Inexpensive analogues "Alflutop. Is there a Qualitative Analogue of Alflutop

Alflutop refers to tissue stimulant drugs natural origin. Effective in tissue repair processes cartilaginous joints. Additionally, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, even in the case of rheumatism.

It is a biologically active chondroprotector, active substance which is a bioactive concentrate of several types of marine organisms. They include: sprat, Black Sea shad, Black Sea whiting, anchovy.

The drug is available as a solution for intra-articular and deep intramuscular injections. The solution for injection can be packaged in ampoules of 1-2 ml in packs of 5-10 pieces or immediately packaged in disposable syringes of 2 ml in packs of 5 pieces.

Helping recovery cartilage tissue, alflutop can cause such rare side effects as reddening of the skin, burning at the injection site, short-term myalgia and itchy dermatitis.

If cases of short-term muscular and joint pain after injections are repeated, then this is a contraindication to continue taking the medication. Also, alflutop can not be used during pregnancy, lactation.

Important! It should be used with caution in adolescent patients, since clinical data on the use of alflutop in this age category No.

The price of this drug varies from 1500 to 3000 rubles. Among the analogues of alflutop, there are mainly chondroprotectors in tablets with synthetic components, since there is no absolute synonym for this drug.

However, if you have intolerance to alflutop or if you want to find cheaper drugs with the same effect, you can choose Russian and foreign drugs that are similar in effect.

Analogues of Russian production

Name Price in rubles About the drug
Chondroflex 800–1200 Produced in Russia, it is the cheapest analogue of alflutop in tablets. Chondroitin and glucosamine improve the condition of the joint tissue.

When interacting with antibiotics, it reduces the effect of semi-synthetic penicillins, increases the absorption of tetracyclines.

Teraflex 1400–2100 Capsules for oral administration, replenish the deficiency of substances for building cartilage tissue in the joints, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Sinoart 4500–4900 Widely used in orthopedics aid, relieves pain and increases joint mobility, is indicated for osteoarthritis and post-traumatic changes in the knees and pelvic joints.

Enter it directly into the joint cavity.

Artrofoon 300–400 Homeopathic remedy in tablets for resorption in the mouth, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic action used for many chronic inflammatory diseases joints.

Ukrainian substitutes

Bischofite, 130–250 rubles, a natural mineral that is mined when drilling wells in the form of a liquid.

This brine and gel based on it are a chloride-magnesium-sodium complex, which is used in the form of compresses, baths and rubbing for joint diseases - such as arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis.

It is possible to use the gel during pregnancy. It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cooling effect on the affected areas.

Belarusian generics

Other foreign analogues

  • Rumalon(Switzerland), 1300–1800 rubles, biologically active chondroprotector, also made from animal products (from cartilage and bone marrow young cattle), in the human body rumalon stimulates the production of its own collagen and other substances that are involved in the restoration connective tissue joints. It is used as a course of injections.
  • Don(Ireland), 1400–1500 rubles, improves metabolism in cartilage tissue by increasing permeability joint capsule and recovery enzymatic activity in articular cartilage cells.

    It is used for osteoarthritis, scapular-shoulder periarthritis, chondromalacia of the patella.

  • Structum(France), 1500–1600 rubles, has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, chondrostimulating effect on body tissues.

    It is indicated for osteoporosis, arthrosis, it is prescribed by traumatologists to accelerate the formation callus at fractures. Available in capsules, which avoids injections.

  • Artra(USA), 950–2500 rubles, chondroprotector tablets containing glucosamine and chondroitin.

    Stops the destruction of cartilage, has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect on the joints. It alleviates the symptoms of osteoarthritis of both peripheral joints and the spine, thereby reducing the need for NSAIDs in the patient.

  • Chondroxide Maximum(Singapore), 900–1100 rubles, cream with a regenerating effect, has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on joint tissues.

    Indications for use - osteoarthrosis of peripheral joints and joints of the spine. Not to be used by pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

Alflutop is one of many biologically active drugs - chondroprotectors. The medicine has unique composition, experimentally and clinically tested in cases of joint cartilage problems.

Even taking into account the fact that there are no direct analogues of alflutop, it is possible to find agents that are synonymous in terms of effects on the joints. different shapes release - both in ampoules and in tablets, and in the form of ointments and creams.

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Discussion: 5 comments

    We buy Artropant for our grandmother, it also includes Chondroitin and Glucosamine, as well as medicinal herbs. Says it helps her cope with pain.


    Before, I also suffered from pain in the joints, sedentary work, and that's why I'm ossifying. And now I started every year a two-month course of chondroprotectors to drink (I take a maximum of glucosamine) and everything returned to normal gradually, there is glucosamine and chondroitin, just what is needed in such a situation.


    They pricked alflutop when it grabbed my back, even then I had to take a sick leave. They said he needed so that later his back would not hurt for a long time. And what? No sooner had I left for work than the pain returned. Used to drink protect, after it for at least six months there were no problems. And this alflutop doctor praised me more.


Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited at breastfeeding

Forbidden to children

Has restrictions for the elderly

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Lifestyle modern man often associated with sedentary work, lack of motor load, which, in turn, leads to the development of degenerative diseases musculoskeletal system: arthrosis different localization, spondyloarthritis, rheumatic lesions. In such cases, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the metabolism in the articular tissues, as well as regulate the synthesis of collagen and other proteins necessary to ensure joint mobility.

The group of chondroprotectors includes the drug Aflutop, which contains biologically active extracts of marine fish. They are rich in the following components that restore homeostasis in the osteoarticular system:

  • chondroitin;
  • amino acids;
  • proteoglycans;
  • phospholipids;
  • minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron).

Aflutop is available in transparent glass ampoules containing 1 ml of solution for intramuscular and intraarticular injections. There is no experience of use in pregnant, lactating and children under 16 years of age, and therefore it is worth refusing to prescribe the drug to the above categories of patients.

Aflutop has a large number of analogs with similar properties, but differing in price, form of release and treatment regimen.

Prices for the drug and its main analogues, average in Russia

For the purchase of chondroprotectors in pharmacies on the territory Russian Federation a doctor's prescription is not required, but it is necessary to refrain from self-medication due to the difficulty of selecting the necessary therapy. This group drugs are diverse in form of release and price.

Name of the drug Moscow St. Petersburg Tula Surgut
Aflutop, 1 ml ampoules, No. 10 1722-1745 1770-1813 1683-1714 1700-1750
Mukosat, ampoules 2 ml No. 5 741-748 734-739 745-749 740-750
Elbona, injection solution, 2 ml, No. 6 1169-1190 1150-1200 1100-1230 1132-1279
Rumalon, 25 pcs. 1 ml 2260-2289 2267-2290 2239-2300 2210-2213

sachet 1500 mg, 20 pcs.

ampoules of 2 ml, No. 6

tablets, no. 60

1320-1350 1300-1350 1310-1340 1260-1300
Sinoart, solution for intra-articular injections Temporarily out of stock
Teraflex, capsules №200 3900-4100 3500-4000 3750-4100 3830-4050
Structum, 60 capsules 1420-1440 1380-1420 1350-1390 1310-1387
Artra, 120 tablets 1500-1600 1450-1510 1502-1540 1460-1560
Artra MSM-Forte, №120 1850-1950 1800-1900 1750-1900 1780-1920
Sustilak, 120 tablets 1420-1443 1387-1420 1350-1392 1310-1387
Arthrofon, tablets №100 302-310 280-320 301-315 309-340

Cheaper analogues of the drug in injections

Alflutop in ampoules, like most chondroprotectors, is an expensive drug. Since long-term therapy is required for the treatment of bone and joint diseases, it becomes necessary to select cheaper analogues of Aflutop in injections.


The drug is produced in Belarus by the Belmedpreparaty pharmaceutical company. According to modern classification drugs, Mucosat belongs to the group of non-steroidal antirheumatic drugs. The active effect of the drug is provided sodium salts chondroitin sulfate. They are proteoglycans and form the basis of cartilage tissue.

This drug has anti-inflammatory properties by blocking lipid peroxidation reactions and reducing the concentration free radicals. Bone mineral density increases with light normalization of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. The drug is available as a solution for injection. Usually used for intramuscular injections 1 time per day average duration treatment is one month.


The main indication for the appointment of the drug Chondroflex is osteoporosis and osteochondrosis of the spine, since this medicine has a pronounced regenerating, anti-inflammatory and mineralizing properties.

The components included in the composition (chondroitin, glucosamine) prevent the destruction of the cartilage membrane and improve the production of joint fluid. It also has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid, which leads to a decrease in inflammation and pain.

Issued this remedy in the form of an ointment for external use (30 g) and capsules for oral administration (100, 60 or 30 pieces per pack). injection form drug on this moment not available for sale. To achieve the most pronounced therapeutic effect, complex therapy with the use of various forms medicines. The minimum duration of treatment is 30-35 days.


Included in the medication hyaluronic acid is a required component synovial fluid which provides elasticity to cartilage. Medicine has pronounced reparative and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to quickly stop arthralgia. It is most often used for arthrosis of large joints (hip, knee, less commonly shoulder).

The rapid clinical effect is due to local action of this medicine - Sinoart is available in syringe tubes for intra-articular injection. single dose medication - 2 ml (20 mg sodium hyaluronate). The therapeutic course consists of five injections, which are done once a week in the affected joint. Before the injection, it is important to remove exudate and excess interarticular fluid from the articular cavity.

The drug can be administered in complex treatment with other forms of chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 18 years of age, as well as in the presence of hypersensitivity and severe liver failure.


According to modern pharmacological classification Elbona belongs to the group of correctors of bone and joint tissue metabolism. Release form - ampoules for intramuscular injection. Each package contains a set of solvents (diethanolamine 2 ml) and 6 ampoules with active ingredient(glucosamines).

The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, reparative, chondroprotective and analgesic effect. Most often prescribed in complex therapy to improve joint mobility in patients with osteoarthritis and spondyloarthrosis. Works well with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Approved for use in children over 12 years of age. The course of treatment consists of 10-12 intramuscular injections with a frequency of 3 times a week.

Given the presence of lidocaine in the composition, use should be limited in persons with disabilities heart rate, cardiovascular insufficiency, epilepsy.

According to the international anatomical and therapeutic classification, Rumalon belongs to the group of regenerants and reparants, correctors mineral metabolism. The drug of animal origin, is made from cartilage and bone marrow tissue of large cattle. It inhibits the destruction of cartilage tissue, stimulates the production of joint fluid, hyaline and other mucopolysaccharides necessary to ensure the metabolism of cartilage.

The main indications for the appointment:

  • rheumatic arthritis;
  • arthrosis of the hip and knee joints;
  • osteoporosis;
  • chondromalacia of the patella.

The drug is intended for deep intramuscular injection, available in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml. ready solution. The treatment regimen is gradual increase doses. On day 1, 0.3 ml is injected, on the second - 0.5 ml, then it is necessary to inject with 1 ml of Rumalon every other day for 2 months.


It belongs to chondroprotectors, has reparative, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Differs in a variety of forms of release:

  • sachet, with powder for making a drink;
  • tablets for internal use;
  • a set of ampoules with a solution for intramuscular injection and a solvent.

A substance that has active action- glucosamine sulfate. The drug reduces the manifestation of inflammation in the joints, prevents the thinning of cartilage, stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Most often prescribed for degenerative diseases of the spine, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, osteomalacia of the patella, scapular-shoulder periarthritis. For achievement maximum effect It is recommended to combine the injection and oral form of the drug. Therapy is required for a long time, the minimum duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

Tablet preparations

Chondroprotectors in the form of tablets have a cumulative effect. With prolonged and regular use, they are able to restore the structure of bone and joint tissue, help eliminate the main signs of inflammation (pain, swelling, stiffness of movements). Alflutop has a sufficient number of analogs in tablets, which allows you to individually select the treatment for each patient, depending on the intensity of the pathological lesion and financial capabilities.

Traumeel S

Refers to homeopathic preparations of plant and mineral origin, has many therapeutic effects:

  • immunostimulating;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • antiexudative;
  • reparative;
  • chondroprotective.

The main components of the tablets are calendula, arnica, belladonna, chamomile, echinacea, comfrey, St. John's wort, daisy. In orthopedics and traumatology, it is used to treat rheumatic and destructive diseases of the musculoskeletal system. locomotive apparatus.

Most pronounced effect observed with a combination of tablet and outer shape drug. Traumeel S gel is used to treat arthritis of infectious, traumatic, rheumatic origin, to combat pain and swelling. The ointment has a pronounced effect in the treatment of bursitis, myositis, tendovaginitis, as well as skin diseases.

IN advanced cases prescribe Traumeel injections. The dose of the drug depends on age and body weight. It is administered at intervals of 1 time in 7 days for 8-10 months. Most often used for intramuscular injections, however, to create the maximum concentration in the pathological focus, intra- and periarticular injections are rational.

Refers to a group of drugs that stimulate tissue repair. Restores the synthesis of interarticular fluid, increases its viscosity. Inhibits elastase and hyaluronidase, which leads to an increase in tissue elasticity. There are the following forms of the drug:

The duration of treatment is on average 2-3 months. Capsules are prescribed orally 1 piece 3 times a day, regardless of the form of the drug.


The active ingredient, glycosamine hydrochloride (1.5 g), belongs to the group of proteoglycan and collagen synthesis stimulators. Release in the form of tablets with a modified release, which allows you to maintain the optimal concentration of the drug in the blood for 24 hours.

Sustilak is used for the treatment of arthrosis of various localization and with preventive purpose in women during menopause. When used in complex therapy, it allows to reduce the dose of NSAIDs.


Refers to correctors of bone and cartilage metabolism with pronounced reparative and anti-inflammatory properties. It consists of a combination of aminosaccharides, which are the structural basis of cartilage tissue - glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates. They provide resilience and elasticity of the joint surfaces, contribute to the development enough synovial fluid.

When taking Cordronova, the breakdown of hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans is inhibited due to inhibition of the activity of the enzymes hyaluronidase and elastase. In case of use in combination therapy this medicine helps to significantly reduce the dose of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Main indications:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis of large joints;
  • aseptic synovitis;
  • spondylosis.

Take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. Usually the duration of treatment is 2-2.5 months. To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, it is rational to combine with Kordronov's ointment for external use.


The preparation of animal origin contains glycosaminoglycan chondroitin, which is the basis of the joint fluid and protects tissues from destruction. Contributes to the normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, strengthens connective tissue structures. Inhibits the action of hyalorunidase, elastase, cathepsin and peptidase, thereby chemical protection articular surfaces.

The drug is prescribed as supportive therapy in the treatment of gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, osteoporosis. You need to take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day for 6 months.


It is a stimulant for the restoration of connective tissue. The composition of the drug in equal quantities includes chondroitin and glucosamine (0.5 g each), as well as calcium phosphate. At long-term use Arthritis, restoration of the structural components of the joint, an increase in the amount of synovial fluid, increases the strength and elasticity of connective tissue fibers.

The active components of the drug stimulate the processes of cellular metabolism, have moderate anti-inflammatory properties, and reduce the production of free radicals. A stable clinical effect is observed when taking 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for at least 6 months.

Homeopathic remedy approved for use in children over 6 years of age. Active ingredient- a combination of purified antibodies to tumor necrosis factor. The drug improves microcirculation and inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. Used in the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis various etiologies in combination with chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, analgesics.

Tablets are intended for sublingual administration. Take 2 tablets 4-5 times a day, after reducing the intensity pain syndrome- 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-2.5 months.

For those who have not experienced joint diseases, this name does not mean anything. Well, for those who suffer from the degradation of cartilage located in the joints, without similar drug it is impossible to do. And many people know that it is worth applying alflutop injections, as there is a noticeable relief.

Alflutop is a drug made exclusively from natural products, in particular, from the extract of marine fish. It has an analgesic effect, but, in addition, this drug is a chondroprotector, that is, it is able to restore those destroyed during osteochondrosis cartilage discs. And, according to experts, there is no analogue of alflutop with exactly the same properties in the world. In addition, the drug has an important property - it is one of the few drugs that do not have side effects.

And although there is no analogue of alflutop, as such, there is a rather extensive group of drugs, which are also called chondroprotectors and which are able to restore damaged cartilage tissue.

In the event that the patient is prescribed alflutop injections, he can be sure that the medicine will positive influence on the metabolism in cartilaginous tissues, as well as anti-inflammatory action. Some believe that the analogue of alflutop is cheap, and therefore they prefer to purchase just such a medicine. In fact, they are making a mistake. As already mentioned, alflutop is made from four types of small marine fish and that is why it has such unique properties. And any analogue of alflutop, as a rule, is chemical compound, which can carry various side effects on the body.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of our time. Great amount people suffer today from this insidious disease. As a result of the disease in the joints of a sick person, there is a violation of blood circulation. In this case, there is a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid. As a result, cartilage degradation occurs, and patients experience severe pain. And it is alflutop that is able to help them. The composition of this drug includes hyaluronic acid, dermatan and keratan sulfate. In addition, alflutop has almost all the necessary human body micro and macro elements and amino acids.

But one should not, of course, completely idealize this medicinal product. If a person is allergic to sea ​​fish, then and this drug cannot be applied. An allergic reaction can look like an ordinary hives or very serious allergic reactions immediate type. The effect of this drug on pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding is unknown. Just on this contingent were not carried out clinical researches.

Quite often, patients are interested in the question: "Alflutop and alcohol - how does alcohol affect the patient's body if he takes this drug?" In principle, pharmacists do not recommend taking alcoholic drinks during the course of treatment. But, if you carefully study the reviews of people taking alcohol during treatment, then there are no direct contraindications for taking alflutop and alcohol.

It should be noted that this drug is prescribed only for adults who have degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine or joints. The treatment is carried out in the form of injections, which are prescribed once a day. Depending on the pain injections can be done deep intramuscularly or directly into the diseased joint. In some cases, the drug is administered paravertebral, that is, next to the diseased spine on both sides. As a rule, the course of treatment is repeated after three to six months.

Alflutop stops destructive processes in the articular and interstitial cartilage tissue, promotes its regeneration and gradual recovery. Possesses painkillers And anti-inflammatory action. There are no exact analogues of Alflutop in terms of composition.

However, on the pharmacological market, medicines with a similar mechanism of action and identical therapeutic effect. It is used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The agent includes a concentrated extract from medium-sized fish obtained by separating and degreasing the water component.

The composition of the drug includes aminocarboxylic acids, complex of macro and micro elements, and glycosaminoglycans(chondroitin sulfate), which are integral part intercellular substance connective tissue and synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity.

Despite the effectiveness and high quality of the drug, for many patients it is difficult available remedy because of high cost. Price of ampoules 10 mg/ml, 1 ml, 10 pcs. is 1720 rubles. The article provides a list of more budgetary funds.

Russian analogues Alflutop in ampoules

On a note: Intramuscular administration drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in many cases are much more effective than the tablet form, as it allows you to achieve the highest possible concentration of the drug in the affected area, and also significantly reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Analogs are cheaper Alflutop with chondroitin sulfate:

1. Artradol (Incamfarm). Activates metabolic reactions in cartilaginous tissue. Blocks the entry of inflammatory mediators into the synovial fluid.

  • Stimulates the production of synovial fluid in the joint cavity. Normalizes their functionality.

It has a strong analgesic effect. Gradually, but steadily, the range of motion increases. It is prescribed for articular syndrome, exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

  • Amp. 100 mg 10 pcs. - 65O rubles.

2. Mukosat (Synthesis). An analogue in Alflutop ampoules, the action of which is aimed at reducing pain and stiffness in the affected areas of the joints. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Stops inflammatory process. Inhibits the progression of the disease. Restores cartilage.

  • Amp. 100 mg / ml 1 ml 10 pieces - 730 rubles.

3. Chondrogard (Sotex). Good analogue drug Alflutop for basic therapy. Stops degenerative changes in cartilage. During treatment, pain in the joints quickly decreases, their elasticity and mobility increase. Positive dynamics is noted from the first applications.

  • It is the standard for prescribing for articular and intervertebral osteochondrosis.
  • It has proven itself in deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joints.

Effective analgesic. Well tolerated. When the drug is injected into the muscle, patients do not feel any discomfort. Steady signs of improvement in the patient's condition appear after 14 - 21 days of course treatment.

  • Ampoules 100 mg/ml 1 ml 10 pcs. - 890 rubles

4. Chondrolon (Microgen NPO). An effective remedy for paravertebral blockades.

  • Enhances the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

This analogue of the drug Alflutop has a stable clinical effect. Practitioners note a low frequency of manifestations of undesirable drug reactions and patients, easy tolerability of the drug.

  • Lyophilizate for prig. solution 100 mg 10 pcs. - 940 rubles

Glucosamine Substitute:

1. Elbona (Ellara). Improves the metabolism of bone and cartilage tissue. Helps to restore it. Normalizes enzymatic reactions in the cells of the synovial membrane.

  • Improves the condition of articular surfaces.
  • Due to the high bioavailability, the effectiveness of the treatment course is quickly achieved.

An effective medicine in cases of osteoarthritis, spondyloarthrosis.

  • Amp. 400 mg 2 ml 6 pieces -1190 rubles.

Import substitutes Alflutop for intramuscular injection

1. Dona (Italy). active substance is glucosamine. This analog in ampoules is cheaper Alflutop has a fast prolonged effect. It activates the synthesis of complex proteoglycan proteins that act as a lubricant in the joints. Restores their functionality.

  • It has a strong analgesic effect in diseases of the spine and arthrosis (excluding radicular pain).

brakes further development illness. disappear completely after treatment pain and stiffness at the site of injury. Significantly increased range of motion.

  • Ampoules 0.4 g 2 ml 6 pieces - 1290 rubles.

2.Rumalon (Romania). A drug based on a glycosaminoglycan-peptide complex. Normalizes the function of the affected joints.

  • Shows high efficiency in the treatment of primary arthrosis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis and osteochondrosis.

After a course of treatment, the mobility of the joints and spine improves significantly. Reduces the intensity of the manifestation of pain.

This analogue in Alflutop injections is well tolerated. The effect of the treatment lasts up to 6 months. It has good feedback doctors and patients.

  • Solution 1 ml amp. 10 pieces. - 1340 r.

A year ago, a terrible pain twisted in my left leg, from hip to heel: it was impossible to sit, not to get into the car, it did not hurt to stand for the first 15 minutes, to sleep - only in a certain position, with pillows here and there. To doctors: intervertebral hernia something there 5-7. Droppers, massage this and that - zero effect. Unanimous verdict of doctors: operation. But I have a job (I am a teacher at a university, head of a department): lectures, meetings, I can’t leave even for a month (until January-February). Engaged in self-rescue: picked up a set of painkillers. Yes, and by hearsay, they decided to go to be healed in the Gulf of Thailand, in Cambodia. Do not believe it: on the 5th day of bathing for 6 hours. The next day, the pain was completely gone! And the remaining 20 days there, I just enjoyed the rest. What does Aflutop have to do with it? And here th month 3 pains returned, but weaker. The doctor prescribed Aflutop + Milgamma, said the same effect as from swimming in the fish sea) And so it turned out - on the 5-7th day of injections, the pain disappeared!

Zarina Reply

In vain I then trusted the doctor and spent so much money on this pacifier. The drug does not have an analgesic effect, it does not reduce swelling, I did not start to look better at the place of dislocation. And neither on the first day, nor after ten days of treatment - as if I was injected with water with a syringe, and not remedy. In addition, the sensations from these injections are terrible - the injections are painful, the bumps remain in their places, the liquid is absorbed very badly. And there is no guarantee that you will not have an allergy, no - the composition is full of all sorts of unknown plants.

Lucy Reply

A very unique tool. I used it as prescribed by the doctor for a reason - I have cervical osteochondrosis, and so all the time I take handfuls of all sorts of medicines, so he decided, apparently, to make life easier for my liver and prescribed Traumeel. It is not cheaper than many drugs, but I do not regret a single penny spent. At first, everything was not so rosy - for some reason, after the first injection, my illness began to worsen, my neck hurt as if a bone was being pulled out alive. And two days later, the pain sharply weakened, then completely disappeared. It turns out that in the case of homeopathic preparations this happens, so do not rush to find fault with Traumeel and throw it out the window, wait a bit. And if you wait, all the torment will pay off - for this 10-day course, I personally forgot about what headaches and pain in the neck are, radiating to the arm and the inability to turn my head - tension and immobility are melting away just before our eyes. Moreover, the effect was enough for me for a long time - there was no exacerbation for another four months, then I repeated the course of treatment again. Of course, it is not cheap, but it is better to spend money than health - Traumeel is absolutely harmless and natural.

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