What threatens life with one kidney in the future? Possible reasons for the absence of an organ

Most people live normal, healthy lives with one kidney. However, it is important to take care to stay as healthy as possible and take care.

There are three main reasons why a person can only have one kidney:

  • A person can be born with only one kidney. This condition is called renal agenesis. Another deviation, which is called kidney dysplasia, is when a person is born with two kidneys, but only one of them works. Most people who were born without a kidney (or with only one working kidney) can conduct normal healthy life.
  • A person may have had one kidney removed during surgery, to treat an injury, or a disease (such as cancer).
  • A person could donate a kidney to another person who needed a transplant.

What if I was born with only one "working" kidney?

If you were born with only one normal kidney, or if one kidney was damaged or removed during childhood, then the remaining kidney will grow faster and be larger than usual. The remaining bud may grow to be almost the same size as two buds together. This helps it do all the work that two kidneys normally do.

Such growth is called "compensatory" or "recovery". This happens in different ways: may be the result of acceleration cell division or an increase in the size of the cells themselves. For example, if one kidney is removed, the number of cells in the other increases with increased speed. Eventually, the remaining kidney may grow until it is the same size as the two combined. In other words, one healthy kidney can work for two.

Can a transplanted kidney work for two?

Yes. Careful testing has shown that a transplanted kidney can also increase its size and function. It can achieve a level of performance that is approximately 40 percent greater than normal level for one kidney.

What threatens life with one kidney in the future?

In general, most people with one healthy kidney have minor problems all the time. However, some problems in the long run have also been occasionally seen.

In some people who were born with one kidney, or had one removed during childhood, there is a chance that kidney function will fail later in life. This usually occurs after 25 years or more. There is also a chance of having an increased blood pressure in more late age(suffering from hypertension). However, the loss of kidney function is usually not significant, and life expectancy does not change much. Most people with one kidney live healthy, normal lives with a few minor limitations.

How often should a person with one kidney be examined?

Kidney function should be checked at least, once a year. For this, a simple analysis of urine and blood is sufficient. You should also measure your blood pressure at least once a year, unless there is a specific reason to do so more frequently.

Is it possible for a person with one kidney?

Physical exercise is health and benefit for all. However, for a person with only one kidney, it is important to be careful and protect it from injury. This recommendation applies to everyone, regardless of the reason for having one kidney, even if they are people who were born with one kidney, even if they are donors. Some doctors think it's best to avoid contact sports such as football, boxing, hockey, soccer, martial arts, or wrestling.

Wearing protective clothing, such as a protective vest under your clothing, can help protect your kidneys from injury while playing sports. This may help reduce the risk, but it does not eliminate it! It's worth talking to your doctor if you (or your child) want to get involved in contact sports. You should always think about the risks associated with any activity and carefully consider whether they outweigh the benefits.

Do I need to follow a special single kidney diet?

Most people with one healthy kidney do not need to adhere to special diet. If you have one kidney due to a transplant due to a medical condition or kidney failure, then some restrictions in food are possible. If you have questions about your diet, it's worth talking to your doctor or dietitian.

People who donate a kidney can live as long as those who don't. After the first case of a documented kidney transplant in the US, research shows the procedure carries little long-term medical risk for the donor. Therefore, answering the question “How long can life be with one kidney?”, we can say that this has little effect on the duration and quality of life.

Often people who have one kidney live for many years without getting sick, and only accidentally find out that from birth they have one organ functioning. Living with one kidney means keeping certain rules which can help keep you healthy for many years to come. It is believed that one kidney can take over the functions of two. At the same time, people do not have to severely limit themselves in actions and change their lifestyle. For such a person, sports are not contraindicated, but moderate physical work even necessary. Women may not refuse pregnancy: they have a chance, with the help of doctors, to endure and give birth healthy child, and then calmly take care of him. None Negative consequences do not appear.

How does one kidney function?

The kidneys are a paired organ. They accumulate toxins and slags, after which they are excreted in the urine. The kidneys should work well, blood pressure and the amount of fluid in the cells depend on this. If both organs are healthy, the load is distributed evenly. With a decrease in efficiency or loss of one of the kidneys, almost all functions are taken over by the other. The consequences of this are an increase in size, which is physiological norm. There are several reasons for the absence of one of the kidneys: congenital anomaly(agenesis or aplasia) or removal surgically at incurable diseases this organ (nephrectomy). How many live with one organ? Observing some food restrictions, refusing to bad habits and observing the regimen, a person can fully live with one kidney. If the remaining organ functions without violations, then the disabled person medical indications do not become.

It happens that patients lose both kidneys. What to do in this case, what is the way out? Here, either life-long hemodialysis or transplantation (transplantation) can save healthy organ from a donor. The main problem of people living with a transplanted kidney is the constant danger of rejection. At the same time, the immune system perceives the new organ as foreign body, and the lymphocytes start trying to destroy it. A method of preventing rejection is modern immunosuppressants that suppress the immune system. If you follow the rules, then life with a single kidney, even a transplanted one, will be acceptable. A transplanted kidney will work in two if you monitor your weight, take the prescribed medications in full, follow the recommendations of the transplantologist, and regularly take tests. Also need lifelong diet from which alcohol is excluded.

Rules for a full life for a person with one kidney

Giving up bad habits will allow you to live a full life.

What is needed for a full life if a person is born with one kidney or is it removed? Everything is simple. Diet, healthy lifestyle life, giving up bad habits (smoking and alcohol) will allow you to live a full life without feeling like an invalid with only one kidney. Some inconveniences and problems in adulthood will accompany you constantly. This high blood pressure, the risk of disruption of the remaining kidney. Pregnancy causes certain difficulties in women.

To avoid complications, patients need to be examined by a specialist annually, especially if the kidney was removed for medical reasons. You don't need to drink a lot. The lifestyle recommended by doctors is able to support the body and improve its functioning. First of all, pay attention to how you need to eat. Food should not be salty and too fatty. Fried is allowed, the menu can include fried meat or other products without using spices. In order for a single kidney to cope with fluid, there are restrictions for drinking water. The approximate rate of fluid per day is 1 liter. If in such a situation someone drinks more than the norm, puffiness appears.

If you are fascinated by professional sports, the absence of one organ is not a hindrance, you can do it for your own pleasure. But leave exhausting workouts and do not set records. You can do exercises in the morning, do fitness or go to the pool several times a week. Any physical education is a useful thing. The kidneys "love" tilting from side to side, circular motions torso. However, do not combine or replace light exercise strength exercises the consequences can be unpredictable. The patient also should not work hard, but you can always find something to your liking, despite the restrictions.

Proper nutrition and restrictions

The body of those who were born without a kidney is accustomed to non-standard conditions, therefore special meals provides for errors. The diet is designed, first of all, to minimize the load on the remaining organ, the urinary system, and also to speed up the recovery process after a kidney has been cut out to a person. The menu should not contain homemade and purchased pickles and marinades. For salt, significant restrictions must be made. It is also better to reduce the intake of proteins. So you will facilitate the work of the remaining kidney, it will be able to remain healthy for a long time. Products are best boiled, baked or stewed. From time to time you can cook fried dishes.

The basis of nutrition should be easily digestible food.

Meals are built in such a way that the basis is easily digestible food. The main thing is how much fluid enters the body. There should be no shortage or oversupply. That is why it is so important for patients to support right balance. And clearly calculate the amount of water entering the body. You can’t do without water at all, it should help the kidney remove toxins, so every day you need to drink some clean drinking water. But coffee, ice cream, beer and alcohol are taboo. Without them, you can live and facilitate the work of the body. Not drinking alcohol is a kind of lifestyle and belief. Forever avoid:

  1. rich pastries and fresh white bread;
  2. canned food, sausages and semi-finished products;
  3. rich broths, fatty meat;
  4. mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, onions and garlic;
  5. mineral water with sodium;

At first, diet food will seem tasteless, insipid, especially if you have previously eaten dishes with the addition of artificial flavors and flavor enhancers. Healthy food made from the following products:

  1. bran bread;
  2. vegetarian first courses with butter;
  3. turkey, veal, rabbit (meat a week after surgery);
  4. eggs and dairy products;
  5. potatoes, beets, cauliflower, cucumbers and lettuce;
  6. cereals;
  7. tea, compote, fruit and vegetable juice, with the addition of drinking water.

Ready meals should be warm, not hot and not too cold. Fresh vegetables and fruits can be eaten, but you should not do experiments that can affect health (especially when it comes to children) and switch to fasting or a raw food diet, which can lead to a decrease in internal fat holding the kidney in place. You need to drink fluids in moderation. Those who have one kidney at birth or as a result of an operation may well be engaged in physical education. Please note that the athlete must eat in a special way. What to do in this case? For example, bodybuilding, in addition to training, involves increased content protein in the diet, which is undesirable for those who, being sick, will try to increase muscle mass. It is believed that you should avoid activities where there is high probability injuries: football, basketball, boxing. From an injury single kidney there is a risk of living the rest of your life thanks to dialysis and dying early.

However, in Lately doctors are not so categorical, because severe injuries organs are quite rare. Therefore, children and young people who were born without a kidney can start classes without fear. How long they will last - see how you feel. Training will not affect health. If, as a parent, you are apprehensive, have your child enjoy the pool a few times a week. This activity strengthens health, improves immunity. Lifestyle enhances its quality.

At healthy person The body has two kidneys. This paired organ filters the blood from the remnants of metabolic processes and, together with urine, removes them from the body.

Sometimes (due to malformations) a person is born with only one bean-like organ. This is due to such as (only one kidney is fully developed) or agenesis (one paired organ is completely absent).

At the same time, people with this pathology can live full life. To do this, you must follow special rules that allow you to maintain health on long years. People with one organ should limit hard physical labor, replace it with exercise, follow a diet and drinking regimen.

The causes of this pathology

There are two types of agenesis paired organ: bilateral and unilateral. In the first case, the child dies immediately after birth or even in the mother's womb, because he does not have kidneys.

Unilateral agenesis implies the presence of one organ and in most cases is a completely life-threatening condition. There is no underlying reason for this anomaly. Parents may not even suspect that their child has any developmental disabilities.

To compensate for the absence of the second organ, the size of the remaining organ increases. This restorative feature allows you to increase its performance by 45%. In this case, one kidney is not much inferior normal functioning two.

Scientists have found that often a child is born with an anomaly in women with the presence of diabetes. Almost always, agenesis occurs due to external factors.

During the period of bearing a child, the woman's body and her fetus are highly vulnerable, because they have a weakened the immune system. TO etiological factors development of agenesis can be attributed to:

  1. Severe viral diseases in a pregnant woman. These include measles and rubella.
  2. Low water during pregnancy.
  3. Abuse alcoholic drinks or drug use during pregnancy.
  4. Impact on the fetus toxic substances or ionizing radiation.
  5. Presence in a pregnant woman various infections in the urinary system.
  6. Application hormonal contraceptives during childbearing.
  7. The presence of infections transmitted through sexual intercourse. The most susceptible to the birth of a child with an anomaly are women infected with syphilis.

According to statistics, more boys are born with renal agenesis. For 10 thousand newborns with such an anomaly, 1-3 children are detected. In the absence of a kidney, it is most often the left organ.

Symptoms of pathology in a child

The presence of an anomaly of the filtering organs in an infant on initial stage does not show any symptoms if the baby is healthy. Often, pathology is detected by chance during preventive examinations.

Sometimes a child may show aching pain in the groin, passing into the area of ​​the sacrum. Girls with anomalies have pathologies of the reproductive system. Vaginal underdevelopment and uterine hypoplasia are often found.

Another manifestation of the clinical picture:

  • swelling of the face;
  • dry skin, mucous membranes;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • profuse urination;
  • lethargy;
  • deformation auricles and skulls;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased distance between the eyes;
  • protruding forehead;
  • macrognathia - underdevelopment of the jaw;
  • flat and wide nose.

Boys are found specific symptoms. They do not have a duct that removes the seminal fluid.

Quite often, children with agenesis are born prematurely, and their filtering organ is enlarged in size. If the kidney does not cope with the functions assigned to it, the symptoms appear almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

Diagnostic methods

In those days when the ultrasound machine was not yet developed, many people lived with an anomaly without knowing it. Now the absence of an organ in a child is sometimes determined even while the fetus is in the womb. However, this is quite difficult to detect. As a kidney, the definition of the adrenal gland is possible.

After the baby is born, the diagnosis is confirmed by:

  • nephroscitingography (determines the accumulation of radioisotopes in the kidney area);
  • angiography (reveals the absence of organ vessels in the area of ​​the affected side).

The doctor may prescribe a procedure. History taking is of great importance. The doctor finds out not only the possible causes of agenesis, but also finds out all the features of the course of pregnancy.

How to live with one organ

People with the presence of an anomaly from birth must observe food restrictions. It is necessary to maintain a certain diet, sleep and wakefulness.

It is required to lead a healthy lifestyle, giving up alcohol and smoking. The life of people with such an anomaly is full and practically does not differ from others.

In the case (surgery to remove one of the kidneys), a person can also lead normal life. Immediately after the operation, he needs bed rest and peace. In the early days, you need to eat only with a sparing diet. Recovery can take a long time.

However, when normal condition patient about ten days after the nephrectomy, the person returns to workplace. This happens if his profession is not related to physical labor.

Adult patients living with the anomaly may experience various problems who will accompany them permanently. Basically it is high blood pressure.

There is a risk of dysfunction of the organ. Women with this pathology have difficulties during pregnancy. However, many cases of normal birth are known. developed children in mothers with one kidney.

To avoid various complications Patients should be examined by a doctor at least once a year. The recommendations of a specialist will help support the body, as well as improve its performance.

Methods of therapeutic action

Therapy for such patients depends mainly on the condition of the kidney. If it is healthy and performs all the functions of the second organ, then special treatment not required. It is necessary to be observed by a urologist and follow all his recommendations (follow proper nutrition and drinking regimen).

Specific therapy for treatment is not prescribed. Hypertension is usually treated with drugs to reduce pressure. In most cases, it is necessary to use means to increase immunity.


In some cases, after the removal of one kidney, the patient's condition does not normalize. The kidney is a paired organ, so problems that arise on one side can “pass” to the other.

This is facilitated by the incorrect behavior of the patient himself - the requirements of the attending physician are not observed, the body is subjected to increased loads and stresses, and a strict diet is not maintained.

If a violation of even one of the main functions of the kidney is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment that prescribes. The choice of drugs depends on the patient's condition, the interpretation of his analyzes and the identified pathology.

Supportive care

Patients living with one kidney should have regular blood and urine tests, and instrumental examinations. Maintenance therapy includes the use of antibacterial agents.

In the case of development, the goal of treatment is to slow down the rate of progression of the pathology.

Operation types

With the ineffectiveness of the conservative therapy are used (use of the “artificial kidney” apparatus) or, in which the blood is cleansed by the introduction and subsequent drainage of a special liquid to the outside.

In some cases it is necessary. Transplantation is the most effective way getting rid of kidney failure.

For lifelong, periodic connection of the patient to " artificial kidney» to perform blood filtration. In this case, it is saturated with all essential substances restores the acid-base balance.

Connection to the device is made strictly in the mode prescribed by the attending physician. Failure to do so increases the risk of death.

dietary prescriptions

The fundamental factor for the full and active life is diet food. Some foods must be present in the diet: black bread, vegetables, eggs, honey, sour cream. Fish and meat should only be boiled.

In what quantities they should be on the menu depends on the body. An experienced dietitian will tell each patient individually how much and what foods to eat.

Any diet should not be started abruptly, as this will adversely affect health. It is necessary to gradually abandon the use of large amounts of protein, pasta and legumes. These products are best replaced with boiled potatoes or vegetables.

With such a pathology, it is necessary to exclude all salty, spicy and smoked dishes. Canned food should also be discarded. Can not use mineral water. Drink coffee and alcohol instead herbal teas, fruit drinks or compotes.

Gradual transition from protein nutrition implies the implementation of the following recommendations:

  1. Fish, boiled meat can be eaten no more than three times in a week.
  2. I need to eat more oatmeal buckwheat porridge, white cereal and black bread (other flour products should be excluded, since carbohydrates deliver to the body a large number of energy).
  3. Dairy products should also be consumed, especially cream and sour cream. However, milk is recommended no more than once a week, as it can provoke education.

In the presence of only one paired organ in a person, it helps to remove fluid from the body skin covering. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the skin more.

Complications and contraindications

Patients' fears are associated only with kidney pathologies. After all, they have only one organ, so attention to its condition doubles. by the most dangerous manifestations with agenesis are:

  1. Violation of urination. The volume of urine may decrease and even be completely absent.
  2. Renal - an attack of pain, accompanied by urination disorders.
  3. High blood pressure that does not respond to conventional medications. The figures can reach very high figures.

With the above manifestations, you should immediately contact a nephrologist. If there are no such violations, then it is necessary to conduct an examination at least once a year and take urine and blood tests. The doctor may give different recommendations for each patient individually.

Preventive measures

  • Healthy food;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • pass medical checkup once a year;
  • exercise moderately;
  • treat all diseases in time.

Pregnant women should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits.

An important point of prevention is measures aimed against the development of any renal pathologies. For their implementation, patients must stop drinking alcohol and avoid hypothermia. It is also required to treat all infectious diseases. After all, their complicated course can provoke damage to the organ.

In the presence of an increased blood pressure selected together with the attending physician effective treatment. It is possible to prescribe a combination of two or more drugs, the intake of which is supplemented by diet and lifestyle changes.

Blood pressure in this case is constantly monitored. Attention! It should be remembered that in collisions occurring in contact types sports, falls from a bicycle or accidents, there is a possibility of injury to internal organs.

However, the presence of only one kidney is not a contraindication for sports. Moderate exercise is essential.

Most people with one kidney lead normal lives. But it all depends on the reason why the person lost this body. And these reasons, which lead to the loss or malfunction of one of the two organs, are several. One of these is congenital pathology. For example, at the stage prenatal development only one kidney is formed in the baby, or after birth, during development, only one left or right kidney develops and grows (such a deviation is called dysplasia). Also possible surgical removal (nephrectomy) in connection with the defeat of such diseases as: tumor, polycystic, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, cancer, developmental anomaly, etc. The option of organ donation is not excluded - kidney transplant to another person.

Depending on the reasons that led to the loss of the organ, the subsequent treatment, rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation diets, as well as the daily lifestyle of a person, will be determined.

If one kidney is a congenital pathology

Our body has a unique function - it adapts to various conditions life. If it so happens that your child or you have only one kidney formed since birth, or only one kidney is performing its functions, do not be alarmed. Thanks to the ability of our body to adapt, the remaining organ, in order to perform all the functions for two, will develop faster both functionally and physically and can reach almost twice the size of the standard ( standard sizes kidneys approximately 12 cm long, 5.5 cm wide).

If the kidney is removed due to illness or injury

When these organs (kidneys) work in pairs, each of them uses its capabilities by a quarter. After nephrectomy, blood flow to the remaining kidney increases one and a half times, which allows to increase functionality the remaining organ is almost doubled. The process of final adaptation of one kidney to all additional loads quite long and lasts about a year. But after this time, the remaining organ will fully perform all the functions of the two kidneys.

If nephrectomy is associated with trauma, cyst, hydronephrosis and the second kidney is healthy, no indications or additional procedures are necessary. The person can continue to lead a normal life.

If the removal of the organ is associated with pyelonephritis or kidney tuberculosis, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors. In this case, they usually use restrictions on fluid intake, exercise control and constant monitoring by the attending physician until complete recovery.

It should be remembered that the recommendations are aimed at prevention. possible disease the remaining kidney. During the rehabilitation period after kidney removal, it is necessary to avoid physical activity, hypothermia, colds, control the amount of liquid consumed, the composition and quality of food.

Pregnancy with one kidney

Pregnancy and one kidney are quite compatible, but there are a number of factors that can affect your health or the development of the fetus in the future. To predict pregnancy and childbirth with such a pathology, great importance has a diagnosis or reason for missing an organ.

If you have congenital pathology , then before conception it will be enough to consult with your doctor. If you have transferred kidney removal surgery and planning to conceive, you need to wait 2-3 years until the adaptation of the remaining kidney to the increased load is completed. And also to treat and prevent the remaining organ, if the cause of nephrectomy (removal) was an infection.

Pregnancy with one kidney usually proceeds normally. Indications of urine tests practically do not differ from standard indicators during pregnancy. The excretion of urine is not disturbed.

Before conception, kidney function and general health women should be carefully examined by a urologist or nephrologist.

General principles of nutrition after kidney removal

After you parted with one of the kidneys, your body experiences a certain load, both in filtering functions and in metabolism. Diet after removal of the left or right kidney is no different and should be based on certain principles:

  • the daily menu should consist of easily digestible and satisfying food;
  • minimize the consumption of protein foods (meat, fish, legumes and other protein-containing dishes);
  • fluid intake should be moderate. daily rate liquids, including soups, tea, juices, etc., should be within 1 liter;
  • significantly reduce the amount of salt in cooking.

It is not recommended to completely abandon carbohydrates and proteins. Their amount in the daily diet should correspond to daily rate person. Daily diet should be balanced and fortified. It is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed at a time, but increase the frequency of intake to 5-6 times a day. Also, it is recommended to change the way of cooking. Replace fried foods with boiled, stewed, baked. Especially welcome dishes on steam bath. They are very easily absorbed by the body, while maintaining the maximum usefulness of the products that were used in the preparation.

Special nutrition is used until the body gets used to the absence of one of the kidneys. After adaptation, all new products are introduced into the diet gradually.

When compiling a diet, be sure to consult a nephrologist or nutritionist, because, depending on each individual case, nutrition may differ.

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