Master class for a cat lover: how to make a collar for a pet with your own hands. Collars for cats: choosing an accessory for four-legged pets

For pets that have free access to the street, such a stylish accessory as a collar acts as a necessary thing, by which, in case of loss, the owner can find it. You can also make a collar for a cat with your own hands, decorating a four-legged pet with an exclusive accessory. Any owner of a pet from improvised materials will be able to make a collar at home. If desired, you can even decorate it with stones, beads, or fasten a medallion with information about the pet or its owner.

Types of collars

Conditionally homemade collars are divided into decorative and practical. The first ones are not always desirable to wear and they are used as decorations, putting on a pet, for example, before participating in an exhibition. Practical collars are designed to be worn all the time and you can indicate information about the cat and its owner on them. It will take more time and effort to make decorative collars, especially for a beginner, but a practical product is easier to make and improvised materials are suitable for this purpose.

Decorative accessories options

To get started, you should try to make a do-it-yourself cat collar from durable rubber band, decorating it with large beads. It will not take much time to make it, and the product on the cat will look very original and attractive.

To make it, you need to take an elastic band or a strong rope and cut off about 0.5 m. Then bend the elastic band in half, mark the center and take large beads, put 3 of them on the elastic band. Another bead must be used for fixing.

Then you need to dial the required number of links, putting on 3 beads on an elastic band and fixing them with another bead.

It should be ensured that the elastic or rope is well stretched when weaving.

As soon as the product is ready, the ends must be fastened with a clasp. If there is none, then the remnants of the gum must be tied and threaded into the first link.

An exquisite pet collar can be made from a light satin ribbon. You will need to stock up on the following materials:

  • 2 cut ribbons of various shades and lengths (the first will be used as a base, and the second for decoration);
  • 2 small rings (for fastening);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a tube of silicone glue or superglue;
  • spool of thread to match the ribbon.

To cut off the desired piece from the tape, you need to measure the girth of the cat's neck and add a couple of centimeters to the value. The width must be chosen at your discretion. To begin with, a tape that is too wide must be burned with a lighter, and then the edges should be corrected with nail scissors.

Rings must be put on the ribbon. To fix them, the edges of the tape must be bent and stitched with threads. Thus, the basis for the collar will be ready.

After its manufacture, it is worth starting to make jewelry. You need to take a couple of small pieces of ribbon and bend the edges of one of them on both sides towards the center to form a bow shape.

Then, over the junction, you need to attach a second piece of tape with glue and wrap it around the base. After each turn, it is necessary to fix the tape with glue.

Once the bow is ready, you need to attach it to the collar with glue, placing it in the center or on the edge. In order to fix the finished accessory on the pet, it is necessary to pass the end of the tape through a couple of loops and bring it out through the last one.

Instead of ribbons, you can take a silicone bracelet and glue decorative spikes to it, sold in a needlework store. Such an accessory is not recommended for temperamental, large cats, since the collar can injure the animal.

Instructions for making practical collars

A collar with a name tag will help you find your pet in case of loss. For its manufacture, the following devices and materials will be required:

  • old belt with clasp;
  • a blank for a medallion with a loop (if there is no loop, it will have to be drilled);
  • a tight ring, preferably made of steel;
  • steel plate;
  • mounting tape;
  • pencil;
  • a hammer;
  • indelible marker;
  • alcohol;
  • bits with the desired letters and numbers.

You can adjust the belt to the circumference of the pet's neck on your own or seek help from an atelier or shoemaker. The blank for the medallion must be fixed on the plate in such a way that there is free space for letters in the center. The middle of the token should be marked with a pencil, focusing on the smooth edges of the mounting tape. Then you need to put the bit in the middle and gently hit the top with a hammer several times. In order for the letters not to merge with the background, they should be covered with a marker, after degreasing the surface with alcohol. As soon as the medallion is ready, it must be attached to the ring and secured to the strap.

On the medallion you can place the cat's name, phone number and address of its owner. In this case, it is desirable to place the name of the animal in front, and information about its owner in the back. Periodically, the collar is recommended to be removed so that creases do not form on the pet's coat.

The simplest version of the collar for cats with free access to the street will be a product made of nylon slings. To make it at home, you will need to take the following materials:

  • nylon sling;
  • colored ribbon with an ornament;
  • clasp and buckle made of plastic;
  • semiring.

First you need to use a sewing machine to sew the tape to the sling (stitch length - 2 mm).

Then you need to attach the clasp by unfastening it and passing it through one of the elements of the end of the sling. It must be bent and sewn to the base of the collar at the fold.

The free end must be passed through the ring, moving it closer to the beginning. Then it needs to be stitched again across the sling, using the material that is threaded through the clasp to fix the half ring.

The other side of the product must be passed through the buckle and fastened at the end of the second part of the fastener, bending the sling a little more than last time.

Then the end of the sling should be slightly bent back and stitched across to fix the buckle.

Many owners argue about whether wearing a cat collar is appropriate. The problem is that most accessories do not take into account the personality of the pet. Some cats like to wear conspicuous, shiny collars, they seem to show off their accessory. Other cats cannot be forced to wear a light nylon collar, although one is needed for an address tag. Below we will look at how to make a do-it-yourself cat collar, because no matter how the owner knows what the pet will like.

You will probably be surprised, but if you approach the issue of buying a collar with all seriousness, then the variety of shapes and sizes will frighten even an experienced pet owner. Each manufacturer gives its arguments and demonstrates the advantages of products.

Decorative collar (not walking)- a widely popular accessory for cats participating in exhibitions and shows. Choosing a decorative collar is a whole science. Some cats are matched with accessories in contrasting colors, others are more suitable for collars that blend with the coat and are decorated with a pendant. The width of the collar is also important, since it should not visually distort the proportions of the animal's body. If you are not sure which collar is right for your pet, the choice should be based on the criteria of lightness (low weight) and softness of the material.

Decorative collars of a non-walking type can be bought from craftsmen. The fact is that beautiful, bright and exclusive collars are not difficult to make at home. Below you will find step by step instructions for making different kinds of these accessories. Prices for handicrafts fluctuate and mainly depend on the workload and reputation of the master.

Walking collar- the difference between this and the previous model is the presence of a clasp that will open under the weight of the cat's body. The fact is that on a walk, a cat can catch on to something. There are cases when pets hung on branches, fences, table hooks and suffocated. A cat can get stuck if it tries to crawl through a narrow gap and starve to death. The self-release mechanism will release the pet from captivity if sufficient pressure is applied to it.

Tip: If you want your pet to be always safe, do not let him go for walks without supervision. Any cat that wants to go outside can be harnessed and walked on a leash.

Collar with address tag- the most useful variety, since it serves not only for decoration, but also for safety. An address tag helps pets get home, and if you think your cat won't get lost because it doesn't leave the house, don't be presumptuous. Hundreds of animals disappear without a trace, falling out of windows or running out the door in a flurry. Of course, you are not obliged to buy exactly the proposed model, the token can be bought or made separately.

Note! A collar with a bell (bell) is used only for independent walks.

Making a collar - instructions

When deciding to try making a cat collar with your own hands, keep in mind that this activity takes a lot of time (especially if you are a beginner), but it can also bring real income. By making original collars at home, you can sell. One of the unconditional human instincts is the desire for individuality, even if it is expressed in the appearance of a pet.

Having got a little hand in making simple collars, you can try your hand at weaving. Naturally, this is a long journey that requires effort and perseverance, but think about what you have to lose? Even if you decide that making decorative accessories is not your thing, your pet will have new decorations that will delight you and your guests.

When choosing jewelry for a collar, estimate the weight of the finished accessory. It should be borne in mind that cats, in principle, do not like collars, and if the accessory interferes, crushes or has other negative effects, both you and the pet will have problems. If you really like jewelry, but they seem heavy, use them in small quantities.

Ribbons, chains, laces and other decorations of this type must be carefully attached to the collar, as they can interfere with the cat. Make sure that in the process of wearing the accessories do not tear, do not unravel on the threads and do not interfere with the cat when walking. It is also recommended to remove bulky decorative collars while sleeping.

Important! There should be no loose loops, ends of ribbons or chains on the decorative collar, as the cat can catch on these fragments during the jump.

Every pet can have allergies, including contact. Whether a pet suffers from an illness, the owner usually finds out after the fact. When making decorative collars, you need to prepare in advance for possible consequences. Examine the cat's skin under the collar several times a day (during the first days of wearing) and, if there is irritation, remove the accessory.

Decorative beaded collar

A very beautiful, decorative collar that can be made in 15-20 minutes. Such an accessory is not suitable for constant wear, especially if the cat has long hair. The collar is made from:

  • Thin but strong elastic (you can not weave from a rope or fishing line, because the collar must stretch).
  • Large beads.
  • Clasps - optional, the ends can be tied together and the collar will be solid.

In addition to consumables, you will need sharp scissors. To weave a collar for an average cat, you will need a 0.5 m piece of elastic. Weaving is very simple, we bend the elastic in half and mark the center. We put on three beads, and use the fourth for fixing. The resulting ring should be approximately at the center of the gum. Again we split the elastic band, we put it on a bead, we fix the third one. Thus, we collect the required number of links-rings. Make sure that the elastic is not too tight, the weaving should, as it were, “play”.

Advice: if you don't have the right clasp, just tie off the remaining elastic tails and thread them through the first link ring.

Collar with medallion

A comprehensive accessory that allows you not only to decorate your pet, but also to protect it. The importance of a personalized token is difficult to overestimate, because if a pet is lost, its chances of returning home are greatly increased. Manufacturing technology is not the easiest, it needs a set of bits with letters. If neither you nor your friends have such tools, it is not necessary to buy them. You can order an engraving on the token.

Have you decided to make a completely exclusive accessory? Excellent! you will need:

  • Any collar you like.
  • Blank for a medallion with or without a loop. If there is no loop, you need to drill a hole for the ring in the workpiece.
  • Bits (cores) with the necessary letters - the size and quantity depends on the name of your ward.
  • Tight, better steel ring.
  • A rigid plate that will not vibrate when hit with milk, such as thick steel.
  • A hammer.
  • Mounting tape.
  • Alcohol and permanent marker.

Note! If there is a clasp, the collar can be cut out of the belt.

By the way, if you have a belt that you are ready to convert into a collar, you can seek help from an atelier or a shoemaker's workshop. It will be more convenient for you if the collar is fitted in size and equipped with puffs and studs.

You need to arrange the letters as evenly as possible and at the same distance. The blank for the medallion must be fixed on the platinum so that there is space for the letters in the middle. Focusing on the smooth edges of the adhesive tape, mark the middle of the token with a pencil. Focusing on the mark, set the bit and confidently hit with a hammer several times.

Advice: use large letters for the name (if the length of the name allows), and medium letters for the phone and contact details, so the inscriptions will look neater.

Usually, on one side of the address token is the name of the owner, on the second side is the address and / or phone number of the owner. If you have rolls of different sizes at your disposal and a desire to do fine work, you can also knock out additional inscriptions, for example, "They are looking for me" or "Bring me home."

Advice: if you plan to put several inscriptions on the token, it is advisable to have several blanks in reserve.

Before you start to beat the inscription on the workpiece, it is better to practice. To carve a clear letter, you need a certain impact force, moreover, the result may not suit you (interval, letter size). Practice on metal that is similar in hardness to your workpiece. Simply put, if the blank is made of brass, then training is best done on tin or other metal. If you practice on thin aluminum, your (trained) hammer blow will not be strong enough to strike a letter on brass.

Advice: the embossed letters on the token will not contrast, that is, a person passing by may not understand that something is written on it. By shading the letters with an indelible marker, you will correct the situation. To make the paint lay better, the surface must be degreased with alcohol.

The collar with the medallion is ready, the latter must be put on the ring and secured. Be careful when choosing a workpiece, it should not interfere with the animal and not be too heavy. If your pet is not happy with the new thing, it is worth accustoming him to wearing the medallion gradually. Please note that the collar needs to be removed sometimes, otherwise the cat cannot scratch its neck, and creases appear on the coat.

Silicone collar with spikes (decorative)

Who will not stop looking at a brutal pet with spikes on the collar? Naturally, such an accessory is not suitable for permanent wear. A spiked collar can be dangerous if there are other animals in the house. Such decoration is not recommended for large, temperamental cats.

The basis is a silicone bracelet, which can be bought or received at various promotions (blood donation, charity). If you have a bracelet, you will need:

  • Spikes - can be found in almost all shops for needlewomen and seamstresses.
  • Thin fishing line or strong thread.
  • Needle with matching eye.

The silicone bracelet is easy to pierce with a needle and you can sew on the spikes at the same distance. The second option (you will need sharp little scissors for it) is cutting small holes, smaller in diameter than the base of the spike. In the resulting small holes (silicone stretches well), the bases of the spikes are threaded. The bases of the spikes must be secured with a thread or fishing line.

Silicone collar with beads

Another great option for making a beautiful collar in 15-30 minutes (if you have all the materials). The basis, as in the previous version, is a silicone bracelet. Color is not important, only your preferences play a role here.

It is desirable that the color of the beads contrasts with the color of the bracelet, for example, mother-of-pearl and black. In addition to the bracelet you will need:

  • Sharp scissors.
  • Thin line.
  • Large eye needle.

It is better to fasten the beads with one thread (and not separately), since the knots will irritate the cat. Gently melt the site of the knot over the fire and smooth it out.

Decorative collar with button

A very simple way to make a decorative collar. With a little practice, you can make various and absolutely exclusive pet collars from rubber bands, clasps and various decorative accessories.

knitted collar

For experienced and beginner knitters, all possibilities are open. A collar of any complexity, color and configuration can be knitted, both with knitting needles and crochet. From raw materials it is better to choose soft wool, iris or similar materials. It is better for fluffy cats to knit round or narrow collars, naked and short-haired - wide ones.

Crochet 5-6 or more empty loops, depending on how wide the collar you need to get. The next row is a connecting column (the same number of loops). Further, a sufficient number of rows is recruited, depending on the girth of the cat's neck. The last row is typed under a fastener, a loop, or in any other way convenient for you (and the cat).

When knitting, the pattern is similar: the width is 5-7 loops, the length depends on the girth of the neck, the end of the collar is knitted under a loop or clasp. It is better to knit so that all the front loops are turned in one direction - so the collar will not twist into a spiral.


If you have a sewing machine and basic sewing skills, you can not stop at making collars. In the video below, instructions for making a light, comfortable and practical harness. Please note that there is a loop for a carabiner on the back of the product, and the harness itself is suitable for walking with a pet on the street.

Stacked collar made of beads and accessories

Beading is probably the easiest and fastest way to please yourself and your pet with a beautiful collar. Literally in 5 minutes and without much difficulty, you can dial a thin "bauble". If you have all the accessories in 10 minutes, you can make a personalized collar, yes, everything is that simple.

With experience and perseverance, you can weave a wide collar, and if you make it not from threads, but, for example, from fishing line and large beads, you can use this accessory for a walk.

For weaving, you can use instructions for making jewelry, most of them contain detailed, step-by-step instructions.

Round Collar

A round collar is a decorative accessory that can surprise your guests or delight you with an unusual look. Collar decorations can be made from ribbons, embroidery, beads, rhinestones, lace, braid, lace and other light accessories. The product will turn out more accurate if you work on a sewing machine, but if you do not have the skills, do not be discouraged! A little patience and you will be able to sew the collar by hand, moreover, below is a step-by-step instruction.

The piece of fabric from which you make the collar must be bent in half and the pattern should be transferred to the folded flap. To adjust the pattern, you will need to measure the girth of your pet's neck. The lining (it is better to make it so that the collar lies well) is made according to the same pattern.

Note! An example of a pattern is made for a large cat with a neck circumference of 36 cm.

On the diagram you see the symbols, where:

  • AB, DS are equal values ​​obtained by dividing the coverage of the neck in half. Do not forget about allowances, at least 1 cm on each side.
  • AD, BC are equal values ​​obtained by folding the width of the collar, taking into account the bend and allowance (11 cm in the diagram).

Choose a collar height that is comfortable for the cat, about 4–6 cm, and set aside this distance from point D on the pattern. B is the upper right point, we measure 2 cm from it to the left, we get point L. The oblique, divided into 3 equal parts, connects point L and the height of the collar (point 6 in the diagram). The dotted line is a landmark, the stitching line is curved, therefore 2 allowances are laid off from the oblique L-6, according to the scheme 1.5 and 2 cm.

The bend ascending from the line DS to BS is displayed as follows:

  • Divide DS into three equal segments.
  • From left to right from the first point and the second point, 2 allowances break off, the second is 2–2.5 cm larger than the second.

Next, the pattern must be carefully unfolded and swept away. If your pet does not have a lively disposition, a collar will not hurt to try it on. When you are convinced that everything suits you and the cat, the product needs to be stitched or stitched. Be careful, too high a collar can prevent the cat from annoying her.

Butterfly collar

Such an accessory is not suitable for walking a cat, but as a decorative decoration it will amaze any fan of four-legged animals. The manufacturing scheme is very similar to the one below, the only difference is in the shape of the collar and the presence of a charming butterfly.

As in the above example, the scheme is designed for a large cat with a neck diameter of 36 cm. The designations on the pattern are:

  • AB, DS are equal indicators obtained by adding half the circumference of the neck and 12 cm.
  • BP, BC are equal indicators obtained by measuring the height of the collar in its widest part (from the bottom corner). In the diagram, the height of the collar is 5 cm.

The topline is almost straight, the bend is derived by laying down from point A 3–5 cm (for example, 5 cm). Further, the point of the other left B is connected by a straight dotted line with the obtained point (3–5 cm below A). We divide the resulting dotted line in half and lower the perpendicular 0.5–1 cm from its middle. The curved line that we get by connecting three points will be the stitching line.

Further, from point C to the left we set aside 1/5 of the length of the DC, and from D 1/2 of the previous length (in the example, these are 6 and 3 cm). The resulting marks are connected by a dotted line, which is divided in half. Set aside 0.5–1 cm upwards from the middle of the dotted line to get a bend. Similarly, on the pattern, dotted lines are drawn along the sides AB, BC.

We unfold the resulting pattern, pre-sweep and try on a pet. Collar corners should be tight(otherwise they will bend), so you need to make a lining or strengthen the fabric in another way.

Cats have long and firmly entered our lives as pets. These cute animals cheer us up, keep us company and even treat us! And we also love to please them with something special. Pets, like people, have their own fashion, and a collar is a must. Today we will talk about how to make a collar for a cat with your own hands.

What is the collar for?

First of all, this accessory makes it clear that the cat on which it is worn is not a street tramp, but a pet. You can hang a keychain or a capsule with your contacts on the collar so that your pet can be returned to you without any problems if it suddenly gets lost during a walk.

Typically, the following materials are used to make collars:

  • nylon;
  • Genuine Leather;
  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • metal.

When choosing a material, consider some features. For example, you can not put metal chains on a cat in the rain or in winter.

Simple leather collar

Collar clasps can be either metal or plastic. The second option is better: fastex can adjust the length of the collar to a millimeter, this does not require holes in the strap. There are even special safety fasteners that can snap off when pulled if the cat catches on a branch, for example.

If this type of clasp seems expensive to you, you can, making a collar with your own hands, connect its ends with coarse Velcro. You can also trim the collar neatly in several places (if it is made of fabric or thin leather) so that it breaks at critical tension.

So, we figured out the materials and accessories. Now a few words about how to calculate the size of the product. The optimal collar length is calculated using the formula "neck plus two fingers". If you do not have a measuring tape at hand, you can use a cord and mark the desired distance with knots on it.

The collar should sit tight and at the same time not squeeze the throat. A dangling collar can be easily removed by a cat over its head, or caught on a fence, a branch or a cabinet handle. If the strap presses, breathing becomes difficult and blood circulation is disturbed. Calculate the length of the collar so that the tip protruding from under the clasp is short.

Master class on making an accessory

Like any manual work, making a collar is a very exciting and interesting activity. We offer you a simple and easy process that will not take you much time.

  1. First of all, choose the right fabric. It can be any color you like, but the main condition is that it must be dense.
  2. Prepare a fastener that is easy to use (we considered their options above), a needle and thread. To decorate the collar, you can take beautiful stones, beads or beads, preferably the same size.
  3. Measure the circumference of the cat's neck with a centimeter. From the selected material, cut a narrow strip, no more than 2 cm.
  4. Glue or sew the pebbles onto the prepared base so that the distance between them is the same. Attach the clasp carefully so that the collar can be easily removed and put on at any time.

When choosing fabric for a collar, pay attention to the density of the material.

Using this template, you can easily make any kind of collar, giving free rein to your imagination. The main thing is to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Do not use very heavy jewelry. It will be uncomfortable for a cat to walk in a collar that bends it to the ground. It is better to decorate the product with fewer stones or beads.
  2. If you want to decorate the collar with ribbons, fasten them so that they do not get in the way of the cat when walking. Carefully fasten the tape on all sides, otherwise it may unravel, which will block the cat's view, or, even worse, catch on something.
  3. When choosing a material for a collar, carefully consider its composition. Some fabrics can cause allergies in both humans and cats. Leather is considered the best material for a collar.

Tip: To find out if your pet is allergic to the fabric, put the selected material next to the cat for a while. If the animal does not react for a long time, you can use this fabric to make a collar with your own hands.

More creative options

The example we have shown is just a base that you can use with your imagination. You can make an original, glamorous and unusual collar using simple tips and tools at hand.

Make a brutal spiked accessory for your cat. For this you will need:

  • silicone bracelet;
  • spikes;
  • needle with thread.

Grab the decorative spike with a needle and thread and sew it firmly to the bracelet. Sew the remaining spikes in the same way, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between them. Make sure that the gaps are the same.

Studded leather collar

The collar is ready. Its simplicity lies in the fact that it does not require a clasp: the silicone of the bracelet stretches quite well. True, such a collar is suitable for a kitten or a small cat. It is better not to wear this accessory for a large animal.

If you are seriously passionate about needlework and are not afraid to try something new, use more complex options. For example, you can weave a collar from strong threads or thin strips of leather using the Shamballa technique, which is very popular in the manufacture of such accessories. It is also easy to knit a collar with knitting needles or crochet, weave using the macrame technique. Remember that the threads must be soft so as not to bring discomfort to the cat when moving.

You can make funny embroidery along the length of the collar. It can be flowers, cats, or even the name of your pet. Any embroidery technique will do, from cross stitch to satin stitch. Beading craftswomen can please their cats with original, bright decorations worthy of real princesses.

Video about making a collar for a cat with your own hands

A collar for your cat that you make yourself will cost you much less than a purchased accessory, will last a long time and will delight you and your pet. You can always update it with new items. In addition, it will be an exclusive, one-of-a-kind accessory that will make your cat stand out from all the others. Share your ideas for making collars with us in the comments. Comfort to your home!

There is nothing more beautiful and unique than a handmade item. Especially if you do it for someone very dear to you, for example, for a cat. Your pet, of course, will not be able to thank you, but you will admire your creation every day. In this article we will look at how to make a collar for a cat with your own hands.

Why do you need a collar?

Many cats do not walk on the street, then the question arises, why does she need a collar? After all, it's not a dog. But the collar is worn not only by those animals that go out into the street. It all depends on the purpose of the collar.

Most cat collars are designed for beauty, they are used as accessories. Some may have contact information about the owners, so that in case of loss, kind people can find you and return your pet to you. This technique is often used by owners of purebred and expensive cats.

Therefore, making a collar for a cat with your own hands will differ depending on the purpose for which you will use this device.

What material to choose?

The collar implies its constant use, that is, your pet will be in it all the time. Therefore, the choice of material must be taken seriously. First of all, it must be safe for the animal. Good for this:

  • leather;
  • dense fabric;
  • ribbons;
  • rubber bands.

If you want to use accessories to make a cat collar with your own hands, then when choosing them, you should be guided by the fact that they should be light and durable. You can use light metal, plastic or silicone.

Collar clasps should also be strong and secure. For this, buttons, Velcro or fasteners on the straps will fit.

We sew a collar for a cat

Before deciding how to sew a cat collar with your own hands, you need to decide on the size. It is important that the collar fits snugly around the cat's neck, but does not choke it! A loose collar will also not work, as the animal can easily get rid of it or lose it.

So, take a soft meter (like your grandmother or mother probably used) and grab the cat's neck without squeezing it. According to these sizes, we will sew an accessory.

Next, having decided on the type of fastener, we make a pattern. It will be in the shape of a rectangle of the width you need. Also remember to leave 15cm of loose end and seam allowances. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the coarser the material for the collar, the more will have to be left for allowances.

It should be noted that when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the absence of odor in it. A strong and unpleasant smell can scare away a cat.

Then we sew the entire collar around the perimeter on one side and turn it inside out on the other side. Next, we sew the fastener and, if necessary, process the holes so that they do not fray. Now it remains to present your creation to the ward.

Collar with medallion

This version of the accessory will be more costly both in finance and in time. In order to make a do-it-yourself cat collar with a medallion, we will need:

  • thick steel plate;
  • blank for a medallion;
  • cores with letters or numbers (depending on the inscription);
  • a hammer;
  • masking tape;
  • a steel ring on which the medallion will hang;
  • favorite cat collar;
  • permanent marker (optional)

A ready-made collar is used here, however, the personalized medallion is made by hand. So, we fix the blank for the medallion with masking tape on the steel plate in such a way that there is room for the inscription.

Next, we mint the inscription. After making sure that the inscription will fit in width on the medallion, we place the core with the middle element of the inscription in the center of the workpiece. We hit the core several times with a hammer. We do the same with the rest of the letters.

You can enter the cat's name, address, or mobile number. Also, the inscription can be made on both sides of the workpiece.

Next, paint over the inscription with a permanent marker to make it easier to read. We drill a hole on the medallion with a thin drill, thread a ring into it and hang it on the collar. A collar with a name medallion for your fashionista is ready.

Spiked Collar

In this version, a silicone bracelet is used as the basis for the collar. This is convenient in that you do not have to suffer with attaching fasteners. In addition, silicone stretches well. But it should be borne in mind that such an accessory will not work for large and well-fed cats.

So, we take decorative spikes and with the help of a needle and thread we firmly grab them to the bracelet. The interval between them can be left at will, but we offer about 2-3 cm. A brutal accessory for your cat is ready.

There are many more options that you can use when making a do-it-yourself cat collar. For example, you can use the Shamballa technique and weave a collar from strong threads or thin strips of leather.

Braided collar pattern

For advanced needlewomen, it will not be difficult to knit or crochet a collar, weave it using the macrame technique. Embroidery will also be appropriate here. In addition, the pattern can be completely different. It can even be your pet's name, place of residence, or a contact phone number that can be used in the event of a missing animal.

You see in the photo a do-it-yourself cat collar using the macrame technique, which is used for weaving bracelets and belts.

The technology of weaving baubles is also popular. Such an accessory will undoubtedly please your ward.

Postoperative collar

Sometimes a collar has to be put on a cat not for aesthetic reasons, but out of necessity. Such collars are called veterinary collars. Often they are simply bought in veterinary pharmacies. However, you can make a postoperative collar for a cat with your own hands. We will give an option for making a protective Elizabethan collar.

To do this, we must take two measurements: the girth of the cat's neck and the length from the neck to the tip of the nose + 5 cm. Next, we make a pattern in the form of a half bagel: the inner small circle is the girth of the cat's neck, and the outer large one will be at a distance of the width of the collar and repeat the shape internal.

For manufacturing, we need any fabric and a dense material such as plastic. We cut out one pattern from plastic and two patterns from fabric (with an allowance for seams). We sew one edge of the fabric patterns, insert the plastic pattern and sew the bottom edge of the fabric pattern. The edging can be made from a strip of any fabric.

For greater convenience of your pet, you can insert a layer of foam rubber into the inside of the collar, the same size as the plastic pattern.

Velcro is sewn on both ends of the bagel. Or you can use lacing. The protective Elizabethan collar is ready. In it, your cat will be comfortable, soft and comfortable, and most importantly - safe.

As you can see, the technique for making cat collars with step-by-step instructions is now countless. You just have to choose the most suitable option and bring it to life.

There is nothing more beautiful and unique than a handmade item. Especially if you do it for someone very dear to you, for example, for a cat. Your pet, of course, will not be able to thank you, but you will admire your creation every day. In this article we will look at how to make a collar for a cat with your own hands.

Why do you need a collar?

Many cats do not walk on the street, then the question arises, why does she need a collar? After all, it's not a dog. But the collar is worn not only by those animals that go out into the street. It all depends on the purpose of the collar.

Most cat collars are designed for beauty, they are used as accessories. Some may have contact information about the owners, so that in case of loss, kind people can find you and return your pet to you. This technique is often used by owners of purebred and expensive cats.

Therefore, making a collar for a cat with your own hands will differ depending on the purpose for which you will use this device.

What material to choose?

The collar implies its constant use, that is, your pet will be in it all the time. Therefore, the choice of material must be taken seriously. First of all, it must be safe for the animal. Good for this:

  • leather;
  • dense fabric;
  • ribbons;
  • rubber bands.

If you want to use accessories to make a cat collar with your own hands, then when choosing them, you should be guided by the fact that they should be light and durable. You can use light metal, plastic or silicone.

Collar clasps should also be strong and secure. For this, buttons, Velcro or fasteners on the straps will fit.

We sew a collar for a cat

Before deciding how to sew a cat collar with your own hands, you need to decide on the size. It is important that the collar fits snugly around the cat's neck, but does not choke it! A loose collar will also not work, as the animal can easily get rid of it or lose it.

So, take a soft meter (like your grandmother or mother probably used) and grab the cat's neck without squeezing it. According to these sizes, we will sew an accessory.

Next, having decided on the type of fastener, we make a pattern. It will be in the shape of a rectangle of the width you need. Also remember to leave 15cm of loose end and seam allowances. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the coarser the material for the collar, the more will have to be left for allowances.

It should be noted that when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the absence of odor in it. A strong and unpleasant smell can scare away a cat.

Then we sew the entire collar around the perimeter on one side and turn it inside out on the other side. Next, we sew the fastener and, if necessary, process the holes so that they do not fray. Now it remains to present your creation to the ward.

Collar with medallion

This version of the accessory will be more costly both in finance and in time. In order to make a do-it-yourself cat collar with a medallion, we will need:

  • thick steel plate;
  • blank for a medallion;
  • cores with letters or numbers (depending on the inscription);
  • a hammer;
  • masking tape;
  • a steel ring on which the medallion will hang;
  • favorite cat collar;
  • permanent marker (optional)

A ready-made collar is used here, however, the personalized medallion is made by hand. So, we fix the blank for the medallion on the steel plate in such a way that there is room for the inscription.

Next, we mint the inscription. After making sure that the inscription will fit in width on the medallion, we place the core with the middle element of the inscription in the center of the workpiece. We hit the core several times with a hammer. We do the same with the rest of the letters.

You can enter the cat's name, address, or mobile number. Also, the inscription can be made on both sides of the workpiece.

Next, paint over the inscription with a permanent marker to make it easier to read. We drill a hole on the medallion with a thin drill, thread a ring into it and hang it on the collar. A collar with a name medallion for your fashionista is ready.

In this version, a silicone bracelet is used as the basis for the collar. This is convenient in that you do not have to suffer with attaching fasteners. In addition, silicone stretches well. But it should be borne in mind that such an accessory will not work for large and well-fed cats.

So, we take decorative spikes and with the help of a needle and thread we firmly grab them to the bracelet. The interval between them can be left at will, but we offer about 2-3 cm. A brutal accessory for your cat is ready.

There are many more options that you can use when making a do-it-yourself cat collar. For example, you can use the Shamballa technique and weave a collar from strong threads or thin strips of leather.

Braided collar pattern

For advanced needlewomen, it will not be difficult to knit or crochet a collar, weave it using the macrame technique. Embroidery will also be appropriate here. In addition, the pattern can be completely different. It can even be your pet's name, place of residence, or a contact phone number that can be used in the event of a missing animal.

You see in the photo a do-it-yourself cat collar using the macrame technique, which is used for weaving bracelets and belts.

The technology of weaving baubles is also popular. Such an accessory will undoubtedly please your ward.

Postoperative collar

Sometimes a collar has to be put on a cat not for aesthetic reasons, but out of necessity. Such collars are called veterinary collars. Often they are simply bought in. However, you can make a postoperative collar for a cat with your own hands. We will give an option for making a protective Elizabethan collar.

To do this, we must take two measurements: the girth of the cat's neck and the length from the neck to the tip of the nose + 5 cm. Next, we make a pattern in the form of a half bagel: the inner small circle is the girth of the cat's neck, and the outer large one will be at a distance of the width of the collar and repeat the shape internal.

For manufacturing, we need any fabric and a dense material such as plastic. We cut out one pattern from plastic and two patterns from fabric (with an allowance for seams). We sew one edge of the fabric patterns, insert the plastic pattern and sew the bottom edge of the fabric pattern. The edging can be made from a strip of any fabric.

For greater convenience of your pet, you can insert a layer of foam rubber into the inside of the collar, the same size as the plastic pattern.

Velcro is sewn on both ends of the bagel. Or you can use lacing. Protective ready. In it, your cat will be comfortable, soft and comfortable, and most importantly - safe.

As you can see, the technique for making cat collars with step-by-step instructions is now countless. You just have to choose the most suitable option and bring it to life.

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