What can be done with uterine fibroids. What is contraindicated in uterine fibroids. Most accurately, the size of the fibroids is determined by ultrasound

Many women often face the negative opinion of doctors regarding whether it is possible to sunbathe with uterine fibroids. Here you should know that not only the sun has a bad effect on the condition of a woman. Abortions, miscarriages, diseases of the appendages, removal of intrauterine devices, as well as any surgical procedures also accelerate the development and progression of this benign formation.

Myoma affects about thirty percent of patients. This pathology has a latent form and therefore often occurs without obvious symptoms. It can often only be detected during routine gynecological examinations, ultrasound, or colposcopy.

Is it possible to sunbathe with uterine fibroids or endometriosis?

According to doctors, absolutely any thermal processes can provoke the growth of fibroids. Which means you have to stay away from them. In addition, we should not forget that it is much easier to prevent diseases than to suffer all our lives, spending time and large sums of money on their treatment. In no case should you treat your health carelessly, especially when symptoms occur that indicate the presence of neoplasms.


Immediately after receiving the mentioned diagnosis, many women begin to panic, fearing for the further possibility of pregnancy. And besides, sick patients ask the following questions:

  • Do I need to give up visiting beaches, solariums, saunas and swimming pools, as well as playing sports after surgical removal of uterine fibroids?
  • What to do next if such a problem is diagnosed?
  • What rules are important to follow in order to eliminate the pathology that has arisen and restore the former health back?
  • What complications can arise if the detected myoma develops against the background of mastopathy?
  • Why will you have to change your current lifestyle from now on?
  • How to prevent tumor growth in endometriosis?
  • in the sun with uterine fibroids?

Let's try to answer at least some of them. First of all, one should not despair, because at the moment a benign tumor can be treated absolutely successfully, even if it has a significant size. Its progression after mastopathy greatly worsens the well-being of patients, but it is certainly quite simple to eliminate it, while maintaining the function of childbearing. But is it possible to sunbathe with uterine fibroids, we will describe in detail later.

Causes and methods of exposure to sunburn on the tumor

Sunbathing outdoors on sunny days with fibroids is strictly prohibited. Patients with a similar diagnosis are allowed to stay on the beach only in the mornings or evenings, but only if they use a beach umbrella.

And don’t worry, in not very hot weather, the tan will still be, while it will lie on the skin more evenly and will not cause unpleasant burns.

If the patient has to go outside during the day, it is advisable for her to wear light clothing that will cover the body. And being on the beach, it is very important to monitor your well-being, while not exposing the skin to solar radiation. It is best to be under an umbrella at all times and use sunscreen as often as possible. Is it possible to sunbathe with uterine fibroids without cream? Absolutely not.

Visiting baths, saunas, solariums, various thermal procedures, and, in addition, sunbathing after, is allowed by doctors only after the completion of the recovery period of rehabilitation, which must be agreed with the appropriate specialist.

Possible problems

In situations of prolonged exposure to the sun in women with the described diagnosis, the following complications are likely:

  • seasickness, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, fever or chills;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • endometriosis;

  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • acceleration of tumor growth;
  • the occurrence of any concomitant diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • exacerbation of mastopathy, if any.

In all of the above situations, in no case should you sunbathe. Is it possible to sunbathe after removal of uterine fibroids, we discussed above.

Despite medical prohibitions, women cannot come to terms with the fact that tanning is categorically contraindicated for them with this diagnosis. This is due to the fact that patients do not have all the information about the harmful effects of intense sunlight on their body, especially on the hormonal background, immunity and reproductive system.

UV damage

Ultraviolet not only has a negative effect on the female body, but at the same time provokes mastopathy, slowing down the regenerative processes of the skin, thereby causing its rapid aging, in addition, it significantly aggravates gynecological diseases and is one of the causes of oncology, especially adenocarcinoma, melanoma and leiosarcoma . It is these terrible consequences that explain the urgent prohibition of doctors to take sunbaths with myoma.

For women who are of reproductive age, it is especially important to monitor the condition of the tumor. In the case of such a diagnosis, you should definitely change your lifestyle and start adhering to the regimen recommended by the doctor, at the same time follow the course of prescribed therapy, and, having eliminated the neoplasm, normalize your reproductive function. Can I sunbathe after the operation? More on this later.

What are the possible consequences of exposure to the sun with fibroids?

It is impossible to stay in the open sun under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in certain cases:

  • if a woman has not reached the menopause period, and she still has menstruation;
  • if several tumors in the uterus have been diagnosed;
  • in the patient, in addition to fibroids, there are obvious prerequisites for mastopathy;
  • in case of pregnancy, which is complicated by fibroids;
  • the tumor progressively increases in size.

It is precisely because of the overheating of the lower abdomen and the increase in this background of blood circulation in the pelvic area that thermal procedures are not allowed for myoma. And, in addition, hot baths and physiotherapy are strictly prohibited, because the effects of this kind contribute to the rapid growth of the tumor. There are a large number of myths about fibroids, about its removal, about the prohibitions associated with it. It is best to consult your doctor regarding these issues.

During the menopause

With the approach of the menopause, the development of fibroids, as a rule, stops, and the bans on the possibility of visiting massage, beaches and saunas are canceled. Regular and systematic visits to the gynecologist make it possible to control the dynamics of the development of the neoplasm. After all, it happens that immediately after the patient returns from rest, the tumor grows in her. That is why, in order to avoid aggravation of the disease, it is impossible to refuse timely treatment and diagnosis.

As you can see, the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with uterine myoma in the sun has an almost unequivocal answer - no. Although there is no direct evidence that sunbathing, sea rest and thermal procedures provoke an increase in the growth of neoplasms, there is no. However, doctors do not advise staying in the heat for a long time, as it has been found that prolonged exposure to sunlight, as well as a strong tan, only provokes the risk of converting benign cells into malignant ones.

Sunburn, however, like any thermal effect, contributes to the development and aggravation of tumors by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic area. Thus, in the presence of fibroids, its direct increase in size is possible, and during the recovery period after removal of uterine fibroids, a relapse is likely.


But what to do when you really want to spend time at sea? First of all, it is important to follow all the instructions of your attending gynecologist, in particular, try to avoid exposure to the open sun. And returning from vacation, you definitely need to visit it again, pass all the prescribed tests and undergo an ultrasound examination in order to assess your condition.

We hope we were able to answer whether it is possible to sunbathe with uterine fibroids.

Lifestyle is the main determining factor in the development of many diseases. But if the disease has already appeared, then its progression can be contained with the right treatment.

In addition to this, you will still need to change your lifestyle, because it is impossible to rely only on medicine and not make your own efforts to recover.

In most cases, uterine fibroids develop against the background of an increased concentration of estrogens in the blood. This is a benign tumor formation, which consists of the smooth muscles of the uterine wall and connective tissue elements. It can be in the form of a single node or a set. Its size determines the severity of symptoms.

What is forbidden

A diagnosed fibroid requires a transition to a slightly different rhythm of life, the rejection of some of the usual activities and procedures. Failure to follow simple rules can provoke the growth of nodes, additional unpleasant symptoms and complications.

Thermal overheating of the lower abdomen

Any thermal effect causes local tissue heating and increases blood flow. In conditions of good blood supply, cells receive more oxygen and nutrients, actively divide. This is good for healthy tissues, but bad for pathological ones.

In particular, any thermal effect provokes the growth of fibroids. It can be hot baths, visiting a sauna or bath, sunbathing under the natural sun or in a solarium. The blood flow is increased by cycling.

If there is a tendency to bleeding in the middle of the cycle, heavy menstruation caused by fibroids, then additional heat exposure will lead to increased blood loss. This condition will require surgical control of bleeding with curettage. There may also be signs of anemia of varying severity.

All physiotherapy procedures on the lower abdomen, which warm up the tissues, can be attributed to the same group.

Lower abdomen massage

According to the impact factor, massage of the lower abdomen refers to warming procedures. And this will increase blood flow in the uterus. The harmful type of massage also includes effects on the hips and buttocks.

Lymphatic drainage, gynecological massage, cavitation - the effect on adipose tissue with the help of ultrasound has a harmful effect on myoma. Even foot massage increases blood flow in the pelvis, which will only stimulate the growth of fibroids.

The prohibition does not apply to massaging other parts of the body - back, neck, arms. Massage of these areas is not contraindicated and will be beneficial.

weight lifting

Small myomatous foci will not react in any way to lifting weights. The danger appears with large foci and the location of the fibroids on the leg.

A large tumor stretches the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, and when lifting weights, intra-abdominal pressure increases, the pelvic ligaments stretch even more. This can lead to a change in the location of organs.

The subserous node, located on the leg, can be twisted. The vessels that feed the tumor pass in the connective tissue pedicle, but when they are twisted, they are pinched, and the node's nutrition is disturbed. This leads to tissue ischemia and the appearance of foci of necrosis.

This condition is accompanied by acute abdominal pain and requires emergency surgical care. If it is not provided in a timely manner, then a picture of peritonitis develops - inflammation of the peritoneum. This pathology is a severe complication that requires surgical treatment, as well as antibiotics and detoxification.

hard physical work

Large loads on the female body have a negative effect. They drain strength, require a lot of energy and nutrients, and negatively affect the hormonal background.

Fibroma is a reason to protect yourself from excessive physical exertion at work and at home. Tiring hard work can cause increased pain, increased fatigue. During menstruation, bleeding may become more intense, accompanied by pain.

If the node grows submucosally and is located on the leg, then a large physical load can provoke its birth. In this case, there will be bleeding, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, palpitations, sweating. There will be a feeling of fullness in the vagina.

The birth of a myomatous node is eliminated with the help of a surgical operation to remove it. To stop bleeding, curettage of the uterine cavity is performed.

Stress and hormonal disruptions

The female body, to a greater extent than the male, depends on the emotional state. The hypothalamic-pituitary system, despite its independence, is influenced by the autonomic nervous system. Stress leads to an increased release of adrenaline and norepinephrine, increased work of the adrenal glands.

Chronic stress leads to an increase in the blood levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It has a stimulating effect on the liver, leads to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. This causes an increased release of insulin. Tissues, on the contrary, become less sensitive to insulin. Prolonged stimulation of the pancreas can cause the development of diabetes.

Cortisol affects lipid metabolism. Prolonged stress leads to stimulation of lipogenesis, but not in the liver, but in the adipose tissue itself. This is expressed in the accumulation of fat and its redistribution throughout the body.

Excess adipose tissue is an additional source of estrogens - they are formed by aromatization of androgens. The result will be an increase in the growth of myomatous nodes, the appearance of endometrial hyperplasia.


Fibromyoma is one of the causes of infertility in a large number of women. But even against the background of a tumor, many become pregnant and give birth. It is undesirable to do this because pregnant women have a natural rise in estrogen levels. This can stimulate the growth of nodes which usually happens in pregnant women.

The very fact of pregnancy and the ability to save it depends on the location and size of the nodes. If the fibroma deforms the uterine cavity, then this prevents the fertilized egg from attaching, pregnancy may not occur or end in a miscarriage in a short time.

The tumor creates an obstacle to the normal attachment of the placenta, at some point detachment may occur, which also leads to fetal death and massive bleeding.

But some women with fibroids get pregnant and carry a pregnancy. Childbirth is often carried out by caesarean section, while removing the fibroids.


The onset of pregnancy already threatens to increase the growth of fibroids. And if a woman does not plan to give birth and decides to have an abortion, then this also threatens with unpleasant consequences.

Surgical termination of pregnancy is a rather rough impact, during which damage to the node, a violation of blood flow can occur. Since this is an intervention in the internal environment, there is always a risk of infection and fibroids may suddenly begin to grow.

Medical abortion has some advantages. It is carried out with the help of the drug Mefipristone, which a woman takes according to a certain scheme. After that, she is under the supervision of a doctor. But for such a procedure, additional conditions must be met - the gestation period should not exceed 5 weeks, and the size of the nodes should not exceed 3-4 cm.

There are certain medical indications for an abortion with fibroids. If they occur, then the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy:

  • rapid node growth;
  • fibromyoma necrosis;
  • a decrease in head size growth at week 25 (indicates fetal hypoxia and placental insufficiency).

Drink plenty of fluids at night

The drinking regimen of a woman should include at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This will provide elasticity to the skin, a sufficient amount for normal blood flow. With an increase in sweating, in the hot season, the amount of fluid is increased. The main condition is a uniform intake during the day and a decrease in the evening.

Do not try to drink the missing milliliters just before bedtime. At night, the kidneys will actively filter the fluid, which will lead to edema. Including uterine edema will develop. This will impair the blood supply to the tissues.

Small nodes are able to survive this state. With large, insufficient blood flow and swelling will lead to hypoxia, which will increase the formation of connective tissue in the foci, which means it will lead to an increase in nodes.

Choose your own contraceptives

A woman with fibroids must definitely choose an effective means of contraception. If she wants to use hormonal contraceptives, then the doctor will help you choose the right ones.

Combined oral contraceptives at first glance have the same effect, but they differ in composition and dosage of hormones. With a small fibroid, the right remedy can stop the growth of the tumor.

For women in whom fibromyoma is combined with endometrial hyperplasia, the Mirena intrauterine device may be suitable. It contains a progestogen component that will restrain the excessive growth of the endometrium and reduce bleeding. But gestagens do not always have a favorable effect on fibroids, in some they are able to give impetus to growth.

Some women will have to opt for condoms or spermicides. Their choice does not require consultation with a gynecologist and preference is given on the basis of individual ease of use.

In this video, the opinion of doctors about what can and cannot be done with myoma:

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Uterine fibroids are one of the most common gynecological diseases. Among women aged 35–50 years, up to 70% suffer from it. It is impossible to conduct accurate statistical studies, since in almost half of the cases the disease is asymptomatic and is detected by chance during routine examinations.

Until the end of the 20th century, fibroids were considered a dangerous pathology requiring radical treatment. Over the past decades, ideas about the disease have changed, but so far not only patients, but also many physicians share misconceptions about uterine fibroids.

Source: depositphotos.com

Myoma - a precursor of a malignant neoplasm

Until recently, the main argument in favor of surgical treatment of fibroids was the fear that a benign tumor would degenerate into cancer. It has been found that this does not happen. Myoma does not become malignant, its presence does not stimulate the development of other types of cancer (including tumors of the reproductive system). That is why a histological examination of the cells of myomatous nodes, which is often prescribed by doctors, is not a mandatory diagnostic procedure.

Myoma appears due to hormonal disorders

Each myomatous node develops from a separate cell of the muscular tissue of the uterus (myometrium). The process is often observed in women who have an unstable hormonal background, but a direct relationship between hormonal disorders and the formation of fibroids has not been identified.

Myoma must be removed

Having found a uterine myoma in a patient, the doctor may strongly advise to carry out the so-called curettage. The appointment is usually motivated by the fact that this procedure will not only save the patient from myomatous nodes, but will also clarify the cause of their appearance. In fact, fibroids do not need to be removed immediately.

As for the curettage procedure, it is carried out according to strict indications, which do not include the presence of fibroids. Most often, this is done to assess the condition of the endometrium with irregular bleeding, the cause of which cannot be established in another way.

Myoma should not be left without active treatment

According to modern concepts, the presence of small myoma nodes that do not provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms (pain, heavy bleeding, sensation of pressure on internal organs, etc.) does not require medical intervention at all. An exception is pregnancy planning, however, even in such a situation, a detailed examination is often required, but not treatment.

Myoma refers to neoplasms, the growth of which cannot be predicted. The tumor can maintain a constant size for years and even decrease. It is known for sure: active growth of fibroids occurs only in women of reproductive age; after the onset of menopause, it completely stops. Radical interventions for most patients can do more harm than good.

Patients with fibroids should not sunbathe and go to the bath

There is no scientific evidence to support this statement. True, it does not follow from this that women with uterine fibroids can abuse bath procedures or sunbathing, because these actions are harmful in any case, even if there is no fibroid.

The presence of fibroids does not require a special diet or a drastic change in lifestyle. A balanced diet, moderate physical activity and a reasonable alternation of work and rest are usually sufficient to maintain health at an acceptable level.

Myoma leads to infertility

The presence of fibroids does not prevent pregnancy, but it can complicate the bearing of the fetus. This usually happens when the nodes grow inside the uterine cavity or severely deform its walls.

Sometimes fibroids are found already during pregnancy. Moreover, often the IVF procedure is carried out, despite the presence of myomatous nodes. If the tumor is detected before conception (during a routine examination), it is important to consult with a qualified specialist. The fact is that the removal of nodes during pregnancy planning carries the risk of subsequent placenta ingrowth or rupture of the uterine wall. The doctor must assess this likelihood and propose a solution that is safest for the woman and her unborn child.

Most accurately, the size of the fibroids is determined by ultrasound

In ultrasound examination, the object is visible only in one plane. The myoma nodule is usually irregular in shape, resembling a gnarled potato, and as a result, it appears distorted on ultrasound, and this often leads to errors in assessing the size of the tumor or, even worse, its growth rate.

To understand how a fibroid actually develops, it is necessary to do an MRI, fix the state of the tumor in 2-3 positions and repeat the procedure after a few months. This is the only way to obtain reliable data on the growth rate of nodes and make a decision on the need and methods of treatment.

uterine fibroids is a benign tumor that occurs on the smooth muscle tissues of the uterus, typical for women after 30 years. The nature of the onset and development of the tumor is associated with a dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system against the background of increased production of estrogens, this is a benign tumor and rarely degenerates into a cancerous form.

With such a diagnosis, a woman immediately thinks of a surgical operation, but such an intervention is far from being shown to everyone. Natural remedies will help get rid of pain, reduce the size of the tumor, and even completely get rid of fibroids.

Often cause of uterine fibroids are hormonal disorders, inflammation of the uterus, appendages, ovarian cyst. All these diseases must be treated in time.

If uterine fibroids are complicated by endometriosis, a cyst, then neither natural remedies nor even strong hormonal drugs will help, the only thing what helps with uterine fibroids is a surgical operation.

The most characteristic signs of uterine fibroids: menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, delayed menstruation, premature menstruation.

Uterine fibroids are often complicated by such phenomena as menstrual irregularities. Depending on the nature of the violation, various synthetic and natural medicines are used. A delay in fibroids is usually treated with a decoction of tansy flowers, painful periods - with a decoction of chamomile or common hops. With premature menstruation, sleep-grass helps, with edema during the cycle, the use of fragrant woodruff is recommended.

Uterine bleeding is one of the extremely uncomfortable side symptoms of uterine fibroids, the consequence of frequent bleeding is iron deficiency anemia (anemia), in which there is a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood. To stabilize the condition, iron-containing preparations are used in a chelated form, as well as products with a high iron content: liver, pomegranates, beets, green apples, cognac or Cahors in small doses.

The appearance and development of fibroids is associated with estrogen, these hormones accumulate in the adipose tissue of women, therefore, with such a disease, it is necessary to adjust your weight and observe dietary restrictions. The diet for fibroids consists in the minimum consumption of fats, carbohydrates, and the maximum - protein products, since proteins support the vital activity of the body without excess calories. It is recommended to include fruit and vegetable juices in the daily menu. Regular exercise with uterine fibroids helps a woman get rid of body fat and reduce the level of estrogen in the body.

If a woman is close in age to the menopause and has a small tumor that is located in the uterus in a safe place, does not compress the surrounding organs, does not cause severe pain and bleeding, then surgery can be excluded in this case. A woman's body going through menopause can shrink or completely destroy fibroids on its own.

There are certain contraindications for uterine myoma, here are some of them:

  • independently, without medical advice, choose contraceptives;
  • resort to gynecological massage;
  • sunbathe, visit the sauna, steam in the bath;
  • put an intrauterine device;
  • terminate pregnancy without medical indications;

We must remember to go to the south is possible if the fibroid does not show signs of recurrence.

Myoma diet. Approximate diet

For a weekly diet a diet for uterine fibroids should include at least 30 items of food containing the strictly required number of calories. It is vital to eat low-calorie foods high in vitamins and minerals. A significant addition: contraindications for fibroids relate to foods with an excess content of calories.

Consider, what you can eat with myoma, and what you can not.

Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle should limit their intake of carbohydrates. Fat intake should be reduced to the daily requirement of the body (80-100g). It is better to give preference to vegetable fats, since animal fats can provoke the development of various tumors, including uterine myoma.

Correct nutrition for uterine fibroids involves by all means avoid overeating, which leads to the formation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue, liver and heart muscle. This leads to a violation of the oxygen, water, carbohydrate, fat balance of the body, that is, a balanced diet for uterine myoma prevents the risk of developing tumor processes.

German experts found that eating foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables), due to the large amount of vitamins and dietary fiber, contributes to the establishment of normal intestinal microflora, which is a strong antitumor factor in such a disease as myoma. Foods containing a lot of fiber normalize metabolism and reduce estrogen levels, and hence the risk of developing a tumor by more than 50%. Normal metabolism can be provided by diets from fibroids, which involve the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits in the amount of 350-400 grams.

Oat and wheat bran are ballast substances that saturate the body with energy, they protect the body from oversaturation with saturated fatty acids and thereby reduce blood cholesterol. Bran contains substances that remove toxins from the body, the use of bran helps to reduce excess weight.

Three times a week diet for fibroids advises to use marine fish or pharmaceutical fish oil in capsules. An indispensable product that should include a diet for fibroids are dairy and sour-milk products, it is well known that the sour-milk bacteria contained in them suppress the processes of fermentation and decay.

The legumes included in the diet are rich in saponins and fibrofibers - very useful substances that block the growth of all types of tumors, minimizing DNA synthesis. Soy and soy products have the most powerful antitumor properties.

It is very useful to eat a few nuts daily. Hazelnuts and almonds lower blood cholesterol levels, walnuts contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Walnuts increase the level of hormones in the body and contribute to the restoration of cells, remove toxins from the body. Even a small amount of nuts, eaten, sharply inhibits the development of tumors and replenishes the body's energy losses.

Uterine fibroids and a diet using sprouted wheat grass 10-12 mm high, as well as wheat germ 1-2 mm in size is one of the best nutrition programs, since wheat contains enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements, all together they make up active antitumor complex.

According to research from Harvard University, drinking several cups of green or black tea daily is effective in reducing the damage from free radical damage to the body. According to the content of polyphenols and antioxidants, as well as the mechanism of action, both black and green tea occupy approximately the same positions and are equally useful.

We welcome the course use of vitamin preparations and mineral supplements necessary to maintain the body in good physical shape. Numerous studies prove that vitamins A, E, C, carotenoids, trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, copper, iodine, magnesium), which enter the body with artificial additives or healthy food, have a strong preventive and antioxidant effect, help prevent the development tumor processes in the body. It is useful to eat often, about 5-6 times a day.

Now it becomes clear that diet and fibroids are inseparable concepts. Exists a number of products that are useful for uterine fibroids:

  • soybean, corn, nut, sunflower, olive oil;
  • bread with the inclusion of bran, wheat and oat bran, other grain products;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, halibut, cod, seaweed;
  • beans, soybeans, peas, lentils;
  • kefir, yogurt, curdled milk;
  • nuts;
  • black and green tea;

undesirable for consumption:

  • fatty meat, sausages, sausage;
  • butter, margarine;
  • sweet pastries;
  • margarine;

Here is an example diet myoma recedes, and the diet works:

1st breakfast Wheat porridge with nuts and poppy seeds and yogurt.

Cooking method: take 2 cups of wheat, 400-500 ml of water, 200 gr. nuts, 9 tbsp. poppy spoons, 6 tbsp. spoons of honey (or 8 tablespoons of sugar). Sort the wheat, wash it, then boil it until tender. Sort the poppy seeds, grind with the addition of boiled water, chop the nuts, add the ingredients to the porridge. Close the lid to bring the porridge to readiness.

2nd breakfast Green apple.

Dinner Radish salad with orange, meat soup with vegetables, stewed vegetables, blackcurrant juice.

Radish salad with orange

Cooking method: take a few radishes, 0.5 oranges, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of water, salt to taste.

Wash the radish, sort it out, soak it to eliminate bitterness, and grate it on a coarse grater. Add sliced ​​orange, sugar, lemon juice, water and salt.

Meat soup with vegetables

Cooking method: take 300 gr. meat, 100 gr. ham, 2 liters of water, 400 gr. cabbage, 100 gr. potatoes, 100g. tomatoes, carrots, onions, dill, parsley, celery root and parsley, pepper, salt.

Boil the meat until half cooked, put it in a serving pot, then lay it in layers: sliced ​​ham, chopped celery and parsley roots, coarsely chopped cabbage with a head of cabbage, put greens in the middle, then slice tomatoes on top, whole potatoes, salt and pepper everything. Pour the layers with broth, cover tightly with a lid and simmer in the oven for 1 hour, not allowing to boil. Serve in a pot, taking out the greens.

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