Hymenoplasty before and after. Hymenoplasty - what is it? Long term hymenoplasty. Is it painful to have surgery

The operation "hymenoplasty" (English - hymenoplasty, hymen repair, in translation - plastic of an artificial hymen) is a surgical intervention to restore the hymen. They perform hymenoplasty exclusively at their own request and any girl who has lost her innocence can do it. There is no health risk in this. Officially, the procedure for surgical suturing of the hymen in gynecology is sometimes called "refloration".

In our time, for the first time such a manipulation on the human hymen was done in the 60s of the 20th century by the Italian gynecologist Bernoulll on his own daughter. Since then, the technique of hymenoplasty has improved, and many plastic surgeons and gynecologists have mastered it.

Refloration is in steady demand in many countries of the world, although it is not always possible to maintain complete anonymity, despite the very delicate nature of this operation.

Indications for hymenoplasty


  • 30% - before the upcoming wedding;
  • 10% - after rape;
  • 25% - damage due to negligence (tampons, masturbation, sports, examination by a gynecologist);
  • 10% - the desire to relive the moment of defloration, getting new sensations, diversity in sexual life;
  • 20% - surprise partner in such an unusual way;
  • 5% - an unsuccessful first experience that you want to forget.

In girls, damage to the hymen can occur in the most unexpected way. And if you sacrificed your innocence in a burst of revolutionary romanticism, now you can return it back through hymenoplasty. Separately, there are cases when a girl damaged her against her will, and for some reason it is important for her that everything returns to its previous state. A girl who has lost her innocence of her own free will (due to alcohol or drug intoxication, skillful seduction or rape) believes that by returning the hymen, she will correct the mistake she made, turn back time and return the lost, she will again feel "clean", "untouched".

As you know, the negative experience of the first sex is clearly more common than positive. Among our patients waiting for their turn to undergo hymenoplasty, some regret that the partners were not mature enough and attentive (“no tenderness, eroticism and desire to give real pleasure”), others say that they “were crying, but endured”, and the third the first sex is generally associated with an episode of violence. The fourth, after an unsuccessful and incomplete attempt at sex with a peer, “deflorated herself” with a bottle of deodorant, because she didn’t want to “complicate” her relationship with a new guy with her virginity and now regretted what had happened ...

Types of operations on the hymen

Today there are 2 main methods of hymenoplasty - long-term and short-term. The refloration operation itself is relatively simple for an experienced specialist, it all depends on your wishes and individual structural features of the external genital organs.

A more complex way to restore the hymen. The complexity is divided into III categories and is determined based on the individual anatomical features of the structure of your external genital organs (the condition of the remnants of the hymen, the width of the entrance to the vagina, etc.) and wishes regarding what should be during the "first sex". The most difficult option is a three-layer hymenoplasty. The final price of refloration ultimately depends on the chosen method, and all this is discussed. full-time consultations. The restored virginity will remain for a long time (up to 3-5 years). But it will be possible to have sexual intercourse no earlier than 15-20 days after the operation - after the sutures are removed, or they dissolve on their own (depending on the suture material used).

Is hymenoplasty dangerous, and if not, are there any restrictions or contraindications for its implementation?

She has no contraindications, except for the inflammatory process and mental illness. It can be performed as many times as you like. But if the person who wants to become a "girl" already has a rich "experience" or the remains of the hymen are too small, it can be somewhat more difficult to do hymenoplasty - the walls of the vagina have to be sewn up. In some cases, sections of the mucous membrane are taken, usually from the vestibule, and an artificial hymen is created. Those who did hymenoplasty in our center later said that even a gynecologist did not distinguish a sewn-up hymen from a real one during examination.

There are many conflicting opinions about this procedure itself. Her supporters argue that after hymenoplasty, you can refresh and restore brightness in sexual relations with your husband, restore your body after violence, or successfully marry. Opponents consider it a hoax. Clinics where hymenoplasty is performed never ask their patients for the reasons that led them to undergo this operation. To restore it to herself or not, each woman must decide for herself. In this matter, it is important to find a good specialist doctor who will qualitatively carry out the entire procedure.


Hymenoplasty clinics in the capital have been doing for a long time. But not everyone can provide the result that you expect to get after the operation. We have been providing these delicate services since 1999 and make all your wishes come true!


  • Feeling a partner during penetration of tension;
  • Feeling partner overcoming obstacles;
  • Narrowing of the inlet to the vagina;
  • Bloody discharge during "first sex".


... I had to do hymenoplasty, I just found myself in such a situation that there was no other way out. Everything is strict with us, a girl must lose her virginity on her wedding night. Only for me it turned out that the first sexual experience was at the age of 15 out of stupidity. Then she was glad that there were no consequences - she did not become pregnant. At the age of 25 I met my future husband, he proposed to me quickly, my parents agreed. It was terrible, according to our customs, if a husband discovers that his wife lost her virginity before the wedding, you will not end up with shame. Of course, not as before, but everyone will know about it, and the stigma will remain for life ... The wedding night went as expected - there were bloody discharges on the linen. I’m really afraid that my husband will guess something, I don’t remember anything, I didn’t even feel pain as such. Only my mother knows about my secret. I already have two children, my relationship with my husband is good. And all thanks to hymenoplasty.

... I parted with my virginity stupidly, at 16. The guy left me as soon as he got what he wanted. Soon I left for another city and met my future husband there. He proposed to me a year later and, having received the coveted ring, I rushed to the doctor. I didn’t tell him anything: I was extremely ashamed. But on the threshold of the clinic, I just decided to forget about everything, start family life from scratch, and give my future husband a gift ... The sensations after hymenoplasty reminded me of a real “first time”: with pain and blood.

...Does a girl who has been brutally raped have to suffer? Long-term hymenoplasty is like a chance to start all over again, forgetting what happened as much as possible.

... The reasons for doing hymenoplasty are usually far from simple female whims. For me, for example, life in a big city turned in such a way that my virginity was lost pretty quickly. Fortunately, now there is an opportunity to correct the situation in order to get married safely - to do long-term hymenoplasty. I advise all women with a similar problem to contact this clinic and then you will be able to adequately meet the “wedding night”.

... At the age of 15, I tore my hymen with a swab, and my first young man, 2 years later, did not believe that I was virgin. Although at that time I didn’t really understand what happened: I remember it hurt - even tears splashed. But then I decided that I had put a tampon somewhere in the wrong place. Now this is what needs to be corrected.

...As a way to refresh family relationships, short-term hymenoplasty is a real find! The operation lasts about fifteen minutes, no pain. I'm very glad I decided to do this! By the way, a friend decided to save money and bought an "artificial hymen" on some website on the Internet. That was laughter later, it’s good that I didn’t get it for the wedding, but for my husband as a gift;)))))

...For me THIS was just a whim. She didn’t experience any special sensations, although she brought a certain zest to intimate relations with her husband and made him pleasantly))). Our intimate life before and after hymenoplasty has changed, it has somehow become more acute or something ... In any case, if I repeat the procedure, then not earlier than in six months.


The specialists of our clinic have more than 15 years of experience in refloring and have performed hundreds of successful operations on the hymen. When you come for a consultation, you will discuss the problem, find out the most optimal way to solve it, clarify the details and cost of hymenoplasty.

The operation of hymenoplasty in our clinic is performed under modern, imported local anesthesia, which excludes any pain. We use the method of radio wave tissue surgery, which allows us to carry out all manipulations almost bloodlessly, accurately and with little trauma, which ensures rapid healing, no complications and the highest possible expected result! It lasts from 20-30 minutes to one hour (three-layer hymenoplasty), at the end we observe for some time, give recommendations on lifestyle and subsequent care for the coming days and leave the clinic.

In the first few days after that, there are restrictions:

  • do not take a bath;
  • do not swim in open water to avoid infection;
  • do not lift weights and do not work physically;
  • do not use tampons;
  • avoid sexual contact.
  • do not stay in the sun and sunbathe in the solarium.

Also, in the first days after surgery (laser hymenoplasty, radio wave or any other, except for a short-term one), you should mainly eat liquid food - this will help to avoid gas formation in the body. In some cases, short-term spotting may be noted. Pain, swelling, or a feeling of pressure are normal post-operative symptoms and go away on their own. Compliance with all recommendations is the key to trouble-free healing of the artificial hymen and obtaining the desired result in the future!

Moreover, if you want to achieve 100% of the effect is "sex with a virgin",
it is important to consider the following nuance!

We want you to be calm about the result that you expect to get during the upcoming sex, so we want to say about one nuance. Yes, indeed, a correctly performed hymenoplasty operation will give your future partner a feeling of overcoming obstacles, obstacles when inserting the penis into the vagina, the appearance of blood, while the woman feels little pain. Together with this operation, we propose to perform a narrowing of the lower part of the vagina (by injections of hyaluronic acid). This will give your future partner a feeling of "tightness" of the vagina during subsequent sexual intercourse, as is usually the case with real virgins, and you - additional confidence in a successful outcome. Our specialists have a solution to this problem - non-surgical narrowing of the lower part and the entrance to the vagina to achieve a 100% virginity effect, details

Hymenoplasty is a popular plastic surgery procedure to restore virginity. Such an operation is performed not according to indications, but only at the request of the client.

What is hymenoplasty

The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane that covers a woman for protection. During the first sexual intercourse, the hymen is torn. There are situations when a woman needs refloration, that is, the restoration of the hymen.

  • violations of the work of internal organs;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • poorly tolerated.

Such an operation cannot be performed if a woman has pathologies in the field of oncology, a seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, it is important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and a surgeon before undergoing hymenoplasty in order to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

Types of hymenoplasty

Currently used in clinics two methods to restore virginity. This is stitching and restoration due to tissues at the entrance to the vagina.

When stitching the hymen the restoration of virginity occurs in about two weeks, the operation and the postoperative period takes place in a few days. Parts of the hymen are sewn together with special absorbable threads so that such delicate areas are damaged when the stitches are removed. The downside is that the result will be short-lived, the stitched sections will not grow together forever.

Second way will be more difficult and take longer, but the result will last for two or three years. This is the so-called long-term hymenoplasty. In this case, the tissues of the hymen are recreated at the expense of the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina. This operation is called three-layer hymenoplasty. The nuances of the operation should be discussed with the gynecologist, including which anesthesia is best for you, local or general.

Preparation for hymenoplasty surgery

Regardless of which operation you choose, short-term or long-term, you need to prepare well. Before the operation, you need to ask all the questions you are interested in to the doctor, and you also need to prepare mentally for the operation.

Before the operation, the doctor examines the woman, looks at her medical record.

Before the operation, you must pass:

The doctor may also prescribe additional tests. Be sure to do a cardiogram.

That is, after the doctor has an idea about the health of his patient, you can proceed with the operation. If there are controversial issues, the doctor can refer the woman to a consultation with a urologist, therapist, or allergist.

In some cases, short-term hymenoplasty surgery can be performed on the same day the patient goes to the clinic.

Recovery after hymenoplasty

The short-term hymenoplasty operation has almost no negative consequences. Immediately after the operation, the girl can live a normal full life. For four days there may be discomfort, as if pulling down. But the pain disappears quickly enough.

Here you can read a few more unpleasant reviews about three-layer hymenoplasty. There may be severe pain, you will need to take painkillers. Therefore, and for some other reasons, it is better for a woman to stay in the hospital for three to four days after the operation.

One of the most common complications can be irregular menstruation. This is due to the fact that the woman experiences these events very much, also because of the medication.

Also, three-layer hymenoplasty should be carried out on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely the twentieth after the start of the cycle.

Hymenoplasty surgery is not performed in public hospitals, you need to go to the plastic surgery clinic, where there are doctors with the necessary knowledge and experience. The cost of an operation to restore virginity depends on the type of clinic, the level of professionalism, the doctors working in it.

When deciding on an operation to restore virginity, a woman needs to think carefully, weigh the positive and negative consequences, because this is a surgical intervention that also affects the immune system.

First of all, you need to think about your health, and not about the pleasure of your partner. You need to be prepared for the operation, first of all, mentally.


Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the hymen. Any woman can stop virginity, regardless of her age, as well as the absence or presence of a pregnancy and childbirth.

It is possible to restore virginity by surgical methods both for a short period of time and for a long time. It is impossible to carry out a complete restoration of the hymen, since it is part of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls.

In fact, hymenoplasty is a restoration operation. vaginal vestibule imitating the hymen. When an already restored hymen breaks, an obstacle may be felt, often there is a discharge of blood during intimate relationships.

Remember that the sooner the restored virginity is lost, the more abundant the bleeding during intercourse will be. Usually, the normal period for an adequate imitation of the presence of the hymen is from 2 months to 2 years.

Hymenoplasty is an operation to restore the vaginal vestibule, imitating the hymen. When an already restored hymen breaks, an obstacle may be felt, often there is a discharge of blood during intimate relationships.

Indications for hymenoplasty

    The desire to restore the hymen after an injury;

    Loss of virginity through negligence;

    Requirements for a girl in some countries and some nationalities.

Contraindications for hymenoplasty

    Diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;

    high temperature (fever);

    Oncological diseases (cancer patients);

    Violation of blood clotting;

    mental illness;

    Tendency to open bleeding.

Preparation period

As before starting any operation, the patient should undergo a consultation and initial examination with a gynecologist. Before the operation, it is necessary to submit such analyzes:

    Vaginal smear for flora analysis;

    General and biochemical blood test;

    Analysis for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;


    PCR smear for latent infections.

If any diseases and problems were found, then before the operation they must be cured and eliminated. Hymenoplasty should ideally be done a week before your period.

Before and after hymenoplasty

The main types of hymenoplasty

    short term recovery hymen. It implies the stitching of the remnants of the mucous membrane that arose during the rupture of the hymen, using special threads. Sutures are not required, and the threads dissolve on their own in no more than 10 days. The result of the operation lasts about 14 days;

    Long term recovery hymen. Here, as in the case of a short-term operation, the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina is used. The result after the operation lasts up to 3 years;

    Three-layer restoration hymen. It is performed when childbirth has taken place or the impossibility of restoring the hymen according to its remnants is noted. It implies the stitching of the vestibule of the vagina. The submucosal, muscular and mucous layers are used. There will be no stitches or scars, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. It is recommended to have sexual intercourse after about 3 months, since during this time the severity of the presence of the hymen will increase.

Any type of hymenoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis. The patient is discharged on the day of the operation. After 3 days, a follow-up examination by a doctor is necessary.

After the procedure

The rehabilitation period lasts 2-3 weeks after the operation. During this period it is recommended:

    Eat only liquid foods

    Limit the use of foods that can cause bloating (confectionery, fresh fruits and vegetables, black bread)

    Sits on chairs slowly, without sudden movements

    Avoid strenuous exercise

Sometimes after the operation, the repaired hymen fuses, which leads to the locking of the fluid inside. This phenomenon is accompanied by pain during the next menstruation. To eliminate this effect, the method of surgical defloration (rupture of the hymen) is used, as well as a set of measures to eliminate the accumulated fluid.

To prevent inflammatory processes in the vaginal area, it is recommended to treat it with antiseptics.

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Surgical restoration of virginity is not a vital operation and is usually performed to solve problems of a moral, ethical, religious or psychological nature before marriage. As experience and feedback from patients show, this generally simple procedure - in medical terminology it is referred to as "hymenoplasty" or "refloration" - helps to avoid both harmless unpleasant rumors and serious psychological trauma.

The need to return the hymen (hymen) to its original state arises in those women who should marry "immaculate", but at the same time "accidentally" lost their virginity. For example, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, or as a result of violence. Sometimes the cause of a rupture of the hymen can be active equestrian sports or cycling. Recently, married patients and even women after childbirth often turn to this service in order to refresh their sex life.

To date, there are 2 surgical techniques that allow you to restore the hymen:

  • Short term hymenoplasty. A more “easy” variant of surgical intervention, which, as a rule, does not require general anesthesia. But a full recovery in this way is impossible to achieve. Healing occurs in 1-1.5 weeks, and the result lasts no more than a month. The presence of blood during defloration is determined by the individual characteristics of the woman, incl. the state of the vessels of the pleura.
  • Long-term (three-layer) hymenoplasty. Allows you to almost completely reconstruct the hymen and recreate the process of natural defloration. This is a more time-consuming operation, but the effect achieved in terms of duration significantly exceeds the previous version. Full recovery occurs after 3-4 weeks, and the result can last for several years.

Thinking about the surgical restoration of virginity, clearly define: for what purpose you will perform it, and what is the desired duration of the result. This will help the doctor choose the best option for performing surgery.

How is hymenoplasty done?

The operation is preceded by careful preparation of the patient, which includes:

  • consultation with a gynecologist, therapist, cardiologist;
  • mandatory types of research, including: testing for syphilis, AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C, as well as microscopy of a gynecological smear and examination for latent sexual infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.);
  • additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostics: clinical and biochemical blood tests, as well as the determination of coagulability, an electrocardiogram.

The surgical intervention itself is performed using local or general anesthesia (in the latter case, always on an empty stomach). Its duration is determined by the level of difficulty and ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

  • Short-term restoration is based on the reunification of individual sections of the hymen with the help of surgical threads. It is carried out no more than 2 times in the same patient, because stitching of the hymen becomes impossible due to its thinning.
  • A long-term (about 3 years) effect is possible when performing a three-layer hymenoplasty. In this case, layer-by-layer triple suturing of the entrance to the vagina is performed. To do this, sections of the mucous membrane are displaced in the vestibule of the vagina and sutured with non-traumatic, easily absorbable threads such as polysorb or PDS II vicryl. This procedure can be repeated no more than 3 times.

Given the sensitivity of the issue, in serious clinics the operation itself, as well as preparatory and rehabilitation procedures, are always carried out anonymously.

Contraindications for the restoration of the hymen surgically are:

  • any acute inflammatory processes of the female genital area;
  • blood diseases;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • oncological pathology;
  • pregnancy.

If hymenoplasty is planned to be performed under general anesthesia, additional contraindications will be:

  • Blood clotting disorders and treatment with anticoagulants.
  • Severe course of any chronic diseases.
  • Acute or chronic heart or kidney failure.
  • Mental disorders.

More about hymenoplasty:

rehabilitation period

The time required for recovery even after the most technically complex types of hymenoplasty does not exceed 1 hour. In special cases, the patient may stay in the clinic for a specified time under the supervision of a doctor.

To avoid complications such as pain, numbness, swelling or bleeding, the first time (up to 10 days for short-term and up to a month for long-term refloration) is necessary:

  • limit high physical activity;
  • do not use hygienic tampons;
  • exclude sexual life;
  • carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • prevent any possibility of infection, incl. when visiting a sauna or swimming pool;
  • prevent constipation and increased gas formation in the intestines. For this, legumes, wholemeal bread, hard indigestible food, and confectionery are excluded from the diet. The menu is enriched with vegetables and fruits, liquid dishes.

Life after hymenoplasty

The operation has no negative consequences for the health of the patient:

  • does not violate the menstrual cycle;
  • does not change sensation during "critical" days, and menstruation does not damage the integrity of the hymen;
  • does not reduce the reproductive capacity of a woman, i.e. the possibility of conception;
  • does not affect the course of future pregnancies, childbirth and lactation;
  • does not affect the normal rhythm of life - it will be possible to return to your usual routine a maximum of the next day after visiting the surgeon.

After defloration, as well as with the appearance of any atypical changes in the body - for example, with severe bleeding, long-lasting pain in the lower abdomen and in the perineal region - it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

More than fifty years have passed since the first cosmetic surgery to restore virginity, but the controversy around it has not subsided to this day. Someone talks about deceit and immorality, and someone about an attempt to refresh the senses and the right to choose.

Hymenoplasty is an operation to restore virginity by sewing together the remnants of the hymen. Such elimination of the problem has been practiced for a very long time, however, doctors managed to achieve “jewelry” technology relatively recently.

This is a well-thought-out technique that guarantees anonymity, because even an experienced gynecologist is not able to distinguish a “fake” due to the absence of any sutures that dissolve quickly enough, leaving no traces behind.

This is a fairly weighty fact in favor of the procedure, because gynecoplasty and anonymity go hand in hand.

Indications for surgery

Indications for the operation are the following factors:

  • desire to restore the hymen;
  • loss of virginity through negligence;
  • the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury;
  • requirements of some nationalities.


There are three types of hymenoplasty:

  • short-term;
  • three-layer;
  • long term.

The short-term view involves the operation a few days before the intended sexual intercourse and, accordingly, defloration.

In this case, during the operation, the remnants of the hymen are sewn together with a strong but thin fishing line, created specifically for cosmetic surgery, and tightened like a pouch, which, among other things, narrows the entrance to the woman's vagina.

The labor-intensive process makes it possible to achieve a strong "network", however, after "defloration", the small threads with which the remains of the hymen were sewn can begin to come out on their own. To avoid misunderstandings, this process should be supervised by a gynecologist.

Three-layer is one of the types of permanent hymenoplasty. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and occurs due to the connection of the remaining shreds of the hymen left after defloration.

After such an intervention, a rehabilitation period is not required, and very simple hygiene measures are required for the problem-free healing of postoperative sutures. As a result, the patient receives a small amount of blood during "defloration" and mild soreness, as with a natural first sexual intercourse.

Long-term hymenoplasty provides for the restoration of the hymen in a different way, namely, using the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina.

Unlike the short-term type, this method allows you to achieve a result that will last up to three years. Moreover, when the repaired hymen breaks, spotting will be more obvious.

Video: Restoration of virginity


The following factors are contraindications to the procedure:

  • vulvitis (a disease of the external genital organs, which has an inflammatory nature);
  • diseases of the cervix;
  • endometritis;
  • thrush;
  • genital herpes;
  • oophoritis (inflammation of the fallopian tube);
  • runny nose;
  • angina;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • mental disorders.

What tests need to be done

Before the operation, you must pass the following tests:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Blood test for clotting.
  3. Tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.
  4. Smear on flora.

How is the operation

The preparatory stage for the operation of hymenoplasty is the delivery of all tests and the exclusion of diseases listed in the contraindications. The procedure itself is performed a week before menstruation and requires general or local anesthesia. Most often, it is the local type of anesthesia that is used and the patient remains conscious, but does not experience pain. Anesthesia consists in careful treatment of the vulva area with an anesthetic and lasts from forty to sixty minutes.

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Rehabilitation and recovery

This procedure is considered quite simple and the rehabilitation period does not last long (no more than two or three days). At this time, swelling and pulling pains are felt by almost every patient, but this is a normal reaction of the body.

  • avoid heavy physical exertion;
  • avoid eating fruits, vegetables, spices and black bread;
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • eat only liquid and light food.

Complications, consequences (side effects)

Since hymenoplasty is a surgical intervention, it is completely impossible to exclude any side effects and complications.

Side effects may include the following:

  • discomfort when walking;
  • the appearance of hematomas;
  • small bleeding;
  • numbness in the perineum.
In most cases, the latest surgical technique is used and, if performed correctly, the side effects disappear within one to two days.

Video: Surgical restoration of virginity


The price of long-term hymenoplasty is on average about 15,000-20,000 rubles, but the cost of the operation may vary depending on the clinic and range from 9,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Organization Metro We cost in rubles.
Doctor Plastic from 55000 rub.
Lege Artis (Lege Artis)Smolenskaya, Krasnopresnenskaya, Barrikadnaya from 100000 rub.
MED-ECTUniversity, Kyiv from 25000 rub.
Naomi (Naomi)Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya, Sretensky Boulevard from 34000 rub.
Uniclinic (Uniclinic) from 30000 rub.
US-clinicAirport, Sokol, Voykovskaya from 20000 rub.
AlbaKuntsevskaya, Youth, Krylatskoe from 6000 rub.
ArtimedesUniversity, Kyiv from 23000 rub.
BustclinicTushinskaya, Shchukinskaya from 35000 rub.
V-ClinicNovokuznetskaya, Tretyakovskaya from 20000 rub.
GarantClinicUniversity, Trade union, New Cheryomushki from 20000 rub.
Beauty InstituteArbatskaya, Smolenskaya, Barrikadnaya from 6000 rub.
ClazcoKropotkinskaya, Tretyakovskaya, Polyanka from 50000 rub.
ClazcoYouth from 50000 rub.
Andrology ClinicKursk, Chkalovskaya from 9000 rub.
Dr. Ross Plastic Surgery ClinicKutuzov, Student, International from 90000 rub.
La StradaUniversity, Prospekt Vernadsky, Yugo-Zapadnaya from 90000 rub.
MedialUniversity, Leninsky Prospekt, Akademicheskaya from 20000 rub.
MON BLANC from 40000 rub.
EliteTaganskaya, Kitai-gorod, Marxist from 10000 rub.
No. p / pName of servicetotal cost
1. Labioplasty - intimate plastic surgery of the labia (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, surgery to reduce the labia minora, general anesthesia, stay in a day hospital19400 rub.
2. Hymenoplasty - restoration of virginity (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, surgery to restore virginity, general anesthesia, stay in a day hospital14400 rub.
3. Surgical defloration - surgical removal of the hymen (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, surgery for surgical defloration, general anesthesia, stay in a day hospital6400 rub.
4. Vagina reduction (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, plastic surgery of the posterior wall of the vagina, general anesthesia, 1 day of hospital stay26530 rub.
5. Plastic surgery of the anterior wall of the vagina (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, plasty of the anterior wall of the vagina, general anesthesia, 1 day of hospital stay26530 rub.
6. Vaginal cyst removal (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, surgery for surgical removal of a vaginal cyst, general anesthesia, histological examination, stay in a day hospital14400 rub.
7. Bartholin gland cyst removal (all inclusive). The price includes examination before surgery, surgery for surgical removal of a Bartholin gland cyst, general anesthesia, histological examination, stay in a day hospital19400 rub.

Prices for short-term gynecoplasty in Moscow vary quite a lot and range on average from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. When choosing a clinic, be sure to be guided by verified reviews of former visitors and the qualifications of doctors working there.

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At what age can the operation be performed?

I heard that it is possible to increase orgasm after surgery, is it true?

To enhance sexual pleasure, various revolutionary methods such as bellconter & gvisc should be used.

Does it hurt?

The words “hymenoplasty” and “painful” are often associated with each other in patients, however, it should be noted that hymenoplasty is an operation, and any surgical intervention requires either local or general anesthesia. Postoperative pain is also likely, but they are not strong and pass within a few days, subject to all the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Under what kind of anesthesia is it performed?

Most often, under the local.

Persistence of the effect of the operation?

Short-term gynecomastia is done five to seven days before sexual intercourse. The terms of long-term gynecoplasty last up to three years.

Is it possible to carry out after childbirth?

Possibly, but it's a little more difficult. In addition, after giving birth, some time should pass.

What is laser hymenoplasty?

Laser hymenoplasty consists in isolating mucosal sheets from a woman's vagina with a laser, followed by their stitching. This type of hymenoplasty can last for a very long time, but it is accompanied by a painful rehabilitation period and profuse bleeding during “defloration”.

Will the short term feel different from the long term?

Both on the part of a woman and on the part of a man, both types of hymenoplasty bring partners closer to natural defloration. The amount of blood released depends on the condition of the vessels and the hymen that were used in stitching.

How much does virginity restoration cost?

The cost of restoring virginity in clinics is quite different from each other. Prices start from 9,000 and reach 100,000 rubles per operation. Can the gynecologist determine the fact of the operation? (Is it possible to somehow determine that the operation was performed). Surgical restoration of virginity is carried out using the latest technologies and using the latest knowledge, so after the rehabilitation period, no specialist can establish the fact of hymenoplasty.

Photos before and after hymenoplasty

Photo: before and after stitching the torn edges of the hymen. The work was carried out by the clinic http://www.kurortklinika.ru/
Photo: before and after hymenoplasty http://www.kurortklinika.ru/
Photo: before and after plastic surgery of the hymen using a mucosal flap taken from the inner surface of the cheek or from the vagina http://www.kurortklinika.ru/
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