted into the vagina with a rubber bulb (the frequency and duration of the procedures is determined by the doctor).
ApplicationWater solution0,05 A sterile cotton swab is moistened with the solution and inserted into the vagina.
intravaginallyCandles8 or 16 mg1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 5-10, less often up to 20 days.

Solutions with a concentration of 1% or more are used only for disinfection of instruments and surfaces of medical equipment. It should not be assumed that the more concentrated the solution, the higher its effectiveness. At high concentrations, instead of a therapeutic effect, significant harm to health can be caused.

An aqueous solution of 20% is used for dilution for disinfection purposes. The process of reducing the concentration is carried out in the laboratory, or in industrial pharmacies. You should not try to do it yourself. Alcoholic 20% solutions are not used for medicinal purposes and are used only for the purpose of special treatment of instruments, hands and surgical fields.

The benefits and harms of the drug for the urinary system of women

The benefit of chlorhexidine is the destruction of pathogenic microflora, the drug is especially effective for candidiasis. When used as directed, chlorhexidine is safe. Long-term use without consulting a doctor can harm.

Since this antiseptic kills absolutely all bacteria, both pathogenic and beneficial, candidiasis or dysbacteriosis may occur.

Also, with prolonged use, the development of antibiotic-resistant microflora is possible. With repeated use of concentrated solutions, chlorhexidine can lead to narrowing (stricture) of the urethra and urination disorders.

Side effects

Douching with Chlorhexidine in gynecology is a well-tested and proven technique. Usually the drug is well tolerated and does not cause side effects.

But with improper use and individual sensitivity of the body, unpleasant consequences can occur:

To avoid negative consequences when using the drug, you should strictly follow the recommendations for its use for various purposes. And also in the production of disinfection measures, use personal protective equipment.

Dosage and dilution of Chlorhexidine for douching with candidiasis

In gynecology, a weakly concentrated 0.05% aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine is used for douching. This concentration is optimal, it has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane and does not leave a single chance for fungi. For douching, you must use a ready-made 0.05% solution, or prepare it yourself.

Percent % Dilution, to obtain 0.05%
0,05% Not required
0,2% 1:4 10 ml+40 ml water
0,5% 1:10 10 ml +100 ml water
1% 1:20 10 ml + 200 ml water
5% 1:100 2 ml + 198 ml water
20% 1:100 = 1% 0.5 ml 20% solution + 2000 ml water.

How to do douching with chlorhexidine?

Douching with Chlorhexidine (in gynecology it is often prescribed to women) can be done at home. Douching is a simple and effective method of treatment that affects the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. The method helps to get rid of pathogenic microflora and stimulates the processes of restoration and healing of tissues.

Douching with chlorhexidine can be used as an emergency measure to reduce the risk of contracting infections through unplanned sexual intercourse. This method also helps for the treatment of candidiasis, but it is important to remember that the treatment of fungal infection of the vagina should be comprehensive. A solution of chlorhexidine is more effective in combating thrush than candles.

The douching technique is intuitive for women, but there are some rules that are recommended to pay attention to:

  • Prepare an aqueous solution at a concentration of 0.05%, a higher concentration is used only as directed by a doctor.
  • Prepare a rubber pear (after boiling). If the solution is in an industrial bottle with an applicator, then nothing needs to be done.
  • Slightly heat the solution to 22-25 degrees, as a warm solution is more effective.
  • Urinate and carry out hygiene procedures without the use of soap. Antiseptic solution is not compatible with soap and may cause side effects.
  • Lay a clean oilcloth on the bed and cover it with a diaper.
  • Lie on the bed, spread your legs wide and bend them at the knees. To prevent leakage of the solution, you can put a diaper (towel) folded several times under the pelvis.

It is practically pointless to carry out the douching procedure in a standing or sitting position, since for the optimal effect of the drug, it needs to be in the vagina for at least 3 minutes.


How often and for how long should the procedures be done?

Douching with Chlorhexidine in gynecology has mostly positive reviews, provided it is used correctly and not for a long time. The frequency and duration of douching is determined by the doctor. Usually it is 1-2 procedures per day, for 5-7 days. You can perform only one procedure on your own, if it has not brought improvement, you cannot do without consulting a gynecologist.

Complications after douching

Douching is not a harmless procedure and can cause unwanted complications, so before doing it, you need to weigh the expected benefits and risks.

Complications of the procedure:

  • The occurrence of hypersensitivity reactions, irritation, itching.
  • Injuries of the cervix, vagina, vulva.
  • Chemical or thermal burn, in case of incorrect concentration or high temperature of the solution.
  • Displacement of the natural pH balance, the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.
  • Penetration of the drug solution into the cervix. This can happen due to the dissolution of the protective cork due to frequent and lengthy procedures.
  • The occurrence of structural tissue disorders, since the agent has a strong drying effect.

Can pregnant women do douching with Chlorhexidine?

The procedure for douching pregnant women is strictly prohibited. But the remedy itself, as prescribed by a doctor, can be used in cases where the need for its use significantly outweighs the risk. Chlorhexidine is used to sanitize the birth canal after childbirth.

Alternative to douching - Chlorhexidine tampons

Instead of douching, chlorhexidine swabs may be used. This is a more efficient and powerful method. For this, special cotton-gauze swabs are prepared; hygiene products cannot be used for these purposes. Cotton rolled into a ball is wrapped with a bandage like a pear and fixed with a thread or bandage with long ends for easy removal of the tampon.

For the procedure, the tampon is abundantly soaked with an antiseptic and inserted into the vagina for a certain time. This procedure is used mainly in hospitals or at a gynecologist's appointment for cauterization of cervical erosion, after surgical interventions.

Washing and baths with Chlorhexidine

Washing is used for irritation of external organs, candidiasis in children and pregnant women. This is a safer way to use. In gynecology, both sitz baths with chlorhexidine are used, when the solution is added to water, and intravaginally, when the medicinal solution is poured directly into the vagina using a mirror.

Chlorhexidine sitz bath procedure:

  • Pour into the bath a small amount of warm not hot water 35-37 degrees.
  • Dilute a solution of 12.5 ml of 20% solution in 50 liters of water.
  • Sit in the prepared solution for 3-5 minutes.

The intravaginal bath procedure is performed in the doctor's office and is in many ways similar to the douching procedure, only here the medicinal solution is held in the vagina with the help of a mirror for the right time.

What can not be combined with the drug?

Due to the rather pronounced antimicrobial and drying effect, Chlorhexidine should not be combined with other antiseptics.

For example:

  • Iodine and iodine-containing preparations (Lugol solution).
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Surfactant (lauryl sulfate, soap).
  • Phosphates (components of synthetic detergents).
  • Chlorides (may be present in detergents, cosmetics, household chemicals, medicines).
  • Borates (boric alcohol, boric acid).

Use with these groups of substances can cause dermatitis, irritation, chemical burns.

Chlorhexidine cost

The price range for Chlorhexidine is quite large. The cost depends on the dosage form and the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug. The price of domestic aqueous 0.05% solutions ranges from 15 to 50 rubles. for 100 ml, suppositories from 120 rubles. Imported analogues are more expensive: solutions - from 300 rubles, candles - from 350 rubles.

In gynecological practice, there are two opposing opinions about the benefits and harms of douching for the female body. Some gynecologists categorically oppose such a procedure, others consider it expedient, but only in specific cases, in the treatment of certain diseases of the female genital area.

Douching in gynecology should only be used as a therapeutic measure when indicated. In emergency cases, a single application of chlorhexidine solution is allowed to prevent infection. If you experience unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about douching in gynecology

Douching. Why and how to do vaginal douching:

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