That terrier didn't lose its baby teeth. The danger of such an examination approach is that dogs with a shortened lower jaw in the genotype are allowed for breeding. And if their descendants simultaneously inherit this shape and size of the jaw and vertical post

The condition of the toy terrier's teeth is not only a factor that increases the chances of winning at shows, but also a sign that your dog is healthy.

The diminutiveness of the breed does not mean that the Toy has fewer teeth. They are the same as in the Caucasian - 42, 22 of which are in the lower, and 20 are located in the upper jaw. There are four types of teeth - incisors, canines, molars and premolars, or they are also called molars and pseudo-roots.

The teeth of the toy terrier should be under the close attention of the owner, especially during the growing up of the puppy. In order for miniature pets that take part in exhibitions and just pets of the whole family to form the correct bite, the owner must be directly involved in hygiene oral cavity and treatment of the chewing organs.

The toothless mouth of the toy pleases with the first milk fangs in two weeks. Then comes the time of milk premolars and incisors. Moreover, they erupt in both the upper and lower jaws at once, six pieces each.

On average, by two months in the mouth of a toy terrier puppy, you can count 28 milk chewers. If they are a little less or a little more, this is not a reason to panic. Again, 28th premolar - average. The age of the beginning of the change of milk premolars and incisors is individual for each dog separately, therefore it is impossible to say unequivocally when that terrier's milk teeth change.

In the period when the puppy is four to six months old, the process of resorption of the root of the milk chewing organ begins, which then falls out on its own, making room for a permanent one. The permanent premolar or incisor grows in the same canal where the milk one is formed. And it turns out that if the temporary chewing organ does not fall out in a timely manner, then the permanent one may not grow at all, or grow uneven.

The final shedding of all milk jugs should occur before the age of eight months. It should be remembered that the body of a weak, unhealthy puppy is not able to cope with the resorption of the root of the temporary chewing organ and the full-fledged birth of the permanent root, so the change of teeth in that terrier may take place with a delay in time. The health of the pet during this period should be protected and replenished with the help of good nutrition and additional vitamin.

A loose primary premolar or incisor should be removed from the dog as soon as possible. The owner can do it on his own, gently shaking the tooth every day.

It is worth noting that when teeth change in toy terriers, the owner would do well to master the basics of dentistry. And if you are preparing a pet for exhibitions, then you cannot do without the services of a veterinary dentist.

Does that terrier need to have his teeth pulled?

Features of the breed of that terrier are predisposition to anomalies when changing chewing organs. This applies to all dwarfs decorative dogs weighing up to four kilograms. Already at the genetic level of these pets, there is no natural (independent) replacement of milk premolars and incisors with permanent ones, and also:

  • dogs dwarf breeds, to which the terrier belongs, are the owners of a narrow jaw, so the chewing muscles are poorly developed.
  • the period of replacement of temporary by permanent chewing in a terrier falls on active development the jaw itself.
  • the puppy's diet may be poor in calcium, or calcium is not sufficiently absorbed by the animal.
  • like no other breed, the small teeth of that terrier are prone to malpositioning of the bud, since milkers and molars do not fit in the small jaw.

Owners of tiny dogs should be prepared for this problem, and consider the question of whether that terrier needs to pull out teeth as a necessity. Otherwise:

  • a delay or disruption in the process of replacing milk jugs with roots can provoke a disease called polydentia. This is when in the mouth of that terrier the teeth exceed natural quantity due to the simultaneous location of temporary and permanent premolars and incisors.
  • untimely fallen out or not torn out milk jugs are the cause of the development of dystopia - the wrong location of the indigenous and pseudo-roots.
  • displaced fangs are of particular danger to a miniature dog, which will later become a source of injury hard palate, lips, cheeks and tongue. At the same time, ulcers form in the oral cavity of the pet, bleeding and causing pain.

if you notice that the root incisor, premolar or molar has grown to half the milk, then the temporary chewing organ should obviously be pulled out.

If you do not pull out the milk premolars and incisors, which did not fall out on their own and interfere with the growth of the molars, then an incorrect bite is guaranteed, with further development tartar or caries. Exhibitions, of course, are out of the question.

A veterinarian dentist removes the temporary chewing organs of a toy terrier under general anesthesia or using local anesthesia:

  • local anesthesia does not cause as much harm to the health of the pet compared to general anesthesia, but the dog local anesthesia feels pain.
  • general anesthesia a more humane way, but a small terrier often takes a long time to get out of anesthesia.

That terrier's teeth are falling out

The problem of loose and falling molars is inherent in small breeds. It mostly happens between the ages of one and two. The dog should immediately be shown to a veterinary dentist so that he can determine the cause, due to which the bone tissue is destroyed. And the main reasons are as follows:

  • plaque, which is initially soft, and then, hardening, turns into tartar and destroys the chewing organ.
  • gingivitis is a disease of the oral cavity in which the gums become inflamed. Running gingivitis leads to atrophy of the gums, the formation of periodontal tubules and, accordingly, the unsteadiness of the teeth.
  • periodontitis - the duration of inflammation of the gums is accompanied by their bleeding, pus, pain for the pet when chewing food, putrid odor from the mouth. The pet eats poorly, loses weight, becomes aggressive. Asymmetry of the muzzle may appear.

As soon as you notice that that terrier's teeth are falling out, hurry to the doctor. Only timely help and painstaking adherence to the recommendations of the dentist will stop further prolapse and loosening of the masticatory organs.

The task of the dog owner is the prevention of loosening and loss of teeth, which consists in:

  • regular brushing of each tooth special pastes and dog brushes.
  • proper diet animal, which is required to include solid foods (apple, carrot, beetroot in fresh, crouton and a special crunch).

How is the change of teeth in that terrier

Toy Terrier, like all dogs small breeds often suffers from dental problems. Sometimes their loss begins as early as the third year of life. Therefore, the owner must carefully monitor the condition of the pet's oral cavity. Especially important point is the change of teeth in a puppy.

If the dog is weak and often sick, the process may be delayed and go wrong. From early childhood, it is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the animal, enrich the diet with vitamins and calcium, and also create protection for it from hypothermia. Read more about the correct maintenance of the toy terrier here.

Teeth change in toy terrier

At the time of birth, Toy Terrier puppies are completely toothless. They begin to appear in them only after two weeks.

After two months, a properly developing pet should have 28 milk teeth. Sometimes this number can be a little more or less, there is nothing to worry about. Over time, they will fall out anyway, and permanent ones will grow in their place.

When teeth change

The teeth of that terrier are replaced by 4-6 months after birth. First of all, the incisors are replaced. Under their roots, permanent ones begin to form, they displace milk ones and they fall out.

After that, there is a change of edges and, last of all, fangs change.

Important! If the dog will participate in exhibitions, then by 8 months all milk teeth must be removed from her so that the permanent ones form with correct bite.

For those pets that are not show dogs, the change can last up to a year.

If a one-year-old dog has milk teeth, they must be urgently removed.

To do this, you should contact a specialized clinic, where the veterinarian will really assess their condition and remove them either under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

The first method is well suited for animals in which they are sufficiently loose. If they are still firmly seated, then anesthesia is applied, since sometimes, even after local anesthesia, some dogs feel pain, which leads them to severe stress and makes removal difficult.

How many teeth does that terrier have

An adult toy terrier is endowed with 42 teeth: incisors, canines, molars (molars) and premolars (semi-molars).

In this case, the lower jaw contains 22, and the upper 20. Each of them has 6 incisors and 2 canines.

There are 4 molars and 8 premolars at the top, and 6 molars and 8 premolars at the bottom.

How to clean

To support in healthy condition dog's mouth, it is necessary to clean both milk and permanent teeth every week. Before this, it is necessary to remove plaque and stone with hydrogen peroxide, if they have formed.

Thereafter special brush and toothpaste to brush your pet's teeth.

On a note! At first, brushing your teeth will be difficult. But, over time, the dog will get used to the procedure.

What to do if teeth fall out

That terrier has loosening and falling out permanent teeth may start very early. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to enrich the puppy's diet with solid foods from an early age: carrots, beets, apples and others. Good load chewing them will strengthen the jaw.

The main causes of fallout include:

  • Plaque that, if not regularly removed, causes inflammation of the gums;
  • Tartar destroying enamel;
  • Gingivitis, a disease that begins with inflammation of the gums, and without proper treatment ends with their atrophy;
  • Periodontitis, accompanied by bleeding and festering of the gums.

Important! If you find any of these reasons, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

He will conduct an examination, if necessary, take an x-ray and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In addition to oral hygiene and drug treatment gingivitis or periodontitis, small breed dogs are often given splinting, which eliminates unsteadiness. With the help of this procedure, teeth are fixed and inflammatory processes stop.

If that terrier has problems with his teeth, then you need to urgently treat them. The fact is that problems with the oral cavity adversely affect the overall health of the dog, causing various diseases. Veterinarians argue that the life expectancy of a dog directly depends on the condition of its teeth.

If a dog has a loose tooth, what should a caring owner do? Detailed response

Some dog owners do not think about the fact that their pet, like a person, has problems with teeth and gums, for example, they begin to stagger.

Toothache brings discomfort and a lot of trouble four-legged friends and their owners. The problem is always easier to prevent than to eliminate its consequences.

Main reasons

There is no smoke without fire. We offer to understand the possible causes of loose teeth in dogs.

Changing dairy to indigenous

When the puppy is 3 months old, the period of changing teeth begins. If at the age of about 3 months you notice that your pet's teeth are loose, do not panic. The logical explanation here is that dairy ones are changed to permanent ones.

This process due to the fact that a rather long stone baby tooth gradually shrinks, weakens and is pushed out by the growing tooth.

IMPORTANT! During this period, it is necessary to inspect the puppy's mouth daily.

What to do if a tooth swings, which turned out to be milk? The owner can loosen and pull it out with the utmost care using a sterile gauze pad.

However, when deviations from the norm are observed: the molars have already grown, but the milk teeth still remain, or at the indicated age the change of teeth has not yet begun, it is imperative to show the puppy to a specialist.

External manifestations

During this period, the puppy's behavior changes markedly: he begins to gnaw a lot, and, as a rule, everything: things, furniture, shoes, bones, toys. So he tries to relieve pain and get rid of discomfort. In some cases, added:

  • general malaise;
  • poor appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • malfunctions digestive system;
  • temperature rise.

During the period of changing teeth, the immunity of babies becomes not so strong. Therefore, provide the puppy with a calm regimen: you should not train him, walk him for a long time. Experts also do not recommend vaccinations. Take care of this in advance. To relieve discomfort, give the puppy various toys, which he can gnaw and massage the gums.

Mechanical damage

The dog, by nature, is a very active and mobile animal. Loose teeth can be caused mechanical damage after the pet has chewed on something excessively hard.

In this case, carefully inspect the loose tooth for breaks or cracks. If there are any, immediately show the pet to the doctor, in order to avoid complications.


The causes of loose teeth in dogs can be various diseases.


Inflammation of tissues at the base of the teeth. This disease is the most common. Periodontitis is manifested by the presence of plaque or calculus, increased bleeding of the gums. The dog also develops bad breath and sticky saliva.

It is important not to delay treatment long box, because jaw bone may be damaged. This will lead to loosening of the teeth and their possible loss. Used to remove tartar in dogs ultrasonic cleaning without anesthesia.

periodontal disease

Inflammation of the surrounding tissues of the tooth, but the cause here will not be an infection. Due to degenerative processes in the tissues of the gums and jawbone, the necks of the teeth are exposed, the teeth seem to be longer. On the late stages they start to wobble and fall out.

REFERENCE! This disease is quite rare, often mistakenly called periodontitis as periodontal disease.


The first signs: stink from the mouth, redness and bleeding of the gums. Possible reasons inflammation in this case: tartar or bacteria (pathogenic microflora).

Individual characteristics

Most common problem among them - the wrong bite. As a result, the tooth touches and injures the gums or the jaws cannot close completely. As with humans, overbite in dogs can be corrected through the use of special structures and braces.

Appearance of tartar

As a rule, this process is characterized by the presence of a filmy, yellowish growth at the base of the teeth. It may have brown, yellow or even greenish tint. In young dogs, these formations are initially soft and loose, but over time they harden, thicken and darken in color.

Outwardly, it looks like there are pieces of stone or chocolate in the dog’s mouth, because without timely intervention, almost nothing remains of the natural color of the teeth.

What causes it to form?

The main causes of this disease in dogs can be the following:

  • Not proper nutrition. Some pet lovers feed them only soft canned food. So it doesn't happen natural stitching teeth, but created favorable environment for bacteria that "produce" plaque.
  • A complicating factor may be congenital pathology position of the teeth: when they are crooked or grow too tightly. Such situations are less common than the first, but they definitely require mandatory treatment.
Ignoring tartar in dogs leads to permanent inflammation gums, loosening and loss of teeth.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, dogs also need to brush their teeth. Certainly not twice a day, and not after every meal, but regularly. Periodically, you should go through the dog's teeth with a special brush with gel or clean with dental floss.

If there was no paste and brush at hand, you can get by with improvised means:

  1. Take a small piece of household gauze.
  2. Wet with a weak solution baking soda.
  3. Wrap it around your finger.
  4. Treat the dog's teeth.

It is also important to remember about proper nutrition for four-legged pet. The diet is best coordinated with a veterinarian.


Teeth cleaning should be performed by a veterinarian. Plaque is removed mechanically: it is simply scraped off, scraped off the surface of the tooth. Also, the removal of the stone is performed by ultrasound.

Splinting of anterior incisors

Special differences in the reasons why the front or back teeth no. But for incisors there is a special type of treatment - splinting. The procedure is to strengthen loose teeth to prevent them from falling out.

This fixation allows the gum tissues to recover and strengthen. Moreover, the main task of splinting is to redistribute the load due to immobile teeth. Once again, we pay attention to the peculiarity - only incisors (front teeth) can be splinted.

IMPORTANT! Contact qualified specialists so as not to aggravate the situation and not harm the pet.

Is it necessary to pull out and how?

In order to understand whether it is necessary to pull out a loose tooth, you need to identify the cause. If the tooth is milk, as we have already indicated, then it may fall out on its own or you can pull it out yourself, observing the precautions.

In the event that staggering is caused by illness or injury, best solution will contact a veterinarian, if possible with a specialization in dentistry.

Size and breed

The problem of tooth loss discussed in the context of this article is not uncommon. This phenomenon is especially common in such tiny breeds as the Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier and others.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, in tiny jaws, teeth grow closer together than in large dogs. Secondly, small dogs live longer, so dental problems can occur not only because of bad care but also due to age.


Disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. Here are some easy-to-follow recommendations.

  • Remember the first rule healthy teeth and gums - regular cleansing. For this you can use soda solution and gauze, special gel and toothbrush for dogs, special hard treats. Also, you can regularly visit the veterinary clinic for professional cleaning.
  • Watch your diet. The presence of solid textures is mandatory: dry food, cartilage, small bones. It is also necessary to periodically give special sticks and chewing toys to gnaw. Remember that the dog interacts with them through the mouth, so buy toys in trusted places: veterinary clinics oh and pet stores.
  • Avoid sugary treats for your pet.
  • With any manifestation external symptoms diseases described, a pronounced formation of plaque or stones, immediately show your pet to a doctor.

Useful video

Watch a video with veterinary advice on tooth loss in dogs:


Thus, proper nutrition active life, oral hygiene and sanitation of the oral cavity at least 2-3 times a year is a guarantee of dental health for your pet.

Losing teeth in dogs

Many people mistakenly believe that dogs rarely suffer from tooth loss. However, this opinion is incorrect. Most pet owners, especially those who have small breed dogs, often face such a serious problem as loosening and tooth loss in their pets. Often, this trend begins at a young age (usually starting at two years).

You should also take into account the fact that dogs of small breeds most often suffer from various dental diseases that cause tooth loss. In their case, these diseases can also lead to fractures of the jaw, as well as the occurrence of an orozonal fistula (a hole located between the mouth and nose, which is eliminated by surgery).

Possible causes of tooth loss in dogs

There are a number of factors that can cause tooth loss in a dog. Their list includes the following diseases and pathology:

  • Availability soft touch on the dog's teeth. Usually this yellow growth on the teeth of a pet does not cause much concern for the owners of the animal. However, this formation may develop and become darker, brownish or green tint and in the future cause severe staggering, and then tooth loss. On the initial stage the formation of soft plaque is quite easy to deal with, especially if an experienced veterinarian helps to fix the problem.
  • Tartar is the most common cause of tooth loss in pets. In fact, it is also a type of plaque that has been formed for a long time and hardened over time. Tartar can be easily seen as it looks like dark spots at the base of the teeth. This color of the stone is explained by the presence of food residues, various bacteria, dead cells, as well as calcium and sometimes phosphorus in its composition. Tartar usually causes severe inflammation gums, which also catalyzes the process of tooth loss.
  • Inflammatory process in the gums. As mentioned earlier, inflammation usually begins at the moment when numerous bacteria that make up tartar or plaque begin to spread to nearby tissues. The process of damage, as a rule, leads to the appearance of gingivitis, which, in turn, can gradually transform into periodontitis or periodontitis.
  • Gingivitis is an extremely dangerous disease of the oral cavity in dogs. It is usually characterized by inflammation of the bone, cementum, and surrounding tissues of the tooth. AT severe cases this disease can cause gingival atrophy, abnormal loosening and loss of teeth, as well as the formation of large periodontal pockets.
  • Periodontitis is a disease that develops from gingivitis. This disease it is extremely insidious precisely because it progresses very slowly, but destroys all tooth structures. In addition to tooth loss, periodontitis is quite capable of provoking swelling of the gums, as well as the formation of large infectious foci, bleeding and discharge. purulent exudate from gums. In this case, the animal often experiences severe pain in the process of eating, which leads to a noticeable decrease in appetite, which, in turn, causes severe loss in weight. Related clinical sign Periodontitis is usually an extremely bad odor from a dog's mouth. For more severe stages illness in a dog, the symmetry of the head may disappear due to swelling on the muzzle. If periodontitis has progressed to similar condition you need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Treatment of tooth loss in dogs

In order to determine why a dog's teeth fall out and begin the necessary course of treatment, you must first carry out the following procedures and diagnostic measures exactly in this order:

  • an x-ray that allows you to determine how much bone tissue has been destroyed and prescribe appropriate therapy;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity, necessary to remove deposits and polish the surface;
  • removal of dead teeth.

Then, in most cases, the veterinarian recommends that the owners of the animal conduct a therapeutic course for him to relieve inflammation (especially if this process has already begun to be noticeable on previously healthy gums near the remaining teeth). It usually involves the use of various anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, if necessary, antiseptic or enzymatic agents. If the disease has progressed to a severe form, the dog will need to take antibiotics.

Also, one of the most effective and popular ways to treat loose teeth is splinting. If the animal has an increase in gum pockets, tooth roots are exposed or teeth are loosened, this procedure will become a real panacea. Usually, special fiberglass or special wire is used for splinting. The veterinarian is working to tie a few of the teeth, thus keeping them still and giving stability. The advantage of such a procedure lies in its permanence. Moreover, splinting is not only beautiful way get rid of the effects of dental diseases, but also prevents the occurrence of inflammation of the gums. How effective splinting will be depends on how many teeth the dog has left.

Remember, losing teeth is extremely difficult. serious symptom many dangerous diseases, and, worst of all, diseases may not be limited to the oral cavity and spread to other areas of the body. This is mainly due to ingestion. a large number saliva, which, due to illness, can contain a lot of toxic waste products of bacteria. Such processes usually cause the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, provoke an increase in the load on immune system body of the dog and on the most important internal organs animal.

Prevention of dental diseases

As you know, any health problem is easier to prevent than to treat. That is why it is worth making every effort to keep the animal's oral cavity healthy. As preventive measures, directed against the occurrence of tartar, plaque and other dental diseases are suitable the following recommendations:

  • To avoid the occurrence of caries, stone, periodontal disease, etc. it is necessary to brush the animal's teeth regularly with a special toothbrush and paste, even if the dog actively resists this. In time she will get used to it. similar procedure;
  • Often give your dog solid food containing so-called coarse particles. The menu can also be varied with gelatin bones. Both products will help clean tooth enamel naturally and prevent tooth loss in dogs;
  • If the owner noticed the first signs of problems, and is seriously afraid that the dog's teeth will begin to fall out, it is necessary to purchase special sprays and toys that allow you to remove plaque;
  • It is necessary to carry out sanitation regularly (at least once every six months);
  • You should also enrich the pet's body with vitamins and minerals that help strengthen enamel.

Cats and dogs, like people, undergo a change of teeth. And the number of permanent ones is greater than the first dairy ones. But not everyone knows how many teeth a dog has. In this article, we will analyze the question not only of how many of them are normal, but also whether their number depends on the breed and age of the mustache.

In puppyhood, a dog does not need a full set of teeth yet. At the very beginning, they feed only on milk, later on porridge and other food that does not require much chewing. They do not have to defend themselves, because their mother will always intercede for them. Therefore, the first teeth begin to appear in crumbs mainly at the age of 3-4 weeks, although in representatives of decorative breeds this happens much later - at 6-7 weeks of age.

The very first teeth erupt. They are necessary for tearing food, and for predators in wild nature this is the first need. The next to appear on the gums are the incisors, the last are the premolars (in other words, “false molars”). dental formula puppies look like this:

  • Upper jaw: 2 canines and 6 incisors and premolars.
  • Lower jaw: full coincidence with the upper jaw.

As they grow older, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones (with roots).

When does a dog's teeth change?

The change of teeth in puppies begins at the age of 3 months, usually ends by 6-7 months. If in 7 months it did not happen complete replacement teeth, bite is incorrectly formed or you notice other pathologies, then you need to contact your veterinarian for help.

Therefore, try not to give a young puppy with not yet replaced teeth too hard food, which can damage the gums and spoil the bite. It is forbidden to give bones.

If the milk tooth is loose, but cannot fall out in any way, then you can give a rubber toy or a special “bone” from connective tissue(There are a lot of these in pet supply stores). Puppies can begin to bite, spoil furniture and shoes.

The incisors fall out first, followed by the premolars. What should I pay attention to when changing teeth in a dog? So that when permanent fangs appear, not a single milk tooth is left in the dog. If you notice how a permanent tooth has appeared from the gums, but the milk tooth has not yet fallen out, be sure to remove it (you can’t do it yourself, contact a veterinarian who will surgically help). If you let it go this situation, then there is a high risk that the dog will have a malocclusion in the future.

You can evaluate it by carefully examining the dog's jaw in a closed form. The following signs indicate the formation of a normal bite:

  • the teeth of the upper and lower rows do not touch (permissible gap 1-3 mm);
  • upper fangs at correct location protrude slightly forward, while covering the lower ones;
  • each of the lower canines is placed in the free space between the corresponding upper canine and the uppermost incisor.

Thus, most dogs have a scissor bite. The exception applies to boxers, bulldogs, pugs and Pekingese with a pike bite, which is associated with a genetically determined shortened lower jaw.

How many teeth does a dog have

Normally, a dog has 28 milk teeth (14 in each jaw) and 42 permanent tooth: 20 is located on the upper jaw, and 22 more on the lower jaw.

This knowledge will help monitor the health of the dog's oral cavity. If there are not enough teeth or, on the contrary, more than the norm (milk and molars will be in the mouth at the same time), then this will be an occasion to contact a veterinarian.

Having examined the upper jaw of an adult dog, normally you will count 3 incisors, 1 canine, 4 premolars and 2 molars on the left and the same number on the right (total 20). On the lower jaw, on each side, there is 1 molar (molars) more: 3 incisors, 1 canine, 4 premolars, 3 molars on the right, the same number on the left (hence 22).

Many owners of decorative breeds are interested in how many teeth they have. chihuahua dogs or Yorkshire terrier. In fact, they normally have 42 teeth, just like other breeds. However, the absence of the last molars on the lower jaw is allowed, since they are very small and practically do not participate in chewing. With such a "deviation" miniature representatives families of dogs are allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Problems and care

Like humans, dogs can have dental problems: loss, yellowing, toothache. A sign of the latter will be the refusal of the pet to feed, restless chewing behavior and attempts to reach the mouth with a paw. Pain can be associated with inflammation of the gums, caries, a broken tooth, or exposure of a nerve. To determine exact reason and receive treatment, you must make an appointment with a veterinarian.

Another common “dental” problem of dogs, regardless of age, is plaque, which, if not removed in time, turns into tartar and can subsequently provoke gingivitis or periodontitis. The reasons for the appearance of plaque are considered to be the absence in daily diet hard food products (apples, carrots, crackers, special bones or cookies) that contribute to natural cleansing tooth enamel, or digestive problems (impaired acid-base balance gastrointestinal tract). Experienced dog breeders easily remove tartar on their own using a special hook, having previously fixed the pet's muzzle. In the absence of experience in this matter, it is better to seek professional help from a doctor.

Minimize possible problems with teeth, you can, if you teach your pet from an early age to systematically clean them. For most breeds, it will be sufficient to carry out hygiene procedures 1 time per week. Pet stores sell special soft-bristled brushes and tooth gels for this purpose. In some cases, it is convenient to use a children's brush, which is worn on the finger in the form of a tip. It is from regular care and other actions of the owner that it largely depends on how many teeth the dog will have until adulthood.

LECTURE No. 4 (continued). Loose and loose teeth in dogs. Splinting teeth in dogs.

Many dog ​​owners, especially owners of small breed dogs, are faced with the problem of pathological mobility and tooth loss. This is most relevant for small breeds of dogs, such as: Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, etc. In this case, often the loss of teeth, and in particular incisors, begins already in early age(two years or older). The reasons may be different, but most often the pathological mobility of the incisors in young dogs develops due to the presence of tartar, which was not removed in time.

Soft plaque- This is usually a filmy, yellowish growth at the base of the teeth. It can be brown, yellow or even greenish.

Tartar is hardened plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth. Tartar is quite dark, which is explained by the fact that it contains food debris, dead cells, bacteria, phosphorus, iron and calcium salts.

The presence of plaque and calculus leads to the development of a serious inflammatory process of the gums.

Inflammation of the gums It begins when bacteria, contained and multiplied in the composition of plaque or calculus, affect the gum tissues that support the tooth. This process leads to the development of the so-called gingivitis, and if you do not take Urgent measures and not eliminate the cause, i.e. not remove dental deposits, gingivitis turns intoperiodontitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is a serious disease of the oral cavity, characterized by progressive inflammation of periodontal tissues (gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, cementum). Gingivitis can lead to recession (gingival atrophy), resorption of the jawbone, the formation of deep periodontal pockets, and pathological tooth mobility.

If this fact is neglected and the mobility of the teeth is not stopped in time, then the periodontium is further destroyed, accelerating the process of the disease, and in the near future this will cause loss, loss of teeth.

Periodontitis- it's very slow insidious disease, which affects all supporting structures of the teeth. The progression of periodontitis can cause swelling and severe inflammation gums, periodontal disease can cause deep pockets of infection that cause pus to form, bleeding gums, pain when eating food, and a strong putrid odor from your pet's mouth.

Animals begin to refuse solid food, often they develop abscesses in the oral cavity. As a rule, in this case, there is a loss in weight, the animal begins to worry even when stroking the head and muzzle, asymmetry may appear. facial skull may cause puffiness under the eye. This stage of the disease requires very serious treatment by a dentist.

At the appointment with a veterinary dentist Your pet will need:

Chronic diseases and infections of the oral cavity, as a rule, are not limited to the oral cavity. swallowing saliva with great content pathological flora and toxic waste products of bacteria can cause the spread of infection throughout the body of a dog or cat and, first of all, lead to diseases gastrointestinal tract, excessive load on the immune system, liver, etc.

In the case of dwarf breeds, i.e. breeds, most disease-prone oral cavity, often periodontitis / periodontitis can lead to pathological fractures lower jaw. Loss of incisors in dogs often results in deep dentogingival pockets around the canines, which can lead to tooth loss and permanent oronasal fistula. An oronasal fistula is a non-healing opening between the mouth and nasal cavity that must be repaired surgically.

Methods for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity in dogs and cats

How to be in a situation when the process of formation of tartar is already developing, how to save teeth in young dogs and prevent tooth loss in older animals? Is it possible to somehow prevent diseases of the oral cavity, and how to protect a pet from early tooth loss?

As one of the options for prevention can be considered regular cleaning dog teeth at home. To date, special toothpastes for dogs are produced, as well as fairly comfortable toothbrushes. Accustoming to this procedure and its regular implementation will greatly reduce the risk of developing diseases of the oral cavity. It is even more important to have regular oral examinations of your dog or cat by a veterinary dentist, at least once a year.

Unfortunately, most owners are used to their pet's bad breath and think that bad breath is normal. Bad smell out of the mouth is not normal!

What to do if the teeth, and especially the incisors, have already begun to stagger, can they be saved? - CAN!

Especially for such patients in the clinic of the Institute of Veterinary Biology, the method of splinting of teeth has been established.

Splinting of teeth- this is dental procedure, which will strengthen the swinging teeth and prevent their further loosening and loss.

Indications for splinting:

  • the presence of deep dentogingival pockets,
  • exposure tooth roots,
  • the presence of pathological mobility of the teeth, and in particular the incisors.

Splinting of teeth is carried out using fiberglass or a special dental wire and allows you to connect a group of teeth into a single whole, thus practically eliminating the mobility of individual teeth.

In the event of a load on any tooth, it is distributed to the roots of the remaining teeth united by the splint. As a result, the teeth remain stable, and periodontitis in this area stops its harmful effects.

This type of splinting is permanent and will support the teeth. long years. Splinting allows not only to fix the swinging teeth, but also to prevent the development of gum disease.

The efficiency of the splint depends on the number of teeth. How more teeth, the greater the effect of splinting. ultimate goal successful treatment mobile teeth is to restore them normal function and maintaining gum health.

Veterinary experts believe that good dental health can prolong a dog's life by 20%. Therefore, careful home monitoring and organization regular examination at the veterinary dentist can preserve not only the functions of the oral cavity and overall health, but also prolong the life of your pet.

How is the new stage of growing up going?

The change of teeth in a toy terrier usually begins at the age of six months or a little earlier. By the time a dog is eight to twelve months old, all of its milk teeth should have fallen out. The owner of the toy terrier can help them fall out more easily by gently loosening them a little every day.

If you plan to raise a show class dog who, in due time, will take an active part in exhibitions, then make sure that by the time she is eight months old (plus minutes two weeks), she has no dairy left. teeth. If they do not fall out, then you will have to seek help from good doctor which will remove the remaining teeth. If this is not done, then there is a possibility that the teeth of the toy will grow incorrectly. This defect, in turn, will lead to the fact that the dog will receive a disqualifying defect and will not be suitable for breeding.

At the same time, if you do not plan to practice, then a quick change of teeth in a toy terrier does not matter so much, and you may well postpone the removal until eleven or thirteen months. It is not worth delaying with this longer, because if the milk teeth fall out much later than they should have fallen out, there is a high probability of getting a row.

A sure indicator that the milk teeth have already become obsolete are the molars, which have grown to half the milk teeth.

Removal of milk teeth

The veterinary clinic will offer you two options for removal:

  • using local anesthesia,
  • under general anesthesia.

Each method has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of the first option include the fact that the toy may experience pain during the operation, even when using painkillers. local action. Much here depends on the length of the roots, so it is best to consult a dentist and listen to his opinion.

Cons of the second option:

  • toys can take a long time to recover from anesthesia (but also often toys fully come to their senses in an hour or two),
  • general anesthesia can harm
  • the doctor will warn you of the possibility of death.

It is worth noting that in most veterinary clinics, general anesthesia is used during the extraction of teeth, as this is much more convenient and humane.

What bite should a toy terrier have according to the breed standard?

After changing teeth, the toy terrier should have a scissor bite, in which upper teeth(incisors) slightly cover the lower ones. If a dog has an incorrect bite, it is disqualified from the show and is not allowed to breed. To malocclusion relate:

  • snack, in which the lower jaw is much longer than the upper and protrudes forward,
  • undershot bite when strongly forward upper jaw,
  • pincer bite, in which the lower and upper rows of the front teeth are in contact with each other surfaces,
  • alveolar tilt of the incisors when the front incisors grow at an angle, and not vertically, as they should be.

The bite of a toy terrier can change during the change of teeth, since at this age the growth of the jaws is still ongoing, and the teeth themselves can change their position, since they have not yet taken their places so firmly.

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