Activated charcoal - dosage. Cleansing the body with charcoal tablets. Admission rules Activated charcoal food

Despite the emergence of modern and newfangled medicines, such a sorbent as activated carbon does not lose its popularity. Not everyone knows what activated charcoal helps with, but it can alleviate the condition in many situations.

Characteristics of activated carbon

Activated charcoal is a black tablet are a natural adsorbent and are made from natural raw materials - peat or coal that have undergone special processing.

Of the main positive qualities of these tablets can be identified:

  • remove and disinfect many harmful bacteria and microorganisms;
  • actively used for poisoning, intoxication, as well as for domestic purposes.

Activated charcoal is used not only for medical purposes, it is also used in everyday life. Thus, these tablets are truly universal and indispensable, and they should be in every family first aid kit.

Operating principle

How does activated charcoal affect the human body? The positive properties of the drug have long been known, it is made mainly from coke - wood, oil or coal. The most useful properties are charcoal made from walnut shells and birch wood.. In addition to medicinal use, activated carbon is used for water filtration, gas adsorption. This substance proved to be positive even during the First World War, when pieces of charcoal were put into gas masks for soldiers, it protected them from gas and poisonous attacks. Now tablets are used mainly for poisoning, intoxication, colds. They can also help with various manifestations of allergies, as they remove the main allergen from the body.

The positive effect of activated carbon on the human body is based on its unique composition and porous structure. It is the structure that helps to quickly absorb all the poisons and toxins from the body. Roughly speaking, an activated charcoal tablet is a kind of sponge that, once in the body, binds and removes toxins. These tablets also help to reduce the absorption of toxins and their faster removal from the digestive tract.

Indications for the use of coal are:

  • various degrees of intoxication, poisoning;
  • with a cold - to remove harmful microorganisms;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal toxicoinfections;
  • allergy.

The properties of activated charcoal make it possible to use this drug for weight loss purposes, as well as for making homemade face and hair masks.

Only positive features

The principle of action of activated carbon on the body is based on its composition. These tablets consist exclusively of natural ingredients and are amorphous finely porous carbon with a special texture, which has undergone special processing and hardening. This is an active adsorbent with a surface effect, its mechanism of action is based precisely on the binding and elimination of toxins. Tablets in the stomach do not completely dissolve, but simply “collect” all the toxins and remove them along with the feces. This drug, at the correct dosage, is safe and reliable, it is approved for use even by pregnant and lactating women, newborn children. If you take coal correctly, follow the dosage and recommendations of the doctor, then no side effects and troubles will ever arise.

It is worth remembering that the tablets do not dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, when taking the drug, the patient's feces will have a characteristic black color. This is the norm, so do not sound the alarm about this.

How does charcoal work in the human body? The principle of action can be compared with a sponge or brush - getting into the human gastrointestinal tract, the drug sweeps out harmful and toxic substances and completely removes them. It is important to consider that the dosage and duration of taking the tablets is calculated individually depending on the indications, the disease and the general health of the person. Do not take activated charcoal for too long. Despite its apparent harmlessness, with prolonged use, unpredictable situations may arise. Moreover, the drug can remove from the body minerals and nutrients that the body needs for normal life.

Main indications

Activated charcoal is drunk to cleanse the body - with intoxication and poisoning of varying complexity
. But this is its main purpose and purpose. These pills help with various other diseases - they actively get rid of gastritis, are used for diets, alcoholism, hangover intoxication. With the addition of coal, cosmetic masks for hair and face are also made, which will help restore the structure and relief, improve the general condition.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of the drug during pregnancy. Doctors say that systematic use will allow the expectant mother to get rid of the main manifestations of toxicosis. A woman should be aware that she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the child, so you can not use pills without the knowledge and recommendation of a doctor!

If you plan to treat any disease with activated charcoal, in this case you need to consult your doctor for the exact dosage and other nuances of the use of tablets for treatment.

Due to its simple composition and porous structure, the product has an effective effect on the body, cleansing it of toxins and harmful microorganisms. It is worth remembering that this is a medicinal the drug should be used only according to indications and for certain diseases.

The main indications for taking tablets are:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence;
  • food or alcohol poisoning;
  • intestinal colic;
  • chronic inflammatory reactions;
  • allergic manifestations.

Activated charcoal is drunk in cases of poisoning, but it definitely will not help with intoxication of the body with chemicals - cyanides, acids. In these cases charcoal can be used for gastric lavage.

It is important to know that activated charcoal cannot be used with other similar drugs, as they will be sorbed together and the effectiveness of the use will decrease significantly.

Admission rules

The tool is available in two main types - tablets and powder. In acute conditions of intoxication, it is preferable to use powdered charcoal.- it has a faster adsorbing effect. If only tablets are available, they can be crushed.

In case of poisoning, you should take the drug according to such an approximate scheme - two tablespoons of the drug in a glass of water. Mix well and drink in small sips. This approach has two main positive effects - the body receives a sufficient amount of fluid, since dehydration is always observed in case of poisoning, and an adsorbent enters the body in small portions, which gradually begins its effect. With flatulence, you need to drink one tablet of the drug per ten kilograms of weight every two to three hours. Reception is recommended until the moment when there is no significant relief.

Uncontrolled administration of the drug and its use for more than three days is highly not recommended. After prolonged use, the sorbent begins to bind and remove not only dangerous, but also vital substances for the body.

Use for allergies and other diseases

Adsorbent can help cope with allergic manifestations. An approximate calculation of the intake in the event of allergic reactions is two tablets of the drug every two hours until the moment of relief.

Activated charcoal has a very good effect in atopic dermatitis. This disease has unpleasant symptoms that cause significant discomfort, taking an adsorbent will help get rid of some of the symptoms and significantly improve well-being. In this disease, it is necessary to drink activated charcoal for the first time on an empty stomach, and then during the day every two hours, two tablets. The correct intake and calculation of doses of the drug for dermatitis should be done by a doctor, since long-term treatment is necessary here.

This cheap adsorbent has proven itself well in the treatment of gastritis, intestinal colic, ulcers with high acidity. With such diseases, you need to take one tablet of coal before breakfast, always on an empty stomach. It is worth remembering that in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treatment with activated charcoal is not the main one, but an auxiliary one, so you should not forget about visits to the doctor and consultations with a specialist.

activated charcoal diet

Now there is widespread information that this drug helps to get rid of excess weight. Taking activated charcoal alone will not give any results for weight loss, but if taken correctly and followed by a diet, the drug will help cleanse the body of free radicals and toxins.

Now experts are already beginning to sound the alarm - the craze for losing weight with activated charcoal can lead to unpredictable and unpleasant consequences. Yes, the remedy helps to cleanse the intestines, but too long use of it also removes the substances needed by the body, dehydrates it. At the same time, a person thinks that he is losing weight - because the kilograms really go away, but this is just the result of bowel cleansing and severe dehydration. If there is a desire to cleanse the body in this way, consult a doctor, he will indicate the necessary dosage and duration of the drug.

Activated charcoal for beauty

Activated charcoal can be used not only for medical purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes. There are a lot of recipes with this drug - masks for the face, body, hair. If you use the pills correctly, then you can really get rid of many cosmetic problems, especially since this tool is relatively inexpensive.

Activated charcoal performs especially well in face masks, as it transfers all its positive qualities to other components of the composition. Tablets added to the mask will help get rid of acne and blackheads, reduce oily skin. Charcoal masks can also be used for aging skin - they will help smooth out the relief of the dermis and smooth out fine wrinkles.

If you want to use a remedy to combat acne and blackheads, it is absolutely impossible to squeeze them out first - this way you will only exacerbate the inflammatory process and aggravate the situation.

Procedures must be carried out regularly, and then you can evaluate a truly amazing result from cleansing the skin. Also worth noting are some other advantages - masks will cost you inexpensively, and they are prepared quickly, so it will not take you much effort. There are a huge number of recipes, the main components are simple and are available in every home - milk, honey, herbal decoction. Therefore, every woman can easily find a recipe for an interesting mask with this amazing tool.

Side effects

Activated charcoal, in addition to a positive effect on the body, can also have a negative effect, so uncontrolled intake of the drug is highly undesirable!

Of the main negative effects that coal can have, it is worth noting the following:

  • intestinal obstruction, colic;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • temperature rise;
  • weakness of the body;
  • beriberi;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • respiratory failure, in some cases even asphyxia may occur;
  • allergic reactions.

Thus, uncontrolled intake of even such a seemingly harmless drug can lead to serious consequences.

There is an interesting suggestion that taking activated charcoal during pregnancy affects the skin color of the unborn child. This is just a superstition, because coal in no way has such an effect. Its intake during pregnancy is absolutely safe for both mother and child.


Despite all its positive qualities and properties, coal also has its contraindications:

  • violations in the digestive tract;
  • open stomach ulcer;
  • some types of gastritis;
  • individual intolerance.

Charcoal masks should not be done with purulent skin lesions, open facial injuries, after recent sutures.

There are few contraindications, but they are, so treat the remedy as a medicine! Prolonged use can greatly weaken the body, deprive it of many useful and necessary substances. You should never self-medicate, exceed the dosage. If you think that by increasing the amount of the drug, you will instantly feel better, then this is not so. Overdosing will only make things worse, so it's never worth the risk. In especially dangerous situations, in case of acute poisoning, you should call an ambulance, and not prescribe treatment yourself.

Activated charcoal is a good and indispensable tool in many situations, so it must be in your first aid kit. If you take and use the remedy correctly, then no side effects and troubles will arise, so consult a specialist first in all situations.

Activated charcoal can be called a regular in the home first aid kits of the vast majority of our compatriots. A picnic, a vacation in exotic and not very countries, an upcoming stormy feast - these black tablets will not be superfluous anywhere here. Activated charcoal is the most famous enterosorbent with detoxification and antidiarrheal properties. The main "technical and tactical" characteristic of this preparation is its high surface activity, which predetermines its enviable ability to accumulate substances that reduce surface energy without changing their chemical structure. Literally everything that moves within its reach (with the exception of acids and alkalis) gets into the “network” of activated carbon: gases, toxic substances, glycosides, alkaloids, heavy metal salts, barbiturates, salicylates and many other substances. It absorbs all this organic and inorganic "garbage", reduces the absorption of these substances in the digestive tract and in every possible way contributes to their elimination from the body along with feces. Can be used as a sorbent for blood filtration (hemoperfusion). The drug does not irritate the mucous membranes. There is a successful experience of local (in a patch) application of coal to accelerate the healing of ulcers.

In order to get the most out of activated charcoal, it should be used immediately after poisoning, or at least within the first hour after it. For the treatment of toxic lesions, the goal should be to achieve the maximum concentration of coal in the stomach before, and in the intestine after washing it. The presence of hummus in the digestive tract requires an increase in the dose of the drug, because. food masses are sorbed by coal, as a result of which the activity of the latter decreases.

Activated charcoal is available in the form of tablets. You can take them whole, or pre-grind and mix the resulting mixture with water. The optimal time of admission is 1 hour before meals. If any other drugs are used along with coal, then the latter should be taken 1 hour after taking coal, so as not to interfere with their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage regimen for activated charcoal is as follows: 1-2 g 3-4 times a day with a single maximum of 8 g. For children, the dose is calculated based on body weight: 0.05 g per 1 kg 3 times a day with a single maximum of 0, 2 g per 1 kg. The duration of treatment for acute diseases is 3-5 days. In chronic pathological processes and allergies, treatment is extended up to 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, in agreement with the doctor, the course can be repeated.


adsorbent. It has high surface activity and high sorption capacity. Reduces absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and glycosides, medicinal substances, contributing to their excretion from the body. It adsorbs gases on its surface.

Release form

10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (4) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (10) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (100) - plastic bags (1) - boxes.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (200) - plastic bags (1) - boxes.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (400) - plastic bags (1) - boxes.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (500) - plastic bags (1) - boxes.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (600) - plastic bags (1) - boxes.


Inside, 250-750 mg 3-4 times / day. When used as an antidote, the dosage regimen is individual.


Activated charcoal has adsorbing properties and, when taken in high doses with other drugs, can significantly reduce their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of other drugs.


on the medical use of a medicinal product



activated carbon

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form

Tablets 0.25 g


One tablet contains

active substance- activated carbon 0.25 g

excipient- potato starch 0.047 g


Tablets are black, flat-cylindrical, scored and bevelled, slightly rough

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Intestinal adsorbents. Preparations of coal. Activated carbon.

ATX code A07BA01

Pharmacological properties


The drug is insoluble in biologically liquid media, does not exhibit chemical activity and is completely eliminated from the intestine within 24-48 hours.


It is characterized by high surface activity, which determines the ability to bind substances that lower surface energy (without changing their chemical nature). It sorbs gases, toxins, alkaloids, glycosides, salts of heavy metals, salicylates, barbiturates, etc., reducing their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting excretion from the body with feces. Active as a sorbent during hemoperfusion. Weakly adsorbs acids and alkalis (including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol).

Indications for use

  • used as a detoxifying agent for exogenous and endogenous intoxications of various origins
  • in the complex treatment of food poisoning, salmonellosis, dysentery.
  • in case of poisoning with drugs (psychotropic, sleeping pills, narcotic drugs, etc.), alkaloids, salts of heavy metals and other poisons
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by dyspepsia, flatulence
  • with food and drug allergies
  • with hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundices) and hyperazotemia (renal failure)
  • to reduce gas formation in the intestines before ultrasound and x-ray examination

Dosage and administration

With flatulence and dyspepsia, take 1 to 3 tablets 3-4 times a day. For a faster and more pronounced effect, tablets after grinding can be taken in the form of an aqueous suspension (in ½ cup of water). In the same form, but in more water, it is prescribed orally at a dose of 20-30 g per dose for poisoning. Moreover, this suspension is also used for gastric lavage. In water, 1-2 g 3-4 times a day is also prescribed for increased acidity of the stomach (it can also be taken with flatulence). In addition, in case of intoxication, activated charcoal is used as part of a mixture containing 2 parts of the latter and 1 part of magnesium oxide and tannin (a suspension of 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of warm water).

The course of treatment for acute diseases - from 3 to 5 days, for allergies and chronic diseases - up to 14 days. A second course of treatment - in two weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.

Side effects

  • dyspepsia
  • decreased absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of fats, proteins, vitamins, hormones
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • chair black color
  • with hemoperfusion through activated charcoal, the development of embolism is possible
  • hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypothermia, hypotension
  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa
  • pseudomembranous colitis
  • liver dysfunction
  • dysbacteriosis


  • hypersensitivity
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
  • stomach bleeding
  • simultaneous administration of antitoxic substances, the effect of which

develops after absorption

Drug Interactions

Reduces the absorption and effectiveness of drugs, reduces the activity of intragastrically active substances.

special instructions

Due to the sorption capacity, activated charcoal may reduce the effectiveness of concomitantly taken drugs. Therefore, with concomitant pharmacotherapy, activated charcoal is taken 1-1.5 hours before or the same time after taking medications.

Activated carbon is a porous enterosorbent with high detoxification properties. Due to this, the drug is very popular, but in some cases it is recommended to refrain from using it. Let us consider in more detail the contraindications of activated carbon and the undesirable consequences of taking it.

What diseases are incompatible?

With colitis, pancreatitis, the intake of activated charcoal is categorically contraindicated. The reason for this is that the drug stains the stool black. A similar color can also be observed with ulcerative bleeding, since in this case the feces mix with the blood digested in the intestines and take on the appearance of tar. Coal can mask the bleeding, and the time for first aid to the patient will be missed. For the same reason, you can not take coal with a tract of various etiologies. These contraindications of activated charcoal do not apply to other sorbents - "Smecta", "Enterosgel", "Polysorb". In case of individual intolerance caused by hypersensitivity to the drug, it is also necessary to refuse to take it.

Side effects

Activated charcoal has one major drawback. Not possessing selectivity, it absorbs everything in a row - both toxins and useful substances. As a result of the absorption of useful vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, beriberi and metabolic disorders of the body can develop. To avoid this, it is recommended to take coal in short courses. To reduce the contact of the drug with useful substances, you should not combine the intake of coal with food. The gap should be at least an hour. The same rule applies to the combination of coal with other drugs (contraceptive, cardiac, vascular), as it reduces their effectiveness. And the simultaneous intake of coal with antitoxins, antidotes is unacceptable at all. Based on this, and taking into account the contraindications of activated charcoal, only a short course is recommended for poisoning and foodborne infections. Also, taking activated charcoal can provoke or increase constipation. In such cases, it will be more correct to regulate the stool with the help of (prunes, beets, kefir).

Can activated charcoal help you lose weight?

Losing weight from activated charcoal is really possible, but not by much. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on reducing the calorie content of food due to the adsorption and excretion of fats. But there is a downside to this diet. Together with fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body are bound. As a result, along with the calorie content, the nutritional value of products is depleted. Therefore, for weight loss - a controversial issue. Do not forget that this is a drug recommended for use in certain cases. When deciding on a “charcoal diet”, you need to take into account the contraindications of activated charcoal and the possible consequences for the body.


Trade name of the drug:

activated carbon

International non-proprietary name:

Activated carbon

Dosage form:



for 1 tablet:
active substance: activated charcoal - 250 mg.
Excipients: potato starch.


Round ploskotsilindrichesky tablets of black color slightly rough with a facet and risk.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Enterosorbent agent.

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties


It has an enterosorbent, detoxifying and antidiarrheal effect. Belongs to the group of polyvalent physico-chemical antidotes, has a high surface activity. Adsorbs poisons and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract before they are absorbed, including alkaloids, glycosides, barbiturates and other hypnotics and narcotic drugs, salts of heavy metals, toxins of bacterial, vegetable, animal origin, phenol derivatives, hydrocyanic acids, sulfonamides, gases. The drug also adsorbs an excess of some metabolic products - bilirubin, urea, cholesterol, as well as endogenous metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. Weakly adsorbs acids and alkalis (including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol). Active as a sorbent during hemoperfusion. Does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not absorbed, does not split, is excreted completely through the gastrointestinal tract within 24 hours.

Indications for use

Exogenous and endogenous intoxications of various origins (as a detoxifying agent). Food poisoning, dysentery, salmonellosis (with complex treatment). Poisoning with drugs (psychotropic, hypnotic, narcotic), alkaloids, salts of heavy metals and other poisons. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by dyspepsia and flatulence. Food and drug allergies. Hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundices) and hyperazotemia (renal failure). To reduce gas formation in the intestines before ultrasound and x-ray studies. In order to prevent chronic intoxication in hazardous production.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis), bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atony, simultaneous administration of antitoxic drugs, the effect of which develops after absorption ( methionine and others).

Patients with diabetes mellitus and those on a low carbohydrate diet.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

Dosage and administration

Inside, in tablets or in the form of an aqueous suspension of crushed tablets, 1-2 hours before or after meals and taking other medicines. The required number of tablets is stirred in 100 ml (1/2 cup) of chilled water.
Adults are prescribed an average of 1.0-2.0 g (4-8 tablets) 3-4 times a day. The maximum single dose for adults is up to 8.0 g (16 tablets).
For children, the drug is prescribed on average 0.05 g / kg of body weight 3 times a day, depending on body weight. The maximum single dose is up to 0.2 g/kg of body weight. The course of treatment for acute diseases is 3-5 days, for allergies and chronic diseases - up to 14 days. Repeated course - after 2 weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.
In acute poisoning, treatment is prescribed with gastric lavage using a suspension of activated charcoal, then 20-30 g of the drug is given orally.
When flatulence is administered orally, 1.0-2.0 g (4-8 tablets) 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-7 days.

Side effect

Dyspepsia, constipation or diarrhea, staining of feces in a dark color. With prolonged use (more than 14 days), it is possible to reduce the absorption of vitamins, calcium and other nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract.
If side effects occur that are not described in this leaflet, you should stop taking the drug and inform your doctor about it.


To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other drugs

Reduces the absorption and effectiveness of concomitantly taken drugs.

special instructions

In the treatment of intoxication, it is necessary to create an excess of coal in the stomach (before washing it) and in the intestines (after washing the stomach). A decrease in the concentration of coal in the medium contributes to the desorption of the bound substance and its absorption (to prevent the resorption of the released substance, repeated gastric lavage and the appointment of coal are recommended). The presence of food masses in the gastrointestinal tract requires the introduction of coal in high doses, since the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are sorbed by coal and its activity decreases. If poisoning is caused by substances involved in the enterohepatic circulation (cardiac glycosides, indomethacin, morphine and other opiates), charcoal should be used for several days. When using the drug for more than 10-14 days, prophylactic administration of vitamins and calcium preparations is necessary.
Patients with diabetes mellitus and those on a low carbohydrate diet should take into account that one tablet of the drug contains about 47 mg of carbohydrates (0.004 XU).
It is recommended to store in a dry place, away from substances that release gases or vapors into the atmosphere. Storage in air (especially humid) reduces the sorption capacity.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator).

Release form

Tablets 250 mg.
10 tablets in a blister pack. 10 tablets in a blister pack.
1 or 2 blisters, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.
1 or 2 blisters, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.
100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 1000 blister packs without a pack (for hospitals) with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a corrugated cardboard box or box.
100, 200, 400, 500. 600, 1000 blisters without a pack (for hospitals) with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a box or box made of corrugated cardboard.

Storage conditions

In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Holiday conditions

Released without a prescription.


Manufacturer/Address of the place of production/Organization accepting consumer claims

JSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia
420091. Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Belomorskaya, 260

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