Soy lecithin e322 harm. What is lecithin made of? What is lecithin

Phospholipids are complex fatty acids, without which the normal existence of the organism is unthinkable. It is they who protect the cell membrane from destruction and eliminate the damage already caused. The main source of essential lipids is soy lecithin. The product is obtained from soybeans by cold hydration and is used as an emulsifier and active food additive.

Beneficial lecithin is derived from soy bean oil

History and Applications

What is soy lecithin? For the first time, the world heard about this component of lipid metabolism in 1850, when the French scientist Maurice Bobly isolated a fraction from egg yolk. But at that time, due to the high cost and complexity of production, the substance did not receive proper recognition and distribution. And only much later, in 1950, a cheap essential complex of fatty acids (phospholipids) was extracted from soybean oil, which was called soy lecithin.

What is this supplement? From the point of view of chemistry and biology, the plant fraction is a surface-active substance (surfactant) that forms strong bonds between immiscible substances. In the presence of two dissimilar liquids (usually water-oil), soy lecithin acts as an emulsifier and produces fairly stable emulsions.

This ability of the lipid has found wide application in the food and cosmetic industries.

In addition, the soy product is used to make oil paints and their solvents, pesticides and vinyl coatings. There was also application in the paper and pulp, printing and even military industries.

In medicine, granular or powdered phospholipids are more often used. They become the basis of hepatoprotectors and dietary supplements.

Advice. soy lecithin is not considered a hazardous ingredient and is approved for consumption in both countries Western Europe, as well as in Russia. Despite this, the attitude towards the food additive is twofold. The risk assessment should take into account which soy the product is made from.

Natural lecithin is obtained from pure raw materials that have not been modified, but it is rarely added to food products. Much more often, phospholipids with a genetically modified structure are used as an emulsifier.

Chemical composition and calorie content of soy lecithin

The benefits and harms of any product depend on its composition. Soy lecithin is no exception. Due to the rich set of fatty acids and biologically active compounds, the lipid component has a very beneficial effect on the body. You can learn more information about the benefits and harms of lecithin from this.

Soy product includes:

  • phosphatidylserine (3–5%);
  • phosphatidylcholine (29–32%);
  • phosphatyldiethanolamine (20–23%);
  • phosphatidylinositol (15–17%);
  • phosphatidic acid (10–17%);
  • phytosterols;
  • isoflavones.

In addition, lecithin may contain tocopherols, natural pigments, sterols and sterols. Decaying, phospholipids form choline, glycerol and a set of fatty acids (stearic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic and linoleic).

The high content of vitamins B4 and B8 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves memory and attention.

Isoflavones, which are a plant analogue of estrogens, are very useful for female body. Substances improve the condition of the skin and hair, restore work reproductive system, reduce irritability and stabilize nervous disorders. But for men, excess phytoestrogens can be harmful.

As for the calorie content of soy lecithin, it is quite high. This is due to the set chemical compounds. Being more of a dietary supplement than a food product, phospholipids appear as a complex of fat-like substances.

Soy lipid calories (100 g):

  • proteins - 6 g;
  • fats - 97 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4–5 g;
  • kcal - 913.

To the relief of most women, it should be clarified that lecithin intake is measured in mg, so worry about high calorie the product is not worth it.

Soy lecithin: effect on the body

First, let's talk about the benefits of essential acids for the body. Their action is diverse and continues throughout a person's life.

So, when the use of soy lecithin is not only justified, but also necessary:

  • liver disease, especially hepatitis A, B, C;
  • poisoning with chemicals, pesticides and alcohol;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stress, irritability, depression;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • various dermatitis and dermatosis, dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • violation of fat metabolism.

Soy lecithin is especially effective in geriatric practice. The substance prevents the development senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease, improves bile secretion, restores the mobility of ligaments and joints.

For the fair sex, phospholipids help to cope with painful and irregular periods, facilitate menopause, restore hormonal background and prevent the development cancerous tumors. An indispensable substance for men - lecithin improves the activity of spermatozoa, facilitates the course of prostatitis.

Attention. Women who cannot use estrogens (endometriosis) should replace soy protein egg or sunflower. The same applies to patients with hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis.

Widespread use in pediatric practice is based on the ability of essential acids to influence mental and physical development kids, increase the desire for learning and accelerate adaptation in an unfamiliar team. In addition, lecithin improves the absorption of vitamin D and prevents the development of rickets.

In sports practice, taking phosolipids increases strength and endurance, accelerates recovery after training, reduces muscle pain, and makes ligaments elastic.

Contraindications and possible harm of soy lecithin

A natural soy product is almost 90% absorbed by the body and very rarely has adverse effect, although this is also possible.

Contraindications to its reception are:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the pancreas.

With caution, plant phospholipids are used for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

And yet, is soy lecithin harmful or not? It all depends on what raw material it is made from. A product obtained from pure vegetable oil is not only useful, but also necessary for normal operation organism.

But phospholipids produced from genetically modified soy are harmful to humans. Although their effect on cells is not fully understood, it is already clear that GMO foods can cause allergies and cancer, accelerate the aging process and lead to infertility.

Attention. Genetically modified crops and related herbicides are not only harmful to humans. Chemical substances harm birds and insects, underground organisms and amphibians, pollute the soil and reduce species diversity.

Especially widely harmful soy lecithin, called commercial, is widespread in the USA, China and the countries of Southeast Asia. In Russia, the product is banned, but products from it often enter the local market under the guise of a quality product.

Soy lecithin as an emulsifier

He is everywhere - in fish and meat cutlets, in sweets, cakes and cookies, in pasta and bread, the substance is used to thicken and improve consistency, combine immiscible ingredients, and extend the shelf life of goods.

Let's see what soy lecithin is in the composition of products and what kind it is? Today at Food Industry There are two types of emulsifiers:

  • E322 - natural soy lecithin made from vegetable oil;
  • E476 is a polyglycerol derived from castor oil.

The E322 additive is considered safe, therefore, as an antioxidant and thickener, it is added to almost all foods, including baby foods and substitutes. breast milk. In addition, the pure soy lecithin emulsifier enriches food ingredients with fatty acids needed by the body.

Polyglycerol E476 is obtained from the seeds of the African castor bean and the polyhydric alcohol glycerol. What is this product? A viscous, oily substance of bright yellow color is a cheaper analogue of E322 lecithin and is used in the manufacturing process of margarine, squash or eggplant caviar, pates, mayonnaise, ice cream and chocolate.

Is Polyglycerol Beneficial or Harmful? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The fact is that today, in the production of E476, genetically modified raw materials are most often used. Despite this, in many countries of the world, including Russia, the additive is considered safe and approved for use.

From this we can conclude that natural polyglycerol, consumed in reasonable quantities, does not bring harm, although there is no particular benefit from it. Therefore, take the emulsifier as a normal dietary supplement - with caution, but without fanaticism.

Attention. Sometimes on the labels you can find not E476, but PGPR or Polyglycerol polyricinoleate. Be vigilant and remember - it's the same thing.

Soy lecithin in chocolate: harm and benefit

The composition of real, high-quality chocolate should include a natural stabilizer - cocoa bean butter. Since it is very expensive, many manufacturers replace the valuable substance with a cheaper additive - soy lecithin. Naturally, such a product immediately loses its nutritional value, although the ease and speed of manufacture is greatly improved. The shelf life of the final product is also increased.

What are the benefits and harms of soy lecithin in chocolate? If we talk about the advantages of such a product, we can note the lower calorie content of the tile, high content essential acids and isoflavones. Of the shortcomings, the possible occurrence of allergies should be indicated.

A big disadvantage of soy chocolate is that E476 is usually used to make it.

Distinguish natural product from less quality with lecithin, you can appearance, taste and fragility. So, real tiles have a shiny and smooth surface, good brittleness and a rich, bitter taste. Soy products have a greasy aftertaste, a viscous texture and a matte finish.

Soy Lecithin Solgar

Solgar is one of the oldest and most respected nutritional supplements on the market. All products of this brand are distinguished by purity and high quality. Solgar soy lecithin is no exception.

The product is available in granules and capsules. The latter are made of gelatin and are quite large in size, but, to the surprise of many, they are very easy to swallow. Capsules are usually chosen by those who do not like the taste of lecithin.

In reviews of soy lecithin in granules, ease of use is noted - you can sprinkle morning porridge or salad with an additive, stir with warm drink. All buyers note that Solgar's granulated product is the most delicious among lecithins.

More than 80% of consumers noticed a clear improvement in health: memory and attention increased, cravings for sweets disappeared, discomfort in the liver area disappeared. Women say that the skin has become softer and more hydrated, the mood has risen, and working capacity has been restored. A decrease in menopause symptoms is also noted.

Men in reviews of Solgar lecithin claim that the product helps fight obesity, corrects blood pressure, improves cardio - vascular system. I am also pleased with the low price of the supplement, as well as the absence of modified DNA.

Where to buy soy lecithin?

Today, you can buy a soy product at a pharmacy or an online store that sells nutritional supplements. True, the prices for such resources are most often overpriced, and hardly anyone can vouch for the quality.

Under the code designation E322, a food additive is hidden - soy lecithin. By and large, relatively harmless (in any case, its harm has not yet been proven). Soy lecithin is obtained from soybean oil, purified, filtered, and extracted with low temperatures. E322 is used as an emulsifier (an additive that allows you to obtain a homogeneous mass from components that do not mix well with each other; an example is water and oil) and (does not allow products to deteriorate during prolonged contact with atmospheric oxygen). The scope of soy lecithin is wide, if not immense:

  • production food products- chocolate, mayonnaise, some dairy products, muffins, crackers, baked goods, margarine;
  • paint and varnish production - a component of oil paints and fatty solvents;
  • in cosmetics - creams, lotions, masks, shampoos, lip balms, etc.;
  • in the production of fertilizers and pesticides;
  • pharmacology - used in the manufacture of certain drugs, as well as an independent biologically active food supplement.

Harmful or not E322?

E322, or soy lecithin, is a permitted additive in many countries of the world (Russia, EU countries, USA). It is also used in medicine, for the treatment and prevention of a whole range of diseases:

  • with diabetes and pancreatitis - to improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • for treatment and prevention chronic diseases liver;
  • diseases of the joints and spine;
  • gynecological diseases.

So wide application lecithin owes its main components - phospholipids. These are fat-like substances that are necessary for the formation of shells of animal cells - cell membranes. Lecithin is also produced in our body, but its amount is not enough, and it must be supplied with food. Basic natural, natural sources lecithin: eggs, animal liver, nuts, soy.

With the artificial, things can be quite different. Here are some disturbing yet unverified claims about soy lecithin:

But, despite all these alarming data, there is still no unequivocal evidence of the dangers of E322. The only officially recognized bad influence E322 on the human body is the possibility of occurrence, because. artificial lecithin can accumulate in the tissues of our body.

Soy lecithin is a food additive widely used in the industry to increase the shelf life of foods. It prevents them from aging and so on. This substance is usually designated under the marking E322.

The effect on the body of various types of lecithin

Lecithin is by-product released during the refining of sunflower, rapeseed, and soybean oils. Its effect on the human body depends on the type of plant from which it was produced.

If genetically modified (GMO) soy was used to create the emulsifier, then this substance can be harmful. Its use can adversely affect the health of the male half of the globe due to the presence in the plant of a certain amount of phytoestrogens (substances similar to female sex hormones).

When using rapeseed oil lecithin, many scientists point out the toxicity of rapeseed, which also jeopardizes the health of those who use the emulsifier as part of food or BIO supplements. The use of sunflower lecithin does not cause allergic reactions, as is the case with soy emulsifier.

What is useful?

The benefit of soy lecithin is possible only if a non-GMO plant was used in the production. Benefits of consuming soy lecithin include:

Support for the cardiovascular system

The principle of action of the substance is based on the removal cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels. The emulsifier prevents the combination of fat and cholesterol, their attachment. In addition, it makes the heart muscle more resilient due to additional beneficial substances, phospholipids.

Acceleration of metabolism

Breaks down some fats, prevents obesity, as well as a return to normal course liver work.

Improving brain activity

Thanks to natural lecithin, the work of both hemispheres becomes more productive, the development of those parts of the brain that are responsible for speech and the assimilation of large amounts of information is stimulated.

Protection against nervous diseases

Promotes the production of myelin, which is part of nerve cells. It is thanks to this function that soy emulsifier helps fight against depression, insomnia, and chronic fatigue.

Respiratory Support

The principle of action of the substance is based on participation in the production of surfactant, due to which gas exchange occurs in the lungs.

Support for the liver and gallbladder

Lecithin is a phospholipid that is synthesized by the liver, which is why its regular use normalizes the functioning of this organ. The emulsifier also helps to enhance the function of bile secretion.

Getting rid of nicotine addiction

The main component of lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, is converted in the human body into acetylcholic acid. The latter fights nicotinic acid for nerve receptors.

Harm of the emulsifier

Soy emulsifier has not so many contraindications compared to the benefits it brings. So, for example, it can lead to allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to soy.

It also leads to the following complications uncontrolled intake in food:

  • Memory worsens;
  • The function of the thyroid gland is impaired;
  • clogged bile ducts with existing stones in the gallbladder;
  • There are dizziness and nausea.
  • The water and electrolyte balance in the body is disturbed, which leads to diarrhea.

It is for this reason that you should first consult with your doctor about taking a substance as a dietary supplement.

What products contain E322 emulsifier?

All fats and oils are rich in lecithin. Substance natural origin found in animals and herbal products. There is also industrial lecithin.

Among plants, there are several sources of phospholipid:

  • Legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils, chickpeas);
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Buckwheat grain;
  • Wheat,
  • Rice groats;
  • Corn;
  • Nuts (peanuts, cashews, walnuts);
  • Yeast;
  • Avocado;
  • olives;
  • Cabbage and carrots.

In animal products, the substance is found in eggs, liver, fish oil, caviar, beef, butter and milk, sour cream, cottage cheese.
Industrial emulsifier can be found in chocolate, vegetable spreads, baby food, soy products; muffins and other pastries, ice cream.

How is a deficiency manifested?

The lack of soy emulsifier leads to the following disorders:

  • In children under 3 years of age, there is an increase intracranial pressure and as a result of this, headaches, tearfulness, irritability, and impaired speech development also appear.
  • In a child from 3 to 12 years old, a lack of an emulsifier leads to a violation brain activity, to the deterioration of memory, attention, aggressive behavior and mood swings, frequent fatigue and colds.
  • In adults, the deficiency of lecithin intake is reflected in the mental and emotional state health, there is a tendency to depression and neuroses, headaches and insomnia, chronic fatigue and irritability.

Regardless of age, a lack of phosphatidylcholine leads to impaired performance. digestive system, liver and kidneys. it frequent diarrhea flatulence (colic).

Who needs an emulsifier the most?

This supplement is of great importance for infants and children, pregnant women and the elderly.

As a result of the consumption of the emulsifier, children develop and grow faster, the bonds between nerve fibers, and, therefore, increases memory and concentration.

During the period of bearing a child, women need a sufficient supply of lecithin, this is only 5-7 g per day. Thanks to the emulsifier, the nervous system, the brain of the fetus is properly formed, laid the most important organs(heart, liver, lungs).

For the elderly, lecithin is indispensable. It helps to avoid senile dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis. The emulsifier helps to maintain vivacity and clarity of mind, strengthen memory.

How to choose?

The emulsifier is now sold as part of many biological active additives and vitamins. So, Essentiale forte is used as a liver hepatoprotector, it contains lecithin.

To choose the right supplement with E322, you need to consider whether there is an allergy to soy. In the absence of it, the most effective will be a substance based on soy lecithin. It contains more phospholipids, which means it is more effective than an emulsifier in sunflower oil.

It is imperative to choose a dietary supplement that has a GMO-free marking (GMP certificate).

An oily additive is better than a granular form, since in this case more modern technologies to get an emulsifier.

Powdered lecithin is the most convenient. It can be easily dissolved in tea, juice and added to food.

The supplement is called Lecithin or Omega-3, there is also NSP lecithin, UM lecithin and other dietary supplements.

How to take an emulsifier?

Reception occurs during meals, 1 teaspoon three times a day. Add it to cool or warm drinks, dishes. In the treatment of psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and other serious illnesses the dosage of the supplement is increased to 5 tbsp. l. substances per day.

A small breastfed baby is recommended lecithin 1/4 teaspoon per day. For artificial babies, the emulsifier is contained in the infant formula initially.

You can learn more about the types of lecithin, its harm and benefits in the following video:

Soy lecithin is widely used in modern medicine as a way to support the health of patients with obesity, liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, other cardiovascular diseases, as well as improve memory and eliminate depression. When taking, it is important to take into account contraindications and the age of the person.

In contact with

Lecithin, as you know, is a very significant substance for the body, which comes from eggs, offal of birds and livestock as well as nuts and even some fruits and vegetables. Thanks to him, the brain and nervous system work correctly, a stable psycho-emotional background is formed. Lecithin in without fail give to children to provide proper development organism. However, is any lecithin useful? What about food additive E 322? Is there more harm or benefit in it?

Food supplement E 322: main characteristics

Soy or sunflower lecithin - this is what substance is served under the index "E 322" and is considered one of the oldest food additives. Her origin, which is important, is vegetable (organic). Its structure is a mixture of several fatty acids and a choline ester. In some sources, it may also be referred to as phospholipid E ​​322 (again due to composition) and phosphatide. To obtain this substance, vegetable oils are used:

  • sunflower;
  • rapeseed;
  • pumpkin;
  • soy.

Accordingly, what harm the additive E 322 will bring to the body and what benefits depends directly on the raw materials taken to create it. Some manufacturers also use animal raw materials, but this is an expensive product, so this practice is very rare. But in order to reduce the cost of food additives and, accordingly, save money, genetically modified raw materials can be used. It certainly goes through processing and purification, but it will still affect health. According to experts, it is impossible to find out exactly what lecithin was obtained from, therefore it is also impossible to accurately determine the degree of its harm.

Food additive E 322 acts as an antioxidant and emulsifier, combines water and fatty liquid substance into an emulsion, prevents their separation.

The classic type of industrial lecithin is crystals without organoleptic qualities, having a yellowish tint. Predominantly, the additive E 322 is introduced into cooking oils, especially margarine, as well as into chocolate, confectionery coating and even bakery products. It can also be found in medicines(mostly dietary supplements) and in cosmetics.

Understand potential danger lecithin, specially obtained for use in the food industry, is quite difficult, since a lot depends on the raw materials. If you don't think about possible application genetically modified products, as well as soybean and rapeseed oils (about them we will talk later), the potential benefits of the food additive E322 are most fully reflected in the table:

In addition to the mentioned properties of lecithin, it has several more positive qualities: necessary for the development of the fetus in the womb, regulates metabolic processes(mainly the metabolism of lipids and minerals), stimulates regeneration and even helps with intestinal diseases. But at the same time, the E 322 food supplement itself is not advised to be taken during pregnancy: it is better to get lecithin from food. With exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the hepatobiliary system, it is also undesirable.

The table of harm to the E322 food additive requires special attention, but due solely to the raw materials from which it can be produced:

Experts also advise all consumers to remember that it is not excluded allergic reactions on lecithin, manifested mainly skin rash, nausea, indigestion, especially if he entered large doses. Otherwise, it is a fairly safe substance.

Lecithin E322 - food supplement plant origin, the strongest antioxidant. If you translate the word "lekithos" from Greek, it means. The maximum amount of lecithin is found in the yolks, also meat products, various types vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables.

This substance can be found in cells human body. With its lack, it is difficult for a person to cope with various diseases and ailments: fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression, exhaustion nervous system, weakening of memory, constant inattention and others.

The emulsifier lecithin helps to create homogeneous emulsions that are used in many areas. and soybeans contain maximum amount E322. When refining vegetable oils, in particular and, an industrial food additive is obtained.

Soy lecithin consists of: glycerin, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and. It is made from refined soybean oil with minimal temperature exposure (processing). Active substance is responsible for the integrity of cells in the body, the transport of metabolic products and for metabolism.

Positive properties of lecithin

Before you include any of the food additives in your diet, you need to clearly know about its positive and negative effects on the human body. The benefits of lecithin: effectively fights a large indicator, is a means for preventing the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis, promotes uniform absorption of fats. The use of a nutritional supplement improves mental activity, memory, will help overcome depression and get rid of stress. With neurodermatitis, it is imperative to eat foods that contain lecithins.

This substance consists of 50 percent of the liver and one third of the brain tissue. It is primarily a building material that helps regenerate damaged or diseased cells. Lecithins ensures the full and uninterrupted functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system

The use of lecithin is advisable in the treatment of neuroses and neuritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, with injuries and lesions of the nervous system, with constant physical and mental stress. Reviews of the dietary supplement are only positive, it is taken by people who have had strokes in order to full recovery physical and mental health. It is extremely important for children and pregnant women to include in their diet beneficial substance lecithins.

In women who consume this dietary supplement, the course of childbirth will be less painful, and the baby will be healthy and strong.

Vitamins with lecithin have positive influence on the formation of the brain and nervous system of a baby still in the womb.

Vitamin complexes for teenagers are invaluable, they improve the process of growth and development of the child, help to learn to concentrate and develop mental abilities.

The energy value of lecithin is 913 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product.

Food supplement is useful for people of any age category: from toddlers to grandparents.

Lecithin contraindications

lovers healthy eating they are cautious about food additives, therefore, before starting to use them, they will find out what are the benefits and harms of active substances. Emulsifier harm:

  • with individual intolerance to lecithin, allergic reactions may occur;
  • a food supplement made from can bring both benefits and Negative consequences, since it is made from genetically modified raw materials, and the effect of GMOs on the human body has always been negative and unpredictable.

When using E322 in small quantities, he can only bring positive effect. In case of exacerbation of diseases (cholecystitis, pancreatitis), it is necessary to consult with your doctor so that he takes into account the patient's testimony and allows the use of the supplement.

Lecithin in the food and non-food industry

Soy and sunflower lecithins perform essential functions in food preparation and storage. They are indispensable emulsifiers and. As an emulsifier, E322 is found in the composition, bakery products, dairy products, confectionery and chocolate products.

The additive is widely used in the preparation of emulsions for lubricating metal molds and sheets in bakeries. The substance is an excellent food antioxidant. An emulsifier is also added to keep it fresh longer.

In cosmetology, you can often find E322 because of its positive properties and favorable influence on the skin.

Bakers and confectioners repeatedly say which lecithin is good and in demand because it increases shelf life. various products. Its most important property is the prevention of pastry sticking to baking dishes.

The non-industrial sector also needs lecithin because of its functional features. E322 is widely used to create dietary supplements. The active substance is used as a raw material for the production of solvents and paints. Animals are fed with lecithin, plants are fertilized. It is very popular in medicine and cosmetology. They even make explosives and ink from it.

Instructions for the use of lecithin

In the pharmacy you can find this valuable nutritional supplement, it is sold in special packaging: sometimes it comes in the form of capsules, sometimes as a soluble mixture. Instructions for use will help you independently choose an individual dosage, but it is better to use the doctor's recommendation.

Instructions for a nutritional supplement - something that cannot be neglected in order to get maximum benefit from the drug.

Recipe for a delicious cocktail with lecithin: you need to take 1 cup, 1 teaspoon of lecithin, 2 teaspoons. The ingredients are for 1 serving. 3 teaspoons of milk are whipped with lecithin, then the remaining milk is boiled. Liquids should be cooled and combined with honey. The nutritional cocktail is ready.

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