Albanian cuisine burek. Burek (burek) recipes. The specifics of manufacturing and the variety of components necessary for baking burek. Serve burek warm, cut into portions

Burek (Börek), although it is more commonly called burek, is not one dish, but a whole family of Turkish dishes. The cuisine of modern Turkey has inherited this dish from the traditional cuisine of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire spread this dish among all the nations that it conquered. By the way, the well-known cheburek çiğ börek (Tatar dish) also has its roots there.
A real Turkish burek is a thinly rolled dough, in which the filling is then wrapped to suit every taste. There are a lot of types of this treat - it can be cooked in the oven, it can be boiled and baked, fried and even cooked on an open grill.
Every Turkish woman should be able to cook the traditional Turkish burek, so all the girls before the wedding should master the art of its preparation.
I decided to cook a spiral burek. The cooking technology is simple, and the cake turns out to be very interesting, even purely outwardly, in my opinion

Burek with potatoes and onions

To prepare 2 bureks you will need
For test:
600 gr flour
110 gr melted butter
half a beaten egg
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 cup boiling water (more if needed)
starch for rolling

For filling:
500g potatoes
2-3 bulbs
Vegetable oil for frying
Salt, pepper, spices

For filling:
3 eggs
1 cup yogurt (or sour cream)
Sesame for decoration

1. Peel and boil potatoes. Mash the finished potatoes with a fork or a special press.
Chop the onion and fry it in a pan until translucent. Mix onions with potatoes, add salt and spices to taste. While the filling is cooling, prepare the dough.
2. For the dough, sift the flour, add salt, oil, egg and water and knead until smooth. If necessary, add a little more water to roll the dough into a ball. The dough will be soft and not sticky to your hands. You can do this in a food processor with a yeast dough attachment. Remove the dough under cling film and leave for 30 minutes.
3. To prepare the filling, beat all the ingredients with a whisk.
4. Lubricate the form in which we will bake the burek with butter or vegetable oil.
5. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Dust the table with starch and roll out the dough into a thin, thin layer (like a strudel).
6. Lubricate the rolled dough with a brush with yogurt-egg mass. And now it’s up to the filling, it’s longer to describe, I’ll show it better. In general, before preparing a burek, I advise you to watch this video, and specifically how to lay the filling and wrap the roll, you can watch from 0:40 minutes.

Lay the “sausage” in a spiral shape, as shown in the video.
Do the same with the rest of the dough balls. I got 2 pans.
7. Evenly pour the yoghurt mixture over both pies. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake for about 40-45 minutes until golden brown, in an oven preheated to 180C. After baking, while the cake is still hot, cover the pan with foil or a lid and leave for 15 minutes at room temperature until ripe. Eat warm!

Bon appetit and culinary success!

Thanks for the inspiration:
Own trips to Turkey, as well as

Today we will learn how to cook Turkish bureks. You will find a recipe with meat or minced meat in this article. We will also give detailed instructions for preparing other types of burek. After all, there are countless variations of this. It doesn't even always have the appearance of a pie made from sausage rolled up by a snake from pastry with a filling. There is also a cigar-burek. This Turkish dish is often compared to Italian lasagna. The most difficult thing in cooking burek (it is more correct to call the pie by borek) is the dough. It is called "yufka". For some types of berek, filo dough is used. Since they are all very laborious, Turkish housewives do not bother themselves much and buy the base for pies in stores. But sometimes they prepare the dough for berek themselves. We will tell you how to make a yufka. And for the lazy, let's reveal a secret: the dough can be replaced with thin Armenian lavash. But it is suitable only for some types of berek. For other varieties, you can use ready-made puff pastry.


Let's start, of course, with the base, the dough, which forms the burek. The traditional Turkish recipe suggests preparing yufka from two glasses of flour, one hundred milliliters of water, two eggs, salt and a small amount of butter (you can use a spread), which must first be melted. You need to be patient. Sift the flour into a deep bowl, make a depression at the top of the hill. We drive in eggs, pour in water, salt. Add half a spoonful of oil. Thoroughly knead the dough, sprinkle with flour and let stand for a quarter of an hour. Then roll out into a layer two centimeters thick. Lubricate with 3 tablespoons of oil. We cut the layer into three parts, put them on top of each other and roll out again. Grease again with 3 tablespoons of oil. Again, cut into three parts, which we put one on top of the other. We knead for a few minutes and form koloboks the size of a tennis ball. We roll each one very thinly to make a circle sixty centimeters in diameter. Now you need to let the yufka dry a little.

Su berek

There is a type of dish that is very similar to lasagna. It is called "water burek". The Turkish recipe also offers the dough for it to be made according to the principle of lasagna. To do this, add four eggs and half a glass of salted water to 640 grams of sifted flour. Knead elastic smooth dough, adding vegetable oil. We divide it into several parts. One of them must be larger than the others. Let the dough rest for half an hour under a towel. We roll out all the parts into very thin layers. We spread the largest in a mold greased with vegetable oil. The edges of the dough should protrude significantly beyond the edges of this baking sheet or pan. Boil salted water in a saucepan and boil each layer for a minute. We'll dry it on a towel. Because of the cooking process, such a dish, regardless of its filling, is called a water berek.

Pie shaping

For example, let's make the simplest filling. Mash four hundred grams of Turkish cheese with a bunch of finely chopped parsley. If the cottage cheese is very dry, you can add a little natural yogurt. Now we form our burek with cheese and herbs. The culinary recipe prescribes to grease a large sheet of dough (which is not boiled and is already covered in vegetable oil. We spread half of the smaller layers on it. We also smear each with oil. Put half of the filling. Smooth it out, sprinkle with oil. Place the remaining boiled layers of dough on top. Each shift with filling and lubricate with oil. We select the hanging edges of the large lower layer, throwing them up. Lubricate the product with egg yolk and vegetable oil. Bake until golden brown over moderate heat.

Burek Cigar (Turkish Dish): A Step-by-Step Recipe

The dish owes its name to the shape. This is not a pie, but tortillas rolled up in the form of a Cuban cigar. They are served as a snack with beer in Turkish bars. The classic filling for "cigars" is cheese with dill. This Turkish burek recipe suggests cooking from filo pastry. But we will replace it with ready-made Armenian lavash. We are preparing the stuffing. Cheese or 450 grams of salted cottage cheese knead with a fork. Add three yolks, a finely chopped bunch of dill, a clove or two chopped garlic. We beat the whites. Lavash cut into squares about ten centimeters long. Put a spoonful of stuffing on each piece from the edge. We roll the cigar. Wet the outer side of the square with whipped protein so that the dough does not unfold. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the cigars until golden brown. Place on paper towels to drain the oil.

Borek with spinach

Cigars, of course, are very original. But tourists who have visited Turkey remember more the snail-shaped pie. Having two layers of yufka, it is very easy to cook such a burek at home. The Turkish recipe allows you to make this dish with a variety of fillings. The most popular are potato and spinach pies. Let's make the last one. The filling is super easy to make. We cut four hundred grams of spinach and a large onion. Salt, season with black and red pepper to taste. lubricate with vegetable oil. We turn on the oven at 180 ° C. In a separate bowl, mix half a glass of water with four tablespoons of vegetable oil. This is necessary for impregnation of the dough. We cut the layer of yufka in half. Lubricate each part with impregnation. We spread the filling around the edge. We roll the dough into a roll. We put it in a baking dish in the shape of a snail. We do the same with the second half. We fasten both parts with impregnation. Drive the yolk into the remaining oily water. Lubricate the top of the product with the mixture. If desired, you can sprinkle with seeds (cumin, sesame). Bake for about forty minutes.

Turkish bureks: recipe with meat

This dish can be made both in the form of a snail and in the form of a covered pie. There is another option for the lazy: filling in pita bread. Knowing how to cook yufka or having filo (called blatterteig in Austria for strudel) on hand, you might think that this Turkish dish is easy to prepare. Burek recipe of a Muslim country recommends making from ground beef. Pork, firstly, is not halal, and secondly, it gives a lot of juice. And in the pie, he is useless to us. First, roast two tablespoons of crushed walnut kernels in a dry frying pan. Let's put them on a plate. Then add oil and fry finely chopped large onion. Add half a kilo of minced meat. Salt, pepper. We bring to readiness and evaporation of the liquid. Add a small bunch of parsley. Fry for another two minutes and knead with nuts. Now we are preparing the filling. Mix half a glass of natural yogurt and water, an egg and 70 ml of vegetable oil. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil. We take three layers of yufka. Using a brush, grease them with a fill. We lay out the layer in the form. Sprinkle the filling on top. I put another layer. And again stuffing. The dough should be on top. In the remaining yogurt, break the egg and grease the product. We send it to a preheated oven. Burek will swell at first, but then settle down.

Another way to shape a pie

You can do it differently with the yufka. We put three layers of dough in a greased baking dish at once. Naturally, all of them should be well smeared with filling. Place a third of the filling in the center. We cover it with the edges of the upper layer. Then lay out another third. Again wrap the middle layer of dough. Once again, the filling and on top - the edges of the lower layer. Lubricate with a mixture of eggs and yogurt. We bake.

With chicken

Many people like the classic Turkish burek rolled up by a snail. The recipe with chicken allows you to give the pie this shape. This meat is dryish, and the tubules will not spread. We prepare the filling of boiled chicken and parsley. Cut puff pastry into long narrow strips. Put the filling in the middle. We pinch the dough. We roll the sausages with a snail in a baking dish, covered with baking paper. The oven should be well preheated to two hundred degrees. We bake for about half an hour. Turn off the oven and put a few small pieces of butter on the snail.

Filling Recipes

What is not put in the bereks! And spinach (both solo and with boiled chopped eggs), and minced meat, and leeks, and potatoes. As for the shape of the pie, here we see a variety. There is a puff-berek - pies in the form of a crescent. Small portioned snails, "cigars", "pizzas" are also prepared. But the classic Turkish burek with cheese remains popular with tourists. The recipe for its filling is simple. Knead the cheese with chopped herbs (dill, parsley). What do you think of this stuffing recipe? We mix equally white and yellow cheeses (feta and, for example, Dutch) - two hundred grams each. Add finely chopped dill and green onions. Squeeze out two cloves of garlic. To make the mass a little viscous, add sour cream or yogurt.

Section:Classic dishes of national cuisines
3rd page

Cutlery, crockery. Table decoration. Decoration of dishes. Etiquette

Section "SAUCES"

Classic mayonnaise, Provence mayonnaise. Russian table horseradish. Bechamel sauce.

About Albanian cuisine

Historical and geographical features, the convenience of the coastline, the favorable climate, multiple interactions with neighboring peoples have had a significant impact on the richness and diversity of Albanian cuisine. So, the Albanians highly respect fish and seafood dishes, many of which owe their appearance to ancient Greece, Ancient Rome.

Many dishes were brought by the Byzantines, Venetians, Arabs. As in neighboring Italy, here you can taste crab risotto or brodetto. From the Yugoslav cuisine, the Albanians borrowed such dishes as chevapchichi, rajnichi, pilav, and many types of moussaka.

Due to the warm climate in Albania, corn is grown in large quantities, which is used both in boiled and canned form for preparing a wide variety of dishes. In addition, flour is obtained from corn for the national dish “celje”.

In the highlands of Albania, sheep have been bred for a long time. They eat not only meat, but also sheep's milk, which has healing properties. It is fermented, added to various dishes, famous varieties of cheese are prepared from it.
Unfortunately, after the 2nd World War, the people of Albania were not lucky with the totalitarian communist regime established there, which had common features with the communist regime in North Korea, which led to the economic backwardness of the country and the impoverishment of the population. But when the consequences of these difficulties are finally overcome, Albania united with Kosovo will become one of the best resorts in the world.



- potatoes 200 g,
- sweet pepper 250 g,
- tomatoes 500 g,
- onion 50 g,
- parsley, dill, 50 g each,
- raisins 50 g,
- sour cream 300 g,
- olive oil 50 g,


Peel the peppers from the core, tomatoes - from the skin. Boil potatoes in their skins and peel.
Cut the prepared vegetables into small cubes, add finely chopped onion, parsley, dill, raisins, salt, pepper and mix.
Season with butter mixed with sour cream and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Serve as a side dish with meat, fish or offal dishes.



- sweet pepper 800 g,
- tomato 100 g,
- onion 100 g,
- olive oil 150 g,
- parsley, celery,
- ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Peel sweet peppers, cut into strips and bake, pouring water from time to time.
Scald the tomato with boiling water, cool with cold water, peel and cut into circles.
Cut the onion into thin rings, finely chop the parsley and celery.
Mix prepared vegetables, salt, pepper and season with oil.



- sea bass 800 g,
- tomatoes 500 g,
- wheat flour 50 g,
- vegetable oil 100 g,
- parsley greens 50 g,
- sheep's cheese 50 g,
- breadcrumbs 20 g,
- garlic, ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Clean the fish, rinse, salt, breaded in flour and fry in half the oil norm. Remove the seeds from the tomatoes, cut them into slices, sauté into pieces of butter, salt, pepper, sprinkle with grated garlic and some greens.
Put the prepared fish in a form greased with the remaining oil, put the browned tomatoes on top, sprinkle with grated cheese, breadcrumbs and bake at 200 ° C for 40 minutes.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.



- fresh fish 1 kg,
- potatoes 500 g,
- tomatoes 200 g,
- white wine 300 g,
- water 200 g,
- olive oil 150 g,
- garlic, ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Clean the fish from scales, remove the insides, rinse, cut into portions. Peel potatoes, wash, cut into circles, place in a greased fireproof dish, salt and pepper.
Lay prepared fish on top and peeled tomatoes cut into four parts.
Sprinkle with finely chopped garlic, pour in oil, water, wine and bake at 175°C for 40 minutes.



- lamb pulp 500 g,
- potatoes 500 g,
- onion 100 g,
- tomatoes 150 g,
- sweet pepper 100 g,
- garlic 50 g,
- parsley greens 30 g,
- water 50 g,
- vegetable oil 30 g,
- wheat flour 50 g,
- sour milk 500 g,
- hot chilli pepper,
- black peppercorns,
- cumin, salt to taste.


Cut the lamb into large pieces, onion into cubes, potatoes into cubes or circles, chop the garlic. Remove the core from the sweet pepper and cut it into strips, peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes.
Lay the prepared meat and vegetables in layers in a clay pot greased with oil, season with spices, pour hot water, cover and simmer, adding water if necessary.
15-20 minutes before readiness, add sour milk mixed with flour.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.



- beef pulp 500 g,
- ground black pepper,
- rosemary,

- vegetable oil (olive, corn),
- salt to taste.


Cut the meat into small pieces, pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, rosemary. mince carefully
mix for 15-20 minutes, then put it in a cold place for several hours, then form it into sausages 5-7 cm long and 2 cm thick.
Lubricate the frying grate with oil and fry the sausages on it for 5-7 minutes.

Serve hot with finely chopped onions and tomatoes.



- potatoes 400 g,
- beef pulp 300 g,
- egg 1 pc.,
- walnut kernels 40 g,
- raisins 60 g,
- olive oil 200 g,
- ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and rub through a sieve. Pass the beef through a meat grinder and combine with chopped nuts, eggs, raisins and potatoes.
Salt the minced meat, pepper, mix and put in a cold place for two hours. Then form into balls and fry in oil.

Serve boiled cauliflower, stewed carrots or beets as a side dish.



- lamb pulp 400 g,
- wheat bread 100 g,
- water 100 g,
- eggs 2 pcs.,
- mutton fat or vegetable oil 100 g,
- garlic,
- cumin,
- salt to taste.


Soak bread in warm water. Cut the meat into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Mix minced meat with bread, chopped garlic, eggs, salt, cumin and put in the cold for 2 hours.
Form balls from the resulting mass and fry in oil or fat.

Garnish with green salad leaves and vegetables.



- onion 300 g,
- beef pulp 300 g,
- olive oil 100 g,
- wheat bread 300 g,
- water 100 g,
- eggs 3 pcs.,
- tomatoes 600 g,
- meat broth 600 g,
- wheat flour 60 g,
- parsley greens,
- ground black and red pepper,
- salt to taste.


Finely chop half of the indicated rate of onion, fry in half the rate of oil and combine with beef passed through a meat grinder. Add soaked and squeezed bread, finely chopped greens, eggs, salt, black pepper. Mix everything and put in a cold place for 1 hour.
Cut the remaining onion into rings, fry in oil, sprinkle with red pepper and place in earthenware.
Form balls from minced meat, bread them in flour and put them on browned onions interspersed with chopped tomatoes.
Pour in the broth and bake at 175°C until done.
When serving, decorate with greens.

You can serve mashed potatoes or boiled rice as a side dish.



- beef pulp 500 g,
- onion 50 g,
- vegetable oil 50 g,
- puff pastry 500 g,
- ground black pepper,
- salt to taste.

For egg and milk mixture:
- vegetable oil 100 g,
- eggs 3 pcs.,
- kefir 200 g,
- mineral water 150 g.


Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in butter until softened, cool, combine with minced meat, salt, pepper and mix.

Place 2-3 layers of dough on the bottom of a greased round baking dish. Sprinkle the dough with oil, lay a layer of meat filling on it. Lay out the remaining dough and filling in layers, cover with dough on top, grease with oil, cut into portions and pour over with a mixture made from kefir, eggs, mineral water and oil.
Bake the burek at 200°C for 40 minutes.
Serve hot.



- chicken 800 g,
- vegetable oil 50 g,
- ground black pepper,
- salt to taste.

For the nut sauce:
- walnut kernels 500 g,
- oil
creamy 50 g,
- wheat flour 20 g,
- chicken broth 300 g,

- garlic,
- ground black pepper,
- salt to taste.


Cut the chicken carcass, rinse, salt and pepper. Put the prepared chicken in a greased dish, sprinkle with vegetable oil and bake at 175 ° C, pouring it from time to time with the resulting juice or water.

Sauce preparation. Dry the flour, dilute with hot broth, mix thoroughly, add chopped nuts, butter, garlic, salt and pepper.

Cut the fried chicken into pieces, pour over the sauce and simmer for 10 minutes.

Serve with boiled potatoes or rice.



- rice 300 g,
- onion 100 g,
- vegetable oil 100 g,
- white wine 100 g,
- fresh champignons 200 g,
- broth 1 l,
- cheese 150 g,
- parsley greens,
- ground black pepper,
- salt to taste.


Cut the onion into cubes and sauté into pieces of oil with the addition of wine. Mushrooms clean, wash, cut into thin slices and fry in oil.
Rice stew in the broth until half cooked, combine with onions and mushrooms, season with salt, pepper and simmer until tender. At the end of cooking, add grated cheese, herbs.

Separately, you can serve tomatoes, cucumbers.



- zucchini 200 g,
- vegetable oil 140 g,
- onion 100 g,
- sweet pepper 100 g,
- tomatoes 300 g,
- eggplant 100 g,
- rice 50 g,
- water 50 g,
- parsley greens,
- ground red and black pepper,
- salt to taste.


Peel the eggplant, cut into cubes and leave for 1 hour. Cut the onion into cubes, sauté in oil, add eggplant, sliced ​​sweet pepper, diced tomatoes and zucchini, salt, ground pepper and simmer, adding water from time to time.
Boil rice separately and sprinkle with herbs.
Lay the prepared vegetables and rice in layers, pour over with oil and bake at 175 ° C until tender.



- fresh or canned crabs 300 g,
- potato
500 g
- vegetable oil 150 g,
- wine vinegar 100 g,
- parsley greens,

- ground black pepper,
- salt to taste.


Boil fresh crabs, peel and cut into small pieces
pieces. Cut potatoes into slices
in a fireproof dish, salt and pepper.
Lay on top
a layer of crabs, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with herbs,
pour wine vinegar and simmer for 30 minutes.


- wheat flour 1 kg,
- milk 40 g,
- pressed yeast 50 g,
- vegetable oil 200 g,
- cheese 300 g,
- eggs 6 pcs.,
- salt to taste.


Grind yeast, dilute with warm milk, add 20 g of flour and put in a warm place. Combine the prepared dough with half the norm of butter, salt, water, flour, knead the dough and leave for proofing.
Place the prepared dough on a greased sheet so that the edges are much thicker than the middle and rise above the edge of the sheet, and bake at 170 ° C until a golden crust forms.
Then remove the crust, grease the dough with oil.

Mix egg yolks with grated cheese, add beaten egg whites, place on dough and bake at 200°C.
After cooling, cut the pita into portions and serve.

Serbs, Turks, Bosnians have contributed to the tradition of preparing Turkish burek.

The taste and filling of this thinly rolled dough pie are varied.

Like the method of preparation, they vary in different villages, even families.

Turkish burek is cooked small - for one family.

Or weighty - for sale.

In contact with

The dough for the pie is bought or made by yourself. This is a puff yufka, as well as a thin stretched filo. Filo can be made with or without eggs.

For those who are making dough for the first time, the method may seem complicated. But homemade dough is tastier than store bought.

Having adapted, the hostesses will cope with the eastern "mystery". There are a lot of delicious and affordable dishes in Turkish cuisine, for example:,.

For the test

For the Yufka test:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • butter - 100g;
  • Salt - a pinch.

For the classic phyllo dough:

For filo pastry without eggs:

  • boiled water - 300 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 500 gr;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp

For the stuffing with minced meat and pumpkin:

  • pumpkin - 200 gr;
  • minced beef - 500 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pepper mixture - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

For the chicken and cheese filling:

The composition of the filling with cottage cheese:

  • cottage cheese - 400 gr;
  • parsley or dill - a bunch;
  • yolks - 3 pcs;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • salt - to taste.

Stuffing with boiled eggs:

  • spinach - 1 bunch;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs;
  • salt - to taste.

For the potato filling:

  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.


Additional Ingredients (for brushing and decorating the cake):

  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • egg (only protein is possible);
  • yogurt with egg;
  • a pinch of cumin;
  • poppy optional;
  • a pinch of sesame.

Turkish dish recipe with photo

Cooking technique:

Time for preparing: 25 min.

Preparation time: 15 minutes.

Level: light.

Watch how to cook berek in Turkish on the video:

From lavash

How to cook Turkish burek from pita bread, you will learn further.

Step-by-step instruction:

Time for preparing: 20 minutes.

Preparation time: 15 minutes.

How to cook Turkish burek from pita bread, you will learn from the video:

How to prepare dough?

Yucca puff pastry making:

  1. Leave the butter at room temperature to soften.
  2. Sift the flour, collect it in a slide. Drive eggs into the recess, pour water, sprinkle with salt. Put 0.5 tbsp there. butter or spread. In Uzbekistan, a similar dough is made with vegetable oil.
  3. Knead the dough. Form a ball, dust it with flour, set aside for 15 minutes.
  4. Roll out a ball 2 cm thick. Lubricate the layer with 3 tbsp. oils. Fold the layer with an envelope or roll, again crush into a ball. Knead the dough. Divide it into balls the size of tennis balls.
  5. Roll out each ball thinly. As soon as the layers dry a little, you can fill them.

Time for preparing: 1 hour.

Difficulty level: average.

Proper preparation of puff pastry, see the video:

Classic Phyllo Dough Technique:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites. Put the yolks in warm boiled water. Proteins will come in handy for other dishes, such as meringue or biscuit.
  2. Pour salt here, pour table vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Sift the flour. Collect it in a slide, but not all at once. Leave no bedding. You never know exactly how much flour a liquid will take. It depends on the dryness of the flour and the size of the eggs. Make a hole at the top of the hill. Gradually pour in the resulting liquid, alternating it with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with flour, stir lightly and add again.
  4. Knead the dough, adding flour if it is runny.
    The dough must be beaten off. Raise the wad above the work surface and throw it down. And so 40-50 times.

    Interestingly, in Japan they often do not beat the dough, but knead it with their feet. The dough is placed in a bag, covered with a towel and stomped.

  5. Wrap the dough with foil. Place it in a warm place - on a radiator or near an open preheated oven. After an hour, start rolling.
  6. Roll out the whole dough with a sausage, cut into 12 pieces. Roll out on a clean kitchen towel sprinkled with flour. Waffle is not good. Roll each piece until transparent, until you can see the fabric through it.
  7. Now the dough should be stretched in all directions. It is convenient to throw it on bent hands. We move our hands under the dough, as if juggling it. Turn the dough over and stretch again. Trim the edges with a knife.
  8. Separate each sheet of phyllo from the next by lining with parchment paper.
  9. Roll a stack of sheets into a tube, wrap with a damp towel.
  10. This dough can be frozen and stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

    Attention! The dough needs to be defrosted for a long time, work with it carefully. It becomes brittle.

Filo cooking time: 40 min.

Preparation time: 1 hour 20 min.

Difficulty level: average.

This video will help you make filo dough at home.

Filo dough without eggs is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour oil into warm water.
  2. Sift flour, make a slide.
  3. Dissolve baking soda in water and butter and stir into flour. If you are used to not pouring liquid into flour, but, on the contrary, mixing flour into liquid, do so. It does not affect the result.
  4. Next, beat the dough. Divide into 6-12 balls. We cover the bowl with balls with cling film, send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
  5. Roll out the dough as directed in the recipe for classic phyllo dough.

Filo cooking time: 40-60 min.

Preparation time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Filling technique

With minced meat and pumpkin

Difficulty level: simple.

Time for preparing: 30 minutes.

With chicken and cheese

Time for preparing: 20 minutes.

Preparation time: depends on the chicken - home cooked takes longer.

Difficulty level: simple.

With cottage cheese

Time for preparing: 15 minutes.

Difficulty level: very simple.

With chicken eggs

  1. Eggs wash, boil, peel, chop.
  2. Rinse spinach, chop, mix with eggs, salt.

Time for preparing: 10 min.

Difficulty level: very simple.

With potato

Time for preparing: 30 minutes.

Difficulty level: simple.

Serve burek warm, cut into portions.

Turkish burek is delicious to eat with yoghurt lassi. For this drink, slightly dilute fat-free yogurt with water, add a pinch of sea salt, a couple of basil and mint leaves and a slice of lime without skin. We beat everything with a blender.

Tips and tricks for housewives to help make the dish tastier and more varied:

  • you can add dill or parsley to any minced meat;
  • add crushed walnut kernels fried in vegetable oil and mixed with herbs to minced meat or chicken;
  • put a few pieces of butter on the finished hot cake;
  • brush each sheet of dough with salted and peppered yogurt with egg before putting the filling;
  • form cigar-shaped rolls from the dough with the filling and fry them in hot vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Change the filling, use different types of dough, add your favorite greens and spices, make pies of different shapes. You will get your own excellent versions of this delicious pie.

Take on board a few more recipes from Turkish cuisine:,. You can also cook oriental sweets:,. Try and you will succeed!

Enjoy your meal!

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The everyday culture of Albania is extremely diverse. It is so diverse that sometimes one can only wonder how in a country whose area is slightly more than half of the Moscow region, such different traditions have developed in costume, in architecture, in customs, in cuisine, and family traditions. Many dishes were brought to Albania by the Byzantines, Venetians and Arabs. Albanian cuisine was greatly influenced by Greece and Italy.

The custom of cooking in clay pots has been preserved for a long time. This method of cooking in clay pots is very popular today among the local population and among numerous tourists.You can try dishes baked in earthenware in many taverns serving traditional Albanian dishes. You definitely won't be disappointed! Lamb baked in the oven is especially appreciated. In general, from time immemorial, the Albanians considered meat to be the best treat. The traditional way of cooking meat is, of course, roasting the whole carcass on a spit. Sheep were usually roasted on major religious holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, or Eid al-Adha, weddings and other celebrations. This custom has been preserved among the Albanians to this day, and it turned out that the ancient household habit has become a real national ritual! In addition to meat on a spit, the so-called gjelle, that is, stew cooked with various vegetables and served with a salad of fresh vegetables, is very popular among modern Albanians. Albanians usually dress their salad with olive oil and vinegar or fresh lemon juice. Olives are always present on the Albanian table, as an integral part of the dish and as an independent snack. The custom of baking cornbread has also been preserved since ancient times. In ancient times, it was bread made from corn flour that formed the basis of the diet of ordinary Albanian workers, especially the highlanders. Bread was baked in special large frying pans, which were placed in the hot ashes of the hearth. Despite the fact that today in Albanian bakeries you can see many varieties of wheat and rye bread, fresh and fragrant, and also very satisfying corn cakes are always on the counter. Be sure to try! Under the influence of the Italians and Turks, the Albanians began to use a variety of spices during cooking. In addition to classic black pepper, garlic, parsley and dill, Albanians use Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary, oregano, basil, oregano, mint and others. Speaking about the features of Albanian cuisine, one cannot fail to say about the beloved by all Albanians, byurek.

Byurek is perhaps the most common type of Albanian snack. Burek can be bought at any"fast food" and eat on the way to work, for example, in any tavern you will definitely be offered burek as a snack, and even on the festive table there will definitely be a place for this dish! What is burek? It's simple ... Burek is a closed puff pastry pie, the filling can be the most diverse - spinach, sheep cheese, minced meat, sweet custard, etc. Many dishes were brought to Albania by the Byzantines, Venetians and Arabs. For example, just like in neighboring Italy, in Albania you can try risotto, crab brodetto or delicious pasta with seafood. From the Yugoslav cuisine, the Albanians borrowed dishes such as chevapchikhi, razhnichi, and pilav. Pita and various types of moussaka migrated from Greece to Albania. Thanks to ancient Greece and Rome, the Albanians had and still have a variety of fish and seafood dishes in the mail, which can be tasted in numerous fish restaurants on the coast, for example, in Durres or Saranda. The most popular are dorada, mullet, sea bass.

Also in all the taverns of Saranda, Durres you can try shrimp, mussels, octopus, squid at very low prices. Well, in Shkoder or Pogradec on Lake Ohrid, you should definitely taste freshwater fish, such as trout, eel or carp. Wonderful trout is also served at the Blue Eye spring in the south of the country.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are present on the Albanian table throughout the year. Also, in all cities there is a market where you can buy vegetables and fruits at very low prices. Moreover, fruits and vegetables are environmentally friendly, without any additives and chemicals.

Albanian sweets are very similar to oriental ones. The most common desserts in Albania are baklava, Turkish delight, halva, etc. Another oriental custom - drinking coffee has spread throughout Albania. The aroma of freshly brewed ground coffee is everywhere! Coffee is served everywhere, the most common types of coffee are espresso, Turkish coffee, coffee is always served with cold water. Guests are sure to be treated to coffee, they drink coffee at a wedding and at a wake, a cup of coffee celebrates a successful transaction! Today it is impossible to imagine an Albanian who does not drink this drink, an Albanian's day begins with a cup of coffee, which is often accompanied by a glass of raki or local cognac! Albania produces very good quality wine, and raki, grape vodka, is also highly valued. A kind of visiting card of Albania is locally produced cognac, which bears the name of the main national hero Skanderbeg. Local wine and brandy can be tasted at the winery. Our company offers an exciting trip to Chobo wineries in Berat and Kokomani in Durres, where you can see how wine and raki are made, taste several varieties of wine and taste a real traditional Albanian lunch. The cost of lunch with tasting is from 25 euros per person, depending on the number of people in the group.

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