Hymenoplasty surgery technique. Hymenoplasty: all the pros and cons of the restoration of the hymen. Hymenoplasty: before and after

The hymen is a fold of mucous that covers the entrance to the woman's vagina. This element performs a protective function. The loss of virginity during the first intimacy suggests the rupture of this hymen. However, in some cases, more often for religious reasons, a woman needs refloration - the restoration of the hymen. The operation, which is performed on an outpatient basis, is called "hymenoplasty". Reviews about the procedure can be heard very diverse.

The essence of surgery

Hymenoplasty was performed for the first time in the middle of the twentieth century. Reviews of specialists of those times show that the technology of surgical intervention has changed significantly since then. Today, the operation is performed almost painlessly on an outpatient basis. According to the stories, the intervention does not require special training. All you have to do is take some tests.

In fact, any woman can undergo hymenoplasty. Reviews about the sensations of sexual intercourse can be heard for the most part positive. The operation does not lead to loss of sensation. Many note that after hymenoplasty, intimate life becomes much brighter.

The technique of the first operation to restore the hymen was quite primitive. Since then, a lot has improved. You can restore virginity short-term and long-term. It all depends on the tasks that the woman has set for herself.


Why is hymenoplasty performed? Reviews show that most often girls who want to surprise their future husband during their wedding night go for surgery. Lovemaking with a virgin excites passion in a young family even more. In addition, a girl may need to restore the hymen for religious reasons. You can often hear stories about hymenoplasty of those girls who converted to Islam.

Unfortunately, the need to restore the hymen may have less "rosy" indications. Reviews show that the operation is the only way to forget about the rape that you had to endure. In addition, the hymen can be damaged during surgical interventions in the urogenital system of a girl. Often faced with a problem and young athletes. Especially active cycling threatens to break the hymen. Girls involved in equestrian sports may be at risk.

Short term hymenoplasty

Stories and testimonials make it possible to understand that the operation is not painful and can be performed anonymously. If you need to create only the illusion of virginity, experts recommend signing up for a short-term hymenoplasty procedure. The girls who had to undergo the procedure say that the intervention does not take even 20 minutes. The specialist stitches the edges of the hymen using special absorbable threads. After a few days, the hymen is considered restored. Surgical intervention of this kind is especially important for those who decide to restore their virginity before marriage.

Experts say that short-term restoration of virginity can be carried out no more than two or three times. Each time, the amount of tissue decreases significantly, over time, there is no longer a hymen that could be sewn together in the manner described above. For those who need a better result, it is worth paying attention to another operation.

Long term hymenoplasty

For girls who are in a difficult situation, who survived rape, experts recommend a long-term or three-layer restoration of virginity. The operation is considered more complicated, but the result is worth it. How is a three-layer hymenoplasty performed? Reviews of girls who underwent such a procedure show that the intervention requires more thorough preparation. As a hymen, tissue from the vestibule of the vagina is used. Surgery is considered quite traumatic. Often general anesthesia is required.

Really good results can be achieved with long-term hymenoplasty. The girls' reviews show that thanks to the procedure, virginity can be restored from scratch. No one will be able to guess that earlier the representative of the weaker sex had to go through sexual intercourse. Moreover, after a high-quality operation, the gynecologist will not always be able to guess that the girl is no longer a virgin.

Preparing for the operation

It is worth approaching the issue of restoring virginity correctly, regardless of whether long-term or short-term hymenoplasty is chosen. Reviews show that the result of the intervention directly depends on the readiness of the patient. Girls who have already undergone refloration recommend not being embarrassed by the doctor, asking all the necessary questions before the intervention. It is desirable to prepare for the operation not only physically, but also mentally.

Before performing a surgical intervention, a specialist must carefully examine the patient, study her medical record. You will definitely have to pass a general analysis of urine and blood, undergo an electrocardiogram, take a smear on the flora from the vagina. The doctor will not proceed with the operation until he learns about the patient's state of health. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult related specialists - a urologist, a general practitioner, an allergist, an immunologist, etc.

Short-term hymenoplasty requires less special preparation. Reviews show that the procedure can be carried out on the day the girl contacts a plastic surgeon. Patients say that within a few hours after the operation, you can return to a full life. You will have to follow only some recommendations of a specialist.


Despite the fact that the operation is not considered difficult, like any other surgical intervention, it has a number of contraindications. It is categorically impossible to carry out the procedure for girls with oncological pathologies, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus. Women who have already performed refloration are not recommended to make an appointment with a doctor during the seasonal cold season. At this time, chronic diseases are exacerbated, which can affect the course of the operation.

Hymenoplasty should be performed at will. Reviews (who did the operation) show that the lack of desire to go to the doctor leads to the development of unpredictable complications. Inner spirit is very important.

What happens after the return of virginity?

If you believe the stories of girls who nevertheless decided on surgical intervention, the sensations during the loss of virginity are not inferior to those that had to be experienced during the first sexual intercourse. An ignorant man, all the more, will not be able to notice the "trick". Therefore, the operation is really worth it. Moreover, many note that the sensitivity of intimate areas after surgery even increases.

It is also almost impossible to visually distinguish the hymen from the one obtained during the operation, provided that the hymenoplasty was performed correctly. gynecologists - proof of this.

Recovery after surgery and possible complications

Short-term hymenoplasty has practically no unpleasant consequences. The girl can lead a full life almost immediately after the operation. Within a few days, only unpleasant pulling sensations in the vaginal area can be observed. Reviews show that pain symptoms quickly disappear.

Much more unpleasant stories can be heard from women who have decided on a three-layer hymenoplasty. The pain can be so severe that you have to take analgesics. For a variety of reasons, immediately after the intervention, the woman is advised to stay in the hospital for a few more days. A common complication after hymenoplasty is menstrual irregularity. This is due to the emotional stress that the woman had to endure. Complications can also be caused by taking medications prescribed by a plastic surgeon.

A three-layer hymenoplasty should be carried out at a certain period of the menstrual cycle. Reviews show that the most appropriate time for surgery is the 20th day after the start of bleeding. Thus, immediately after the intervention, the specialist can establish whether the cycle is broken or had to face some difficulties.

Cost of the procedure

The price of the operation depends on several factors. In any case, hymenoplasty cannot be called a cheap procedure. The intervention is not carried out in public institutions. You will only have to go to specialized plastic surgery clinics, where doctors have the appropriate knowledge and have performed such an operation more than once.

After evaluating the stories of the girls who decided on the procedure, we can conclude that the cheapest short-term hymenoplasty in Moscow is offered by the Orange Clinic Medical Center. For the operation will have to pay 17 thousand rubles. The three-layer restoration of virginity in the capital will be the cheapest to perform at the Semeynaya clinic. You will have to pay about 20 thousand rubles for the operation.


Signing up for an operation to restore virginity is recommended for the fairer sex, after weighing all the pros and cons. It is worth remembering that any surgical intervention is a blow to the immune system. You should not endanger your health just to satisfy the whim of your partner. Moral readiness for hymenoplasty is just as important as physical readiness.

Hymenoplasty is a popular plastic surgery procedure to restore virginity. Such an operation is performed not according to indications, but only at the request of the client.

What is hymenoplasty

The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane that covers a woman for protection. During the first sexual intercourse, the hymen is torn. There are situations when a woman needs refloration, that is, the restoration of the hymen.

  • violations of the work of internal organs;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • poorly tolerated.

Such an operation cannot be performed if a woman has pathologies in the field of oncology, a seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, it is important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and a surgeon before undergoing hymenoplasty in order to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

Types of hymenoplasty

Currently used in clinics two methods to restore virginity. This is stitching and restoration due to tissues at the entrance to the vagina.

When stitching the hymen the restoration of virginity occurs in about two weeks, the operation and the postoperative period takes place in a few days. Parts of the hymen are sewn together with special absorbable threads so that such delicate areas are damaged when the stitches are removed. The downside is that the result will be short-lived, the stitched sections will not grow together forever.

Second way will be more difficult and take longer, but the result will last for two or three years. This is the so-called long-term hymenoplasty. In this case, the tissues of the hymen are recreated at the expense of the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina. This operation is called three-layer hymenoplasty. The nuances of the operation should be discussed with the gynecologist, including which anesthesia is best for you, local or general.

Preparation for hymenoplasty surgery

Regardless of which operation you choose, short-term or long-term, you need to prepare well. Before the operation, you need to ask all the questions you are interested in to the doctor, and you also need to prepare mentally for the operation.

Before the operation, the doctor examines the woman, looks at her medical record.

Before the operation, you must pass:

The doctor may also prescribe additional tests. Be sure to do a cardiogram.

That is, after the doctor has an idea about the health of his patient, you can proceed with the operation. If there are controversial issues, the doctor can refer the woman to a consultation with a urologist, therapist, or allergist.

In some cases, short-term hymenoplasty surgery can be performed on the same day the patient goes to the clinic.

Recovery after hymenoplasty

The short-term hymenoplasty operation has almost no negative consequences. Immediately after the operation, the girl can live a normal full life. For four days there may be discomfort, as if pulling down. But the pain disappears quickly enough.

Here you can read a few more unpleasant reviews about three-layer hymenoplasty. There may be severe pain, you will need to take painkillers. Therefore, and for some other reasons, it is better for a woman to stay in the hospital for three to four days after the operation.

One of the most common complications can be irregular menstruation. This is due to the fact that the woman experiences these events very much, also because of the medication.

Also, three-layer hymenoplasty should be carried out on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely the twentieth after the start of the cycle.

Hymenoplasty surgery is not performed in public hospitals, you need to go to the plastic surgery clinic, where there are doctors with the necessary knowledge and experience. The cost of an operation to restore virginity depends on the type of clinic, the level of professionalism, the doctors working in it.

When deciding on an operation to restore virginity, a woman needs to think carefully, weigh the positive and negative consequences, because this is a surgical intervention that also affects the immune system.

First of all, you need to think about your health, and not about the pleasure of your partner. You need to be prepared for the operation, first of all, mentally.


Restoration of virginity - doctors have more work to do. The first operation to restore the hymen was carried out in the sixties of the last century. Numerous disputes over the moral side of such plastic surgery do not affect the number of people who want to do it.

Religious, moral, ethical considerations bring women to the operating table. Someone wants to refresh their feelings, and someone wants to correct an unfair invasion of their territory. And the sexual partner is unlikely to be able to distinguish the real hymen from its imitation.

What is hymenoplasty

The film that separates the external and internal genital organs of a woman is called the hymen. It is covered with a mucous membrane and usually breaks during the first sexual intercourse. To restore it, an operation called "Hymenoplasty" is required.

What is hymenoplasty, the video below will tell:


Hymenoplasty is a plastic surgery to restore the hymen. Since the natural hymen is covered with mucous, it is simply impossible to recreate it in its original form. During the operation, its analogue is made, which the man is not able to distinguish from the original during intercourse.


Today, plastic surgeons can offer one of three types of hymenoplasty:

Type of operation The essence of the operation Result
Short termThe remains of the "own" hymen are sewn together with thin and strong threads, after which they are tightened, reducing the entrance to the vagina. A strong mesh creates a good imitation of the hymen. After defloration, the threads can begin to come out on their own. Therefore, the situation must be kept under control.Such an imitation of the hymen is created for a short time, that is, a few days before the upcoming defloration, for example, by the wedding day.
Three-layerDuring the operation, the remnants of one's own hymen are stitched together. Plastic surgery is performed using local anesthesia. There is no special rehabilitation after such plastic surgery, and the simplest hygiene procedures are necessary for healing.During defloration, the woman will feel a slight pain, and the partner will see a small amount of blood, indicating a rupture of the hymen.
Long termDuring such an operation, the hymen with the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina is restored as close as possible to the original.The restored hymen lasts up to three years. During defloration, a convincing amount of blood is released.


The desire to restore the hymen is facilitated by various factors that influenced its absence:

  • individual anatomical features;
  • sports injuries;
  • suffered violence;
  • improper insertion of tampons;
  • inaccurate examination by a gynecologist;
  • undergone surgery on the genitals;
  • unwanted sexual experience.

Any of these reasons can negatively affect a happy marriage in many nationalities. And for some women, it is simply important that her lover considers himself the first and only in her sexual experience.


Any surgical intervention has contraindications. Hymenoplasty is not performed when:

  • inflammation of the external genital organs;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tube;
  • diseases of the cervix;
  • inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus;
  • problems associated with blood clotting;
  • menses;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Most of these contraindications are temporary. The doctor will be able to perform the operation after complete recovery.


Hymenoplasty is prescribed no later than 5 days before the start of the next menstruation. But first, the doctor conducts a visual examination and writes out referrals for tests, which should exclude the presence of contraindications. If necessary, the plastic surgeon will need the consent of other specialists.

Necessary analyzes and activities

During the examination, the doctor who will perform the operation evaluates the condition of the genitals and the remnants of the hymen. The volume of the remainder depends on the intensity of the patient's sexual life, anatomical features, and also on whether the woman gave birth or not.

If the doctor confirms the possibility of restoring the hymen, he will prescribe mandatory tests:

  • blood tests for hepatitis B and C,;

You will also need to pass. A week before surgery, it is recommended to reduce salt intake and completely eliminate alcohol.

If the operation is to be done by a minor, then permission from the parents or guardians must be obtained.

How the operation goes, will tell the video below:


The duration of the operation depends on its type.

  • Short term Hymenoplasty performed under local anesthesia. Its duration is 10 - 15 minutes. During the procedure, pieces of the hymen remaining after defloration are sewn together. For this, self-absorbable threads are used. The patient can go home immediately. Such an operation does not involve tissue fusion. If there is no pain or discomfort, then a second visit to the doctor is not needed.
  • Long term surgery carried out under general anesthesia, which is done on an empty stomach. During the procedure, an imitation of the hymen is recreated from the mucosa. If the remains of one's own hymen are not enough, then it is made from the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina. The point of a long-term operation is that the hymenal petals must grow together. After the procedure, the patient must stay in the clinic for another day under the supervision of specialists.


Short-term surgery does not have a recovery period. After a long-term Hymenoplasty, the recovery period lasts only a few days. At this time, the patient may feel pulling pains, which, together with swelling, quickly disappear. Recommendations for recovery time are as follows:

  • swimming in open water bodies and pools is prohibited;
  • you can not take a bath, but only use the shower;
  • intimate procedures must be performed with detergents;
  • avoid physical exertion and sudden movements;
  • sexual intercourse is prohibited;
  • stick to a diet, eating only light and liquid foods.

If the pain does not go away within a few days or spotting appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Possibility of complications

Hymen reconstruction surgery, like any other surgical intervention, can have unwanted side effects. They can be expressed as:

  • discomfort when walking;
  • bleeding;
  • loss of sensation in the perineum.

Usually these troubles pass quickly. If the necessary hygiene standards are not observed, complications may arise that require the intervention of a specialist. These include:

  • severe swelling of the labia and vagina;
  • throbbing pains;
  • the appearance of discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor.

If the operation was carried out in violation of the rules, then problems such as:

  • the impossibility of sexual intercourse due to a strongly fused entrance to the vagina;
  • bleeding due to the fact that the penis touches a large blood vessel;
  • the impossibility of the withdrawal of menstrual blood due to the fact that the imitation of the hymen turned out without holes.

With a qualitatively performed Hymenoplasty, neither the sexual partner nor another gynecologist can distinguish the imitation of the hymen from the real one.

The operation in question is a manipulation to restore virginity by stitching the remnants of the hymen. The sutures dissolve in the future, leaving no evidence of the procedure performed. For the first time this operation was applied in the 60s of the last century, but only today we can talk about the quality work of the operating.

Preparation for virginity restoration surgery - examination and tests, contraindications for hymenoplasty

This procedure requires surgical intervention, so its preparation must be taken seriously.

The complex of preparatory measures for hymenoplasty includes:

  • Survey. The patient will undergo the following tests:
  1. Study of the microflora of the vagina (smear).
  2. Examinations for latent infections. This includes those infections that are sexually transmitted (chlamydia, uroplasma, trichomonas). If the patient wants to hide from the man the fact that she is not a virgin, this analysis must be carried out without fail - it will help to avoid claims from the man in the future. For this test, the doctor takes a swab from the vagina.
  3. + blood.
  4. Checking blood for infections (AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, C).
  5. Blood clotting testing.
  6. Determination of blood group, Rh factor.
  7. Consultation with a therapist, gynecologist surgeon.
  8. ECG, with explanations from a cardiologist.

Exclusion of conditions that may serve as contraindications for hymenoplasty:

  1. Poor blood clotting, other diseases associated with the circulatory system (anemia, frequent uterine bleeding).
  2. Treatment with anticoagulants.
  3. Pregnancy, incl. in the early stages.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Thrush. By itself, this pathology is not a limitation for the operation in question. But in the future, it can cause infection of the vagina, which will affect the quality of the suture fixation.
  6. Acute inflammatory phenomena that are localized in the genitourinary system.
  7. Increased body temperature.
  8. Mental disorders.
  9. Heart/renal failure.

During the period of menstruation, this manipulation is not carried out. The most optimal period for hymenoplasty is the first week after the end of menstruation.

Temporary hymenoplasty - the essence of the operation, the cost of restoring virginity by this method

The considered type of hymenoplasty can be performed in one patient no more than 2 times in her entire life. This is due to the fact that the remnants of the hymen become thinner after each manipulation, which makes it impossible to stitch them together in the future. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a three-layer hymenoplasty.

The algorithm for performing temporary hymenoplasty is as follows:

  • The patient is given local anesthesia. This will allow you to be conscious during the operation without feeling any pain/discomfort.
  • Imitation of the hymen occurs by stitching together its remnants. For this, threads are used that dissolve over time. The most difficult task for a doctor is to model the hymen from its remains: each girl's hymen has an individual structure. By tightening the threads, the passage into the vagina is significantly narrowed, which creates the illusion of a hymen during sexual contact.
  • The operation in question takes an average of 15-20 minutes, after which the patient is allowed to go home. In some cases, temporary hymenoplasty can take up to 60 minutes if there are complications during the procedure.

After intercourse, you should visit a gynecologist to avoid exacerbations.

The disadvantage of this type of hymenoplasty is a short effect:

2 weeks after the operation, due to the resorption of the threads, the simulated film disappears.

Short-term hymenoplasty has several advantages:

  • Minor trauma during manipulation.
  • Small recovery period. Often enough 1-1.5 hours to return to normal life.
  • Temporary hymenoplasty does not cause errors in the menstrual cycle, does not affect childbirth, the possibility of conceiving a child.

The cost of such hymenoplasty will be determined by the reputation of the clinic, the health of the operated person. On average, such an operation will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.

Method of three-layer hymenoplasty - stages of the operation

This procedure has a number of advantages:

  • The result of three-layer hymenoplasty is preserved for a long period - up to 3 years.
  • Suitable for women who have given birth, those who lead an active sex life. It is used in other cases when temporary hymenoplasty is not possible.
  • The number of operations of this type for one patient is not limited. However, doctors do not advise resorting to such manipulations too often: by its nature, hymenoplasty is a type of surgical intervention, which entails appropriate consequences.
  • At the first sexual intercourse after the operation, bleeding, pain will be present. Perhaps in greater numbers than when a real hymen breaks.

Algorithm for the implementation of three-layer hymenoplasty:

  • The patient is given Less commonly, at the request of the patient / the presence of contraindications to anesthesia, local painkillers are used. For these purposes, the vulva is treated with anesthetics. Doctors prefer to perform this operation 4 days before the menstruation, or immediately after it is completed.
  • Creation of hymen tissues. For this, the operator uses the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina: the use of the remnants of the hymen is impossible (they have become very thin / disappeared).
  • The surgeon performs a 3-layer suturing with absorbable threads of the entrance to the vagina. These threads dissolve within 30 days. During this time, you need to refrain from sexual activity.

The procedure in question takes an average of 30-40 minutes. At the end, the patient will be under the supervision of a doctor for 1-2 hours, after which she will be allowed to go home.

The cost of three-layer hymenoplasty in Russian clinics will start from 21,000 rubles. If the patient has special wishes (turnkey hymenoplasty), the price of the procedure will be 50-100 thousand rubles.

Features of the postoperative period

Negative phenomena that may appear after the procedure in question include:

  • Pain in the perineum. They will be especially strong during walking, physical exercises. In order to minimize this phenomenon, you should refrain from physical activity for 14 days. Bed rest is required for the first 2 days after the procedure.
  • Puffiness. Often disappears on the 3rd day after surgery.
  • Bleeding. With minor spotting, you should not panic - this is normal after such a manipulation. Severe bleeding is the result of a hematoma. The question of removing a hematoma should be decided with a doctor: with small volumes, its resorption is possible.
  • Numbness in the perineum. Occurs due to the use of painkillers, disappears on the 2nd day after hymenoplasty. If this phenomenon lasts longer, there may have been damage during the operation.
  • Diet. Minimize your intake of solid foods that can cause constipation. To protect against flatulence, fresh vegetables / fruits should not be present in the diet.
  • Avoid using tampons. It is better to use pads before the first sexual intercourse.
  • Do not ignore the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Carry out daily douching using disinfectants.
  • Refuse to visit public reservoirs, saunas. This can lead to infection of the genital organs.
  • Take antibiotics in the first days after surgery.
  • Timely visit a gynecologist. In case of occurrence of phenomena atypical for this operation: severe bleeding, prolonged pain, itching, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Who did the operation to restore virginity - reviews

I had an operation to restore virginity in Khabarovsk. Not long-term, using general anesthesia. She returned home the same day and went to bed a few hours later. The next morning, I woke up from anesthesia, there was no particular pain. The only moment was that it was impossible to sit on a chair, a sofa with a booty: the seam could disperse, and only memories would remain about the results of the operation. I had my first sex with a young man after 8 days (as advised by the doctor). It was scary: I thought the bleeding would be strong, the threads would come out, and my boyfriend would guess everything. But everything went well: the pain was tolerable, it was slightly covered, the threads were not visible. I'm glad I decided to have this surgery.

The operation itself took place under local anesthesia. In order to make an injection, it was necessary to stretch the flesh. At this stage it was very painful. After a couple of minutes, the painkiller began to act, but the tactile sensations remained. I regretted that I had refused anesthesia: I felt how the surgeon cuts me, pulls something away, then sews me up. I can’t say that I felt pain, but it was unpleasant to the point of horror. The active stage of the operation took no more than 15 minutes, and after an hour and a half I was at home.

On the way home, I lay down in the back seat of the car, because I simply could not sit. As soon as I arrived home, severe pain began, which could not be endured without painkillers. The first night I did not sleep at all: I was shivering, the pain did not stop. For the first three days after the operation, it hurt so much between my legs that it was impossible to walk or stand. The doctor advised me to buy a donut pillow to sit on for the first 2 weeks after the operation, but it did not help. After 4 days, the pain decreased slightly, but did not go away completely! With every movement I made, I felt the threads cut into my flesh. As a result, I could not stand it, a week later I went to the doctor to remove the stitches! It's not worth it - I was disgusted to even think about sex at that moment. I am still offended by my husband for convincing me to have this operation.

I had an operation to restore virginity in 2012, in a private clinic (Voronezh). I looked for a clinic, a doctor through the Internet according to reviews. This procedure began with a consultation with a gynecologist. After the examination, I was diagnosed with inflammation of the ovaries, which definitely needed to be cured after the operation. Before the operation itself, I passed many different tests: to determine the blood type, to detect hidden infections, various venereal sores. Since she had been sexually active for 4 years, the doctor decided on a three-layer hymenoplasty. On the day of the operation, I was given general anesthesia, I fell asleep safely and did not feel anything. An hour later, everything was over, the day passed in a blur. By the evening, the effect of anesthesia decreased, it became very painful between the legs. She spent a day in the clinic, after which she returned home. The first week I could not walk, sit like a normal person. The most painful thing in all this is going to the toilet. For 4 days it was washed with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The “wedding night” took place 2 months after the operation. It was even more painful than the loss of real virginity. There was a lot of blood. Maybe the doctor overdid it, but I am very pleased with the result! I paid 22,000 rubles for the operation.

The operation to restore virginity was needed not so much for my future husband as for my mother-in-law. She herself is a rather religious person, but my dear cannot lie. If I had told my mother that I had not taken me as a virgin, her respect for me would have been forever lost. Yes, and her son would begin to set against me.

I chose the clinic in another city (UFA) so that my secret would not be revealed. First, I was referred to a gynecologist for an appointment. Then they told me about the types of hymenoplasty, I decided to choose a temporary one: the wedding was to take place in a month. My tests turned out to be good, the doctor said that the operation would be as soon as the menstruation ended. Before the operation, I was not allowed to eat or even drink water. I was given general anesthesia, and in half an hour I was innocent again. The surgeon was a woman, which made me very happy. They were allowed to go home the next day. In the evening the doctor allowed me sweet tea with zoological biscuits. In the first days there was pain, but it was possible to endure it without taking painkillers. As the doctor advised, for the first two days I lay, washed myself with potassium permanganate, drank antibiotics, and followed a diet. In general, after a week I returned to my usual way of life: I even resumed playing sports. After the wedding, I was so worried that my husband would not suspect anything that I did not even feel pain during defloration. The blood was very strong, but I'm not sure what caused it: my imaginary virginity, or the periods that began on the wedding night.

In the arsenal of modern aesthetic medicine, there are many methods and techniques that allow solving people's intimate problems. Like other plastic surgery, intimate surgery aims to improve a woman's quality of life.

It saves a woman not only from physical problems, but also from psychological discomfort. One of the branches of intimate surgery is hymen reconstruction procedure, medically called "hymenoplasty".

Hymenoplasty (before and after photos are presented below) is a medical manipulation to restore the hymen by stitching together the remnants of the hymen. The applied sutures dissolve over time, thus leaving no signs of surgical intervention.

For the first time this kind of operation was carried out in the early 60s of the last century by the Italian gynecologist Bernoulli. The first patient was his own daughter.

A successful experiment made it possible to restore the hymen to about 35 thousand women in just 1 year, which became a new round in the aesthetic intimate surgery of that time.

Methods of hymenoplasty, their features and differences

Aesthetic gynecology has 2 main techniques: the simpler one provides for a short-term restoration of the hymena, and the more complex one for the long-term.

The first technique is characterized by a short preservation of the hymen (no more than 2 weeks). Long-term hymenoplasty is accompanied by a reliable and natural result up to the natural process of violation of the integrity of the hymen during intimate contact.

Short term hymenoplasty

This technique is based on the principle of connecting the remains of the hymen (hymenal papillae). The process of connecting the papillae allows you to create a kind of barrier that protects the vagina from infection.

Short-term refloration is considered a minor surgical intervention and is characterized by the following advantages:

  • The absence of injury during hymenoplasty, the before and after photos of which are presented below.
  • Almost complete absence of blood loss.
  • A quick recovery period, which is accompanied by the absence of edema and pain.

Such a process has one drawback - it is a short preservation of the effect.

It is quite understandable that if a short-term hymenoplasty gives a short-term effect, then a long-term one is preserved until sexual intercourse.

Long term

This technique is based on the reconstruction of the hymen from the tissues of the vaginal epithelium. During the operation, a small piece of tissue is released, after which it is transported to the part of the female genital organs. This is necessary for the reconstruction of the hymen in its original form.

The final stage involves the stitching of tissues with special threads with absorbable action. This kind of intervention is called a three-layer hymenoplasty.

The technique has the following advantages:

  • Long-term preservation of the integrity of the hymen up to sexual intercourse.
  • The most natural result in terms of aesthetics.

Despite the obvious advantages, three-layer hymenoplasty has a number of disadvantages, including the following:

  • Compared to the first method, three-layer hymenoplasty has a significant injury to the tissues of the vagina.
  • Long recovery period (from 7 days).
  • The early postoperative period is characterized by the presence of edema, discomfort and pain.

Many women are concerned about the naturalness of the end result. Modern hymenoplasty is characterized by the use of absorbable suture materials.

As for postoperative traces, they are absent. An artificially created hymen is no different from a natural one. It is worth noting that in the process of sexual intercourse, a woman feels the same as at the time of the first sexual experience.

Hymenoplasty can be performed multiple times. Before and after photos confirm the effectiveness of the procedure.

Indications for surgery

Deciding on the procedure, a woman can be guided by both religious and moral views.

According to statistics, most often long-term hymenoplasty is decided on:

  • 40% of women - for the upcoming wedding;
  • 20% - after sexual violence;
  • 25% - to restore the severity of sexual life in marriage;
  • 15% - respectively with religious and ethnic considerations.

Factors that are the grounds for the operation:

  • desire to restore the hymen;
  • loss of virginity through negligence;
  • the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury;
  • requirements of some nationalities.

The procedure is resorted to only with the consent of the woman.


Like any other surgical intervention, hymenoplasty has a number of limitations.

Contraindications are as follows:

  • pathology of internal organs, inflammation.
  • angina;
  • SARS;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders of the psyche;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting.

In addition to the above contraindications, the restoration of the hymen is not carried out in the phase of the menstrual cycle.

What tests need to be done

This operation does not belong to the list of complex ones, but the preparation is characterized by a thorough approach. This is due to the fact that the absence of a preparatory stage can have unpredictable consequences. It is for this reason that the preoperative examination is of great importance.

  • The most opportune moment for the operation.
  • type of hymenoplasty.
  • Operation cost.

The patient is assigned a preoperative examination, which includes:

  • Consultation with a therapist and other specialists.
  • Perform radiography, electrocardiogram and video colpography.
  • Submission of urine and blood tests.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • An analysis for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis must be performed.
  • This list includes the delivery of a smear for microflora.

The list of procedures can be supplemented with additional laboratory and instrumental procedures. If necessary, it is appropriate to consult with specialists of a narrow specialization.

If problems, diseases are detected, the operation is postponed until the moment of deliverance. Ideally, hymenoplasty is performed 7 days before the onset of menstruation.

Preoperative examination is aimed at reducing the risk of complications and the right type of anesthesia.

After completing the examination, passing the tests, the specialist decides on the possibility of the operation.

Preparing for the operation

A few weeks before the scheduled date of the operation, doctors recommend that women limit themselves to the use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. In addition, drugs that adversely affect the function of the blood coagulation system should be abandoned.

How is the operation going. Stages and timing

Surgery is performed a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. If general anesthesia is needed, the doctor introduces the woman to the course and describes the type of anesthesia chosen. The type of anesthesia is chosen according to the chosen technique. Moreover, the general indications of the patient also influence the choice. The operation time varies from 10 to 15 minutes.

As a rule, after the operation, the patient's stay in the clinic is limited to 3-4 hours.

After surgery for some time, a woman is obliged to follow medical recommendations and follow the regimen.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Based on the reviews of numerous patients, we can conclude that this operation is characterized by simplicity and quick recovery. During the recovery period, doctors make adjustments to the woman's diet. They exclude spices, vegetables, fruits and black bread from the diet. All these foods cause bloating and constipation. Moreover, after the operation, physical activity is prohibited.

Rarely, but there are cases in which fusion of the restored hymen takes place. This, in turn, is fraught with locking of the liquid inside. This kind of problem is characterized by pain during the phase of menstruation.

To remove these manifestations, doctors resort to the method of surgical defloration along with a whole range of measures, the action of which is aimed at eliminating fluid. In order to avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes, doctors recommend treating places with antiseptic agents.

Feeling good after surgery

After surgery, as a rule, a woman feels well, so she can return home and lead a normal life.

What is possible, what is not

After hymenoplasty, a woman must follow simple rules. The basic rule is to carefully and regularly care for the intimate area.

Depending on the technique of surgical intervention, the time of abstinence from sex varies. After a short-term hymenoplasty, you can have sex the next day. As for the long-term, the sexual intercourse will take place in a few months. Long-term hymenoplasty prohibits the use of tampons.

In addition, long-term hymenoplasty prohibits the use of vaginal suppositories and tampons. After surgery, adjustments are also made to the diet, which allows you to delay defecation. Under the ban fall physical activity, sudden movements and prolonged sitting.

Possible complications and side effects

However, complications and side effects after hymenoplasty cannot be ruled out. As a rule, the side effect is represented by problems such as minor bruising, light bleeding, discomfort and numbness in the area of ​​​​the operation.

However, this kind of phenomena are considered the natural response of the female body to interventions.

Bleeding and hematomas require the help of a specialist. In most cases, a condition such as numbness is the body's reaction to anesthesia. With prolonged numbness, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The complexity of the postoperative period is affected by the characteristics of the female body. If a woman trusts a modern clinic in combination with the latest equipment, compliance with prescriptions, then the risk of complications will be minimal.

Where is hymenoplasty performed?

In Moscow, hymenoplasty can be done, the result of which is visible in the before and after photos, in many medical institutions. However, when choosing a medical institution, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

The first important nuance is the guarantee of confidentiality.

The second nuance is the professionalism of the doctor and the high level of service. The high cost of surgery in Moscow may indicate that a woman pays not only for the operation itself, but also for additional services.

At the same time, the low cost should alert, since, most likely, the operation will be performed by an inexperienced doctor.

When choosing a surgeon, it is necessary to focus on reviews about a particular specialist.

The cost of the operation in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the regions of Russia

The operation to restore the hymen is one of the public. The cost of this kind of surgery is affected by the status and location of the clinic, the experience of the doctor.

The price for the restoration of the hymen varies from 10 to 35 thousand rubles. The cost of the operation depends on the chosen technique. For example, a three-layer hymenoplasty will cost more due to the fact that it requires more complex manipulations. Moreover, the long-term restoration of the hymen is characterized by an unlimited preservation of the result.

The price of short-term hymenoplasty is 10-12 thousand rubles, while the cost of a three-layer one starts from 20 thousand rubles.

What is important to know about hymenoplasty

Is it painful to have surgery

Deciding on hymenoplasty, women are afraid to feel pain. In most cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not experience pain.

Under what anesthesia

The operation to restore the hymen is performed under anesthesia, which can be either local or general. In most cases, the doctor will use local anesthesia, which allows the patient to remain conscious and not feel pain, only discomfort.

Persistence of the effect of the operation

The stability of the result depends on the type of operation. Short-term hymenoplasty is effective for 2 weeks, while long-term action lasts for years.

Is it possible to carry out after childbirth?

Even after childbirth, effective hymenoplasty is possible. The recovery process in this case will be more difficult. In addition, for the operation, the female body must fully recover.

What is laser hymenoplasty?

A technique such as laser hymenoplasty, the result of which is visible in the before and after photos, involves the use of a laser. By means of a laser, sections of the tissues of the vaginal membrane are isolated, followed by their stitching.

The use of a laser allows the operation to be performed without blood loss. This allows you to make the operation less traumatic, eliminate scarring and speed up the recovery process.

The modern method of restoring the hymen allows a woman to normalize her inner world and continue to enjoy life.

Video clips: hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty - what is it. Photo. Is it possible to restore virginity with plastic surgery:

How is hymenoplasty performed?

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